Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
COURSE : Management Accounting and Control
CODE : MAF 551
LECTURE : 2 hrs/week
TUTORIAL : 1 hr/week
CONTACT NO : 013-8116904
ROOM : B141
Apply knowledge on various cost and management accounting techniques for managerial decision making purposes in business
CLO1 organization
Integrate relevant information on cost and management accounting for decision making purposes in business organization.
Demonstrate communication skills in task related to Management Accounting and Control.
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Apply accounting knowledge and understanding in relevant
Display practical skills in accounting tasks for relevant
Demonstrate social skills and responsibilities.
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Week Topic Title CLO Assessment
Hours Coverage (Topic Outcomes) O Model
o Definition and purpose of budget
o Budgeting process and key budget Test 1
factor (Question 1 a)
Forecasting Techniques using Time
Series analysis (Theories only): - Preparation of
o Factors that cause variations (long budgets
term trend, cyclical variations, (Functional
seasonal, random patterns/ residual Able to explain budget Budget)
or irregular variations) and budgeting process Lecture
o Component to design forecasting Able to prepare various
4 system(data, models, future types of budgets Tutorial AND
1-2 conditions and errors) 1 1
(1 hour Able to explain different
Budgeting o Advantages / disadvantages 2 3
blended types of budgeting Online Any theoretical
3 4
learning) Types and Preparation of budgets: techniques discussion questions
o Functional budgets
o Cash budgets Case Study
o Master budgets Online
Learning Curve (Theory only) Discussions
Budgeting Techniques(Theories only):
o Incremental budgeting
o Zero-based budgeting
o Rolling budget Final
o Activity-based budget Examination
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Week Topic Title CLO Assessment
Hours Coverage (Topic Outcomes) O Model
Control systems
o Feed forward and feedback control Test 1
Able to explain
Budget setting approaches:
budgeting control (Question 1 b:
o Top-down and Bottom-up Theory only)
systems and budget
(Participative budget) Lecture
setting approach
2-3 Fixed and flexible budgets 1 1
Budgetary 5 Able to prepare flexible
o Performance reports and 2 3 Tutorial
control budget based on fixed
reconciliation statement 3 4
budget, reconcile them Case Study
Motivational, behavioural and ethical and prepare report
issues of budgeting Final
Able to explain the Examination
Limitations of budgeting limitation of budgeting
Beyond budgeting and beyond budgeting
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Week Topic Title CLO Assessment
Hours Coverage (Topic Outcomes) O Model
Introduction to standard costing:
o Theory and practice of standard Able to explain theory
and practice of
o Determination of standards
standard costing,
o Limitations of standard costing determine the
Overview of basic variance analysis: standards
o Material, Labour, Variable Able to calculate and
overhead, fixed overhead, Sales. interpret basic and Test 1
Advance variance analysis: advance variance. (Question 2)
o Mix and yield variance (material, Able to calculate and Lecture and
Standard labour)
4-5 interpret planning and 1 1
Costing and o Mix and quantity variance (sales), * Project/ Case
6 operational variance 2 3 Tutorial
Variance including market share and market study
Able to prepare relevant 3 4
Analysis size variances variance report Case Study
Planning and operational variance Able to explain Examination
analysis (Material and Labour only) variance investigation
Prepare Variance Reports model, limitations of
Variance investigation models standard costing,
Behavioural and Ethical Aspects of behavioural and ethical
Standard Costing aspects of standard
Learning curve effect to produce costing
meaningful standards
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Week Topic Title CLO Assessment
Hours Coverage (Topic Outcomes) O Model
Test 1
(Question 3)
Dealing with uncertainties in Should cover
Decision Making: Able to explain the one or
o Reasons for uncertainties reasons for uncertainties combination of
o Changes within Short term or in decision making any of these
long term Able to explain relevant topics:
Types Of Decision Making costs and benefits - Relevant
Relevant Costs and Benefits Able to calculate and costs and
Short Term Decision Making: explain limiting factor, Benefits
o Limiting factor decision making discontinuing a segment, - Limiting
Optimum production mix special order, make or factor
Theory of Constraints buy, further processing Lecture decision
Throughput Accounting decisions making making
Short And
12 o Make or buy decisions Able to explain qualitative 1 1 Tutorial - Make or buy
6-9 Medium Terms
(1 hour o Special order decisions factors in decision 2 3 decisions
blended) o Discontinuing a segment making 3 4 Case Study
o Further processing decisions Able to explain medium- AND
Multi-limiting factors and the use of terms decision making- - Any
linear programming and shadow tactical decision Theoretical
pricing in decision-making (not Question
Qualitative Factors (Include Human Online
Value/ Professional Ethics) In Discussions
Decision Making
Medium-Terms Decision Making- * Project/ Case
Tactical Decision (Theory Only) study
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Week Topic Title CLO Assessment
Hours Coverage (Topic Outcomes) O Model
Pricing Methods:
o Traditional method (full costs, Able to explain different
marginal costs, minimum costs) pricing methods.
o Target costing (Introduction,
target costing process, setting Able to explain concept Test 2: Online
the target cost, achieving the of target costing (5%)
target cost)
6 1 1
10-11 Pricing Pricing Strategies: Able to determine target Online
(1 hour 2 3 Tutorial
Decision o Common strategies (premium cost, target profit, and Discussions
blended) 3 4
pricing, penetration pricing, also cost gap.
market skimming, differential
pricing, lost leader, predatory, Able to explain pricing Final
psychological) strategies to achieve Examination
o Factors influencing pricing competitive advantage
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Week Topic Title CLO Assessment
Hours Coverage (Topic Outcomes) O Model
Recommended 1. Langfield Smith (2019), Management Accounting, 8th Edition, McGraw Hill.
References 2. Rozainun et al (2015), Management Accounting, Oxford Fajar.
(students are to refer to the
3. Colin Drury (2005), Management and Cost Accounting, 6th Edition, Thomson Publishing.
latest edition of texts and
materials) 4. Articles from Professional Journals.
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Continuous assessment:
Test 1 15%
Test 2 5%
Total 40%
Final comprehensive examination 60%
Total 100%
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Week 5 Topic 3: Standard Costing and F2F Powerpoint presentation UFuture / WhatsApp /
(07/11 – 11/11/22) Variance Analysis Recorded video and audio Telegram/email / Google
content Classroom / Google Meet/
Week 6 Webex/ Microsoft Teams
Tutorial questions
(14/11 - 18/11/22)
Week 7 Topic 4: Short and Medium Term F2F Power point presentation UFuture / WhatsApp /
(28/11 - 02/12/22) Decision Making Recorded video and audio Telegram/email / Google
content Classroom / Google Meet/
Week 8 Tutorial questions Webex/ Microsoft Teams
(05/12 - 09/12/22)
Week 9
(12/12 - 16/12/22) Test 1: Topic 1,2,3 dan 4
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