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Application & Method

Falling Number
llin 50
g Number 2


Grain Intake

Whole Grain

The Only Validated Instruments for the Approved Methods

Official Methods:
AACCI/No. 56-81.03
ICC/No. 107/1
ISO/No. 3093
The World Standard Method

The Falling Number Method is the worldwide industry standard and accepted
method for detecting sprout damage in flour and meal of wheat, durum, rye,
barley, other grains and malted cereals. Approved methods include: AACCI/
No. 56-81.03, ICC/No. 107/1, ISO/DIS 3093 and ASBC.The Falling
Number is the established trading parameter for detection of sprouted grain.

Field-Sprouting Pasta Manufacturing

Rainy, adverse weather conditions during harvest Producing noodles from flour with a low Falling
can cause sprouting. When sprouting occurs the Number results in off-color product. The product
alpha-amylase enzyme develops. Alpha-amylase ac- will be sticky, making it difficult to process. The end
tivity has direct impact on bread and pasta quality consumer product will be sticky after it is boiled.
and adversely affects the malting process. As little as Using flour with the correct Falling Number will
5 % sprouted grain, mixed with 95 % sound grain, can result in savings through improved processing as
render the entire mixture unacceptable. well as a higher quality end product.

Baking Field Sprouting of Barley

Alpha-amylase activity affects bread quality. Flour Sound, viable grains are required for high germination
with a low Falling Number will produce bread with rates in malting barley. Studies have shown that barley
poor texture, a sticky bread crumb and will be dif- that has pre-germinated in the field has a decreased
ficult to process. Bread made from flour with a high ability to germinate during the malting process, lea-
Falling Number can result in loaves with poor volu- ding to high levels of beta-glucan in the wort. Even
me and a dry bread crumb.The shelf life of the bread barley with a low degree of pre-germination will be
will also be adversely affected. It is important, there- affected. The ability to germinate is further decreased
fore, to use flour with the correct Falling Number. during storage. Only months later, barley with accep-
The Falling Number Method is also used to table germination at harvest may exhibit germination
monitor fungal enzyme supplements. Savings are abilities significantly lower than the generally required
realized by optimizing enzyme additions in order 95 %. Low levels of pre-germination are not possible
to achieve the desired characteristics. to detect with visual inspection, but are readily identi-
fied with the Falling Number Method.
Malting barley germination stability
Malting barley germination stability
Alpha-amylase in Bread Baking Malting barley germination stability
Falling Number 100
Falling Number 250 Falling Number 95
Malting barley germination95
62 400
Malting barley germination90
90 No pre-
No pre-
Germination %

100 Malting barley germination85

stability germination
85 germination
Slight pre-

95 80 Slight pre-
100 80 germination
90 germination
75 No pre- High pre-
95 75 High pre-
% % %

85 germination
No pre- germination
70 germination

85 70 Slight
No pre-pre-
No pre-germination

65 germination
Slight pre-
80 65

75 germination
Slight pre-
High pre-germination
80 60
70 60 germination
High pre-
2 12 22
65 2germination
High pre- 12 22
Months of Storage
Months of storage
65 Months of storage
60 2 12 22
60 2 Months 12
of storage 22
2 Months 12
of storage 22
The Falling Number Meth
The World Standard Alpha-Amylase Activity Test — AAC

Definition: The Falling Number Method determines the alpha-amylase activity in grain, flour and
other starch containing products.The Falling Number is defined as the time in seconds required to stir and to
allow a viscometer stirrer to fall a measured distance through a hot aqueous flour gel undergoing liquefaction.

1. Sample
For grain, a 300 g sample is ground
in a Laboratory Mill LM 3100 or
LM 120 equipped with a 0.8 mm
sieve. The large sample is to avoid
sampling error. For flour a repre-
sentative sample is taken.

2. Weighing
7.0 ± 0.05 g of whole meal or flour
is weighed and put into a Viscom-
eter tube.The flour amount should
be moisture corrected by measur-
ing the actual moisture content of
the sample.

3. Dispensing
25 ± 0.2 ml of distilled water is
added to the tube.

4. Shaking
Sample and water are mixed by
vigorously shaking the tube to ob-
tain a homogeneous suspension.
hod by Perten Instruments
CCI Method No. 56-81.03, ICC No. 107/1, ISO 3093, ASBC

Principle: The Falling Number Method uses the starch contained in the sample as a substrate. It is
based on the rapid gelatinization of a suspension of flour or meal in a boiling waterbath and the subsequent
measurement of the liquefaction of the starch by alpha-amylase.

5. Stirring
The Viscometer tube with the stir-
rer inserted is put into the boiling
water bath and the instrument is
started. After 5 seconds the stirring
begins automatically.

6. Measuring
The stirrer is automatically released
in its top position after 60 (5 + 55)
seconds and is allowed to fall down
under its own weight.

7. The Falling Number

The total time in seconds from the
start of the instrument until the stir-
rer has fallen a measured distance is
registered by the instrument.This is
the Falling Number.
Illustration: Falling Number Method
Benefits of the Falling Number Test
Falling Number measurement has a direct impact being mixed with good quality, as this may destroy
on your operating profits. It is a method with many the entire mixture.
uses in many industries: Further, the addition of Fungal Enzymes can be
• Detect sprouted wheat, barley and rye optimized. By using the correct amount of enzyme,
• Measure the alpha-amylase activity of flour savings and quality improvements are realized.
• Avoid mixing sound and sprouted grain
• Blend grains to optimize the Falling Baking
Number value By testing incoming flour, in-
• Charge premiums and maxi- correct deliveries as well as
mize the value of quality grain many process problems and
resulting product rejects
Silos, Grain are avoided. With in-house
Handling testing, bakers can eas-
and Trading ily and quickly identify or
The Falling Number test is rule out Falling Number as
used to segregate sprouted a cause for difficulties.
grain from sound products –
imperative when as little as 5 % Pasta
of sprouted grain, mixed with 95 % Manufacturing
sound grain, renders the entire mixture Raw material suitability is quickly
unacceptable. In addition, the Falling Num- evaluated by testing the incoming grains
ber test results are used to classify grain for different and flours. Many process problems and resulting
end-user requirements, helping traders to purchase rejects are avoided, resulting in savings, decreased
the most suitable grain. down time, and increased operating margins.
Grain profits can be further maximized by mix-
ing high grade and lower grade grain to achieve the
desired product characteristics and providing the
user with consistent, good quality raw material suit- By measuring the Falling Number at the intake,
able for each specific purpose. loads with barley of low ability to germinate
during the malting process can be
rejected while loads with higher
Flour Milling Falling Number can be accept-
Flour Millers test all incoming ed with confidence.
grain to ensure suitability for
the specific flour product in
question. Segregating poor
quality grain prior to mill-
ing saves time, effort and
money. It is also important
to avoid poor quality grain

Ver 4.1 2016.05.24

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Required Equipment

sign Falling Number ® Apparatus
The easy-to-use instruments are available as single and
dual models. Options include printer, bar code reader
for sample ID input and serial output for connection
to laboratory information systems. All Falling Number
units include viscometer tubes and stirrer.
Required accuracy: ± 0,05 g or better.

Laboratory Mill 3100 or 120

Large capacity hammer type cyclone mill with 0,8 mm
sieve is used for preparing samples of whole grain. A large
sample size (300 g) is required to avoid sampling errors.


Shakematic 1095 Cooling Tower Dispenser Spolett 1010

Specifically designed Re-circulation of The Dispenser Rapid cleaner for
and built for mixing the cooling water easily and accu- viscometer tubes.
samples for Falling avoids water waste, rately adds the The Spolett tube
Number analysis, saves costs and is 25 ml of water cleaner fits on an
providing operators environmentally required for ordinary water
with a convenient tool friendly. each test. tap and facilitates
to ensure consistent the cleaning of
sample mixing. viscometer tubes.


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