Analysis of Blood Serum On The Liberty Series II ICP OES With The Axially-Viewed Plasma
Analysis of Blood Serum On The Liberty Series II ICP OES With The Axially-Viewed Plasma
Analysis of Blood Serum On The Liberty Series II ICP OES With The Axially-Viewed Plasma
Application Note
Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometers
Author Introduction
Andrew Ryan The role of major, minor and trace levels of elements in human health has been an
important area of scientific research. In particular, research on the value of trace
elements to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases has been vast.
The advent of atomic absorption (AA) techniques and the development of the
graphite tube atomizer (GTA) has provided the means for accurate determination of
all levels of many elements in human body fluids. An advantage of the graphite fur-
nace is the small sample consumption in the determination of trace levels.
Disadvantages of flame AA are that releasing agents or modifiers are necessary and
careful control of the flame stoichiometry is important to overcome chemical inter-
ferences [1]. While the atomic absorption technique offers adequate performance,
in most cases it is a single element technique and is therefore slow.
The inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) offers rapid, highly
sensitive, multi-element determinations. The high sensitivity of ICP-MS means that
samples can be diluted to give a reasonable working volume. Dilution is also
required for ICP-MS because of limitations imposed by the sample matrix. Typically
with ICP-MS, an upper total dissolved solids (TDS) limit of 0.2% in the solution
should not be exceeded to ensure continuous operation for an extended period [2].
At TDS levels in excess of this limit, unacceptable levels of signal instability are
commonly experienced.
For the determination of sulfur, an Auxiliary Gas Module-2 taken when removing the stopper to avoid loss of dried mater-
(AGM-2) is required. The AGM-2 provides a nitrogen purge for ial. The vial was closed and allowed to stand for 30 minutes.
the monochromator to extend the working wavelength range The contents were completely dissolved by swirling gently.
from 189 nm down to 175 nm. The default grating order was Shaking of the vial will result in the formation of foam. Long
used for all lines with the exception of the Al 396.152 nm line term contact between the liquid and the rubber stopper
where the order was changed from 1st to 2nd order because should be avoided, particularly for the determination of zinc or
of the presence of spectral interference from the blood serum aluminium, to prevent contamination from the rubber stopper.
Three solutions with dilution factors of 5, 20 and 100 were
Standard Preparation prepared in 1% HNO3 and 0.01% Triton X100.
Aqueous standards were prepared from Custom-Grade Multi- Scandium was added to each solution as an internal standard
element Solution Var Cal 2 (Inorganic Ventures, Inc.) and from with a final concentration of 0.5 mg/L.
1,000 mg/L and 10,000 mg/L single element standards
(Spectrosol, BDH Chemicals). The standards were made up in For the study of the effect on the addition of cesium as an
18 MΩ Milli-Q water with 1% v/v high purity HNO3 ionization buffer, 2% w/v Cs as CsCl was added online to all
(Mallinckrodt, AR SELECT PLUS) and 0.01% v/v Triton X100 solutions by pumping the solution into a “T” piece just before
prepared from a 1% w/v Triton X100 solution. Scandium was the nebulizer. The optional three channel pump was utilized
added to each solution as an internal standard with a final with one channel used to introduce the cesium solution. It is
concentration of 0.5 mg/L. possible to add the internal standard to the cesium solution
instead of each individual solution.
The following calibration standards were prepared.
Table 2. Calibration Standards Results and Discussion
Standard No. Concentration (mg/L)
Wavelength Selection
Standard 1 20 µg/L Al, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn
1.3046 mg/L P Wavelength selection was based on the sensitivity of the line
6.6752 mg/L S and the concentration of elements in each of the solutions.
Standard 2 100 µg/L Al, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn For most lines, spectral interference did not appear to be a
6.5228 mg/L P major problem.
33.376 mg/L S
Standard 3 0.4 mg/L Ca and K Ionic and atomic lines were selected for Ca and Mg so the
0.1 mg/L Mg effect of ionization interference on the two emission line
10 mg/L Na types could be observed. Any variation in the results would
Standard 4 2 mg/L Ca and K also show the presence of spectral interference.
0.5 mg/L Mg
50 mg/L Na The K 766.490 nm line is known to be subject to spectral
Standard 5 10 mg/L Ca and K interference from Mg, so the K 769.896 nm line was also
2.5 mg/L Mg selected. The concentration of K in this sample was approxi-
250 mg/L Na mately 8.5 times that of Mg, and consequently the Mg spec-
(for Na 330.237 nm line only)
tral interference on the K 766.490 nm line was expected to be
Rinse and calibration blank solutions were prepared from negligible. This expectation was confirmed when similar
18 MΩ Milli-Q water with 1% HNO3 and 0.01% Triton X100 results were found for K at both lines.
Sample Preparation For Cu, the 324.754 nm or 327.396 nm emission lines are gen-
Solutions were prepared from Seronorm Trace Elements erally used, although the 327.396 nm line is preferred. For
Serum, batch no. 311089. both Cu lines, a small OH emission line from the aqueous
matrix is observed and is more prominent with the axially-
The serum was reconstituted by removing the screw cap and viewed plasma than with the radially-viewed plasma. The OH
carefully lifting the rubber stopper—without removing it com- emission line is not resolved from the 324.754 nm line, which
pletely. Air was allowed to enter the vial through the grooves is used in the 2nd order (default or recommended setting),
on the lower part of the stopper. The stopper was removed whereas the OH emission line is almost completely resolved
and 3.00 mL of 18 MΩ Milli-Q water was added. Care must be from the 327.396 nm line, which is used in the 1st order.
Figures 1 and 2 show the wavelength scans for the Cu Blood Serum Analysis
327.396 nm and 324.754 nm emission lines in blood serum
The analysis consisted of a single Seronorm Trace Elements
diluted by a factor of 20.
Serum, batch no. 311089, that was diluted 100-fold for the
determination of Ca, Mg, Na and K, 20-fold for the determina-
tion of Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cu, Fe, P, S and Zn and 5-fold for the
determination of Al and Mn. The elements Ca, Mg Na and K
were determined in the 100 and 20-fold dilution blood serum
solutions because any variation in the result would indicate
the presence of ionization interference.
An ionic line for Ca (317.933 nm) was also used and upward
curvature of the calibration was not found. The calibration for
Mg (285.213 nm) atomic line exhibited little, if any, upward
curvature as did the remaining atomic and ionic analyte lines.
This is consistent with other reports [4,5] that the atomic
lines of group I and to a lesser extent, group II elements,
exhibit signal enhancement with increasing levels of EIE. The
atomic lines of other elements and all ionic lines tend to
exhibit signal suppression by EIE but the effect is not as
Even though the calibrations for the atomic lines of Ca, K and
Na failed when cesium was not added, the maximum upward
curvature limit was increased post-run so that the calibra-
tions would pass. By so doing, a comparison of the results
with and without the addition of cesium could be made.
Figure 5. Calibration graph for K 766.490 nm (atomic) with and without the
addition of cesium.
Figure 6. Calibration graph for Ca 422.673 nm (atomic) with and without the
addition of cesium.
Figure 7. Calibration graph for Ca 317.933 nm (ionic) with and without the Figure 9. Calibration graph for Mg 285.213 nm (atomic) with and without
addition of cesium. the addition of cesium.
Figure 8. Calibration graph for Mg 279.553 nm (ionic) with and without the Figure 10. Calibration graph for Cu 327.396 nm (atomic) with and without the
addition of cesium. addition of cesium.
Table 3. Results of the Blood Serum Analysis With and Without the Addition of Cesium
Wavelength Blood serum dilution Measured value without Cs Measured value with Cs Certified value
Element (nm) factor (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
Ca 317.933 100 94.9 ± 2.0 95.1 ± 0.8 94
Ca 317.933 20 96.4 ± 2.0 95.4 ± 1.7 94
Ca 422.673 100 94.1 ± 0.9 93.9 ± 0.7 94
Ca 422.673 20 103.2 ± 0.6 95.7 ± 1.5 94
Mg 279.553 100 19.0 ± 0.1 20.0 ± 0.2 20
Mg 279.553 20 19.3 ± 0.3 20.0 ± 0.1 20
Mg 285.213 100 19.3 ± 0.3 19.7 ± 0.2 20
Mg 285.213 20 19.9 ± 0.3 19.6 ± 0.1 20
Na 330.237 100 3101 ± 7 3151 ± 45 3080
Na 330.237 20 3314 ± 60 3307 ± 6 3080
Na 589.592 100 3305 ± 49 3166 ± 40 3080
Cu 327.396 20 1.19 ± 0.01 1.24 ± 0.01 1.27
Fe 259.940 20 1.19 ± 0.02 1.28 ± 0.04 1.3
K 766.940 100 151.2 ± 3.0 163.8 ± 2.6 168
K 766.940 20 162.8 ± 0.02 167.0 ± 0.8 168
K 769.896 100 154.5 ± 4.0 168.6 ± 3.1 168
K 769.896 20 164.3 ± 3.4 170.7 ± 0.7 168
P 213.618 20 75.5 ± 0.8 75.5 ± 1.1 –
S 180.731 20 1077 ± 6 1112 ± 17 –
Zn 213.856 20 1.51 ± 0.03 1.58 ± 0.03 1.50
Al 396.152 5 0.090 ± 0.005 0.088 ± 0.012 0.093
Mn 257.610 5 0.0073 ± 0.0003 0.0077 ± 0.0004 0.0073
The effect of ionization interference, particularly on the EIE In comparison, the effect of ionization interference on the Mg
such as K, Na and Ca, is clearly visible from the results dis- (279.553 nm) ionic line and Mg (285.213 nm) atomic line was
played in Table 3. Without the addition of Cs, variations in the small, but still present. Similar results were obtained for both
measured results were found for the atomic lines of Ca the ionic and atomic lines of Mg at the different dilution fac-
(317.933 nm), Na (330.237 nm) and K (766.940 nm and tors, although slight enhancement of the Mg (285.213 nm)
769.896 nm). The results for the 100-fold dilution blood serum line in the more concentrated solution was observed. The
solution were lower than those measured in the 20-fold dilu- addition of cesium appeared to improve accuracy of the result
tion blood serum solution because of the higher level of EIE in for the Mg (279.553 nm) ionic line, suggesting a small amount
the latter, particularly Na. of signal suppression due to ionization interference.
The effect of ionization interference on different line types Some signal depression was also observed for Cu and Fe,
was observed for the Ca atomic line (422.673 nm) and Ca although it was not severe. With the addition of cesium, the
ionic line (317.933 nm). From Figures 6 and 7, it can be seen determined concentrations were closer to the certified values.
that ionization interference had considerable effect on the
calibration of the Ca (422.673 nm) line while the Ca (317.933 With the addition of cesium, Na still appears to be affected by
nm) line remained unaffected. This is reflected in the results ionization interference when the levels of EIE are high. This is
of Table 3 with varying results found for Ca (422.673 nm) and observed for the Na (330.237 nm) as a higher result was
similar results found for Ca (317.933 nm) at the different dilu- found for the more concentrated blood serum solution. It
tion factors, without the addition of Cs. When Cs was added, would therefore be recommended that blood serum be diluted
the measured values were similar for both Ca lines and both by a least a factor of 100 when repeating the analysis to
diluted solutions. determine Na.
The determination of sodium was repeated with a 1000-fold
dilution of the blood serum. Standards containing 1 and 5
mg/L Na only were prepared and the Na 589.592 nm line was
used. No internal standard or ionization buffer was added.
Triplicate analyses were done and the average result was
3181 mg/L in the original sample. The analysis was repeated
using a standard high flow concentric nebulizer and the aver-
age result was 3170 mg/L. Both these results are similar to
that obtained for Na (330.237 nm and 589.592 nm) in the 100-
fold dilution blood serum solution with cesium being added.
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