Allengers FP4336RW FPD Callibration Procedure

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Detector Calibration procedure For Allengers FP4336RW (WI-FI) FPD

1. Open the generator & Detector calibration tool

a. Log in Service mode
b. Open the generator & Detector calibration tool & Select the KV-mAS to achieve the
desire EXI value

2. Open the I detector application in Service mode

2.1.1 Select option Mars1417V3_1 and then click on connect button as shown below.

2.1.2 Click on Detector button check kernel version(, if kernel version is not match
please refer firmware of detector or Raise MRN(Material Change Note) and then select
option from trigger mode (Triggermode_ FreeSync), click on write button, you can skip
this step if you have already selected Triggermode_FreeSync option.
2.1.3 Click on SDK button, select option “Clear Acq Delay Time (ms)” then set value of Clear Acq
Delay Time (ms) to 3000 and click on set button.

2.1.4 Click on Acquire button all option “Offset>HWPostOffset, Gain>HWGain,

Defect>HWDefect, GridRemoval>SWGridRM” shows selected as below, if these
options are not selected Skip this step and select only “Offset>HWPostOffset” option.
2.1.5 Select “Offset>HWPostOffset” option and “Gain, defect and Grid Removal” Option
unselected as shown below.

2.1.6 Click on calibrate button then click on start generate template button.
2.1.7 Click on read Status button, gain and defect in detector memory will appear index 1
represents factory calibration.

2.1.8 Select the default subset as shown below:-

2.1.9 Select “Default Subset “ then Select “Gain” option in Fpd template File and click on
Upload to Workdir button as shown below:-

2.1.10 Click on ok button.

2.1.10 Again Select “default Subset” then select “Defect” option in Fpd template File then
click on Upload to Workdir button as shown below:-

2.1.11 Click on ok button.

2.1.12 Select option Create Gain then click on start button to start gain calibration, you can
change kV,mAs value from calibration tool.

2.1.13 Click on Prep button then do exposure within 3s as shown below, before click on prep
button, press ready hand switch & after that press Prep button and Do exposure.
2.1.14 After exposure please check current value column color if it turns yellow then, adjust kV
and mAs value from Detector calibration tool to achieve expected value as show in message and
do exposure again.
2.1.15 If current value is within the allowed range of excepted value and color of textbox turns
to green then accept the image, repeat the exposure five times at same kV, mAs.

2.1.16 After completion of five exposures, Select option “Download to FPD after Generation”
then click on generate button.
2.1.17 Select the index value 2 from “index of FPD” option, and then click on download button
as shown below.

2.1.18 Download file progress bar as shown below:-

Note: - You can skip steps 6.1.34 and 6.1.35 if you have no grid available for

2.1.19 Select option “Create Grid” then click on start button, grid information message will
pop up, click ok button as shown below:-

2.1.20 Press ready from hand switch & after that press prep button & do exposure within 3s as
shown below in progress bar.
2.1.21 If current value is within the allowed range of excepted value and color of textbox turns
to green then accept the image, and click on generate button.

2.1.22 Select “Mode & Files” option then Click on read status button, Select option “default
subset” and click on Download to FPD button.
2.1.23 “DownloadToFpdWnd” window will open, Select index value 2 from “Index in
FPD” option then click on Download button.

2.1.24 After click on download button, “Download File progress” bar shows status of file
downloading as shown below.
2.1.25 Click on “Read Status” button, Select option “Gain Index 2” then after click on Active
button Gain option will be enable.

2.1.26 Again click on “Read Status” button, Select “Defect index 2” option after click on
Active button, Gain & Defect option will be enable & close this window.
2.1.27 Finally click on SDK button then enter 700 value in Clear Acq. Delay Time option
column then click on Set button.

2.1.27 Click on acquire button select all four options “offset>HWPostoffset”,

“Gain>HWGain”, “Defect>HWDefect” and “GridRemoval>GridRemoval” as shown below.

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