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Course Outline MEIE-4182 Fall-2011

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Course Outline: Applied Mathematics for Engineers MEIE4182

Sultan Qaboos University

College of Engineering
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering


Applied Mathematics for Engineers (MEIE-4182)

Sec-10/20; Fall 2011
Instructors: Dr. Zahid Qamar
Time & Place: Sec-10: Sun, Tue 10:00 – 11:50 am CMT/C16
Sec-20: Sat, Mon 04:15 – 06:05 pm CMT/C14
Office Hours: Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue 12:00 - 01:00 pm
Office: Room # 2052, CoE, MIE
Telephone: Ext: 1349
Email: [email protected]

1. Course Description
The objective of this course is to introduce the Mechanical Engineering Students to mathematical
modeling of engineering problems through a Review of ordinary differential equations;
Mathematical modeling; Partial differential equations (PDEs) and their solution; Application of
PDEs to engineering problems. Linear programming. Search techniques; Engineering applications
of optimization.

2. Required Background or Experience:

Prerequisites by course:
MATH 4172 / 4174: Differential Equation for Engineers
Prerequisites by topic:
1. Differential equations
2. Linear algebra
3. Multivariate calculus

3. Textbook & Suplemental Materials:

 Kreyszig E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 8th Edition (1999) or
9th edition (2006)
 Lecture notes will be handed out on topics that are not adequately covered in the textbook.

4. Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to foster the following abilities in students, especially with
reference to application of mathematical methods in solving engineering problems:
1. Solution of first-order and linear second-order ordinary differential equations
(ODEs); brief review.
Course Outline: Applied Mathematics for Engineers MEIE4182

2. Series solutions of ODEs with variable coefficients (power series, Frobenius

3. Solution and application of special functions in ODEs (Legendre’s and Bessel’s
4. Use of qualitative methods in determining solution patterns for DEs: equilibrium; autonomous
equations; phase line ifurcations; linearization
5. Formulation and solution of Fourier series, Fourier integrals, and Fourier
transforms; brief review.
6. Formulation, classification, and application of partial differential equations (PDEs).
7. Application of Fourier and Laplace transforms in the solution of ODEs and PDEs.
8. Translation of physical or other information/data into mathematical model (ODE or
9. Translation of physical or other information/data into stochastic (probabilistic)
model through linearization and regression using spreadsheet or statisical packages.
10. Solution of ODEs and PDES using symbolic logic packages such as MAPLE,
preferably through group work.

5. Course Outcomes:

After the successful completion of this course, the students will have the ability for:
1. Solution of first-order and linear second-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs); brief
review [a]
2. Series solutions of ODEs with variable coefficients (power series, Frobenius method) [a]
3. Solution and application of special functions in ODEs (Legendre’s and Bessel’s equations) [a]
4. Qualitative methods: equilibrium; autonomous equations; phase line; bifurcations; linearization
[a, e]
5. Formulation and solution of Fourier series, Fourier integrals, and Fourier transforms; brief
review [a]
6. Formulation, classification, and application of partial differential equations (PDEs) [a, e]
7. Application of Fourier and Laplace transforms in the solution of ODEs and PDEs [a, e]
8. Translation of physical or other information/data into mathematical model (ODE or PDE) [a, e]
9. Translation of physical or other information/data into stochastic (probabilistic) model through
linearization and regression using spreadsheet or statisical packages [a, e, k]
10. Solution of ODEs and PDES using symbolic logic packages such as MAPLE, preferably
through group work [a, d, f, k]

6. Course Contents:

The following topics will be covered in this course:

1. Review of ordinary differential equations.
2. Series solutions (Power series and Frobenius methods) of homogeneous and non-
homogeneous linear differential equations with variable coefficients.
3. Special functions; Legendre’s equation and Bessel’s equation.
4. Qualitative methods and their applications
5. Use of special functions in the solution of differential equations.
6. Partial differential equations and their solution methods.
7. Applications of partial differential equations in mechanical engineering.
8. Mathematical and stochastic modeling.
9. Use of MAPLE in solving ODEs and PDEs.

7. Instructional Methods:
1. Lecture/Tutorial sessions
2. Class work
3. Homework
4. Reading assignments
Course Outline: Applied Mathematics for Engineers MEIE4182

8. Course Assessment:

Homeworks and Projects

Homework assignments are assigned every one or two weeks which are due a week from the day of
assignment. Homeworks that are to be done as a group will be separately announced. All homework
assignments should be very well written and neat. Some homeworks may be given as group
asignments or projects. Late assignments will not be accepted.
4-5 announced quizzes will be given. Worst-case quiz may be dropped from the grade.
There will be one 2-hour mid-term exam during 9 th week of the semester. Students who fail to
show up for the exam might be allowed to take another test upon presentation of a valid excuse.
Final Exam
This will be a three-hour examination according to the date and time announced by the University
timetabling office. Course coverage will be comprehensive.
Grading Scheme
The final course grade will be weighed according to the following scheme:
(1) Assignments + Projects 08%
(2) Attendance+Class Participation 02%
(3) Quizzes 20%
(4) Midterm Exam 30%
(5) Final Exam 40%
Total: 100%

9. Student Responsibilities

Minimum Student Materials:

Text books, class handouts, engineering calculator, and an access to Personal Computer.
Collaboration Policies:
You can consult each other while working on the homeworks, but all the work that you submit must
be your own. Discuss the assignments among yourselves. This is helpful to the learning process.
However, direct copying of others work will NOT be allowed or tolerated and will result in a
reduction of grade.
Attendance Policy:
In accordance with the University Regulations, it is the student’s responsibility to be punctual and to
attend all classes. Failure to attend classes without prior approval for whatever reason is considered as
part of the percentage missed. Students bear full responsibility for checking their own attence record.
Attence records are kept, and an”absentee warning notice” will be issued if a student is absent for
more than 10% of the total contact hours.
An “absentee withdrawal notice” will be issued and the student will be deemed to hve withdrawn
from the course with an “FW” grade if a student is absent for more than 20% of the total contact
Code of Ethics
Academic misconduct is defined as the use of any dishonest or deceitful means to gain some academic
advantage or benefit. This can take many forms, including but not limited to, the following:

1. Examinations
Course Outline: Applied Mathematics for Engineers MEIE4182

a) copying, or attempting to copy, from another student's work, or permitting another student
to copy from your work
b) using notes of whatever kind in the formation of answers in a closed book examination
c) impersonation of another student in an examination, seminar or other form of presentation
d) disrupting the conduct of examinations by illegally obtaining access to examination papers
or answers, and/or distribution of this material to others

2. Assignments, Essays, etc.

a) plagiarism: Using the words, thoughts, ideas, results, etc., of another person in a written
assignment, without acknowledging the source, as if it were the student's own work
b) copying: Copying another person's answers in an essay, assignment, paper, laboratory report,
etc. and presenting it, either wholly or with only minor changes, as if it were the student's own
c) collusion: Working with others on an assignment which is intended to be an individual
assignment, and incorporating their material into your work
d) switching: Submitting work completed for one course in another course without the permission
of the instructor
e) falsification: Inventing data or altering data that have been obtained from legitimate sources


Topics will be covered according to the schedule given in the table below:

Week Topics Reading Remarks

Review of 1st order and 2nd

1-3 order ODEs
Chap 1, 2

Series soluitions and

4-6 special functions in ODES
Chap 4

7 Qualitative techniques Handouts

Review of Fourier series,

8 integrals, and transforms
Chap 10

Formulation, Mid-term Exam

9 classification, and
Chap 11
(Thursday 17th Nov; 10:00
application of PDEs am; classroom)
Application of Fourier
series, Fourier trasnsform,
10-11 and Laplace transform to
Chap 11
solve ODEs and PDEs
Handouts + Textbook
12 Mathematical modeling
13 Stochastic modeling

14 Optimization Ch-20
Solution of ODEs and
15 PDEs using MAPLE
Handouts + MAPLE help
Final Exam (Wed 4th Jan
16 2012; 11:30 am)
Note that some dates may change according to the advancement of lectures. Changes will be announced
in class or through e-mail.

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