The Sun Also Rises Book II Questions

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Book II

Chapter 8

1. Relate the incident with racial prejudice in Vienna. Why does Bill remember this so vividly? Why does
Brett compare Vienna to Paris? How does she feel about this? Bill?

2. Contrast Mike and Bill. How do they each handle alcohol? What is the difference between their finances?
What are their topics of conversation (i.e., prejudice in Vienna vs. Brett’s hat)?

Chapter 9

3. How does Brett’s revelation about San Sebastian affect Jake? Why had she gone? What does this tell
about Brett? How does this drive a deeper wedge between Robert and Jake?

4. Describe the scenes on the train. How does the “pilgrimage to Rome” of the Catholics on the train parallel
to the pilgrimage of Jake, Bill, and Robert? What are they looking for? What is the relationship of Jake to
the Catholic church?

Chapters 10-11

5. Compare Bill and Jake’s comments on surroundings with Cohn’s for appropriateness. How is this
indicative of the way Robert and Jake approach life? How does this impact the deterioration of Jake and
Robert’s relationship?

6. Contrast France and Spain. How does each represent a difference in values? What do the churches that are
described have to do with those values? How does Jake’s statement, “I only wish I felt religious and
maybe I would the next time” fit this?

Chapter 12

7. Comment on Bill’s feelings about expatriates who lose “touch with the soil . . . drink yourself to death . . .
become obsessed by sex . . . spend all your time talking, not working.” How does this describe Jake or his
friends? Jakes’ attitude? Why is this good or bad?

8. Show how Bill and Jake’s fishing trip is similar to a religious experience? How does the wine drinking
resemble communion? How does Bill’s observation “Our stay on earth is not long. Let us rejoice and believe
and give thanks” relate? What does this have to do with the theme?

Chapter 13

9. Discuss afición. How does Montoya treat aficións differently? How does this relate to Jake? Montoya?

10. What is the difference between bulls and steers? What does this conversation represent in the values and
characters of the people of Hemingway’s time? In Jake’s group, who are bulls and who are steers?
11. Tell Mike’s story of the medals. What does this demonstrate about his character? How is this incident
representative of the “lost generation”?

Chapters 14-15

12. Explain Jake’s statement, “Enjoying living was learning to get your money’s worth and knowing when
you had it.” What is “it”? Why is Jake more interested in how to live rather than why? Where does Jake’s
relationship with Robert fit into this?

13. Show Romero as a Christ figure. What are the circumstances when the reader first sees him? Explain the
quote, “The others can’t ever learn what he was born with.” How does this fit the religious reference?

Chapter 16

14. Describe the setting up of Brett and Romero’s affair. What is the significance of it? Tell why Jake’s role in
the affair violated his code. Discuss Robert’s charge that Jake is a “pimp.”

15. Explain why Montoya wants to protect Romero. How does he do that? How does Jake react to the
invitation from the American ambassador? How does his involvement with Brett and Pedro contradict
this? How does Montoya react?

Chapter 17

16. Describe Robert’s fights for Brett. How does this relate to Robert’s experiencing life through books? Why
is Robert the loser though he badly beat Jake? Romero?

17. Describe Jake’s awakening after Robert calls him a “pimp” and hits him. Why is the statement the truth?
How does his walk show renewed sensations about life? What does the bath represent?

18. Explain the quote, “All for sport. All for pleasure.” How does this relate to bullfighting? Relationships?
The “lost generation”? Jake?

Chapter 18

19. Describe the ceremony before and during the final bullfight. Why does Romero wait to kill the bull? What
are examples of the tradition involved? Compare Romero’s final fight with his fight with Robert.

20. Compare and contrast the three bullfighters. Why does Romero’s attention to the old style make him more
skillful? Why does Belmonte think “Pedro had the greatness”? Do their styles suggest other characters in
the novel?

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