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Principles of Management MCQs [set-11]

Chapter: Major Managerial Functions

251. One of the following is not an importance of organising:

A. Role clarity
B. Performance appraisal
C. Adaptation to change
D. Growth and expansion
Answer: B

252. Organisation structure establishes relationships between

A. organisation and environment.
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B. people, work and resources.
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C. organisation and society.
D. suppliers and customers.
Answer: B

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c of functional structure:
253. One of the following is an advantage
A. Responsibility for end results
B. Flexibility
C. Personalised attention
D. Easier employee learning
Answer: D

254. Divisional structure leads to conflict in

A. resource allocation.
B. marketing management.
C. motivation.
D. planning process.
Answer: A

255. In which respect does formal organisation differ from informal organisation?
A. Production process
B. Structuring
C. Financial procedure
D. Purchasing
Answer: B

256. Which one of the following does not follow scalar chain?
A. Informal organisation
B. Functional structure
C. Formal organisation
D. Divisional structure
Answer: A

257. Degree of decentralisation indicates

A. degree of authority delegation.
B. degree of responsibility.
C. degree of power delegation.
D. degree of accountability.
Answer: A

258. In staffing function, which one of the following groups of managers is

A. Only top managers
B. Only human resource managers
C. Only middle managers
D. All managers
Answer: D

259. Which one of the following is not an importance of staffing?

A. Suitable division of work among employees
B. Developing skills in employees
C. Employee satisfaction
D. Efficient use of human resources
Answer: A

260. In staffing function, which combination of activities in sequential order is

A. Recruitment, selection, training, placement
B. Selection, training, recruitment, placement

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C. Recruitment, selection, placement, training
D. Recruitment, training, selection, placement
Answer: C

261. Which one of the following sources is most relevant to recruiting managerial
A. Direct recruitment
B. Employment exchange
C. Advertisement
D. Casual callers
Answer: C

262. Which one of the following is an internal source of recruitment?

A. Transfer
B. Employee recommendations
C. Campus recruitment
D. Personal contacts
Answer: A

263. Which type of learning is management development concerned with?

A. Specific job skill development
B. Multi-skill development
C. Manual skill development
D. Inventory development
Answer: B

264. For which group of persons is vestibule training relevant?

A. Operatives
B. Top management
C. Middle management
D. Supervisory management
Answer: A

265. Which one of the following is an element of directing?

A. Delegating authority
B. Designing organisation structure
C. Communication

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D. Designing control system
Answer: C

266. Motivation is not

A. a complex process.
B. related to satisfaction.
C. an easy process.
D. a goal-directed behaviour.
Answer: C

267. Need hierarchy theory of motivation has been given by

A. Maslow.
B. Fayol.
C. Taylor.
D. Koontz.
Answer: A

268. Which one of the following is not a financial incentive?

A. Bonus
B. Provident Fund
C. Co-partnership
D. Challenging job
Answer: D

269. Which one of the following is a non-financial incentive?

A. Recognition
B. Perquisite
C. Retirement benefit
D. Stock option
Answer: A

270. Leadership is based on a superior’s

A. authority.
B. responsibility.
C. accountability.
D. persuasive communication.
Answer: D

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271. Encoding is related to
A. converting message into symbols.
B. converting symbols into message.
C. transmitting message.
D. receiving symbols.
Answer: A

272. Grapevine is a form of

A. formal communication.
B. channel of communication.
C. informal communication.
D. barrier to communication.
Answer: C

273. Which one of the following is a semantic barrier?

A. Organisational policy
B. Lack of attention
C. Technical jargon
D. Status
Answer: C

274. Which one of the following is not a feature of controlling?

A. Continuous process
B. Action-oriented
C. Keeping employees busy
D. Pervasive function
Answer: C

275. Which one of the following is not an importance of controlling?

A. Better coordination
B. Better use of resources
C. Better planning
D. Better grievance handling
Answer: D

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