Module 4 For Week 4
Module 4 For Week 4
Module 4 For Week 4
Learning Outcomes:
1. Discuss the objectives under the categories of knowledge, attitudes and skills
specified in the Culture of Peace through World Heritage.
2. Reflect on the ten core peace values can cited in the UNESCO Handbook.
Respect other people and their cultures, and motivate them to search for
peaceful conflict resolution in their lives.
Resolve conflicts peacefully among themselves and help others learn about
peaceful conflict resolution,
The Waterton Glacier International Peace Park – situated on the border between
Canada and United States of America
More importantly, it provides certain practical easy-to-do exercises for the children
to perform. Trainee teachers, to whom this material is addressed, would do well to
consult this rich intellectual resource. The UNESCO Handbook on Peace Education
offers a model consisting of 10 themes that can accommodate the most meaningful
peace values and concepts that can provide it the framework of the curriculum for
peace education. Let us review the model. The 10 themes are given in Ishikawa’s
fishbone structure (Figure 3).
The UNESCO Handbook deals with each of the core values in great details; provides
examples and illustrative activities. These ten core peace values can be achieved in a
number of ways. These core values can be used to form a separate course on peace
education. Or, these can be integrated with school subjects as well as in the curriculum
of teacher education. We will present here an integrated model of curriculum for teacher