The portfolio must contain all the specified pieces of evidence below. Please ensure that you
understand exactly what is required and that you include all the required evidence in your
Further information can be found in the PHM026 Assessment Instructions on Moodle. Please
Please ensure that you anonymise everything. Do not include any information which might
identify anyone: patients’ or colleagues’ names or initials, specific details of practice setting etc.
The completed portfolio should be submitted electronically via the drop box on Moodle by the
If you have any problems with this document please contact: [email protected]
Please ensure you read the How to use this document properly section (next page)
Version: 2021.1
How to use this document properly?
This document has been set up using headings so that you can “jump” to the pages of the
template you need with one click. Please follow the instructions below to turn the Navigation
panel on.
Version: 2021.1
Reflective Learning Worksheet
(This mirrors the General Pharmaceutical Council’s form)
Describe what learning you are planning to carry out. What you need to learn
may be new knowledge, skills, or a new attitude or approach – anything that
you think will make you better able to do your job as a pharmacy professional
or prepare you for a new service or role. You should be as specific as possible.
You should explain why this learning is relevant to you in your role as a
pharmacy professional and how it will affect the people using your services. If
you don’t think it is relevant or will have a significant beneficial impact on
anyone, you might want to consider why you are planning to carry out and
record this learning.
Please take care not to disclose any confidential information about patients without their
It is important for you to consider a range of options for achieving your learning
across the breadth of your CPD entries. Focus your planned CPD on those
activities that are relevant to, or likely to have the biggest impact on, the
people using your services
I am going to attend a presentation on intrathecal chemotherapy, read about the NPSA alerts and
the alerts around chemotherapy. Furthermore, I will research the reasons as to why intrathecal
chemotherapy has different procedures to normal chemotherapy. I will read the trusts policies and
standard operating procedures about intrathecal chemotherapy and vinca alkaloids and how they
ensure patient safety with intrathecal chemotherapy.
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I am going to Watch a video on the harm caused by vinca alkaloids administered intrathecally and
the importance of ensuring procedures are in place to prevent these from happening again.
I am going to shadow fellow technical services pharmacists checking vinca alkaloids as well as
checking and releasing intrathecal chemotherapy. I will therefore be shadowed when checking
them and will only be signed off on this competency once I am competent and confident in doing
Putting learning into practice is a good way to prove that you have actually
learnt what you intended. Tell us what specific skills, attitudes and/or
behaviours you have gained as a result of your learning.
Include a real example of how the people using your services have benefitted
from your learning. If you were able to introduce a new service successfully,
the benefits will be clear. If you are more confident in your ability to respond to
a particular query, or have some new knowledge that you can use in your
practice, that is also a beneficial outcome.
Do include any feedback about your practice that you have had from other
NPSA alert- All spinal (intrathecal) bolus doses and lumbar puncture samples are performed using
syringes, needles and other devices with safer connectors that will not connect with intravenous
Luer connectors.
I learnt about the policies and procedures of intrathecal chemotherapy that involved ensuring a
haematologist on the intrathecal register can only sign and request an intrathecal chemotherapy.
The labelling should be intrathecal use only and the medicine should be transported in a red
lockable box and transported separately from all other items. The pharmacist who releases the
intrathecal chemotherapy must be on the intrathecal register and the issue of it needs to be to the
haematologist that originally signed the prescription and is on the intrathecal chemotherapy. It
should be issued at different times to intravenous treatment and should only be administered by
the authorised haematologist on the intrathecal register.
Using this newfound knowledge, I have been able to teach other pharmacists as well as foundation
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pharmacists about the importance of intrathecal chemotherapy and ensuring its safety and making
sure procedures are followed. I have become confident in my knowledge and dealing with
intrathecal chemotherapy requests, knowing the guidelines and the reasons as to why they are the
way they are. The patients have benefited from this as we ensure the patients do not have
intravenous medication arranged at the same time as intrathecal chemotherapy and if they do, we
liaise to arrange at different times ensuring patient safety.
This increased knowledge has increased patient safety as it is putting procedures in place to
prevent any patient harm ensuring they get their chemotherapy in the safest way possible.
With vinca alkaloids, ensuring it has for IV use only fatal if given any other route written on the
label also putting them in yellow vinka alkaloid bags separately to ensure they are given iv.
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A list of identified learning
These are the resources you have used in addition to the resources we provide you with
during this course
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Screenshots of post and
participation in discussion forums
You need to make at least THREE contributions (one post and at least two responses) in each assessed
discussion forum.
Import screenshots of your forum contributions by using the Insert tab, clicking on Picture and browse for
your pictures
[Insert here]
[Insert here]
Version: 2021.1