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Sabra Hamza

A Research report submitted to School of Public Administration and

Management in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Award of
Bachelor Degree in Human Resource Management of Mzumbe University
Mbeya Campus College


We the undersigned certify that we have read and recommend for acceptance by
Mzumbe University, a field research entitled “The influence of working
environment towards employees’ performance” in fulfillment of the requirement
for the Bachelor Degree at Mzumbe University.



Major supervisor


Internal Examiner


Accepted for the Board of Campus College (MCC)





I, Sabra N. Hamza, declare that this field report is my own original work and that it
has not been presented and will not be presented to any other university for a similar
or any other professional award.





This research report is a copyright material protected under the Berne Convention,
the Copyright Act 1999, and other international and national enactments, in that
behalf, on intellectual property. It may not be reproduced by any means in full or in
part, except for short extracts in fair dealings, for research or private study, critical
scholarly review, or discourse with an acknowledgment, without the written prior
permission of Mzumbe University, on behalf of the author.

First of all, I thank God for granting me good health to accomplish this task. He has
given me both physical and mental health all the way through my academic journey.
Much praise to the Lord.
Secondly, I would like to extend my gratitude to my supervisor Madam Anna Maeda
of Mzumbe University, for the important role she played in supervising me tirelessly
throughout this work. Despite her heavy teaching load and coordinating a lot of
activities at Mzumbe University, she has been close to me and absolutely helpful
whenever I asked for her assistance.
Thirdly, I would also like to acknowledge the management of National Social
Security Fund (NSSF) Head quarter for the trust and support for allowing me to
conduct my field research at their organization.
Finally, I give special gratitude to my family for their assistance, tolerance and
encouragement they extended to me throughout my study.
It is not possible to mention everyone here, but the few mentioned here are true
representative of the others. May God bless you for the love and support.

I would like to dedicate this work to my beloved family and friends for their love and
tireless support in my academic journey.

BHRM Bachelor of Human Resource Management.
DV Dependent Variable.

HRM Human Resources Management.

IV Independent Variable.

NSSF National Social Security Fund.

SME Small Medium Enterprise.

This study aimed to examine the influence of working environment towards employees’ performance
at NSSF headquarters. The study targeted on the following objectives which were; to assess how
office layout influences employees’ performance, to determine how office health and safety influences
employees’ performance. Lastly to examine how office facilities influence employees’ performance.
This study was conducted at Dar es salaam NSSF headquarters, research design of this study was case
study. The study was guided by Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory
and McGregor Theory X and Y. Also, data was collected through primary and secondary data
methods such as questionnaires, observation and documentary review were used and simple random
sampling technique was used to select the respondents for the study. The study involves 130
populations from the study area and data was collected from 98 respondents as a sample size.
Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the data obtained in the form of table presentation. The
findings from the study revealed that working environment at NSSF was not poor but there are factors
that need to be taken into more consideration such as; office layout, health and safe working
environment and office facilities which may be the source of increasing employees performance. The
researcher concluded that, better working environment is essential and it should be a priority to
management so as to ensure high employees’ performance. Finally, the study recommends that, in
order to improve employees’ performance, Management should try as much as possible to build a
work environment that attracts, retain and motivate its employees, management should make sure that
updates and renovations are made from time to time on the office facilities. In addition, involving the
staff in all matters concerning working environment and listening to the opinions as well as putting
them into consideration so as to make sure they retain and influence their performance.


DECLARATION AND COPYRIGHT.....................................................................ii



LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS....................................................................................v


LIST OF TABLES.....................................................................................................xi

LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................................................xii

CHAPTER ONE.........................................................................................................1

1.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................1

1.2 Background of the problem.................................................................................1

1.3 Statement of the problem....................................................................................2

1.4 Research objectives.............................................................................................3

1.4.1 General Objectives.......................................................................................3

1.4.2 Specific Objectives.......................................................................................3

1.5 Research Questions.............................................................................................3

1.7 Significance of the study.....................................................................................4

1.8 Limitation of the study........................................................................................4

CHAPTER TWO........................................................................................................5

LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................................................5

2.2 Definition of key terms.......................................................................................5

2.2.1 Employee......................................................................................................5

2.2.2 Performance..................................................................................................5

2.2.3 Employees’ performance..............................................................................6

2.2.4 Office layout.................................................................................................7

2.2.5 Office facilities.............................................................................................7

2.2.6 Health and safety..........................................................................................8

2.2.7 Working environment...................................................................................8

2.2.8 The influence of office layout on employees’ performance.........................9

2.2.9 The influence of office health and safety on employees’ performance......10

2.2.10 The influence of office facilities on employees’ performance.................10

2.3 Theoretical literature review.............................................................................11

2.3.1 MCGREGOR THEORY X AND THEORY Y.........................................11

2.3.2 Expectancy Theory.....................................................................................13

2.3.3 Maslow`s Hierarchy of Need Theory.........................................................13

2.3.4 Frederick Herzberg`s Theory.....................................................................15

2.4 Empirical Literature review..............................................................................16

2.5 Research Gap....................................................................................................20

2.6 Conceptual Framework.....................................................................................21

2.6.1 Independent Variables................................................................................21

2.6.2 Dependent Variable....................................................................................22

CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................23

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................................................23

3.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................23

3.2 Research Design................................................................................................23

3.3 Study Area.........................................................................................................23

3.4 Population of the study.....................................................................................24

3.5 Sample technique and sample size....................................................................24

3.5.1 Sampling technique........................................................................................24 Simple random sampling.........................................................................24

3.5.2 Sample size.................................................................................................24

3.6 Data Collection.................................................................................................25

3.6.1 Primary Data...............................................................................................25

3.6.2 Secondary Data...........................................................................................26

3.7 Data Analysis Method.......................................................................................27

3.8 Validity and Reliability of the study.................................................................27

3.8.1 Data validity...............................................................................................27

3.8.2 Reliability...................................................................................................27

3.9 Ethical consideration.........................................................................................28

CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................29

RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION......................................................29

4.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................29

4.2 Demographic characteristics of the respondents...............................................29

4.2.1 Distribution of Respondents by Age, Sex, Gender, Marital status,

Educational Level and Working Experience.......................................................29

4.3 To identify the Influence working environment towards employee’s


4.3.2 Influence of office layout towards employee’s performance.....................32

4.3.3 The influence of health and safety on employees’ performance................33

4.3.4 Influence of office facilities towards employee’s performance.................34

CHAPTER FIVE......................................................................................................36


5.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................36

5.1 Summary...........................................................................................................36

5.2 Conclusion........................................................................................................37

5.3 Recommendation..............................................................................................37

5.4 Area for further research...................................................................................39




Table 4.1 Demographic information...........................................................................31

Table 4.2 Influence of Working Environment............................................................32

Table 4.3 Influence of office layout towards employee’s performance.....................33

Table 4.4 Influence of health and safety environment on employee’s performance..34

Table 4.5 Influence of office facilities towards employee’s performance.................35

Figure 2.1 Maslow Hierarchy of Needs......................................................................14

Figure 2.2 Conceptual Framework.............................................................................22

1.1 Introduction
This chapter presented the following background of the study, statement of the
problem, research questions, research objectives, research questions, scope of the
study, significance of the study and limitation of the study.

1.2 Background of the problem

Working environment plays an important role towards the employees’ performance.
Working environment is argued to impact immensely on employees’ performance
either towards negative or the positive outcomes (Chandrasekar2001). In the world,
there are international organizations which debate the rights of employee. Most
people spend fifty percent of their lives within indoor environment, which greatly
influence their mental status, actions, abilities and performance (Dorgan, 1994).
Better outcomes and increased productivity are assumed to be the result of better
workplace environment. Better physical environment of office will boost the
employees and ultimately improve their productivity.

In the 1990’s, the factors of work environment had changed due to the changes in
several factors such as the social environment, information technology and the
flexible ways of organizing work processes (Hasun & Makhbul, 2005). When
employees are physically and emotionally fit will have the desire to work and their
performance outcomes shall be increased. Also, a proper workplace environment
helps in reducing the number of absenteeism and thus can increase the employees’
performance which leads to increased productivity at the workplace (Boles et

Despite high and sustained economic growth in many developing countries,

unemployment rising, a large proportion of the labour force is working below
poverty level wages, and the majority of non-agricultural employment is situated in
the informal economy. It is of little surprise that in recent years there has been a shift
of focus from a singular interest in economic growth to an enlarged concern with
improving the quality of work. Governments from across Africa have forcefully
called for action to overcome these challenges. The African Union Extraordinary

Summit on Employment and Poverty Alleviation in Africa (Ouagadougou,
September 2004) overwhelmingly endorsed the ILO’s Decent Work Agenda with an
emphasis on the creation of quality jobs. The Government of the United Republic of
Tanzania supports this Pan-African call for the integration of employment growth
and improved quality of work, as reflected in its National Strategy for Growth and
Reduction of Poverty 2005– 2010 and its National Employment Policy of 2008.

1.3 Statement of the problem

Creating a work environment which promotes wellbeing of employees and increase
individual performance is viewed as a strategy for enhancing company efficiency and
productivity. Employees normally have expectation and will demand a workplace
environment that facilitates them to perform their work optimally. When this is
sufficiently provided, it can boost organizational competitiveness (Heath, 2006).

This study examined the influence of working environment towards employees’

performance in an organization. The researcher was motivated to carry out a study in
this area because working environment plays a big role towards employees’
performance in any organization be it a public institution or private institution. As
observed by Wiston (2012), that it is very important to have a good working
environment because it plays a great role in influencing the employees’ level of
satisfaction and is the most considerable factor despite the fact that people in both
private and public still lag behind when it comes to the matter.

Working environment are both physical conditions and external factors such as
customs and laws. Every organization’s working environment is tailor made,
meaning it has special requirements depending on several issues such as; its location,
what it deals with, the nature of employees it accommodates as well as the ever-
evolving external influences such as technology and laws and customs.

Despite many studies which concern with influence of working environment towards
employees’ performance has been done in different areas but they differ in their
methodology that is why there is no consistence finding among researchers on how
working environment influences employees’ performance. This study intended to
cover and uncover knowledge of assessing the influence of working environment

towards employee performance in an organization. The gap identified from
theoretical and empirical analysis is that, management must take an active role in
defining both physical and external working environment and making it conducive
for workers but also the management style to suit employees.

Therefore, the researcher using the National Social Security Funds (NSSF) as the
area of study aimed determine the influence working environment has on employees’

1.4 Research objectives

The study was guided by the following study objectives

1.4.1 General Objectives

The general objective of this study was to assess the influence of working
environment towards employees’ performance.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

To assess how office layout influences employees’ performance.

ii) To determine how office safety and security influence employees’ performance.

iii) To examine how office facilities influence employees’ performance.

1.5 Research Questions

i. How does office layout influence employees’ performance?

ii. How does health and safety employees’ performance?

iii. How do office facilities influence employees’ performance?

1.6 Scope of the study

The study was focused on employees at NSSF, this is the public institution which
operates at the city center of Dar es Salaam Region. This study found out how
working environment has a significant impact upon employee performance and

1.7 Significance of the study
It is anticipated that the findings of the study will pave way for the authorities of
National Social Security Fund (NSSF) to accept the variables that affect employees
working environment and their performance at the organization. Such an acceptance
can be utilized to improve the working conditions of the employees. This research
further aids how the organization can address issues concerning the employees and
its working environment by considering office layout, health and safety and office
facilities as important factors in increasing employees’ performance.

It can furthermore serve as a reference material for future researches in this area as
the results will shed more light on factors affecting employees’ performance as far as
their environment is concerned. The study provides knowledge and measure to
improve the working environment of employees for better employee performance at
National Social Security Fund (NSSF). This study will help the researcher to acquire
a bachelor degree in Human Resource Management (BHRM) at Mzumbe University
as it is a compulsory requirement.

1.8 Limitation of the study

The study was limited by financial constraints, and there was no enough response
and materials. In the collection of the data for this research there are several
limitations that raised hence making it a challenging for the researcher to collect data
easily. Another limitation was in ability to obtain some key documentary sources for
the research work as they require payments. This was overcome by sensitizing the
respondents on the importance of the study, the need for honest response and
maximization uses of available resources but also the findings cannot be generalized
to all institutions because it covers only one institution.

2.1 Introduction

This literature review attempted to discuss the various literature relating to how
working environment has influence on employee’s performance. It reviewed
theoretical and empirical academics literature relating to the study.

2.2 Definition of key terms

This subsection provides definitions of key concepts such as working environment
and employees’ performance.

2.2.1 Employee
An employee is a person hired by an employer, to perform a specific job or to
provide labour support for an organization to reach its objective.

2.2.2 Performance
Performance is the outcome of work accomplished by a person or group of people
within an organization. According to Sinambela L (2012) performance is the ability
of employees in doing certain skills. Performance of an employee is the ability of
employees in doing certain skills. Performance of an employee is in need because it
will know how far the ability of employees in an employee is in need because it will
know how far the ability of employees in carrying out the tasks assigned to them
(Akbar 2017).

Performance is the result of work of a person or group in an organization at a

particular time which reflects how well the person or group reach the qualification of
a job in a mission of organization’s goal achievement. Many factors could influence
the employee’s job performance including equipment, physical work environment,
meaningful work, standard operating procedures, reward for good or bad systems,
performance expectancy, feedback on performance, in addition to knowledge, skills
and attitudes (Lee, 2010).

Performance can be defined as the outcome of all cumulative actions that an

employees’ performance using his skills, abilities, and knowledge for a particular

situation or task during a given time frame (Prasetya &Kato, 2011). It is one the steps
towards the achievement of an organization’s goals, which is the reason why HRM
deems the improvement in employee skills vitally important, since it directly
correlated to performance (Zafar et., 2017).

2.2.3 Employees’ performance

Employee performance is the combined result of effort, ability, and perception of
tasks (Platt, 2010). Employees‟ performance is imperative for organizational
outcomes and success. Many factors influence employee performance; and
workplace environment factors stands out as the key determinants of performance. It
is the key multi character factor intended to attain outcomes and has a major
connection with planned objectives of the organization (Sabir et al. 2012). Favorable
workplace environment guarantees the wellbeing of employees as well as enables
them to exert themselves to their roles with all energy that may translate to higher
performance (Taiwo, 2010).

Employee performance is the result of individual work within the organization.

While organizational performance is the totality of work achieved by an
organization. Employee performance and organizational performance are closely
related. The achievement of organizational goals cannot be separated from the
resources owned by the organization that is used or run by employees who play an
active role as actors in achieving the goals of the organization (Zafar et al, 2017). In
order to have a standard performance, employers have to get the employees task to
be done on track as to achieve the organization goal or target. By having the work or
job done on track, employers could be able to monitor their employees and help them
to improve their performance.

Sinha (2001) stated that employees’ performance is depending on the willingness and
also the openness of the employees itself on doing their job. He also stated that by
having this willingness and openness of the employees in doing their job, it could
increase the employees’ productivity which also leads to the performance. The
physical work environment and its influence has been vastly studied since the

environment can hinder, intervene with, or set limits on the range of work behaviors
that are displayed which, in turn, potentially impacts task performance.

Sinha, (2011) Stated employee’s performance depends on the willingness and also
the openness of the employees himself or herself on doing their job. He also that by
having this willingness and openness of the employees in doing their job, it could
increase the employees’ productivity which also productivity which also leads to the
performance (Waktola, 2019)

2.2.4 Office layout

Office layout refers to the physical office space and the way that objects within it are
arranged (Lee, 2010). While office layout can influence behaviour, in particular
human interactions. There is an abundance of research linking office layout with job
satisfaction and ultimately employees’ performance. However, the findings are
mixed, in particular with open-plan layouts, where the strength and direction of the
relationships are not clear (Wolfeld, 2013).

2.2.5 Office facilities

Facility is anything that can simplify and streamline work efforts in order to achieve
a goal Zakiah in Arianto Sam (2008). Selecting appropriate office furniture is an
important consideration in which office managers need to pay more attention to
make sure that the ergonomic environment is properly maintained. While ergonomic
(relating to or designed for efficiency and comfort in the working environment)
environment is important in increasing employee productivity, adjustable office
furniture, such as desks and chairs, which can support employees in generating their
work is recommended, to allow the work comfortably throughout the day (Burke,

Office facilities are intended means to support in the company's activities in physical
form, and used in the normal course of the company, has a relatively permanent
usability period, and provide benefits for the future. A quality of the work will not be
optimal if there is no adequate office facilities at the work place. This could be an
obstacle for employees who undergo the job without using the office facilities they
need. Without the help of facilities in their offices, they will be more difficult to
finish their work. Not only the quality of their work can cause the lack of working
facilities in their offices, but also the processing time will be in effect. It will be very
reasonable if a job will be longer if it is not supported with the office facilities that
are inadequate.

2.2.6 Health and safety

Health and Safety is a thought and effort to ensure the completeness and perfection
of both physical and mental labor in particular, and humanity in general, and cultural
work towards a just and prosperous society Prabowo (2011). Also, Lim (2012) added
that when workers understand the health and safety rules and procedures of their job
and the tools used for working, it helps them to work effectively and efficiently
resulting in better performance of employees.

A healthy workplace environment makes good business sense and is characterized by

respect that supports employee engagement and creates a high-performance culture
that encourages innovation and creativity (Kohun, 2002). Organizations deemed as a
positive place to work will more likely have a competitive edge since they are in a
better position to attract and retain highly skilled employees‟. This is a significant
consideration in the current tight labour market. A positive workplace environment is
likely to result in less employee turnover, fewer cases of fraud, better safety
practices, easier to attract and retain qualified employees and improved employees‟
wellbeing (Cunnen, 2006).

2.2.7 Working environment

Working environment is the sum of the interrelationship that exists within the
employees and the environment in which the employees work. Opperman (2002)
defines working environment is a composite of three major sub- environments: the
technical environment, the human environment and the organizational. Technical
environment refers to tools, equipment, technological infrastructure and other
physical or technical elements. The technical environment creates elements that
enable employees perform their respective responsibilities and actives. The human
groups, interactional issues, the leadership and management. (Waktola, 2019)

Spector (1997) observed that most business ignore the working within their
organization resulting in an adverse effect on the performance of their employees.
According to him, working consists of safety to employees, job security, good
relation relations with coworker, recognition for good performance, motivation for
performing well and participation in the decision-making process of the firm. He
further elaborated that once employees realize that firm considers them important,
they will have high level of commitment and a sense of ownerships for their
organization. (Raziq & Maulabakhsh. 2015)

The work environment is a place where employees do activities every day. A

conducive work environment provides a sense of security and allows employees to
work optimally. The work environment can affect employees’ emotions. If the
employees like the work environment in which he or she works, then the employee
will feel comfortable at work, doing his activities so that working time is used
effectively. Productivity will be high and automatically employee performance is
also high (Anggi, 2015). Work environment indicators according to (Nitisemito,

2.2.8 The influence of office layout on employees’ performance

Office layout refers to the physical office space and the way that objects within it are
arranged (Lee, 2010). Elements of office layout include workstation positioning and
the boundaries that are created by physical barriers such as walls and objects. Much
of the research on office layout has focused on the differences between closed-plan
and alternative forms of open-plan office layouts. Given that work spaces can be
configured in multiple ways within each office layout type, the office layouts feature,
such as levels of privacy can also vary, and determining their influence on the
workplace culture is of interest. Office layout is an element of the physical
environment that can act as a symbolic representation that can influence employees’
attitudes and behaviors (Ornstein, 2015).

The impact of the office layout towards employee’s performance is through

facilitation of employees’ productivity, encourage team work and collaboration,
ensuring safety and comfortability, ensuring employees are motivated,

2.2.9 The influence of office health and safety on employees’ performance
Health and safety are concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of
people engaged in work or employment. Job performance can be affected by several
factors. While working, it is important for the employee to feel safe and comfortable
with their working environment. The feeling of safety and comfort in a work place
can be affected if there are health and safety insurance. Besides health and safety,
there are other factors which can affect job performance.

Naidoo & Willis (2002) identify a number of benefits to the organization from
promotion of health and safety workplace as improvements of productivity as a result
of reduced sickness absence, enhanced corporate image and staff turnover. Safety
measures prevent accidents and ensure regular flow of work which helps to improve
the morale and productivity of workers. It also contributes to team work and a sense
of belonging to employees. On the other hand, Boyd (2003) argues that when
employee performance increase, it will lead to the organization effectiveness. Among
the positive consequences of safe and healthy workplaces are: higher productivity
owing to few lost workdays, increased efficiency, quality from healthier workforce,
reduced medical and insurance costs, lower workers' compensation rates and direct
payments because of few chains being filed, and improved reputation. According to
McCunney (2001), the primary beneficial impact of occupational health and safety
on productivity is reduced absenteeism. The challenge of organizations today is how
to enlist the hearts and minds of all their employees.

2.2.10 The influence of office facilities on employees’ performance

Work facilities as a tool or means to help employees more easily complete their work
and employees will work more productively (Robertson, 2000; Roelofsen, 2002). An
employee or worker cannot do the work assigned to him without a work tool. The
better the work facilities, the higher the level of employee performance at work.
Simply put, performance can be interpreted as the work of an employee, regardless
of the results, not interpreted well or badly, or the high and low results of one's work.
Work facilities are related to the work environment, because the work environment is
also a work facility, with the existence of a comfortable work environment,
employees can carry out work properly. Work facilities are supporting facilities in
corporate activities in the form of physical and used in normal corporate activities,
have a relatively permanent useful life period and provide benefits for the future
(Saggaf, & Salam, 2018). Work facilities are a means or vehicle or tool to facilitate
the activities of the company and also for the welfare of employees so that
employees can carry out their work properly. Office facilities covers; Meetings
rooms, internet access, secure access, ventilation, air condition, furniture wash

The impacts of office facilities towards employee’s performance are technology

integration, establishing processes,

2.3 Theoretical literature review

This section shows various theories in relation to working environment and
employee performance. They include; McGregor Theory X and Theory Y,
Expectancy Theory, Maslow Hierarchy of needs Theory and Frederick Hedberg’s


McGregor has developed a theory of motivation on the basis of hypotheses relating
to human behavior. According to him, the function of motivating people involves
certain assumption about human nature. Theory X and Y are two sets of assumptions
about the nature of people.


McGregor (1957), considers individuals who dislike work and avoid it where
possible, individuals who lack ambition dislike responsibility and prefer to be led,
and individuals who desire security. The management implications for theory x
workers were that, to achieve organizational objectives, a business would need to
impose a management system of coercion, control and punishment. Also, theory x
argued that people were averse to working, lacked ambition and a desire for
responsibility, were selfish, resistant to change, and gullible. Therefore, the
conventional wisdom was that people needed to be, indeed preferred to be, led by
others. In response to these assumptions, management style then resulted in the 'hard'
and 'soft' management approaches. The 'hard' approach being coercive, requiring
close supervision and tight control which often resulted in resistance and obstruction,
a 'soft' approach which was seen as resulting in the abdication of management and
indifferent performance. The popular strategy then which was developed amongst
managers, was “firm but fair “(McGregor, 1957).

The weakness with this approach was that the behaviour of employees was not a
result of their “inherent nature “(McGregor, 1957), but was a consequence of the
nature of industrial organizations’, of “management philosophy, policy and practice.
In effect, the way that management views its employees result in a self-fulfilling
prophecy. If employees are viewed as indolent and lazy, they will begin to behave in
such a manner and will require close supervision and direction. Furthermore, Theory
X fails because it does not consider human motivation, the needs of humans. Where
it is evident that Theory X reasonably reflects the attitude of employees towards their
working environment, managers may as a practical consequence adopt a 'traditional'
low-trust view of the need to direct and control the efforts of their staff towards the
achievement of organizational objectives.' (Morden, 2004)


McGregor (1957) proposed an alternative approach based on “more adequate

assumptions about human nature “, which he called Theory Y. In this perspective,
management’s role is not simply direction, but in organizing the resources for an
enterprise to meet its objectives, whether they be human or material. People are not
passive, and it is the responsibility of management to provide opportunities for the
development of their employees, to release their potential by creating the conditions
so that people can harness their efforts to achieve organizational objectives. This
perspective rests on the view of human beings, that rather than being indolent and
seeking direction, humans actually are the reverse. According to McGregor (1957), it
was beginning to be understood that, under proper conditions, unimagined resources
of creative human energy could become available within the organizational setting.
“With organizations’ meeting the most basic needs of their human resources, the
opportunity exists to “draw out “the performance of their staff, in essence, to meet
their higher needs.

Criticism of this view was that it resulted in the abrogation of responsibility by
managers. However, this judgement lacked the understanding that the Theory Y
approach required a fully engaged managerial role, and that the role had changed
from one of direction to one of creating conditions to allow employees to fulfill their
potential in the pursuit of organizational goals.

The basic difference between the two approaches is well expressed by McGregor.
Another way of saying this is that Theory X places exclusive reliance upon external
control of human behavior, whereas Theory Y relies heavily on self-control and self-
direction. It is worth noting that this difference is the difference between treating
people as children and treating them as mature adults. (McGregor, 1957).

2.3.2 Expectancy Theory

The most widely accepted explanations of motivation have been propounded by
Victor V room. His theory is commonly known as expectancy theory. The theory
argues that the strength of a tendency to act in a specific way depends on the strength
of an expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the
attractiveness of that outcome to the individual to make this simple. Expectancy
theory says that an employee can be motivated to perform better when there is a
belief that the better productivity will lead to good productivity appraisal and shall
result into realization of personal goal of some reward future events. The theory
focuses on three things efforts and performance relationship, performance and
reward relationship, rewards and personal goal relationship (Salman et al, 2005)

This theory is based on the hypothesis that individuals adjust their behavior in the
organization on the basis anticipated satisfaction of valued goals set by them. In
order for employee’s workplace goals and values are aligned with organization’s
mission and vision is important for creating and maintain a high level of motivation.
That can lead to higher productivity, improve employee performance, reduce the
chances of low challenging times. (Salaman et al, 2005)

2.3.3 Maslow`s Hierarchy of Need Theory

Maslow Theory (1943) probably provided the field of organizational behavior and
management with a new way of looking at employee’s job attitudes or behaviors in
understanding how humans are motivated. It states that human needs can be
classified into five categories and that these categories can hierarchy rank in
importance. These include physiological, security, belonging, esteem and self-
actualization needs. According to him a person is motivated first and foremost to
satisfy physiological needs. As long as the employees remain unsatisfied, they turn to
be motivated only to fulfil them. When physiological needs are satisfied, they cease
to act as primary motivational factors and the individual moves “up” the hierarchy
and needs are satisfied. According to Maslow the rationale is quite simple because
employees who are too hungry or too ill to work will hardly be able to make much
contribution to productivity hence difficulties in meeting organizational objectives.

Maslow proposed that if people grew in an environment in which their needs are not
met, they would be unlikely to function healthy, well-adjusted individuals hence
affecting their performance at the job. (Caroline & Nambuswa, 2015)

Figure 2.1 Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

A person starts at the bottom of the hierarchy (pyramid) and will initially seek to
satisfy basic needs such as food and shelter. Once these physiological needs have
been satisfied, they are no longer a motivator. The individual moves up to the next
level. Safety needs at work could include physical safety such as protective and
clothing as well as protection against unemployment (job security) and loss of
income through sickness. Social needs recognize that most people want to belong to

a group. These would include the need for love and belonging. For example, working
with colleague who supports you at work, teamwork and communication. Esteem
needs are about being given recognition for a job well done. They reflect the fact that
many people seek the esteem and respect of others. A promotion at work might
achieve this. Self- actualization is about how people think about themselves, this is
often measured by the extent of success or challenge at work (Ramlall, 2004). One
should also take care that employees don’t just work for financial incentives. One
should create an environment where employees like to come to work because they
enjoy their jobs hence increase performance. Incentives also motivate the employees
when you want them to go that extra mile to achieve your targets. Maslow's model
has great potential appeal in the business world. The message is clear if management
can find out which level each employee has reached, then they can decide on suitable
rewards (Ramlall, 2004).

2.3.4 Frederick Herzberg`s Theory

Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman’s (1959), two-factor theory is heavily based on
need to fulfillment because of their interest in how best to satisfy workers. They
carried out several studies to explore those things that cause workers in white-collar
jobs to be satisfied and dissatisfied. They classified Hygiene Factors as dissatisfied
and motivating factors as satisfied. The hygiene factors are company policy and
administration, health insurance, technical supervision, salary, bonus, loan,
interpersonal relationship with supervisors and work conditions; they are associated
with job content. The motivating factors are those factors that make workers work
harder and classified them as follows; achievement, recognition. Performance,
acknowledgement, work itself, responsibility and advancement.

The theory has been criticized based that dissatisfying factors also assumes an
important part in motivating the employees to perform much better by management
understanding what makes employees perform better and develop strategies to
promote employee’s motivation and performance. The value of this theory is that it
gives chance on understanding how employees of NSSF are getting motivational
packages and if such motivation packages contribute to organization and employee’s
Herzberg's research proved that people will strive to achieve 'hygiene' needs because
they are unhappy without them, but once satisfied the effect soon wears off -
satisfaction is temporary. Then as now, poorly managed organizations fail to
understand that people are not 'motivated' by addressing 'hygiene' needs. People are
only truly motivated by enabling them to reach for and satisfy the factors that
Herzberg identified as real motivators, such as achievement, advancement,
development, etc., which represent a far deeper level of meaning and fulfillment.

2.4 Empirical Literature review

This empirical analysis attempts to discuss various studies on working environment
which has influence on employee performance. Different researchers have studied
the similar aspect about the influence of working environment towards employees’

Abeid (2015), conducted a study which aimed at investigating the workplace

environment of Tanzania Micro and small Enterprises. The objective of this study
was to investigate workplace environment in small and medium enterprises in
developing countries, a case study of Tanzania. Randomly selected enterprises from
manufacturing sector were involved in the study, data was collected by means of
structured questionnaires and analyzed by using SPSS. The study findings show
that, many workplace environments are affected by a number of factors, such as the
lack of proper furniture, insufficient light, excessive noise, poorly designed work
centers, insufficient working tools or facilities, lack of safety gears and high
temperature environment. All these factors play a vital role as they greatly affect
employees’ performance. The study recommended that, it is important to explore
further the SMEs work environment problems in order to develop a common
understanding among the stakeholders in the sector so as to address them properly.

Agbozo, G. K. (2017), conducted a study about the effect of work environment on

job satisfaction in Ghana. The purpose of the study was to ascertain the impact of
physical and mental environment on employees’ performance, to know the overall
satisfaction level of employees in the bank and study whether physical, social and
psychological work environment affect job satisfaction. Questionnaire was used as

the research instrument while Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was
employed to analyze the data gathered from the field study. Findings of the study
indicated that most of the staff at the bank are satisfied with their work environment
especially the physical ambiance. The paper concludes that the environment has a
significant effect on employees’ satisfaction. The findings of the paper emphasize the
need for management to improve the work environment of employees to boost

Abdul R (2015) conducted a study on the impact of working environment on job

Satisfaction, the purpose of the study was to analyze the impact of working
environment on employee job satisfaction. The study employed a quantitative
methodology, data was collected through a self-administered survey questionnaire.
The target population consisted of educational institutes, banking sector and
telecommunication industry operating in the city of Quetta, Pakistan. Simple random
sampling was used for collection of data from 210 employees. The results indicated a
positive relationship between working environment and employee job satisfaction.
The study concludes with some brief prospects that the businesses need to realize the
importance of good working environment for maximizing the level of job
satisfaction. Hence, it is essential for an organization to motivate their employees to
work hard for achieving the organizational goals and objectives. In the modern era,
organizations are facing several challenges due to the dynamic nature of the
environment. One of the many challenges for a business is to satisfy its employees in
order to cope up with the ever changing and evolving environment and to achieve
success and remain in competition. In order to increase efficiency, effectiveness,
productivity and job commitment of employees, the business must satisfy the needs
of its employees by providing good working conditions. Working environment has a
positive impact on the Job satisfaction of employees. Bad working conditions restrict
employees to portray their capabilities and attain full potential, so it is imperative
that the businesses realize the importance of good working environment. This
research paper contributes towards the welfare of society as the results create
awareness about the importance of good working environment for employee job
satisfaction. The study impacts upon the future performance of businesses by taking

working environment more seriously within their organizations to increase the
motivation and commitment level of their employees. This way their work force can
achieve better results. It also ensures that the employees of the organization will have
the ease of working in a relaxed and free environment without burden or pressure
that would cause their performance to decline. The progress that will be achieved in
the business will directly help the economy of a country as developmental efforts
will increase. In such conditions, the country will be able to handle the minor
problems prevailing as it will be in a strong state to deal with them. The benefits of
providing a good working environment to the employees are tremendous for both the
organization and its employees.

Haynes (2018) conducted a study on the impact office layout towards employee’s
performance. The study used open and closed ended questionnaire, quantitative
approach and data was analyzed by using Statistical package for social science
(SPSS). The study revealed that the connection between the three major components
of office layout, office occupier work patterns and performance is related to
employee performance but it is not clearly established. The study establishes that
there is a requirement to link together office layout to the work patterns of office
occupiers. The study recommended that there must be improvement of office layout,
office occupiers and work patterns that performance gains can be achieved. To
support the different work patterns undertaken the facilities manager can create
office environments that consist of a balance between private space as well as
communal shared space.

Pratiwi et al (2019) conducted a study on the influence of work facilities on

employee performance the study aimed to determine the use of work facilities on the
performance of employees in the section of the Regional Financial Management
Agency Secretariat of South Sulawesi Province. The study used data collection
method such as observation, questionnaires, and documentation with a sample size of
35 people. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistical analysis with the
aid of SPSS, using percentages and for inferential statistical analysis techniques
using data normality tests, product moment correlation analysis, and simple linear
regression analysis. The results of the study indicated that the work facilities in the
section of the South Sulawesi Provincial Financial Management Agency Secretariat
are in a good category, in terms of indicators: machinery and equipment,
infrastructure, work equipment, land, and buildings. The study suggested that
adequate work facilities with suitable conditions that are well maintained and will
help smooth the work process in an organization.

Dumondor (2017), conducted a study on significant effect of Safety, health and

office facilities on employee performance the purpose of this study was to know the
significant effect of Safety and health and office facilities on employee performance
at PT Meares Soputan Mining. The method of this research is quantitative method
and the data was analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis. Type of data
used is primary data by spreading the questionnaires to the employees where the
sample size taken as much as 100 respondents. The finding of the study showed that
Safety and health and office facilities have a significant influence on employee
performance simultaneously. It also shows that Safety and health has a significant
effect on employee performance partially and followed also office facilities has a
significant effect on Employee Performance partially. The study recommended that
employee need help and complete facilities to do some works so they will perform
better and increase their skills since office facilities can influence the employee
performance because each employee has different abilities and work skill.

Sultan & Asif (2020), conducted a study on effect of office chairs and office tables
on employee productivity the purpose of this study was focused extensively on effect
of office chairs and office tables on employee productivity. Initially the data
collected for evaluation of these variables was evaluated through reliability testing
through SPSS but for detailed inferential analysis Smart PLS has been used as the
tool of analysis. Results of the study indicated office chairs has significant impact on
employee performance although desks do not have the significant impact. On the
other hand, moderation of gender is potent in creating effect of office design

Massoudi H (2017) conducted a study on the consequence of work environment on

employees’ productivity. The purpose of the study was to analyze working

environment of a foreign private banks operating in Kurdistan Region of Iraq and
examines the relationship between the workplace physical conditions and employee’s
productivity. The research uses qualitative approach; the data was collected from a
questionnaire distributed to 50 employees working in four foreign banks in the
Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The result showed that There is a relationship between
office environment and productivity of employees. Behavioral components of office
environment have a greater effect on productivity, than the physical components
alone. And satisfaction of employees towards overall workplace environment leads
to productivity.

2.5 Research Gap

In the review of the literature, theoretical and empirical studies like Haynes (2018),
Dumondor (2017) and Waktola, 2019, have been addressed especially on how
working environment relate and affect employee performance as it is practiced in
various areas in the world. It is the quality of the employee’s workplace environment
that most impacts on their level of motivation and subsequent performance. How
well they engage within the organization, especially with their immediate
environment, influences to a great extent their error rate, level of innovation and
collaboration with other employees and absenteeism. Also, most employees leave
their organization because of the relationship with their immediate supervisor or
manager. However, the gap identified from theoretical and empirical analysis is that,
management must take an active role in not only defining the physical environment
of the workplace and making it conducive for workers but also alter the management
style to suit the employees. This refers to changing aspects like ethics, behavior,
commitment, professionalism, drive and interpersonal relations in employees for the
better performance. Also, principals of management that dictate how, exactly, to
maximize employee productivity center around two major areas of focus: personal
motivation and the infrastructure of the work environment. `Therefore, from the
above explanations, this study aims to determine the influence of working
environment towards employees’ performance at the National Social Security Fund
Dar es Salaam.

2.6 Conceptual Framework
According to Rigorous research in engineering education (2012), the conceptual
framework is an interconnected set of ideas (theory) about how a particular
phenomenon functions or is related to its parts the basis for understanding the casual
relationship between independent variables (IV) and dependent variable (DV).

2.6.1 Independent Variables

Office layout; the literature review identified office layout is among the factors that
influence the performance of employees in an organization. Office layout refers to
the physical office space and the way that objects within it are arranged, it includes
workstation positioning and the boundaries that are created by physical barriers such
as walls and objects. Given that work spaces can be configured in multiple ways
within each office layout type, the office layouts feature, such as levels of privacy
can also vary, and determining their influence on the workplace culture is of interest
Given the reported influence of organizational culture on performance,
organizational culture has been recognized as an important determinant of
competitive advantage (Goodman et al., 2011).

Health and safety; this is another factor that influences employee’s performance.
While working, it is important for the employee to feel safe and comfortable with
their working environment. The feeling of safety and comfort in a work place
promotes higher productivity owing to few lost workdays, increased efficiency,
quality from healthier workforce, reduced medical and insurance costs, lower
workers' compensation rates.

Office facilities; is among the factors that influence the performance of employees in
performance. Work facilities as a tool or means to help employees more easily
complete their work and employees will work more productively (Robertson, 2000;
Roelofsen, 2002). An employee or worker cannot do the work assigned to him
without a work tool. The better the work facilities, the higher the level of employee
performance at work.

2.6.2 Dependent Variable
Employees Performance; Employee performance is an assessment of the efficiency
and effectiveness of a worker or group of workers Jalal, 2016).

From the conceptual framework, it is therefore explaining that employee’s

performance is an outcome of office layout, office facilities and health and safety.
The model shows that independent variables were significantly positively

The following figure indicates the conceptual framework of the research.

Figure 2.2 Conceptual Framework

Job Security
Office layout Employees’
Office facilities

Independent variable Dependent variable

Source: Researcher (2021)

3.1 Introduction
This chapter hereby presents the methodological framework of the study. It lays
down the procedures within which the researcher will use as a guide during the
study. This chapter discusses and depicts; researcher design, area of the study, target
population, sample size, sampling technique, instruments of data collection and data

3.2 Research Design

Research design is the overall strategy that is adopted by the researcher that
integrates logical and coherent procedure scientifically in order to accomplish the
study. Despite there are several types of researcher design such as descriptive design,
scientific design, exploratory design, explanatory design, historical design and casual
design but each study does employ specific design. Therefore, the study adopted a
case study design to investigate the influence of working environment towards
employee performance. (Saunders et al., 2012)

Kothari (2004) defines case study as the method popular analysis which involves
careful and complete observation of social unit be that unit a person family, an
institution or an entire community. The reasons for employing a case study design
are as follows, the researcher will be able to study the single organization National
Social Security Fund (NSSF) in depth and acquire the understanding of the problem.

3.3 Study Area

The study was conducted at National Social Security Fund (NSSF) Headquarter Dar
es Salaam. This study aimed at obtaining the influence of working environment
towards employee’s performance. NSSF headquarter Dar es Salaam was selected due
to its geographical location and the existed factors that employees are encounter in
attaining their job. Therefore, this study expects to get more useful information for
the subject matter to pave a way for the management on how to overcome those
challenges so that to enhance employee’s performance by improving their working

3.4 Population of the study
A population is any group of individuals that has one or more characteristics in
common and that are of interest to the researcher (Creswell, 2005). The population of
this research comprised of all the employees of National Social Security Fund
(NSSF) including; the top management, the middle management and low
management. The total population size of National Social Security Fund (NSSF) was
130 employees.

3.5 Sample technique and sample size

3.5.1 Sampling technique
Kothari (2004) says that sampling technique is used because it guarantees desired
representation of the relevant sub group. In this study simple random sampling
technique was used in collecting data. Simple random sampling

Creswell, (2005) defined simple random sampling as a subset of individuals that are
randomly selected from a population. this used to select respondents from sampling
frame due to the fact that every unit has an equal opportunity of being included in the
sample. The researcher through using lottery method and this was through assigning
serial numbers to the unit of inquiry and written each serial number on the identical
piece of paper and mix the folded and independent person picked one of them and
the researcher the serial number of the picked paper and used as a sample. Simple
random was used to all employees to all departments so as to ensure that employees
have an equal chance of being selected for the study been used. The goal was to
obtain a sample that is a representative of the larger population.

3.5.2 Sample size

The process of selecting a portion of the population to represent the entire population
is known as sampling (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber 1998). The size of the sample is
largely determined by calculating what could be achieved with the resources
available during the limited duration of the study since sampling is a subset of the
population of interest to the researcher (Hartono, 2015). The researcher selected 98
sample size from respective population of 130 NSSF headquarter so as to conduct

this research, the few sample size the more accurate of the information collected in
the organization and few times to obtain data from the sample. The formula of
calculating sample is finite population sample size

Formula; n= N
[1+ N (e) 2]
n=sample size
N= Represents population of the study
e=Estimated margin error for the sample

3.6 Data Collection

In this study both primary and secondary data were used as methods of data
collection. Primary data are those data which have been collected for the first time
such as questionnaire while secondary data are those data has been collected by
someone else and exist already (Kothari 2004).

3.6.1 Primary Data

(Kothari) explained that, primary data is the first information brought together from
the source at the first time. It is the first-hand information obtained from the source
for a research. This could be in the form of an interview, questionnaire and
observation. Questionnaire
According to Kothari (2004) involves number of questions printed or typed in
definite order on a form or set of forms. The study used both open-ended and closed-
ended questions. The researcher used questionnaire as one of the techniques for
primary data collection. The questions in these questionnaires were designed
purposely, to give answers to the researcher questions bringing awareness of the
problem. The questions focused on the influence of working environment towards
employee’s performance. This method helps the researcher to collect the needed data
in a short time and from different respondents. Therefore, by using this method, the
respondent had adequate time to give well thought out answers.

25 Interview
According to Kothari (2004) defined interview as the method of data collection
which involves presentation of oral verbal stimuli and reply in term of oral verbal
responses. It involves face to face discussion between the interviewer (researcher and
interviewee respondent. In this method the questions prepared in such a way that
information, opinion from respondents is sufficiently collected. This helped a
researcher to get in depth information concerning to the study. This method is much
preferred because it saves time as the interview is flexible and better to adoptable and
also helped the researcher to ask additional questions(probes). Observation
This is the method in which the researcher observes the day-to-day behaviour of the
study unity and the researcher takes notes on what he or she observe. In observation
method the researcher can use both of the two methods which are participatory
observation in which a researcher fully engaged in the activities by involving himself
or herself in the population study. Non- participatory observation refers the way in
which the researcher just observes only what is going on and then record the
information required for the study.

The reason of using observation in this study was due to the fact that some
employees tend to hide some information therefore using this method helped the
researcher to observe such data in order to get the reality. There is some information
which can not be obtained by other methods rather than observing, Krishna Swami

3.6.2 Secondary Data

Secondary information is that information that are now accessible and were gathered
from optional loop base of information, for example; diary, books, papers, webpages
and distributions. In this overview optional information will be gathered by
experiencing different records like books, diaries, sites which are pertinent to the
subject of the investigation with end goal of getting together required data.

3.7 Data Analysis Method
Kothari (2008), define that data analysis technique as the interpretation of data into
meaningful information that can be used by other people to generate ideas about
certain study. The descriptive data were statistically analyzed by using SPSS and
provide the analysis in ratio and percentages. Data interpretation was conducted by
using tallying, table, graphs and where necessary in chart.

3.8 Validity and Reliability of the study

Validity and reliability are the two important data quality control measures in

3.8.1 Data validity

Data validity is a way of controlling quality of data in a scientific investigation.
When physical or statistical control is put in place in such that research measurement
process and procedures are accurate data is now called research validity
(Nduguru,2007). Some authors suggest that validity of research is produced by
elimination of fault of the research findings. For the case of this study the researcher
used triangulation strategy to strengthen data validity. Data triangulation is a process
of employing more than one method to collect information (Smith and
Morrow,1996). The researcher collected primary data by using different data
collection tools like interviews both structured and unstructured and questionnaire.
Documentary reviews have been done for purpose of collecting secondary data.

3.8.2 Reliability
Reliability refers to the degree of consistency that the instrument or procedure
demonstrates (Best and Kahn 2006). In this study reliability was achieved by
measuring consistent results from the respondents. Reliability of data was assured
through information collected from relevant respondents with specific attention to
key issues related to working environment and employees’ performance, factors
which hindering employees’ performance, proper wording of instructions and logical
arrangement of questions that were asked.

3.9 Ethical consideration
The goal of ethics in research is to ensure that no one is harmed or suffers adverse
consequences from the research activities (Cooper and Schindler, 2001). The
researcher ‘s aim was to protect the rights of the respondents by: Ensuring that none
of the respondents was named during the research or subsequent thesis, making sure
that the respondents were selected to participate without compulsion., informing the
respondents about the reason and purpose of the research and informing the
respondents that consent was sought from the management of the selected company
before the commencement of this research initiative.

4.1 Introduction
This chapter represents how the research was conducted. It is a framework within
which research is undertaken. It also discusses the type of data used and their
sources. Research design, research techniques, population, units of inquiry, sampling
techniques, sample size, data collection methods and data analysis are also described
in this chapter.
4.2 Demographic characteristics of the respondents.
The demographic characteristics presents the characteristic of the population
including; sex, gender, education level, working experience, marital status among
many others characteristics. All characters considered are relevant in this study.

4.2.1 Distribution of Respondents by Age, Sex, Gender, Marital status,

Educational Level and Working Experience
The research discovered that, according to the result, which conducted through
various respondents then, there is a variety of characteristics that the researcher
exposed to the respondents that involve the direct and through different source of
data. Afterward, the age also matters in the process of doing research. Therefore, this
involve various departments regardless of their experiences, the age of respondents
who were given the questionnaire were like, above 55 years were 10 which belong to
10.9% of the respondents, and between 45-55 years’ respondents were 10 which
belong to 25.2% of the respondents but also between 35-45 years were 19 which
belong to 36.2% of the respondents, also 25-35 years were which belong to 24.1 %
and below 25 years were 11 which belong to 11.2% of the respondent according to
the questionnaire provided.

Then the findings from the respondents shows that the organization is occupied by
people of middle age ranging 25-35 of which, they are capable and are experienced
on working. According to the analysis conducted from the respondents, sex it is very
important, as part of the study considered to avoid the bias but also any organization
should have both gender balance to ensure the performance increases as well as to
bring challenges. Then, the Female respondents were 55 of which (55/98*100)
=52.7% and also Male were 43 of which (43/98*100) =47.2% of the respondents as
the table below shows;

Also, working experience of the respondents was considered because it helped the
researcher to understand and to acquire valid information about the working
environment from the experienced workers but also because it shows how
respondents with various working period perceive working environment at the
organization. As the findings from the respondents shows that the working
experience of the workers is high as it covers 41% of the respondents.
According to the result found which were conducted through questionnaires
provided, then the researcher reveals that various issues like Gender, Age, Sex,
educational level and working experience. These were collected and analyzed from
respondents of which it expresses the possibility of the researcher to understand the
different type of respondents and their status. The figure below illustrates the
demographic characteristics as follows;

Table 4.1 Demographic information

Category Range Frequency Percentage

Gender Male 43 43.9
Female 55 56.1

Age Above 55 10 10.2

45-55 10 10.2
35-45 19 19.4
25-35 48 49
Below 25 11 11.2

Level of Education Masters 22 22.4

Degree 62 63.3
Diploma 13 13.3
Certificate 1 1

Marital Status Single 59 60.2

Married 39 39.8

Years of experience Above 15 40 41

10-15 34 34.6
5- 10 12 12.2
Below 5 12 12.2

Researcher, 2021

4.3 To identify the Influence working environment towards employee’s

This study aims at investigating the influence of working environment towards
employees’ performance. The findings are shown on the table 4.2. from the table it
reveals that more over 54 which is 55.1 percent strongly agree that working
environment influence employees’ performance. Not only that but also 29 which is
29.6 percent of the respondent agree over the Influence working environment has
towards employee’s performance. Therefore 12 which is 12.2 percent of the
respondents were neutral concerning with the influence working environment has
towards employee’s performance but also 3 which is equal 3.1 percent of the
respondents disagree that the Influence working environment towards employee’s
performance. Lastly 0 which is 0 percent of the respondents are strongly disagree
that the Influence working environment towards employee’s performance the role of
work environment is referred to be significant towards employee’s performance in
this study. The following are the responses from the selected sample on how
environment influences performance at NSSF.
Table 4.2 Influence of Working Environment

Answer mode Frequency Percentage (%)

Strongly Disagree 0 0
Disagree 3 3.1
Neutral 12 12.2
Agree 29 29.6
Strongly Agree 54 55.1
Total 98 100

4.3.2 Influence of office layout towards employee’s performance.

The study was also interested to hear from respondents on how office layout
influence employee performance. Findings are shown on table, from the table it is
reveals that, respondents who are strongly agree were 29 which is 29.6 percent of the
respondents on Influence of office layout towards employee’s performance, also 64
which is 65.3 percent of the respondents agree that office layout influence
employee’s performance, not only that but also 5 which is 5.1 percent of the
respondents are neutral that office layout influence employees performance, also 0
which is 0 percent of the respondents disagree that office layout influence employee
performance, lastly 0 which is 0 percent of the respondents strongly disagree that
office layout influence employee performance. Therefore, the findings show that
office layout is very essential in ensuring the performance of the employees as the
high number of the respondents which is 29 and 64 percent of the respondents
strongly agree and agree respectively that office layout influences employees’
performance. The table below indicate the findings as follows;
Table 4.3 Influence of office layout towards employee’s performance.

Answer Mode Frequency Percentage

Strongly Disagree 0 0
Disagree 0 0
Neutral 5 5.1
Agree 64 65.3
Strongly Agree 29 29.6
Total 98 100
Source: Researcher (2021)

4.3.3 The influence of health and safety on employees’ performance

Health and safety were also considered to be important factors towards employees’
performance in this study. Employees were strongly agreeing that health and safety
environment influence employee performance. Then 66.3% of employees strongly
agreed that health and safety environment influence employees’ performance. 20.4%
of employees agreed that health and safety environment influences employee’s
performance. While 7.1% of employees were neutral on the influence of health and
safety environment on the performance of employees. Then 3.1% of employees
disagreed that health and safety environment influence employees’ performance. The
remaining 3% of employees strongly disagreed health and safety environment
influence employee performance. Health and safe environment have impact on the
employee performance because by having a secured environment will allow
employees to get the work or job done on track, employers could be able to monitor
their employees and help them to improve their performance. The following were the
response from employees on how health and safe environment contribute to their

Table 4.4 Influence of health and safety environment on employee’s

Answer Mode Frequency Percentage

Strongly Disagree 3 3.1
Disagree 3 3.1
Neutral 7 7.1
Agree 20 20.4
Strongly Agree 65 66.3
Total 98 100

4.3.4 Influence of office facilities towards employee’s performance

This study also aimed at exploring the influence of office facilities towards
employees’ performance. Therefore, the findings are shown from the table below it
reveals that, 32 respondents which is 32.7 percent of the respondents strongly agree
that office facilities influences employees performance , however 61 which is 62.2
percent of the respondents agreed that office facilities influences employees
performance, not only that but also 0 which is 0 percent of the respondents were
neutral about office facilities influencing employees performance, also 5 which is 5.1
percent of the respondents disagree, lastly 0 which is 0 percent of the respondents
strongly disagree that office facilities influences employees performance. The
organization needs to ensure that it has all the necessary office facilities so as to
facilitated and enable employees to work in the productive manner. Because the
response is high regarding the influence of the office facilities towards employees’
performance. Therefore, the table below indicate the findings;

Table 4.5 Influence of office facilities towards employee’s performance

Answer Mode Frequency Percentage

Strongly Disagree 0 0
Disagree 5 5.1
Neutral 0 0
Agree 61 62.2
Strongly Agree 32 32.7
Total 98 100
Source: Researcher (2021)

5.0 Introduction
This chapter consists of three parts; summary, conclusion and lastly recommendation
as well as areas for further research.

5.1 Summary
The study aimed on understanding the influence of working environment towards
employee performance. This means that organization need to play the vital role so as
to ensure it retain the potential employees and also to be able to come up with the
best solution so as to avoid the employees turn over and absenteeism of employee
within an organization which may be caused by the poor working environment.

Therefore, currently organization needs to understand concerning office layout

covering their office environments. Because it is one of the key factors for ensuring
and increasing employee performance within an organization, also it play a vital role
in ensuring comfortability of the employees within an organization and as result
performance is increased. Therefore, for the organization it is necessary to ensure
that they are continuously improving their office layout and ensure it fits the needs of
their respective employees. This promotes and enhances employee performance.
Probably, for the better development of the organization and its employees then
office layout should be given the seriousness it deserves and should be a priority to
the management so as to ensure that employees performance is increased.

Apart from that, also organization should put into consideration the issue safe and
health working environment. So as to ensure employees feel secured and as part and
parcel of the organization. Although, this is considered to be one of the challenges in
many organizations to maintain safe and health working environment, which leads to
the high increase of dissatisfaction of employee concerning with the working
environment, then management should be able to ensure they create better policies
and strategies that will be useful to promotes employees’ safety and health at the
workplace of which it will the source for improving the strong relationship with their
employees and increase performance.

Furthermore, facilitation of office activities is very important in an organization with
regards to better working environment, then office facilities are integral part of
working environment and has significance influence towards employees’
performance. And with respect to the current situation of the economy and
technology effective training and development regarding the use and maintenance of
office facilities should be a priority of management in order to improve employees’
performance. Therefore, in order to promotes employee performance then
organization should consider office facilities as the source of influencing employees’
performance within an organization.

5.2 Conclusion
The study revealed that the working environment of an organization had an impact
on members as far as respondents are concerned. The study found that, the
organization needs to improve working environment so that to influence employees
to stay in the office, work comfortable and perform their job. Through this study it
revealed that employees’ performance depended much on the presence of good office
layout in the organization. This means by having a good office layout it will support
the employees to perform and facilitate productivity of the organization. It was also
found that, health and safe environment has its own important towards the
performance of the employee as far as the respondents are concerned. The study also
revealed that office facilities are important to the employees towards the facilitation
of employees’ performance, presence of office facilities and regularly training and
developing employees regarding the use of office facilities is important, because it
will improve their performance. Better working environment is essential and it
should be a priority to management so as to ensure high employees’ performance.

5.3 Recommendation
Based on the results of findings, the following are recommendations for future

Management should try as much as possible to build a work environment that

attracts, retain and motivate its employees so that to help them work comfortable and
increase organization productivity. That is taking initiatives to motivate employees

by improving work environments. As employees are motivated, their job
performance will increase, and they will achieve the desired outcomes and goals of
the job. Thus, the increasing of employers’ satisfaction.

Management should make sure that updates and renovations are made from time to
time, example update in department (office layout) when employees increase. Also,
good arrangement of files so that over time they don’t over crowd the office space.

Making sure that all equipment, tools and facilities that are there in organization that
aim to assist are well maintained. Example elevators, air conditioners (ac) being
serviced, taking out worn machines and replacing with new ones and other maintain
ace required. This will ensure that good working environment is not a temporary
thing but always available for years.

Management should make sure that availability of adjustable and flexible furniture to
all workers in order to make them more comfortable. This in the long run keeps the
employees healthy and highly motivated because the employees will be performing

Involving the staff in all matters concerning working environment. Listening to the
opinions and putting them into consideration. This will enable all employees to be
part in maintain the office facilities and also it will enable to know the changes
occurring to employees in order to create an environment conducive for them.

Participation of employees in various organization concerns. Employees should be

participated and involved in decision making process. Human resource officers
should involve employees in this issue that will affect them in the organization such
as issues of office facilities, office layout and health and safety of the working
environments. Employee involvement may reduce employee dissatisfaction and
increase performance due to fact that they participate in decision making especially
about their working environment.

Creating and maintain groups outside of the work area so that to strengthen the
relationships among the coworkers. This enable to create a safe space for the
employees that is important for mental health.

5.4 Area for further research
This study covered one organization hence the results cannot be generalized. Other
researchers can expand on this by extending the scope. Future studies can focus on
all parastatal organizations in the private sector.

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My name is Sabra Nilham Hamza, a student from Mzumbe University Mbeya
Campus pursuing Bachelor of Human Resource Management (BHRM). I am
conducting a study on assessment of the influence of working environment towards
employees’ performance. I am humbly requesting for a moment of your time to help
me answer the questions below in order to complete my study.

Be assured that all the information that you will provide will be treated with high
degree of confidentiality and will be used for the intended objective (academic



Please read each question carefully and choose the correct answer.

1. Gender of the respondent

A) Male ( )
B) Female
2. Age of respondent
A) Below 25 years
B) 25-35 years
C) 35-45 years ( )
D) 45-55 years
E) Above 55 years
3. Level of education of respondent
A) Certificate
B) Diploma
C) Bachelor degree ( )
D) Masters
4. Marital status of respondent

A) Single
B) Married ( )

5. How many years have you been working with this organization?
A) Below 5 years
B) 5-10 years
C) 10-15 years ( )
D) Above 15 years


Put a tick (√) on the option that best describe your opinion in each statement
regarding influence of working environment towards employees’ performance.

No. Statements Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
6 Working environment
influences your job
7 Presence of health and
safe work environment
influences your
8 The office layout
impacts your
9 The office facilities
available aid in your


10. Apart from health and safety, office facilities and office layout, mention other
working environment factors that are important to

11. In your opinion, what do you think can be done to make the work environment in
your organization

12. What are other factors that boost your performance at work apart working

Thank you for taking time to fill this questionnaire




1. Is the working environment at NSSF conducive?

2. What are the most important working environment factors?

3. Are you involved in making decisions on matters concerning working


4. How is the current office layout? Does the current office layout influence
your productivity?

5. Is the health and safety at NSSF enough?

6. Do you have enough office facilities at NSSF? Are the regularly repaired?

7. Do you have any recommendation on how the working environment can be

improved at NSSF?


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