G10 - WLP - w2 (Aug. 29-Sept. 2)
G10 - WLP - w2 (Aug. 29-Sept. 2)
G10 - WLP - w2 (Aug. 29-Sept. 2)
Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
National Heroes’ Day
Wednesday Trace the history of macramé and basketry. History of Macramé and Begin with classroom routine:
Explain the core concepts and principles of macramé Basketry Prayer
and basketry. Reminders
Checking of Attendance
Quick “Kumustahan”
A. Recall
-Matching Type Quiz
B. Motivation
-Show pictures of people creating
macramé and basketry products.
C. Discussion
-Interactive discussion about the history
of macramé and basketry through
question and answer.
D. Developing Mastery (Explain)
-Essay Test
E. Application and Generalization
-Crossword Puzzle
F. Evaluation
-Written Test
(What is the importance of handicrafts
to our culture?)
Thursday Explore the business opportunities in macramé. What is Macramé Begin with classroom routine:
Checking of Attendance
Quick “Kumustahan”
A. Recall
-Oral Test (regarding the pev. Lesson)
B. Motivation
-Show picture of macramé products.
C. Discussion
-Interactive discussion about the
business opportunities in macramé.
D. Developing Mastery (Explain)
-Matching Type Test
E. Application and Generalization
-How to sell macramé products.
(Dialogue to customers)
F. Evaluation
-Written Test
(What are advantages in crafting
Friday Explore the business opportunities in basketry. What is Basketry Begin with classroom routine: Directions: Interview a person, can be
Prayer your mother, father, brother,
Reminders grandparents, or your aunts and uncles
Checking of Attendance or any relative who knows how to
Quick “Kumustahan” make either Macramé or Basketry. Ask
them about their expertise in Macramé
A. Recall or Basketry. How did they learn to
-Oral Test (regarding the pev. Lesson) make it and why did they learn to make
B. Motivation it? Write their answers to each
-Show picture of macramé products. question. Below are guide questions
C. Discussion but you can also make your questions.
-Interactive discussion about the After your interview, write a reflection
business opportunities in basketry. about what you have realized during
D. Developing Mastery (Explain) the interview. Write your answer in
-Multiple Choice Test separate sheet of paper.
E. Application and Generalization
-How to sell basketry products.
(Dialogue to customers)
F. Evaluation
-Written Test
(What are advantages in crafting