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Hardware Management Information


A dissertation submitted for the Degree of Master

of Information Technology

University of Colombo School of Computing
The thesis is my original work and has not been submitted previously for a degree at this or
any other university/institute.

To the best of my knowledge it does not contain any material published or written by another
person, except as acknowledged in the text.

Student Name: A.M.S.J.Atapaththu

Registration Number: 2014/MIT/004

Index Number: 14550044


Signature: Date:

This is to certify that this thesis is based on the work of


Under my supervision. The thesis has been prepared according to the format stipulated and is
of acceptable standard.

Certified by:

Supervisor Name: Dr. Lakshman Jayarathne


Signature: Date:

As a very successful business in past 10 years in hardware industry in western province of Sri
Lanka; I.M.N.Hardware requires Information management system to fulfill their service.

The Current system is manual and use Microsoft office package for data processing. This
method is very time consuming and it make staff extra work. The staff have to document
everything in the business and it impacts the company's daily processes. Current system could
not handle large amount of data and highly inflexible, Business continuity is at risk in case of
damage to information and analysis data is very difficult.

Therefore the objective of this project was to design and develop a system that provides a
solution to solve existing issues, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the whole
processes and mitigate the risk. After carefully analyzing the requirements, a new Information
System was proposed and designed.

In this system mainly includes about the handling the products, manage the employees and
customers. At the products module include about the issuing and receiving products. For the
customers module include there details about payments & their personal information’s. After
the payment receipt will be printed through the system. And employees’ module includes their
personal details, salary details. Management can get report by this sytem.It is easily to get day
to day reports by this system.

System was implemented using Visual Studio .NET (vb.net) and MYSQL handles the database
components. The entire application could be viewed on Windows platform. Apart from the
implementation, the development practice included a proper Quality Assurance process, user
training sessions, and demonstration to improve the benefits of the system.

An information system is an imperative requirement which is directly affect customer

satisfactions and the business progress. Therefore, it is essential to establish and enforce a
proper system that will serve as a tool in utilizing processes in the most efficient manner.

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me the possibility to
complete this project. A special gratitude I give to my supervisor and coordinator,
Dr.Lakshman Jayaratne has supported and guided to carry out the project and observant during
the progress of the development of system, stimulating suggestions and encouragement.

Furthermore I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of the
staff of I.M.N. Hardware, who gave the permission to use all required documents to complete
the project.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my friends, who gives endless support and
advices during the development of this project.

Millions of thanks to my parents and beloved family. Without the continued strong support and
encouragement provided by them, especially during those difficult times of my project I may
have not reached the end of this strenuous journey.


List of Abbreviations

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet


SQL Structured Query Language

PC Personal Computer

OS Operating System

GUI Graphical User Interface

UML Unified Modeling Language

ERD Entity Relationship Diagram

Table of Contents

Table of Figures .............................................................................................................. viii

Table of Tables................................................................................................................... x
Chapter 1 - Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Nature of the business............................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background of the Organization................................................................................. 1
1.3 Overview of the current System ................................................................................. 1
1.4 Problem Statement .................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Objective of the proposed system ............................................................................... 3
1.6 Scope of the Project ................................................................................................... 3
1.7 Benefits .................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2- Background / Literature Review ......................................................................... 5
2.1 Literature Review ...................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Similar Systems ........................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Recommended Hardware Requirements ..................................................................... 7
2.4 Recommended Software Requirements ...................................................................... 7
2.5 Recommended Operating Systems ............................................................................. 7
2.6 Language Specifications ............................................................................................ 8
2.6.1 Visual Basic .NET............................................................................................... 8
2.7 Database Specification .............................................................................................. 8
2.7.1 MYSQL.............................................................................................................. 8
2.7.2 Database Engine ................................................................................................. 8
Chapter 3- Analysis and Design/ Methodology .................................................................. 11
3.1 Requirement Analysis.............................................................................................. 11
3.2 Requirement Gathering ............................................................................................ 11
3.2.1 Interviews ......................................................................................................... 12
3.2.2 Sample documents and manuals......................................................................... 12
3.2.3 Prototyping ....................................................................................................... 12
3.2.4 Questionnaires and Surveys ............................................................................... 13
3.2.5 Survey .............................................................................................................. 13
3.2.6 Observation ...................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Feasibility Study ..................................................................................................... 13

3.3.1 Technical Feasibility ......................................................................................... 14
3.3.2 Operational Feasibility ...................................................................................... 14
3.3.3 Legal Feasibility ............................................................................................... 14
3.3.4 Economic Feasibility ......................................................................................... 14
2.3.5 Schedule Feasibility .......................................................................................... 15
3.4 Non-functional requirements.................................................................................... 15
3.5 Functional Requirement........................................................................................... 18
3.6 Database Analysis: .................................................................................................. 19
3.7 Logical Database Design ......................................................................................... 19
3.8 UML Diagrams ....................................................................................................... 20
3.8.1 Use case diagrams: ............................................................................................ 21
3.8.2 ER diagrams: .................................................................................................... 23
3.8.3 Class diagrams: ................................................................................................. 24
3.9 User Interface Design .............................................................................................. 24
Chapter 4 - Implementation............................................................................................... 27
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 27
4.2 Implementation Architecture.................................................................................... 28
4.3 Development Process .............................................................................................. 28
4.3.1 Major code segments ......................................................................................... 28
4.3.2. Login ............................................................................................................... 29
4.3.3. Validation ........................................................................................................ 29
4.3.4 Database ........................................................................................................... 30
4.3 Sample reports ........................................................................................................ 31
Chapter 05 – Evaluation.................................................................................................... 33
5.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 33
5.2. Evaluation Techniques............................................................................................ 33
5.2.1 Benchmarking ................................................................................................... 33
5.2.2 Focus groups ..................................................................................................... 33
5.2.3 User feedbacks. ................................................................................................. 34
5.2.4 Database testing ................................................................................................ 34
5.2.5 Software testing ................................................................................................ 34
5.3. Procedures of testing .............................................................................................. 35
5.3.1 Unit Testing ...................................................................................................... 36

5.3.2 Integration Testing ............................................................................................ 36
5.3.3 System Testing.................................................................................................. 36
5.3.4 Black-box testing .............................................................................................. 36
5.3.5 White-box testing .............................................................................................. 36
5.3.6 Regression Testing ............................................................................................ 37
5.4. System Test Case ................................................................................................... 37
5.5. Test plan ................................................................................................................ 38
5.6 Test data ................................................................................................................. 38
5.7 Test Users ............................................................................................................... 38
Chapter 06 – Conclusion ................................................................................................... 42
6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 43
6.2 Problems Encountered and Lessons Learnt ............................................................... 43
6.3 Critical Evaluation of the Project ............................................................................. 43
6.4 Suggestions for Future Enhancements ...................................................................... 44
References ....................................................................................................................... 45
APPENDIX A - SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION .............................................................. 46
APPENDIX B - DESIGN DOCUMENTATION ............................................................... 50
APPENDIX C – USER DOCUMENTATION ................................................................... 60
APPENDIX D – TEST RESULTS .................................................................................... 67
APPENDIX E – CODE LISTING ..................................................................................... 74
APPENDIX F – EVALUATION QUESTIONNAIRS ....................................................... 77
GLOSSARY .................................................................................................................... 87

Table of Figures

Figure 1 : Use case for existing system ................................................................................ 2

Figure 2-InFlow Inventory Menu ........................................................................................ 6
Figure 3 : Database Engine ................................................................................................. 9
Figure 4 : Diagrams illustrate how the non-functional requirements can be categorized. ...... 16
Figure 5 : Use case for proposed system ............................................................................ 22
Figure 6 : ERD Diagram .................................................................................................. 23
Figure 7 : Class Diagram ................................................................................................. 24
Figure 8 : Login Interface ................................................................................................. 25
Figure 9: Add User Interface ............................................................................................. 25
Figure 10 : Main Category Interface .................................................................................. 26
Figure 11: Report dashboard ............................................................................................. 26
Figure 12: Structure of VB.Net ......................................................................................... 28
Figure 13: Encrypt & Decrepit Code ................................................................................. 29
Figure 14: Login code ....................................................................................................... 29
Figure 15-Email validation code ....................................................................................... 30
Figure 16-Phone number validation code........................................................................... 30
Figure 17-NIC number validation code.............................................................................. 30
Figure 18: Connection to MYSQL .................................................................................... 31
Figure 19-Item receive report-Full..................................................................................... 31
Figure 20-Item receve report-Item code ............................................................................. 32
Figure 21 - Download the Xampp ..................................................................................... 46
Figure 22-Xampp services ................................................................................................ 47
Figure 23-Create database ................................................................................................. 47
Figure 24-Import the sql to phpmyAdmin .......................................................................... 47
Figure 25-ODBC Configuration ........................................................................................ 48
Figure 26-Exporting the database ...................................................................................... 49
Figure 27: Administrative Use Case .................................................................................. 50
Figure 28: Login Use Case ................................................................................................ 51
Figure 29: Create user use case & narrative ....................................................................... 52
Figure 30: Reporting use case & narrative ......................................................................... 53
Figure 31: Login activity diagram ..................................................................................... 54
Figure 32 : Item issue activity diagram .............................................................................. 55

Figure 33 : Add item activity diagram ............................................................................... 56
Figure 34-Login sequence diagram ................................................................................... 57
Figure 35-Item issue sequence diagram ............................................................................. 58
Figure 36-Report view sequence diagram .......................................................................... 59
Figure 37-User login interface........................................................................................... 60
Figure 38-Home dashboard interface ................................................................................. 61
Figure 39-Main category interface..................................................................................... 62
Figure 40-Add item interface ............................................................................................ 63
Figure 41-Add new user interface ..................................................................................... 65
Figure 42-Report dashboard .............................................................................................. 66
Figure 43-Barcode generation interface ............................................................................. 66
Figure 44-Variables .......................................................................................................... 74
Figure 45-Check quantity code sample .............................................................................. 75
Figure 46-Check issue number .......................................................................................... 75
Figure 48-Barcode code sample ........................................................................................ 76
Figure 49-Get balance sample code ................................................................................... 76
Figure 50: Is the Initial interface is attractive analyze graph ............................................... 80
Figure 51-interfaces are not complicated analyze graph ..................................................... 80
Figure 52-Processes involved in the software, are not found complex analyze graph ........... 81
Figure 53-Speed of application software analyze graph ...................................................... 81
Figure 54-Message and instructions receiving from software analyze graph........................ 82
Figure 55-Response and attendance to enquiries analyze graph .......................................... 82
Figure 56-Satisfied with the whole software provided analyze graph .................................. 83
Figure 57-Satisfied with the service provided analyze graph .............................................. 83
Figure 58-Process needs within the systems of the institution are fulfilled analyze graph .... 84
Figure 59-Process are similar and find no issues within the used titles analyze graph .......... 84
Figure 60-software and manual analyze graph ................................................................... 85
Figure 61-Compatibility with other application software’s analyze graph ........................... 85
Figure 62-How often does our software freeze or crash analyze graph ................................ 86
Figure 63 - Would you recommend our software to others analyze graph ........................... 86

Table of Tables

Table 2-1 : Hardware Requirements .................................................................................... 7

Table 2-2 : Software Requirements ..................................................................................... 7
Table 2-3 : Database Engine ............................................................................................... 9
Table 3-1: Add_user table ................................................................................................. 19
Table 3-2 : Main_category table ........................................................................................ 19
Table 3-3 : Sub_category table .......................................................................................... 20
Table 3-4 : Add_item table ............................................................................................... 20
Table 4-1 : Login test case ................................................................................................ 39
Table 4-2 : Main category test case ................................................................................... 39
Table 4-3 : Item receive test case....................................................................................... 40
Table 4-4 : Item issue test case .......................................................................................... 41
Table 4-5 : Add item test case ........................................................................................... 42
Table D-1: Login module test results ................................................................................. 67
Table D-2: Main category module test results .................................................................... 68
Table D-3: Item receive module test results ....................................................................... 70
Table D-4: Item issue module test results .......................................................................... 71
Table D-5: Add item module test results ............................................................................ 72
Table F-1: Evaluation Questionnaire ................................................................................. 77

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.1. Nature of the business

Information Technology (IT) has long been viewed as having great potential for improving
decision making in Srilanka. IT has connected the world globally and is now changing our life
style and social consciousness dynamically. In all phases of the hardware industry, information
technologies are vital to the management and success of a business. Hardware systems has also
been greatly influenced by IT. Information Technology is rapidly becoming more and more
visible in society and other sections. IT refers to how we use information, how we compute
information, and how we communicate information to people. People must have computer and
information technology. To participate and make informed decisions in the industry a person
must have ability to gather, process, and manipulate data.

This chapter gives the background of the organization, background of the problem, significance
of the problem, overview of the proposed solution and the objectives target to achieve from the
proposed solution given. This chapter will also discuss about the complete overview and list
the requirements which meet the needs of the Hardware Management System.

1.2 Background of the Organization

I.M.N Hardware is located in Kurunegala and it has 5 branches in Kurunegala and
Anuradhapura districts. Thirty employees working in that hardware in different locations. All
the hardware main stock of the hardware is located in Kurunegala. After that they distribute
item for other hardware’s. They handle most of the day to day operations. They faced lots of
problems because they done all the worked manually.

1.3 Overview of the current System

Existing system is content with paper based processes. System main actors are Manager, Agent,
Operator and Super user. These levels are in the operational level but there is no facility to
control the authority level with the current system because all processes are paper base. Any
party of the organization can access the particular document without any restrictions. At present
Customer Details, Main Stock Details, Item Receive Module, Item Issue Module, Return
Module, Item Sale, have been maintained in separate registers by operator.

Figure 1 : Use case for existing system

1.4 Problem Statement

They did all work manually. They enter all the data in paper based. Due to manual
handling of work at hardware’s, it leads to wrong decision making which mainly affects
employees. Managers do not have complete and up to date information about the stocks and
items. Illegible handwriting leads to many confusion and many documents were found with
incomplete information. It results in incorrect resource allocation for the hardware’s.

Mishandling of stocks is untraceable and it has become a serious problem at present. It is
difficult to find out where the problem is occurring.

 Check the availability of the stock whenever they needed.

 They keep so many paper works for every day stock handling.
 All these procedures are time consuming is the main problem for the hardware.
 Cannot get reports.
 Traditional methods not user friendly and paper wastage.
 It is very difficult to analyze the paper works manually.
 Manual work very time consuming.
 Information was redundant and inconsistent.
 It didn’t integrated all the modules and decision making was difficult.

1.5 Objective of the proposed system

 To get accurate decisions for the management to ensure stock allocation is done
appropriately and reduces wastage whilst saving time.
 To ensure that the relevant sub hardware’s do not involve in corruption and it has
become a major concern for the hardware.
 Providing user friendly and simple services through the system.
 Aims to develop a strong information management system to handle hardware
information, stock management and employees.
 Emphasizing more security by adding user accounts with different privileges to
hardware’s and regular back up of data.
 Ensuring an informative MIS system with detailed report for different

1.6 Scope of the Project

This system includes both hardware MIS & Stock management system. In hardware MIS
mainly includes about their products, customers & employees. For the customers module
include there details about payments and their personal information’s. After the payment (cash,
cheque, credit) receipt will be printed through the system and employees’ module includes their
personal details, salary details. Finally they can get any kind of reports that they want through
the system.

In the other section of the system includes combined of both inventory part and stock
part. In the hardware they had various types of items. And they had branches. For this main,
subcategory and sections included. Then according to categories include items. Items provided
by the different suppliers. In the system can allocate different item for different suppliers. In
item receive section includes about all the receiving details according to bill numbers and items.
And also prices of the item will be maintained in this section. In the issue section all the items
issued for other hardware’s. All the issue details maintain in issue section. All the return items
maintain in return section. And also some items may be expired. Then they destroy that items.
This section also handle by this system. Some of the employees & managers should able to log
to the system and do their tasks. This should be able to category different user levels and give
Some tasks should be able to access for managers. User management & login module
handle these kind of situations. This system should be able generate any kind of reports that
they needed. Such as main stock, employees, customers,receving and also receipts that the user
want. Should be simple and user friendly for the users.

1.7 Benefits
 Eliminate data redundancy
 Increase the efficiency of the existing process
 Provide better user friendly environment

Chapter 2- Background / Literature Review

2.1 Literature Review

A literature review discusses published information in a particular subject area, and sometimes
information in a particular subject area within a certain time period. A literature review can be
just a simple summary of the sources, but it usually has an organizational pattern and combines
both summary and synthesis.
Computerization makes it easy for a company to do their internal and external works.
There are many studies and researches found in terms of implementing Hardware MIS and
stock control software. The point is that they are very common and people may find it difficult
to customize according to their business needs because of their busy life cycle. Business people
are now interested in having customized software module for their business to reduce their
work headache. Because they believe that customized solution is always becomes user friendly
as it is required very less technical knowledge to operate. Because of these reasons they only
need simple user-friendly system.

2.2 Similar Systems

There are several Hardware control systems & stock control system available in the
technology market. There also many online database system available these days. Below are
some of the top example available in the online market.

Sumelro Hardware System  This is one of the hardware’s located in kurunegala. In this
hardware there is system for control hardware items. I.M.N. hardware owner is friend of this
hardware. So I visit there and looked features of that system. In this system also include item
receive and issue modules. But there is no subsections. And user logins provide by the software
developed company. Item return module not include in this system. Not having proper
navigation user faced problems to find the interface. In this include only day to reports like
issuing and receiving.

Zoho InventoryZoho Inventory is an online application that enables to manage orders and
inventory. With multi-channel selling, shipping integrations and powerful inventory control
system. In this system can divide categories into three subcategories. Users can log to system
any place in the word and can order the products. They shipped item only for their country.
Can customized the features of this system. It is advantage for the system users. Proper

reporting module also included in this system. But it is not user friendly and not provide proper
user manual.

InFlow InventoryInFlow Inventory Software offers users and opportunity to organize every
aspect of their business by drawing information on customers, warehouse stock, pending
orders, sales, and more. InFlow is dominated by four major modules for organizing a business,
including Sales, Purchasing, Inventory, and Reports useful for most small business managers.
InFlow was designed for small to mid-sized businesses looking for a simple, easy to learn and
use solution to completely manage their inventory from purchasing to sales. The menu button
located on the top left gives you access to all important aspects of the software including sales,
purchasing, inventory, reports and settings. Access restricts right option that has access to see
or modify the different component. InFlow allows users to create different login users, each
with a different set of access rights. After selecting a product, it enables to view all the
important information related to it with the ability to make changes, other details such as the
product's vendors and movement history can be viewed by selecting the tabs. The product view
conveniently displays all the products in a list.

Figure 2-InFlow Inventory Menu

BigStoreInventory software that is designed specially to meet the requirements of small
and medium sized stores. This is only for small types of business and only include main
functions of the processes. Such and receiving and issuing [1].

2.3 Recommended Hardware Requirements
The recommended minimal server hardware specification in order to obtain the best application
Table 2-1 : Hardware Requirements

1. Intel Core i3 2.20 GHz or better

2. 1 GB RAM minimum (2GB RAM) recommended
3. 800*600 resolution; 16 bit color (1024*768, 24 bit is recommended)
4. For offline message audio is preferred, but no need. 15” monitor (17” monitor
recommended for best results)

2.4 Recommended Software Requirements

The required and recommended software application in order to implement the hardware
management system
Table 2-2 : Software Requirements

Network Layer TCP/IP

Language Specification Vb.net
Databases MySQL
Operating Systems Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8.1

2.5 Recommended Operating Systems

An operating system (OS) is software, consisting of programs and data, that runs on computers
and manages computer hardware resources and provide common services for efficient
execution of various application software [2].
 Windows XP
 Windows 7
 Windows 8
 Windows 8.1
 Windows 10

2.6 Language Specifications
2.6.1 Visual Basic .NET

Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is a multi-paradigm, object-oriented programming language,

implemented on the .NET Framework. Microsoft launched VB.NET in 2002 as the successor
to its original Visual Basic language. Although the ".NET" portion was dropped in 2005, this
article uses "Visual Basic [.NET]" to refer to all Visual Basic languages releases since 2002,
in order to distinguish between them and the classic Visual Basic. Along with Visual C#, it is
one of the two main languages targeting the .NET framework.

Microsoft's integrated development environment (IDE) for developing in Visual Basic .NET
language is Visual Studio. Most of Visual Studio editions are commercial; the only
exceptions are Visual Studio Express and Visual Studio Community, which are freeware. In
addition, .NET Framework SDK includes a freeware command-line compiler called
vbc.exe. Mono also includes a command-line VB.NET compiler. [3]

2.7 Database Specification

2.7.1 MYSQL
MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS that runs as a server providing
multi-user access to a number of databases. MySQL is officially pronounced ("My S-Q-L"),
but is often also pronounced ("My Sequel"). It is named after developer Michael Widenius
daughter, my. The SQL phrase stands for Structured Query Language. The MySQL
development project has made its source code available under the terms of the GNU General
Public License, as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements. MySQL was owned and
sponsored by a single for-profit firm, the Swedish company MySQL AB, now owned by Oracle
Corporation [4].
MySQL is a popular choice of database for use in web applications, and is a central component
of the widely used LAMP web application software stack—LAMP is an acronym for "Linux,
Apache, MySQL, and Perl/PHP/Python".

2.7.2 Database Engine

A database engine (or "storage engine") is the underlying software component that a database
management system (DBMS) uses to create, read, update and delete (CRUD) data from a
database. Most database management systems include their own Application Programming
Interface (API) that allows the user to interact with their underlying engine without going
through the user interface of the DBMS. Many of the modern DBMS supports multiple
database engines within the same database. For example, MySQL supports InnoDB as well as
MyISAM some database engines are transactional. Such as Follows:
Table 2-3 : Database Engine
Blitz DB GPL No
Falcon GPL Yes
Inno DB GPL Yes
Maria GPL No
Xtra DB GPL Yes

Figure 3 : Database Engine

InnoDB is the default storage engine for MySQL as of MySQL 5.5. It provides the standard
ACID-compliant transaction features, along with foreign key support (Declarative Referential
Integrity). It is included as standard in most binaries distributed by MySQL AB, the exception

Being some OEM versions. InnoDB became a product of Oracle Corporation after their
acquisition of Innobase Oy in October 2005. The software is dual licensed; it is distributed
under the GNU General Public License, but can also be licensed to parties wishing to combine
InnoDB in proprietary software [5].

MyISAM was the default storage engine for the MySQL relational database management
system versions prior to 5.5.It is based on the older ISAM code but has many useful extensions.
The major deficiency of MyISAM is the absence of transactions support. Versions of MySQL
5.5 and greater have switched to the InnoDB engine to ensure referential integrity constraints,
and higher concurrency.

Chapter 3- Analysis and Design/ Methodology

This chapter describes the detailed description of requirement gathering process, requirements
specification and object oriented design of the system. The requirement specification section
includes the identified functional requirements and non-functional requirements. Furthermore,
Use cases and Sequence diagrams are used to describe the functionalities of the proposed
Hardware Management solution.

3.1 Requirement Analysis

Requirement analysis plays a major role in a software development process. Initially it is done
as a necessity before the project commences. Usually requirements analysis occupies capturing
both functional and non-functional requirements. The successfulness of the project always
depends on the way of doing the requirement analysis. Requirement gathering, analyzing
requirements and recording requirements are three main activities involve in requirement

The problem analysis was done in precise manner when considered with the actual problem
domain. Requirements analysis involves frequent communication with system users to
determine specific feature expectations, resolution of conflict or ambiguity in requirements as
demanded by the various users or groups of users, avoidance of feature creep and
documentation of all aspects of the project development process from start to finish. Energy
should be directed towards ensuring that the final system or product conforms to client needs
rather than attempting to mold user expectations to fit the requirements

In here concern on requirement gathering from the client and analyzing gathered data. This is
the most important phase in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the project as
the state of affairs of the client can be evaluated here. The requirements can be defined clearly
to ensure the design and implementation success. Different kinds of tools are being used to do
the analyzing to find a solution to the expectations.

3.2 Requirement Gathering

Requirement gathering or requirement eliciting is the process of addressing the needs and
conditions of the new system. There are many fact gathering techniques available for analysis,

such as SQIRO (Sampling, Questioners, Interviews, Background Reading, Observations)
among them Observation, Interviewing and Background Readings were used in this project

3.2.1 Interviews
This is one of the best method to collect accurate information from stakeholders. Operator,
Agent and Manager had been interviewed. It was enabled to share different knowledge in
different user point of view. Main drawback in this method was limited time availability of
resource persons due to present busy environment. With the interview observed that they have
different educational backgrounds so designing system should be understandable for all users
those who use system.

With the operation officers and some of the staff initial informal discussions were carried out
and was able to get some time from their busy schedule to do the formal interview. During the
interview it was clear that they were facing more difficulties with regard handling the stock &
maintained it. Further it was clear how the whole operations taking place in this organization.
It was difficult to reach top level management personnel due to their busy schedule and was
unable to interview them.

3.2.2 Sample documents and manuals

Sampling is also a good method for gathering user requirements. This include forms, reports,
screen designs and records and also can be examined to determine the type and extent of
information. This was used as it was convenient to get the documents from the authority and
had the chance to refer their manuals as they were really in need of an automated system.

Stock books, Sales reports, Purchase orders, Goods Issuing’s and Goods Receiving had
been carefully examined to obtain proper knowledge about the manual process. Also it's
assisted to design required formats to be included in to the proposed system. Document analysis
used for thoroughly to design this system because it is very difficult to gather data from other
methods. This method is very useful for because all the transactions has been recorded. So data
is reliable when considering the other methods.
3.2.3 Prototyping
Prototyping is a relatively modern technique for gathering requirements. Using this approach
gathered preliminary requirements which should be used to build an initial version of the

solution of prototype. Created prototype was shown to the main system user and it had been
developed in advanced manner using Operator's comments. This method gave clear idea about
the new system should expect by the company.

3.2.4 Questionnaires and Surveys

Questionnaires and surveys take a different approach for interviews for the purpose of
gathering information. The focus shifts from the flexible and friendly approach provided by
interviewing to the preparation of unambiguous questions and statements for the gathering of
more precise information. Provide structure type question to user and obtain brief idea about
specific areas. These questionnaires prepared based on the educational level of the users and
these data helped to develop proper system without any out of boundary implementations.

3.2.5 Survey
Majority of information related to surveys were collected through internet. Related blogs &
forums had been referred and analyzed demo versions of existing similar systems of proposed
system to capture main valuable concepts. Above forms of methods examined thoroughly to
get a proper picture with the required system. This requirement gathering method assist to add
value addition functionalities to the system to satisfy the customer.

3.2.6 Observation
Observation is the study of users in their day to day activities and performance of assigned
tasks and duties. By observing users it was noted that process flows, awkward steps, pain points
and opportunities for improvement. Also observed the existing manual system users and
assisted to gather valuable key points to be developed.

3.3 Feasibility Study

Feasibility study is a vital process in order to find out the strengths weaknesses. Opportunities
and threats (SWOT) of a proposed system to fulfil the main. Requirements of the system. A
detailed feasibility study was carried out regarding this System, mainly focusing on the
following facts. Legal feasibility, Economic feasibility, Operational feasibility and Schedule
feasibility. Proposed system mainly considered Economic feasibility, Operational feasibility
and schedule feasibilities.

3.3.1 Technical Feasibility
This method mainly focuses on gaining an understanding of the present technical resources of
the organization and their applicability needs to be incorporated to the proposed system. It is
an evaluation of both hardware and software. Users must know how to interact with the

3.3.2 Operational Feasibility

This is an evaluation to determine whether the system is operationally acceptable. It also assess
that how well system solve the users problem and how well it’ll be useful to the end users of
the system. To ensure success, desired operational outcomes must be imparted during design
and development. The proposed systems functions were analyzed to see whether they
accomplish the Client’s requirements. User satisfaction was very important factor when
designing the system.

3.3.3 Legal Feasibility

In this system legal feasibility involves some part as it is a Private organization. There was a
process to get approved from the top level management. When it was requested it nearly took
a month as it had to go through many levels of authority. And most important factor was their
data should be secured. They signed agreement for this project. If anything happens in this
duration I must take the responsibility for those things. Any information that users have given
to the system will not be shared with anyone and stored by not violating DPA 2008.It was very
difficult task to work on it because of legal things that have in authority

3.3.4 Economic Feasibility

Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a new
system. In here analyzed the existing manual system with proposed system. In this analysis
considered the manual system time wastage of each processes, number of employee used and
their salary and costs, paper wastage as weak points. However, compared to proposed system,
it was noted that majority of drawbacks stated in the manual process could be reduced with
proposed system. Hence, proposed system would be economically viable project.
Typically involves cost benefits analysis process. There will be a cost involved with
implementing the system such as buying equipment and training the users. According to their
rules and regulations first must get the approved budget report. Since they have already got

approval for their budget includes these functionalities. Economic feasibility considers the

 The cost to conduct a full system investigation.

 The cost of hardware and software for the class of application.
 The benefits in the form of reduced cost or fewer costly errors
 The cost if nothing changes (i.e. the proposed system is not developed )

The proposed system is economically feasible because

 The system requires very less time factors.

 The system will provide fast and efficient automated environment instead of slow and
error prone manual system, thus reducing both time and man power spent in running
the system
 The system will have GUI interface and very less user-training is required to learn it.
 The system will provide service to view various information for proper examination
decision making

2.3.5 Schedule Feasibility

A project will fail if it takes too long to be completed before it is useful. Typically this means
estimating how long the system will take to develop, and if it can be completed in a given time
period using some methods like payback period. Schedule feasibility is a measure of how
reasonable the project timetable is.

3.4 Non-functional requirements

Non-functional requirements are often called qualities of a system. It is a requirement that
specifies criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific
behaviors. Followings are Nonfunctional requirements of the system.

Figure 4 : Diagrams illustrate how the non-functional requirements can be categorized.

Process requirements
Process requirements are constraints placed upon the development process of the
system. Process requirements include: Requirements on development standards and
methods which must be followed CASE tools which should be used the management
reports which must be provided a disaster recovery plan for the system development
must be specified

Product Requirement
Specify the desired characteristics that a system or subsystem must possess.

External Requirement
External requirements are the one which Derived from the environment in which the
system is developed.
 The need for the system to work with other systems
 Health and safety or data protection regulations

Easy System Accessibility to the authorized parties’ while was ensuring that data is
protected from unauthorized access. The system shall include a user authorization

procedure where users must identify themselves using a login name and password. Only
users who are authorized in this way may access the system data.

The application also needs to be available all 24/7. If there is a down time and if it’s
planned down time that needs to be informed early, so that the hassles and
inconveniences will be minimized. If it’s an unplanned one the down time needs to be
minimum and needs to be speedily up.

Performance and Efficiency

System needs to responds quickly for the requests made by the user. User cannot wait
for the systems to respond, the data must be ready available no sooner the request made.
Because this is a system which used by the users when the patient is in front or may be
online via the phone. The information requests from the systems needs to be readily
accessible at a single click.

The current system is a total manual system, hence working with computers are not
going to be easy for all the users. There for if the system is complex, People who are
not very confident in handling computer will find difficult. Also the system needs to be
developed in such a way that user should be able to use this system for users
convenience and to improve their productivity and serve the patient effectively and
provide the better service.

Stock details, personal information, account details is a very confidential hence Author
have a high responsibility of maintaining the security and to make sure that the
information is not passes to the third part personals.

Risk Management
Managing risks is an important part of the project. It is important to establish procedures
to ensure that the system is up all throughout the time. Hence monitor, and manage
internal and external risks throughout a project’s life cycle. Internal risks include items

changing functional requirements, unexpected personnel changes or inaccurate
development assumptions and work flow challenges, process changes.

3.5 Functional Requirement

In software engineering, a functional requirement defines a function of a software system or its
component. A function is described as a set of inputs, the behavior, and outputs. Functional
requirements may be calculations, technical details, data manipulation and processing and other
specific functionality that define what a system is supposed to accomplish. Behavioral
requirements describing all the cases where the system uses the functional requirements are
captured in use cases. Followings are the functional requirements of the new system.

 Login system(Access control)

o This is the one of the main part of the system. Admin gives the usernames and
passwords for the sections. Sections can access their area only. Management
had the fully access privileges for the system. They can do modifications to the
system. The system will limit access to authorized users. It improves the high
security of the system.
 Issuing items
o In this section items will be issued.
 Information storing and retrieving
o All the information stored in a database. Through the database can retrieving
whatever the data that user needs.
 Reporting system
o Management must need summarized and up to date details for proper decision
making process. System provides most of the reports that management wants
for day to day operations.
 Searching
o This will be a user friendly function and filters the details according to what
user wants. Can search details according to sections.

3.6 Database Analysis:
Database design is an important place in designing a system. During this phase care should be
taken to avoid redundancy of information storing into a database, since it leads to wastage of
memory space. Database should properly analyzed for the project.

3.7 Logical Database Design

Table Name: add_user
This table stores the user information’s of the system

Table 3-1-Add_user table

Table Name: main_category

This table stores the main categories of the hardware
Table 3-2 : Main_category table

Table Name: sub_category

This table stores the sub category information’s according to the main category

Table 3-3 : Sub_category table

Table Name: add_item

This table stores the items of the hardware
Table 3-4 : Add_item table

3.8 UML Diagrams

Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a standardized, general-purpose modelling language in
the field of software engineering. The Unified Modelling Language includes a set of graphic
notation techniques to create visual models of object-oriented software-intensive systems.
Object Oriented Designing (OOD) is a method that uses objects to develop a system. Each
object interacts with each other and they have their own states and operations. UML is one of
the most popular methods used in order to develop systems with OOD concept. There are some
object models defined by UML. The following object models were used for the designing
process of the system. The UML defines nine graphical diagrams:

1. Class Diagram
2. Object Diagram

3. Use-Case Diagram
4. Sequence Diagram
5. Collaboration Diagram
6. State chart Diagram
7. Activity Diagram
8. Component Diagram
9. Deployment Diagram

3.8.1 Use case diagrams:

The Use case diagram is used to define the core elements and processes that make up a system.
The key elements are termed as "actors" and the processes are called "use cases." The Use case
diagram shows which actors interact with each use case. The requirements are further described
below with aid of use cases for ease of understanding the main functions of the System. Use
cases could be clarified furthermore by their use case scenarios

Figure 5 : Use case for proposed system

3.8.2 ER diagrams:
An Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram is a type of flowchart that illustrates how “entities” such
as people, objects or concepts relate to each other within a system

Figure 6 : ERD Diagram

3.8.3 Class diagrams:

Figure 7 : Class Diagram

Other diagrams were shown in APPENDIX (B)

3.9 User Interface Design

Possibility of user error occurrences is considerably high in the absence of a good user interface
design. Because of this good user interface design is vital to the success of a system. Most of
the application system users are interested in using graphical user interfaces because of the
following advantages.
 Fast and immediate accessibility to anywhere on the screen
 Easy to learn and handle
 Facility of using multiple screen (Windows)
Below mentioned some of the interfaces in Hardware MIS,

Login Interface

Figure 8 : Login Interface

Add User Interface

Figure 9: Add User Interface

Main Category Interface

Figure 10 : Main Category Interface

Report Dashboard

Figure 11: Report dashboard

Chapter 4 - Implementation

4.1 Introduction

This chapter is focused about the actual implementation process of the proposed system, which
is the conversion of the design to a set of programs. A good implementation can reap vast
rewards in organizational strengths and efficiencies. This chapter describes the activities
carried out during the development of the Hardware management system and it will explain
how implemented environment, Reusable codes and Development tools were integrated
effectively as per the System Design.

The .NET Framework is the technology introduced by Microsoft that provides support for easy
design, development, and deployment of computer applications. Its major design goal is to ease
the development of Internet applications and distributed applications development. The .NET
Framework includes the .NET Framework Class Library (FCL), a framework that can be used
for the creation of system tools and application packages. Some of the main features of vb.net
are listed below.

 Simple

Vb.net is very easy to learn it has built in memory management

 Modern

Vb.net has been based according to the current trend and is very powerful and simple for
building interoperable, scalable, robust applications

 Object oriented

Vb.net supports Data Encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, interfaces

 Scalable

.NET has introduced assemblies, which are self-describing by means of their manifest.
Assemblies need not to be register anywhere

4.2 Implementation Architecture
The system was developed using 3- tier architecture. This is a client-server architecture in
which the functional process logic, data access, computer data storage and user interface are
developed and maintained as independent modules on divided platforms. Three-tier
architecture is a software design pattern and well-established software architecture. Its three
tiers are the Presentation Layer, Business Logic Layer and Data Access Layer.

4.3 Development Process

Development started by first defining classes related to each of the layer in the layered
architecture described in Chapter 4. It was decided to use some of the new technologies that
27 relationships with Visual Studios 2012 and free reusable components in the implementation
stage of the program. The first step of the development process was to identify the conventions
that should be used when coding. It was decided to use namespaces to logically group similar

4.3.1 Major code segments

Cording of the proposed system was done using Visual Studio 2012. In below included the
some major code segments of the system.

Figure 12: Structure of VB.Net

4.3.2. Login

When implementing the Login functionality, it was decided to provide maximum security
possible by using password encryption and preventing multiple logins. The function for
password encryption and decryption is implemented as follows.

Figure 13: Encrypt & Decrepit Code

Figure 14: Login code

4.3.3. Validation

In the below code segments used to validate the system.

Public Function validateEmail(emailAddress) As Boolean
Dim email As New Regex("\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*")
If email.IsMatch(emailAddress) Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function

Figure 15-Email validation code

Public Shared Function CheckPhoneNumber(ByVal strPhoneNumber As String) As Boolean

Dim MatchPhoneNumberPattern As String = "^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-.
If strPhoneNumber IsNot Nothing Then
Return Regex.IsMatch(strPhoneNumber, MatchPhoneNumberPattern)
Return False
End If
End Function

Figure 16-Phone number validation code

Public Function validateNIC(nicnumber) As Boolean

Dim nic As New Regex("^[0-9]{9}[vVxX]$")
If nic.IsMatch(nicnumber) Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function

Figure 17-NIC number validation code

Some other sample coding include in APPENDIX (E)

4.3.4 Database

This is very important code segment this code used for connect the MySQL database. And
using transactions queries for efficiency system.

Figure 18: Connection to MYSQL

4.3 Sample reports

Reports is very import section of the system. All the top level management uses this report
for decision making process.

Figure 19-Item receive report-Full

Figure 20-Item receve report-Item code

Chapter 05 – Evaluation

5.1. Introduction
Evaluation is a systematic determination of a subject's merit, worth and significance, using
criteria governed by a set of standards. It can assist an organization, program, project or any
other intervention or initiative to assess any aim, realizable concept/proposal, or any
alternative, to help in decision-making; or to ascertain the degree of achievement or value in
regard to the aim and objectives and results of any such action that has been completed. The
primary purpose of evaluation, in addition to gaining insight into prior or existing initiatives,
is to enable reflection and assist in the identification of future change. Evaluation is often used
to characterize and appraise subjects of interest in a wide range of human enterprises, including
the arts, criminal justice, foundations, organizations, government, health care, and other human

5.2. Evaluation Techniques

There were various types of evaluation techniques used to evaluate the software. Some of the
main methods listed below,

 Benchmarking.
 Testing.
 Interviews.
 Focus groups.
 Inspection.
 Walkthroughs.
 User feedbacks.

5.2.1 Benchmarking

Benchmarking is the process of comparing your performance to that of other leading

organizations, groups or communities. Typically it involves the use of specific measures that
give an 'apples to apples' comparison, and is often used as a longitudinal measure of change.

5.2.2 Focus groups

A focus group is a structured discussion with pre-selected individuals intended to collect

information or gauge opinion on a specific issue or idea. The group is led by an impartial

facilitator in a non-threatening environment. In community development, focus groups provide
a deliberative venue for learning, trust-building, creative problem solving, and ultimately serve
as a way for citizens to influence strategic community planning and development.

5.2.3 User feedbacks.

This is also an important part of the evaluation. It can take the form of freeform text comments
and also it is about what user feels about the system. User feedback questioner and evaluation
results mentioned on APPENDIX (F).

5.2.4 Database testing

All the information is stored in the database according to categories and may not deal with the
same type of data. It is very important part of the system. Because of the data is lost or any
corruption occurred whole operation will be failed. All the database fully normalized and
include the primary keys and foreign keys. Usually SQL queries are used to develop the tests.
Ex. Select * from employee where emp_id=”001”. Data that were violating the constraints
were also tested for insertion, to test the effectiveness of the constraints. Security level should
be improved in the database. This system is installed into three machines and use navicat
software and locked using password. If we need to do any changes in the database password is

5.2.5 Software testing

How to get test data

For the proper testing it is very important to get test data correctly because the users may enter
data in different ways so to make proper discipline in data entry and to catch errors proper
sample data need to be chosen. I.M.N. hardware provides sample documents to be used as the
test data. After deliver the system they use the same data for the system. Because of it, we can
easily identify the bugs of the system.

Although there were different types of Evaluation techniques Testing and User feedbacks used
for this project. Because of the strict time period and busy time schedule in the hardware.
Results of this techniques include in the appendix.

5.3. Procedures of testing
A proper system testing should be carried out to evaluate the system and it helps to see and
understand its compatibility as a solution for the problem domain. Software testing is most
often done and at this phases working with executable system components. The test results
developer to identify and minimize errors (software bugs) in the system during the development
itself. Using the Iterative RUP software development life cycle made it possible to test the

Quality and the reliability of the system is another key factor in making the application a
success. Since users do not like to access to the applications which causes invalid or inaccurate
results. Few methods of testing were applied throughout the duration of this project to ensure
the quality of the application and to detect the introduction of regressions in the source code
during the development process.

Testing was another most important part of the project. Some Testing processes were carried
out throughout the project. Testing was based on main two categories,

Validation and Verification.

Validation - Check whether the system meets its customer requirements.

Verification - Check whether system meets its all functional requirements.

Testing was improved the system’s quality. This was a critical phase of the Software life cycle.
Therefore testing must be done throughout the project life cycle .Following testing types were
used in this system.

 Unit Testing
 Integration Testing
 System Testing
 Black-box testing
 White-box testing
 Regression Testing
 Acceptance testing

5.3.1 Unit Testing

Unit testing was done while implementing the project. This is done for individual units.

E.g.: Login module was tested with three types of cases.

1. Username and password was provided and it logged in to the system.

2. When the username was entered correctly and password was wrong, it failed to log
in and showed an error message.

3. When both of these fields were provided incorrectly, it failed to log in to the system.

5.3.2 Integration Testing

Integration Testing is carried out after the separate software modules have been unit testing.
Integration testing is based on the functional specification of the software. E.g. When provided
the correct credentials to the login module, it logged to the administration module.

5.3.3 System Testing

System testing is carried out at the completion of the integration testing. The purpose of system
testing is to prove that the software meets the agreed user requirements and works in the target
environment. System testing covers both functional and non-functional requirements.

E.g.: By logging into the system and routing through different processes the whole system
was tested.

5.3.4 Black-box testing

This type of testing is done without testing its internal structure. Testing is done only to see
whether it meets desired outputs.

5.3.5 White-box testing

This is done to test the systems internal structure. This is also called Glass box testing.

5.3.6 Regression Testing

This is done after changes are made to a system application. This test is to prove that the
change has been made correctly and that change has not introduced any new errors.

5.3.7 Acceptance testing

Acceptance tests are black box system tests. Each acceptance test represents some expected
result from the system. Customers responsible for verifying the correctness of the acceptance

5.4. System Test Case

Test case is an outline which tests a feature or set of features. It provides developer a systematic
approach for testing. Therefore it will ensure the completeness of test and provide the highest
likelihood for uncovering errors in the software. Test case consist of:

 Test data
 Expected results
 Purpose of having the particular test data.

For the functions and procedures a unit testing is carried out first when coding the system. The
behaviour is intended by the unit test. The units of codes are tested and it is called a code level
testing. To test the modules of the system an integration testing is processed. When using
different kinds of implementation technologies this is a must to ensure the proper working of
all the integrated components for the relevant outcome. The whole system has been tested after
the unit testing and integration testing to guarantee the standard of the system using an
environment similar to the environment where the system is going to practically used. A
customer confirmation is obtained by a user acceptance testing after the completion of the
system. It ensures the requirements are fulfilled by the developed system.

5.5. Test plan

Test plan is a document containing the detailed systematic approach to test a system. It basically
consists of the details of how the system will be in final workflow. To get a proper outcome
from the testing procedure a test plan is created before the implementation of the system
covering all types of phases. Entire testing process is guided by the Test plan and also test cases
are designed to execute that feature with possible inputs and outputs.

It has logically three major component,

 Database testing.
 Software testing.
 Collective system (both database & software) testing.

5.6 Test data

Test data is actually the input given to a software program. In order to test a software
application need to enter some data for testing most of the features. Some test data is used to
confirm the expected result, i.e. when test data is entered the expected result should come and
some test data is used to verify the software behaviour to invalid input data. For the system
entered test data provide by the hardware and input sample data for the system. They provide
forms that they collected from the employees.

5.7 Test Users

For the success of the testing it is important to select test users. At the beginning users involve
in testing to find out system is user friendly and the language is useful to them. Some employees
were selected who had good IT knowledge and tested the admin components discussed the
results with the manager. Other management module were also tested because top level
management couldn’t involve in this process.

Login Module
Table 4-1 : Login test case

Test Test Description Steps to test Expected Output


1 Validate the account statues Enter correct username Go to dashboard

and password

2 Validate the user input details Enter invalid Display error

username, password & message

3 Validate the user input details Empty username & Display error
password message

4 Validate the user input details Enter only username Display error

5 Validate the user input details Enter only password Display error

6 Validate the user input details Enter pressing ‘Enter’ Go to dashboard


Main Category Module

Table 4-2 : Main category test case

Test Test Description Steps to test Expected Output


1 Save the category details Without filling all the Display error
require fields message

2 Save the category details filling all the require Successfully Save
fields with message &
display in the table

3 Save the category details Enter same category Display error

again message

4 Update the category details Click the main Successfully Update

category in the table with message &
that want update. display in the table

5 Delete the category details Click the main Successfully Delete

category in the table with message
that want delete.

6 Delete the category details Delete the main Display error

category that entered message
the sub category.

Item Receive Module

Table 4-3 : Item receive test case

Test Test Description Steps to test Expected Output


1 Save the receive items Enter some of the Display error

require fields message

2 Save the received items filling all the require Successfully Save
fields with message &
display in the table

3 Update the category details Click the record in the Successfully Update
table that want update. with message &
display in the table

4 Edit main category, sub Click main category, Couldn’t edit the
category & item details subcategory and try to details

5 Display items according to Click the main Display the items in

main & sub categories category & sub the grid.

6 Delete the receive details Click the row in the Successfully Delete
table that want delete. with message

Item Issue Module

Table 4-4 : Item issue test case

Test Test Description Steps to test Expected Output


1 Issue the received items Enter some of the Display error

require fields and issue message

2 Issue the received items Filling all the require Successfully Save
fields with message &
display in the table

3 Issue the received items Click the record in the Successfully Update
table that want update. with message &
display in the table

4 Issue the same issue number Enter same issue Display error
number & click enter message

5 Issue the quantity more than in Click the main Display the items in
the main stock category & sub the grid.

6 Remove the issue item Click the row in the Successfully Delete
table that want delete. with message

Add Item Module

Table 4-5 : Add item test case

Test Test Description Steps to test Expected Output


1 Save the items Enter some of the Display error

require fields and save message

2 Save the items Filling all the require Successfully Save

fields with message &
display according to
sub category in the

3 Enter same item again Enter same item and Display error
save message

4 Delete items Select data from table Successfully delete

and enter value that with message
need to delete

5 Delete items Select data from table Display error

where already issued message

Test Results
The tested results for the cases give above are attached in the Appendix (D).

Chapter 06 – Conclusion

6.1 Introduction
A critical evaluation for the final system is included in this chapter with the suggestions for
future enhancements and descriptions of lessons learnt. A detailed check list is also intended
to be presented in this chapter in order to prove that the expected requirements of the client
have been successfully fulfilled.

6.2 Problems Encountered and Lessons Learnt

 Had to visit the place of the customer sometimes, to clarify some unclear requirements.
 Had to do some major changes in the database and ER because of the client’s
 Lack of experience in developing system because of non IT person.
 Some rules and regulations of the hardware.

Above mentioned about the problems encountered while working with the system

Learning a new language was a lesson experienced in the project which allows getting
extensive knowledge of the vb.net language. Project planning is another lesson, before the start
of the project a feasible project plan was developed. A step by stem approach was taken in
developing the system. The experience of the Stressful work load is another example of a
lesson, in the industry a developer always needs to meet various deadliness want work
according to strict schedules. It was a challenge to develop a system within a limited time
period and with busy office work. The experience of writing a formal project dissertation was
another lesson leant in this project. The experience gained in that process was an
encouragement to develop a system methodologically and with own efforts.

6.3 Critical Evaluation of the Project

In this topic is mainly focus about comparison about the selected similar systems and
developed hardware system.

Mostly most of the sections include in the systems were similar. But there are some kind of
features include in this system. Mostly most of the similar systems not user friendly. User
couldn’t understand what should do it. Some interfaces were very complex and not consistence.

Barcode system not provide in the some similar systems. One of the similar systems have print
all the barcode at once. But in this system they should print it one by one. But they can print
any number of barcodes in this system.

And also in this system has customer and employee information’s sections. Can divide sections
and users can add to different sections. Anyone who don’t have prior computer knowledge can
use this system.

Customize report is another feature include in this system. And also can get reports by any type
of charts. Top level management can easily get decisions according to reports.

6.4 Suggestions for Future Enhancements

When the system was developed and submitted for the client’s approval, the client was really
satisfied and requested few more additional features to be added to the system. However, at the
moment, it is hard to develop those features and deliver them, since it would creep its scope of
project and creeping the project schedule too.

System running on a standalone PC will not fulfill this requirement so that Web Based
Application will be introduced. So other sub branches of the hardware can access it. Everyone
will be able to access the system under the terms and conditions through the Internet. This will
ease the work of the staff and save time of the users. Introduced system has been developed
with the possibility of any expansions such as adding more functions to the system much easily.


[1]. Top Inventory Management Software Products. [Online].Available:


[2]. Popa, Bogdan (2014, Apr.) Microsoft introduced an operating environment named
Windows on November 20, 1985 as a graphical operating system. [Online].Available:


[3]. Krill, Paul (2014, Apr.) Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is a multi-paradigm, object-
oriented programming language, implemented on the .NET Framework [Online].Available:

[4]. Oracle. (2014, Apr) MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS),
MySQL databases or manage data contained within the databases. [Online].Available:

[5]. Oracle. (2014, Apr) MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual: 14 the InnoDB Storage Engine: 14.1
Introductions to InnoDB 1.1. [Online].Available:

[6]. Oracle. (2014, Mar.) MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual: 14 Storage Engines: 14.1 the
MyISAM Storage Engine. [Online].Available:

[7]. Oracle. (2014, Mar.) MySQL 3.23, 4.0, 4.1 Reference Manual: 13 Storage Engines:
13.10 the ISAM Storage Engine. [Online].Available:

[8]. "2. What Is Evaluation?". International Center for Alcohol Policies - Analysis. Balance.
Partnership. International Center for Alcohol Policies. Retrieved 13
May 2012.[Online].Available:


This document explains, the guidelines to be followed when installing the Hardware
Management System. This also includes the minimum hardware and software requirements to
operate the system. This document is helpful in the initial stages and latter stages, when
extensions are added to the system.

The above mentioned installation processes could be completed according to the following

1. Installation of Xampp

Download the Xampp server from the below link and download it.


Figure 21 - Download the Xampp

Start the services of Xampp

Figure 22-Xampp services
Go to phpmyAdmin and crate the database and import the .sql file in the CD include the db.

Figure 23-Create database

Figure 24-Import the sql to phpmyAdmin

2. Installation of ODBC Driver

 Go to the Control Panel, select “System and Security”. Then select

“Administrative Tools”. Under “Administrative Tools”, double-click on
“Data Sources (ODBC)” to open the ODBC Data Source Administrator. Select System
DSN tab and Click “Add” button.

 If the installation is doing on a server machine, select SQL Server as the Data Source.
If it is a client machine, SQL Server Native Client as the Data Source. The ODBC Data
Source Administrator window is represented in Figure A.3.

Figure 25-ODBC Configuration

 Specify a name and select the appropriate server.

 Once you have finished configuring your data source, you should see your new DSN
(Data Source Name) in the list shown in the ODBC Data Source Administrator
“System DSN” tab.

3. Installation of SAP Crystal Report version for Visual Studio 2012

 Run “Setup.exe” from the SAP Crystal Report version for Visual Studio 2010
 Select a language for the setup application.
 Accept the license agreement in the “License Agreement” dialog. Click

 The “Start Installation” Dialog will appear. Then click “Next”

 Click “Finish” to complete the installation process.

4. Database Backup

 Go to phpmyAdmin and go to export tab

 Then select the database and click Go button

Figure 26-Exporting the database

5. System Setup

 Run the “HMIS setup” inside the CD - ROM.

 Finally click finish of the setup.
 Double click the icon on the desktop and run the system


B.1 Use Case Diagram

Administrative use case

Figure 27: Administrative Use Case

Login use case

Use-Case User Login

Actor System Administrator, Normal Users, Manager


Users can log to system by providing correct usernames & passwords.


The users should register with the system.

Flow of events

1. User enters the username and password

2. System does authentication
3. Main screen is displayed

Post conditions
Users able to log to system

Figure 28: Login Use Case

Create user use case

Use-Case Create User

Actor Admin, Manager

Creating users for log to system and do their tasks through the system

Users must work with the system

Flow of events

1. Log to system
2. Provide username & passwords
3. Create user accounts
4. Provide user accounts for users
Post conditions

User log in to the system

Figure 29: Create user use case & narrative

Reporting use case

Use-Case Reporting
Actor Admin, Manager

Check the reports of the system


Users must include all the details of stocks

Flow of events

1.Go to report section

2. Click the report that needs.
3.Check the report

Post conditions
Must get all the reports that top level management’s needs.

Figure 30: Reporting use case & narrative

B.2 Activity Diagram

User Login Activity Diagram

Following activity diagram shows about the user login

Figure 31: Login activity diagram

Item issue Activity Diagram

Following activity diagram shows about the user login

Figure 32 : Item issue activity diagram

Add Item Activity Diagram

Following activity diagram shows about the user login

Figure 33 : Add item activity diagram

B.3 Sequence Diagram

Login Sequence Diagram

Following sequence diagram shows about the user login

Figure 34-Login sequence diagram

Item issue Sequence Diagram
Following sequence diagram shows about the item issue

Figure 35-Item issue sequence diagram

Report view Sequence Diagram
Following sequence diagram shows about the report generating of the system

Figure 36-Report view sequence diagram


User manual

User login

First you should login to the by providing correct username and password. If you 1st time log
to the system enter the username and password in the CD.

Figure 37-User login interface

Home page

If you enter correct username and password then display the home page.

There are various menu items listed inside each categorized functional section of the
“Home Page”

Figure 38-Home dashboard interface
Categorized Functional Sections

Main category – Can manage main categories in this section

Sub Category- Can enter sub categories according to main categories.

Add Item- You add the item in this section

Item Receive – When item received to the main stock include here

Item Issue- Item issued by in this section

Item Return- Item return by this section

Report- All the reports include in this section

Usage of Functional Section Menu Items

Main category

Can enter main categories of the hardware. Mainly use items in the hardware is enter in this

 Enter the main category name and click “Save” button.

 All the saved details display in the table.

 When clicking the items on the table can update, delete main category.
 By clicking “Clear” button can clear the textboxes.

Figure 39-Main category interface

Sub Category

According to previously enter main categories can enter sub categories.

 Select the main category & then enter the subcategory according to main category.
 All the saved details display in the table.
 When clicking the items on the table can update, delete sub category.

Add Item

In this section can add the items that have in the hardware.

 Select the main category & subcategory.

 All the saved details display in the table.
 Enter the item code and press “Enter” button. If item already entered it will display the
error message.
 Then enter measurement & re-order level and save the items.

Figure 40-Add item interface

All the sections that have in the hardware can enter in this section.

 Enter the section name & click “Save” button.


The suppliers that provide items to the hardware can register their details in this section.

 Enter the supplier name, email, address & telephone number.

 When clicking the items on the table can update, delete sub category.
 By clicking “Add Item” can enter items according to the suppliers.
 Select the details from the tables and click the “Save” button.

Item Receive

All the items received from the suppliers can enter in this section.

 When form loading all the fields disabled.

 Click the “New Bill” button.
 Enter date, bill no, order number & select the supplier.
 Select man and sub category. Then display the table according that select the item code
and item name.
 Then enter item information & quantity. Available quantity at the main stock will
display the in front of the textbox.
 Enter the other information and click “Save” button.

 If click “Complete Bill” you cannot enter the same bill number again.

Item Issue

All the received items issued by this section

 Enter issue number and click “Enter”.

 If issue number already entered display the error message.
 Select the date, section, main category & subcategory.
 Display the received item on the table and then click the item want to issue.
 Then display the balance of the item. If issued quantity is more than the balance quantity
then display the error message.
 Then click the “issue” button.
 If click the “Complete” button you couldn’t issue the same issue number again.
 You can removed the issue items by clicking the items in the table.

Item Return

After issue the items you can return items by this section.

 Enter return number and click “Enter”.

 If return number already entered display the error message.
 Select the date & section. According to that display the issued item on the table.
 Then click the “return” button.
 If click the “Complete” button you couldn’t return the same return number again.
 You couldn’t remove the return items.
 So carefully return the items.

Item Depreciate

After some years items are depreciate. You can depreciate items by this section.

 Enter dip number and click “Enter”.

 If dip number already entered display the error message.
 Select the date & enter reason. According to main category display the issued item on
the table.
 Then enter other details.

 Then click the “Depreciate” button.
 You couldn’t remove the Depreciate items.
 So carefully depreciate the items.

Add New User

First you should log to the system by enter the username and password that provide in the CD.

 Select the section & user level.

Figure 41-Add new user interface

 Then enter username, password & reenter the password.
 Then click the “Save” button.


In this section include the all the reports that requested to be want.

 First click the “Report” section.

 Then display the report dashboard.

 You can select whatever report by clicking the relevant report. Ex: issue report, receive
report etc.

Figure 42-Report dashboard


 Select the items from the table or enter item code.

 Then click the button”Genarate”.
 Barcodes generate in “F” drive “barcode” folder.

Figure 43-Barcode generation interface


Login Module
Table D-1: Login module test results

Test Results Comments

1 Succfully log to

2 Enter invalid
password &

3 Empty username
& password

4 Enter only

5 Enter only

6 Enter pressing
‘Enter’ key

Main Category Module

Table D-2: Main category module test results

Tes Results Comment

t s

1 Without
filling all
the require

2 filling all
the require

3 Enter same

4 Click the
category in
the table
that want

5 Click the
category in
the table
that want

6 Delete the
entered the

Item Receive Module
Table D-3: Item receive module test results

Tes Results Comments


1 Enter some
of the

2 filling all
the require

3 Click main

y and try to

4 Display items according to main & sub categories Click the

category &

5 Delete the receive details Click the

row in the
table that

Item Issue Module

Table D-4: Item issue module test results

Tes Results Comment

t s

1 Issue the received items Enter some

of the
fields and

2 Filling all
the require

3 Issue the received items Click the
record in
the table
that want

4 Enter same
number &
click enter

5 Issue the quantity more than in the main stock Click the
category &

6 Remove the issue item Click the

row in the
table that

Add Item Module

Table D-5: Add item module test results

Test Results Comments

1 Enter some
of the

fields and

2 Filling all
the require

3 Enter same
item and

4 Select data
from table
and enter
value that
need to

5 Delete items Select data

from table
issued item


This document contains important code fragments of the HMIS.

Define the variables of the vb.net as module

Module Variable
Public d_conn As MySqlConnection
Public d_cmd As MySqlCommand
Public d_conn1 As MySqlConnection
Public d_cmd1 As MySqlCommand
Public d_reader As MySqlDataReader
Public d_adapt As MySqlDataAdapter
Public ds As DataSet
Public dt As DataTable
Public i As Integer
Public dataset As DataSet
Public Sql As String
Public txtAddress As TextBox
Public Zipcode As Integer = 0
Public Adding, Editing As Boolean
Public Products As Integer = 0
Public Employees As Integer = 0
Public Search As Integer = 0
End Module

Figure 44-Variables

This code segment is used to check the issue number already entered to the system.

Public Sub CheckIssue()

d_adapt = New MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT issue_no FROM `issued_no` WHERE
issue_no ='" & txtIssueNo.Text & "'", d_conn)
ds = New DataSet
d_adapt.Fill(ds, "search")
If (ds.Tables("search").Rows.Count > 0) Then
MessageBox.Show("Issue Already Entered !!!!", "Process Error",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
'"Process Completed", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
btnIteamIssue.Enabled = False
btnAddByIteam.Enabled = False
cmbComIssue.Enabled = False

cmbReMc.Enabled = True
cmbReSc.Enabled = True
cmbIssIteam.Enabled = True
txtIssuQuan.Enabled = True
End If

This code segment is used to check the quantity of the item when issuing the items .

Private Sub txtIssuQuan_KeyPress(sender As Object, e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles

'btnIteamIssue.Enabled = True
' btnAddByIteam.Enabled = True
If e.KeyChar = Convert.ToChar(13) Then
btnIteamIssue.Enabled = True
'lblIssuCode.Text = txtIssuQuan.Text
d_adapt = New MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT main_stock.quantity FROM
`main_stock` WHERE main_stock.iteam_code = '" & txtSupCo.Text & "' HAVING quantity
>='" & lblBalance.Text & "'", d_conn)
ds = New DataSet
d_adapt.Fill(ds, "search")
If (ds.Tables("search").Rows.Count > 0) Then
'If lblQuan.Text <= lblBala.Text Then
'MessageBox.Show("Stock is Not Enough", "Invalid",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
Dim balance As Integer
Dim quantity As Integer
balance = lblBalance.Text
quantity = lblQuantity.Text
If balance >= quantity Then
lblTotal.Text = balance - quantity
MessageBox.Show("Stock is Not Enough", "Invalid",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
btnIteamIssue.Enabled = False
btnAddByIteam.Enabled = False
End If
End If

End If

End Sub

Figure 45-Check quantity code sample

This code segment is used to check the issue number already entered to the system .

Private Sub DataGridViewIssuedList_CellClick(sender As Object, e As

DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridViewIssuedList.CellClick
Dim i As Integer
i = DataGridViewIssuedList.CurrentRow.Index
txtSupCo.Text = DataGridViewIssuedList.Item(1, i).Value
txtIssuQuan.Text = DataGridViewIssuedList.Item(2, i).Value
lblHideIssu.Text = DataGridViewIssuedList.Item(3, i).Value
lblMainStockQuan.Text = DataGridViewIssuedList.Item(5, i).Value
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

Figure 46-Check issue number

This code segment is used to barcode genaration.

Private Sub Barcode()

Dim barcode As OnBarcode.Barcode.Linear
' Create linear barcode object
barcode = New OnBarcode.Barcode.Linear()
' Set barcode symbology type to Code-39
barcode.Type = OnBarcode.Barcode.BarcodeType.CODE39
' Set barcode data to encode
barcode.Data = TextBox1.Text
' Set barcode bar width (X dimension) in pixel
barcode.X = 1
' Set barcode bar height (Y dimension) in pixel
barcode.Y = 60
' Draw & print generated barcode to png image file
barcode.drawBarcode("E:Barcode//" & TextBox1.Text & ".png")

End Sub

Figure 47-Barcode code sample

Get the balance by Search the item code segment

Public Sub searchBalance(ByVal txtSupCo As String, ByVal txtIssBalance As

Sql = "SELECT quantity FROM main_stock WHERE iteam_code = '" &
txtSupCo & "' "
d_cmd = New MySqlCommand(Sql, d_conn)
d_reader = d_cmd.ExecuteReader
If d_reader.Read Then
txtIssBalance.Text = d_reader("quantity").ToString
End If
' If Sql > 0 Then
'MessageBox.Show("bbbbbbbbbb.", "Process Completed",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
' End If
Catch ex As Exception

End Try
End Sub

Figure 48-Get balance sample code


Table F-1: Evaluation Questionnaire

Name of Employee –

Section –

Designation –

Age (Years) -  18 – 25  26 – 30  31 – 40  Above 40

Working Experience -  1 – 3 Years  3 – 5 Years  5 – 10 Years

Over 10 Years

Educational Level -  G.C.E. O/L  G.C.E. A/L  Degree Holder

 Master Degree  Other

Language Proficiency -  Sinhala  Tamil  English

1. Is the Initial interface is attractive? o Extremely Satisfied

Do you like it? o Very Satisfied
o Somewhat Satisfied
o Not so Satisfied
o Not at all Satisfied

2. Always, different interfaces are not o Extremely Satisfied

complicated, I feel comfortable. o Very Satisfied
o Somewhat Satisfied
o Not so Satisfied
o Not at all Satisfied

3. Processes involved in the software, o Yes

are not found complex. I feel o May Be
comfortable. o Not Sure

o No

4. How would you rate the speed of o Very Fast

Application Software? o Fast
o Moderately
o Slow
o Very slow

5. Message and instructions receiving o Extremely Satisfied

from software are available where ever o Very Satisfied
we need. o Somewhat Satisfied
o Not so Satisfied
o Not at all Satisfied

6. I am satisfied with the response and o Yes

attendance to enquiries made. o No

7. I am satisfied totally with the whole o Extremely Satisfied

software provided o Very Satisfied
o Somewhat Satisfied
o Not so Satisfied
o Not at all Satisfied

8. I am fully satisfied with the service o Extremely Satisfied

provided with the software. o Very Satisfied
o Somewhat Satisfied
o Not so Satisfied
o Not at all Satisfied

9. All, in process needs within the o Extremely Satisfied

systems of the institution are fulfilled by o Very Satisfied
this software. o Somewhat Satisfied
o Not so Satisfied
o Not at all Satisfied

10. Titles used in the general process are
similar and find no issues within the used o Extremely Satisfied
titles of the software. o Very Satisfied
o Somewhat Satisfied
o Not so Satisfied
o Not at all Satisfied

11. No misleading guides were found o Extremely Satisfied

within the software and Manual. o Very Satisfied
o Somewhat Satisfied
o Not so Satisfied
o Not at all Satisfied

12. Compatibility with other application o Excellent

software’s? o Good
o Average
o Bad

13. How often does our software freeze o Not at all often
or crash? o Slightly often
o Moderately often
o Very often

14. Would you recommend our software

to others??
o Yes
o May be
o Not sure
o No

15. Any suggestions or comments about

the system

Questionnaire Analysis

1. Is the Initial interface is attractive? Do you like it?

Following describe about interface attractive.

Is the Initial interface is attractive? Do you like it?


23% 30% Extremely Satisfied

Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Not so Satisfied
Not at all Satisfied


Figure 49: Is the Initial interface is attractive analyze graph

2. Always, different interfaces are not complicated, I feel comfortable.
Following describe about interface complicated.

Always, different interfaces are not complicated, I

feel comfortable?

3% Extremely Satisfied
23% 30% Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Not so Satisfied

44% Not at all Satisfied

Figure 50-interfaces are not complicated analyze graph

3. Processes involved in the software, are not found complex. I feel comfortable.

Following describe about interface complicated.

Processes involved in the software, are not found complex. I

feel comfortable

17% 27% Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Not so Satisfied
Not at all Satisfied

Figure 51-Processes involved in the software, are not found complex analyze graph

4. How would you rate the speed of Application Software?

Following describe about interface complicated

How would you rate the speed of

Application Software?

3% Very Fast
36% Fast
48% Very slow

Figure 52-Speed of application software analyze graph

5. Message and instructions receiving from software are available where ever we need.

Following describe about interface complicated

Message and instructions receiving from

software are available where ever we need

17% 0%
Extremely Satisfied
50% Very Satisfied
33% Somewhat Satisfied
Not so Satisfied
Not at all Satisfied

Figure 53-Message and instructions receiving from software analyze graph

6. I am satisfied with the response and attendance to enquiries made.

Following describe about interface complicated

I am satisfied with the response and attendance to

enquiries made




Figure 54-Response and attendance to enquiries analyze graph

7. I am satisfied totally with the whole software provided

Following describe about interface complicated

I am satisfied totally with the whole software provided

Extremely Satisfied
27% Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Not so Satisfied
Not at all Satisfied

Figure 55-Satisfied with the whole software provided analyze graph

8. I am fully satisfied with the service provided with the software.

Following describe about interface complicated

I am fully satisfied with the service provided

with the software.

Extremely Satisfied
23% 30%
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Not so Satisfied
Not at all Satisfied

Figure 56-Satisfied with the service provided analyze graph

9. All, in process needs within the systems of the institution are fulfilled by this software.

Following describe about interface complicated

All, in process needs within the systems of the institution are

fulfilled by this software

7%0% Extremely Satisfied

10% Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Not so Satisfied
Not at all Satisfied

Figure 57-Process needs within the systems of the institution are fulfilled analyze graph
10. Titles used in the general process are similar and find no issues within the used titles of the

Titles used in the general process are similar and find

no issues within the used
titles of the software

20% Extremely Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Not so Satisfied

33% Not at all Satisfied

Figure 58-Process are similar and find no issues within the used titles analyze graph

11. No misleading guides were found within the software and Manual.

Following describe about interface complicated

No misleading guides were found within the software

and Manual.

Extremely Satisfied
33% Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Not so Satisfied
Not at all Satisfied

Figure 59-software and manual analyze graph

12. Compatibility with other application software’s?

Following describe about interface complicated

Compatibility with other application software’s

36% Excellent

Figure 60-Compatibility with other application software’s analyze graph

13. How often does our software freeze or crash?

Following describe about interface complicated

How often does our software freeze or crash

13% 0%
Not at all often

20% Slightly often

Moderately often
67% Very often

Figure 61-How often does our software freeze or crash analyze graph

14. Would you recommend our software to others??

Following describe about interface complicated

Would you recommend our software to others

May Be


Figure 62 - Would you recommend our software to others analyze graph


Use Case Diagram - Its simplest is a representation of a user's interaction with the system.

CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) – Complex software development projects

can be assisted by organizing and controlling development processes through the use of CASE

DBMS (Database Management System) – DBMS is a system software that manage storage,
updating and retrieval of data in a computer system.

Activity diagram - graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities and actions.

SQL (Structured Query Language) – SQL is a language used to communicate with a

UML (Unified Modeling Language) – UML provides a standard way of modeling real world
objects in software engineering field.

GUI (Graphical User Interface) – A visual method of interacting with a computer through
menus, icons and windows etc.

IT(Information Technology)- Information Technology is simply working with computers

getting knowledge about it.


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