Druid - Circle of The Wild PDF

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When you manifest the beast, it lasts until you complete a

Circle of the Wild long rest (unless you expend a use of Wildshape to keep it
manifested), it is reduced to zero hit points, or you die, at
For some druids, they have found their friends among the which point it vanishes, fading away until you expend a use of
beasts of the wild, forming a close kinship with the furred and Wildshape to call it forth again.
the fanged. They often roam the wilderness, placing little
value on the trappings of civilization, more concerned with
nature, hunting, and exploring. Spirit Animal
The longer they spend in the wild with the animal friends, At your GM's discretion, you can form a bond with
the more their habits tend to intertwine with the beasts a normal willing animal, its statblock getting
around them. Sometimes they will cook food for their animal replaced with the Beast Companion statblock, with
friends, while other times they will take to eating their food customizations selected to best represent its
raw. The play the role of a caretaker, warden, and advocate original stats. It gains all the same properties as a
for the wild. Primal Companion, it's soul becoming entangled
with your own, and it becomes a spirit beast.
Circle Spells
At 2nd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to the spells Form Permanency
listed for that level in the Circle of the Wild Spells table. Once This rule is to prevent having to rebuild the stat
you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it prepared, block and save time, as well as a balance
and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can consideration, but at the GM's discretion they can
prepare each day allow it to be changed to a new permanent form if
there is a good reason.
Druid Level Circle Spells
2nd animal friendship, speak with animals
Magical Bond
3rd animal messanger, beast sense
Starting at 6th level, your Beast Companions count as
5th conjure animals, spiderbiteK magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and
7th dominate beast, polymorph immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Additionally, whenever you expend a spell slot of 3rd level
9th commune with nature, hold monster or higher on your turn, you beast can take one additional
action on its turn. That action can be used only to take the
Primal Companion Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, or Hide.
Starting at 2nd level when you join this circle, you form a Beast Senses
bond with a beast spirit and can allow it to take form by
expending a use of your Wildshape. Its statblock becomes Starting at 10th level, your bond with your companion
that of your Beast Companion, applying the modifications enhances your senses with it, and its senses with yours. You
from the customization table that best fit the form it takes. At gain expertise in Perception, allowing you to add twice your
the GM's discretion, custom abilities can replace those proficiency modifier to ability checks made for that skill, you
powers to better represent the beast companion. Once gain any darkvision or blindsight range your beast has, it and
selected, the traits cannot be changed, as the beasts spirit it gains any darkvision or blindsight range you have (if both of
takes on that form permanently. you already have one type of vision, the ranges are added
The beast's soul becomes entangled with your own, together).
granting you the ability to call it forth from wherever it is, and
even return it to life should it ever fall, by expending a use of Empowered Frenzy
your Wildshape ability. You can expend a use of Wildshape to Starting at 14th level, while your Beast Companion is
call it to an empty space within 10 feet of you, where it manifested and within 60 feet of you, you can expend a slot
appears at full hit points, and free of any conditions or spells (no action required) to empower it for a number of turns
that were affecting it. You can cause it to return to its spirit equal to the spell slot spent. It gains temporary hit points
form as a bonus action, but must expend a use of Wildshape equal to 5 times the level of the spell slot spent, and while
to call it forth once more after doing so. empowered in this way, the beast is under the effect of
In combat, the Beast Companion shares your initiative freedom of movement, and deals an additional 1d8 on hit
count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. The only with its attacks.
action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take
a bonus action on your turn to command it to take another
action. You can command your Beast Companion as part of
the same bonus action used to summon it. That action can be
the one in its stat block or some other action. If you are
incapacitated, the Beast Spirit can take an take any action of
its choice, not just Dodge.

Kibbles' Generic Subclasses
Charge/Pounce. If the beast moves at least 20 feet straight
toward a creature and then hits it with an attack on the same
Beast Companion turn, that target must succeed on a Strength saving throw
Medium beast, unaligned
with a DC equal to your Spell Save DC or be knocked prone.
Quick. The beasts walking speed increases by 10 feet.
Armor Class 10 + PB
Hit Points 5 + Five times your Druid Level Simian Nature Your companion gains climbing speed equal
Speed 30 ft. to its movement speed, proficiency with throwing rocks
(ranged weapon, 1d4 + PB bludgeoning damage,
thrown(20/60), and the ability to hold small items.
Sneaky. Your companion gains proficiency in the Stealth and
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) Deception skills.
Saving Throws Strength +3(+PB), Con +3(+PB) Spider Climb. Your companion can climb difficult surfaces,
Skills Perception +PB including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make
Senses passive Perception 10 + PB an ability check, and ignores movement restrictions caused
Languages understands the languages you speak by webbing.
Challenge —                        Proficiency Bonus PB
Tough. The beast hit points become 5 + 6 times your Druid
[Customized] Based on Customization Selections. level hit points.
Actions Shell. The beast's AC becomes 15 + PB, but its speed is
reduced to 20 feet.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: [your spell attack
modifier to hit], reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + Example Beasts
PB piercing damage. Bear Tough, Massive.
Wolf. Quick, Pack Tactics, Keen Senses.
Turtle. Amphibious, Shell, Tough.
Beast Customizations Owl. Flying, Keen Senses.
When you bond your beast, select from the following traits to Spider. Blindsight, Poisonous, Spiderclimb.
best represent the bonded beast. You can select up to 3 traits. Tiger. Massive, Pounce.
Attack Type (Free). You can change its attack to Claw,
dealing slashing damage instead, or Slam, dealing Reasonable Customization
bludgeoning damage instead. This does not cost a Trait. What makes sense for a beast will be up to your
GM. In general, these traits should be used to
Amphibious. The beast gains a swim speed equal to its replicate or empower what a beast already has, but
walking speed, and can breath underwater. exist here so that a broad selection of beasts can
be represented fairly. How much your GM will let
Blindsight. Your Companion gains a Blindsight of 10 feet. you mix and match to make a Winged Turtle Tiger
Flying (Costs 2 Traits). Prerequisite: selected beast’s is up to them and their world.
appearance must have wings. The beast gains a flying speed
equal to its walking speed.
Keen Senses. Your companion can add twice your
proficiency in the Perception skill.
Massive (Costs 2 Traits). Incompatible with Flying. Your
Companion's size is Large, and it's natural weapon becomes
2d6 + its Strength.
Pack Tactics. The beast has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of the beast's allies is within
5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
Poisonous. The beast's attack becomes Sting, dealing an
additional 1d4 poison damage on hit. The size of the damage
die increases when your proficiency bonus does (to 1d6 at +3,

Kibbles' Generic Subclasses

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