Event Management Ticket Booking Using BlockChain

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 12, Issue 3, March-2021

ISSN 2229-5518 33

Event Management Ticket Booking using

Mr. Deepesh Jagdale1 Mr. Siddhesh Khanvilkar2 Mr. Swapnil Patil3 Mr. Lalit Patil4
1. Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Rasayani, Assistant Professor
2. Pillai HOC College Engineering and Technology, Rasayani, Assistant Professor
3. Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Rasayani, Assistant Professor
4. Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Rasayani, Assistant Professor

Abstract- Event management usually needs to undergo a middle man ticketing service, which facilitates the
sale of tickets. Likewise, event attendees can only purchase tickets through this middleman, who takes roughly
5-10% of ticket revenues as commission. Another issue is ticketing fraud- tickets may be replicated, which aids
unauthorised admissions and loss of revenue for hosts. A ticketing Distributed App using ethereum would
resolve all the difficulties stated above. Any Event holders can sprightly sell their event tickets through the
DistributedApp with easiness and Convenience. We are going to have a hard and fast number of tickets and
every ticket will have the ownership of concert holders. When a customer had done the payment through
ethereum wallet then the ownership of the tickets are changed to the customer. Once the ownership is modified
there'll be no chance of fixing the ownership of tickets thereby ticket deception may be avoided. Once tickets
are bought, the ownership of those tickets would be transferred to the buyers. Developing the DistributedApp
can avoid ticket fraud furthermore and prevents external hacks to control the tickets.

Index Terms— Cryptography, Smart contracts, consensus, DistributedApp, Block chain.

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Blockchain is a public distributed database that effective searches. Blockchain technology ensures
holds encrypted ledger. Blockchain uses encrypt- the removal of the double-spend problem, with
ed ledger to keep the details of the people in- the help of public-key cryptography, whereby
volved in transactions completely anonymous. A each agent is assigned a private key and a public
block is a collection of recent transactions that are key shared with all other nodes in the network. A
verified and validated. All the verified transac- transaction is begun when the future owner of
tions are collected and hash code is produced to the coins sends her public key to the original
store in a block. Once the block is completed then owner. The coins are transmitted by the digital
it is added to the blockchain and a new block is signature of a hash. Public keys are cryptograph-
created. When a block is added to the blockchain ically generated addresses kept in the blockchain.
it goes to a permanent database. Block in the Every coin is connected with an address, and a
blockchain contains information related to the contract in the crypto-economy is basically a
digital time stamp. A digital timestamp contains trade of coins from one address to another. The
the information associated with the hash created permutations of hash functions and hash tables
from the activity of securing the info entered into with cryptographic techniques, the resulting
the ledger. cryptographic hash function is directly applicable
to forming security and privacy protocols re-
Blockchain Overview quired for blockchain ledger technologies.
Block chain is built on 3 technologies
Peer to Peer Network: Blockchain uses peer to
Public key Cryptography: Blockchain uses pub- peer network to maintain consistency of distrib-
lic-key cryptography to secure distinctiveness uted ledger. When a person tries to make a
and hash functions to make blockchain absolute, change in an existing block and tries to add to the
IJSER © 2021
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 12, Issue 3, March-2021
ISSN 2229-5518 34

blockchain then the block will not get accepted to members or central authority. Permissioned
add to blockchain because most of the people in blockchains are intended to compatibility with
the network will have a copy of the blockchain so existing applications (financial or otherwise).
tampered block gets rejected. They‘ll be fully private (i.e. where write permis-
sions are kept within an organisation), or consor-
Blockchain Program: tium blockchains (where the consensus process is
Blockchain programs are developed based on the controlled by a pre-selected set of nodes). Be-
use cases. Solidity is the most preferred language cause the actors on the network are named, the
for writing programs in the blockchain. intention is that they're also legally in charge of
for their activity. An advantage of a permis-
Blockchain Types: sioned blockchain is scalability. In a permission-
Public Blockchain: less blockchain, the information is stored on eve-
Public blockchain have records visible to every- ry node within the network, and every node veri-
body on the internet and anyone can authenticate fies all transactions. It‘s obvious that when the
and add a block to the blockchain. amount of transactions increases substantially,
the users that are able to perform this kind of
Private Blockchain: processing and verification will decrease, result-
Private Blockchain allows only identified people ing in more centralisation. In a permissioned

in the organization to verify and add transaction blockchain, only a smaller number of preselected
block but everybody on the internet is generally members will have to control, and if these come
allowed to view. from large organisations they're going to be able
to scale their computing power in line with the
rise within the number of transactions. As there'll
be a smaller number of selected participants it'll
2.1 A permissionless blockchain or public block- be easy to switch the results and may discard the
chain: transaction easily [1].
In a permissionless blockchain, every user is
allowed to create a personal address and begin to 3 SMART CONTRACTS
cooperate with the network, by submitting trans- Smart contracts help you exchange money, prop-
actions and adding entries to the ledger. Any erty, shares or anything of value in a transparent,
node in the network can employ the mining pro- conflict-free way while avoiding the services of a
tocols to verify the transactions by mining opera- middleman. In smart contact approach, an asset
tions, in exchange for mining fees and block re- or currency is transferred into a program and
wards. Permissionless blockchain uses proof of program runs this code to validate automatically
work which means mining is done by solving to determine whether the asset should go to one
complex mathematical equations which in return person or back to the other person or to be re-
validate the transactions that to be added to the funded. Ethereum is a platform for deployment
ledger. Digital currencies such as Ethereum, the of internet services, for which the smart contracts
blockchain network also support smart contracts, are building blocks [1].
which are automated transactions that self-
execute when some criteria are met [1].
2.2 Permissioned Blockchain: There are different consensus mechanisms, e.g.,
Permissioned blockchains have a group of ―proof-of-work‖ or ―proof-of-stake‖. Depending
trusted parties to hold out authentication, and on the consensus mechanism and the required
extra verifier is added with the agreement of this
IJSER © 2021
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 12, Issue 3, March-2021
ISSN 2229-5518 35

guarantees, there can be different notions of fee and miners who are successful in validating
when a transaction is taken to be committed or transaction and writing a block in chain will get
confirmed and thus immutable. ether.


Proof of work is a requirement to define an ex- SYSTEM
pensive computer calculation called mining. A
reward is given to first miner who solves each The design process of blockchain based system
blocks problem. Network miners compete to be starts from the decision to decentralise trust (au-
the first to find solution for mathematical prob- thority) – or not. A blockchain is used in scenari-
lem [2]. os where no single trusted authority is required
and the trusted authority can be decentralised or
4.2 Proof of stake: partially decentralised [3].
The creator of a new block is chosen in a deter-
ministic way, depending on its wealth defined as 5.1 Need of multiple blockchains:
stake. The pos system there is no block reward; In block chain rather than using single chain to
the miners take the transaction fees [2]. record all the transactions , multiple blockchains
can be used to isolate information of separate

Ethereum Blockchain: concerns and with different characteristics, and
An Ethereum blockchain is similar to the Bitcoin to improve scalability. The first option is to use a
blockchain. The main difference is that Ethereum sidechain [8]. Sidechaining is a mechanism that
blocks contain not only the block number, diffi- allows tokens of one blockchain to be securely
culty, nonce, etc. but also the transaction list and transferred and used in another blockchain and
the most recent state. For every transaction in the still can be securely moved back to the original
transaction list, the new state is created by apply- chain. The original chain is called main chain,
ing the previous state. Contracts written in a and the one that accepts the tokens from the orig-
smart contract-specific programming language inal chain is called side-chain. Multiple private
are compiled into ‗byte code‘, which a feature chains could be used to separate concerns, where
called the ‗Ethereum Virtual Machine‘ (EVM) can each of the private chains could link with a pub-
read and execute. All the nodes execute this con- lic blockchain. Side-chains can help to build a
tract using their EVMs. blockchain ecosystem based on a popular main
blockchain, without significantly increasing the
Ethereum Wallet: load on the main chain [3].
This is the place to store the private keys secure-
ly. While intermediaries are no longer needed to 5.2 Consensus:
verify transactions, there‘s no help desk to turn to Blockchain uses consensus mechanism to achieve
for help recovering your secret key in case of any a necessary agreement on a single data value or a
loss of secret keys. Ethereum has plenty of wal- single state of the network among distributes
lets to store crypto-currency like desktop wallets, nodes or systems. The principles of these consen-
web wallets, hardware wallets and paper wallets. sus algorithms are proof of work, proof of Stake,
Practical Byzantine fault Tolerance and Delegat-
Ether: ed proof of work [5].
Ether is a crypto-currency and the currency of
Ethereum. The transactions in ethereum are 5.3 Incentive:
made in ether. Any activity on ethereum that re- Blockchains and their applications (especially on
sults in change of its current state costs ether as public blockchains) introduce financial incentives
IJSER © 2021
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 12, Issue 3, March-2021
ISSN 2229-5518 36

(or reputation and rating mechanisms) for miners Block header contains the following.
to join the network, validate transactions and
generate blocks correctly [3]. •Block version: indicates which set of block val-
idation rules to follow.
5.4 Anonymity:
As the Blockchain uses the shared global ledger •Merkle tree root hash: the hash value of all the
which is public to all the nodes available on the transactions in the block.
network. Therefore, large changes are needed to
existing blockchain technologies in order to pre- •Timestamp: current time in seconds in univer-
serve privacy. We have seen two approaches to sal time since January 1, 1970.
the problem. One is to add anonymization (or at
least, some greater privacy) to the existing block- •nbit: target threshold of a valid block hash.
chain by techniques such as Confidential Trans-
fers. The other possible method is to create new •Nonce: an 4-byte field, which usually start with
blockchains that are incompatible with Bitcoin, 0 and increase for every hash calculation.
such as Zerocash that offer guarantees around
anonymity built-in by the use of new primitives •Parent block hash: 256-bit hashes value those
in their blockchain[5]. points to previous block.

•Block Body: The block body is composed of
5.5 Deployment: transaction counter and transactions. The maxi-
Deployment of blockchain also has impact on the mum number of transactions that a block con-
quality attributes of the system. For example, de- tains depends on the block size and the size of
ploying a blockchain on a cloud provided by transaction. Blockchain uses asymmetric key
third-party, or using a blockchain-as-a-service cryptography mechanisms to validate the au-
model directly introduces the uncertainty of thentication of transactions. Digital signature
cloud infrastructure into the system. Here the based on asymmetric cryptography is used in an
cloud provider becomes a trusted third-party and untrustworthy environment [5].
a potential single point of failure for the system.
Deploying a public blockchain system on a virtu- 7. PROPOSED BLOCKCHAIN TICKETING
al private network can make it a private block- SERVICE
chain, with permissioned access controls provid-
1.The tickets service will have two smart con-
ed at the network level. However the virtual pri-
tracts the first one is TicketSale smart contract,
vate network will introduce its own additional
which provide information about the ticket and
latency overhead [3].
deals with the requests of ticket purchasing and
validating the request, the associated smart
6. BLOCKCHAIN ARCHITECTURE contract Ticketing is used to handle the transfer
Blockchain is a sequence of blocks. Each block of ownership. After the successful transfer of
holds a complete list of transaction records like a money a ticket will be generated with the ad-
public ledger. A block contains only one parent dress of account from which the transfer has
block, with the block hash contained in block been made. Personal details of the person will
header. The first block in the block chain is called not be used to generate the ticket to protect the
genesis block. identity and security to the person.

•Block: A block contains the block header and

block body
IJSER © 2021
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 12, Issue 3, March-2021
ISSN 2229-5518 37

2. Event host first create anticketsale smart con- can ensure data integrity; the information of the
tract. Ticket seller obtains the information ticket will be stored to verify authenticity.
about the event, also provides event infor-
mation to the ticket buyer. When ticket buyer REFERENCES
request a ticket then the request will be sent to [1] Gareth W. Petersz ,EfstathiosPanayiy Understanding
the ticket seller and then ticketsale smart con- Modern Banking Ledgers through Blockchain Technol-
tract verifies the request. If the request is valid ogies: Future of Transaction Processing and Smart Con-
then ticketsale will call the ticketing smart con- tracts on the Internet of Money.
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after that the response is sent from ticketsale rithm of Blockchain.
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of Event host. When a ticket buyer had done [6] Harry HalpinInria , Marta PiekarskaBlockstream Mon-
the payment through ethereum wallet then the tral Introduction to Security and Privacy on the Block-
ownership of the tickets will be changed to the chain
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there will be no chance of changing the owner-
[8] A. Back, G. Maxwell, M. Corallo, M. Friedenbach, and
ship of tickets, there by ticket fraud can be L. Dashjr. Enabling blockchain innovations with
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a. Only ticket buyers or owners can perform
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b. People cannot obtain personally identifia-
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c. People cannot use the information of ticket
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same user [9].

To solve the problem of ticket fraud, this study
proposed the blockchain ticket service, which can
store information about the event and the tickets
in blockchain network. As the ownership of the
ticket can be only once change and the transfer of
ownership is permanent. Blockchain technology

IJSER © 2021

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