Nursing World S: Investing in Education, Jobs and Leadership
Nursing World S: Investing in Education, Jobs and Leadership
Nursing World S: Investing in Education, Jobs and Leadership
Investing in education,
jobs and leadership
Investing in education,
jobs and leadership
State of the world's nursing 2020: investing in education, jobs and leadership.
ISBN 978-92-4-000327-9 (electronic version)
ISBN 978-92-4-000328-6 (print version)
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Cover images
Row 1 (left to right): © Vladimir Gerdo/TASS via Getty, © Irene R. Lengui/L’IV Com, © Tanya Habjouqa
Row 2 (left to right): © Jaime S. Singlador/Photoshare, © AKDN/Christopher Wilton-Steer
Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Message from the Co-Chairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Contributors and acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
Executive summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
CHAPTER 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Nursing in a context of broader workforce and health priorities. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1 Role of the health workforce in achieving the 2030 Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Who is a nurse? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 Nursing roles in 21st-century health systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.1 Role of nursing in achieving universal health coverage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 Role of nursing in dealing with emergencies, epidemics and disasters. . . . . . . . . . 15
3.3 Role of nursing in achieving population health and well-being. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4 Policy levers to enable the nursing workforce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.1 Pre-service education and training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2 Workforce inflows and outflows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.3 Equitable distribution and efficiency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.4 Regulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5 Current status of evidence and data on the nursing workforce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.1 Nursing workforce availability, composition and distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5.2 Equity in availability of and access to the nursing workforce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.3 International nurse migration and mobility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.4 Regulation of nursing education and practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.5 Education and nursing workforce supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.6 Regulation of employment and working conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.7 Governance and leadership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
5.8 Assessing the current trajectory towards 2030 SDG outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
7 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Annex 1. Who is a nurse?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Annex 2. Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Web Annex. Nursing roles in 21st-century health systems
Contents iii
5.1 Number of nurses globally and density per 10 000 population, by WHO region, 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5.2 Changes in nursing stock due to better data and actual increase between 2013 and 2018 . . . . . . . . . 38
5.3 urses as a percentage of health professionals (medical doctors, nurses,
midwives, dentists and pharmacists), by WHO region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.4 Percentage of female nursing personnel, by WHO region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.5 Density of nursing personnel per income group (2018) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.6 Percentage of nursing personnel foreign born (or foreign trained) per income group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.7 P ercentage of responding countries reporting existence of nursing regulations on
education and training, by WHO region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.8 Production of graduate nurses, by WHO region and income group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.9 P ercentage of countries responding on existence of nursing regulations on
working conditions, by WHO region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
5.10 Leadership and governance indicators: percentage of countries with chief nursing
officer position and nursing leadership development programme, by WHO region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.11 Simulation of projected stock of nursing personnel from 2018
to 2030 under three scenarios, by WHO region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
A2.1 List of 36 indicators used for the State of the world’s nursing 2020 report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
A2.2 Estimates of shortage of nursing personnel (millions) in countries below
the Global Strategy threshold by income level: 2018 and 2030 (three scenarios) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
3.1 Nursing contribution to patient safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2 Nurse-led model of community care for ageing populations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.1 Australia: engaging underrepresented populations in the nursing workforce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.2 Cost of nursing education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.3 Addressing the shortage of nurse educators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.4 Global skills partnerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.5 Examples of economic demand for nurses in high-income countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.6 Expanding access via nurse prescribing in Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.7 Example of a specialist nursing role in the African Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.8 Rural retention guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.9 Examples of harmonization of education standards and licensure examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.1 Equity within countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6.1 Scotland health labour market analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
6.2 E ast, Central and Southern African Health Community: national collaboration on
nursing data reporting using NHWA indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
6.3 Germany’s approach to managing migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
6.4 Technology in nursing education and practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.5 Pakistan efforts to increase nurse education capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.6 Expanding access to community health services in Oman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.7 African Health Profession Regulatory Collaborative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
6.8 Health worker strikes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
6.9 Leadership fellowship in the Western Pacific Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6.10 Investing in human capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
A1.1 ISCO definitions of nursing personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
1. Density of nursing personnel per 10 000 population in 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
2. Relative proportions of nurses aged over 55 years and below 35 years (selected countries) . . . . . . . . xiv
3. Projected increase (to 2030) of nursing stock, by WHO region and by country income group . . . . . . . xv
4. Average duration (years) of education for nursing professionals, by WHO region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
5. Percentage of countries with regulatory provisions on working conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
6. Percentage of female and male nursing personnel, by WHO region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx
2.1 Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: strategic objectives and relevance for nursing . . . . . 7
2.2 Number of distinct nursing titles within each WHO region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.1 Nursing contribution to the triple billion targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.1 Public policy levers to shape health labour markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.1 Number of countries with workforce data available in the WHO NHWA (1990–2018) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.2 Proportion of nursing headcount within each occupation group, by WHO region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.3 Percentage of nursing personnel aged below 35 years and 55 years or over, by WHO region . . . . . . . 41
5.4 Relative proportions of nurses aged over 55 years and below 35 years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.5 Density of nursing personnel per 10 000 population in 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.6 Regional disparities in density of nursing personnel per 10 000 population (2018) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.7 Density of nursing personnel per 10 000 population by income group (2018) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.8 P ercentage of responding countries indicating existence of nursing
regulations and standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.9 Map of nursing education regulation scores, by country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.10 Average duration (years) of education for nursing professionals, by WHO region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.11 Percentage of countries with regulatory provisions on working conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
5.12 Map of regulation of working conditions score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.13 Percentage of countries with advanced nursing role by level of density of medical
doctors per 10 000 population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.14 Association between GCNO and nursing leadership programme
and the regulatory environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.15 Projection of nursing personnel density per 10 000 population in 2030 (global distribution) . . . . . . . . 62
5.16 Projected increase (to 2030) of nursing stock, by WHO region and by country income group . . . . . . . 63
5.17 Estimation of shortages of nursing workforce in 2013, 2018 and 2030 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
A2.1 Number of indicators reported globally for the State of the world’s nursing 2020 report . . . . . . . . . . 112
A2.2 Correlation of education indicators with a multiple correspondence analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
A2.3 Correlation of working condition indicators with a multiple correspondence analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
A2.4 Evolution of global nursing stock (millions) under a “business as usual”scenario
and three “increased production of graduate nurses” scenarios, 2018 to 2030 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Contents v
Investment in nurses
will contribute not
only to health-related
SDG targets, but also
to education (SDG 4),
gender (SDG 5),
Tedros Ghebreyesus
decent work Director-General, WHO
and economic
growth (SDG 8).
Elisabeth Iro
Chief Nursing Officer, WHO
Annette Kennedy
International Council of Nurses
Sheila Tlou
Co-Chair, Nursing Now
Nigel Crisp
Co-Chair, Nursing Now
Cover images
Row 1 (left to right): © Vladimir Gerdo/TASS via Getty, © Irene R. Lengui/L’IV Com, © Tanya Habjouqa
Row 2 (left to right): © Jaime S. Singlador/Photoshare, © AKDN/Christopher Wilton-Steer
vi State of the world’s nursing 2020
The State of the world’s nursing 2020: investing in education, jobs and leadership
comes as the world witnesses unprecedented political commitment to universal
health coverage. At the same time, our emergency preparedness and response
capacity is being tested by the current COVID-19 outbreak and mass population
displacement caused by confl ict. Nurses provide vital care in each of these
circumstances. Now, more than ever, the world needs them working to the full
extent of their education and training.
This first State of the world’s nursing report reveals much to celebrate about the
nursing workforce. Opportunities for advanced nursing education and enhanced
professional roles, including at the policy level, can drive improvements in
population health. At the same time, we continue to see vast inequities in the
distribution of nurses around the world which we must address.
2020 is the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. This is an opportunity
to leverage the evidence in the State of the world’s nursing 2020 report and commit
to an agenda that will drive and sustain progress to 2030. To this end, we urge
governments and all relevant stakeholders to:
• invest in the massive acceleration of nursing education – faculty, infrastructure
and students – to address global needs, meet domestic demand, and respond to
changing technologies and advancing models of integrated health and social care;
• create at least 6 million new nursing jobs by 2030, primarily in low- and middle-
income countries, to offset the projected shortages and redress the inequitable
distribution of nurses across the world;
• strengthen nurse leadership – both current and future leaders – to ensure that
nurses have an influential role in health policy formulation and decision-making,
and contribute to the effectiveness of health and social care systems.
All countries can take action in support of this agenda. Most countries can accomplish
these actions with their own resources. For countries requiring assistance by the
international community, we must direct a growing share of human capital
investments into the health and social care economy. Such investments will also
drive progress across the Sustainable Development Goals, with dividends for
gender equity, women’s economic empowerment and youth employment.
Let us seize this opportunity to commit to a decade of action that begins with
investing in nursing education, jobs and leadership.
Foreword vii
Message from the Co-Chairs
The Seventy-second World Health Assembly designated 2020 as the International Year of the Nurse
and the Midwife not only to honour the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, but
also to recognize the daily contributions of nurses and midwives to the health and well-being of
populations across the globe.
With a global spotlight on nurses in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are honoured to
present the first ever State of the world's nursing report on World Health Day. This report provides
the most up-to-date evidence and cutting-edge policy options on the global nursing workforce. It
also presents a compelling case for considerable – yet feasible – investment in nursing education,
jobs, and leadership, which is required to strengthen the nursing workforce to deliver the
Sustainable Development Goals, improve health for all, and strengthen the primary health care
workforce on our journey towards universal health coverage.
The State of the world’s nursing 2020 report resulted from remarkable national-level collaboration.
In many countries, the drive for data reporting was led by the government chief nursing and
midwifery officers, who were supported by the provision of data from ministries of education,
labour and finance. Nurse educators and regulators shared and triangulated data. National nursing
associations and Nursing Now groups played key advocacy roles in reporting and engagement
on the issues that would be addressed in the report. These relationships are critical to robust and
routine reporting on nursing and will facilitate even stronger reports in the future.
What we have achieved together is impressive. But what we are yet to achieve is vastly more
important. We must use the national, regional and global data and the International Year of
the Nurse and the Midwife to foster closer dialogue and collaboration between all sectors on
strengthening the workforce to better provide primary care and progress towards universal health
coverage. We must catalyse and sustain investments in nursing education, jobs and leadership.
The health of the world requires the commitment of all countries to support and invest in the
nursing workforce. We hope you will join this call to action.
STEERING COMMITTEE Nkosinathi R. Nkwanyana, Claudine Diango Nobou, Cassoma Pedro Norberto,
Co-Chairs: Howard Catton, Mary Watkins Olga Novela, Emmanuel Ntawuyirusha, Titi Nelly Nthabana, Paul Nyachae,
Members: Sultana N. Afdhal, Sumaya Mohamed Al-Blooshi, David Benton, Martinho Ogedge, Francisca Okafor, Petua Kiboko Olobo, Yacouba Ouedraogo,
Sharon Brownie, Peter Johnson, Francisca Okafor, Nancy Reynolds, Jacob Pooda, Tarloh Quiwonkpa, Noudjalta Remadji, Bagnou Sahia, Dawda
Debra Thoms, Elizabeth Iro (ex officio), James Campbell (ex officio) Samateh, Rigbe Samuel, Nené Catirona Sanca, Ekan Ndi Sandrine, Mwila
Sekeseke, Malick Seydi, Moibah Sheriff, Tulipoka Soko, Repent Khamis George
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION Stephen, Yao Theodore, Justin Tiendrebeogo, Francina Tjituka, Teklu Tsegay,
Lead authors: Carey McCarthy, Mathieu Boniol, Karen Daniels, Nkala Victorine, Solomon Woldeamanuel, Ambrose Wreh, Jacky Yabili, Issa Yahaya,
Giorgio Cometto, Khassoum Diallo, An'war Deen Lawani, James Campbell Nasir Yama, Barnabas Yeboah, Rabesata Juste Yolande
Administrative support: Beatrice Wamutitu, Elizabeth Tecson
Contributors: Jonathan Abrahams, Adam Ahmat, Onyema Ajuebor, Region of the Americas
Benedetta Allegranzi, Avni Amin, Georgina Arroyo, James Asamani, Ian Maria Lucia Aicardi, Ramon Abrego, Sofía Achucarro, Asif Ali, Augustina
Askew, Sofonias Getachew Asrat, Shamsuzzoha Babar Syed, Rachel Baggaley, Ambrose-Popo, Dennis Israel Anas Morales, Jennifer Andall, Elizabeth Anderson,
Valentina Baltag, Ana Pilar Betran Lazaga, Melisssa Bingham, Moussa Bizo, John Francisco Ariza Montoya, Joy Arnell, Sandra Barrow, Lianne Bellisario,
Nancy Bolan, Carolyn Brody, Lugemba Budiaki, Richard Carr, Silvia Cassiani, Luis Gabriel Bernal Pulido, Shellon Bess, Irma Bois, Rafael Borda, Jennifer Breads,
Alessandro Cassini, Jorge Castilla Echenique, Paula Cavalcante, Momodou Leonardo Brito, Silvia Brizuela, Hazel Brown, Robin Buckland, Rodrigo Castro,
Ceesay, Peter Cowley, Vânia de la Fuente-Núñez, Ibadat Dhillon, Neelam Kerthney Charlemagne-Surage, Andrei Chell, Alba Consuelo Flores, Alberto Cosme
Dhingra-Kumar, Linda Doull, Nathalie Drew Bold, Tarun Dua, James Fitzgerald, Lopes de Souza, Hernando Cubides, Natalie Cueppens, Lerivan da Silva,
Siobhan Fitzpatrick, Helga Fogstad, Nathan Ford, Pierre Formenty, Dongbo Fu, Gaye Davies, Carolina de Bass, Gina Dean, Marcos del Risco del Río, Nester
Claudia Garcia-Moreno, Fethiye Gulin Gedik, Regina Guthold, Indrajit Hazarika, Edwards, Fulvia Elizondo Sibaja, Juliana Ferreira Lima Costa, Evelin Flores de Nieto,
Pascale Heilberg, Albert Mohlakola Hlabana, Lisa Hoffmann, Aboubacar Janett Flynn, Mireye Fuentes, Luis Felipe Garcia Ruano, Rosa George,
Inoua, Gabrielle Jacob, Manoj Jhalani, Rita Kabra, Mikiko Kanda, Ruth Kanyiru, Claudia Godoy, Cristian González Opelt, Zaila González Vivo, Stacie Goring,
Aminata Sakho Kelly, James Kiarie, Hyo Jeong Kim, Teena Kunjumen, Ivette Cataline Grijalva Saenz, Norka Rocio Guillen Ponce, Jascinth Hannibal,
Etienne Langlois, Anais Legand, Ornella Lincetto, Francis Magombo, Sharon Harper, Carla Harry, Gustavo Hoff, Gail Hudson, Brenda Jeffers,
Mary Manandhar, Karifa Mara, Regis Antoine Mbary-Daba, Frances McConville, Linda Johnson, Claudia Leija Hernandez, Lisa Little, Javier Cesar Loayza Tamirano,
Michelle McIsaac, Hedieh Mehrtash, Nabil Menasria, Nana Mensah-Abrampah, Howard Lynch, Marcelo Marques, Diana Isabel Martinez Changuan, Ithinnia
Jean Jacques Salvador Millogo, Ann-Beth Moller, Margaret Montgomery, Martinez Mora, Jacqueline Matthew-Fevrier, Ann Matute, Lynn McNeely,
Ashley Moore, Manjulaa Narasimhan, Stephanie Ngo, Susan Norris, Thameshwar Merai, Fernando Munar Jimenez, Karen Nelson, Kerry Nesseler,
Ian Norton, Stephen Nurse-Findlay, Jennifer Nyoni, Asiya Odugleh-Kolev, Mirna Nobrega, Susan Orsega, Bete Paz, Emiliana Peña, Juan Lucas Pereyra,
Alana Officer, Mie Okamura, Sunny Okoroafor, Olufemi Oladapo, Carolina Walter Perez Lazaro, Pauline Peters, Betty Ann Pilgrim, Enma Porras Marroquin,
Omar, Zoe Oparah, Arwa Oweis, Monica Padilla, Edith Pereira, Silvia Perel Jorge Ramanho, Jason Roffenbender, Desreen Silcott, Margaret Smith, Tiago
Levin, Vladimir Poznyak, Vinayak Mohan Prasad, Jacqui Reilly, Preyanka Relan, Souza, Delores Stapleton Harris, Jackurlyn Sutton, Aldira Samantha Teixeira,
Teri Reynolds, Paul Rogers, David Ross, Aurora Saares, Salim Sadruddin, Silvia Tejada, Roody Thermidor, Camille Thomas-Gerald, Kc Dianne Torres Quintero,
Begoña Sagastuy, Farba Lamine Sall, Diah Saminarsih, Julia Samuelson, Pedro Diaz Urteaga, Carlos Valli, Alessandro Vasconcelos, Auristela Vasquez,
Alison Schafer, Cris Scotter, Justin Adanmavokin Sossou, Susan Sparks, Jeaneth Vega Chavez
Simone Marie St Claire, Julie Storr, Tigest Tamrat, Ai Tanimizu, Martin Taylor,
Nuria Toto Polanco, Prosper Tumusime, Özge Tunçalp, Anthony Twyman, South-East Asia Region
Nicole Valentine, Mark Van Ommeren, Cherian Varghese, Gemma Vestal, Leela Adhikari, Kimat Adhikari, Sabina Alam, Ahlaam Ali, Nan Nan Aung,
Marco Vitoria, Victoria Willet, Masahiro Zakoji, Tomas Zapata Lopez Hla Hla Aye, Rathi Balachandran, Alam Ara Begum, Norberta Belo, K. S.
Bharati, Vinay Bothra, Jermias da Cruz, Atul Dahal, Dileep De Silva, Padmal De
Silva, Apriyanti Shinta Dewi, Maria Dolores Castello, Aminath Fariha Mohamed,
Horacio Fernandes Ribeiro, Harindarjeet Goyal, Nalika Gunawardena,
Thomas Alvarez, Sarah Abboud, Neeraj Agrawal, Chantelle Allen,
Anil Kumar Gupta, Htay Htay Hlaing, Fathimath Hudha, Aneega Ibrahim,
António Fernando Amaral, Bethany Arnold, Mukul Bakhshi, Myra Betron,
Sugeng Eko Irianto, Aishath Irufa, Uraiporn Janta-um-mou, Shivangini Kar
Aurelija Blaževičienė, Julia Bluestone, Jo Booth, Debora Bossemeyer,
Dave, RADC Karunaratne, Daw Nwe Nwe Khin, Thitipat Kuha, Daw Khin Ma
Irma Brito, Erica Burton, Kenrick Cato, Scholastica Chibehe, Marie Clarisse,
Ma Kyaw, Khin Mar Kyi, Sirima Leelawong, Buddhika Loku Balasuriyage,
Kay Currie, Sheena Currie, Francois-Xavier Daoudal, Annette de Jong,
Hussain Maaniu, Dilip Mairembam, Daw Yin Mya, Kavita Narayan, Thinakorn
Ana de la Osada, Jennifer Dohrn, Jo-Ann Donner, Manya Dotson, Helen Du Toit,
Noree, Md Nuruzzaman, Kyaw Soe Nyunt, Tandin Pemo, Wichavee
Christine Duffield, Kamal Eldeirawi, Lawrie Elliot, Maria Engström,
Ploysongsri, Pooja Pradhan, Ms Rahmath, Mariyam Rasheed, Tomasia
Diana Estevez, Cherrie Evans, Betty Ferrell, Laura Fitzgerald, Ann Gardulf,
Ana Marioa do Rosario e Souza, Joao Noronha Roy, Bhim Prasad Sapkota,
Nancy Glass, Claire Glenton, Patricia Gomez, Deb Grant, Meghan Greeley,
Teeraporn Sathira-Angkura, Tini Setiawan, Mariyam Shafeeq, Mohammad
Doris Grinspun, Valerie A. Gruss, Mark Hathaway, Karen Heaton, Aisha
Shahjajan, Jayendra Sharma, May Thwel Hla Shwe Alaka Singh, Sasamon
Holloway, Melissa Hozjan, Anne Hradsky, Tonda Hughes, Carol Huston,
Srisuthisak, Rattanaporn Tangthanaseth, Roshani Tui Tui, Fikru Tesfaye Tullu,
Anne Hyre, Darlene Irby, Brigitte Ireson-Valois, Susan Jacoby, Krista Jones, Liviu Vedrasco, Nani Hidayanti Widodo, Panarut Wisawatapnimit, Sonam
Rosemary Kamunya, Joyce Kenkre, Jarmila Kliescikova, Tamara Kredo, Yangchen
Margrieta Langins, Margret Lepp, Isabelle Lessard, Simon Lewin, Ricky Lu,
Jill Maben, Elizabeth Madigan, Andrea Marelli, Adelais Markaki, Mokgadi
European Region
Matlakala, Donna McCarthy Beckett, Sonja McIlfatrick, Susan Munabi-
Aizat Asanova, Angel Abad Bassols, Zaza Bokhua, Ayşe Boysan,
Babigumira, Dawn Munro, Angeline Mutenga, Khine Haymar Myint,
Matt Edwards, Anastasia Gazheva, Shoshy Goldberg, Rivka Hazan Hazoref,
Madeline A Naegle, Edgar Necochea, Wendy Nicholson, Jan Nilsson,
Jacques Huguenin, Natalia Kamynina, Kristin Klein, Sergiu Otgon, Marija
Lisa Noguchi, Shelley Nowlan, Araceli Ocampo-Balabagno, Johis Ortega,
Palibrk, Cecilija Rotim, Vasos Scoutellas, Jesmond Sharples, Artūras Šimkus
Jane Otai, Piret Paal, Anne Pfitzer, Lusine Poghosyan, Zamira Rahmonova,
Amelia Ranotsi, Veronica Reis, Jim Ricca, Chandrakant Ruparelia, Marla Salmon,
Eastern Mediterranean Region
Jane Salvage, Diana Schmalkuche, Franklin Shaffer, Judith Shamian, Bongi
Anmal Abu Awad, Alawia Ahmad, Mohammad Alghamdy, Mohamed Bahadi,
Sibanda, Jennifer Snyder, Suzanne Stalls, Stacie Stender, Barbara Stillwell,
Kamran Baig, Omar Cherkaoui, Ishraga Elbashier, Kawther Mahmoud,
Sheryl Stogis, Luisa Strani, Hannah Tappis, Gaudencia Tibaijuka,
Fouzia Mushtaq, Nathalie Richa, Anmal Swaid Salim, Mohammed Tarawneh,
Vicky Treacy-Wong, Erica Troncosco, Annukka Tuomikoski, Paul Tuthill,
Nasir Yama, Lubna Yaqoob
Carlos Van der Laat, Tener Goodwin Veenema, Meggy Verputten,
Isabelle Vioret, Cynthia Vlasich, Jamie Waterall, Jean White, Jill White,
Barbara Wienkamp-Weber, Tegbar Yigzaw
Western Pacific Region
Amelia Afuha'amango, Lele Ah Mu, Thelma Ali, Carter Apaisam,
Jasmin Mohamed Ariff, Margareth Broodkoorn, Moralene Capelle,
Teofila Cruz, Ervina Hj Emran, Louisa Helgenberger, Seungryeong Hong, Mary
WHO wishes to acknowledge all National Health Workforce Accounts focal points,
Kata, Asena Kauyaca, Mary Kililo Samor, Virya Koy, Hillia Langrine, Michael
government chief nursing and midwifery officers, Novametrics (Martin Boyce,
Larui, Margaret Leong, Fuatai Maiava, Antonnette Merur, Helen Murdoch,
Andrea Nove) and others who contributed to the data reporting and analysis process.
Amanda Neill, Quoc Huy Nguyen, Jane O'Malley, Lay Tin Ong, Daphne Ringi,
African Region Michael Roche, Michele Rumsey, Filoiala Sakaio, Yuoko Shimada, Bo Yee Shu,
Hannatu Abdullahi, Solomon Abebe, Medeyele Alakpadong, Fatimetou Aly, Bertha Tarileo, Puasina Tatui, Alaita Taulima, Khampasong Theppanya, Lisa
Baba Amivi, Gislain Arnaud, Yao Badie, Elsheikh Badr, Tamali Banda, Townsend, Uchaa Tuvshin, Ben Ung, Hang Zhou
Tereza Belay, Ana Bella, El`Hadj Bencherik, Mohamed Berthé, Mohamed Bouh,
Silvino N'dafa Braba, Cynthia Chasokela, Kete Jean Chrysostome, Ahanhanzon EDITORIAL COORDINATION, DESIGN AND PRODUCTION
Agonglo Clarisse, Maria da Luz Medina da Cruz, Mohamed`Faza Diallo, Sharad Agarwal, Prographics Inc, John Dawson, WHO departments for
Demba Moussa Diallo, Bakala Dieudonné, Mamady Doukouré, Khalid Elmardi, translation, publications and print. Her Royal Highness Princess Muna of
Jean-Baptiste Godui, Dembo Guirassy, Fatima Halidani, Simon Hlungwani, Idriss Jordan, individual nurses and partner agencies are acknowledged for their
Moudjiegou Igalas, Mary Nandili Ishepe, Hamza Ismaila, Shakuri Ayinla Kadiri, Tchaa support to the photos. WHO wishes to pay a special tribute to Salome Karwah,
Kadjanta, Edna Kamaiyo, Hossinatu Mary Kanu, Sellu Keifala, Jean Chrysostome a nurse in Liberia who survived the Ebola virus, but succumbed to childbirth
Kette, Emile Koroma, Emile Koroma, Seraphin Kouakou, Hannah Kou-Kigo, complications when refused care.
Feroze Lall Mahomed, Samkelisiwe Lukhele, Cipriano Mainga, Mpoeetsi Makau,
Nonhlanhla Makhanya, Abed Malika, Saturini Manangwa, Miriam Mangeya, JHPIEGO AND JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF
Phelelo Marole, Lamin Marong, Jesele Martins, Murebwayire Mary, Thembi NURSING are acknowledged for contributing to the evidence review
Mavuso, Gylian Mein, Kamel Messar, Janet K Michael, Lucy Mkutumula, Khumo and data reporting processes to develop this report. Peter Johnson, Nancy
Modisaeman, Flavia Moetsana-Poka, Ceesay Momodou, Mathapelo Mothebe, Reynolds, Jennifer Breads, Anna Bryant, Patrica Davidson, Lisa DiAndreth,
Jamiru Mpiima, Jane Mudyara, Chilweza Musonda Muzongwe, Lonia Mwape, Judith Fullerton, Leah Hart, Mark Kubue, Semakaleng Phafoli, Timothy
Wendin Manegdé Félicité Nana, Mariam Ndagije, Ekiri Nguie, Al Nkhoma, Roberton, Elizabeth Thompson
The labour market is the structure that the efficiency and timeliness of translating
allows labour services to be sought (i.e. economic demand into creating and filling
demand) and offered (i.e. supply). Wages job openings.
and conditions of employment (for example,
adequate infrastructure, supportive Pre-service education refers to a formal
management, opportunities for professional learning programme that takes place prior
development and career progression) play to and as a prerequisite for employment in
a role determining the choices made by a service setting (3).
health workers and employers (1).
Licensing refers to the process of certifying
Demand refers to the jobs being offered on that an individual can perform the roles and
the market. Demand is the number of health tasks within a defined scope of practice to
workers that a health system can support in the required standard and conferring a licence
terms of funded positions or economic demand to legally authorize them to exercise a certain
for services. It is correlated with the expenditure profession within a given jurisdiction.
on health by the government, private insurance,
and out-of-pocket payments (2). Accreditation refers to the process of
evaluation of education institutions against
Supply. The supply of health workers refers to predefined standards required for the
the pool of qualified health workers willing to delivery of education. The outcome of the
work in the health care sector. It is a function process is the certification of the suitability
of the training capacity and the net migration, of education programmes and of the
deaths, and retirements of health workers (2). competence of education institutions in
the delivery of education.
Need is the number of health workers required
to attain the service delivery objectives of Credentialing is the process of obtaining,
a health system. Health labour markets are verifying, and assessing the qualifications of
primarily shaped by supply and demand and a practitioner to provide care or services in or
only indirectly by need (1). for a health care organization. Credentials are
documented evidence of licensure, education,
The absorption capacity for health care training, experience, or other qualifications (4).
workers by the health labour market refers
to the ability of the health system (which Professional certification is the voluntary
includes both the public and the private sector) process by which an entity grants a time-
to fully and productively employ the pool of limited recognition and use of a credential
available qualified health workers (mainly to an individual after verifying that he or she
generated through education and immigration). has met predetermined and standardized
The absorption capacity is influenced by criteria (5).
2. Scheffler RM, Campbell J, Cometto G, Maeda A, Liu J, Bruckner TA et al. Forecasting imbalances in the global health
labor market and devising policy responses. Human Resources for Health. 2018;16:5. doi:10.1186/s12960-017-0264-6.
3. Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI): planning, implementing and evaluating pre-service training. Geneva:
World Health Organization; 2001.
4. Ambulatory Care Program: the who, what, when, and where’s of credentialing and privileging. Joint Commission (https://, accessed
5 March 2020).
Above images:
© AKDN/Christopher Wilton-Steer, © WHO/Yoshi Shimizu, © WHO/Conor Ashleigh
No global health agenda can be realized without concerted and sustained efforts to maximize
the contributions of the nursing workforce and their roles within interprofessional health
teams. To do so requires policy interventions that enable them to have maximum impact and
effectiveness by optimizing nurses’ scope and leadership, alongside accelerated investment
in their education, skills and jobs. Such investments will also contribute to the SDG targets
related to education, gender, decent work and inclusive economic growth.
This State of the world’s nursing 2020 report, developed by the World Health Organization
(WHO) in partnership with the International Council of Nurses and the global Nursing Now
campaign, and with the support of governments and wider partners, provides a compelling
case on the value of the nursing workforce globally.
© Shapecharge/Getty Images
of the health
Current status of evidence in 2020
The nursing workforce is expanding in size and professional scope. However, the expansion is not
equitable, is insufficient to meet rising demand, and is leaving some populations behind.
191 countries provided data for this report, an all-time high and a 53% increase compared
to 2018 data availability. Around 80% of countries reported on 15 indicators or more. However,
there are significant gaps in data on education capacity, financing, salary and wages, and health
labour market flows. This impedes the ability to conduct health labour market analyses that will
inform nursing workforce policy and investment decisions.
The global nursing workforce is 27.9 million, of which 19.3 million are professional nurses.
This indicates an increase of 4.7 million in the total stock over the period 2013–2018, and confirms
that nursing is the largest occupational group in the health sector, accounting for approximately
59% of the health professions. The 27.9 million nursing personnel include 19.3 million (69%)
professional nurses, 6.0 million (22%) associate professional nurses and 2.6 million (9%) who are
not classified either way.
The world does not have a global nursing workforce commensurate with the universal
health coverage and SDG targets. Over 80% of the world’s nurses are found in countries that
account for half of the world’s population. The global shortage of nurses, estimated to be 6.6
million in 2016, had decreased slightly to 5.9 million nurses in 2018. An estimated 5.3 million (89%)
of that shortage is concentrated in low- and lower middle-income countries, where the growth in
the number of nurses is barely keeping pace with population growth, improving only marginally
the nurse-to-population density levels. Figure 1 illustrates the wide variation in density of nursing
personnel to population, with the greatest gaps in countries in the African, South-East Asia and
Eastern Mediterranean regions and some countries in Latin America.
Executive summary
summary 3 xiii
Ageing health workforce patterns in some regions threaten the stability of the nursing
stock. Globally, the nursing workforce is relatively young, but there are disparities across regions,
with substantially older age structures in the American and European regions. Countries with
lower numbers of early career nurses (aged under 35 years) as a proportion of those approaching
retirement (aged 55 years and over) will have to increase graduate numbers and strengthen
retention packages to maintain access to health services. Countries with a young nursing
workforce should enhance their equitable distribution across the country. As shown in Figure 2,
countries with higher proportions of nurses nearing retirement compared to young nurses (the
countries above the green line) will face future challenges in maintaining the nursing workforce.
Figure 2 Relative proportions of nurses aged over 55 years and below 35 years (selected countries)
Each dot represents a country Green line indicates where the number of nurses near retirement
equals the number of young nurses in the workforce.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Percentage of nurses less than 35 years
Figure 3 Projected increase (to 2030) of nursing stock, by WHO region and by country income group
Western Pacific Upper middle income
22% 61%
*Includes nursing professionals and nursing associate professionals.
Executive summary 5 xv
© ICAP/Sven Torfinn
Figure 4 Average duration (years) of education for nursing professionals, by WHO region
South-East Asia
Eastern Mediterranean
Western Pacific
The majority of countries (152 out of 157 responding; 97%) reported that the
minimum duration for nurse education is a three-year programme. A large majority
of countries reported standards for education content and duration (91%), accreditation
mechanisms (89%), national standards for faculty qualifications (77%) and interprofessional
education (67%). However, less is known about the effectiveness of these policies and
mechanisms. Further, there is still considerable variety in the minimum education and training
levels of nurses, alongside capacity constraints such as faculty shortages, infrastructure
limitations and the availability of clinical placement sites. As shown in Figure 4, the duration
of nursing education is predominantly three or four years globally.
Most countries (86%) have a body responsible for the regulation of nursing. Almost
two thirds (64%) of countries require an initial competency assessment to enter nursing
practice and almost three quarters (73%) require continued professional development for
nurses to continue practising. However, the regulation of nursing education and practice is not
harmonized beyond a few subregional mutual recognition arrangements. Regulatory bodies are
challenged to keep education and practice regulations updated and nursing workforce registries
current in a highly mobile, team-based and digital era. Figure 5 shows the proportions of
reporting countries with regulatory provisions on working conditions in place.
Nursing remains a highly gendered profession with associated biases in the workplace.
Approximately 90% of the nursing workforce is female, but few leadership positions in health
are held by nurses or women. There is some evidence of a gender-based pay gap, as well
as other forms of gender-based discrimination in the work environment. Legal protections,
including working hours and conditions, minimum wage, and social protection, were reported
to be in place in most countries, but not equitably across regions. Just over a third of countries
(37%) reported measures in place to prevent attacks on health workers.
A total of 82 out of 115 responding countries (71%) reported having a national nursing
leadership position with responsibility for providing input into nursing and health
policy. A national nursing leadership development programme was in place in 78 countries
(53% of those responding). Both the presence of a government chief nursing officer (or
equivalent) position and the existence of a nursing leadership programme are associated
with a stronger regulatory environment for nursing.
Executive summary
Executive summary 7 xvii
for nursing
© John W. Poole/NPR
Executive summary
Executive summary 9 xix
6 Planners and regulators should optimize the contributions of nursing
practice. Actions include ensuring that nurses in primary health care teams are working
to their full scope of practice. Effective nurse-led models of care should be expanded
when appropriate to meet population health needs and improve access to primary
health care, including a growing demand related to noncommunicable diseases and the
integration of health and social care. Workplace policies must address the issues known
to impact nurse retention in practice settings; this includes the support required for
nurse-led models of care and advanced practice roles, leveraging opportunities arising
from digital health technology and taking into account ageing patterns within the nursing
Source: National Health Workforce Accounts, World Health Organization 2019. Latest available data reported between 2013 and 2018.
xx 10 StateState ofworld’s
of the the world’s nursing
nursing 20202020
Workplace policies must address the issues known
to impact nurse retention in practice settings; this
includes the support required for nurse-led models
of care and advanced practice roles.
Investing in education,
jobs and leadership
This report has provided robust data and evidence on the nursing workforce. This
intelligence is needed to support policy dialogue and facilitate decision-making to
invest in nursing to strengthen primary health care, achieve universal health coverage,
and advance towards the SDGs.
Despite signs of progress, the report has also highlighted key areas of concern. An
acceleration of progress will be required in many low- and lower middle-income
countries in the African, South-East Asia and Eastern Mediterranean regions in order
to address key gaps. However, there is no room for complacency in upper middle-
and high-income countries, where constrained supply capacity, an older age structure
of the nursing workforce and an overreliance on international recruitment jointly pose
a threat to the attainment of national nursing workforce requirements.
National governments, with support where relevant from their domestic and international
partners, should catalyse and lead an acceleration of efforts to:
The investments required will necessitate additional financial resources. If these are made
available, the returns for societies and economies can be measured in terms of improved
health outcomes for billions of people, creation of millions of qualified employment
opportunities, particularly for women and young people, and enhanced global
health security. The case for investing in nursing education, jobs and
leadership is clear: relevant stakeholders must commit to action.
Introduction 1
landmarks, including the eradication and the Midwife, as designated by
of smallpox, the fight against the World Health Assembly (7), this
communicable diseases, and the landmark report aims to inform national,
dramatic reductions in maternal, regional and global actions related to
newborn and child mortality and the nursing workforce in the decade
morbidity worldwide (4, 5). Their remaining to achieve the Sustainable
prominent role has translated into Development Goals (SDGs).
an unparalleled level of attention by
the World Health Assembly, which 6. The report presents comprehensive,
has adopted over a 70-year period 10 up-to-date evidence on the current
resolutions to promote the uptake of nursing workforce globally; takes stock
international standards to educate, of the main issues, challenges and
employ and retain nurses and known evidence regarding the role of
midwives as part of broader workforce the nursing profession in the attainment
development priorities (3, 6). of health goals; and provides concrete
policy options to advance the nursing
5. This State of the world’s nursing profession as part of an integrated
2020 report, developed by WHO in approach to strengthen the health
partnership with the International workforce, primary health care and
Council of Nurses and the global health systems.
Nursing Now campaign, explores
the contemporary evidence with the 7. An online section available on the WHO
objective of providing a vision and website2 contains individual country
forward-looking agenda for nursing profiles presenting the data provided by
policy. As the world celebrates 2020 countries for this report.
as the International Year of the Nurse
© WHO/NOOR/Sebastian Liste
Individual chapter themes
Introduction 3
© Cecilie Arcurs/ Getty Image
Nursing in a context of
broader workforce and
health priorities
3 Astana Declaration on Primary Health Care: From Alma-Ata towards Universal Health Coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Figure 2.1 Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: strategic objectives and
relevance for nursing
human resources
for health.
Key areas for nursing
include having an accurate
count or “stock” of
Key areas for nursing the nursing workforce
include engaging and understanding the
nursing leaders in requisite information with
health policy-making which to conduct a health
and the development labour market analysis.
of nursing leadership. Data for monitoring and
accountability requires
the engagement not just
of government ministries,
but also nursing and
intersectoral stakeholders.
© AKDN/Christopher Wilton-Steer
hybrid educational pathway and role. As assessed at a global level (Figure 2.2).
“nurse-midwife” is not an internationally Data in the Global Regulatory Atlas (29)
classified occupational group, the report suggest there are at least 144 distinct
only included data referring to health titles of nurses around the world that
workers that countries categorized as require a licensure examination, including
professional or associate professional specialist and advanced practice titles.
nurses. More information about This reflects a range in the number of
these definitions and how countries types of nurses from 10 different titles
were supported to report on their in the South-East Asia Region to over 30
nursing personnel can be found in the in the Region of the Americas and the
description of methods in Chapter 5, as European Region.
well as in Annex 1 to this report.
22. The role of a nurse in one country may
20. Nursing encompasses autonomous and be different from the role of a nurse
collaborative care of individuals of all with the same title in another country.
ages, families, groups and communities, This underscores the importance of
sick or well and in all settings; it includes internationally standardized definitions
the promotion of health, the prevention to support discussions of who is a
of illness, and the care of ill, disabled nurse, understand nursing functions,
and dying people (7, 27). Additional and plan health services in which
key nursing roles include advocacy, the contributions of nurses is optimized
promotion of a safe environment, towards achieving population
participation in patient and health health goals.
services management, shaping health
policy, education, and research (27, 28).
Nurses provide a wide variety of health Figure 2.2 Number of distinct nursing titles
care services for people in all health within each WHO region
care settings, from tertiary hospitals to
health posts in remote communities.
Number of distinct titles in countries in each WHO region
21. There are a variety of educational 20
pathways to practise with the title
“nurse”. After completing an entry-level
nursing programme, higher education
10 11
and specialist qualifications are also 10
often available, usually resulting in
different titles and roles. The outcome
is an assortment of nursing titles, roles
and competencies, even within the same Americas Africa South-East Europe Eastern Western
Asia Mediterranean Pacific
country. The variety seen in any one
WHO region
country is magnified when examined at a
Note: Numbers indicate nursing titles requiring an examination in each country,
regional level and increases further when grouped by region. Source: NCSBN Global Regulatory Atlas (29).
Nursing roles in
21st-century health
23. This chapter provides a synthesis of services (30). The review shows that
the contemporary evidence base (for nursing-led primary care services can,
a detailed synthesis see web annex) in certain settings and under the right
on the roles and responsibilities of circumstances, lead to similar or in
nurses contributing to SDG 3 and more some cases even better patient health
specifically with respect to WHO’s outcomes and higher patient satisfaction
mission “to promote health, keep the than other care delivery models; nurses
world safe and serve the vulnerable” and probably also have longer consultations
the triple billion targets of its General with patients (30). Other Cochrane
Programme of Work. reviews have shown that nurses are
effective in the initiation and follow-up
of HIV therapy (31), and that nursing
3.1 Role of nursing in achieving interventions for tobacco cessation
universal health coverage increase the likelihood of quitting (32).
A further Cochrane review has shown
24. A Cochrane review has shown nurses that non-specialist health workers,
to be effective in the delivery of including nurses, may improve outcomes
primary health care across a wide for general and perinatal depression,
range of services for communicable post-traumatic stress disorder and
and noncommunicable diseases, alcohol use disorders, and patient and
including clinical decision-making carer outcomes for dementia (33). A
roles for some conditions, as well as Campbell systematic review has shown
health care education and preventive that sexual assault nurse examiners or
Annually more than 8 million deaths in low- and middle-income countries are attributed to
poor quality of care (39). Nurses can contribute to improved quality of care and to patient
safety through the prevention of adverse events, but this requires that they work at their
optimal capacity, within strong teams, and within a good working environment. Nurses play
an essential role in ensuring patient safety by monitoring patients for clinical deterioration,
detecting errors and near misses, understanding care processes and weaknesses inherent
in some systems, and performing numerous other actions to ensure patients receive high-
quality care (36). Burnout amongst nurses and doctors due to high workload, long journeys
and ineffective interpersonal relationships has been associated with worsening patient
safety (40), whereas good work environments, safe staffing of nurses and education in
mixed-skill teams are correlated with reduced hospital length of stay, lower incidence of
adverse events such as pneumonia, gastritis, upper gastrointestinal bleeds, pressure ulcers,
and catheter-associated urinary tract infections, and reduced overall mortality (41–48).
© WHO/Tania Habjouqa
An eight-month programme in elder care and home care nursing prepares nurses to
conduct physical assessments, meet the primary health care needs of community residents,
and assist families to provide palliative and end-of-life care in the home. Additional
coursework focuses on entrepreneurship, management and business plans to develop
and operate a home care nursing centre (89).
By March 2019, 67 nurses had completed the programme and over 56 of them operate
home care nursing centres in 23 districts throughout Japan. Staffing at the centres averages
70% nurses and 30% other professionals, attesting to the interprofessional collaborative
approach applied in meeting the primary health care needs of the communities served at
the centres and in their homes. As a network, the centres averaged 25 000 visits per month.
The support of families in providing end-of-life care has contributed to a reduction in health
care costs associated with hospital admission and medical procedures (90).
3.2 Role of nursing in dealing with their own countries’ capacity to respond
emergencies, epidemics and to future disaster and emergency
disasters situations (97). This may be particularly
important to increase the resilience of
29. Nurses are involved in delivering care for health systems that have been made
clinical emergencies (such as accidents more vulnerable through disasters and
or heart attacks), preventing and conflict (98).
responding to epidemic outbreaks, and
responding to disasters and humanitarian 31. In settings affected by fragility and
crises. Nurses are often the first provider conflict, health workers, including
that a patient sees in a health facility; nurses, confront a number of both
their roles may vary depending on personal and professional challenges,
context, but often include triage, early such as the threat of abduction, having to
recognition of life-threatening conditions, cope with the death of colleagues, fear
administration of medications, of their own death, increased workload,
performance of life-saving procedures, and increased complexity in the workload
and initiation of early referral. (for example, having to deal with firearm
wounds), as well as the erosion of ethical
30. Nurses have played a pivotal role as and professional standards (99). Despite
part of teams managing epidemics these conditions, nurses and other
that threaten health across the globe, health workers have shown resilience
including severe acute respiratory and commitment in the face of these
syndrome (SARS) in 2003 (91), the challenges and have continued to deliver
Middle East respiratory coronavirus essential services (99). With support,
(MERS-CoV) outbreak in 2015 (92), Zika nurses in conflict settings or catering to
virus disease in 2016 (93, 94), Ebola refugee populations have been able to
virus disease in 2014 (95, 96) and the achieve treatment success for a range of
COVID-19 outbreak that began in 2019. diverse conditions, such as pulmonary
Through the WHO Emergency Medical tuberculosis (100) and other respiratory
Teams Initiative, nurses and other health tract infections, dental caries and post-
workers are trained to better support traumatic stress disorder (101).
© WHO/Yoshi Shimizu
Policy levers to enable
the nursing workforce
35. Optimizing the contribution of the framework are societal, economic and
nursing profession, as described in the population factors that affect the health
preceding chapter, requires a conducive labour market. Some of these factors
policy and practice environment. Many of (gender bias, country income level) are
the factors that influence the availability, discussed in detail in this report, while
distribution, capacity, enabling work others, such as demographic trends
environment and performance of the (ageing, growth patterns) and climate
nursing workforce can be analysed change, should be considered more
through a public policy perspective, directly in the national-level context
utilizing the WHO health labour market when designing and implementing
framework (117) (Figure 4.1). relevant nursing workforce policies.
Policies on production Policies to address inflows and outflows Policies to address maldistribution
• on infrastructure and material • to address immigration and emigration and inefficiencies
Policies on production
• on enrolment Policies to address
• to attract inflows
unemployed and
health outflows
workers •Policies
to improve to productivity
address and performance
• ononselecting studentsand
infrastructure • toaddress
• to bring health workers
migration andback into the health
emigration •maldistribution andcomposition
to improve skill mix inefficiencies
• on teaching staff
material • tocare sector
attract unemployed health workers •• totoretain
workers in and
• on enrolment • to bring health workers back into the health underserved
performance areas
• on selecting students care sector • to improve skill mix composition
• on teaching staff • to refrain health workers in
Policies to regulate private sector
• to manage dual practice
Policies to regulate
• to improve theofprivate
quality trainingsector
• to •manage dualservice
to enhance practice
• to improve quality of training
• to enhance service delivery
Source: Adapted from Sousa A, Scheffler RM, Nyoni J, Boerma T. A comprehensive health labour market framework for universal health coverage.
* SupplyBulletin of the World
of qualified healthHealth Organization.
and social workforce2013;91:892–4.
willing to work
** Demand for health and social workfoce in the health and health-realted social care sectors
Source: Adapted from Sousa A, Scheffler RM, Nyoni J, Boerma T. A comprehensive health labour market framework for universal health coverage.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2013;91:892-4. (UPDATE TO TRA).
In Australia, Indigenous Australians have been requesting increased care from Indigenous
practitioners so as to increase their access not just to care, but to culturally safe care (127).
The solution however has not been as simple as increasing the numbers of Indigenous and
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, but also ensuring that the challenges these
students face are addressed, such as building an enabling environment, having Indigenous
nurse educators, embedding Indigenous content in the curriculum, and addressing the
financial needs of students (127, 128).
43. There are a variety of entry-level 44. Some countries around the world
educational programmes that produce educate a substantial proportion of their
nurses with different qualifications nursing workforce at the certificate
and professional roles but who meet and diploma level, often at stand-alone
the nursing professional and nursing training institutions that focus on task-
association classification criteria (ISCO- oriented clinical skills (137). University
08). Entry-level programmes may degree (bachelor’s) programmes
prepare nurses at the certificate level, typically include additional coursework
diploma level and degree (bachelor’s) in leadership, case management, and
level; the academic requirements for socioeconomic factors that affect health
an entry-level nursing programme can and patient outcomes in diverse inpatient
vary from completion of the ninth grade and outpatient settings; sometimes a
or below and 17 years of age for a research component is also included.
Around the globe it is estimated that US$ 27.2 billion is spent annually on nursing and
midwifery education (132). While nurses and midwives form more than half of the global
health workforce, the spending on nursing and midwifery education is around a quarter of
the global expenditure on health worker education. Estimates published in 2010 presented
an average cost per nursing graduate of US$ 50 000 globally, with a range from an average
of around US$ 3000 per nurse in China to over US$ 100 000 in North America (132). This
variance can be attributed to the proportional share of the public and private sectors in
financing, owning and managing educational institutions, as models for financing nursing
education differ both within and between countries (133). Another factor driving variability
in the cost of nursing education is the different levels of qualification that coexist and
diversity in the duration and prequalification of the education programmes (134). More and
better data on nursing and midwifery graduates, and the cost of education and training, are
needed to guide investments to meet the estimated shortages by 2030.
The challenge of nurse educator shortage, which is experienced across the globe, may
be alleviated through more collaborative approaches such as pooling resources across
institutions, and possibly even across countries (156).
In the United States, the Veterans Affairs Nursing Academic Partnership programme
provides funding for salaries and training of expert nurses as faculty in partner academic
institutions to increase the number of graduates prepared to meet the unique health care
needs of veterans in acute and primary care settings (158).
In Rwanda, the capacity of nursing faculty was strengthened through continuous education
focused on advanced teaching methodologies and curriculum development, among other
approaches (159). This initiative was supported by an international academic partnership,
recognizing that the programme had to be owned by Rwanda, and that cultural humility
needed to be practised through the collaboration (159).
Adoption of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration in December
2018 by 152 States Members of the United Nations advanced a comprehensive approach
to addressing international migration. A central tenet of the Global Compact is building
global skills partnerships – bilateral agreements to leverage opportunities from migration
through matching the demand for and supply of workers with targeted educational support in
countries of origin (166). The format of the partnerships is designed to channel the pressures
of migration into tangible, mutual and fairly shared benefits for both source and destination
countries, which is consistent with the principles of the WHO Global Code of Practice.
Through such an agreement, the country of destination agrees to provide technology and
finance to train potential migrants with targeted skills in the country of origin, prior to
migration, while the country of origin agrees to provide that training, and also receives
support for the training of non-migrants (166). As part of this partnership, nurses may for
example be trained on a “home track” and an “away track”, where the home track nurses
receive skills training appropriate to the needs of the country of origin, while the away
track nurses are prepared for working in the destination country. Depending on the needs
of each partner, this partnership may not be limited to single occupations. The partnership
between Health Education England (of the United Kingdom National Health Service) and
the Government of Jamaica is intended to improve Jamaica’s specialist nursing workforce.
Jamaican nurses train in critical care in United Kingdom hospitals for a period of two years,
then return to Jamaica to transition into specialist roles. In parallel, United Kingdom nurses
will spend time in Jamaica to support health system strengthening activities, including
service delivery, quality improvement and training. The exchange programme was
initiated in 2019.
The International Organization for Migration has similar projects across the globe, linking
countries of origin and destination countries through programmes that promote effective
management of health worker migration, health systems capacity-building in countries of
origin, and skill and knowledge transfer from the diaspora (167). It does so in collaboration
with national governments and other stakeholders. The International Organization for
Migration is a key partner to the efforts of WHO, endorsing the WHO Global Code of
Practice as well as relevant policies and World Health Assembly resolutions (167).
Demographic, epidemiological and health policy shifts point to a growing demand for
nurses in high-income countries. Examples include:
• The Health Foundation in the United Kingdom estimates a need to recruit at least 5000
nurses per year from abroad until 2024 (171).
• In Japan, a new visa programme was enacted to attract up to 245 000 foreign workers,
including 60 000 nursing aides (172).
• The German Government reported approximately 36 000 vacancies in elderly and sick
care (173), noting that they would need to recruit from abroad (174).
Among the national health priorities for Poland was to improve community-level
management of chronic conditions and to increase accessibility to treatment and medicines
in primary health care settings. Policy decisions around nursing education and regulatory
mechanisms effectively expanded the function of nurses in the health care system, and
increased patients’ access to health services (205).
In 2016, nurses with specific qualifications were granted authority to prescribe medications
under certain conditions. To prepare graduating nurses for this role, prescribing was
incorporated into every initial nursing and midwifery education programme, and
regulations allowed all nurses graduating with a Bachelor of Nursing degree to prescribe
a predetermined list of medications (206). In parallel with this, a new national strategy on
developing nursing and midwifery introduced organizational standards for the different
roles and professional competencies of nurses and improved working conditions.
Since 2016, 10 287 nurses and 4799 midwives have completed training enabling them
to prescribe. By December 2018, nurses and midwives had independently issued 2538
prescriptions and authorized the continuation of 363 288 previous prescriptions.
The most common route is to specialize after completing basic training (an advanced
diploma or baccalaureate degree in nursing) by undertaking a 12-month postgraduate
diploma in paediatric nursing. The resulting title and credentials vary by country – typical
formulations include registered nurse paediatric specialist, or professional nurse with
paediatric specialization.
There are approximately 3650 registered children’s nurses in the region, including
approximately 750 in Kenya, Malawi, Uganda and Zambia, and 2900 in South Africa (216).
The 12 different educational programmes (the majority in South Africa) graduate around
205 children’s nurse specialists annually. Three more programmes (Botswana, United
Republic of Tanzania and Zimbabwe) are in development (216).
Few country information systems in the region are currently set up to disaggregate by
nurse specialism. The Children’s Nursing Workforce Observatory supports national planning
for an optimized skill mix that meets the special health needs of children in the region.
Since 2015, researchers, nursing educators and other stakeholders have been collaborating
to capture and report on the role of the children’s nursing workforce in eastern and
southern Africa.
Attraction, recruitment and retention of nursing staff in rural and remote areas is
a growing concern in many countries. In 2010, WHO produced the global policy
recommendations on increasing access to health workers in remote and rural areas
through improved retention (217).4
In 1972, the territories of the Caribbean Community created the Regional Nursing Body with the
initial task of establishing a shared pool of qualified educators to alleviate bottlenecks in holding
competency assessments for graduate nurses (252). When analyses indicated that nursing
education curricula objectives, content and methods of teaching were similar throughout
the subregion, countries agreed to a singular and shared examination for nurses, which
began in 1990. The Regional Nursing Body coordinates the examination, which is based
on mutually agreed competencies for a registered nurse to practise; governance is shared
between the chief or principal nursing officers, nurse tutors, and nursing council of each
country, as well as educators from the universities of the subregion (257). The examination
allows for standardization and improvement of nursing education, as well as reciprocity and
ease of movement for registered nurses among the countries of the subregion.
In the European Union, efforts to harmonize the diversity and complexity in nursing degree
structures and curricular programmes started with the introduction of the sectoral directives
in the late 1970s, and has accelerated with revisions in 2005 (Directive 36) and subsequent
updates that introduced a standard set of competencies (Directive 55) (253, 254). These
changes, coupled with the Bologna Agreement (1999), resulted in a three-cycle educational
structure of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral qualifications, with harmonized academic
qualifications across all disciplines (258).
Current status of
evidence and data on
the nursing workforce
73. This chapter reports, for the first time through a single system for data
in WHO history, data on the nursing definition and reporting, the NHWA
workforce for over 190 countries based platform, which serves as an online
on a set of standardized indicators and repository for Member States to report,
one data reporting process, following monitor and use their human resources
the National Health Workforce Accounts for health data. Detailed methods are
(NHWA) approach. presented in Annex 2.
74. Data were collected on the availability, 75. The focus of the analysis was on the
composition, distribution, education and current nursing workforce, but the last
training, skills, management, regulation, part of this chapter considers future
financing, and leadership of the nursing possible scenarios of the nursing
workforce.5 In total, data for over 30 workforce under different assumptions
indicators were collected and analysed. to assess progress towards the
The data collection efforts included objectives outlined in the WHO Global
various stakeholders such as ministries Strategy on Human Resources for
of health, other ministries such as labour Health: Workforce 2030, and in relation
and education, human resources for to the 2030 Sustainable Development
health observatories, national public Goal (SDG) and universal health
health institutes, nursing professional coverage agendas (16).
organizations, government chief nursing
and midwifery officers, and other 76. The number of countries reporting
national, regional and international on nursing stock is unprecedented,
organizations. Data were collected representing the most comprehensive
Figure 5.1 Number of countries with workforce data available in the WHO NHWA (1990–2018)
Countries with dentistry Countries with nursing and Countries with pharmaceutical Countries with
personnel data midwifery personnel data personnel data physicians data
Number of countries
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Notes: (a) Considering the last five years, nursing stock data were collected for 191 countries. The latest data point may refer to different years; most
countries (83%) provided headcount data from 2017 or 2018. (b) The lag time in data availability and reporting explains the apparent downward trend in
recent years; more data points are expected to become available for 2014–2018, maintaining a positive upward trend for nursing workforce stock data.
Source: NHWA 2019.
Data from 191 countries indicate a global nursing stock of approximately 28 million
in 2018, predominantly (69%) professional nurses.
There was a 4.7 million actual increase globally in nursing stock between 2013 and
2018, even after accounting for better availability and quality of data.
Nine out of 10 nurses globally are female, with important regional variations: in
the African Region the female–male ratio is 3:1. Male nurses outnumber females
in 13 countries.
There are also large variations in distribution within regions. In the Region of the
Americas, more than eight out of 10 nurses work in three countries (Brazil, Canada
and the United States), which host 57% of the population. In the African and
Eastern Mediterranean regions, the nurse density per population varies 100-fold
across countries.
One out of six of the world’s nurses are expected to retire in the next 10 years; this
percentage is substantially higher in the Region of the Americas (24%), posing a
further replenishment challenge.
5.1.2 Global and regional stocks numbers, there are almost 10 times
of nurses more nurses in the Americas than in the
African Region, with 83.4 and 8.7 nurses
78. Data for 191 countries indicate a global per 10 000 population, respectively. The
stock of almost 28 million nursing Eastern Mediterranean and South-East
personnel, comprising both the public and Asia regions have the second and third
private sectors (Table 5.1). This translates lowest density (15.6 and 16.5 nurses
to a global density of 36.9 nurses per per 10 000 population, respectively), but
10 000 population. However, this global this is still almost double the density
figure masks deep variations within and observed in the African Region.
across regions.6
80. Around 81% of the world’s nurses work
79. While the Region of the Americas and the in three regions (Americas, Europe and
African Region have similar population Western Pacific), which collectively
Table 5.1 Number of nurses globally and density per 10 000 population, by WHO region, 2018
Includes nursing professionals and nursing associate professionals.
Note: stock data were not available for Cameroon, Comoros and South Sudan.
Source: NHWA 2019. Latest available density reported by countries between 2013 and 2018. For countries with a headcount reported between 2013 and 2017, to
standardize all countries to year 2018, the headcount was reported by applying their latest available density to 2018 populations.
The population size for each country and year used to compute density values was extracted from the 2019 revision of the World population prospects of the
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (263).
Table 5.2 Changes in nursing stock due to better data and actual increase between 2013 and 2018
Estimate of State of the world’s nursing 2020 174 23.2 191 27.9 4.7
The original publication includes midwives: 20.7 million nurses and midwives. This corresponds to 18.8 million nurses when corrected for share of nurses.
Source: NHWA 2019.
Table 5.3 Nurses as a percentage of health professionals (medical doctors, nurses, midwives,
dentists and pharmacists), by WHO region
Number of countries
WHO REGION reporting/ total Average share of nurses
Includes nursing professionals and nursing associate professionals.
Note: SDG 3.c.1 is the indicator used to assess progress on SDG target 3.c.
Source: NHWA 2019.
WHO REGION Professional nurses Associate professional nurses Nurses not further defined
South-East Asia
Eastern Mediterranian
Western Pacific
Number of countries
WHO REGION reporting/total % female % male
Note: “Nursing personnel” includes nursing professionals and nursing associate professionals.
Source: NHWA 2019. Most recent available headcount reported by countries between 2013 and 2018.
Figure 5.3 Percentage of nursing personnel aged below 35 years and 55 years or over,
by WHO region
South-East Asia
Eastern Mediterranian
Western Pacific
Global (n=106)
Note: “Nursing personnel” includes nursing professionals and nursing associate professionals.
Figure 5.4 Relative proportions of nurses aged over 55 years and below 35 years
Each dot represents a country Green line indicates where the number of nurses near retirement
equals the number of young nurses in the workforce.
18 countries at risk
of an ageing workforce
Percentage of nurses aged 55+ years
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Percentage of nurses less than 35 years
Note: “Nursing workforce” includes nursing professionals and nursing associate professionals from 106 countries with data disaggregated by age.
Source: NHWA 2019. Most recent available headcount reported by countries between 2013 and 2018.
Around 81% of the world’s nurses are found in the American, European and
Western Pacific regions, which account for 51% of the world’s population.
Individual countries experiencing low densities of nurses are mostly in the African,
South-East Asia and Eastern Mediterranean regions, and parts of Latin America.
90. The path to universal health coverage Eastern Mediterranean Region, with a
requires addressing demographic, ratio of highest to lowest density of 121
geographical and skills disparities in to 1, and in the African Region, with a
availability of and access to the health ratio of 100 to 1. Also, in the Region
workforce. of the Americas a few large countries
have high densities of nursing personnel
while most of the other countries have
5.2.2 Equity across regions
relatively low densities: 87% of the
91. Figure 5.5 shows the global variation in nurses in this region are located in
nursing personnel density per 10 000 Brazil, Canada and the United States,
population, with the greatest gaps which account for around 57% of the
concentrated in the African, South-East population. Lower density disparities –
Asia and Eastern Mediterranean regions 10 to 1 – are observed in the European
and some countries in Latin America. Region. Countries in the African Region
are clustered at the lower end of the
column, indicating that only a few African
5.2.3 Equity in nursing availability
countries have a density of over 25
within regions
nurses per 10 000 population. Similar
92. Figure 5.6 illustrates the variation in patterns are observed in the South-
nurse density within regions: each dot East Asia and Eastern Mediterranean
represents a country. All regions show regions. The density variance is largely
significant variation in nursing density, driven by income levels, with a density
but the disparity is greatest in the of 9.1 nurses per 10 000 population
< 10 10 to 19 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 74 75 to 99 100 +
not applicable not reported
Note: “Nursing personnel” includes nursing professionals and nursing associate professionals.
Source: NHWA 2019. Latest available data over the period 2013–2018.
Figure 5.6 Regional disparities in density of nursing personnel per 10 000 population (2018)
WHO regions
Note: “Nursing personnel” includes nursing professionals and nursing associate professionals.
Source: NHWA 2019. Latest available headcount reported by countries between 2013 and 2018.
Figure 5.7 Density of nursing personnel per 10 000 population by income group (2018)
Number of nurses per 10 000 population
Level of income
Note: “Nursing personnel” includes nursing professionals and nursing associate professionals.
Source: NHWA 2019. Latest available headcount reported by countries between 2013 and 2018. Income grouping is from the World Bank classification as of 2018.
Note: “Nursing personnel” includes nursing professionals and nursing associate professionals.
Source: NHWA 2019. Most recent available headcount reported by countries between 2013 and 2018.
For Cook Islands and Niue, income group classifications were not available. They were therefore classified as upper middle-income, similarly to other
countries in the same area. Income grouping is from the World Bank classification as of 2018.
9 Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eswatini, Gambia, Ghana,
Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Honduras, Iceland, Kenya, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Madagascar, Marshall Islands, Mongolia,
Myanmar, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Samoa, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Uganda, United
Republic of Tanzania, Uruguay, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).
Based on data from 86 countries, one nurse out of eight (13%) was born or trained
in a country other than the one in which they currently practise.
Low-income 3/31 NR
Note: “Nursing personnel” includes nursing professionals and nursing associate professionals. “Foreign trained” was used as a proxy for 30 countries that
could not provide data on the percentage who were foreign born.
Source: NHWA 2019. Latest available stock reported by countries between 2013 and 2018. Income grouping is from the World Bank classification as of 2018.
NR = not reported because of the small number of countries.
Nursing education systems appear more regulated in the European Region and
less regulated in the South-East Asia, Eastern Mediterranean and Western Pacific
regions, particularly in relation to fitness for practice examination and standards
for faculty qualification.
Africa 91% 100% 90% 81% 68% 74% 68% 78% 66%
Americas 77% 91% 94% 49% 71% 55% 57% 75% 91%
South-East Asia 69% 85% 78% 60% 61% 75% 72% 64% 38%
Europe 85% 94% 98% 87% 91% 30% 64% 94% 67%
80% 80% 70% 20% 50% 50% 70% 80% 30%
Western Pacific 70% 77% 78% 52% 63% 52% 56% 71% 35%
Global 81% 91% 89% 67% 73% 53% 64% 77% 62%
Source: NHWA 2019, and State of the world’s nursing 2020 specific indicators for the last three factors. Latest available data reported by countries between
2013 and 2018.
4 and less 5 6 7 8 9
not applicable not reported
A total of 88 countries, mostly from South-East Asia and Europe, reported data on
the number of nursing workforce graduates per year.
Regions with the lowest density of nurses (African, Eastern Mediterranean and
South-East Asia regions) also had the lowest graduation rates (7.7, 7.1 and 12.2 per
100 000 population, respectively).
Relative to their population, the Region of the Americas had 10 times more
graduates than the African and Eastern Mediterranean regions.
training is required to match current and the overall density of 22.6 graduates
anticipated needs of health systems and per 100 000 population would yield an
meet national and subnational needs. estimate of 1.72 million nursing graduates
per year. This analysis should be viewed
102. To assess the adequacy of the education as a pure illustration, as stemming from
pipeline, countries were asked to provide a small number of countries per region,
the number of nursing graduates in the with the exception of the European
most recent available year. In total, 88 Region. However, the data, while limited in
countries, of which almost half (41) were coverage, did not show a wide variation in
in Europe, reported on this indicator. the ratio of graduates to nursing stock. In
The “total” figures in Table 5.8 should addition, these results estimated on stock
therefore be interpreted with the utmost were compared to the share of the age
caution, as they are skewed by the data group aged under 35 years, that is, roughly
from South-East Asia and Europe, and the workforce starting employment within
are not representative of the situation in the previous 10 years. Using one tenth of
other regions. this younger category as a proxy to stock
entering the market annually, this would
103. Similar to the association with nursing correspond to a stock of 1.06 million to be
density, the level of income was a factor compared with the present estimation of
associated with an increased number of 1.7 million graduates. As not all workers
graduates per 100 000 population. are employed, the order of magnitude
seems plausible.
Source: NHWA 2019. Income grouping is from the World Bank classification as of 2018.
© WHO/Yoshi Shimizu
Figure 5.10 Average duration (years) of education for nursing professionals, by WHO region
South-East Asia
Eastern Mediterranean
Western Pacific
Some countries, mostly in the South-East Asia and Western Pacific regions,
but also in the African Region and South America, reported lower levels of
these regulations.
working conditions are major drivers working hours and conditions, social
of attractiveness of employment, protection and minimum wage, and
performance and productivity, and having a nursing council or equivalent,
retention of the health workforce. The but fewer responding countries (53%)
Global Strategy on Human Resources had advanced nursing roles. A total of
for Health: Workforce 2030 calls for 55 countries responded to the indicator
upholding “the personal, employment on the existence of measures to prevent
and professional rights of all health attacks on health workers, of which
workers, including safe and decent just over a third (37%) said that such
working environments and freedom from measures were in place.
all kinds of discrimination, coercion and
violence”. To assess this dimension, 109. Table 5.9 indicates that countries in the
six indicators related to regulation of Eastern Mediterranean Region reported
employment characteristics and working higher levels of employment regulations
conditions were examined (Figure 5.11). for nurses examined for this report: over
It should be noted that three indicators 70% of countries responded positively
(regulation on working hours and to all six indicators. The South-East Asia
conditions, nursing council, existence and Eastern Mediterranean regions
of advanced nursing roles) are specific were the only two regions in which the
to nursing: the rest apply to the health majority of countries reported having
workforce as a whole, including nurses. measures in place to prevent attacks
Nursing council
(141 yes out of 164)
Source: NHWA 2019, and State of the world’s nursing 2020 specific indicators for the last factor. Latest available data reported by countries between 2013
and 2018.
110. High proportions of countries in the 111. Data for the six indicators were used
Western Pacific Region reported to derive a composite “regulation of
having regulation on working hours working conditions” score for each
and conditions and a minimum wage, country using a similar methodology
and a nursing council or equivalent. to that used in section 5.4, and with
However, they reported lower levels of methods described in Annex 2. Figure
existence of the other three regulation 5.12 reinforces the finding that, as for the
mechanisms. The South-East Asia Region education system analysed in section
reported the lowest rate of positive 5.4, the regulatory environment was
responses to indicators assessing the reported to be relatively stronger in
regulatory environment, although half of
1 or no 2 3 4 5 6
not applicable not reported
<5 5-19 20+
Medical doctors density
per 10 000 population
© AKDN/Christopher Wilton-Steer
Both the presence of a government chief nursing officer (GCNO) position and
the existence of a nursing leadership programme are associated with a stronger
regulatory environment for nursing.
Neither GCNO positions nor leadership programmes are however associated with
increased rates of production of nurses.
Table 5.10 Leadership and governance indicators: percentage of countries with chief nursing
officer position and nursing leadership development programme, by WHO region
Source: State of the world’s nursing 2020 specific indicators, 2019. Latest available data reported by countries between 2013 and 2018.
Figure 5.14 Association between GCNO and nursing leadership programme and the
regulatory environment
Working conditions
GCNO Leadership programme
6 10
Nursing working
Nursing working
condition score
condition score
0 0
No GCNO GCNO No leadership Leadership
programme programme
P=0.008 (Kruskal-Wallis test) P<0.001 (Kruskal-Wallis test)
Education regulations
GCNO Leadership programme
10 10
8 8
Nursing education
Nursing education
regulation score
regulation score
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
No GCNO GCNO No leadership Leadership
programme programme
P=0.007 (Kruskal-Wallis test) P<0.001 (Kruskal-Wallis test)
We estimate a shortage of 5.9 million nurses comparing 2018 data with benchmark
values defined in the Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health; the gaps
are mostly (89%) concentrated in low- and lower middle-income countries.
Taking into account projected population growth and the ageing of the nursing
workforce, the African, South-East Asia and Eastern Mediterranean regions are
projected to remain in 2030 with a density below 25 nurses per 10 000 population.
Density in the African Region is projected to improve only marginally.
Scaling up education of nurses to address gaps may cost approximately US$ 10 per
capita for the period 2018–2030 in affected low- and lower middle-income countries.
118. To achieve the health-related SDGs, WHO account the current nursing headcount,
Member States will need to educate the estimated retirement rate (based
enough nurses to (a) compensate for on the age distribution of the nursing
losses to the profession (for example, workforce), the population growth, and
due to death, migration or retirement); assumptions on the entry in the labour
(b) meet the increased demands in many market (see Annex 2 for description of
parts of the world due to population scenarios). On current trends, the stock
growth and ageing and changing health of nursing personnel is projected to
care needs; and (c) eliminate the existing increase from 27.9 million in 2018 to
global shortage. 35.9 million nurses in 2030.
<10 10 to 19 20 to 29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 74 75 to 99 100 +
not applicable not reported
Note: “Nursing personnel” includes nursing professionals and nursing associate professionals.
2018 (see section 5.2) are projected to South-East Asia and Western Pacific
continue largely unabated to 2030. regions. When grouping by level of
income is considered, 88% of the
121. The growth trajectory of the projected increase in stock is projected in middle-
stock is not sufficient to fully address income countries (Figure 5.16).
the needs, particularly in the African
Region, where a population growth of
5.8.3 Nursing workforce shortage
34% is expected. Also, the Eastern
Mediterranean Region is projected to 124. The WHO Global Strategy on Human
see only marginal increases in nursing Resources for Health estimated in 2016
personnel stock (Table 5.11). that by 2030 there would be a global
shortage of 7.6 million nurses and
122. Projections were conducted with midwives in countries with a density
different assumptions and scenarios, below a benchmark of 4.45 physicians,
relying on data availability and data nurses and midwives per 1000
quality for factors used in the analysis. population; this threshold value excluded
Potential limitations are discussed in most high-income countries. Adopting
Annex 2. the same methodology and benchmark
values, but using more recent data,
123. In contrast, the nursing stock is projected a shortage of 5.9 million nurses was
to significantly increase in the American, estimated for 2018, and of 5.7 million
Figure 5.16 Projected increase (to 2030) of nursing stock, by WHO region and by country income group
Americas Eastern Mediterranean High income Low income
43% 4% 6% 6%
6% Lower middle
Europe income
7% 27%
Western Pacific Upper middle income
22% 61%
Figure 5.17 Estimation of shortages of nursing workforce in 2013, 2018 and 2030
Global Strategy on Human 9.0 million nurses and midwives 7.6 million nurses and midwives
Resources for Health 2016
Correcting for nurses only 8.2 million nurses 6.9 million nurses
Correcting for improved data 6.6 million nurses 5.6 million nurses Consistent
The State of world’s of shortage
5.9 million nurses 5.7 million nurses by 2030
nursing 2020
Note: Shortage estimated by comparing nursing stock in each country in each year to a benchmark density.
Source: Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health 2016 and State of the world’s nursing 2020 report at global level.
The State of the world’s nursing 2020 estimate of nursing shortage by 2030, if the current trends are maintained, is consistent with (5.7 million nurses versus
5.6 million) the Global Strategy estimate.
11 Figures quoted constitute a one-off investment in countries with shortages to cover the training of all graduates.
Future directions
for nursing
workforce policy
129. The evidence presented in this report, 131. Harnessing this potential requires
building on both existing frameworks concerted efforts spanning different
and published literature (Chapters 2, 3 sectors at the local, national and global
and 4) and the analysis of the current levels. In this chapter, we discuss in
status of the nursing workforce (Chapter turn the main findings emerging from
5), provides a compelling case for a the global discourse and the specific
radical change in the way the nursing evidence collated for this report; on that
workforce is educated, deployed, basis, we outline the actions required to
managed and supported, as part of stimulate sustainable investments, build
broader health workforce and health institutional capacity, and catalyse policy
system policies. action in support of a fit-for-purpose and
fit-to-practise nursing workforce.
130. The investments required will be
substantial, but even bigger will be the 132. These policy options are addressed
returns for societies and economies in to both Member States and, where
terms of improved health outcomes for relevant, other stakeholders. Their
hundreds of millions of people, creation applicability and relevance should be
of millions of qualified employment considered by countries on a case-
opportunities, particularly for women by-case basis, depending on their
and young people, and enhanced global health system’s objectives, underlying
health security. conditions and implementation capacity.
In December 2019, the Government of Scotland released an integrated health and social
care workforce plan for Scotland (272). The plan includes a vision to enable people to stay
at home rather than being hospitalized. However, implementation requires an increase in
the number of district nurses.
The Scottish Government used data from NHS National Services Scotland, Information
Services Division, to create modelled scenarios of how many additional nursing students
would be required. The government also considered the supply and shortages in other
health occupations, how the shortages impact what care needs to be delivered, and how
this may be addressed.
The data and findings were shared with the Nursing and Midwifery Student Intake
Reference Group and other stakeholders. This dialogue led to decisions to take a proactive
approach to training district nurses, increase investment in education and training of district
nurses, and consider staffing arrangements that will allow for nurses already in service to
receive such education and training.
This represents the government’s first attempt at addressing health and social workforce
issues in an integrated manner at the national level and shifting from planning for a single
profession towards planning for multidisciplinary team-based care.
The East, Central and Southern African Health Community (ECSA-HC) is an inter-
governmental health organization that fosters and promotes regional cooperation in
health (274). Nursing shortages are common in the subregion. Poor working conditions
and high caseloads contribute to lack of incentives for nurses to enter the workforce and
high levels of out-migration. Often-fragmented education systems struggle with inadequate
faculty and regulatory capacity, resulting in a limited ability to train enough skilled nurses.
The World Bank Group collaborated with Jhpiego, the International Council of Nurses, and
the ECSA College of Nursing on a study to assess nursing labour and education markets.
The objective was to estimate the magnitude of the challenges in these systems and to
identify policies to scale up nursing education in the region through targeted public and
private investments. The study examined how the interaction between the education
system and the health system was mediated by the labour market for nurses, considering
governance and regulatory challenges. The data collected were indicators from the
WHO-developed NHWA (273) as well as additional qualitative data collected during regional
consultations. The country teams coordinating data reporting for the study were national
nursing leadership “quads” with additional support from WHO in the review process (see
also subsection 6.3.3).
Results revealed an imbalanced market, and a critical misalignment of demand for and
supply of nurses in the subregion. While nursing supply has grown faster than population
growth over the past 10 years, it coexists with low absorption rates of nurses into public
sector positions (often due to recruitment inefficiencies or undesirable working conditions)
in many countries, and large needs-based shortages. The projections analysis estimated
that effective demand would grow by 33% between 2019 and 2039, but still leaving a
surplus of over 220 000 nurses that the public and private sector were not able or willing to
employ. In contrast, needs-based shortages are estimated to reach 841 000 nurses by 2030,
expanding the current imbalances in the nursing labour market.
The study concluded that increasing the supply of nurses to respond to the SDGs in
ECSA countries would require scaling up nursing education, improving the quality of
nursing schools (including enforcement of quality assurance mechanisms), and increasing
resources needed to absorb nurses into the local and regional labour markets. This can be
facilitated by adequate investments in physical and human resources, nursing governance,
regulation, and the production of data and analytical capacities to empower countries to
monitor the impact of investments.
On 9 November 2018, the German Parliament passed the Care Strengthening Act, which
aims to improve the attractiveness of health care and long-term care for employees and
care staff in hospitals and residential homes (275). Improving staffing in these facilities was
at the heart of the new government’s health policy. For many years health care and long-
term care had suffered from a severe shortage of nurses, with widespread understaffing in
hospitals and residential homes. Numbers of professionals leaving the health service due to
retirement and dissatisfaction were greater than the numbers entering the workforce upon
graduation from vocational training. Furthermore, understaffing was perceived to lead to
deteriorating working conditions for staff and poor quality of care. In 2012 it was projected
that Germany would have a nursing care shortage of between 263 000 and 500 000 by 2030
(276). In its attempt to reduce staff shortages, Germany adopted a multipronged strategy
comprising a scale-up in education, the creation of new nursing jobs and the optimization
of international recruitment of migrant health workers, such as nurses from central and
south-eastern Europe (277). For this last element, Germany has taken steps to harness
opportunities for mutual benefits with source countries from international health worker
mobility, including through technical cooperation and bilateral agreements that create
training and investment opportunities in the source country (168).
Pakistan is attempting to address its shortfall of 1 million health workers. In 2018 it launched
its national Human Resources for Health Vision for 2030, aimed at addressing the health
workforce skills mix and the nursing workforce. Nursing, which is regarded as the backbone
of the health sector, is key to this vision, with 2019 having been made the Year of Nursing in
Pakistan, highlighting the contributions of nursing to population health (287). In launching
the Year of Nursing, President Alvi announced that a nursing university would be established
in Islamabad, which aims to provide training to 25 000 students each year (287). The
country plans to double the size of the nursing sector within two years, to overcome the
national shortage of nurses. The shortage of nurses was described by Dr Nausheen Hamid,
Parliamentary Secretary for National Health Services, as an impediment to attaining universal
health coverage, with adequate numbers of well performing nurses needed for an effective
health system (288).
The country of Oman provides an example of reorienting nursing and midwifery education
and emphasizing primary care competencies, which was a component of the call for action to
strengthen the nursing workforce adopted by the 66th session of the Regional Committee for
the Eastern Mediterranean (October 2019) (290).
Oman has experienced a rapid growth in population and life expectancy. The improvements
in socioeconomic status, however, have come with an increase in the burden of chronic
illness. To address this population health issue, the government decided to invest in
community health nurses (291). The Department of Nursing and Midwifery at the Ministry of
Health initiated a 16-week on-the-job training programme, first piloted in the capital, Muscat,
and then extended to other governorates. Community health nursing services were integrated
into primary health care structures in line with the services provided in the primary health
centres (292).
Eventually, the 16-week training transformed into a bachelor’s degree in nursing with a focus
on community health nursing, and then to a post-basic diploma in community health nursing
specialty (291). This specialty programme has contributed to maintaining the supply of
qualified community health nurses to meet primary care service needs in the country.
The African Health Profession Regulatory Collaborative (ARC) was created to help countries
update nursing and midwifery regulations to facilitate safe and sustainable nurse-led
models of care and treatment for patients with HIV. The collaborative involved 17 countries,
comprising most members of the East, Central and Southern African College of Nursing
(ECSACON) (308).
ARC convened the government chief nurse, the president of the national nursing association,
a leader in academia, and the registrar of the national nursing and midwifery council from
each country and supported prioritization of and collaboration on nationally identified
regulatory challenges. The country leadership teams, who called themselves “quads”, worked
together on their regulatory priority (for example, scope of practice inclusive of HIV tasks,
continuing professional development requirements for HIV content) on annual cycles. Quads
met frequently in country as well as with regional colleagues working on similar priorities.
Progress was measured regularly and with diverse measures (309).
Over the course of five years (2011–2016) nursing and midwifery regulations were
strengthened, and quads reported substantial increases in leadership skills, organizational
capacity, and collaboration among national nursing and midwifery organizations (310).
While ARC was a donor-funded initiative, the “quad” arrangement has been institutionalized
in ECSACON countries and serves as a continuing mechanism to leverage nursing and
midwifery leadership to address national health priorities.
In many countries across the globe, workers are legally entitled to strike, and this is widely
considered as a civil right (311). However, for health workers, exercising this right is
complicated because doing so creates a tension with patients’ rights to care, and with citizens’
rights to universal health coverage, and may or may not lead to increased mortality (311–314).
Notwithstanding, health worker strikes, including by nurses, take place across the world,
in high-, middle- and low-income countries (313, 314). An analysis of strikes in low-income
countries found that health workers were reported to be on strike for 875 working days, in 23
low-income countries, between 2009 and 2018 (311). The study reported that strikes could last
days or months, and could also be recurrent over months or years (311). The primary causal
factors leading to these strikes were complaints about remuneration and delayed payments,
followed by protest against the unsatisfactory implementation of a previously reached
agreement, or against the health sector’s governance and policies, as well as complaints
about working conditions and security issues. Reducing health worker strikes will require
multistakeholder, multifaceted and multisectoral approaches (311, 314, 315). More research
is needed to understand the causal factors in individual cases, as well as patterns across
regions, and which actors should be engaged to reach a positive resolution (311). However, it
is clear that multisectoral action, with the support of political leadership, is needed between
health and other sectors to address the upstream factors associated with health worker strikes
(314). Investment in decent working conditions for health workers, where they are assured
of a safe, enabling and effective working environment, is vital for the achievement and
protection of the right to universal health coverage (314).
Policy options
170. Nurse leadership must be developed
at country, regional and global
levels. Nurses must have opportunities
to develop their leadership potential
© Janice Mullings-George
Health systems in the Western Pacific Region are managing a double burden of
noncommunicable and communicable diseases, while also facing significant economic, social
and environmental challenges. Nurses provide approximately 78% of the care in the Western
Pacific Region (317), so it is crucial that they are empowered and educated to a level that
gives them the influence they need to improve community health outcomes. However, the
Western Pacific Region has traditionally experienced a lack of leadership programmes (318,
319), including few for health professionals (320–322), and existing programmes have not
been culturally contextualized (317, 323, 324).
From 2009 to 2017, the University of Technology Sydney ran an Australia Awards Fellowships
leadership and mentorship programme in partnership with the South Pacific Chief Nursing
and Midwifery Officers Alliance (318). The leadership programme focused on human
resources for health, collective cultures, teaching mentorship, policy implementation and links
with universal health coverage. Impact assessment involved more than 300 stakeholders and
programme participants from 14 countries (318).
Initial findings show that 85% of the participants of the leadership model have had major
career developments and assumed senior roles in nursing and midwifery. They have
also implemented projects in their home countries in areas such as succession planning,
professional development, regulation and refresher training (319). Another major finding is
that these professions are now represented at global summits, influencing policy on global,
regional and national levels (325). Nine nursing and midwifery officers from the leadership
programme attended the Seventy-second World Health Assembly. Six have become
government chief nurses in their countries, and two are the health ministers of their countries.
Policy options
174. Countries should coordinate
intersectoral action and sustainable
financing to enable an expansion of
economic demand for the creation
© WHO/Yoshi Shimizu
of nursing jobs. The 5.9 million new
nursing jobs needed (only focusing
on those required to fill current gaps)
can be created in most countries with
existing domestic funds by effective health workers in most high- and
management of wage bill growth. middle-income countries (assuming
National planners should consider the normal fiscal growth and ability to
efficiency of nursing investments vis- prioritize health) (328). Some high- and
à-vis that of other occupational groups middle-income countries can address
and optimize the productivity of the shortages and unlock demand by
current and future nursing workforce lifting restrictions on the supply of
through appropriate incentives and health workers, while at the same time
management systems. Public funds reducing overreliance on international
can meet the recurrent costs of labour mobility and immigration.
To increase access to quality primary health care services, as the cornerstone for achieving
universal health coverage, substantial investments are needed in infrastructure (for example,
hospitals and health centres) and the associated human capital (the health workforce,
including knowledge and skills) (14, 328). A number of human capital initiatives are focused
on helping countries invest more — and more effectively — in their people to improve
outcomes in health, nutrition, quality education and skills.
• The World Bank committed to invest US$ 15 billion to support human capital reforms in
low- and lower middle-income countries, with a particular focus on Africa; 63 countries
have signed on as human capital project countries.
• The International Monetary Fund is reinforcing all programmes with a social spending
initiative as a core objective. They will provide additional technical assistance in the areas
of social spending, social protection, education and health.
• Within the context of universal health coverage, the European Investment Bank and WHO
are partnering on the human capital agenda through development of a financial instrument
that links European Investment Bank investments with targeted support for education,
skills and jobs in the health sector.
• The OECD, WHO and the ILO established a United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund to
pool resources for implementation of recommendations stemming from the United
Nations High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth related to
transformative education, skills and job creation.
34). The Campbell review was focused 180. Leveraging different research
on practices in the United States and the settings and methodologies. While
United Kingdom and was thus limited the aforementioned evidence reviews
to studies from those countries. The are essential to establishing the
review on antiretroviral therapy only effectiveness of nursing interventions,
included studies from Africa. All studies the setting of the included studies
in the review on tobacco cessation were limits their generalizability and global
from high-income countries, mostly the applicability. Furthermore, experimental
United States. The mental health review and quasi-experimental investigations
only focused on low- and middle-income most typically compared nurses to other
countries, including seven studies from health professionals. While this may
low-income countries and 15 from low- offer useful insights, the method is ill
and middle-income countries (31, 33, suited to illustrate and fully understand
34). The overview also highlights specific the team-based nature of efforts and
gaps in the evidence on effectiveness, interconnected processes required
such as nursing interventions with for the successful delivery of quality
respect to the social determinants health care. A broader range of studies,
of health, including climate change, comprising quantitative (experimental
and nursing interventions in complex and non-experimental) and qualitative
emergency settings. primary studies, mixed methods
183. This State of the world’s nursing 2020 primarily in the African, South-East Asia
report has underscored the centrality and Eastern Mediterranean regions.
of nurses as part of integrated teams This represents an improvement in the
in making critical contributions nursing workforce stock in the countries
towards universal health coverage affected by shortages, as compared with
and other national and global health the baseline situation identified by the
objectives. Nurses represent the largest Global Strategy.
occupational group, with a headcount
estimated for 2018 of approximately 185. Despite signs of progress, the report
28 million, representing a central element has also highlighted key areas of
of primary health care and health concern. In line with the projections
systems in countries of all levels of made by the Global Strategy in 2016,
socioeconomic development. an acceleration of progress will be
required in low- and lower middle-
184. The data and evidence collated for income countries and the African and
this report are stronger than ever Eastern Mediterranean regions in
before. A total of 191 countries reported order to address key gaps. The largest
on workforce stock — an all-time high shortfall in absolute numbers remains
and a 53% increase on the health in the South-East Asia Region. The
workforce data released in 2018. For the American and European regions face an
first time, 80% of countries provided additional threat in light of their ageing
WHO with data on at least 15 nursing nursing workforce. Several high-income
indicators spanning different workforce countries in the American, European and
policy dimensions. An analysis of stock Eastern Mediterranean regions appear
data trends indicates a shortage of 5.9 excessively reliant on international
million nurses in 2018, concentrated nursing mobility.
Conclusion 91
186. National governments, with support multiple development outcomes,
where relevant from their domestic including job creation, gender and
and international partners, should youth empowerment.
catalyse and lead an acceleration of
efforts to: 187. Translating the evidence of
this report, the policy options
• build leadership, stewardship and recommended, and the strategic
management capacity for the nursing directions above into concrete policy
workforce to advance the relevant and investment decisions will require
education, health, employment and coordination among government
gender agendas; sectors and collaboration with the
most critical stakeholders. The
• optimize return of current investments findings and data presented should
in nursing through adoption of be used to trigger policy dialogue
required policy options in education, opportunities in countries involving the
decent work, deployment, practice, most important stakeholders. These
productivity, regulation, and retention policy dialogue mechanisms should be
of the nursing workforce; leveraged to elicit the requisite decisions
in terms of both the adoption of sound
• generate massive investment in the and evidence-informed policies and
health workforce, and in nurses as appropriate investment levels.
part of this, and leverage them for
© WHO/Yoshi Shimizu
education, jobs and
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References 107
Annex 1. Who is a nurse?
Nurses provide a wide variety 2221) and nursing associate professional nurses and
of services for people in all professional (ISCO code 3221). associate professional nurses
health care settings, from Of note, the present section is blurred. Similarly, the
specialist hospitals to health reports on nursing personnel distinction between associate
posts and communities. Nurses as an occupational group professional nurses and nurse
hold a diverse set of job titles, defined above, but it should aides is not always clear.
roles and educational pathways. be noted that “nursing care”, In these cases, therefore,
The six most common nursing putting the nursing personnel an element of judgement
job titles are registered nurse, within a multidisciplinary was required from national
nurse, licensed practice nurse, health system, involves stakeholders. Countries were
advanced practice registered several other occupations advised to consider both the
nurse, nurse practitioner, and not described in the present roles and responsibilities
nursing assistant. However, section. For example, the ISCO and the duration of pre-
the role of a nurse in one classification and a country’s service education when
country may be different from system following ISCO would deciding whether to classify
the role of a nurse in another classify “nurse aids” as health an occupation group as
country, even if their job title care assistants, a broader professionals or associate
is the same. This makes it support occupational group.12 professionals, or not nurses
inappropriate to use job title as at all. For example, as a
a method of classification and ISCO guidance provides general rule, a professional
analysis at international level. detailed descriptions of which nurse will have completed
health workers should be a pre-service education course
This report aims to present the counted under each category lasting at least three years.
best available, internationally (Box A1.1). In summary, In case a country was not
comparable data on the nursing professional nurses assume able to decide which category
workforce, as defined by the responsibility for the planning to use, NHWA includes a
ILO 2008 International Standard and management of the nursing “nurses: not further defined”
Classification of Occupations care of patients, working option, and some countries
(ISCO-08) and reported and autonomously or in teams with opted to place some or all of
validated by WHO Member medical doctors and others. their nursing workforce into
States. To help achieve this Nursing associate professionals this category. This category
aim, National Health Workforce provide basic nursing and corresponds to either nursing
Accounts (NHWA) use the personal care and generally professionals or nursing
ISCO-08 system to categorize work under the supervision or associate professionals,
the health workforce. Countries in support of medical, nursing but it excludes nursing aides,
were asked to classify their or other health professionals. who belong to the health
nursing workforce into one care assistant occupational
of two main ISCO-08 codes: However, in some countries, group, not analysed in the
professional nurse (ISCO code the distinction between present report.
• Planning, providing and evaluating nursing care • Providing nursing and personal care and treatment
for patients and health advice to patients according to care plans
established by health professionals
• Coordinating the care of patients in consultation with
other health professionals • Administering medications and other treatments
to patients, monitoring patients’ condition and
• Developing and implementing care plans for the responses to treatment, and referring patients and
treatment of patients in collaboration with other their families to a health professional for specialized
health professionals care as needed
• Planning and providing personal care, treatments and • Cleaning wounds and applying dressings
therapies, including administering medications and
monitoring responses to treatment or care • Updating information on patients’ conditions and
treatments received in record-keeping systems
• Cleaning wounds and applying dressings
• Assisting in planning and managing the care of
• Monitoring pain and discomfort in patients and individual patients
alleviating pain using therapies, including
painkilling drugs • Assisting in giving first-aid treatment in emergencies
Note: The distinction between professional and associate professional nurses should be made on the basis of the nature of the work performed in relation to
the tasks specified above. The qualifications held by individuals or that predominate in the country are not the main factor in making this distinction, as training
arrangements for nurses vary widely between countries and have varied over time within countries.
Source: Adapted from ISCO-08.
Annex 1 109
Annex 2. Methods
Indicators used in the State organizations, and focal points reporting and validation of the
of the world’s nursing 2020 were advised to review and relevant data.
report validate the data. The population
WHO member states were size for each country and Data reported
invited to submit from July 2019 year were extracted from the Of the 194 WHO Member
to November 2019 the most 2019 revision of the World States, 193 reported data
recent available data on the population prospects of the (191 reported on stock) either
nursing workforce through 36 United Nations Department of directly via the NHWA platform
indicators, 30 from the NHWA Economic and Social Affairs.14 or through regional offices and
and six additional specific Additional data on indicators other international processes
indicators (see list in Table A2.1). assessing the governance and such as OECD, Eurostat and
The 30 indicators are defined in policy environment through WHO Regional Office for Europe
the NHWA handbook,13 which binary questions (yes/no) on the joint data collection on non-
also provides detailed definitions existence of related mechanisms monetary health care statistics.
and metadata for each indicator. and processes, as well as on Figure A2.1 illustrates that 80%
the duration of education and of countries provided data for
Data collection process training, were also gathered at least 15 of the 36 selected
NHWA is a continuous process from the Sigma and the NCBSN indicators, and 23% of countries
with progressive improvement databases15 to complete did so for at least 25 indicators.
of availability, quality and use information for a small number
of health workforce data. As of countries. The main data gaps were
part of this process, countries for the indicators relating to
were encouraged to set up To support the data collection, wages, expenditure on nursing
multistakeholder working WHO conducted regional NHWA education and other education-
groups on all health workforce workshops in all six regions and related issues. For selected
data-related aspects to conduct provided tools and information in indicators, alternative sources
internal validation before several languages. In total, more were identified to supplement
submitting data; this was than 250 representatives from the NHWA data, such as
done in a substantial number around 80 countries attended duration of education and
of countries. The preparation these capacity-building events. training, wages and capacity
of the State of the world’s Data were submitted between indicators. For example, the
nursing 2020 report accelerated July and November 2019, and international nursing honours
this global effort of improved data cleaning and analysis were society, Sigma, manages a
monitoring and reporting of conducted between October and database on the status of
standardized data. Countries December 2019. The present nursing education globally,
were asked to nominate focal report is based on the data set including indicators on entry-
points, which were provided from the NHWA online platform level wages and educational
with access to the NHWA online as of 17 December 2019. programme duration for around
platform to enter or validate 50 additional countries. For the
the data. In addition, data for NHWA focal points were advised set of binary indicators relevant
OECD countries resulting from to involve nursing leaders and to policies and regulations of
the joint OECD, Eurostat and other national stakeholders. nursing practice and education,
WHO Regional Office for Europe The WHO country and regional the Global Regulatory Atlas was
data collection questionnaire offices supported the NHWA used to identify where licensure
were prepopulated to avoid implementation and reporting examinations are required and
double reporting to international process, including the collection, where regulatory bodies exist.
13 National Health Workforce Accounts: implementation guide. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018.
14 Department of Economic and Social Affairs and Population Division. World population prospects 2019, online edition, revision 1. New York,
United States of America: United Nations; 2019.
15 Sigma data extracted from: NCSBN data extracted from: https://
Thirty indicators were derived from the NHWA handbook and six were specifically designed for the present report.
Response rate as of
Indicator name (NHWA abbreviated) NHWA number 17 December 2019
ADDITIONAL STATE OF THE WORLD’S National chief nurse (or equivalent) role – 84%
National leadership development opportunities – 76%
National association for pre-licensure students – 76%
Authority that regulates nursing – 98%
Standards for faculty qualifications – 68%
Fitness for practice or licensure examination – 92%
Note: For further information on NHWA indicators, detailed information with metadata is available in the NHWA handbook:
Metadata for the additional six non-NHWA indicators are available on request to [email protected].
Annex 2 111
Of the 191 countries, 83% statistics were analysed and indicator was considered as
provided nursing headcount presented. Additional data will “no”, hence 0 points.
data from 2017 or 2018. Others be made available progressively
were able to provide data only through a public portal for Multiple correspondence
from earlier years (from 2013 accessing NHWA data. analysis of education
to 2016). In such cases, the regulation and working
2018 headcount was estimated Composite score on conditions in sections 5.4
by applying the latest available education regulation and and 5.6
year’s density to the 2018 working conditions in Indicators on regulation of
population. For four countries sections 5.4 and 5.6 education and practice display
for which headcount was not Whilst most analyses a high level of correlation: if
reported, the corresponding were purely descriptive in one is answered “yes”, it is
regional densities were applied nature, focusing mainly on likely that some others will also
to their 2018 populations. percentages, composite scores be answered “yes”. To better
were used to summarize understand such patterns,
The fact that many countries regulation of education and a multiple correspondence
— most notably in west and working condition indicators. analysis was conducted, which
central Africa and in central Asia For both scores, a country simplifies the correlation
— were unable to provide data was awarded 1 point for every between many variables in a
for several indicators indicates indicator for which the answer single two-dimensional graph
a critical need to continue to was “yes”, 0.5 points if the (Figure A2.2). The analysis
strengthen human resources for answer was “partially”, and 0 enabled extraction of two
health information systems in points if the answer was “no”, dimensions (x and y axis). The
these regions. then the scores were added first “dimension” (the x axis)
to determine a composite can be interpreted as factors
Not all data collected are one. Thus, the maximum associated with the absence
presented in this report: only possible score was 9, and the of regulation on the right
indicators for which a significant minimum was 0. For indicators as opposed to presence of
number of countries reported with missing information, the regulation on the left. The first
Figure A2.1 Number of indicators reported globally for the State of the world’s nursing 2020 report
<5 5 to 9 10 to 14 15 to 19 20 to 24 25+
not applicable not reported
Dimension 2 (2.1%)
No-M2-01 No-M3-02
Yes 1 No-M3-06
Yes 0
Yes Yes
-2 -1 Yes 0 1 2 3 4 5
AFR No-M3-01
EUR -1 No-NN2
-2 No-M3-08
-5 Dimension 1 (79.7%)
Type of analysis: multiple correspondence analysis of variables on regulation of nursing education system; regions are displayed as independent variables.
Variables summarized in the present graph: M2-01: master list of accredited education institutions; M3-01: standards for duration and content of education;
M3-02: accreditation mechanisms for education institutions; M3-06: standards for interprofessional education; M3-08: continuing professional development;
NN2: fitness for practice examination; NN3: standards for faculty qualifications.
AFR = African Region; AMR = Region of the Americas; SEAR = South-East Asia Region; EUR = European Region; EMR = Eastern Mediterranean Region;
WPR = Western Pacific Region.
Source: NHWA 2019. Latest available data reported by countries between 2013 and 2018.
Annex 2 113
• Scenario 2: replenishment. scenario also assumes a 60% Words of caution in
A scenario with similar ageing absorption into the health interpreting projections
as scenario 1 but using the labour market. Several limitations need to
most recent graduation rate be taken into account when
by region computed in section From these scenarios, estimated interpreting projections.
5.5 to which a correction projected densities for 2030
factor of 0.6 was applied, were calculated using population 1. Regarding the availability of
assuming that 60% of the estimates from the United data, not all countries were
new graduates will find a Nations population prospect able to report on age, used in
job in the health sector, to estimates for 2030. scenario 1, and on graduation
mimic the difference between rate, used in scenario 2. The
graduation and entry into the To assess the impact of scenario analysis showed consistent
active workforce as observed 3, various simulations with results for scenarios 1
in OECD countries. variations in the increase in and 2, therefore providing
graduates were used: 25% reassurance on the entry rate
• Scenario 3: accelerated increase, 50% increase and into the labour market of
replenishment. A similar 100% increase (a doubling of new graduates.
scenario as scenario 2 but production) (Figure A2.4). This
considering an acceleration shows that the choice of the 2. Several assumptions were
of graduation and absorption growth rate of the number of used on the attrition rate for
rate, with more graduates nursing graduates does not personnel aged 55 years and
per year by 2030, assuming drastically impact the estimated above. This could potentially
a growth of 50% from 2018 stock by 2030, with projected vary across regions and might
to 2030 of the graduation stocks of 38.0 million, 39.7 be optimistic, considering
capacity of countries million and 42.8 million nurses that the retirement age will be
(equivalent to an annual with total growth rates of 25%, up to 65 years. Similarly, the
increase of 3.44%). This 50% and 100%, respectively. analysis applied a ratio of 0.6
Figure A2.3 Correlation of working condition indicators with a multiple correspondence analysis
Dimension 2 (2.6%)
6 No-M6-04
4 No-M6-03
Yes-M6-09 WPR
Yes-M8-06 AMR
Yes 0 Yes
-3 -2 -1 Yes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
-2 No-M6-09 No-M8-06
-6 Dimension 1 (80.1%)
Type of analysis: multiple correspondence analysis of variables on regulation of working conditions; regions are displayed as independent variables.
Variable summarized in the present graph: M6-03: existence of regulation on working hours and conditions; M6-04: regulation on minimum wage;
M6-09: existence of measures to prevent attacks; M8-06: existence of advanced nursing role; NN1: existence of nursing council.
AFR = African Region; AMR = Region of the Americas; SEAR = South-East Asia Region; EUR = European Region; EMR = Eastern Mediterranean Region;
WPR = Western Pacific Region.
Source: NHWA 2019. Latest available data reported by countries between 2013 and 2018.
Figure A2.4 Evolution of global nursing stock (millions) under a “business as usual” scenario and
three “increased production of graduate nurses” scenarios, 2018 to 2030
Nursing stock Nursing stock - 25% Nursing stock - 50% Nursing stock - 100%
graduation constant increase in graduation increase in graduation increase in graduation
Nursing personnel stock in millions
Note: “Nursing stock” includes nursing professionals and nursing associate professionals.
Correction factors used, region specific: ageing factor (one tenth of age group aged 55 years and above in 2018 retiring per year), the graduation rate from
section 5.5 analysis corrected by 0.6 (OECD practising to licensed ratio) to account for activities outside nursing practice.
Annex 2 115
nurses and midwives per 1000 • Because densities on middle-income countries,
population was then converted the health workforce are where the shortages are
into a benchmark value for expressed per 10 000 mostly located. These range
nursing. population, the value of from US$ 5180 in Madagascar,
27.4 nurses per 10 000 US$ 5589 in the World Bank
• First, the share of nurses population was used as ECSA analysis,16 and US
and midwives in the Global benchmark. $5656 in Mozambique, to US$
Strategy was applied to 19 794 in Ghana.17 Therefore,
this benchmark: with 20.7 • This benchmark value computations of costs were
nurses and midwives per was then compared to the conducted with a lower-cost
10 000 population and 9.8 density observed in 2018 scenario of US$ 5000 per
medical doctors per 10 000 and projected for 2030 under graduate, an intermediate
population in 2013, the the three scenarios. scenario of US$ 10 000 per
benchmark is corrected to graduate, and a higher scenario
3.02 nurses and midwives The estimated shortage by of US$ 20 000 per graduate.
per 1000 population (4.45 x 2030 was estimated for the Note that available data on
(20.7/(9.8+20.7))). three projection scenarios these costs were from African
described above and showing countries and could not be
• Then, to calculate a that the shortages remain transposed to high-income
benchmark value for nurses high in low- and lower middle- countries, for which published
only, the share of nurses income countries under each data show much higher costs
among nurses and midwives scenario (Table A2.2). per graduate.
combined (90.7% from most
recent year) was applied Cost per graduate
to this benchmark, giving Multiple divergent sources
a benchmark value of 2.74 of costs per graduate were
nurses per 1000 population. identified for low- and lower
Table A2.2 Estimates of shortage of nursing personnel (millions) in countries below the Global
Strategy threshold by income level: 2018 and 2030 (three scenarios)
2018 2030
Note: “Nursing personnel” includes nursing professionals and nursing associate professionals. Income grouping is from the World Bank classification as of 2018.
16 Araujo EC, Garcia-Meza AM. Nurse labour market analysis in 16 countries in east, central, and southern Africa (preliminary findings,
unpublished). Washington (DC): World Bank; 2020.
17 Beciu HA, Preker AS, Ayettey S, Antwi J, Lawson A, Adjey A. Scaling up education of health workers in Ghana. Washington (DC): World
Bank; 2009.