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Project No.

July, 2022
M/s Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd.
Sy. Nos. 1048/16-1,1048/1-36, 1048/16-2-2, 1048/15-3-2,
1048/15-2-30, 1048/15-1, 1054/28-1, 1054/28/2, 1052/2/3,
1052/1/6, 1052/2/2, 1052/1/5, 1052/2/4, Mulavoor Village,
Paipra Grama Panchayat, Muvattupuzha Thaluk,
Ernakulam District, Kerala - 686 674.


Submitted By Studies & Documented By

M/s. Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd.., M/s. TEAM Labs and Consultants
Paipra, Pezhakkappilly P.O, NABET No: NABET/ EIA/1821/SA 0114, dt.04.09.2020
Muvattupuzha Thaluk, Ernakulam district, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018
Kerala - 686 674 NABL, ISO/IEC 17025:2017: TC- 5087, dt.27.11.2020
Telephone: +91 - 94470 48313 MoEFCC: No. Q-15018/52/2018-CPW, dt.16.04.2021
E Mail: [email protected] B-115 to 117& 509, Annapurna Block,
Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet,
Hyderabad-500 038.
Phone: 040-23748 555/616,
Telefax: 040-23748666
Email: [email protected]

Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd Environmental Impact Assessment Report


1.1 Introduction

M/s. Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd. (MRSPL), proposed to expand the Steel making and
Rolling mill Industrial Unit at Sy.Nos. 1048/16-1, 1048/1-36, 1048/16-2-2, 1048/15-
3-2, 1048/15-2-30, 1048/15-1, 1054/28-1, 1054/28/2, 1052/2/3, 1052/1/6,
1052/2/2, 1052/1/5, 1052/2/4, Mulavoor Village, Paipra Panchayat,
Pezhakkappilly P.O, Muvattupuzha Taluk, Ernakulam District, Kerala – 686 674 in
the existing area of 2.91 ha with a capital cost of Rs. 7.50 crores to increase
production capacity of M.S. Ingots / Billets and M.S. Bars / TMT bars.

Kerala State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) has issued “Consent to Operate” for
annual production of 27,000 MT of M.S. Ingots / Billets vide Consent no.
R14ERNA-CTO-R-168005, dt. 30.07.2018 valid up to 30.06.2023. The unit was
established in 1996. KSPCB has issued “Consent for Establish” for annual
production of 75000 MT of M.S. Ingots / Billets vide Consent no. R14ERNA-CTE-
VARIA-168005, dt.13.10.2021 valid up to 28.08.2025, for the expansion proposal
with a condition to obtain prior Environmental Clearance.

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change categorized steel making

from iron and rolling into its products as secondary metallurgy industries under
category “B” vide EIA notification S.O. 1533, dt.14.09.2006 and its subsequent
amendments, mandating prior environmental clearance for metallurgical industries
(3 (a) of the ‘SCHEDULE’). Prior environmental clearance process involves
screening for requirement of Environmental Impact Assessment, scoping to set
spatio-temporal boundaries and aspects and impacts to be addressed in EIA report,
public consultation to elicit informed views and concerns of stake holders based on
draft EIA, followed by appraisal of final EIA report. Accordingly, project and its
components were screened and it was observed that the project attracts prior
environmental clearance for the following categories, i.e., steel plant, metallurgical
industry (3 (a) of schedule). Accordingly, project proponent obtained terms of

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Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd Environmental Impact Assessment Report

reference vide letter no. IA-J- 1972/EC3/2022/SEIAA, dt. 23.04.2022. The summary
is prepared mentioning results and salient aspects of the EIA study.

1.2 Location of the Project

The details of the project site and study area are presented in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Details of the project site area and study area

Particulars Details
Expansion of existing M S ingots/Billets
27,000 TPA – 90,000 TPA and MS/TMT bars
75,000 TPA – 90,000 TPA Unit
by Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd.
Name of the applicant M/s Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd.
Sy. Nos. 1048/16-1,1048/1-36, 1048/16-2-2, 1048/15-3-2,
1048/15-2-30, 1048/15-1, 1054/28-1, 1054/28/2,
Location of the Project 1052/2/3, 1052/1/6, 1052/2/2, 1052/1/5, 1052/2/4,
Mulavoor Village, Paipra Panchayat, Muvattupuzha
Thaluk, Ernakulam District, Kerala - 686 674
Category ‘B’
Capital Cost Rs.7.5 crores
Legal Status of the Company Private
Land acquisition Private land acquired –2.91 ha (7.2 acres)
Forest Land involved Nil
Survey of India Topo sheet No C43K8,12, C43Q5, 9, (58K/8,12 & C/5,9)
Elevation above Mean Sea Level
(AMSL), m 59 - 61 m
Seismic Zone: III as per IS: 1893 (part -1): 2002,
Seismic zone (RA: 2020) and can be classified as a Moderate Damage
risk zone (MSK VII).
North : Road
East : Open land
Site surroundings
West : Road
South : Open land
Nearest Village Paipra village – 1.1 km – South direction
Paipra - Cheruvattoor connecting road – adjacent -
Access to site
North direction
Muvattupuzha - Perumbavoor connecting State
Road access
Highway 1 – 0.9 km - W direction
Nearest Town Muvattupuzha Town - 4.5 km – SE direction
District Head quarters Kakkanad – 23 km – west direction
Aluva – 24 km -NW direction and Ernakulam Junction –
Nearest Railway station
30 km – SW direction
2 Team Labs and Consultants
Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Particulars Details
Nearest airport Cochin International Airport - 24 km – NW direction
Nearest Port Cochin Port – 34 km – Southwest direction
Major Industries No Major Industry within 10 km
Muvattupuzha River-4.5 km-South direction
Water Bodies in the buffer area
Periyar Valley Canal -7.7 km-Northeast direction
the Project / Activity attracts the
provisions of CRZ Not Applicable
Reserve Forest None within 10 km
Archaeological/ Historical/
Ancient Monuments None within 10 km
Inter-state boundary and None within 10 km
international boundary
Protected Areas notified under the None within 10 km
Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972
Eco-sensitive areas as notified None within 10 km
under section 3 of the E (P) Act,
Critically polluted areas as None within 10 km
identified by the Central Pollution
Control Board from time to time,

1.3 Production Capacity and Plant Facilities

The proposed manufacturing capacity and plant facilities are presented in Table
1.2 and 1.3 respectively.

Table 1.2 Manufacturing capacity

Details Capacity
S.No Product Unit
Consented Proposed Total
Induction M.S Ingots / Billets TPA 27000 63000 90000
Rolling M.S Bars / TMT Bars TPA 75000 15000 90000

Table 1.3 Plant Facility

Facility Description
Induction Furnace M.S Ingots / Billets using DRI, Scrap, Ferro Alloys as raw
Rolling Mill M.S Bars / TMT Bars by using hot metal

3 Team Labs and Consultants

Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd Environmental Impact Assessment Report

1.4 Process Description

The proposed plant will produce steel in the form of billets and rolled products
through IF-CCM-RM route. Steel making will be done using induction furnace. The
steel formed is moulded into billets and rolled products by casting mills and rolling

1.5 Water Requirement

Steel making is a heat intensive process wherein a considerable quantity of cooling

water is required to mitigate heat of metallurgical process. Water is mainly needed
for cooling in furnace components, gardening and domestic purposes. Total water
requirement for the plant shall be 55 KLD, which shall be met from Ground water
/ Stored rain water sources.

1.6 Baseline Environmental Status

The baseline data for Ambient Air Quality, Surface and Groundwater, noise levels,
and soil quality, socio-economic status were collected to assess the existing quality
and analyzed for various parameters. Flora and fauna study of the study area was
conducted along with baseline data collection during March – May 2022. The
ambient air quality monitoring results indicate that all values are within prescribed
limits of National Ambient Air Quality standards prescribed by Ministry of
Environment, Forest and Climate change on November 16, 2009. The air quality
index ranges between 43-49, indicating good air quality at 8 monitoring stations.

The surface water quality analysis results show that the values are within the limits
of IS: 2296-1982 standard and groundwater quality analysis results show that the
values are above the limits for few parameters when compared to Indian Standard
of Drinking Water Specification IS: 10500-2012. Noise quality parameters in the
study area are within the prescribed limits of Ambient Noise level Standards. The
ecological study indicated that there are no endangered species of flora or fauna.

4 Team Labs and Consultants

Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd Environmental Impact Assessment Report

1.7 Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures

The environmental impacts due to construction activity and operation of M S

ingots/Billets and MS/TMT bars are identified, quantified, and assessed for its
significance by using rapid impact assessment matrix method and the summary of
impact assessment is as follows;

1.7.1 Air Environment

The construction stage impacts are mainly related to dust raise during material
transfer, emissions of PM, SO2, NOx, and CO from transport vehicles, DG sets,
construction equipment, etc. The generation of dust is mitigated by water
sprinkling, while the equipment and vehicles are periodically maintained. PPE
shall be provided to workers. DG sets shall be provided with acoustic enclosures.

The operation phase of the project results in air pollution and solid waste.
Emissions generated from diffuse and fugitive sources during material handling
are mitigated by provision of water sprinklers and dry fogging. Emissions from
each unit operation are passed through dust collection equipment bag filter, and
released from tall stacks, ensuring emissions quality within prescribed standards.

The impacts are quantified using ISC-AERMOD model, for all emissions from the
plant. The results indicate marginal increase in the ambient air quality parameters
and the cumulative concentrations of predicted values and baseline data are within
the prescribed limits of CPCB. The predicted values in combination with the
baseline data is observed to be within the NAAQ standards. The impacts on air
quality are observed to be negative due to increased ambient air quality
concentrations in the impact area.

1.7.2 Water Environment

There will be no effluent discharge from closed-circuit cooling system. Hence

wastewater generation will also be minimized. Effluents from utilities will be
treated in ETP and after ensuring compliance with SPCB norms, it will be utilized
5 Team Labs and Consultants
Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd Environmental Impact Assessment Report

for dust suppression, ash conditioning and for greenbelt development. Sanitary
waste water will be sent to septic tank followed by Soak pit. Zero liquid discharge
is envisaged, which reduces fresh water consumption by reusing the treated
wastewater. Stormwater runoff is collected in a dedicated storage tank of 220 KL
and the runoff is reused for process after pretreatment. The impacts on water
environment are negative due to usage of stored rain water & ground water, and
negative on groundwater regime.

1.7.3 Noise and Vibration

The sources of noise during construction phase are mainly transport, material
transfer, construction equipment, rod cutting, accidental dropping of implements.
The sources of noise levels are mainly transport, material transfer, fans, motors,
conveyors and other rotating equipment resulting in continuous, intermittent, and
impulse noise based on the activity. The sources of vibration are all rotating
equipment including motors, fans, etc. The noise mitigation measures follow the
principles of mitigation at source, control in the pathway, and control at the
receptor. The noise mitigation measures include provision of attenuating screens,
barriers, guard covers, equipment isolation, noise proofing the control rooms,
periodic maintenance, and personal protective equipment. The vibration levels are
mitigated by identifying, replacing, or repairing the malfunctioning rotating
equipment. Noise propagation model predicted noise levels ranging from 45 to 70
within the plant site, 60 – 65 dB(A) along the transport corridors. The employees
shall be trained in the mitigation measures and personal protection measures to be
taken to avoid noise related health impacts as part of hearing conservation

1.7.4 Land Environment

Solid wastes during construction phase consist of wastage of materials, demolition

wastes, and packing materials. All metallic wastes and recyclable wastes like
plastic, glass, paper is sent to recyclers. The demolition waste is used for filling low
lying areas. Secondary metallurgical activity generate slags from furnace, and dust

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Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd Environmental Impact Assessment Report

collected in various pollution control facilities. The hazardous wastes of waste oil
and used batteries are sent to authorized recyclers. Impacts on land environment
due to process activity are negative and significant due to dry and wet deposition
of air emissions on soil, soil compaction, etc. The impacts due to solid wastes are
slightly negative as most of the wastes are reused or recycled. Yard trimmings
consisting of grass, fallen leaves, tree and bush trimmings are sent to vermi
composting. The total solid waste generated on-site during operation phase and
the mode of disposal is presented in Table 1.4.

Table 1.4 Solid Wastes Management

Units Quantity Period of

S. Type of (Recycle / reuse /
No Solid Waste Consented Proposed Total sale as new
1. Mill scale TPD 2 4.5 6.5 Reused as raw 15 days
material in MS
ingots production /
Sold to cement
2. Slag TPD 7 17 24 Sold to cement
3. Used no/yr - 2 2 Sent to Authorized 90 days
Batteries recyclers
4. Waste Oil l/yr - 200 200 Sent to Authorized
5. Transformer KL/ - 1 1 Sold to authorized
Oil year contractors.
6. E-waste TPA - 0.5 0.5 Sent to Authorized
7. Municipal TPA - 0.5 0.5 Bio degradable
solid waste waste sent to
Vermicompost and
reused as manure,
recyclables are sent
to recyclers, inerts
are used for filling
low lying areas.
8. Packing TPA - 0.5 0.5 Sold to rescuers or
material recyclers

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Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd Environmental Impact Assessment Report

S. Type of Units Quantity Remarks Period of

9. Solid Waste
Biomedical TPA - 0.2 0.2 (Recycle
Sent to BMW/ reuse / storage
medical facilities

1.7.5 Flora and Fauna

Topography change is a source of habitat disturbance for both flora and fauna
during construction stage. While night time lighting and noise levels impact the
fauna during construction and operation phase. It increase the density of greenery
in 0.96 ha. It is also proposed to adopt development of greenery along the
connecting roads and in habitations within 5 km as part of CER activity which will
increase the carrying capacity of the impact area. The overall impacts are slightly
negative on ecology.

1.7.6 Socio-Economic Environment

Employment generation and socio-economic development of the back-ward area is

the major benefit of this project. The area which has low industrial density and
medium agricultural activity will have positive benefits due to this project. The
construction phase will generate temporary employment to many locals in the
impact area. The operation and maintenance of plant require human resources in
different categories like managers, engineers of different disciplines like
metallurgical, mechanical, electrical, electronics, computer, instrumentation, civil,
environmental, chemical, etc., highly skilled, skilled and semi-skilled workforce in
different disciplines, safety engineers, accountants, and financial managers,
unskilled labour force, clerical, administration and security personnel etc., in the
order of 80 persons after expansion. The establishment of the plant may have
negative impact on availability of housing and social infrastructure in the initial
period, and may result in positive impact on all other socioeconomic impacts as the
government of Kerala State envisages development of physical infrastructure. The
operation of the plant also contributes taxes to local bodies, state government, and
central government.

8 Team Labs and Consultants

Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd Environmental Impact Assessment Report Corporate Environment Responsibility

MoEF & CC prescribed that project authorities must ensure socio-economic

development activities in the impact area as part of corporate environment
responsibility to facilitate sustainable development. Accordingly, the proposed
project shall spend Rs.15 Lakhs in 5 years. The broad areas of socio-economic
development activities are identified during baseline data collection. The list of
activities are kept for informed views of stakeholders in the draft EIA report, and
their views are also considered in finalizing the activities to be adopted.

1.8 Alternatives of Site and Technology

No Site alternatives envisaged, present proposal for Expansion. The final process
and equipment profile are selected on the basis of least energy consumption, and
least pollution loads.

1.9 Environmental Monitoring

Environmental monitoring for water, air, noise level quality shall be conducted
monthly either by the proponent or a third party. Continuous monitoring of most
of the stacks and continuous ambient air quality monitoring is proposed in the
plant area, to identify any upsets in the plant operations. The frequency of
monitoring and the quality parameters shall be as mentioned in the environmental
monitoring chapter and as suggested by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and
climate change, Government of India. Environmental monitoring results will be
evaluated to identify the problems/underperformance of the equipment. Necessary
steps will be taken to rectify the identified problems/defects. MRSPL management
assures to evaluate performance of pollution control measures and occupational
safety measures, to assess its efficiency. MRSPL shall modify or adopt new
measures for efficient pollution control based on the monitoring results if

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Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd Environmental Impact Assessment Report

1.10 Risk Assessment and Disaster Management Plan

The construction phase of the plant has a number of hazards ranging from
physical, biological, and social. These hazards are mitigated by adopting best work
practices and provision of personal protective equipment. The operation phase
hazards in the M S ingots/Billets and MS/TMT bars plant range from fire hazard
and transfer to various unit operations for heating. Work-related hazards are
addressed by adopting safety guidelines prescribed by Ministry of Steel. Disaster
Management Plan is drawn to address hazards and risks identified mentioning the
role and responsibility of disaster management team, resource requirement, and
action plans in case of emergency.

1.11 Occupational Safety and Health

Direct exposure to metal oxide fumes and particulate matter may effect health of
employees. The mitigation measures are mainly engineering controls, workroom
conditions, provision of personal protective equipment, training, and education.
Personal protective equipment viz. hand gloves, safety goggles, nose masks, and
safety helmets are provided to all the employees working in the plant. MRSPL has
a policy of providing protective equipment for all personnel including contract and
casual workers based on the work area hazards. In order to safeguard health of
employees, all employees shall undergo periodic health checkup. All employees
will be trained and educated periodically, about occupational safety practices. It is
proposed to provide an occupational health center and an occupational health
expert and other staff.

1.12 Environment Management Plan

MRSPL is conscious of its responsibility towards creating, maintaining,

contributing and ensuring a safe and clean environment for sustainable
development and continually enhancing its environmental performance as an
integral part of its business philosophy and values.

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Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd Environmental Impact Assessment Report

1.13 Environment Management Cell

The implementation of mitigation measures shall be the responsibility of project

management team, monitored for compliance by a dedicated environment
management team during construction phase. The operation phase shall require a
department for safety health and environment headed by a Manager who would
report to the Plant head and Managing Director. The cost estimate for environment
management is presented in the Table 1.5.

Table 1.5 Cost Estimate for Environment Management Plan

Capital cost in Rs. Lakhs Recurring cost in Rs. Lakhs

Description Construction Operation Construction Operation
Phase Phase Phase Phase
Air Pollution Control 20 5 2 5
Water Pollution Control 15 2 1 4
Noise Pollution Control 8 2 1 2
Solid Waste 35 2 1 8
Energy Conversation Costs 15 5 4 6
Green belt 8 2 2 2
Environmental Monitoring
5 0 0 5.9
& Management
Others Occupational health
10 2 2.1 4
and safety
CER 5 10
Total 121 30 13.1 36.9

1.14 Conclusion

The study was conducted during summer season of 2022. It is observed that slightly
negative to negative impacts are anticipated on air quality, soil and water due to
emissions, effluents and other discharges both intended and unintended. It is
observed that positive impacts are anticipated on socio-economic status due to
employment generation, and slightly negative impact on housing and social
infrastructure in the initial period. The hierarchy of avoidance, reduction, reuse,
recycle, treat, release, dispose was followed in preparing the management plan, with

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Met Rolla Steels Pvt. Ltd Environmental Impact Assessment Report

a provision for adaptive management, considering, changing statutory provisions,

post project monitoring and post normal science paradigm of uncertainty, ambiguity
and ignorance.

The proponent assures to implement all the measures with an objective of ensuring
least difference between pre and post project environmental scenarios. It may be
concluded that the management measures proposed shall ensure mitigation of
negative impacts and resultant residual impacts.

12 Team Labs and Consultants

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