Aging 10 101629
Aging 10 101629
Aging 10 101629
Research Paper
PhotoAgeClock: deep learning algorithms for development of non‐
invasive visual biomarkers of aging
Eugene Bobrov1,2,*, Anastasia Georgievskaya1,3,*, Konstantin Kiselev1,*, Artem Sevastopolsky1,4,
Alex Zhavoronkov5,6,7, Sergey Gurov2, Konstantin Rudakov3, Maria del Pilar Bonilla Tobar8, Sören
Jaspers8, Sven Clemann8
HautAI OU, Tallinn, Estonia
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia
Insilico Medicine, Rockville, MD 20850, USA
The Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Novato, CA 94945, USA
The Biogerontology Research Foundation, London, UK
8Beiersdorf AG, Hamburg, Germany
Equal contribution
Correspondence to: Anastasia Georgievskaya; email: [email protected]
Keywords: photographic aging clock, photographic aging biomarker, age prediction, biomedical imaging, computer vision,
deep learning
Received: August 30, 2018 Accepted: October 27, 2018 Published: November 9, 2018
Copyright: Bobrov et al. This is an open‐access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY 3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Aging biomarkers are the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the aging processes of the human body.
Estimation of biological age is important for assessing the physiological state of an organism. The advent of
machine learning lead to the development of the many age predictors commonly referred to as the “aging
clocks” varying in biological relevance, ease of use, cost, actionability, interpretability, and applications. Here
we present and investigate a novel non‐invasive class of visual photographic biomarkers of aging. We
developed a simple and accurate predictor of chronological age using just the anonymized images of eye
corners called the PhotoAgeClock. Deep neural networks were trained on 8414 anonymized high‐resolution
images of eye corners labeled with the correct chronological age. For people within the age range of 20 to 80
in a specific population, the model was able to achieve a mean absolute error of 2.3 years and 95% Pearson and
Spearman correlation.
O erro seria grande dms para perceber sinais em um ano
Our work is devoted to usage of deep learning approach The neural network model for age prediction was
for accurate chronological age prediction and invest- designed to accept images of an arbitrary resolution,
tigation of features contributing to age prediction. This then the convolutional layers applied kernels of fixed
method only requires a single high-resolution photo of size to the image regions. Lower resolution images had
the corner eye area. The eye corner area of the human relatively sharper color transitions, for the convolutional
face is believed to be the most prone to aging [22]. kernels this corresponded to rougher skin look. On the
Therefore, we believe it holds important clues for the other hand, higher image resolution corresponded to
creation of photographic aging biomarkers. smoother colors and better smooth-looking skin. Age
was greatly overestimated for the lower-resolution
RESULTS images (224 x 224 pixels) and greatly underestimated
for the higher-resolution images (424 x 424 pixels)
Neural networks training when passed through the developed neural network,
with kernels trained for 299 x 299 pixels resolution (see
The best Xception-based model achieved a MAE of Fig. 1). Therefore, it seems that the model heavily
2.38 and of 2.30 years before and after skip-connection, depends on skin conditions, such as wrinkles and pig-
Table 1. Comparison of the best described approaches of age estimation and their accuracy
assumed by MAE, years.
Figure 1. Prediction error (predicted age minus true age) for the same 25 images with various resolutions.
Images were passed through the developed neural network, with kernels trained for 299 x 299 pixels resolution.
Table 2. Exact and 1‐off accuracy of age estimation (this work) for
Adience dataset age groups.
Age group (years range) Exact accuracy 1-off accuracy
Figure 2. Predicted age vs. the extent of occlusion for two persons. Picture order (up to
bottom): original, covered eye area, eyelid and corner covered, and half image area covered. See text
for clarifications. Real chronological age for the left subject is 50 years, for the right subject is 62 years.
Figure 4. Estimation error for several significant steps of occlusion. Mean and standard deviation of the error over 165 pairs of
validation images (left and right eye) is reported.
Fig. 5 contains the distribution of prediction error Comparison with other age prediction approaches
(MAE) with regard to the (w.r.t) age group. The
distribution was calculated empirically by moving The data for the accuracy of age prediction by the best
average window on four points of age bins. The plot known methods is compared in Table 1. The results
shows that prediction error is the lowest for the age clearly indicate that high-resolution information about
range of 40-65; for the age range of 20-40 and 65+ eye corner wrinkles can be utilized for accurate chrono-
years age prediction error was relatively higher. logical age estimation. We believe our approach is be-
Figure 6. Distribution of actual age in the dataset and predicted age (PhotoAgeClock)
labels in the validation set.
Figure 8. Algorithm performance on images obtained with professional cameras and mobile devices. (left) Algorithm
performance on a high resolution photo of a celebrity (George Clooney). Chronological age of the person for the time when the picture was
taken was 53 years, predicted age by two eye corner areas is 54.2 years. Editorial credit: Denis Makarenko / (right)
Algorithm performance on photo obtained with frontal camera of mobile device (selfie). Chronological age of the person is 22, predicted
age by two eye corner areas is 23.5. The skin of eye area is smooth enough and young age is recognized despite the strong face expression.
Firstly, when estimating age from facial images, high- related with age. It may be possible to use these
resolution images are very beneficial. Secondly, biomarkers of aging to provide early detection and
wrinkles and skin pigmentation serve as reliable non- prevent the onset of a variety of diseases. The
invasive visual biomarkers of aging, thus, they can be emergence of the many credible geroprotectors [28],
used as a source of valuable insight into the condition of including senolytics [29], NAD-pathway modulators
the human body and health. Thirdly, as accuracy of age [30-32], metformin [33], rapamycin and other TORC
prediction does not decrease significantly when inhibitors [34-35], their natural mimetics [36] and the
occluding the eye area PhotoAgeClock can be utilized many techniques for identifying novel interventions
to predict age on anonymized datasets of images. [37] calls for the rapid assessment of efficacy and safety
and any panel of aging biomarkers can be easily
We also found that, compared to other regions on the augmented with the PhotoAgeClock and other non-
investigated images, the trained model considers the invasive photographic predictors of age. We believe the
skin around the eye to be the most age-relevant area. main value of PhotoAgeClock and other imaging
Based on these findings, we believe that it is prudent for biomarkers trained on skin imaging data is in estimation
future studies to explore what information pattern of the differential changes induced by the various
recognition based on the condition of human skin can interventions including cosmetic, lifestyle, and medical
provide. and establishing the correlations between the many
other aging clocks that are rapidly emerging. The
We hypothesized that deep learning systems trained on photographic aging clocks may also help with the
large numbers of annotated human facial images could development of biomedical interventions and skin care
outperform humans in predicting various diseases and treatments for the individual health status, skin type,
aging. While aging by itself is not likely to be classified climate, geography and other parameters and persona-
as a disease [27], many human diseases are closely cor- lize the treatments for each individual.