Received: 2 July 2019 / Accepted: 11 September 2019 / Published online: 18 September 2019
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019
Background Anemia and elevated red cell distribution width (RDW) or mean corpuscular volume (MCV) are associated
with an adverse prognosis in patients with cardiovascular disease and critical illness. Limited data exist regarding these
associations in unselected cardiac intensive care unit (CICU) patients.
Methods Retrospective cohort study of CICU patients between January 1, 2007, and December 31, 2015, with a hemoglobin
(Hb) level measured at admission. Multivariable regression was performed to determine predictors of hospital mortality, and
Kaplan–Meier analysis was used to determine post-discharge survival.
Results We included 9644 patients with a mean age of 67.5 ± 15.1 years, including 3604 (37.4%) females. The median (IQR)
values of Hb, MCV and RDW were 12.2 g/dL (10.6, 13.7), 90.7 fL (87.3, 94.2) fL, and 14.1% (13.3, 15.8), respectively.
Anemia (admission Hb < 12 g/dL) was present in 4434 (46%) patients. A total of 845 (8.8%) patients died in the hospital.
Patients with anemia had higher hospital mortality (11.3% vs. 6.6%, unadjusted OR 1.82, 95% CI 1.58–2.10, p < 0.001). After
multivariable regression, admission Hb and MCV were not significantly associated with hospital mortality (both p > 0.1),
while admission RDW (adjusted OR 1.12 per 1%, 95% CI 1.07–1.18, p < 0.001) was significantly associated with hospital
mortality. Hospital survivors with lower Hb, higher MCV, or higher RDW had lower post-discharge survival.
Conclusion Elevated RDW on admission was independently associated with higher hospital mortality in CICU patients.
These data emphasize the importance of hematologic abnormalities for mortality risk stratification in CICU populations.
Clinical Research in Cardiology (2020) 109:616–627 617
Graphic abstract
Keywords Red cell distribution width · Anemia · Mean corpuscular volume · Cardiac intensive care unit · Coronary care
unit · Mortality
Introduction that anemia and abnormal values of RDW and MCV are asso-
ciated with higher mortality in CICU patients.
Anemia is common among acutely ill cardiac patients, with
a prevalence of up to 19% and up to 48% among patients Methods
with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and acute heart failure
(HF), respectively [1, 2]. Anemia is an independent predic- Study population
tor of adverse cardiovascular events, bleeding, and mortal-
ity in patients with acute cardiac disease [1–5]. In addition, This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of
abnormal values of hematological indices, including red cell Mayo Clinic as posing minimal risk to patients and was con-
distribution width (RDW) and mean corpuscular volume ducted under a waiver of informed consent (IRB # 16-000722).
(MCV) have also been associated with worse outcome in We retrospectively analyzed a database of consecutive unique
patients with acute cardiac disease [6–12]. In general inten- adult (aged ≥ 18 years) patients admitted to the CICU at Mayo
sive care unit (ICU) populations, the presence of anemia Clinic Hospital St. Mary’s Campus whose entire CICU admis-
has been associated with demand myocardial ischemia, ICU sion occurred between January 1, 2007, and December 31,
readmission, and increased mortality [13–15]. As in patients 2015, as previously reported [20–22]. We only analyzed data
with cardiac disease, elevated RDW and MCV are also asso- from the first CICU admission during the study period to avoid
ciated with worse outcomes in general ICU patients [16–18]. mortality bias associated with CICU readmissions. According
Despite the growing similarities between the cardiac inten- to Minnesota state law statute 144.295, patients must provide
sive care unit (CICU) and medical ICU populations, CICU authorization to be included in observational research stud-
patients remain distinct due to their more prevalent cardiac ies; patients who did not have Minnesota Research Authori-
comorbidities [19]. It remains uncertain whether predictors zation were excluded from the database. Patients who did not
of mortality in general ICU patients without acute cardiac dis- have available data for admission hemoglobin (Hb) level were
ease or in non-ICU patients with acute cardiac disease would excluded from this study.
apply similarly to the specialized CICU population. There is a
paucity of published data available to describe the association Data sources
between anemia, RDW, and MCV and adverse outcomes in
CICU patients. This study was designed to test the hypothesis Demographic, vital sign, laboratory, and other clinical and
outcome data were extracted electronically from the medical
618 Clinical Research in Cardiology (2020) 109:616–627
record, including procedures and therapies performed dur- proportional-hazards analysis was used to determine the
ing the CICU and hospital stay. The admission value of all associations between Hb, MCV, and RDW with post-dis-
vital signs, clinical measurements, and laboratory values charge mortality after adjusting for predictors of hospital
was used, defined as either the first value recorded after mortality. Two-tailed p values < 0.05 were considered sta-
CICU admission or the value recorded closest to CICU tistically significant. Statistical analyses were performed
admission. Although the WHO defines anemia as an admis- using JMP version 13.0 Pro (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).
sion Hb level < 12 g/dL in women and < 13 g/dL in men,
we chose an operational definition of anemia as admission
Hb < 12 g/dL regardless of gender [23]. Microcytosis was
defined as an MCV < 80 fL and macrocytosis was defined as Results
an MCV > 100 fL [23]. The Acute Physiology and Chronic
Health Evaluation (APACHE)-III score, APACHE-IV pre- Study population and baseline characteristics
dicted hospital mortality and Day 1 Sequential Organ Failure
Assessment (SOFA) score were calculated for all patients We screened 12,904 CICU admissions and excluded 2900
using data from the first 24 h of CICU admission, with miss- as previously described, leaving 10,004 patients in the
ing variables imputed as normal as the default; the mean and database [20–22]. An additional 360 patients were further
maximum values of all daily SOFA scores while the patient excluded due to lack of available data on admission Hb
remained in the CICU were recorded [20–22, 24, 25]. The level, leaving 9644 patients in the final study population
Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) and individual comor- (Supplemental Fig. 1). The median age of the study popu-
bidities were determined based on a previously-validated lation was 69.1 years (IQR 57.8, 78.9) and comprised 3604
electronic algorithm [26]. Discharge diagnoses were identi- (37.4%) females. The median CCI was 2 (IQR 0, 4), with
fied using International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-9 a median APACHE-III score of 58 (IQR 45, 74) corre-
and ICD-10 diagnosis codes, these diagnoses were not mutu- sponding to a median APACHE-IV predicted mortality of
ally exclusive, and the primary discharge diagnosis could 9.5% (IQR 4.0, 22.8). The median admission Hb level was
not be determined. 12.2 g/dL (IQR 10.6, 13.7); 4434 (46.0%) patients met our
operational definition of anemia (admission Hb < 12 g/dL),
Statistical analysis while 5402 (56.0%) met the WHO gender-specific defini-
tion of anemia (46.3% of women and 53.7% of men). Data
The primary outcome was all-cause hospital mortality, on MCV were available in 9409 (97.5%) patients (Sup-
and the secondary outcomes were CICU mortality and plemental Fig. 1), and the median MCV was 90.7 fL (IQR
5-year post-discharge mortality, based on the electronic 87.3, 94.2). Data on RDW were available in 9405 (97.5%)
review of the medical record. Groups were compared using patients (Supplemental Fig. 1), and the median RDW was
Student t test and ANOVA for continuous variables and 14.1% (IQR 13.3, 15.6). Patients with anemia were older,
Pearson Chi-square test for categorical variables. Logistic more frequently female, had higher rates of comorbidities,
regression was used to calculate the unadjusted odds ratio greater illness severity and increased utilization of CICU
(OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) values for hospital therapies (all p < 0.05) compared to patients without ane-
mortality. Optimal cutoffs for predicting hospital mortal- mia (Table 1); in addition, patients with anemia were more
ity were determined from receiver-operator characteristic likely to have a discharge diagnosis of HF and less likely
curves based on the highest value of Youden’s J index to have a discharge diagnosis of ACS. Significant differ-
(sensitivity + specificity −1). Multivariable analysis was ences were observed in baseline characteristics, comor-
performed to determine adjusted OR values for hospital bidities, illness severity and CICU therapies across RDW
mortality using an adaptive elastic net penalized logis- quartiles, reflecting higher illness severity, more extensive
tic regression model, with candidate variables including comorbidities, lower Hb and greater use of CICU therapies
demographics, comorbidities, illness severity, and CICU in patients with higher RDW (Supplemental Table 1); the
therapies and complications; an interaction term between prevalence of HF increased and the prevalence of ischemic
Hb and RDW was included in the model [27]. Optimal tun- heart disease decreased with rising RDW quartile. Patients
ing parameters for the elastic net were selected by linear with a discharge diagnosis of HF had lower Hb (11.7 vs.
grid search in conjunction with tenfold cross-validation to 12.4 g/dL) and higher RDW (15.7% vs. 14.2%), while
maximize the AUROC. Kaplan–Meier survival analysis patients with a discharge diagnosis of ACS had higher Hb
was used to compare 5-year post-discharge survival among (12.5 vs. 11.9 g/dL) and lower RDW (14.1% vs. 15.3%)
patients surviving to hospital discharge (hospital survi- (all p < 0.001); MCV differed minimally between these
vors), with groups compared using the log-rank test. Cox groups.
Clinical Research in Cardiology (2020) 109:616–627 619
Table 1 Baseline characteristics Overall popula- Patients without Patients with ane- p value
of the study population, patients tion (n = 9644) anemia (n = 5210) mia (n = 4434)
with and without anemia
(admission hemoglobin < 12 g/ Demographics
Age 67.5 ± 15.1 64.8 ± 15.0 70.6 ± 14.7 < 0.001
Female gender 3604 (37.4%) 1448 (27.8%) 2156 (48.6%) < 0.001
White race 8911 (92.4%) 4860 (93.3%) 4051 (91.4%) < 0.001
BMI (kg/m2) 29.6 ± 7.0 29.8 ± 6.8 29.3 ± 7.3 < 0.001
CICU length of stay 2.6 ± 4.6 2.4 ± 4.1 2.8 ± 5.2 < 0.001
Hospital length of stay 8.1 ± 13.3 6.4 ± 9.0 10.0 ± 16.9 < 0.001
CICU mortality 519 (5.4%) 229 (4.4%) 290 (6.5%) < 0.001
Hospital mortality 845 (8.8%) 342 (6.6%) 503 (11.3%) < 0.001
Severity of illness
APACHE-III score 61.7 ± 25.2 56.3 ± 24.8 68.0 ± 24.2 < 0.001
APACHE-IV predicted mortality 0.172 ± 0.202 0.142 ± 0.193 0.207 ± 0.206 < 0.001
Day 1 SOFA score 3.6 ± 3.2 3.1 ± 3.1 4.3 ± 3.3 < 0.001
Maximum week 1 SOFA score 4.1 ± 3.4 3.5 ± 3.2 4.8 ± 3.5 < 0.001
Mean week 1 SOFA score 3.1 ± 2.7 2.6 ± 2.5 3.6 ± 2.8 < 0.001
Charlson comorbidity index 2.4 ± 2.6 1.7 ± 2.2 3.2 ± 2.9 < 0.001
Prior myocardial infarction 1919 (19.9%) 923 (17.8%) 996 (22.5%) < 0.001
Prior heart failure 1901 (19.5%) 709 (13.6%) 1192 (26.9%) < 0.001
Prior stroke 1179 (12.3%) 508 (9.8%) 671 (15.2%) < 0.001
Prior chronic kidney disease 1971 (20.5%) 603 (11.6%) 1368 (30.9%) < 0.001
Prior diabetes mellitus 2752 (28.6%) 1163 (22.4%) 1589 (35.9%) < 0.001
Prior cancer 2053 (21.3%) 868 (16.7%) 1185 (26.8%) < 0.001
Prior lung disease 1880 (19.5%) 835 (16.1%) 1045 (23.6%) < 0.001
Prior liver disease 190 (2.0%) 64 (1.2%) 126 (2.8%) < 0.001
Prior dialysis 562 (5.8%) 144 (2.8%) 418 (9.4%) < 0.001
Discharge ICD-9 diagnoses
Shock 1032 (10.7%) 454 (8.7%) 578 (13.0%) < 0.001
Cardiogenic shock 809 (8.4%) 390 (7.5%) 419 (9.5%) < 0.001
Cardiac arrest 769 (8.0%) 427 (8.2%) 342 (7.7%) 0.38
Acute coronary syndrome 4143 (43.0%) 2574 (49.5%) 1569 (35.4%) < 0.001
Heart failure 3778 (39.2%) 1617 (31.1%) 2161 (48.8%) < 0.001
Atrial fibrillation 3076 (31.9%) 1380 (26.5%) 1696 (38.3%) < 0.001
Any organ failure 3471 (36.0%) 1388 (26.7%) 2083 (47.0%) < 0.001
Multi-organ failure 1549 (16.1%) 607 (11.7%) 942 (21.3%) < 0.001
Respiratory failure 1845 (19.1%) 812 (15.6%) 1033 (23.3%) < 0.001
Acute kidney injury 2013 (20.9%) 666 (12.8%) 1347 (30.4%) < 0.001
Sepsis 649 (6.7%) 186 (3.6%) 463 (10.4%) < 0.001
Gastrointestinal bleeding 398 (4.1%) 104 (2.0%) 294 (6.6%) < 0.001
Acute blood loss anemia 452 (4.7%) 135 (2.6%) 317 (7.2%) < 0.001
Procedural bleeding 725 (7.5%) 341 (6.6%) 384 (8.7%) < 0.001
Therapies and procedures
Invasive ventilator 1581 (16.4%) 774 (14.9%) 807 (18.2%) < 0.001
Noninvasive ventilator 1474 (15.3%) 635 (12.2%) 839 (18.9%) < 0.001
Vasoactive drugs 2407 (25.0%) 1136 (21.8%) 1271 (28.7%) < 0.001
> 1 vasoactive drug 1148 (11.9%) 522 (10.0%) 626 (14.1%) < 0.001
Dialysis 479 (5.0%) 160 (3.1%) 319 (7.2%) < 0.001
Coronary angiogram 5092 (52.8%) 3182 (61.1%) 1910 (43.1%) < 0.001
PCI 3345 (34.7%) 2124 (40.8%) 1221 (27.5%) < 0.001
Intra-aortic balloon pump 854 (8.9%) 483 (9.3%) 371 (8.4%) 0.12
620 Clinical Research in Cardiology (2020) 109:616–627
Pulmonary artery catheter 721 (7.5%) 339 (6.5%) 382 (8.6%) < 0.001
Red blood cell transfusion 1170 (12.1%) 198 (3.8%) 972 (21.9%) < 0.001
Admission laboratory values
Admission hemoglobin (g/dL) 12.1 ± 2.1 13.7 ± 1.3 10.3 ± 1.2 < 0.001
Admission MCV (fL) 90.7 ± 6.0 90.8 ± 5.2 90.6 ± 6.9 0.06
Microcytosis (MCV < 80 fL) 354 (3.7%) 94 (1.8%) 258 (6.0%) < 0.001
Macrocytosis (MCV > 100 fL) 526 (5.6%) 207 (4.1%) 391 (7.4%) < 0.001
Admission RDW (%) 14.8 ± 2.2 14.0 ± 1.6 15.6 ± 2.5 < 0.001
Data represented as mean ± standard deviation for continuous variables and number (percent) for categori-
cal variables. p value is for the comparison of patients with and without anemia, using the Student’s t test
for continuous variables and Chi-squared test for categorical variables
APACHE acute physiology and chronic health evaluation, BMI body mass index, CICU cardiac intensive
care unit, ICD International Classification of Diseases, MCV mean corpuscular volume, PCI percutaneous
coronary intervention, RDW red cell distribution width, SOFA sequential organ failure assessment
Unadjusted hospital mortality with anemia. There was a stepwise increase in hospital
mortality with decreasing admission Hb: ≥ 12 g/dL, 6.6%;
A total of 519 (5.4%) patients died in the CICU, and 845 10.0–11.9 g/dL, 10.1%; 8.0–9.9 g/dL, 13.0%; < 8 g/dL
(8.8%) patients died in the hospital. Unadjusted CICU 16.4% (p < 0.001). Admission Hb was inversely associ-
mortality was higher in patients with anemia (6.5% vs. ated with hospital mortality (unadjusted OR 0.87 per 1 g/
4.4%, unadjusted OR 1.52, 95% CI 1.28–1.82, p < 0.001), dL, 95% CI 0.84–0.90, p < 0.001), with an optimal cutoff
as was unadjusted hospital mortality (11.3% vs. 6.6%, of 11.5 g/dL for predicting hospital mortality. The unad-
unadjusted OR 1.82, 95% CI 1.58–2.10, p < 0.001). Similar justed OR value for admission Hb was 0.84 per 1 g/dL
results were observed when using the WHO gender-spe- (95% CI 0.78–0.90) among patients with anemia and 1.08
cific definition of anemia: both CICU mortality (6.4% vs. per 1 g/dL (95% CI 1.00–1.17) in patients without anemia,
4.1%, unadjusted OR 1.58, 95% CI 1.31–1.90, p < 0.001) reflecting a U-shaped relationship between admission Hb
and hospital mortality (10.8% vs. 6.2%, unadjusted OR and mortality (Fig. 1). Admission MCV was positively
1.84, 95% CI 1.58–2.14, p < 0.001) were higher in patients associated with hospital mortality (unadjusted OR 1.04
Clinical Research in Cardiology (2020) 109:616–627 621
per 1 fL, 95% CI 1.02–1.05 p < 0.001), with an optimal with hospital mortality (unadjusted OR 1.20 per 1%, 95%
cutoff of 94.6 fL for predicting hospital mortality. This CI 1.17–1.23, p < 0.001), with an optimal cutoff of 14.3%
relationship was similar among patients with anemia (OR for predicting hospital mortality. This association that
1.03 per 1 fL, 95% CI 1.02–1.05) and patients without appeared to be stronger in patients without anemia (unad-
anemia (OR 1.04 per 1 fL, 95% CI 1.01–1.06). A J-shaped justed OR 1.34 per 1%, 95% CI 1.28–1.41) compared to
relationship was observed between admission MCV and patients with anemia (unadjusted OR 1.11 per 1%, 95%
mortality (Fig. 2a); the MCV was associated with hospi- CI 1.08–1.15). A progressive increase in mortality was
tal mortality in patients with and without anemia, with observed with increasing decile of RDW, both in patients
mortality being highest in patients with macrocytic ane- with and without anemia (Fig. 3).
mia (Fig. 2b). Admission RDW was positively associated
622 Clinical Research in Cardiology (2020) 109:616–627
Fig. 3 Hospital mortality as a
function of admission RDW
decile in the overall popula-
tion, patients with anemia,
and patients without anemia.
p < 0.001 for hospital mortality
trends across RDW declines
in each group. RDW red cell
distribution width
Adjusted hospital mortality 95% CI 0.90–0.94), MCV (adjusted HR 1.02 per 1 fL, 95%
CI 1.01–1.02), and RDW (adjusted HR per 1% 1.13, 95% CI
On multivariable regression adjusting for demographics, 1.11–1.15) were all significantly (p < 0.001) associated with
comorbidities, vital signs, laboratory data, discharge diagno- post-discharge mortality among hospital survivors.
ses and APACHE-III score (Table 2), neither admission Hb
level nor anemia (both p > 0.99) was associated with hospi-
tal mortality. Likewise, admission MCV (adjusted OR 1.01 Discussion
per 1 fL, 95% CI 1.00–1.03, p = 0.11) was not significantly
associated with hospital mortality. By contrast, admission To our knowledge, this is the largest study to examine the
RDW remained strongly associated with hospital mortality associations between hematologic indices with hospital and
after multivariable adjustment (adjusted OR 1.15 per 1%, post-discharge mortality in unselected CICU patients. Ane-
95% CI 1.10–1.21, p < 0.001). There was a positive statisti- mia (admission Hb < 12 g/dL) was present in almost 50% of
cal interaction between admission Hb and RDW (p = 0.005). patients in this CICU population and predicted higher unad-
justed hospital and post-discharge mortality. Admission Hb
Post‑discharge survival demonstrated a reverse J-shaped relationship with hospital
mortality, but this relationship did not persist after multi-
Among 8799 (91.2%) patients surviving to hospital dis- variable adjustment. Admission MCV showed a J-shaped
charge, 3537 (40.2%) died during a mean follow-up of association with hospital mortality, and patients with mac-
3.4 years; 1229 (14.0%) hospital survivors had post-dis- rocytic anemia were at higher risk of hospital and post-dis-
charge follow-up less than 1 year, including loss to follow- charge death. An elevated admission RDW was associated
up. Post-discharge survival decreased in a stepwise fashion with higher hospital and post-discharge mortality, and RDW
as a function of decreasing quartile of admission Hb (Fig. 4a, remained a significant predictor of hospital mortality after
p < 0.001 by log-rank). Post-discharge survival differed multivariable adjustment. The association between RDW
based on the presence or absence of anemia and the admis- and mortality was influenced by the presence or absence of
sion MCV (Fig. 4b, p < 0.001 by log-rank); survival was anemia, as evidenced by the significant statistical interaction
highest among patients with normocytosis or microcytosis term on multivariable regression. The relationship between
without anemia and lowest among patients with macrocytic RDW and mortality appeared stronger in patients without
anemia. Post-discharge survival decreased in a stepwise anemia, suggesting that elevated RDW was a relevant prog-
fashion as a function of increasing quartile of admission nostic factor and not merely a marker of anemia. Admission
Hb (Fig. 4c, p < 0.001 by log-rank). On Cox proportional- Hb, MCV, and RDW were all significantly associated with
hazards analysis adjusting for predictors of hospital mortal- adjusted post-discharge mortality among hospital survivors.
ity (Table 2), admission Hb (adjusted HR 0.92 per 1 g/dL, Patients with HF had lower Hb and higher RDW, as opposed
Clinical Research in Cardiology (2020) 109:616–627 623
Table 2 Predictors of hospital mortality using multivariable regression using an adaptive elastic net penalty algorithm and predictors of post-
discharge mortality using Cox proportional-hazards analysis
Variable Inpatient mortality (regression) Post-discharge mortality (Cox)
Adjusted OR 95% CI p value Adjusted HR 95% CI p value
Adjusted odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) values are shown
APACHE acute physiology and chronic health evaluation, BUN blood urea nitrogen, CICU cardiac intensive care unit, MCV mean corpuscular
volume, PCI percutaneous coronary intervention, RDW red cell distribution width
Admission Hb was not selected for inclusion in the final regression model for hospital mortality
to patients with ACS, implying an association between myo- Anemia has been associated with adverse outcomes
cardial dysfunction and these hematologic abnormalities. across a broad spectrum of patients with acute cardiovas-
These data emphasize the importance of easily-available cular disease and critical illness [1–5, 15]. We observed the
hematologic laboratory data for risk stratification of CICU same curvilinear relationship between admission Hb and
patients and highlight the interactions between hematologic unadjusted hospital mortality in our CICU population, as
abnormalities and acute cardiovascular disease outcomes. was previously reported in ACS patients [4]. However, after
624 Clinical Research in Cardiology (2020) 109:616–627
Fig. 4 a Kaplan–Meier curves demonstrating post-hospital survival between groups by log-rank. RDW, red cell distribution width. c
among hospital survivors, grouped by admission hemoglobin quar- Kaplan–Meier curves demonstrating post-hospital survival among
tile, based on a median of 12.2 (IQR 10.6–13.7) g/dL. p < 0.001 hospital survivors, grouped by admission MCV and the presence of
between groups by log-rank. b Kaplan–Meier curves demonstrating anemia (admission hemoglobin < 12 g/dL). p < 0.001 between groups
post-hospital survival among hospital survivors, grouped by RDW by log-rank. MCV mean corpuscular volume
quartile based on a mean RDW of 14.1% (IQR 13.3–15.6). p < 0.001
multivariable adjustment we did not observe an association and important targets for therapy in patients with HF [29,
between admission Hb and hospital mortality in this large 30]. Chronic iron deficiency typically produces microcyto-
CICU population, potentially suggesting that anemia may sis with an elevated RDW, although macrocytosis can be
be a marker of sicker CICU patients rather than a directly seen during acute blood loss due to regenerative reticulocy-
pathological entity in many cases [15]. Our findings imply tosis [30]. In our CICU population, macrocytosis appeared
that acutely raising the Hb level, for instance by transfu- to be more strongly associated with adverse outcomes than
sion, may not necessarily reduce mortality in CICU patients, microcytosis, raising important questions about the under-
consistent with prior studies that have failed to demonstrate lying pathophysiology that drives the associations between
improved outcomes using higher Hb thresholds for transfu- anemia, MCV and outcomes.
sion among patients with acute cardiovascular disease [28]. The association between MCV and mortality has not been
This highlights the importance of ongoing studies such previously explored in unselected CICU patients, and our
as the Myocardial Ischemia and Transfusion trial (MINT, results suggest that an elevated MCV is more significantly
NCT02981407) to define the role of transfusion in acutely-ill associated with post-discharge than hospital mortality.
cardiac patients with anemia. Huang et al. demonstrated an association between higher
Unlike our results for hospital mortality, a lower admis- MCV and higher RDW with increased unadjusted hospital
sion Hb was associated with higher post-discharge mortal- mortality among acute MI patients in the ICU; as in our
ity among hospital survivors. A prior study by Uscinska, study, Hb levels were associated with unadjusted mortal-
et al. found that lower Hb levels and decreased markers of ity but not adjusted mortality [12]. The mean corpuscular
iron stores were associated with lower long-term survival in Hb concentration was inversely related to adjusted hos-
their cohort of 392 CICU patients [7]. Anemia and iron defi- pital mortality in their population, and RDW was associ-
ciency have been identified as relevant prognostic variables ated with adjusted 1-year mortality. Similarly, Ueda et al.
Clinical Research in Cardiology (2020) 109:616–627 625
demonstrated that an elevated MCV is associated with both altered hematopoiesis and adverse outcomes include
mortality among patients with acute HF [6]. Prior studies increased inflammation or oxidative stress (as suggested by
have shown associations between elevated MCV with mor- studies showing correlations between RDW and C-reactive
tality and ICU readmission in other ICU populations [14, protein) and the effects of multi-organ dysfunction (includ-
16]. Bazick et al. previously demonstrated a higher MCV to ing AKI) and baseline comorbidities on bone marrow func-
be associated with increased hospital mortality in a cohort tion and hematopoiesis [9, 10, 15–17]. While an elevated
of 51,143 mixed ICU patients (including 15% with MI and RDW clearly portends higher hospital and post-discharge
22% with HF), after performing multivariable adjustment mortality risk independent of anemia, it remains uncertain
[16]. Numerous potential pathophysiologic mechanisms may how to leverage this information to optimize treatment for
explain the association between elevated MCV and adverse CICU patients.
outcomes, including altered hematopoiesis due to intrinsic
bone marrow abnormalities, organ dysfunction, drugs, tox- Limitations
ins, and nutritional deficiency which may influence macro-
cyte morphology and produce concomitant cytopenias [23]. This study has a number of relevant limitations that apply
An elevated MCV may represent myelodysplastic syndrome similarly to other retrospective cohort analyses, particularly
or clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP), the potential for additional unmeasured confounding vari-
the latter of which has been associated with an increased risk ables. The CICU population at Mayo Clinic may differ from
of cardiovascular events and highlighted as a potent emerg- other populations in terms of baseline demographics and
ing cardiovascular risk factor [31, 32]. case mix [19]. We focused on admission laboratory values
RDW was one of the most significant predictors of to predict mortality and were not able to determine whether
the adjusted hospital and post-discharge mortality in this changes in these variables during hospitalization influenced
CICU cohort and appeared to be more strongly associ- mortality risk. We did not have data available on pre-admis-
ated with mortality among patients without anemia, even sion laboratory values, prior hematologic abnormalities,
though patients with anemia had higher RDW. These find- preceding transfusion, blood cell morphology, hemolysis,
ings in a mixed CICU population may be expected given reticulocytosis, bleeding, iron studies, or vitamin levels. This
the consistent association between an elevated RDW and prevented us from determining the causes and chronicity of
increased mortality in patients with acute cardiovascular anemia, elevated MCV, or elevated RDW in our patients,
disease and general ICU patients [9–11, 14, 16–18]. A prior and from defining how these hematologic abnormalities may
study by Hu, et al. demonstrated an association between have led to higher mortality. Likewise, we did not have echo-
elevated RDW with hospital mortality and AKI in 412 cardiographic data available to better elucidate the relation-
CICU patients, even after adjustment for illness severity ships between HF and myocardial dysfunction with abnor-
and other variables, higher RDW was associated with lower mal hematologic parameters. Our post-discharge mortality
long-term survival [8]. These authors found a positive cor- analysis should be considered exploratory, as the use of elec-
relation between RDW and the APACHE-II score, suggest- tronic health record review to determine patient death may
ing that RDW correlates with illness severity yet provides underestimate post-discharge mortality by potentially failing
additional prognostic value. Prior studies in patients with to capture patients dying in other health systems. We did not
acute myocardial infarction have consistently demonstrated have data available to determine cause of death, preventing
that an elevated RDW is associated with higher mortality, us from providing specific insights about the mechanisms
even after adjustment for relevant risk scores [10]. Similar that could have linked abnormal hematologic indices with
associations between elevated RDW and death have been mortality risk.
reported in patients with acute HF, including patients with
and without anemia [9]. In one of the largest studies exam-
ining RDW in critically ill patients, Bazick et al. reported a Conclusions
strong independent relationship between RDW and mortal-
ity [16]. As in our study, patients with elevated RDW were Anemia is common among CICU patients and is associated
older, had greater comorbidities, more frequently had sepsis, with higher unadjusted short-term and long-term mortal-
had a worse renal function and lower Hb levels, and had a ity, but this relationship seems to be mediated primarily by
higher prevalence of organ failure. illness severity and comorbidities. By contrast, elevated
Several potential hypotheses have been proposed to RDW was strongly associated with higher hospital mortal-
explain the association between elevated RDW and mor- ity after adjusting for relevant covariates, as shown in other
tality, which is undoubtedly multifactorial and likely medi- populations of cardiac and ICU patients. Anemia, MCV,
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diac substrate [9, 10, 16, 17]. The factors which may drive ity among hospital survivors. Incorporation of RDW into
626 Clinical Research in Cardiology (2020) 109:616–627
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research. care unit admitted patients with acute myocardial infarction. Ann
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