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Media and Information Languages Lesson Plan

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Pangasinan State University

Bayambang Campus
College of Teacher Education
Laboratory Integrated School
High School Department
Bayambang, Pangasinan
A.Y. 2022-2023

A Semi-Detailed
Lesson Plan
in Grade 12-STEM
(Media and Information

Submitted by:
Miss Kelly Mhavelle C. Godoy
Teaching Intern

Submitted to:
Mr. Adrian D. Veloso
Supervising Instructor
I. Objectives
At the end of the 60-minute lesson, the students should be able to accomplish the
following with at least 80% of success:
a. identify how information is being shown in different media;
b. reflect on how important information can be conveyed in a given media to create
the desired impression; and
c. create slogan about how media and information languages affect people’s lives.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Media and Information Languages
B. References
 Carballo, V. a. P. B. R. (2018, October 1). Media and Information
Languages. BA Media and Information Literacy.
 Media and Information Literacy. (2020). fnhs.edu.ph. Retrieved March
19, 2023, from
 Codes & Conventions. (n.d.). ONE LEGGED BIRD PRODUCTIONS.
C. Learning Materials
 Multimodal Presentation
 Laptop
 Visual Aids

III. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation
What am I?

Mechanics: The teacher will show several clips and pictures and the students are
going to guess where these figures or clip comes from. The teacher will ask
questions after the students guess the figure or clip.

Question: Where do you usually see this sign?

Answer: On the road
Question: What does this sign mean?
Answer: It means that the people are not allowed to park here.

b. A short video clip from a K-Drama series (https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Question: Who knows this K-Drama series?
Answer: A Business Proposal
Question: What do you think the scene conveys?
Answer: It’s a love at first sight.

Question: Do you know what is this?

Answer: Instagram
Question: What does Instagram do?
Answer: Instagram is an application that helps other people connect with
other people. You can also post pictures on that application.

d. A short video clip from the movie “A Quiet Place”

Question: Have you watched this movie?
Answer: Yes.
Question: The characters of the movie are not allowed to make noise,
even the slightest whisper or footstep can bring death. Now, what do you
think will happen to the child?
Answer: The monster will attack the child.

Closing questions:
a) What do you think is the role of the background music that was
heard on the clip that you’ve watched?
Answer: It adds eerie or suspense in the movie.
b) How about the slow-motion effect from the 1st clip that you’ve
Answer: It adds excitement to the scene since it is a love at first
c) Do you think the no parking sign, the slow-motion effect, the eerie
music, and the Instagram icon conveys a message?
Answer: Yes.

IV. Presentation of the Lesson

The teacher will present the topic entitled “Media and Information Languages”
through a PowerPoint presentation.

V. Development of the Lesson

The teacher will discuss the lesson through a PowerPoint presentation. First, she
will help the students recall the previous lesson, which is the Media and Information
Sources. Then, she will now start the discussion by asking the students “What is your
idea about language?”
According to Finocchiaro, language is a system of arbitrary, vocal symbols that
permit all people in a given culture or other people who have learned the system of that
culture to communicate or to interact.

Language of media pertains to the technical and symbolic ingredients or codes

and conventions that media and information professionals may select and use in an
effort to communicate ideas, information and knowledge. These media languages are
codes, convention, formats, symbols and narrative structures that indicate the meaning
of media messages to an audience.
MEDIA CODES are tools used to construct or suggest meaning in media forms
and products that have a commonly established meaning to the target audience.

Types of Media Codes

Technical Codes are codes that are specific to a media form alone.

1. Movie Angles/Camera Shots

 The teacher will also present examples of each angles that came from
different movies and series and the students will guess what is the
title of the movies or series.
2. Sound is also a type of technical codes because it builds up emotion,
tension, feelings among the audience.

 The teacher will show three (3) short clips from different movies and
series, and she will let the students what emotions or feelings are
build up in each clip.

Symbolic Codes are codes that the meaning of the products is not
based the product itself, but on the interpretation of the audience;
audience based.

1. Setting – The setting of a narrative is the environment in which the
narrative takes place. Just like in news, when they conduct their live
report in a place where trees fell down, there’s a little drizzle, and there
are muds, you can tell that the setting place just have a flood.
2. Color – The colors may be symbolic and essential in media. Red, for
instance, is typically seen as a colour of passion, danger, romance, or
violence. Green is connected with nature or sickness, blue with calm or
depression. Yellow is warm and inviting or a warning. Purple is seen to be
connected with royalty or other-worldly.
3. Language – in films, you would notice that some actors use different
accents when they were trying different characters because it’s a
representative of who those characters are or who are the characters
were playing.
5. Clothing – if a character in a television show or film suddenly changes
their style of clothing then there’s also a change in their personality or
Written Codes are formal written language used in creating a media
1. Text in Frame – headlines, caption, or close-up shot of what the
characters are writing, or when they are texting someone, some pop-up
would appear on the screen that shows what exactly are they texting is an
example of Text in Frame.

2. Subtitle is also an example of written codes.

3. Song lyrics used in a film.

MEDIA CONVENTIONS are possible methods in which codes are organizing a

product; listen to standard or norm that acts as a rule governing behavior

Types of Media Conventions

Form Conventions are ways in which the types of media codes are
expected to be arranged.
Post-credit in every Marvel movie to show a short sneak peek of the next

Story Convention refer to the basic structures of narratives; showing the

sequence common narrative structures and understandings that are
common in story telling media products. Examples of story conventions
include Narrative structures. Cause and effect.
1. Rags to riches

2. Eye-to-eye in romance movies shows the transition of the two

characters falling in love with each other

3. Murder movies where the characters are trying to help or solve who is
the murderer but it eventually, the murderer is one of their friends.

GENRE CONVENTION is the common use of the elements of narrative such as

the characters, settings, or get themes in a certain type of media.
1. When showing an apocalyptic scene, zombies are present in the picture.

2. When showing a story about high school, characters are complete with
different types of students — nerds, the campus crush, mean girls, the achievers,
students-athletes, artists, etc.
3. Pop songs who have constant repetition of lyrics which actually makes pop
songs popular and catchy.

In terms of media conventions, culture is very important in the way we interpret

signs and codes. It is important that we understand that culture always determines the
meaning sign or code communicates. The interpretation of one group of people could be
different from the interpretation of another.
Media messages are simply pieces of information that are sent from a source to
a receiver. These could be ideas that may arise from media contents. Each audience
member brings to each media encounter a unique set of life experiences. Remember,
that we come from different backgrounds, we had different experiences growing up, we
are of different ages gender education cultural upbringing which when applied to or
combined with the text may create unique interpretations.
Media Languages also include knowing about the people involved in the
production and consumption of the media and information. These includes media
producers, stakeholders, and audience.
AUDIENCE are the group of consumers for whom a media message was
constructed as well as anyone else who is exposed to the message.
PRODUCERS are people engaged in the process of creating and putting
together media content to make a finished media product.
OTHER STAKEHOLDERS includes libraries, archives, museums, internet, and
other relevant information providers.

VI. Enrichment of the Lesson


The class will play the "BINGO" game. Then, the teacher will instruct the
students to design their own 3x3 bingo cards. The students will fill out the spaces in the
bingo card with “media codes”, “media convention” and “media convention.
Subsequently, the teacher will flash videos/photos through PowerPoint Presentation.
Then, the students will identify which media language is being used in the photos/videos.
Subsequently, they will encircle the figures of speech that are being identified in their
respective bingo card.
Once they have completed a row or a column in their bingo card, they must raise
their hands and say "Bingo" to be acknowledged. The first three students to the bingo
will have an additional five (5) points to the next activity.

VII. Generalization
To sum up the discussion, the teacher will ask the students what the
importance of learning media languages is and how it can affect their lives.

Learning knowledge of codes and conventions invites prediction, sets up

expectations and allows ways of navigating complex texts. You can give interpretation of
a certain media just by hearing to seeing it. The patterns provided by codes and
conventions in a text are cues for our understanding. Familiarity with patterns is
essential for effective communication.

VIII. Assessment
Instructions: On a one (1) whole sheet of pad paper, make an essay by answering this
question: “If you are a reporter, what will you do to not make your report boring?”

IX. Assignment
Instructions: On a ¼ illustration board, make a slogan about the importance of learning
media languages.

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