a. a contractual obligation to deliver cash or another
asset to another entity; or
Equity Instrument
Other entities
-Can qualify as financial asset
Entity's own
-Equity of the issuing entity.
-Neither asset nor liability
Not limited to corporation
represents a right upon
-is any contract that
Interest in partnership or the holder to receive cash from the issuer
association ownership interest is thereof or an obligation upon to pay cash to
an equity security the holder thereof.
Junior interest in a special purpose Debtor creditor relationship between
vehicle is also an equity security entities
As long as the instrument -E.g., treasury bills, receivables, payables,
represents an equity interest in redeemable preference shares, investments
another entity, it is a financial in bonds, and bonds payable.
asset. Financial Liability
Debt Security
Debt instrument that is considered as an
investment on the part of the purchase
- E.g., investment in bonds and commercial paper
Equity Instrument
- Evidences a residual interest in the net asset of an entity
- E.g., shares of stock
Equity Securities
- Equity instruments that are classifiable as investments.
- E.g., investment in shares of stocks
Debt Instrument
- Represents debtor-creditor relationship (lending transaction)
- E.g., receivables, payables, and bonds
Debt Securities
- Debt instruments that are classifiable as investments
- E.g., investment in bonds
recognition and
Financial assets are recognized only when
the entity becomes a party to the
contractual provisions of the instrument.
Basis of classification
Financial assets are classified based on:
Fair value
The transaction price (i.e., fair value of the consideration given
Transaction cost
"Incremental cost", attributed to the acquisition, issue or disposal of financial A or L.
Includes fees and commission paid to agents
DO NOT include debt premiums or discounts, financing cost or internal administrative or holding cost.
Incremental cost
One that would not have been incurred if the entity had not acquired, issued or disposed of the financial
•Fair value is “the price that would be received to sell
an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly
transaction between market participants at the
Fair Value measurement date.” (PFRS 13)
-Gains and Losses on fin. Asset measured at FVLP are recognized in profit or loss
FVOCI- mandatory
-Gains and Losses on fin. Asset mandatorily measured at FVOCI are recognized in other comprehensive
income (except for impairment gains or losses and foreign exchange gains or losses) until the financial asset is
derecognized or classified.
FVOCI - election
Gains and Losses also recognized in other comprehensive income.
When derecognized, cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in
other comprehensive income is not subsequently transferred to profit or
The entity may transfer the cumulative gain or loss within equity, e.g., as
a direct transfer to retained earnings (i.e., 'without recycling').
Dividends received are recognized in profit or loss.
Amortized cost
-Gains or losses on fin. Asset, recognized in profit or loss.
Examples of investments held to earn profit:
Held for trading securities
- Profit is realized primarily from short-term
fluctuation in fair values.
The term "investments" can be defined broadly Investment in equity securities measured at
as assets that are held for any of the following FVOIC
purposes: - Profit realized from long-term appreciation
1. To earn profit; in fair value; or
2. To secure certain operating or - From dividends
financing arrangements or beneficial Investment in debt securities mandatorily
relationship with another entity; measured at FVOIC
3. To meet business requirements; or - Profit realized from interest income and/or
4. To serve as protection for possible fair value changes.
future loss.
Investment in debt securities measured at
Amortized Cost o Profit from interest income
Investment property
Problem Solution
Any question or matter involving It is a particular instance or method of
doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty. solving. It is an explanation or answer.