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Computer Application (12th)

Time: 3 hours Theory : 60 Marks

IA : 05 Marks
Practical : 35 Marks

Lesson 1: Introduction to C ++
Introduction to Object Orientation, Difference between Structured &
Object Oriented Language, Introduction to C ++, Program Structure ,
Program Design & Implementation Issues, Character set of C++, C++
Basic Elements, Structure of a Program, What is meant by an object?.

Lesson 2: Data Types Variables and Constants

Concepts of Data Types, Data Types Modifiers, Constants, String
Literals, Variables, Operators in C++, Expressions and Statements,
Conditional Expression, Operators Precedence in C++.

Lesson3: Control Statements

Conditional Statements, Selection Statements: if and else, Nested if
(Nested blocks), Another selection statements: switch,Jump statement,
The break statement, The continue statement, The goto statement,
Exit() Function, Iteration Statement (C++), Loop & Nested Loops,
Console I/O functions, Header Files.

Lesson 4 Functions
Definition of function, Function Prototype, Objective of using function
prototype, Accessing a function, Passing argument to a function,
default values for Parameters, The const argument, C++ function call by
value, C++ function call by reference, parameter pass by reference,
Return statement, Passing Arrays as Function Arguments in C++, C++
Variable Scope, Local Variables.

Lesson 5 Arrays
Declaring Arrays, One Dimensional Array, Nature of subscript,
Multidimensional Array, Two-Dimensional Arrays, Arrays of strings.

Lesson 6: Classes and Objects

Classes,Access specifiers and default labels, Scope of class & its
members, Member functions, Data hiding & encapsulation, Inline
Functions, Nesting of Member Functions, Nesting of Member
Functions, Arrays within a class, static Function Members.

Lesson 7: Constructors, Destructors and Function Overloading

Need for Constructors, Default Constructors, parameterized
Constructor, Default Copy Constructor, Dynamic Initialization Using
Constructors, The Class Destructor, Function overloading in C++, Steps
involved in finding the best match.
Lesson 8: Inheritance
Inheritance : Extending Classes, Need for Inheritance, Defining
Derived Class, Different Forms of Inheritance, Visibility Modes, Inherit
private members of base class.

Lesson 9: Information Technology

Introduction, Computer Networks, Network Topology, Advantages &
Disadvantages of Network, Data Communication, Transmission
Channel, Types of Networks.

Time: 2 hrs Marks: 35


1. Programming in C++
There will be 5 questions / Program will be set from which candidate has to attempt
any Four program/ Questions. Each Program or Question will be of 5 marks. Marks
for the programming are to be given on the basis of program documentation /
indentation, algorithm and result (output) 5 X 4=20 Marks
2. Viva-Voce 10 Marks
3. Practical record file 5 Marks
Record of at least 20 programs in C++ (with listing and Outputs) based on
programming concepts and on data base concepts

SYLLABUS: All the relevant practical exercise will be based upon the relevant chapters mentioned in
the Theory Syllabus.

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