Physiology of Bone

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Anandhu G
First Year MPT
SME Gandhinagar,Kottayam
• Bone or osseous tissue is a specialized rigid
connective tissue that forms the skeleton. It
consists of special type of cells and tough
intercellular matrix of ground substance. The
matrix is formed by organic substances like
collagen and it is strengthened by the deposition
of mineral salts like calcium phosphate and
calcium carbonate. Throughout the life, bone is
renewed by the process of bone formation and
bone resorption.
1. Protective function: Protects soft tissues and
vital organs of the body
2. Mechanical function: Supports the body and
brings out various movements of the body by
their attachment to the muscles and tendons
3. Metabolic function: Plays an important role in
the metabolism homeostasis of calcium and
phosphate in the body.
4. Hemopoietic function: Red bone marrow in the
bones is the site of production of blood cells.
• Bone matrix is composed of protein fibers called
collagen fibers, which are embedded in the
gelatinous ground substance. These collagen
fibers form about 90% of the bone. The ground
substance is formed by ECF and proteoglycans.
Proteoglycans are chondroitin sulfate and
hyaluronic acid, which are concerned with the
regulation and deposition of bone salts.
Bone Salts
• The crystalline salts present in bones are
called hydroxyapatites, which contain calcium
and phosphate. Apart from these substances,
some other salts like sodium, potassium,
magnesium and carbonate are also present in
the bone. The salts of the bone strengthen the
bone matrix.
1. Osteoblasts
2. Osteocytes
3. Osteoclasts
• Osteoblasts are the bone cells concerned with
bone formation (osteoblastic activity). These
cells are situated in the outer surface of bone, the
marrow cavity and epiphyseal plate. The
osteoblasts arise from the giant multinucleated
primitive cells called the osteoprogenitor cells.
Differentiation of osteoprogenitor cells into
osteoblasts (Table 68.1) is accelerated by some
hormones and some bone proteins called skeletal
growth factors. These growth factors stimulate
the growth of osteoblasts also.
Functions of osteoblasts
i. Role in the formation of bone matrix
Osteoblasts are responsible for the synthesis of
bone matrix by secreting type I collagen and a
protein called matrix gla protein (MGP) or
osteocalcin. Other proteins involved in the
matrix synthesis are also produced by the
osteoblasts. Such proteins are transforming
growth factor (TGF), insulin-like growth factor
(IGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and
platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF).
ii Role in calcification
• Osteoblasts are rich in enzyme alkaline
phosphatase, which is necessary for
deposition of calcium in the bone matrix
iii. Synthesis of proteins
Osteoblasts synthesize the proteins called
matrix gla protein and osteopontin, which are
involved in the calcification.
Fate of Osteoblasts
After taking part in bone formation, the
osteoblasts differentiate into osteocytes,
which are trapped inside the lacunae of
calcified bone.
• Osteocytes are the bone cells concerned with
maintenance of bone. Osteocytes are small
flattened and rounded cells, embedded in the
bone lacunae. These cells are the major cells in
developed bone and are derived from the
matured osteoblasts. The cytoplasmic processes
from osteocytes run into canaliculi and ramify
throughout the bone matrix. The processes from
neighboring osteocytes have contact with each
other forming tight junctions.
Functions of osteocytes
i. Help to maintain the bone as living tissue
because of their metabolic activity
ii. Maintain the exchange of calcium between
the bone and ECF.
• Osteoclasts are the bone cells that are
concerned with bone resorption (osteoclastic
activity). Osteoclasts are the giant phagocytic
multinucleated cells found in the lacunae of
bone matrix. These bone cells are derived
from hemopoietic stem cells via monocytes
colony forming units-M (CFU-M).
Functions of Osteoclats
i. Responsible for bone resorption during bone
ii. Synthesis and release of lysosomal enzymes
necessary for bone resorption into the bone
resorbing compartment.
Embryo has a cartilaginous skeleton. The
cartilage is composed of large amount of solid
but flexible matrix. The matrix is derived from
a protein called chondrin, that is secreted by
the cartilage cells or chondriocytes. Some of
the cartilage is converted into bones.
Ossification and Calcification
• Ossification is the conversion of cartilage into bone. At
the time of birth, the skeleton consists of 50% cartilage
and 50% bone. At the age of 2 years and thereafter, the
skeleton consists 35% cartilage and 65% bone.
• Ossification is carried out by the osteoblasts, which
enter the cartilage and lay down the matrix around
them. Osteoblasts synthesize collagen fibers, which
produce the matrix called osteoid. Then, calcium is
deposited on the matrix. The deposition of calcium is
called calcification.
Growth in Length
During growth, the epiphysis at the end of each long bone is
separated from diaphysis by a plate of proliferative cartilage termed
as epiphyseal plate.

Increase in the length of the bone occurs due to the formation of

new bone from epiphyseal plate. The thickness of the epiphyseal
plate reduces as the length of bone increases. Increase in length of
the bone occurs as long as the epiphyseal plates remain separated
from diaphysis (shaft). The growth of the bone stops when the
epiphysis fuses with the shaft. The process by which epiphysis fuses
with shaft is called the epiphyseal fusion or closure. It occurs usually
at the time of puberty. Width of the bone increases due to increase
in thickness of periosteum or the outer layers of compact bone.
• Bone remodeling is a dynamic lifelong process
in which old bone is resorbed and new bone is
formed. Usually, it takes place in groups of
bone cells called the basic multicellular units
(BMU). The entire process of remodeling
extends for about 100 days in compact bone
and about 200 days in spongy bone.
Processes of bone remodeling
1. Bone resorption: Destruction of bone matrix
and removal of calcium (osteoclastic activity).
2. Bone formation: Development and
mineralization of new matrix (osteoblastic
Bone Resorption – Osteoclastic Activity
• Osteoclastic activity is the process that involves
destruction of bone matrix, followed by removal of
calcium. Osteoclasts are responsible for bone
resorption by their osteoclastic activity.
• Part of the bone to be resorbed is known as bone
resorbing compartment. The osteoclast present in this
compartment attaches itself to the periosteal or
endosteal surface of bone through villi-like
membranous extensions. This process is mediated by
the surface receptors called integrins. At the point of
attachment, a ruffled border is formed by folding of
the cell membrane.
• Resorption of that particular compartment
occurs by some substances released from
membranous extensions of osteoclasts such
1. Collagenase
2. Phosphat
3. Lysosomal enzymes
4. Acids like citric acid and lactic acid.
Sequence of events during bone resorption
1. Citric acid and lactic acid cause acidification of the area
and decrease pH to 4
2. Lysosomal enzymes are activated at this pH
3. Activated enzymes digest or dissolve the collagen
4. Enzymes also dissolve the hydroxyapatite and form
solution of bone salts
5. All the dissolved materials are now released into ECF
6. Some elements enter the blood
7. Remaining elements are cleaned up by the macrophages
8. A shallow cavity is formed in the bone resorbing
Bone Formation – Osteoblastic Activity
• Osteoblastic activity is the process which
involves the synthesis of collagen and
formation of bone matrix that is mineralized.
Osteoblasts are concerned with bone
formation. Osteoblasts synthesize and release
collagen into the shallow cavity formed after
resorption in the bone resorbing
compartment. The collagen fibers arrange
themselves in regular units and form the
organic matrix called osteoid.
• Mineralization is the process by which the minerals are deposited
on bone matrix. Mineralization starts about 10 to 12 days after the
formation of osteoid. First, a large quantity of calcium phosphate is
deposited. Afterwards, the hydroxide and bicarbonate ions are
gradually added causing the formation of hydroxyapatite crystals.
The process of mineralization is accelerated by the enzyme alkaline
phosphatase, secreted by osteoblast. The process also requires the
availability of adequate amount of calcium and phosphate in the
• The completely mineralized bone surrounds the osteoblast. Now,
the synthetic activity of osteoblast is reduced slowly and the cell is
converted into osteocytes. Later, the bone is arranged in concentric
lamellae on the inner surface of the cavity. At the end of the
formation of new bone, the cavity is reduced to form Haversian
Significance of Bone Remodeling
In childrens
1. Thickness of bone increases
2. Bone obtains strength in proportion to the growth
3. Shape of the bone is realtered in relation to growth of
the body
In Adults
1. Toughness of bone is maintained
2. Mechanical integrity of skeleton is ensured
throughout life
3. Blood calcium level is maintained
Regulation of Bone Remodeling
• Bone remodeling occurs continuously throughout the
life. So a balance is maintained always between the
bone resorption and bone formation.
• However, in persons like athletes, soldiers and others,
in whom the bone stress is more, the bone becomes
heavy and strong. It is because of the stimulation of
osteoblastic activity and mineralization of bone by
repeated physical stress.
• Apart from the physical stress, a variety of hormonal
substances and growth factors are involved in
regulation of bone resorption and bone formation
The process of healing after bone fracture involves joining of broken ends
by the deposition of new bone.
Stages of Bone Repair after Fracture
1. Formation of hematoma between the broken ends of bone and
surrounding soft tissues. Hematoma means swelling or mass of blood
clot confined to a tissue or space due to rupture of blood vessel
2. Development of acute inflammation
3. Phagocytosis of hematoma, debris and fragments of bone by
4. Formation of granular tissue and development of new blood vessels
5. Development of new osteoblasts and formation of new bone called
6. Spreading of new bone to fill the gap between the broken ends of bones
7. Reshaping of new bone by osteoclasts, which remove excess callus and
formation of canal in the new bone.
• Essentials of Medical Physiology by K
Sembulingam PhD and Prema Sembulingam
PhD , Sixth Edition ,page no :409-412

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