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Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal

(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)

Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

Chemical Processing of Textile II (PC APM 501)

Name of the Course Chemical Processing of Textile II
Course Code: PC APM 501 Semester: V
Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks: 100

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory: 3 hrs./week Mid Semester Exam.: 15 Marks
Tutorial: Nil Assignment & Quiz: 10(=8+2) Marks
Attendance: Marks 5
Practical: hrs./week End Semester Exam.: 70 Marks
Credit Points:3

1 To introduce different textile printing, finishing, effluent treatment and colour
2 To illustrate the need of different finishing on textiles, colour fastness testing and
effluent treatment.
3 To explain principle, mechanism, application method, style, process flow, process
parameters of textile printing, finising and effluent treatment.
1 Chemical processing of Textile-I (PC APM 402)
2 Chemistry, Physics, Introduction to textiles, Textile fibres and yarns
End Semester Examinations Scheme. Maximum Marks – 70. Time allotted – 3 hrs.
Groups Units Objective Questions Subjective Questions
(MCQ only with one
correct answer)
No. of Total No. of To Marks Total
questions to marks questions answer` per marks
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
be set to be set question
A 1 to 7 10 10
B 1 to 7 6 3 5 15
C 1 to 7 6 3 15 45
 Only multiple choice type questions (MCQ) with one correct answer are to be set in
the objective part.
 Specific instruction to the students to maintain the order in answering objective
questions should be given on top of the question paper.

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

1 Introduction to Textile Printing

Historical background, definition, comparative between

dyeing and printing, printing paste ingredients, different
types of thickeners, different methods and styles of
12 25
printing, block printing, roller printing, flat screen printing,
rotary screen printing, transfer printing, flock printing,
digital printing, direct style, discharge style, resist style,
batik style, tie and dye, methods of printing screen
2 Printing of different types of fibres

printing of cellulosic fibre with pigment colour and

reactive dyes, printing of silk, wool and nylon with acid 6 15
dyes and metal complex dyes, printing of polyester with
disperse dyes, different printing faults and their remedies,
steaming and curing.
3 Introduction to Textile Finishing
5 10
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Objective, classification, application methods, advantages
and disadvantages of different finishing processes,
4 Mechnical Finishing

Principle and mechanism of calendaring, suedening, 5 10

raising, napping, decating, Sanforizing or anti-shrink
finishing and corduroy cutting.
5 Chemical Finishing

Principle, mechanism and application method of resin

finishing to impart crease recovery finishing, easy care
finish, wash-n-wear finish, durable press finishing, textile
softener, flame retardant and flame proofing finishing, 12 30
water repellent and water proofing finishing, rot resistance
and mildew proof finishing, moth proofing of wool,
antistatic finishing, anti-microbial finishing, organdie
finishing, silky finish of polyester, denim wash, bio-wash,
nano finishing, plasma finishing.
6 Colour Fastness

Different fastness of dyed textile, light fastness, washing

fastness, rubbing fastness, perspiration fastness, saliva 3 5
fastness, fastness against bleaching, chemical fume, sea
water, sublimation fastness.

7 Effluent treatment plant (ETP)

2 5
Characteristic of effluent from different textile mills,
chemicals and dyes creating pollution, causes of pollution,
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
criteria in ETP, pollution treatment menthods.
45 100

Text and reference books:

1. Shenai V.A ‘Technology of textile processing’ Vol III, V, VII, & VIII Shevak
Publications 1981.
2. Datya K. V., Vaidya A A ‘Chemical processing of synthetic fibres and blends’ John
Wiley & Sons, Newyork,1984.
3. Peter R. H.’Textile Chemistry’ Vol. I & Vol. II, Textile Institute, Manchester 1970.
4. Miles L.W.C ‘Textile Printing’ dyers Pub co. UK 1981.
5. Jacob Solinger, ’Apparel manufacturing Analysis’ Textile Book Publisher, New York,
6. W D Schindler and P J Hauser, 2004. ‘Chemical Finishing of Textiles’ (Cambridge,
1. Woodhead)
7. M Lewin and S B Sello, Ed. Functional Finishes, Handbook of Fibre Science and
2. Volume II, Part A and B (New York, USA: Marcel Dekker)
8. J.T. Marsh, An introduction to textile finishing, B.I. Publications, India, 1979.
9. A.J. Hall, Textile finishing, Heywoods, London, 1966.
Course Outcome:
After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to
1. Understand different printing and finishing process, importance of process parameters &
ingredients/chemicals of textile finishing and printing.
2. Formulate printing paste for cellulosic fibre, silk, wool, nylon and polyester fibre.
3. Select finishing formulation for cellulosic fibre, silk, wool, nylon and polyester fibre
4. Apply the knowledge of basic principle of Effluent treatment plant in relevant field.
5. Understand the importance of different fastness properties of coloured textiles.

Special Remarks (If any): NIL

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

Chemical Processing of Textile Lab II (PC APM 591)

Name of the Course: Chemical Processing of Textile Lab II
Course Code: PC APM 591 Semester: V
Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks: 100

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory: Continuous Internal Assessment:
Tutorial: Nil External Assessment: 60
Practical: 3 hrs./week Distribution of marks: 40
Credit Points: 1.5

Course Outcomes: At the end of this semester under this course student will be able to
1 Formulate and apply printing paste recipe, process parameters of textile printing and
2 Apply the knowledge of textile printing and finishing in industrial practices.
3 Identity the type of finishing
Evaluate the different fastness properties of coloured textiles.
1 Chemical Processing of Textile II :PC APM 501
2 Chemical Processing of Textiles: I: PC APM 401
3 Chemical Processing of Textile Lab I: PC APM 492
Practical: 14 numbers of experiments
1) Intellectual skills 50

2) Motor skill- 50

Laboratory Experiment:
1 Printing of cotton fabric with pigment colour using block and flat screen
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
2 Printing of cotton fabric with direct dyes
3 Printing of cotton fabric with reactive dyes
4 Printing of silk and wool fabric with acid dyes in discharge style
5 Printing of cotton fabric with naphthol colour in batik style
6 Printing of nylon fabric with metal complex dyes
7 Printing of acrylic fabric with basic dyes
8 Printing of polyester fabric with disperse dyes
9 Anti-crease finishing of cotton fabric
10 Flame retardant finishing of cotton fabric
11 Softening finishing of cotton fabric
12 Colour fastness to washing
13 Colour fastness to light
14 Colour fastness to rubbing
The above list is not exhaustive. Additional laboratory work or experiments can be planned
to consolidate the theoretical work and to emphasise the activities for doing rather than the

Text and reference books:

1. Shenai V.A ‘Technology of textile processing’ Vol III, V, VII, & VIII Shevak
Publications 1981.
2. Datya K. V., Vaidya A A ‘Chemical processing of synthetic fibres and blends’ John
Wiley & Sons, Newyork,1984.
3. Peter R. H.’Textile Chemistry’ Vol. I & Vol. II, Textile Institute, Manchester 1970.
4. Miles L.W.C ‘Textile Printing’ dyers Pub co. UK 1981.
5. Jacob Solinger, ’Apparel manufacturing Analysis’ Textile Book Publisher, New York,
6. W D Schindler and P J Hauser, 2004. ‘Chemical Finishing of Textiles’ (Cambridge,
England: Woodhead)
7. Dr. Sabrie Soloman, 3D Printing and Design, Khanna Publishing House, 2020.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
8. M Lewin and S B Sello, Ed. Functional Finishes, Handbook of Fibre Science and
9. Volume II, Part A and B (New York, USA: Marcel Dekker)
10. J.T. Marsh, An introduction to textile finishing, B.I. Publications, India, 1979.
11. A.J. Hall, Textile finishing, Heywoods, London, 1966.

Special Remarks (If any):

At least 10 experiments should be conducted
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
APPAREL PRODUCTION –III : (Stitching & Finishing) (PC APM 502)
Name of the Course APPAREL PRODUCTION –III : (Stitching & Finishing)
Course Code: PC APM 502 Semester: V
Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks: 100

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory: 3 hrs./week Mid Semester Exam.: 15 Marks
Tutorial: Nil Assignment & Quiz: 10(=8+2) Marks
Attendance: Marks 5
Practical: hr/week End Semester Exam.: 70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

1 To impart the conceptions of basic mechanisms of stitch formation
2 To impart the knowledge of different types of stitches and seams, their properties and
3 To impart the knowledge of stitch geometry and related mathematical derivations
4 To impart the knowledge of sewing sequences, stitch types and seam types for different types of
5 To impart the knowledge of various types of trims & accessories.
6 To introduce different subsequent processes for finishing and packing of garment.
7 To impart the knowledge of causes and remedies of common sewing faults
8 To impart the computational and numerical knowledge for production and consumption
calculations in sewing department.
1 Knowledge of Planar and solid geometry
2 Analytical knowledge
3 Mathematical and numerical skill.
3 Elementary drawing skill
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
End Semester Examinations Scheme. Maximum Marks – 70. Time allotted – 3 hrs.
Groups Units Objective Questions (MCQ Subjective Questions
only with one correct answer)
No. of Total marks No. of To Marks Total
questions questions answer` per marks
to be set to be set question
A 1 to 9 10 10
B 1 to 9 5 3 5 15
C 1 to 9 5 3 15 45
 Only multiple choice type questions (MCQ) with one correct answer are to be set in the
objective part.
 Specific instruction to the students to maintain the order in answering objective questions
should be given on top of the question paper.

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

1 Introduction to Stitches

Definition, Classification of stitches and stitch numbers. Constructive

stitches-temporary, permanent stitches. Principles and properties of
special stitches like Button sewing stitch, zig-zag stitch, blind stitch,
tacking, basting etc . Their applications.
6 15

Stitches used for decorative purposes, embroidery stitches and their

properties --- for both hand embroidery and machine embroidery.

Specification as per ASTM standards, comparison of stitch properties,

standards for good stitches.
2 Mechanism of stitch formations for major stitches
5 10
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Lockstitch ,Chainstitch , Overlock etc.Calculation of crimp or thread-
ratio in different types of stitches. Theoreticalderivation for
determination of thread consumption from the stitch geometry.
3 Seam

3 6
Definition, types of seams and seam finishes. Their properties,
suitability and application in various garments. Seam finish.
4 Sewing sequence and types of stitches and seams

Sequence generally used for different types of garments like formal

10 24
shirt Men‘s / Women‘s , casual shirt Men‘s / Women‘s , Formal /
casual trousers , Denim trousers , Jackets , coats , skirts , Kurti / Kurta
, Pyajama , Knitted T-shirts , Leggings , undergarments etc.
5 Trims and accessories

Different types and their uses. Stitch types used for button attachment, 4 8
zipper attachment, lace or applique attachment etc.Fasteners, labels,
support materials, decorative trims.
6 Fullness

Definition, methods of introducing fullness in garments-gathers, 4 8

pleats, flares, flounces, smocking,tucks & darts, methods of
controlling fullness in stitching.
7 Frequently occurred stitching faults --- their causes and remedies. 3 6
8 Finishing & pressing department, trimming department, packing
4 8
department, packing materials.
9 Sewing thread size-numbers in different systems, ticket number,
conversion factors . Numerical problem solving for calculation of 6 15
production, efficiency, thread consumption in sewing etc.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
45 100

Text and reference books:

1. Gerry Cooklin, “Introduction to Clothing Manufacture”, Blackwell Science, UK,1991
2. Harold Carr & Barbara Latham, “The Technology of Clothing Manufacture”,Oxford Pub,
USA, 1994
3. .Mary Mathews ‘Practical clothing construction’ Thomson & Co. Madras,1974 Cock V.
4. 4 .‘Dress making simplified’ Blackwell science,1987
5. Ruth E G, Grace I Kunz Apparel Manufacturing Sewn Product analysis, UK, 2005
6. FromFibre to Fabric. B. T. Corbman. Mc. Graw Hill
7. Sewing for the Apparel Industry. Claire Shaeffer. Prentice Hall.

Course Outcome:
After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to
1. Define seam classes with corresponding international standards and specific applications.
2. Apply the theoretical knowledge of stitch geometry in thread consumption calculation.
3. Apply mathematical and numerical knowledge for sewing production and consumption
4. Apply the basic knowledge about different trims and accessories in apparel
5. Identify the common sewing defects and its possible causes and remedies.

Special Remarks (If any): NIL

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Apparel Production Lab III : Stitching & Finishing (PC APM 592)
Name of the Course: Apparel Production Lab III : Stitching &
Course Code: PC APM-592 Semester: V

Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks: 100

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory: hrs./week Continuous Internal Assessment:
Tutorial: Nil External Assessment: 60
Practical: 3 hrs./week Distribution of marks: 40
Credit Points: 1.5

Course Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to
1 Apply the knowledge of basic mechanisms of threading and stitch formation,
2 Classify different types of stitches and seams, their properties and applications.
3 Identify the causes and remedies of common sewing faults
4 Apply mathematical and numerical knowledge for sewing production and
consumption calculations in sewing department.
5 Apply the practical knowledge to different types of sewing threads, trims and
accessories commonly used in the apparel market.
1 Apparel Production –III : (stitching & finishing) :PC APM 502

2 Knowledge of Planar and Solid geometry and basic mechanics , Knowledge about
aesthetic, shape and form.
3 Basic operational skills required for sewing.
1) Intellectual skills 50 %
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

2) Motor skill-Sense of proportion and

basic mechanics 50 %

Laboratory Experiment:
1 Introduction to different types of sewing machines, and machine parts.
2 Threading for SNLS,DNCS,Overlockmachines, button sewing machine, bar tacking
machine etc. Thread tension adjustments. Bobbin thread winding.
3 Sample stitching of various types of stiches on muslin fabrics.
4 Creation of different types of seams and seam finishes … for
flat,lapped,superimposed, bound seam etc. using muslin fabrics.
5 Practical on calculation of thread crimp , thread consumption for various types of
seams and stiches
6 Using the drafted paper patterns construct, finish and press the following:
1.Formal shirt 2. Formal Trousers. Calculate thread consumption and time required
in sewing. Total stoppage time and their causes. Identify sewing faults if any.
7 Using the drafted paper patterns construct, finish and press the following:
1.Sari-Blouse 2. Sari-petticoat 3. Brief and vests 4. Undergarments Calculate thread
consumption and time required in sewing. Total stoppage time and their causes.
Identify sewing faults if any.
8 Using the drafted paper patterns construct, finish and press the following:
1.Salwar-Kameez 2. Kurta-Pyajama 3.Skirt . Calculate thread consumption and time
required in sewing. Total stoppage time and their causes. Identify sewing faults if
9 Using the drafted paper patterns construct, finish and press the following:
1.T-shirt 2. Leggings etc .Calculate thread consumption and time required in sewing.
Total stoppage time and their causes. Identify sewing faults if any.
10 Using the drafted paper patterns construct, finish and press the following:
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
1.Sherwani 2. Lehenga 3. etc .Calculate thread consumption and time required in
sewing. Total stoppage time and their causes. Identify sewing faults if any.
11 Practical on analysis of given garments and identify seam and stitch types, thread
consumption, fabric consumption etc.
12 Visit to wholesale markets/retails and prepare folio for different types of sewing
threads,trims and accessories, their market price , applications and other technical
The above list is not exhaustive. Additional laboratory work or experiments can be
planned to consolidate the theoretical work and to emphasise the activities for doing rather
than the knowing.

Text and reference books:

1. Gerry Cooklin, “Introduction to Clothing Manufacture”, Blackwell Science, UK,1991
2. Harold Carr & Barbara Latham, “The Technology of Clothing Manufacture”,Oxford Pub,
USA, 1994
3. .Mary Mathews ‘Practical clothing construction’ Thomson & Co. Madras,1974 Cock V.
4. ‘Dress making simplified’ Blackwell science,1987
5. Ruth E G, Grace I Kunz Apparel Manufacturing Sewn Product analysis, UK, 2005
6. FromFibre to Fabric. B. T. Corbman. Mc. Graw Hill
7. Sewing for the Apparel Industry. Claire Shaeffer. Prentice Hall.

Special Remarks (If any):

At least 10 experiments should be conducted
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

Testing of Fabrics and Design Analysis (PC APM 503)

Name of the Course: Testing of Fabrics and Design Analysis
Course Code: PC APM 503 Semester: V
Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks: 100

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory: 3 hrs./week Mid Semester Exam.:15 Marks
Tutorial: Nil Assignment & Quiz: 15(=10+5) Marks
Attendance: 5 Marks
Practical: hrs./week End Semester Exam.: 70 Marks
Credit Points:3

1 To learn basic knowledge of different testing standards for apparel fabric
2 To learn Basic knowledge about property common textile fabrics used in garment
3 To learn basic methods for physical testing of fabric
4 To learn basic testing of dyed fabric.
5 To learn methods of analysis of fabric used in apparel
1. PC APM 301 and PC APM 391
1 General physics
2 General chemistry
3 Mathematics I and Mathematics II
4. Textile Fibres and Yarns: PC APM 301, Textile Fabrics Formation: PC APM 401,
End Semester Examinations Scheme. Maximum Marks – 70. Time allotted – 3 hrs.
Groups Units Objective Questions Subjective Questions
(MCQ only with one
correct answer)
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
No. of Total No. of To Marks Total
questions to marks questions answer` per marks
be set to be set question
A 1 to 4 10 10
B 1 to 4 6 3 5 15
C 1 to 4 6 3 15 45
 Only multiple choice type questions (MCQ) with one correct answer are to be set in
the objective part.
 Specific instruction to the students to maintain the order in answering objective
questions should be given on top of the question paper.

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

1. Introduction to testing standards of apparel

Introduction to Garment Testing, Objectives and significance

of Garment Testing. International Standards available for 8 16
Garment Testing. Introduction to REACH Audits and
REACH screening. Sampling Techniques , AQL standards of
Sampling. Oeko tex 100 Standards
2. Physical Testing of Garment

Principles, necessity and methods of various Physical

Testing of Garment - Weight of Garment, Garment
Thickness, Seam Strength, Pilling resistance, Button strength
14 32
Testing , Zipper strength Testing , Formability and
Sewability Testing of Apparel Fabrics. Air Permeability and
Tearing Strength of Apparel Fabrics. Washing Shrinkage ,
Flammability Property . Needle damage check (for knitted
garment). Symmetry check. Size fitting test. Waterproof test
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Ventilation test. Fabric appearance testing;
3. Chemical testing of garment

Principles , necessity and methods of various Chemical

Testing of Garment - Testing the presence of Prohibited Azo
dyes, Nickel in metal parts , Pentachlorophenol, PCP ,
Allergenic disperse dyes, Color Fastness properties –
15 36
fastness to light , fastness to rubbing , fastness to washing ,
fastness to Ironing , fastness to dry cleaning , fastness to
chlorine water , fastness to perspiration, saliva fastness.
Testing of blend composition in garment. Mold
contamination prevention. Metal contamination prevention.
Testing intelligent textiles.
4. Design Analysis

Woven fabric analysis, steps for analysis of fabric, weave, 8 16

fabric name, peg plan, drafting, denting plan, knitted fabric
analysis, design plan.
45 100

Text and reference books:

1. Introduction to Textile Science, Marjor L. Joseph.
2. Textile Testing, by John H., Skinkle
3. Textile Testing: Physical, Chemical, and Microscopical , Skinkle, John H.
4. Textile Testing by J.E.Booth
5. Fabric Testing Julian Hu

Course Outcome:
After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to completion of this c
1. Explain the measurement of fabric and apparel properties
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
2. Explain the measurement of apparel related accessories’ properties e students sh
3. Apply basics of chemical testing in apparel industry for maintaining quality.
4. Apply basics quality systems in apparel fabric
5. Interpret and analyse the tested values
Special Remarks (If any): NIL
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

Testing of Fabric and Design Analysis Lab (PC APM 593)

Name of the Course: Testing of Fabric and Design Analysis Lab
Course Code: PC APM 593 Semester: V
Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks: 100

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory: nil Continuous Internal Assessment:
Tutorial: Nil External Assessment: 60
Practical: 3 hrs./week Distribution of marks: 40
Credit Points:1.5

Course Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, the students should be able
1 Apply the basic knowledge of different testing methods for apparel fabric
2 Identify important property of common textile fabrics used in garment
3 Test dyed fabric.
4 Use to various testing instruments to analysis of fabric used in apparel
1 Elements of statistics
2 General physics for measurement
3 General chemistry about common solvents
4 Textile Fibres and Yarns: PC APM 301, Textile Fabrics Formation: PC APM 401,
Testing of Fabrics and Design Analysis (PC APM 503)
Practical: 12 number of experiments
3) Intellectual skills- 60 % (average)

4) Motor skill- 40% (average)

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Laboratory Experiment:
1 Fabric tensile, tearing strength; bursting strength, , Interlinings-Peel bond strength
2 seam slippage ,seam strength testing
3 drape, stiffness, crease recovery,
4 fabric abrasion resistance, Shrinkage testing
5 Button and Zipper strength testing
6 Pilling resistance testing
7 Air permeability testing of fabric
8 Blend composition determination of given Garment.
9 Different Colorfastness property testing.
10 Flammability Testing,
11 Fabric analysis of garment fabric : woven fabric analysis-weave –draft-peg plan Warp
particulars-materials warp-ends per inch-count, direction &
amount of twist; weft particulars-material weft, picks per inch, count, direction &
amount of twist, crimp%, cover factor; total cover factor knitted
fabric analysis- structure, Wales/inch-coarse/inch-loop length, coarse/inch loop length,
coarse length, stitch density-tightness factor;
12 Garment-checking procedure testing
The above list is not exhaustive. Additional laboratory work or experiments can be planned
to consolidate the theoretical work and to emphasise the activities for doing rather than the

Text and reference books:

1. ASTM Standard testing books 2011
2. Textile testing by J.E.Booth
3.Fabric Testing by Jinlian Hu

Special Remarks (If any):

At least 10 experiments should be conducted
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

Knitting and Knit wear Technology (PE APM 501A)

Name of the Course: Knitting and Knitwear Technology
Course Code: PE APM 501A Semester :V
Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks: 100

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory: 3 hrs./week Mid Semester Exam.:15 Marks
Tutorial: Nil Assignment & Quiz: 15(=10+5) Marks
Attendance: 5 Marks
Practical: hrs./week End Semester Exam.: 70 Marks
Credit Points:3

1 To impart the knowledge of various types of knitting and knitwear manufacturing
To impart the knowledge of application of the knitwear fabric
1 Knowledge ofyarns and their properties, knowledge of basic fabric manufacturing.
2 Knowledge of basics of garment construction, pattern making , grading and stitching
3 PC APM 301, PC APM 391, PC APM 401, PC APM 491

End Semester Examinations Scheme. Maximum Marks – 70. Time allotted – 3 hrs.
Groups Units Objective Questions Subjective Questions
(MCQ only with one
correct answer)
No. of Total No. of To Marks Total marks
questions to marks questions answer` per
be set to be set question
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
A 1 to 5 10 10 10
B 1 to 5 5 3 5 15
C 1 to 5 5 3 15 45
 Only multiple choice type questions (MCQ) with one correct answer are to be set in the
objective part.
 Specific instruction to the students to maintain the order in answering objective questions
should be given on top of the question paper.

Unit Content Hrs/ Marks/

Unit Unit
1 Introduction to knitting

Definition of knitting; requirement of knitted fabric for human beings; brief

history invention of knitted of garment; comparison of knitting with other
fabric manufacturing technology; Concept of warp and weft knitting; different 10 25
types of knitted fabric and machineries; different terminology related to
knitted fabric, such as loop, course, wale, loop length, loop spacing etc.
knitting needles: latch, beard, compound, their functions and different parts;
loop formation sequence by using different types needle.
2 Basic knitted structure

Classification of weft knitting; circular and flat-bed knitting machines: motion

transmission, yarn path, fabrics formation; role and function of sinker in
knitting; Fundamental of knit, tuck and float stitches formation; basic knitted
20 40
structures and their production i.e. plain, rib, interlock, purl and their structure
with notational represent, graphical represent and corresponding cam profiles;
adjustment of loop length; single jersey structure: properties, derivatives,
ornamentation; rib structure: properties, Derivative cardigan,full cardigan-
Purl Structure-properties-Derivatives-Eight lock; Double knit structures:
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
single pique, double Pique, Milano rib, Swiss Pique, French pique,
Pontediroma, Ottaman rib etc. concept of single track and multi-track cam
assembly: design, needle set-out and cam set-out in multi-track cam.
Laddering, robing back, pleating, loop constant, fabric GSM calculation;
production calculation in circular knitting machine. Warp knitting;
comparison of weft knitting with warp knitting. Rachel and tricot knitted
machine; introduction to linking machinery; estimation of yarn consumption
for knitted fabric.
3 Knit wear garment manufacturing
Types of knitted garment and their specifications; Sweaters , Cardigans , T-
shirts , Leggings , Undergarments etc. types of yarn used for winter garments:
3 5
quality specification, quality requirements offabrics for winter
garments.Process flowchart for knitted garment manufacturing. General types
and specifications of machines used for knitwear garments.
4. Type of circular sweater strip machines, production techniques for sweaters.
Fully fashioned sweaters description, knitting of slip-over cardigans, control
of defects in fully fashioned knitting; production of fully fashioned sleeves on
6 15
v-bed flat machines. Creation of Spec-sheet andbasic patterns for Sweaters ,
Fully Fashioned Sweaters , Cardigans , Knitted T-Shirts , Knitted Leggings
5. Cut and sew sweaters: cutting techniques, cutting machines-operating
difficulties and Remedies, sewing of sweater –strips- types of stitches and
seams used in sweaters;Sewing sequence of T-shirt : seam types , stitch types
and types of sewing machines used in T-Shirt manufacturing. Common
6 15
sewing defects and its remedies. Pressing of sweaters and T-Shirt-open buck,
steam press, body form stem press; fully automatic knitting machineries and
modern development like CAD, CAM etc. estimation of fabric
consumptionand thread consumption for knitwear garment.
45 100
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Text and reference books:
1. D.B. Ajgaonkar, "Knitting Technology", Universal Publication Corporation, Mumbai,
2. P.K. Bannerjee, “Principle of fabric Formation”, CRC Press Publication, Boca Raton,
3. S.C. Ray, “Fundamentals and Advances in knitting Technology”, Woodhead Publishing
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.
4. David J Spencer,” Knitting Technology “ Woodhead Publishing Limited ,Cambridge
,England .,2001.

Course Outcome:

1. Students will be able to identify and differentiate between the structure of warp and weft
knitted fabrics , single jersey , double jersey , pique etc.
2. Students will be able to select the process parameters and yarn parameters for a desired
knitted fabric.
3. Students will be able to carry out the production calculations and estimation of thread
consumption in knitting.
4. Students will be able to select correct knitted fabrics for a particular knitwear garment.
5. Students will be able to prepare basic patterns for knitwear garments.
6. Students will be able to select correct seam , stitch and sewing machine type for knitwear
7. Students will be able to estimate the fabric and sewing-thread requirement for knitwear

Special Remarks (If any): NIL

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Knitting & Knitwear Technology lab (PE APM 591 A)
Name of the Course Knitting & Knitwear Technology lab
Course Code: PE APM 591A Semester :V

Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks: 100

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory: nil Continuous Internal Assessment:
Tutorial: Nil External Assessment: 60
Practical: 3 hrs./week Distribution of marks: 40
Credit Points:1.5
Course Outcomes: After successful completion of this course, the students should be able
1 Apply the basic knowledge of Knitting
2 Understand the concept of warp and weft knitted fabric formation technology.
3 Understand the properties design variation, application of knitted fabric
4 Understand the knit wear garment manufacturing process.
1 Knowledge of yarns and their properties, knowledge of basic fabric manufacturing.
2 PC APM 301, PC APM, PC APM 391, PC APM 401, PC APM 491
Practical: 12 number of experiments
1) Intellectual skills- 60 % (average)

2) Motor skill- 40% (average)

Laboratory Experiment:
1 Introduction to knitting and knitting machine.
2 Study and understand the loop formation sequence in weft knitting.
3 Study the yarn path, yarn tension and fabric takeup in circular knitting.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
4 Observe and understand the gearing arrangement in flat bed knitting.
5 Study the yarn path and fabric tech-up mechanism in flat bed knitting.
6 Observe and understand the gearing arrangement in circular knitting.
7 Understand the production calculation in circular knitting.

8 Study and understand the needle setout and cam setout in multi trackcircular knitting
9 Pattern making, cutting and stitching of Men’s T-shirt.

10 Pattern making, cutting and stitching of Female’s leggings.

11 Pattern making, cutting and stitching of Kids knitted garment.

12 Pattern making, cutting and stitching of women’s T-shirt.

The above list is not exhaustive. Additional laboratory work or experiments can be planned
to consolidate the theoretical work and to emphasise the activities for doing rather than the

Text and reference books:

1. D.B. Ajgaonkar, "Knitting Technology", Universal Publication Corporation, Mumbai,

2. P.K. Bannerjee, “Principle of fabric Formation”, CRC Press Publication, Boca Raton,
3. S.C. Ray, “Fundamentals and Advances in knitting Technology”, Woodhead Publishing
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.

Special Remarks (If any):

At least 10 experiments should be conducted
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Manufacturing of Apparel Allied Accessories (PE APM 501 B)
Name of the Course: Manufacturing of Apparel Allied Accessories
Course Code: PE APM 501 B Semester: V
Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks: 100

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory: 3 hrs./week Mid Semester Exam.:15 Marks
Tutorial: Nil Assignment & Quiz: 15(=10+5) Marks
Attendance: 5 Marks
Practical: hr/week End Semester Exam.: 70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

1 To impart the knowledge of different categories of apparel and fashion accessories.
2 To impart knowledge and idea about different types of raw materials and production
processes of apparel allied accessories , specially Bags , scarf , jewelries etc.
3 To impart knowledge about production processes and calculations of the production
of different apparel-allied accessories like bags , footwear , scarf , jewelries etc.
4 To impart knowledge about national and international quality standards for different
items like bags , footwear , jewelries , hats , scarf , socks etc.
1 Knowledge of Planar and solid geometry, fashion and colour conceptions.
2 Knowledge of shapes, curves, basic perception about Fashion and colour.
3 Mathematical and numerical skill.
3 Elementary drawing skill.
End Semester Examinations Scheme. Maximum Marks – 70. Time allotted – 3 hrs.
Groups Units Objective Questions Subjective Questions
(MCQ only with one
correct answer)
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
No. of Total No. of To Marks Total
questions to marks questions answer` per marks
be set to be set question
A 1 to 10 10 10
B 1 to 10 5 3 5 15
C 1 to 10 5 3 15 45
 Only multiple choice type questions (MCQ) with one correct answer are to be set in
the objective part.
 Specific instruction to the students to maintain the order in answering objective
questions should be given on top of the question paper.

Unit Content Hrs./Unit Marks/Unit

1 Introduction to different types of apparel allied and fashion 2 5
accessories – Handbags – leather bags , jute bags etc. , fashion
footwear – sneakers , high heels , boots, Mittens , Socks --- Straw
hats , caps – Scarf – Umbrella – Jewelry
2 Manufacturing of Handbags – Sequential steps, pattern making 6 12
techniques for bags of different silhouette – application of CAD for
making patterns of Bags of different silhouette -- cutting technology
--- cutting machines.
3 Stitching of Leather Handbags -- Types of stitches used for stitching 6 14
of leather handbags--types, configurations, settings and applications
of different types of sewing machines for stitching of leather bags ---
types and properties of needles and sewing threads used . Types of
trims like buttons, zippers, fasteners etc. used.
4 Stitching of Jute Handbags -- Types of stitches used for stitching of 6 14
leather handbags--types, configurations, settings and applications of
different types of sewing machines for stitching of leather bags ---
types and properties of needles and sewing threads used . Types of
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
trims like buttons, zippers, fasteners etc. used.
5 Calculation of raw materials consumptions - Testing parameters and 4 10
international quality standards for Bags. Testing procedures
6 Introduction to manufacturing steps and raw materials for fashion 4 10
footwear – sneakers, high heels, boots, Mittens, Socks. -- Different
sizes – size standards for domestic and export markets -- Quality
standards and Testing procedure. Calculation of raw materials
consumptions. Application of CAD for footwear design.
7 Introduction to manufacturing steps and raw materials for Straw 4 8
hats, caps. Quality standards and Testing procedure. Calculation of
raw materials consumptions.
8 Introduction to manufacturing steps and raw materials for Scarf – 6 12
different sizes – size standards for domestic and export markets --
Quality standards and Testing procedure. Calculation of raw
materials consumptions.
9 Introduction to manufacturing steps and raw materials for Umbrella 2 5
– different sizes – size standards for domestic and export markets --
Quality standards and Testing procedure. Calculation of raw
materials consumptions.
10 Introduction to different types of fashion jewelry – types of raw 5 10
materials -- design techniques – manufacturing steps - Quality
standards and Testing procedure. Calculation of raw materials
45 100

Text and reference books:

1. The Fairchild Encyclopedia of Fashion Accessories’ , By: Phyllis G. Tortora,
BinaAbling, Bloomsbury Publishing
2. ‘Handbag Designer 101: Everything You Need to Know About Designing, Making, and
Marketing Handbags’, By: Emily Blumenthal
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
3. ‘Handbag Workshop: Design and Sew the Perfect Bag’, By: Anna M. Mazur
4. Modern Concept of Leather and Footwear Manufacturing, By: R.D SINGH , Paperback
5. Big Book of Knitted Mittens: 45 Distinctive Scandinavian Patterns, By: JoridLinvik
6. Big Book of Knitted Socks: 45 Distinctive Scandinavian Patterns, By: JoridLinvik
Course Outcome:

1. Identify different categories of apparel and fashion accessories.

2. Differentiate between various categories of apparel and fashion accessories.
3. Understand the application of different categories of apparel and fashion accessories.for
the fashion garments
4. Select the suitable raw materials and production sequence of apparel allied accessories ,
specially Bags , scarf , jewelries etc.
5. Estimate the raw material consumption and production time of different apparel-allied
accessories like bags , footwear , scarf , jewelries etc.
6. Apply basics principle of quality standards and norms in production apparel-allied accessories
like bags, footwear, scarf, jewelries etc.
7. Examine the finished product like bags, footwear, jewelries , hats , scarf , socks etc.
according to the specific quality standard.

Special Remarks (If any): Nil

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Manufacturing of Apparel Allied Accessory Lab (PE APM 591 B)
Name of the Course Manufacturing of Apparel Allied
Accessories Lab
Course Code: PE APM 591B Semester: V
Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks: 100

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory: 3 hrs./week Continuous Internal Assessment:
Tutorial: Nil External Assessment: 60
Distribution of marks: 40
Practical: 3 hrs./week
Credit Points: 1.5

Course Outcome
1 Students will acquire hands-on knowledge of different categories of apparel and
fashion accessories.
2 Students will acquirepractical knowledge and idea about different types of raw
materials and production processes of apparel allied accessories , specially Bags ,
scarf , jewelries etc.
3 Students will acquire practical knowledge about production processes and
calculations of the production of different apparel-allied accessories like bags ,
footwear , scarf , jewelries etc.
4 Students will acquire practical knowledge about national and international quality
standards for different items like bags , footwear , jewelries , hats , scarf , socks
1 Knowledge of Planar and solid geometry
2 Knowledge of shapes, curves, basic perception about Fashion and colour
3 Mathematical and numerical skill.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
3 Elementary drawing skill.

Practical: 12 number of experiments

1) Intellectual skills- 60 % (average)

2) Motor skill- 40% (average)

Laboratory Experiment:
1 Designing of 2/3 handbags based upon particular fashion themes … both manual
designing and designing through CAD. Preparation of patterns both manually and
through CAD. Estimation of raw materials and costing.
2,3 Stitching and finishing of 2/3 hand bags. Attachments of Zipper/Button/Fastener.
Observation of stitching time , stoppage time etc.
4 Quality inspection of different leather bag / Jute bags collected from markets.
Preparation of inspection and defect analysis report. .
5 Designing of 2/3 footwear based upon particular fashion themes -- both manual
designing and designing through CAD. Preparation of patterns both manually and
through CAD. Estimation of raw materials and costing.
6 Designing of 2/3 socks -- both manual designing and designing through CAD.
Preparation of patterns both manually and through CAD. Estimation of raw materials
and costing. Quality inspections
7 Designing of 2/3 Scarves -- both manual designing and designing through CAD.
Preparation of patterns both manually and through CAD. Estimation of raw materials
and costing.
8,9 Stitching of Scarves. Time study.
10 Quality inspections and preparation of inspection & analysis report for Scarves
collected from markets.
11 Designing of 2/3 hats, straw-hat based upon particular fashion themes -- both manual
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
designing and designing through CAD. Preparation of patterns both manually and
through CAD. Estimation of raw materials and costing. Quality inspections.
12 Designing of 2/3 Jewelries based upon particular fashion themes -- both manual
designing and designing through CAD .. Estimation of raw materials and costing.
Quality inspections.
The above list is not exhaustive. Additional laboratory work or experiments can be
planned to consolidate the theoretical work and to emphasise the activities for doing
rather than the knowing.

Text and reference books:

1. The Fairchild Encyclopedia of Fashion Accessories’ , By: Phyllis G. Tortora, BinaAbling,
Bloomsbury Publishing
2. ‘Handbag Designer 101: Everything You Need to Know About Designing, Making, and
Marketing Handbags’, By: Emily Blumenthal
3. ‘Handbag Workshop: Design and Sew the Perfect Bag’, By: Anna M. Mazur
4. Modern Concept of Leather and Footwear Manufacturing, By: R.D SINGH , Paperback
5. Big Book of Knitted Mittens: 45 Distinctive Scandinavian Patterns, By: JoridLinvik
6. Big Book of Knitted Socks: 45 Distinctive Scandinavian Patterns, By: JoridLinvik

Special Remarks (If any):

At least 10 experiments should be conducted
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Statistical Quality Control in Apparel (PE APM 502 A)
Name of the Course Statistical Quality Control in Apparel
Course Code: PE APM 502 A Semester V
Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks: 70

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory: 3hrs./week Mid Semester Exam.:15 Marks
Tutorial : Nil Assignment & Quiz: 15(=10+5) Marks
Attendance: 5 Marks
Practical: hrs/week End Semester Exam.: 70 Marks
Credit Points: 3
1 The objective of the course is to impart the students a sound understanding of the
statistical concepts and the basis of applying those concepts in a wide variety of problems
in textile and apparel industry.
1 Knowledge of basic statistics and probability
2 Mathematics III: BS TT 401
End Semester Examinations Scheme. Maximum Marks – 70. Time allotted – 3 hrs.
Groups Units Objective Questions Subjective Questions
(MCQ only with one
correct answer)
No. of Total No. of To Marks Total marks
questions marks questions answer` per
to be set to be set question
A 1 to 9 10 10 10
B 1 to 9 5 3 5 15
C 1 to 9 5 3 15 45
 Only multiple choice type questions (MCQ) with one correct answer are to be set in the
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
objective part.
 Specific instruction to the students to maintain the order in answering objective
questions should be given on top of the question paper.

Unit Content Hrs/U Marks/U

nit nit
1 Introduction
2 4
Need for statistics in textile and apparelmanufacturing sector.
2 Representation and Summarization of Data

Concept of sample and population;Frequency distribution, Cumulative

frequency distribution and their graphical representation; Probability
density curves; Measures of central tendency, Quartiles and Measures of 5 12
dispersions. Case study and Application of these tools in different
segments of Apparel Production control, i.e. Stoppage analysis, machine-
wise production analysis in sewing, defect frequency distribution analysis
in case of sewing defects, fabric defects.
3 Discrete Probability Distributions

Application of discrete probability distribution (Binomial and Poisson) in

3 6
textile and apparel manufacturing sector. Application and case study in the
field of Apparel Production like probability distribution of thread breakage
rate in sewing etc.
4 Continuous Probability Distributions

Normal distribution, Standard normal distribution, Chi-Square distribution, 4 10

Student's t-distribution, F-distribution and their application in the field of
textile and apparel sector. Applications of these in Apparel research with
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
numerical problem solving in the domains of cutting efficiency, marker
efficiency, production planning, calculation of time allowance etc.
5 Sampling Distribution and Estimation

Sampling distribution; Point estimation; Interval estimation, 95% and 99%

4 10
confidence intervals; Determination of sample size for given confidence
level and error %. Application in Garment Inspection and Quality Control;
Determination of sample size in case of garment inspection.
6 Testing of Significance

Type-I and type-II Errors; Testing of hypothesis; Large sample test for
population mean, equality of population means, population proportion, 6 12
equality of proportions; Small sample test for population mean, equality of
population means, population variance, equality of population variances;
Problem solving with reference to textile and apparel manufacturing sector.
7 Analysis of Variance

4 10
One-way ANOVA;Two-way ANOVA;Problem solving with reference to
textile and apparel manufacturing sector.
8 Regression and Correlation

Basic concept of regression analysis; Correlation coefficient, Coefficient of

determination, Spearman’s rank correlation, Coefficient of concordance;
Test of significance of coefficient related to apparel and textile 5 12
problems;Case studies and application of regression analysis in Apparel
research, developments of simple prediction models for stitching
parameters like seam slippage, seam puckering, sewing efficiency, thread
consumption, marker efficiency etc.; Validation of prediction models.
9 Statistical Quality Control 12 24
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

Acceptance sampling schemes for variables and attributes; OC-curve;

AQL;Producer’s risk and customer’s risk;6-sigma; Shewhart’s control
charts; Action and warning limits; , R, p, np and c charts; Average run
length; CUSUM chart;Case studies on Control charts for Apparel
Production Control and Apparel Quality Control,problem solving for AQL.
45 100

Text and reference books:

1. Leaf, G. A. V., Practical Statistics for the Textile Industry-Part I & II, TheTextile
Institute, UK, 1987.
2. Nagla, J. R., Statistics for Textile Engineers, CRC Press, USA, 2015.
3. Hayavadana, J., Statistics for Textile and Apparel Management, Woodhead Publishing
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.

Course Outcome:
After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to
1. Apply the concept of probability, central tendencies and dispersion in textile and
apparel sector.
2. Apply discrete and continuous distributions in textiles and apparel sector.
3. Apply the concept of choosing sample size and confidence limits for textile and
apparel variables.
4. Apply Z-test, t-test, F-test, Chi-Square test, ANOVA in textile and apparel
manufacturing sector and Judge the hypothesis.
5. Apply regression analysis and establish correlation between two textile variables.
6. Apply acceptance sampling scheme and control charts in textile and apparel industry.

Special Remarks (If any): NIL

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Applied Statistics in Apparel (PE APM 502 B)
Name of the Course: Course Code: PE APM 502 B
Course Code: PE APM 502 B Semester: V
Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks: 70

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory: 3hrs./week Mid Semester Exam.:15 Marks
Tutorial : NIL Assignment & Quiz: 15(=10+5) Marks
Attendance: 5 Marks
Practical: hrs./week End Semester Exam.: 70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

1 The objective of the course is to impart the students a complete understanding of the
statistical and probability concepts and the basis of applying those concepts in a wide
variety of problems in textile and apparel industry.
1 Knowledge of basic statistics and probability
2 Mathematics III: BS TT401

End Semester Examinations Scheme. Maximum Marks – 70. Time allotted – 3 hrs.
Groups Units Objective Questions Subjective Questions
(MCQ only with one
correct answer)
No. of Total No. of To Marks Total
questions to marks questions answer` per marks
be set to be set question
A 1 to 9 10 10 10
B 1 to 9 5 3 5 15
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
C 1 to 9 5 3 15 45
 Only multiple choice type questions (MCQ) with one correct answer are to be set in the
objective part.
 Specific instruction to the students to maintain the order in answering objective questions
should be given on top of the question paper.

Unit Content Hrs/ Marks/

Unit Unit
1 Introduction
1 2
Need for statistics in textile and apparel manufacturing sector.
2 Data representation

Concept of population, sample and event; Method of data collection;

Frequency distribution, Cumulative frequency distribution and their graphical
representation; Probability density curves; Measures of central tendency(mean,
mode and median), Quartiles and Measures of dispersions (range, mean
5 12
deviation, standard deviation, CV%); Relative measures of dispersion;
Skewness, Skewed frequency distribution, Measures of Skewness; Kurtosis,
Measures of kurtosis; Case study and Application of these tools in different
segments of Apparel Production control, i.e. Stoppage analysis, machine-wise
production analysis in sewing, defect frequency distribution analysis in case of
sewing defects, fabric defects.
3 Probability

Set theoretic notation of events, sample space; Concept of probability,

4 8
elementary theory of probability; Conditional probability and Bayes’ theorem;
Random variables: discrete and continuous, Probability distribution, join
probability distribution; Expectation and variance, Moment generating function
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
and characteristic function
4 Discrete Probability Distributions

Application of discrete probability distribution (Binomial, Negative binomial,

Poisson, Poisson approximation to binomial and Geometric) in textile and
5 12
apparel manufacturing sector.Calculation of mean and standard deviation of
discrete probability distributions. Application and case study in the field of
Apparel Production like probability distribution of thread breakage rate in
sewing etc.
5 Continuous Probability Distributions

Normal distribution, Standard normal distribution, Chi-Square distribution,

Student's t-distribution, F-distribution and their application in the field of 5 12
textile and apparel sector. Applications of these in Apparel research with
numerical problem solving in the domains of cutting efficiency, marker
efficiency, production planning, calculation of time allowance etc.
6 Sampling Distribution and Estimation

Sampling distribution; Point estimation; Interval estimation, 95% and 99%

4 8
confidence intervals; Determination of sample size for given confidence level
and error %. Application in Garment inspection and Quality control chart;
Determination of sample size in case of garment inspection.
7 Testing of Significance

Type-I and type-II Errors; Testing of hypothesis; Large sample test for
population mean, equality of population means, population proportion, equality 6 14
of proportions; Small sample test for population mean, equality of population
means, population variance, equality of population variances; Problem solving
with reference to textile and apparel manufacturing sector.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
8 Analysis of Variance

5 12
One-way ANOVA;Two-way ANOVA;Problem solving with reference to
textile and apparel manufacturing sector.
9 Regression and Correlation

Basic concept of regression analysis;curve fitting by least square method

(linear, quadratic, exponential equations); Multiple regression analysis;
Correlation coefficient, Coefficient of determination, Spearman’s rank
correlation, Coefficient of concordance; Test of significance of coefficients 10 20
related to apparel and textile problems; Multiple correlation analysis; Case
studies and application of regression analysis in Apparel research,
developments of simple prediction models for stitching parameters like seam
slippage, seam puckering, sewing efficiency, thread consumption, marker
efficiency etc.; Validation of prediction models.
45 100

Text and reference books:

1. Leaf, G. A. V., Practical Statistics for the Textile Industry-Part I & II, The Textile
Institute, UK, 1987.
2. Nagla, J. R., Statistics for Textile Engineers, CRC Press, USA, 2015.
3. Hayavadana, J., Statistics for Textile and Apparel Management, Woodhead Publishing
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.

Course Outcome:
After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to
1. Apply the concept of basic probability and statistics.
2. Apply the concept of measurement of central tendencies and dispersion in textile and
apparel sector.
3. Apply discrete and continuous distributions in textiles and apparel sector.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
4. Apply the concept of choosing sample size and confidence limits for textile and apparel
5. Apply Z-test, t-test, F-test, Chi-Square test, ANOVA in textile and apparel manufacturing
sector and Judge the hypothesis.
6. Apply regression analysis and establish correlation between two textile variables.
7. Apply acceptance sampling scheme and control charts in textile and apparel industry.

Special Remarks (If any): NIL

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

Total Quality Management (OE TT 501 A)

Name of the Course: Total Quality Management
Course Code: OE TT 501 A Semester:
Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory: 3 hrs./week Mid Semester Exam.:15 Marks
Tutorial: Nil Assignment & Quiz: 15(=10+5) Marks
Attendance: 5 Marks
Practical: hrs./week End Semester Exam.: 70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

1 To understand the concept of Quality
2 To understand the Implication of Quality on Business
3 To Implement Quality Implementation Programs
4 To have exposure to challenges in Quality Improvement Programs
1 Applied Statistics in Textile PE TT 501 A/ Statistical Quality Control in Textile PE
TT 501B

End Semester Examinations Scheme. Maximum Marks – 70. Time allotted – 3 hrs.
Groups Units Objective Questions Subjective Questions
(MCQ only with one
correct answer)
No. of Total No. of To Marks Total
questions to marks questions answer` per marks
be set to be set question
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
A 1 to 6 10 10
B 1 to 6 6 3 5 15
C 1 to 6 6 3 15 45
 Only multiple choice type questions (MCQ) with one correct answer are to be set in
the objective part.
 Specific instruction to the students to maintain the order in answering objective
questions should be given on top of the question paper.

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

1 Introduction

Definition of Quality, Small q & Big Q, Quality

characteristics- weaves, Dimensions, determinants,
Planning, Quality & profitability - idea, Analysis
8 16
Techniques for Quality Costs, Basic concepts of Total
Quality Management, Historical Review, Principles of
TQM, Leadership – Concepts, Role of Senior
Management, Quality Council, Quality Statements,
Strategic Planning, Deming Philosophy, Barriers to TQM
2 Quality & Management Philosophies

Customer satisfaction – Customer Perception of Quality,

Customer Complaints, Service Quality, Customer
8 16
Retention, Employee Involvement – Motivation,
Empowerment, Teams, Recognition and Reward,
Performance Appraisal, Benefits, Continuous Process
Improvement: Deming Philosophy- Chain reaction, 14
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
points for management, triangle theory of variance,
deadly diseases & sins, Demings wheel. Juran
Philosophy- 10 steps for quality improvement, quality
trilogy, universal breakthrough sequence. Crosby
Philosophy- Crosby’s 6 C’s, Absolutes of quality,
Crosby’s 14 points for quality, Crosby triangle.
Comparison of 3 major quality philosophies ,Supplier
Partnership – Partnering, sourcing, Supplier Selection,
Supplier Rating, Relationship Development, Performance
Measures – Basic Concepts, Strategy, Performance

3 Managing Quality

Traditional Vs Modern quality management, the quality

6 15
planning, road map, the quality cycle. Cost of quality-
Methods to reduce cost of quality, Sampling plans, O.C.
4 Quality Control

Objectives of quality control, seven tools of quality,

Strategy & policy. Company wise quality control.
Quality Assurance- Definition, concepts & objectives. 8 16
Economic models for quality assurance. Statistical
methodology in quality assurance. Process capability
ratio,Concept of six sigma, New seven Management
TQM Tools
5 10 25
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
Benchmarking – Reasons to Benchmark, Benchmarking
Process, Quality Function Deployment (QFD) –
House of Quality, QFD Process, Benefits, Taguchi
Quality Loss Function, Total Productive Maintenance
(TPM) – Concept, Improvement Needs, FMEA – Stages
of FMEA.
6 Quality system

Need for ISO 9000 and Other Quality Systems, ISO

9000:2000 Quality System – Elements, Implementation 5 12
of Quality System, Documentation, Quality Auditing, TS
16949, ISO 14000 – Concept, Requirements and
45 100

Text and reference books:

1. Dale H.Besterfiled, et al., “Total Quality Management”, Pearson Education, Inc. 2003.
(Indian reprint 2004). ISBN 81-297-0260-6.
2. James R.Evans & William M.Lidsay, “The Management and Control of Quality”, (5th
Edition), South-Western (Thomson Learning), 2002 (ISBN
1. 0-324-06680-5).
2. Feigenbaum.A.V. “Total Quality Management”, McGraw-Hill, 1991.
3. Oakland.J.S. “Total Quality Management”, Butterworth Hcinemann Ltd., Oxford, 1989.
4. Narayana V. and Sreenivasan, N.S. “Quality Management – Concepts and Tasks”, New
Age International 1996.
5. Zeiri. “Total Quality Management for Engineers”, Wood Head Publishers, 1991.

Course Outcome:
After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to
1. Understand the importance and significance of quality
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
2. Manage quality improvement teams
3. Identify requirements of quality improvement program

Special Remarks (If any): NIL

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)

Principle of Marketing and Management (OE TT 501B)

Name of the Course: Principle of Marketing and Management
Course Code: OE TT 501B Semester: V
Duration: 6 months Maximum Marks:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory: 3hrs./week Mid Semester Exam.:15 Marks
Tutorial: Nil Assignment & Quiz: 15(=10+5) Marks
Attendance: 5 Marks
Practical: hrs./week End Semester Exam.: 70 Marks
Credit Points: 3

1 To understand the concepts of marketing management
2 To learn about marketing process for different types of products and services
To identify factors for product life cycle
3 To understand the marketing environment
4 To understand the consumer behaviour
1 English HM- HU 201, Language Laboratory HM-HU 291
2 Technical Report Writing and Language Lab

End Semester Examinations Scheme. Maximum Marks – 70. Time allotted – 3 hrs.
Groups Units Objective Questions Subjective Questions
(MCQ only with one
correct answer)
No. of Total No. of To Marks Total
questions to marks questions answer` per marks
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
be set to be set question
A 1 to 7 10 10
B 1 to7 6 3 5 15
C 1 to7 6 3 15 45
 Only multiple choice type questions (MCQ) with one correct answer are to be set in
the objective part.
 Specific instruction to the students to maintain the order in answering objective
questions should be given on top of the question paper.

Unit Content Hrs/Unit Marks/Unit

1 Introduction

2 5
Definition & Core concept, marketing tools, P’s- product,
price, place and promotion
2 Market segmentation

Definition of market segmentation and its use. The five steps

involved in segmentation. The factors used to segment
consumer and organizational markets 4 10
The targeting and positioning & analyzing the marketing
environment. The significance of heavy users in targeting
markets. Development of market-product grid to use in
segmenting and targeting a market.
3 Customer relationships and value through marketing

Study consumer behavior, needs and motivation, group

12 30
dynamics, social surroundings and consumer perception.
Define marketing to explain the importance of discovering
and satisfying consumer needs and wants. The difference
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
between marketing mix elements and environmental
factors The stages in the consumer decision process. The
three variations of the consumer decision process: routine,
limited, and extended. Psychological influences affect
consumer behavior, particularly purchase decision processes.
The major sociocultural influences on consumer behavior
and their effects on purchase decisions. e. Recognisation
consumer behavior to better understand and influence
individual and family purchases by the marketers.
4 Management of products, services, and brands

Brand evaluation and new trends in marketing. The product

life-cycle concept and relate a marketing strategy to each
stage. The different approaches to managing a product's life
cycle. Elements of brand personality and brand equity and
the criteria for the good brand name. Reason for different 12 25
branding strategies employed by companies. The role of
packaging and labeling in the marketing of a product in
relation to textile ---CASE STUDY

Analyze advertising, sales promotion, and public

relations—CASE STUDY
5 Retailing and wholesaling

Importance of retailing and wholesaling – types of retailing

5 10
and wholesaling – recent trends in retailing and wholesaling
with reference to textiles – retail and wholesale centres with
reference to textiles in India and World ---CASE STUDY
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
6 Ethics and marketing

The significance of ethics in marketing. Difference between

legal and ethical behavior in marketing. The factors that
4 8
influence ethical and unethical marketing decisions.
Different concepts of ethics and social responsibility. The
meaning of ethics and social responsibility and how they
relate to the individual, organizations, and society
7 Introduction to management

Definition, nature, process, functions & skills. Evolution of

management thoughts - F.W. Taylor, Henri Fayol, Max
Weber, Elton Mayo.
Management Approaches- System approach, contingency 6 12
approach. Business Organisation - Types of ownership.
Functional area of Management - Concept, objectives, scope
and principle of Marketing Management, Production
Management, HRM , Finance, Material management.
Human resource management
45 100

Text and reference books:

1. 1.Evans. J. R. “Marketing: Marketing In The 21st Century”, 8th edition, 2003.
2. Philip Kotler, “Marketing Management”, PHI publications, 2004.
3. S.Shivaramu, “Export Marketing – A practical Guide to Exporters”, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, 1985.
4. Ruth E.Glock and Grace L.Kunz, “Apparel manufacturing and sewn product analysis”,
Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000.
5. D. Sinha, “Export Planning and Promotion”, IIM, Calcutta, 1981.
6. Tuhin K. Nandi, “Import–Export Finance”, IIM, Calcutta, 1989.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus for B. Tech in Apparel Production Management (APM)
(Applicable from the academic session 2018-2019)
7. J.A. Jarnow, M.Guerreiro, B.Judelle, “Inside the Fashion Business”, MacMillan
Publishing Company ISBN: 0-02-360000-4., 1987.
8. Ruth E.Glock, Grace I.Kunz, “Apparel Manufacturing: Sewn Product Analysis”, Pearson
Education, Fourth Edition, 2005.
9. Elaine Stone, Jean A. Samples, “Fashion Merchandising”, McGrawHill Book Company,
ISBN: 0–07–061742–2., 1985.
10. S.Shivaramu. “Export Marketing” – A Practical Guide to Exporters”, Wheeler
Publishing, ISBN: 81-7544-166-6, 1996.

Course Outcome:
After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to
1. Explain marketing concept in textile industry
2. Define the marketing segmentation
3. Scan the marketing environment.
4. Discuss ethics and social responsibility in marketing.
5. Define consumer behavior.
6. Recall the pricing methods and their application in relation to textile marketing

Special Remarks (If any): NIL

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