Ectopic Pregnancy Case Scenario
Ectopic Pregnancy Case Scenario
Ectopic Pregnancy Case Scenario
Case Report
A 36-year-old G2P1 female presented to the Emergency Department following a pre-syncopal episode at work. The patient noted a sudden onset of significant abdominal
cramping, nausea, and vaginal bleeding with clots that morning followed by an episode of lightheadedness while sitting at her desk. The patient denied any loss of
consciousness, no dyspnea, no chest pain, no palpitations, and no fevers/chills. She had no known allergies and no current medications. She was a non-smoker and
denied any alcohol or drug usage.
The patient’s past medical history was significant for recent treatment with methotrexate for an ectopic pregnancy eight days prior. The patient had a history of
amenorrhea for 7 weeks and a serum β-hCG of 302 mlU/mL at that time. A transvaginal ultrasound was performed at 8 weeks for abdominal pain and light spotting which
revealed an IUD in situ with no evidence of an intrauterine pregnancy. An early ectopic pregnancy was diagnosed and the patient was consented to receive medical
management with methotrexate. She was followed up with serial β-hCG’s which gradually, but slowly, trended down to 110 mIU/ml by day 6. The patient noted slight
abdominal cramping and PV bleeding following the methotrexate however this had settled after 3 days with no ongoing symptoms until today.
On initial assessment, the patient appeared well, no acute distress, and all vital signs were stable. The abdominal exam revealed bowel sounds present in all four
quadrants and the abdomen was tympanic to percussion. On palpation the abdomen was soft and nondistended with LLQ and suprapubic tenderness however, no
guarding or rebound tenderness was appreciated.
Initial investigations included a CBC, β-hCG, PT & PTT, type and screen, urinalysis, EKG, & POCUS.(POINT OC CARE US)
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants at a site other then the endometrium of the uterus, most commonly the fallopian tubes. They often present as
vaginal bleeding and/or abdominal pain in the setting of a positive β-hCG. 1
A critical complication is a ruptured ectopic pregnancy which occurs by erosion through the tissue the zygote has implanted in resulting in intraabdominal bleeding from
the exposed vessel and possible hypovolemic shock.2 Rupture should be suspected in patients presenting with hemodynamic instability including syncope, hypotension,
and tachycardia. However, young healthy females may appear vitally stable initially due to compensatory mechanisms. Additional physical exam findings suggestive of a
ruptured ectopic pregnancy include severe abdominal pain with guarding or rebound tenderness and abdominal distention. Pain may radiate to the shoulder due to
irritation of the diaphragm from blood in the peritoneal cavity.1,3
IUD reduces the risk of both intrauterine and ectopic pregnancy, but in cases where it fails the risk of ectopic is proportionally higher
According to the discriminatory zones, an intrauterine pregnancy is expected to be visualized on a transvaginal ultrasound at β-hCG levels of 1500 – 2000 mlU/mL and on
a transabdominal ultrasound at levels of 4000 – 6500 mlU/mL. 5
In stable patients
Consult ObGyn
The gold-standard of treatment for ectopic pregnancy is surgical management however, treatment options include expectant, or medical management. 6 Medical
management with methotrexate, a folic acid antagonist that inhibits DNA synthesis and cell production, has a higher success rate when initiated at lower β-hCG
levels. Methotraxate is initiated if β-hCG is <5000 mlU/mL and is reserved for those with reliable follow up as β-hCG levels are required to be trended until they are
undetectable. Individuals with renal disease, hepatic disease, active pulmonary disease, or immunodeficiencies are not candidates for methotrexate. 3,7 Individuals
who do not meet the criteria for medical management, are hemodynamically unstable, have failed methotrexate, or a ruptured ectopic is suspected, will receive
surgical management.6
Key Points
Ectopic pregnancy should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any female patient, of childbearing age, presenting with abdominal pain, syncope or shock
An Intrauterine contraceptive device does not exclude an ectopic
Unless a previous ultrasound has documented the presence of an intrauterine pregnancy, an empty uterus in a patient with a positive pregnancy test should be
considered to be a possible ectopic until ruled out
An intrauterine pregnancy on ultrasound requires the following to be confirmed:
o A gestational sac and a yolk sac, in the uterus which is juxtaposed to the bladder
o or a gestational sac containing a normal fetal pole, in the uterus which is juxtaposed to the bladder
A low β-hCG or declining β-hCG does not exclude an ectopic
Medical management of ectopic pregnancy with methotrexate requires close follow-up. Failure can occur. Ruptured ectopic pregnancy can still occur.
Case scenario
A 33 year-old woman presented to the emergency department with a five day history of low abdominal pain. Her last menstrual period was five weeks before; she
said she was using progesterone-only pills for contraception and had a history of Chlamydia infection, so a pregnancy test was not done. She was diagnosed with
pelvic inflammatory disease and prescribed antibiotics. She returned to the emergency department two days later with worsening abdominal pain, hypotension,
and tachycardia. An urgent pregnancy test and ultrasonography led to the diagnosis of a tubal ectopic pregnancy.