DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q3 - W4
DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q3 - W4
DLL - Mapeh 6 - Q3 - W4
A.(Content Standards) Demonstrates Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates Weekly test
understanding of participation and assessment of participation and assessment of understanding of
participation and physical activity and physical physical activity and physical participation and
assessment of physical fitness fitness assessment of physical
activity and physical activity and physical fitness
B. (Performance Standards) Participates and assess Participates and assess Participates and assess Participates and assess
performance in physical performance in physical performance in physical performance in physical
activities activities activities activities
C. ( Learning Competencies) Describes the physical Explains the indicators for Assesses regularly participation in Explains the nature of dance Be able to answer
activity pyramid fitness physical activities based on the PE6RD-IVB-1 the given questions
PW6PF-IIIAQ-16 PE6PF-IIIA-17 Philippine Physical activity with accuracy.
II. ( Content) Physical Activity Pyramid Fitness Indicators Physical Activity Pyramid Dance
A. (References)
1. (Teacher’s Guide Pages)
2. (Learner’s Materials pages)
3. (Textbook Pages) 21st Century Mapeh in 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 21st Century Mapeh in
Action 6 pp.184-185 pp.180-181 pp.184-185 Action 6 pp.218-220
4. ( Additional Materials from LR
B. (Other Learning Resources) Laptop, speaker Test Questionnaires,
test notebooks, e-
class record, pens.
A. ( Review previous Lesson) What is the physical activity What is the different health Recall their past
pyramid? related fitness? lessons.
Preparation of test
B. (Establishing purpose for the Give examples of Identify the following Do you remember our lesson Why should you get a
lesson/ Motivation) unhealthy living among activities in the about the Philippine Physical What is our national dance? high score in any
children now a day? picture. Activity Pyramid? given test?
1. Eating junk What are the activities it
Why do we need to be
foods recommends?
2. Drinking soft How can we classify them?
3. Not exercising
What are the
ways that we
can stop these
practices that
we do
C. ( Presenting examples or Identify the following Setting of standards
presentation/ instances of the new dances. in taking the test
lesson) Original File
Submitted and
Formatted by DepEd
Club Member - visit
depedclub.com for
D. ( Discussing new concepts and What are the activities What are the health related What are the activities in the Name some Distributes test
practicing new skills) that we should do components? pyramid you do in your daily life Philippine materials to the
regularly? Give its importance. as recommended by the chart? folkdance that you pupils.
What are the activities are familiar with.
that we should do
minimally? Why?
E. ( Discussing new concepts & What are the things that we do Why do we need to do as what How do you describe Answering of test
practicing new skills #2) Why do you think these that prevents these health the chart recommends us? Maglalatik folk dance? Itik- items
pyramid do recommend related skills? Can you perform those activities? Itik?
activities that requires a
lot of body movement?
F. Developing Mastery Identify the following What is the different health Is it difficult to dance
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) activities that we should related fitness? Maglalatik?
do Minimally, Often, Enumerate them. Group activity. Who among you knows the
Regularly, Habitually. Divide the group into 4. Assign steps?
1. Watching each group with different (Watching of the video of
television (M) classification of activities in the maglalatik and Itik-Itik.)
2. Swimming (O) Philippine Physical Activity
3. Doing house Pyramid.
chores (R) Ask them to act out all activities
that are included in their
4. Running
respective name of groups.
errands( R ) Give them time to plan for their
5. Playing presentation
games (M)
G. ( Finding to Practical Application of What activities that we If you are asked to buy Why do we need to keep our
concepts and skills in daily living/ should change or something at the nearby store body active during the day? What
Valuing) minimize in the physical would you ride a jeepney or just activities should be avoided
activity pyramid? Why? walk? Why? What are the based on the pyramid?
benefits of walking?
H. ( Making Generalization & What are activities that What health related skills do What is the importance of the What are the Philippine
Abstraction about the lessons) we should do minimally? you possess as of now? Philippine Physical Activity folkdances?
Regularly? Often? What should you do to acquire pyramid in our day to day living?
Habitually? the skills you can’t do?
What is the Physical
Activity Pyramid?
I. ( Evaluating Learning) Enumerate the activities What are the health related Let each group present their Dancing of Maglalatik for Checking and
that you should do (5 fitness? planned activity the Boys and Itik-Itik for the recording of test
activities each) Girls. results
a. Minimally Rubrics:
b. Often 5-4 each member of the group
c. Regularly participated actively. They clearly
d. Habitually act out the activities to be
guessed by the other group.
2-3 one or two of members of the
group did not fully participate in
the activity, some acts were not
clearly presented
0-1 only one member present the
activity/the group did not
participate at all
J. ( Additional activities for application List down your daily Identify the health related
or remediation) activities in your fitness performed in the
notebook and identify following exercise.
them according to the 1. 1-minute step
Philippine physical test( Cardio)
activity pyramid. 2. Curl-ups(abdominal)
3. Sit and Reach
4. 50-meter sprint
5. Paper
V. ( Remarks)
VI. ( Reflection)
A.( No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation)
B.( No. of learners who requires
additional acts for remediation who
scored below 80%)
C.( Did the remedial instruction really
work? No of learners who caught up
with the lesson)
D.( No. of learners who continue to
require remediation)
E. (Which of the strategies work well?
Why did this work?
F. (What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal/ supervisor can
help me solve?)
G. ( What innovations or localized
materials did I used/ discover which I
wish to share with other teacher?)