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Building Blocks

A Modern Approach to Building Media Workflows

How Media Shuttle, Slack and a little JavaScript shaved critical
time for a distributed production team

Build vs. buy has always been a continuum rather than a single binary decision.
Every media enterprise buys technology at some level and builds systems by
hooking the various pieces together. In the old days, the build process involved
connecting hardware products with coax and BNC connectors. In the cloud era, the
analogous process is connecting various web services with APIs and lightweight
business logic. Because there are endless possibilities within the giant sandbox of
web services, careful management of the build vs. buy dimension is essential for
media companies.

With that, it’s not a question of build vs. buy but rather which size blocks to build
with. Signiant believes that the sweet spot is somewhere near the middle of the
continuum from microservices through end-to-end systems. Our technology is
packed into full-stack products, providing media companies with modules that can
be readily deployed as components of larger workflows. With web services and
good APIs, these products can easily be connected together to address specific
business requirements and can be readily swapped out as technology evolves.
With this approach, the customer is rewarded with much faster time-to-value while
maintaining agility and favorable economics.

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Real-World Application
Let’s take a look at a real production example where this approach was put into
practice with great success and in a very short amount of time. A large sports
broadcaster was simultaneously covering three live sporting events in three
different cities across the U.S. In addition to the live action, camera crews at each
location were shooting interviews and capturing B-roll to intercut into highlight
reels. The broadcaster needed to move camera card files from the remote
production location to the main production facility quickly, and a distributed
production team needed to be informed in the most efficient way as new clips
became available.

As always, things are moving very fast. The sports director wants it now, now,
now, and the editors also have other packages to concentrate on. Rather than
waiting and watching for the delivery in multiple messaging services, like email, the
broadcaster wanted those notifications to come to their existing Slack service used
for internal production communication — a single communication source.

Coupling Signiant Media Shuttle and Slack using some simple scripting lets them do
exactly that and stay in the platform they already use. The workflow went from idea
to production in a couple of days, using familiar tools, and helped get quick edits on
the air, easily. Since both Media Shuttle and Slack are SaaS offerings, minimal effort
was required to deploy the two major building blocks themselves.

This is a very simple example of an actual Signiant use case that illustrates the
power of the building block approach; it happened to be in the sports industry but
the same concept could be applied to many situations. Here is the actual code to
make it happen.

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Connecting Media Shuttle and Slack
Signiant has a rich set of APIs allowing integration with Signiant products. There
are a variety of REST APIs to Transfer, Manage, and Audit in and around the Media
Shuttle product. In this build example, we focus on a small and specific subset of
the Media Shuttle REST API — just enough to get the job done.
➜ Media Shuttle REST API supports a webhook concept – essentially a user-defined
HTTP callback that allows for a web backend to call out to an HTTP service based
on some event or system-related action. In this case, we focus on “File Transfer”
events. It’s possible for errors to occur during a transfer and we will present a simple
mechanism for handling an error condition, but the emphasis here will be on sending
Slack notifications upon a successful transfer.
➜ Slack also has a very rich Web (REST) API to interact with. Again, here we’ll focus on just
a small subset of the Slack Web API.
➜ The code example(s) will be in the form of JavaScript, specifically in the context of a
node.js application.

Setting Up A Slack Application

Start by obtaining a Slack API token. There are a few different types of Slack tokens.
In this example we use a “bot user token” since we will effectively be operating as
a bot to send notifications based on an upload complete webhook callback from
Signiant Media Shuttle.

1. To obtain the bot user token, create (define) a new Slack application and click

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2. Next, fill in the APP NAME field and choose a DEVELOPMENT SLACK
WORKSPACE from the dropdown list. Note that you may need to sign in to
Slack to get to the proper Workspace.

Click the CREATE APP.

3. In the BUILDING APPS FOR SLACK window, click the BOTS box.

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4. The next window is to assign scopes to the bot token. Click REVIEW SCOPES TO

5. Select the following and click ADD AN OAUTH SCOPE after selecting each one.

➜ chat:write:customize
➜ chat:write
➜ chat:write:public

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6. Under OAUTH TOKENS & REDIRECT URLS at the top of the page, click INSTALL

7. You may be prompted for access permissions. Click the ALLOW button.

8. Copy the BOT USER OAUTH ACCESS TOKEN. This access token is used later to
send a message from the node.js application.

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9. If you haven’t done so, create a channel in the Slack workspace to send
notification messages. For example: “notify-test.”
Now let’s turn our attention to setting up a Media Shuttle webhook.

Setting up a Media Shuttle Webhook

In this section, we use the Signiant Media Shuttle API to obtain a list of available
portals and their detailed information and install a webhook (subscription) to
monitor transfers related to that portal.

NOTE: This tutorial assumes an already-configured Media Shuttle account and

at least one portal for use. Reference the Get Started with Media Shuttle API
instructions for additional information.

1. To authenticate with the Signiant Media Shuttle API, an API key is needed from
the Media Shuttle administrative interface. Refer to the Get Started with Media
Shuttle API instructions on how to obtain an API key.

2. Make a copy of your API key. The key is needed in subsequent steps. You will
only need to reference what is in the “Authentication” section in the Get Started
with Media Shuttle API.

The Media Shuttle API key authenticates when making API calls against the
Media Shuttle account.

It is important to note the API key is used as the value for the HTTP
Authorization Header in REST API calls.

For example with curl:

curl … -H “Authorization: <YOUR_API_KEY>”

3. Here is a complete curl example demonstrating exactly how to use the API key.

The screenshot below is from a test account showing details for a portal by the
name of “mf-test” in the Media Shuttle UI.

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Note the URL for the portal, mf-test.mediashuttle.com in this case.

The Media Shuttle API uses internal portal identifiers (ID’s) to reference a
particular portal. Instructions below show how to obtain a particular portal’s ID
and use it in subsequent API calls.

4. Now let’s issue our first Media Shuttle API call to obtain detailed portal
information with curl:
curl -X GET
-H “accept: application/json” -H “Authorization: <YOUR_API_KEY>”

5. Replace <YOUR_API_KEY> with the API key made above.

6. Replace mf-subtest.mediashuttle.com with the URL for your Media Shuttle
Portal as indicated above.

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7. The curl command should return something similar to the following:

“name”:”Flathers - Metadata Test Submit Portal”,


Note the information returned regarding the portal of interest:

“name”:”Flathers - Metadata Test Submit Portal”,

The value of the ID field (0824e-d1ea-4fb4-a122-221055506621e) is how we

will reference this portal in order to install a transfer monitoring webhook

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8. Before installing the webhook, it is important to note that the Media Shuttle
control plane hosted externally must have a public route to the node.js web
application that will be created below. Depending on the environment, this may
include the need for port mapping which is beyond the scope of this document.

In the example below, the application hosting the webhook will be my-test.
signiant.com on port 8081 (my-test.signiant.com:8081). Update the hostname
and port to match your own environment.

In the node.js code used, we define a service endpoint of /TransferUpdate

resulting in the following URL endpoint to use in the call to install the webhook:


9. Issue the following curl command to install the webhook.

curl -X POST
s” -H “accept: application/json” -H “Authorization: <YOUR_API_KEY>” -H
“Content-Type: application/json” -d

Note: Substitute <YOUR_PORTAL_ID> with your portal ID and <YOUR_API_KEY>

with your API key and my-test.signiant.com with the public IP address of the
machine which will be hosting the node.js application discussed above.

10. If successful, you should get a response similar to the following:

“id”: “728d13e2-1ae9-4ced-a64d-064363985866”,
“type”: “webhook”,
“details”: {
“url”: “http://my-test.signiant.com:8081/TransferUpdate”

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Now we’re ready to have a look at the node.js application to service our transfer
operation webhook.

11. Ensure a proper version of the node.js runtime and NPM is already installed.

12. Download the source code and dependencies for the building block webhook
server from the following location:


This node.js application uses the following external packages: Express, Body-
Parser, and @slack/web-api.

13. Make adjustments to the JavaScript code to match your environment. If you
encounter runtime reference errors, you may need to run the following
commands to ensure the external packages listed above are installed properly:

npm install express

npm install body-parser
npm install @slack/web-api

14. Note: Although the Slack REST API could be used directly, for this example we will
be using the Node Slack SDK (@slack/web-api ).

➜ The code you’ll need to modify is in a single JavaScript source file:

➜ All other supporting source files should not need to be modified unless
choosing to do so. For example, to change routing.
➜ Additionally, although nothing needs to be changed in the server.js file, a
few code snippets contained therein are referenced.

15. SlackUtils.js. There are only two lines of code to change here.

16. First, change the “token” constant to the Slack Bot token value obtained from the
Slack configuration at the beginning of this guide.

17. Second, change the “channel” constant to the Slack channel’s name the
notifications should be sent to. Don’t forget to add the # at the beginning of the
channel name. See the code snippets below:

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//Below is the Slack token for the Building block Demo
const token = “<YOUR_SLACK_BOT_TOKEN>”;

// ChannelId from Building Block Demo

const channel = ‘<YOUR_SLACK_CHANNEL>’;

The SlackUtils.js file really has only a single function in it which simply calls the
Slack API postMessage function to send the message passed in as a parameter:

sendMessage: function (message) {

(async () => {
// See: https://api.slack.com/methods/chat.postMessage

const res = await web.chat.postMessage({ channel: channel,

text: message });

// `res` contains information about the posted message

console.log(‘Message sent: ‘, res.ts);
})(); }

18. Now let’s have a look at the server.js file. This is where the meat of the webhook
processing is done.

19. First, we use Express to provide the web server functionality and listens on port

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var server = app.listen(8081, function () {
var host = server.address().address
var port = server.address().port
console.log(“Example app listening at http://%s:%s”, host,

In this setup, when a file action such as a transfer occurs on the monitored portal,
an HTTP POST is issued to the url specified when the webhook was installed.


The details behind how this HTTP POST is handled may be seen in the code
section that starts with:


20. You can inspect the details here. As you can see, we evaluate the payload to
formulate a message to send to Slack, mostly focusing on Upload Complete,
Download Complete, and Deleted event types.

Also note the code handles the case where there are multiple files involved.

The variable “message” contains the final result of the Slack message that will be

For example the following is a code snippet that shows a portion of how the final
message is created:

if (transferObj.eventType === “package.upload.complete” ||

transferObj.eventType === “package.download.complete”) {

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basePath =
transferObj.payload.portalDetails.storage[0].configuration reposi
let firstOne = true;
transferObj.payload.packageDetails.files.forEach(filename =>
if (firstOne) {
if (basePath) {
filenames += basePath + “/” + filename.path + “
(“ + convertBytes(filename.size) + “)”;
else {
filenames += filename.path + “ (“ +
convertBytes(filename.size) + “)”;
firstOne = false;
else {
if (basePath) {
filenames += “\n” + basePath + “/” +
filename.path + “ (“ + convertBytes(filename.size) + “)”;
else {
filenames += “\n” + filename.path + “ (“ +
convertBytes(filename.size) + “)”;

let direction = “”;

if (transferObj.eventType === “package.upload.complete”) {

direction = “uploaded”;

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else if (transferObj.eventType ===
“package.download.complete”) {
direction = “downloaded”;

let message = “The following files have been “ + direction

+ “ by “ + user + “:\n” + filenames;

21. Finally the SlackUtils.sendMessage() is called to send the Slack message:


22. After making the changes mentioned above, we are ready to run the application.
This may be done with the following command:

Node server.js

Properly done, a Slack message is sent when a Media Shuttle file action is

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Building with the Right Size Blocks
This example illustrates the power of connecting functional modules via APIs
to quickly solve pressing operational problems. It’s also a good reminder that
connecting a general-purpose tool (Slack) with a media-centric one (Media Shuttle)
is often the best way to meet media industry needs. Both Slack and Media Shuttle
are out-of-the-box functional building blocks that are sufficiently general-purpose
to warrant the supplier’s investment in a multi-tenant, SaaS product offering. And
because most modern SaaS products offer robust APIs, it is straightforward to
connect these products into larger workflows.
Each building block does a specific job. By using off-the-shelf, best-of-breed
products, combined with modern APIs and scripting, media companies can create
solutions that can be easily adapted as situations change. Scripts can be updated
and any block can easily be swapped out for another if necessary. This approach
enables media companies to build new workflows faster, using familiar tools, and
dramatically shrink the time-to-value.

Signiant was an early leader in cloud-native SaaS and developed one of the first SaaS solutions
for use directly in the media supply chain. Media Shuttle was released in 2012, providing media
companies of all sizes with access to advanced transport technology that enables fast, securable,
reliable transfer of large files. Since then, Signiant has continued to innovate, introducing two
additional SaaS products, Flight and Jet, built on the same SaaS platform and with the same
cloud-native approach. While these full-stack products are widely used for standalone use cases,
the products themselves and components within them are often components of much larger
and more complex workflows thanks to an investment in robust, modern APIs. This approach is
commonplace in the broader technology industry and is now emerging in the media technology
world as the industry moves from an on-premise world towards a more cloud-centric world.

About Signiant

Signiant’s enterprise software provides the world’s top content creators and distributors
with fast, reliable, secure access to large media files, regardless of physical storage type or
location. By enabling authorized people and processes to seamlessly exchange valuable
content — within and between enterprises — Signiant connects the global media supply
chain. Find out more at www.signiant.com.

Updated Version 2 — Published 4/16/2021

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