Effect of Teachers' Motivation On Their Working Performance. Comparing Boarding School and Twelve Years' Basic Education in Rwanda
Effect of Teachers' Motivation On Their Working Performance. Comparing Boarding School and Twelve Years' Basic Education in Rwanda
Effect of Teachers' Motivation On Their Working Performance. Comparing Boarding School and Twelve Years' Basic Education in Rwanda
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract: The study aims at assessing “the effects of recognition, the training they receive and the prospect of
teachers’ motivation to their working performance”. promotion and career advancement (Sah, 2016). A study of
Then this study has been conducted in Burera district, determining influence of motivator, hygienic factors and
with study questions like Investigate the effects of teachers’ competences are, therefore, paramount as
hygienic factors, effects of motivating factors , and motivation is the trigger force behind all actions the
effects of teachers competences on teachers’ working teachers take at workplace. While most studies on teacher
performance in boarding and Twelve years’ basic motivation have been centered in secondary and university
education schools in Burera district/ Rwanda Compare settings, as it appears that few studies have been done on
the effect of teachers’ motivation on working teacher motivation, especially in Rwanda context. The main
performance among boarding and Twelve years’ schools objective of this study is to investigate the effect of
in Burera district/Rwanda where data have been teachers’ motivation to their working performance in
collected by using questionnaires, interviews, class twelve years’ basic education like G.S Butete and boarding
observations and document review to find related school like E.S Kagogo in Burera district/ Rwanda.
answers . the total population estimated to be 83
composed by 70 and 13 administrators from GS Butete According to (Herzberg ,1968) reported by (Rikard
and E.S Kagogo as schools in Burera district /Rwanda. Dahlberg, 2015), revealed that Herzberg’s two factors
The results found out in the boarding school indicated theory focusing on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
that 65.9% of the variation in dependent variables applied on teachers to work effectively, emphasized that
(teachers working performance) can be explained by different factors in working environment are considered to
motivator factors, hygienic factors and teachers’ create satisfaction (motivation) on teachers in order to strive
competences have positive significance effect of teachers’ for better performance and prevent dissatisfaction in their
performance. The results found out in 12YBES indicated working site. Also stated that when teachers are motivated
that 98.6 % of the variation in dependent variables help them to enhance their performance. According to
(teachers working performance) can be explained by Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) reported by (R. H. M.
hygienic motivator factors and teachers’ competences Fallatah and J. Syed ,2018) indicated the motivation into
have positive significance effect on teachers’ five needs and arranging these hierarchical order of
performance. The results found out in the table importance to employees, which are physiological need
indicated that 96.5% of the variation in dependent (via such as food, water and breathing. Employees who
variables (teachers working performance) can be have physiological needs that they seek to satisfy and are
explained by teachers’ competences, means that there is specifically necessary for their motivation at work Security
positive significance effect on teachers’ performance. (safety needs such as financial safety and safety against
Based on the findings about inequality of teaching and redundancy and harm) At this second level security is major
learning condition I request to the government of pursuit needs such as a fear of job instability by (Aworemi
Rwanda to ensure equal caring teachers either from et al.2011, Khan et al.2011) reported by R. H. M. Fallatah
boarding or 12YBES and providing enough school and J. Syed ,2018) this needs are helpful for employees to
requirement that will increase the chance of increasing achieve the organizational activities when this needs are not
teachers working performance provided the working intention can’t be achieved then
perturbed the target of organization.
Social needs are the need for love, friendship,
This research indicated that teachers’ motivation acceptance and belongingness The absence of friend ship,
generally promote their level of participation in the teaching encouragement and support of fellow workers and
activities. It is clear that a motivated teacher will work managers makes the employee feel motivated, as never
harder, develop new techniques and activities, and in before, to attain this need with great intensity, so, love and
general reinforced for developing the learners’ belongingness become the paramount need for the
opportunities that develop his/her career (Gokce, 2010). As employee at work and help to accomplish the available
a teacher, it is better to be intrinsically and extrinsically to tasks in accurate manner Esteem and autonomy ,( the need
spearhead motivation and satisfaction to teachers in order to for respect, appreciation ,empowerment and being given a
maintain the motivation to teach over the course of one’s voice and right Esteem needs indicate a need to respect
career. Teachers’ motivation is relying on different factors, one’s rights, appreciation of one’s ability and capacity,
including compensation, success in the classroom, their acknowledgement of one’s achievement and recognition of
This research is indicating teacher’s motivation as In context of school teachers have both intrinsic and
teachers with elaborate working conditions, means that extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation, is hedonistic
they attend jobs at time being courageous and increase preference, self- serving for one’s own fulfillment of one
working efforts in their daily activities, Ozbilen et al, being or wellbeing of another (Antoinette Weibel, Meike
(2020). While working performance refers to how teachers wiemann &Margit osterlon, 2014). intrinsic motivation
stimulate the success of schools and elaborate general whenever employees regulate their emotions for the scale
opportunities to all school beneficiaries economically, pleasure of regulating them. There is no contingency or
socially and politically in context of educational rewards linked with the behavior, and individual acts for
development to enhance required competent skilled labors the interests, challenges, or their pressure or regulating
market to act in different domains Baris Yildis, Gokhan emotions. In the content of emotional labor, expressing an
Gunay, and Fatih Mutlu Ozbilen,2020). This research if authentic smile can be easily seen as intrinsically act
aiming to enhance educational development which will base (Michel. Cossette, 2014). While Extrinsic motivation, is
on equal share and providing the same opportunities both in external incentives for the individuals (awards or penalties).
12 YBE and Boarding schools that will boost up general There makes mediated satisfaction possible, especially by
required competency, skills and knowledge for future the means of money (Antoinette Weibel, Meike wiemann
worldwide life success. &Margit osterlon, 2014). Is form of motivation in which
teachers act to feel worth and to preserve their self -esteem
II. LITERATURE REVIEW provided from external pressure introjection implies a
pressure that comes from within the persons (Michel,
A. Concept of motivation and teacher working performance cossette,2014). Extrinsic motivation requires the presence
(Jeenvan, 2017) revealed that teachers are motivated of stimulus in order for the behavior to occur. The stimulus
when they are advantaged to create innovation to improve is typically in form of a reward for performing work safety
education quality and willingly to create institutional or a negative consequences when work is not performed
solutions of existing challenges and problems. According to safety, should be involvement of bonus, pressure from
(Weinstein and C.R DeHaan,2014) teachers’ motivation are external agencies such as professional associations.
ways in which teachers at work place initiating and According to Ozbilen et al, (2020) motivated teachers are
directing their school activities through energize behavior, the ones who elaborate their working conditions, means that
generate and increase tasks engagement, and direct actions they attend jobs at time being courageous and increase
towards certain ends or goals. As noted above according to working efforts in their daily activities, always are alert to
(Nathan C. Hall &Thomas Goetz,2013), motivation is discover and develop school opportunities in which the
assumed to result from personal evaluations of the success is attained.
desirability and expectations regarding the feasibility of the
options for actions, these stable motivational tendencies and
beliefs delivered from interests, goal orientations, and
assumptions about one’s personal capabilities.
This implies that Factors related to dissatisfaction competence indicate a teachers no longer depends on rules
come to be called “hygiene factors” based on how covered guide lines, has an intuitive grip of situations established
work environment. Means that the motivators aim to create on deep understanding , has analytical methods used only
satisfaction and motivation when they exist, but not in new situations and has a vision of what is possible in
dissatisfaction if they are not present. The present of achieving the school duties to enhance developed
hygiene factors prevents dissatisfaction but they do not education.
necessarily create satisfaction. Hygiene factors are company
policy, supervision and relationship, working conditions, C. Effects of Motivator factors to teachers working
salaries, security while motivators factors are achievement performance
recognition, interesting works, increased responsibility and (Eduward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan,2014) revealed
advancement and growth that increase the workers’ efforts that when teachers ’s basic psychological needs are satisfied
of insolvent in activity performance, in absence of these in the working place they are more autonomously
factors teachers’ performance become very low. motivated to work, and when their basic needs are thwarted
they are controlled or a motivated when at work.
B. Effects of teachers’ competences on their working Autonomous motivation, which recruits the whole- hearted
performance efforts of teachers to perform better the school activities, has
According to (M. Mulder and J. Winterton 2017) payoffs in terms of productivity, creativity, and lower
revealed that World Wide competence based education burnout and turnover.
gained much interest as innovation to prepare more
effectively for superior performance to overcome the (R. Chard M. Ryan & Eduward L. Deci, 2017)
barriers between the World of education and the work and revealed that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation favor
to align the educational programs in vocational profession employees’ / teachers performance because there is links the
and high education to the labor markets needs and individuals, effective and efficiency performance of their
educational development in society. Professional assigned activities. Motivation must consider how the
competence of teachers is seen as thee generic integrated characteristics of an activity and context are experienced
and internalized capability to deliver sustainable effective and engaged in by individuals in question. the teachers at
performance including problem solving, realizing schools will be intrinsically and extrinsically motivated for
innovation and creating transformation in educational different activities to the degree that he or she finds
domain argued by (M. Vonken, 2017). According to A.T inherently interesting and enjoyable, which is in turn a
.Evers and B.I.J.M. Vander, Heijok (2017) indicated that junction of proximal to basic need satisfactions.
Model Summary
The table 2: indicated that 98.7% variation in teachers ’competences and remaining percentage can be
dependent variable (teachers working performance) can be attributed to other variables which are not explained in this
explained by motivators factors, hygienic factors and model.
Total 26.389 59
Table 3: Analysis of variance of motivator factors, hygienic factors and teachers’ competences on their working performance in
twelve years’ basic education (GS BUTETE)
The table 3 indicated that there is significance motivator factors, hygienic factors and teachers’
relationship between motivator factors hygienic factors and competences on teachers working performance. This implies
teachers competences in Rwandan government aided that one unit of change in independent variables (Motivator
schools .This implies that null hypothesis is rejected while factors, hygienic factors and teachers’ competences)
alternative hypothesis is accepted .Here there is decrease dependent variable (teachers working
significance relationship between motivator factors , performance) by.26.389 Comparing the effects of teachers’
hygienic factor and teachers’ competences on teachers The motivation to their working performance between twelve
table 4 indicated that there are positive effects among years’ basic education and boarding school.