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MIP models for production lot sizing problems

with distribution costs and cargo arrangement

Flavio Molina, Reinaldo Morabito & Silvio Alexandre de Araujo

To cite this article: Flavio Molina, Reinaldo Morabito & Silvio Alexandre de Araujo (2016) MIP
models for production lot sizing problems with distribution costs and cargo arrangement, Journal of
the Operational Research Society, 67:11, 1395-1407, DOI: 10.1057/jors.2016.12

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Journal of the Operational Research Society (2016), 67,
1–131395–1407 © 2016 Operational Research Society Ltd. All rights reserved. 0160-5682/16

MIP models for production lot sizing problems with

distribution costs and cargo arrangement
Flavio Molina1, Reinaldo Morabito2* and Silvio Alexandre de Araujo3
Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba, Brazil; 2Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São
Carlos, Brazil; and 3Universidade Estadual Paulista, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil
This study presents mixed integer programming (MIP) models for production lot sizing problems with distribution
costs using unit load devices such as pallets and containers. Problems that integrate production lot sizing decisions
and loading of the products in vehicles (bins) are also modelled, in which constraints such as weight limits, volume
restrictions or the value of the cargo loaded in the bins are considered. In general, these problems involve a trade-
off between production, inventory and distribution costs. Lot sizing decisions should take into account production
capacity and product demand constraints. Distribution decisions are related to the loading and transport of products
in unit load devices. The MIP models are solved by the branch-and-cut method of an optimization package and the
results show that these approaches have the potential to address different practical situations.
Journal of the Operational Research Society (2016) 67(11), 1395–1407. doi: 10.1057/jors.2016.12;
advance published online 27 April 2016

Keywords: lot sizing; distribution costs; cargo unitization; bin packing; integrated problems

1. Introduction production lot-sizing decisions. Transport costs may behave

differently in relation to lot size, for example, in an economy of
The production lot sizing problem can be seen as a problem of
scale, that is, high production of the items can make the
optimization of production plans, consisting in defining the
transport costs per product cheaper. According to Norden and
quantity of each product or item to be produced in one or more
Velde (2005), although transport costs can represent more than
machines in each period of a time horizon, in order to meet the
50% of the logistics cost of a product, in general, they are
demand for each item and optimize some performance goals.
virtually neglected in modelling lot-sizing problems. Vroblefski
Effective production planning usually involves several factors,
et al (2000) highlighted that one of the biggest costs in
such as the production costs involved, the time available for
distribution systems is the cost of transportation and this cost is
production, the availability of resources and raw materials, the
highly dependent on the volume of the products being
deadlines for meeting the products demands and the setups of
the machines when they are relevant to the production process.
Molina et al (2013) investigated some mathematical models
Each of these factors may have important influences on the total
for lot sizing problems with transport costs based on load
costs and overall performance of the production plan. Reviews
unitization and presented some preliminary results with these
of different aspects of lot sizing problems can be found, for
models. This work is an extension of that study where those
example, in Karimi et al (2003), Brahimi et al (2006), Jans and
models are revisited considering decisions about distribution
Degraeve (2007, 2008), Robinson et al (2009), Glock et al
costs and also load arrangement decisions of the products in
(2014), Holmbom and Segerstedt (2014) and Beullens (2014).
vehicles, yielding in integrated production lot sizing and
The costs considered in lot-sizing problems are usually
product loading (both on pallets and in containers) problems
limited to costs of production, inventory, setup and overtime,
under constraints of limited weight, volume or load value in
and other related costs that may be relevant to the production
bins. Several mixed integer programming (MIP) models are
and logistics of the final product are disregarded. For example,
presented, which represent these problems and support produc-
in some organizations, end products are packed and placed on
tion planning decisions and the products distribution involved.
pallets to be stored or transported along the supply chain to the
The models are useful for research and development of more
customers or distribution centres. The transport cost of products
effective solution methods, exploring particular structures,
from the factories to the warehouses is directly related to
model decomposition, model relaxations, etc. They are also
helpful for the performance evaluation of heuristic methods,
*Correspondence: Reinaldo Morabito, Production Engineering Department,
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Via Washington Luiz, km.235, 13565-
since they allow (at least for problems of moderate size) an
905, São Carlos, SP – Brazil. estimation of the optimality gap of heuristic solutions. The
E-mail: [email protected] performance of these models and the results obtained on solving
13964 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 67, No. 11

them with the CPLEX optimization package are also discussed options concerning the delivery time are offered. The goal is to
and analysed. The results show that these models can be useful plan lot sizes with transportation costs. Melo and Wolsey
for treating various real-life situations. (2010) presented an alternative formulation for the problem
This paper is presented as follows. Section 2 presents a brief proposed in Stecke and Zhao (2007). In Xiao and Taaffe
literature review of studies on coupled production planning and (2010), models were developed for a problem in which the lot
distribution decisions. In Section 3, the MIP models are sizing is solved taking into account the costs of production and
presented that take into account the lot sizing problem with the delivery rate to final consumers. Other works that treated
distribution costs using cargo unitization devices such as pallets logistics decisions and lot sizing problems are: Wong (2010)
and containers, as well as a model that integrates lot sizing and and Seliaman and Ahmad (2009).
loading problems with restrictions of weight, volume or value Several studies dealt with the lot sizing problem together
of cargo loaded in vehicles. In Section 4, an analysis of the with decisions on the transport of final products. However,
computational results obtained with the models in several the focus in these articles was not on the loading problem of
randomly generated problem instances is performed and Sec- produced items; rather, it is on other costs involved
tion 5 presents the concluding remarks and some possibilities in the distribution process, such as the routing costs of
for future research. vehicles that distribute these items (Baumol and Vinod,
1970; Fumero and Vercellis, 1999; Vroblefski et al, 2000;
Amorim et al, 2013). There are also some studies that
considered the design of integrated lot sizing and transport
2. Literature review and background
decision problems between various plants in the same
To the best of our knowledge, there are only a few studies in the company, that is, they did not take into account transport
literature that are directly related to the problems studied in this decisions for customers. Among these articles, we have:
paper, so we first review some papers that have partial Kaminsky and Simchi-Levi (2003), de Matta and Miller
connection with this work. Some surveys presented literature (2004), Sambasivan and Schmidt (2002), Sambasivan and
reviews on production and distribution planning problems. For Yahya (2005), and Nascimento et al (2010).
example, in Thomas and Griffin (1996) three categories of More related to the present paper, in Norden and Velde
integrated problems were distinguished: planning the purchase (2005), cargo costs depend on the type of contract established
of raw materials and production; production and distribution with the logistics operator, that is, they are not only dependent
planning; and also inventory and distribution planning. on the volume of items to be transported. The model proposed
In Erengüç et al (1999), mathematical models were presented by the authors was motivated by a practical problem of a
that take into account three different stages of the supply chain. European company with monthly fluctuations in the distribu-
The first looks at suppliers that provide goods or services for tion of products between its factory and its warehouses. The
various plants, the second is related to the production of finished company negotiates a long-term contract with the carrier, in
items to meet a given demand and in the third, the distribution which a fixed cost per period is associated with the transport
of the final products is taken into consideration. In Rizk and of the items; however, a limited number of pallets or contain-
Martel (2001), the authors presented a literature review and a lot ers are made available at a lower unit cost than the standard
sizing model with multiple lines of production and delivery of cost. The limit to the number of pallets or containers is
the demand for customers in the supply chain. A review that stipulated based on the forecast demand. If a company needs
considers extensions of the classic lot sizing with transport costs a larger number of these units in a given period, new units
problem appears in Bertazzi and Speranza (1999). Other may be used but at higher unit costs. The aim is to minimize
reviews of integrated lot sizing with distribution problems can the cost of production and distribution of items from the
be found in Vidal and Goetschalckx (1997) and Sarmiento and factory to the warehouses. In this problem, transport costs
Nagi (1999). It is worth noticing that these literature reviews did weigh in favour of increasing setups and reducing stocks.
not present the problem we are dealing with. This behaviour occurs in this model because transport costs
More recently, but still not directly related with the problem force production of a wider mix of items for better use
considered in the present paper, Lee et al (2005) analysed the of pallets or containers. Furthermore, to avoid the use of
carrier capacity that is associated with the number of containers expensive pallets or containers in a given period, the transport
(or pallets) needed to load all the production. The items are costs force more setups being made and less inventory.
produced and assigned to containers and the goal is to minimize Molina et al (2009) proposed a heuristic method to solve the
the number of containers used. The authors proposed a heuristic problem presented in Norden and Velde (2005) and proposed
based on the problem representation as a network flow. Anily an extension of the model by taking into account the delay
and Tzur (2006) considered the demand of the retail stores in delivery of demand and production capacity constraints.
being met directly from the factory or a warehouse, taking into In Molina et al (2013), other extensions of the models originally
account the transportation costs. Stecke and Zhao (2007) proposed in Norden and Velde (2005) and Molina et al (2009)
studied a problem with the make-to-order type of production representing more general cases, that occur in practice, were
system. The shipping of the items is outsourced and different analysed and, also, a solution method based on Lagrangian
Flavio Molina et al—MIP models for production lot sizing problems 1397

relaxation was implemented for one of the proposed extensions.

In the present paper, we further extend the models from the
literature mainly by considering the combination of the produc-
tion lot sizing decisions and truck loading decisions without
intermediate cargo unitization devices such as pallets and
containers. We have not found any paper in the literature that
considers such combination.
The main contributions of the present paper are: the proposi-
tion of several innovative MIP models considering decisions
about distribution costs and also load arrangement decisions of
the products in vehicles, yielding in integrated production lot
sizing and product loading (both on pallets and in containers)
problems under constraints of limited weight, volume or load
value in bins; the performance analysis of these models obtained
on solving them with the CPLEX optimization package. The
results show that these approaches are able to address different Figure 1 Pallet loading (authorship: http://www.freedigitalphotos.
practical situations.
define the capacity of the pallet for each type of item. These
data can be obtained in advance by solving the so-called
3. MIP models Manufacturer’s Pallet Loading Problem (eg Alvarez-Valdes
This section presents three MIP models for lot sizing problems et al, 2005; Morabito and Pureza, 2009; Birgin et al, 2010) as
with transport costs, where the goods are transported using unit a pre-processing step for each type of item. This loading
load devices such as pallets or containers, as well as a model for problem assumes that the items are arranged in horizontal layers
an integrated MIP problem by combining production lot sizing on the surface of the pallet, which is a usual practice for
and trucks loading decisions. The first model considers the case producers to facilitate the arrangement and load stability. The
wherein is required to load the items onto pallets without parameters and variables of the model are described below.
mixing items, that is, each pallet can be loaded only with a
single type of item, which is usual in most production Parameters:
processes, especially in manufacturing environments, such as
soft drinks companies, canned food warehouse, spinning i = 1,2,…,n Number of types of items.
industries, among others. The transport costs are directly related t = 1,2,…,T Number of periods in the planning horizon.
to the number of pallets required to transport the items. sit Setup cost for the production of item i in
The second and third models extend the first one by period t.
considering that, after allocating the items on pallets, the latter hit+ Unit inventory cost of item i in period t.
are loaded on trucks of a homogeneous fleet (second model) hit- Penalty for delay of one unit of item i in
and heterogeneous fleet (third model), and the trucks go to the period t.
same destination (ie a warehouse). In practice, the second and dit Demand for item i in period t.
third models appear most commonly in companies with high bi Time required to produce a unit of item i.
production, unlike the first case, in which the amount produced qi Setup time for the production of item i.
is not always large enough to request the dedication of a truck. Capt Production capacity in period t.
Observe that in these cases the transport costs are directly M A sufficiently large positive number.
related to the number of trucks required to transport the pallets. Pi Number of items of type i that can be placed
The fourth model represents the practical situation where the on the same pallet (data obtained beforehand
produced items are loaded directly onto trucks, without inter- by solving a Pallet Loading Problem for each
mediate cargo unitization devices. This case occurs, for exam- item i).
ple, when items are large enough to be loaded on pallets or c0 Fixed monthly cost of the contract.
other unitization devices, as in some furniture companies. c1 Unit transport cost of first R pallets used.
c2 Unit transport cost of the other pallets used
(c2 > c1).
3.1. Model 1—Loading onto pallets without mixing items R The contracted number of hired pallets with
cheaper cost c1.
Unlike the models reviewed in the literature, for example in
Norden and Velde (2005), the first MIP model considers Decision variables:
production of items that have different sizes and cannot be
mixed on the same pallet (Figure 1). Therefore, it is necessary to Xit Amount to be produced of item i in period t.
13984 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 67, No. 11

Iit+ Inventory of item i in period t. Constraints (2) refers to the balancing constraints of production,
Iit- Backlog of item i in period t. demand, inventory and backlog of items. Constraints (3) ensure
Yit Binary variable indicating the production of that there is production only when the setup cost and time have
item i in period t (Yit = 1 if Xit > 0; Yit = 0 been considered. Constraints (4) are restrictions on production
otherwise). capacity. Constraints (5) ensure that a sufficient number of
Ait Number of pallets transported containing item pallets to transport each item type is used. Constraints (6) limit
i in period t with unit cost c1. the use of pallets at a lower cost to R. Constraints (7) impose
Bit Number of pallets transported containing item that initial and final inventory and backlog levels are equal to
i in period t with unit cost c2. zero and constraints (8) ensure the non-negativity of production,
inventory and backlog variables. Finally, in (9), the domains of
The transport costs are piecewise linear and convex in
binary and integer variables are defined. For this model, M is set
relation to the number of pallets used. Note that from the quantity
as the sum of the demands of all items throughout the planning
R, the transportation cost per unit changes from c1 to c2. P P
horizon, M ¼ ni¼1 Tt¼1 dit .
Model 1 is defined by:
To get a sense of the model dimension, it can easily be shown
Model 1: that the model has (3nT) real variables, (2nT) integer variables
and (nT) binary variables. Furthermore, the model has T
n X
X T   (3n + 2) + 4n constraints. Thus, for an example with 12 periods
z ¼min hit+ Iit+ + hit- Iit- + sit Yit
i¼1 t¼1 and 20 types of items, the model has 720 real variables, 480
! integer variables, 240 binary variables and 824 constraints.
n X
+ c0 + c1 Ait + c2 Bit ð1Þ
t¼1 i¼1 i¼1 3.1.1. Example problem:. The following is a simplified
Subject to: example to illustrate the importance of the solution of the
integrated lot sizing problem with transportation costs. Con-
Ii;t+ - 1 - Ii;t- - 1 + Xit - Ii;t+ + Ii;t- ¼ dit sider the following values for a problem with n = 5 items and
T = 5 periods. The inventory cost per item and per period is
i ¼ 1; ¼; n; t ¼ 1; ¼; T ð2Þ
hit+ ¼ 3 8i; t, the cost of delay per item and per period is hit- ¼
30 8i; t and the machine setup cost for the production of items
Xit - M Yit ⩽ 0 i ¼ 1; ¼; n; t ¼ 1; ¼; T (3) is sit = 100 ∀ i,t. The production time of each item is bi = 1 ∀ i.
The machine setup time for production of items is equal to
q = (17,17,12,10,17). The capacity in each period is Capt =
316 ∀ t. The pallet loading capacity for each item is
ðbi Xit + qi Yit Þ ⩽ Capt t ¼ 1; ¼; T (4)
P = (56,101,87,124,89). The unit cost of the cheaper pallets is
c1 = 50 and of the more expensive pallets cost is c2 = 200. The
maximum number of cheaper pallets that can be used for each
Xit period is R = 3. The demand for the items is given by the fol-
Bit + Ait ⩾ i ¼ 1; ¼; n; t ¼ 1; ¼; T (5)
Pi lowing matrix, the rows being the items and the columns being
the periods.
n 0 1
0⩽ Ait ⩽ R t ¼ 1; ¼; T (6) 7 11 8 13 11
i¼1 B 58 94 79 108 64 C
B 39 46 85 33 32 CC:
Ii0+ ¼ Ii0- ¼ IiT- ¼ IiT- ¼ 0; i ¼ 1; ¼; n (7) B C
B 61 75 73 51 47 C
@ A
33 62 41 50 34
Xit ⩾ 0; Iit+ ⩾ 0; Iit- ⩾ 0 i ¼ 1; ¼; n; t ¼ 1; ¼; T (8)

Solving this problem disregarding the transport of items, that

is, first solving the lot sizing problem, regardless of transporta-
Ait ; Bit 2 Z + ; Yit 2 f0; 1g i ¼ 1; ¼; n; t ¼ 1; ¼; T (9)
tion decisions, and then with the solution of the lot sizing
problem determining the number of pallets and the transport
The objective function (1) minimizes the total cost given by costs, we obtain a solution with a production cost equal to 2793.
the sum of the production costs (inventory, backlog and To transport the quantities produced, five pallets are needed in
machine setup) with the transportation costs (contract cost, cost the first period, four pallets in the second and third periods, and
of cheaper pallets and cost of more expensive pallets). five pallets in the fourth and fifth periods, resulting in a shipping
Flavio Molina et al—MIP models for production lot sizing problems 1399

cost of 2350. Thus, the total cost of production and transporta- c2 Unit cost of other trucks (c2 > c1).
tion is 5143. R′ Contracted number of hired trucks with
On the other hand, by solving the problem using Model 1, we cheaper cost c1 (similarly to R of Model 1).
obtain an optimal solution with a total cost of 4907, with
Additional decision variables:
production costs equal to 3157 and shipping costs equal to
1750. That is, a total cost lower than that calculated separately
At The number of trucks used in period t with
in the previous paragraph. With this small example, we can see
unit cost c1.
that solving the problems of production and transport separately
Bt The number of trucks used in period t with
and sequentially, as is usually done in practice, may not provide
unit cost c2.
the best solution for the integrated problem.
Zit Number of pallets required to transport the
items of type i produced in period t.
3.2. Model 2—Transport of pallets on homogeneous fleet
Model 2 is given by:
The second MIP model for the lot sizing problem with transport
costs considers that the items to be produced have different Model 2:
types and sizes and cannot be mixed on the same pallet, in the X
n X
same way as Model 1. However, in addition, the model assumes z ¼min hit+ Iit+ + hit- Iit- + sit Yit
i¼1 t¼1
that, after allocating the items on pallets, the latter are loaded on
trucks of a homogeneous fleet (Figure 2). X
In this case, transport costs are not directly related to the + ðc 0 + c 1 A t + c 2 B t Þ ð10Þ
number of pallets used, but to the number of trucks required to t¼1

transport the pallets. In addition to the problem of loading items

(equal-sized) on pallets (one problem for each item type), there
is the problem of loading pallets (of equal size) in the truck. Subject to :
Both packing problems can be considered in a pre-processing, ð2Þ; ð3Þ; ð4Þ; ð7Þ; ð8Þ
solving the Manufacturer’s Pallet Loading Problem and assum-
ing that the pallets are arranged in horizontal layers within the 1X n

truck bed, which is also usual in practice. With this pre- Bt + At ⩾ Zit t ¼ 1; ¼; T ð11Þ
P′ i¼1
processing, the maximum number of pallets that can be
transported on a truck is calculated. Thus, besides the number Xit
Zit ⩾ i ¼ 1; ¼; n; t ¼ 1; ¼; T (12)
of items of type i that are loaded on each pallet (Pi), it is now Pi
also necessary to previously calculate the number of pallets,
assuming equal dimensions (length and width), can be loaded
on the truck (P′) (usually, no more than two layers of each pallet 0 ⩽ At ⩽ R′ t ¼ 1; ¼; T (13)
on the truck due to its height limitation).

Additional parameters of Model 2: At ; Bt ; Zit 2 Z + ; Yit 2 f0; 1g

i ¼ 1; ¼; n; t ¼ 1; ¼; T
P′ Maximum number of pallets that can be
transported on a truck. The objective function (10) and constraints (13) and (14)
c1 Unit cost of the first R′ used trucks. were simply adapted from (1), (6) and (9), respectively, for the

Figure 2 Trucks of a homogeneous fleet (authorship: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net).

14004 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 67, No. 11

problem on hand. Constraints (11) determine the number of Bkt Number of trucks of type k used in period t
trucks required to transport the pallets at the lower cost and with unit cost c2k.
at the more expensive cost. Constraints (12) refer to the number Zkt′ Number of trucks of type k to transport pallets
of pallets required to transport each item type in each period. in period t.
As the items are transported to the same destination (ie a
Model 3 is given by:
warehouse) and the pallets are considered to be of equal
Model 3:
dimensions, there is no need for transport variables with
information on which items are being carried by each truck. X
n X
z ¼min hit+ Iit+ + hit- Iit- + sit Yit
Model 2 has 2T(n + 1) integer variables while the remaining
i¼1 t¼1
variables keep the same numbers as Model 1. Furthermore, !
Model 2 has T(3n + 3) + 4n constraints. For example, for a X

problem with 20 types of item and 12 time periods, the model + c0 + ðc1k Akt + c2k Bkt Þ ð15Þ
t¼1 k¼1
has 720 real variables, 264 integer variables (216 less than
Model 1), 240 binary variables and 836 constraints.
Subject to :

3.3. Model 3—Transport of pallets on heterogeneous fleet ð2Þ; ð3Þ; ð4Þ; ð7Þ; ð8Þ; ð12Þ
The third MIP model for the lot sizing problem with transpor- Z
tation costs extends the models of Sections 3.1 and 3.2. Akt + Bkt ⩾ kt t ¼ 1; ¼; T; k ¼ 1; ¼; K ð16Þ
It includes the existence of various types of trucks with different
capacities and costs, which occurs in practice in heterogeneous X
fleet situations. In the same way as for the cases in Sections 3.1 Zkt′ ¼ Zit t ¼ 1; ¼; T (17)
and 3.2, the packing problem for loading pallets (of equal size) k¼1 i¼1
in each truck can be resolved by pre-processing, solving the
Manufacturer’s Pallet Loading Problem (a different problem for 0 ⩽ Akt ⩽ R′k t ¼ 1; ¼; T; k ¼ 1; ¼; K (18)
each type of truck).
Note that the following model involves deciding how
Akt ; Bkt ; Zit ; Zkt′ 2 Z + ; Yit 2 f0; 1g
many trucks of each type to use, which differs from
previous models in that it provides only a number, whether i ¼ 1; ¼; n; t ¼ 1; ¼; T; k ¼ 1; ¼; K ð19Þ
pallet or trucks, without the need to choose between
different options of trucks with different costs. Therefore, The objective function (15) has been modified with respect
the decision is now related to the cost of each truck. Smaller to (1) to depict the new transport costs. Constraints (16)
trucks have lower unit cost, but have restricted capacity for calculate the number of trucks needed to transport the pallets
fewer pallets, not necessarily proportional to the reduction in period t. Constraints (17) ensure that the number of pallets
in cost. For example, a truck can transport half of the transported by trucks is equal to the number of pallets required
volume of another truck and it does not necessarily cost to convey the production of each period. Note that the model
half the price. Consider the following data and variables in does not have any information on which item is being loaded
addition to those from Models 1 and 2: onto what type of truck, but this information is not relevant for
the solution of the problem because we are considering that the
Additional parameters of Model 3: pallets have the same size and the items have the same
destination (ie the warehouse). Constraints (18) limit the use of
k = 1,…,K Number of different types of trucks. type k trucks with lower cost R′k .
P′k Maximum number of pallets that can be Model 3 has (nT + 3nK) integer variables and the same
carried in the truck of type k. number of real and binary variables as the other models.
c1k Unit cost of the first R′k trucks of type k used. Regarding the number of constraints, Model 3 has (3nT + 2T +
c2k Unit cost of additional trucks of type k 4n + 2KT) constraints. For example, for a problem with 12
(c2k > c1k). periods and 20 different kinds of items and 2 types of trucks, the
R′k Contracted number of trucks of type k with model has 720 real variables, 312 integer variables, 240 binary
cheaper cost c1k (similarly to R and R′ of variables and 872 constraints.
Models 1 and 2). Model 3 can be modified for the specific case in which
there is only one kind of contract cost (c1k) for each type of
Additional decision variables: truck k. In this case, the variables Bkt are not considered and
the decisions only involve the choice of each type of truck,
Akt Number of trucks of type k used in period t which, in turn, are only available in limited quantities (R′k ).
with unit cost c1k. The problem can become unsolvable if the number of trucks
Flavio Molina et al—MIP models for production lot sizing problems 1401

Figure 3 Transportation directly in trucks—without pallets (authorship: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net).

is not sufficient to carry the entire production. This change Decision variables:
can be seen as an adaptation of Model 3 in which the cost
c2k is artificially set to a sufficiently high value. For the Zikt Number of items of type i allocated to truck k
computational tests presented in the next section, we used in period t.
the modified version of Model 3. Akt Binary variable indicating whether truck k is
used in period t.
3.4. Model 4—Integrated model for lot sizing and bin In Models 1, 2 and 3, the transport variables are integer
packing (instead of binary) and indicated how many trucks are used.
The following is a model for the integrated MIP problem by In this model, the carrier is a binary variable indicating whether
combining the production lot sizing decisions and truck the truck k is used or not in each period t. Moreover, the cost of
loading decisions without intermediate cargo unitization transport (c) is considered simply as linear (rather than piece-
devices such as pallets and containers (Figure 3). Note that wise linear convex). However, the model is still valid for the
with this condition, unlike previous models, the item pack- convex case and, in this case, it simply replaces the constant c
ing parameters cannot be calculated a priori, because the for a cost vector, where R first trucks have value c1 and the
packing of an item depends directly on the sizes and others are of value c2. In addition, to consider piecewise linear
quantities of other items that are being produced in the same concave costs, one need to simply add a constraint ordering the
period. It is therefore necessary to develop models that variables Akt to ensure that truck k + 1 will only be used if truck
integrate the lot sizing problem with the packing problem k is already in use.
in a monolithic and simultaneous way, such that the
decisions of the two problems are interdependent. Model 4:
Due to the difficulty of developing and solving integrated n X

lot sizing models with the packing problem taking into account z ¼ min ðhit+ Iit+ + hit- Iit+ + sit Yit Þ + cAkt : (20)
i¼1 t¼1 t¼1 k¼1
the three dimensions involved in the physical arrangement
(lengths, widths and heights of the items and vehicles), this study Subject to :
considers only one dimension for packing problem. In this case,
one can think that this dimension is the weight, volume or value Iiðt+ - 1Þ - Iiðt- - 1Þ + Xit - Iit+ + Iit- ¼ dit
of the goods. The cargo value constraint may happen with some
carriers on the basis of the insurance value limits imposed when t ¼ 1; ¼; T; i ¼ 1; ¼; n ð21Þ
insuring the load, which is common in some countries, such as
Brazil. It can be seen that the proposed one-dimensional packing X

model is based on the Kantorovich’s (1960) model, adapted to ðbi Xit + qi Yit Þ ⩽ Capt t ¼ 1; ¼; T (22)
represent the fact that loading is done in every period.
Model 4 parameters: Xit ⩽ dij Yit t ¼ 1; ¼; T; i ¼ 1; ¼; n (23)

wi Length (or weight or volume or value) of the

item type i. wi Zikt ⩽ WAkt t ¼ 1; ¼; T; k ¼ 1; ¼; M (24)
W Capacity of each truck given in length (or i¼1
weight or volume or value limit).
M Sufficiently large positive number. X
c Unit cost per truck used for the transport of Zikt ¼ Xit t ¼ 1; ¼; T; i ¼ 1; ¼; n (25)
produced items. k¼1
14024 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 67, No. 11

Xit ; Iit+ ; Iit- ⩾ 0; Zikt 2 N t ¼ 1; ¼; T; i ¼ 1; ¼; n; distribution costs and then for Model 4, which takes into
account the integrated problem of lot sizing and loading
k ¼ 1; ¼; M ð26Þ
arrangements. The models were coded in AMPL modelling
language and solved by the CPLEX 11.1.1 computer
Yit ; Akt 2 f0; 1g t ¼ 1; ¼; T; i ¼ 1; ¼; n; k ¼ 1; ¼; M (27) package with default parameters, using a Pentium Core 2
Note that, unlike Models 1, 2 and 3, Model 4 contains Duo 2GHZ with 2G of RAM and the Windows XP operat-
information on loading the items in each truck. This is due ing system.
to the variables Zikt, obtained from the packing problem. The data used were originally inspired in a single real-life
Remember that Models 1, 2 and 3 contain, due to pre- data set that a European manufacturing company made avail-
processing, only the maximum number of pallets that can be able by Norden and Velde (2005). This manufacturing com-
loaded in a truck. Constraints (21), (22) and (23) are related pany had heavily fluctuating monthly shipments between its
to the lot sizing problem and Constraints (24) and (25) to manufacturing plant and its central warehouse, and had nego-
the packing of end products. Constraints (25) are the tiated a transportation capacity reservation contract with a
coupling constraints to integrate the lot sizing and packing logistics service provider. This contract allowed the shipper to
decisions, as they relate the production variables to the use, in each period, any desired portion of a reservation fixed
loading variables. The model consists of determining the lot transportation capacity in exchange for a guaranteed price,
sizes and the number of trucks in order to minimize the sum which was lower than the expected price on the spot market.
of the costs of production and transport (20). Note that The logistics service provider also had some benefits on such
Constraints (24) may represent weight limit or volume type of contract, which included the establishment of a long-
limit or maximum value. Optionally, we could have more term business relationship and the reduction on the need to find
than one of these limits in Constraints (24) representing new customers. Based on this single data set from this
these maximum values and, thus, limiting the model company, problem instances were randomly generated in order
simultaneously. to reflect other characteristics of practical settings. Basically, we
Model 4 contains nT(M + 1) integer variables, T(n + M) varied the number of items and periods, representing different
binary variables and T(3n + M + 1) restrictions. Note that there product portfolios and different planning horizons, and the
is a need to set the value of M, because if it is too large, the available capacities and the transportation costs, representing
number of variables and constraints will also be large. On the different situations imposed by the market.
other hand, if this number is too small, it may be that the problem
becomes infeasible. In this work, the number of available trucks
(M) is determined by multiplying the lower bound on the number 4.1. Computational analysis of the lot sizing models with
of bins required to transport the total demand. In other words, the distribution costs
number of available trucks is defined by the equation with M ¼
 Pn PT  For the classes of Model 1, the following data were used, based
β i¼1 t¼1 wi dit =W with β > 1. It should be noted that the on Norden and Velde (2005) and Molina et al (2009). Table 1
value of M obtained in this way is much greater than the number shows two kinds of fixed data, constant values and ranges.
of trucks required to transport the production because, for each When the values are represented by an interval, this means that
period, the problem will have M trucks available. In practice, the the given value was chosen randomly and uniformly within
value of M is set by the company (as a parameter of the this range. In the process of generating the data to simulate the
problem), being equal to the number of trucks available in each seasonality of demand, a significant increase in demand was
period. If the fleet is considered unlimited, that is, there is no made every five periods, for this, the demand dit was multiplied
upper limit on the number of trucks that can be used in each by 1.5. The production capacity in each period was generated in
period, Model 4 remains valid but it is then necessary to obtain a way that it depended on setup and production times and the
an upper bound on the number of trucks.
It should be mentioned that, for the specific case of the
integrated model where there is only one production period and Table 1 Fixed data for the models
without any capacity constraints, the integrated lot sizing
problem with one-dimensional packing could be just seen as a sit 50
one-dimensional packing problem. According to Coffman et al hit+ 3
hit- 10
(1997), this problem is classified as NP-complete and, thus, this
bi 1
current integrated problem is also NP-complete. qi [10,30]
EDi [40,700]
EDi  3EDi 
2 ;
4. Computational analysis of the models dit 2

In this section, a computational analysis of the models is Pi [50,150]

FR 1/4
performed initially for Models 1, 2 and 3 that consider
Flavio Molina et al—MIP models for production lot sizing problems 1403

demand for each item, using the following formula: trucks are prohibitive, so that they will not be used on an
$Pn PT % optimal solution. Thus, the model is equivalent to the case
i¼1 j¼1 ðbi dij + qi Þ where we only have to decide the number and types of truck to
Capt ¼ t ¼ 1; ¼; T
αT be used, that is, without the decision whether to use the extra
trucks. Consider the following additional data for Model 3:
where α is a parameter to control the slack in capacity. The number of trucks K = 2, P′1 ∈ [40,80], P′2 ¼ 2 ´ P′1 , c1 = 50 and
maximum number of inexpensive pallets, in other words the 150 and c2 = 1,5 × c1.
value R, was calculated as the fraction of average demand
which is transported to the cost c1. The value of FR means that
4.1.1. Computational results: Models 1, 2 and 3. In the fol-
R should be generated so that for a fraction FR of the periods
lowing, we present some computational results of Models 1, 2
(for example, FR = 1/4), the demand must be below
P and 3. As the models capture different realities, our main aim
Rð ni¼1 Pi =nÞ. In this adaptation value for Model 2, we
in this section is to analyse the results of each model sepa-
considered the number of pallets that can be carried in the truck
rately. However, for convenience, the models were applied to
(P′), that is to say, R′ must be generated so that for a fraction solve examples of the same classes and for simplicity, their
FR = 1/4 of the periods, demand should be less than
P results are presented side by side in Tables 3 and 4. A runtime
R′½ð ni¼1 Pi Þ=nÞ=P′Þ. As Model 3 supposes different sizes of limit of 180s was arbitrarily chosen for solving each of these
trucks and smaller trucks are limited to R, in this case FR is examples. Although the models represent tactical decisions
interpreted as the fraction of periods when the demand is below
P problems, this (short) time limit seems to be acceptable in
R′½ð ni¼1 Pi Þ=P′k . practice as each model may have to be solved many times for
In addition to these data, there were four other data defining supporting managerial decisions (eg, performing different
the classes for specific data instances: number of items (n), sensitivity analysis of the input parameters, investigating dif-
number of periods (T), transportation costs (c1 and c2) and the ferent alternative scenarios and applying rolling time horizons
slackness control in capacity (α). Sixteen classes of problems implementations, in which a production-logistics plan is
were generated (classes 1,2,…,16) with numbers of items equal determined for the whole planning horizon but only the deci-
to 50 and 150, and numbers of periods equal to 20 and 50. For sions in initial time periods are implemented against uncer-
each of the sixteen classes, 50 instances were generated, which tainties in next periods). Table 3 shows the average results for
differ only by data that were generated randomly within the 16 × 50 = 800 instances in classes 1–16 for Models 1, 2 and 3.
predetermined ranges. Table 2 shows the dimensions of the The results were analysed according to:
classes of instances 1–16. It is worth noticing that the periods
are all of equal length and represent typically months. CT Computational time (in seconds) of AMPL/
In addition to the data generated for Model 1, in Model 2, P′ CPLEX.
was generated uniformly within the range [40,80] (ie, P′ ∈ GAP Value Gap = |LS − LI |/(e − 10 + |LS|) (calcu-
[40,80]). The rest of the data was kept the same as the data for lations made by the optimization package).
Model 1. Note that, now, the costs are for the number of trucks.
In Model 3, as mentioned earlier, a special adaptation of
Model 1 was considered, where the costs for the use of extra
For Model 1, note that we could not find a feasible solution
for a significant number of instances, and that, for all classes,
Table 2 Variable data for model 1 the optimization package used the maximum resolution time
#Item (n) #Period (T) α c1 c2 and did not prove the optimality of the solution, although it does
gets a small GAP for some classes. It can also be seen that the
Class 1 50 20 0.85 50 200 bigger the size of the problem (represented by the number of
Class 2 50 50 0.85 50 200 items and time periods), the greater the difficulty in obtaining
Class 3 150 20 0.85 50 200
Class 4 150 50 0.85 50 200 good solutions (see the GAP column). In addition, the increase
Class 5 50 20 1.00 50 200 in transportation costs (classes 9–16) also makes it difficult to
Class 6 50 50 1.00 50 200 solve the problem, probably due to a trade-off between higher
Class 7 150 20 1.00 50 200 setup costs and transportation costs.
Class 8 150 50 1.00 50 200 For Model 2, it can be seen that the package had less
Class 9 50 20 0.85 150 500
Class 10 50 50 0.85 150 500 difficulty solving these instances. In classes 1 and 9, the
Class 11 150 20 0.85 150 500 package proved optimality of the solution found for some
Class 12 150 50 0.85 150 500 instances (note that the average time is lower in these classes).
Class 13 50 20 1.00 150 500 The package found at least one feasible solution for all 800
Class 14 50 50 1.00 150 500 instances generated. Again, we can see that having a larger
Class 15 150 20 1.00 150 500
Class 16 150 50 1.00 150 500 number of items and periods, the package has more difficulty in
solving the problem (classes 8 and 16). Another observation in
14044 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 67, No. 11

Table 3 Results obtained by AMPL/CPLEX-computational time and GAP

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

CT(s) GAP(%) CT(s) GAP(%) CT(s) GAP(%)

Class G1 180.00 1.69 163.40 0.17 179.99 0.46

Class G2 180.00 1.91 180.00 0.59 180.00 0.69
Class G3 180.00 1.66 180.00 0.19 180.00 0.21
Class G4 180.00 3.66* 180.00 0.35 180.02 0.30
Class G5 180.00 3.83 180.00 0.70 180.00 1.73
Class G6 180.00 6.15 180.00 1.41 180.00 1.56
Class G7 180.00 7.25** 180.00 0.50 180.01 1.70
Class G8 180.00 — 180.00 15.51 180.03 12.53*
Class G9 180.00 2.92** 160.87 0.29 179.99 0.89
Class G10 180.00 3.47 180.00 1.11 179.99 1.35
Class G11 180.00 6.56*** 180.00 0.36 180.00 0.43
Class G12 180.00 — 180.00 0.63 180.01 0.60
Class G13 180.00 4.34 180.00 0.92 179.99 2.25
Class G14 180.00 — 180.00 2.07 180.00 2.14
Class G15 180.00 — 180.00 0.71 180.01 2.38
Class G16 180.00 — 180.00 21.01 180.03 22.98****
* Could not find a feasible solution for nine instances, which were removed for the determination of the average.
** Could not find a feasible solution for two instances, which were removed for the determination of the average.
*** Could not find a feasible solution for 48 instances, which were removed for the determination of the average.
**** Could not find a feasible solution for 49 instances, which were removed for the determination of the average.
— Unable to find a feasible solution to 50 instances.

Table 4 Results obtained by AMPL/CPLEX-number of nodes and We also did some additional computational tests with Model
cutting planes 1, increasing the time limit to 7200s (Table 5). This resulted
in the optimization package using all available time (7200s),
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
without proving the solution optimality. However, the GAP was
Average number of nodes 9805.117 19177.61 26486.07 significantly reduced when compared to the results for the 180-s
Average number of cutting planes 10827.53 10366.25 10389.13 time limit and, furthermore, with the additional time the
optimization package obtained a feasible solution for all classes
tested. Note that the average number of nodes in the tables
shows that the larger the number of variables, the smaller the
this table is related to the greater difficulty in solving some number of nodes. Considering that the average computational
instances with high transportation costs. time for each node is the same, the last column presents the
It can be seen that the package also had more difficulty computational time spent after finding the best solution. It is
solving some instances for Model 3, particularly in Classes 8 possible to see that in the classes with a smaller number of
and 16 (instances with more variables). For all the instances, the variables (G1,G5,G9 & G13), the optimization package spent
package used the time limit and no solution for any sample was more time trying to prove the optimality of the solution. Finally,
shown to be the optimal solution. the average number of cutting planes are bigger for classes with
We also analysed the average number of nodes of the a higher number of variables (G4,G8,G12 & G16).
enumeration tree and cutting planes that the computer package
used for each model and, as can be seen in Table 4, this
4.2. Computational analysis of the integrated lot sizing and
highlights the importance of cutting planes in the solution of
bin packing problem (one-dimensional case)
these models. In general, the package gets good initial solutions
through the generation of cutting planes, with up to 10% of This section tested the model of the integrated lot sizing with
GAP in the first solution (root node) of the instances in which a one-dimensional packing problem (Model 4). Initially there is a
feasible solution was found within the time limit. description of how the data for the experiments were generated
From the analysis of the results shown, we can conclude that and, subsequently, some computational results from the solu-
the optimization package is reasonably effective in solving the tion of the models by AMPL/CPLEX optimization package are
proposed Models 1, 2 and 3 for production lot sizing problems given, now with a 3600-s time limit due to the greater difficulty
with transportation cost. However, after the 180-s time limit, the in solving this model. To generate the data described in Table 6,
GAP is still relatively high for some classes and, particularly for such as the size of the items and size of trucks, the data
Model 1, the package had difficulty finding feasible solutions. described in Beasley (1990) was used.
Flavio Molina et al—MIP models for production lot sizing problems 1405

Table 5 Results obtained by AMPL/CPLEX—Model 1

GAP (%) Average number Average number Best node Computational time
of cutting planes of nodes (s) after best node

Class G1 0.22 3939 3153474 2528068 1467.59

Class G2 0.37 9797 1145678 1113116 210.32
Class G3 0.30 11666 979216 946611 246.39
Class G4 8.34 26737 276714 276654 1.60
Class G5 0.01 3952 691866 669197 235.91
Class G6 0.11 9022 220378 220324 1.78
Class G7 0.11 10802 153309 153269 1.87
Class G8 0.35 25284 57311 57254 7.17
Class G9 0.01 3707 2241601 2142791 317.37
Class G10 0.02 9369 691569 691481 0.92
Class G11 0.03 10972 578271 578221 0.62
Class G12 0.29 24944 179950 179894 2.26
Class G13 0.02 3894 470835 468779 31.43
Class G14 0.16 8619 111784 111724 3.83
Class G15 0.20 10741 102406 102349 4.04
Class G16 0.60 24089 31470 31374 21.89

Table 6 Fixed data for Model 4

N {5,10} The number of types of items in a problem is set at 5 or 10

{5,10} The number of time periods in a problem is set at 5 or 10
M Pn PT The number of trucks is obtained using the expression described in Section 3.4, with the value of
M¼ β wi dit
W β = 1,5
i¼1 t¼1
wi (20,100) The size of the items is randomly generated in the range of values 20–100
W 1000 The truck size is fixed at 1000
sit 100 The machine setup cost for the production of the items in the periods is equal to 100
hit+ 3 The inventory cost per unit per period is set at 3
c {100,150,200,400,3000} Transport costs are fixed at 100, 150, 200, 400 or 3000

The instances below are based on Beasley (1985), who used different numbers of types of items and time periods, in the
an average of 500 items for cutting and packing problems. following order: 5 × 5, 5 × 10, 10 × 5, and 10 × 10. The max-
Thus, we used an average demand of 100 items per period for 5 imum runtime limit (3600s) was used for all instances. OF is
periods or 50 items per period for instances with 10 periods. the value of the objective function.
Therefore, the values of n and T are smaller than those used in For the 5 × 5 instances, it can be seen that the optimization
the models of the previous sections. package used the maximum resolution time and, in general, did
As in previous models, some were fixed values and others not prove the optimality of the solutions but got GAPs smaller
were chosen randomly and uniformly in a range. For example, than 0.23%. Whereas for 5 × 10 instances, one can note that
the size of items wi was chosen randomly between 20 and 100. increasing the number of periods influenced the solution of the
The demand dit was randomly generated so that the sum of all problem. This is shown by the increase in the GAPs for
items in all the periods was equal to 500 (50–100 or item). For solutions found by the optimization package. Note that, in this
each demand and size of generated items, five instances were case, the GAPs obtained in the solution are higher than 1.2%.
generated, one for each shipping cost. Thus, the classification of The quality of the solution found by the optimization package
classes of these tests is defined as follows: class *.1 with was not influenced by the transport costs.
shipping cost c = 100, class *.2 with cost c = 150, class *.3 with When the number of types of items is increased and the time
cost c = 200, class *. 4 with c = 400 and class *.5 with c periods remain at 5 (10 × 5 instances), the optimization package
= 3000. The data related to the production capacity were produces lower quality solutions (column GAP) compared to
generated as described in Section 4.1 with α = 0.85. 5 × 5 instances. Comparing the quality of the solutions found in
the 5 × 10 and 10 × 5 instances, we note that increasing the
number of periods of the planning horizon further complicates
4.2.1. Computational results: Model 4. The results are the problem, when compared to the increase in the number of
shown in Table 7 according to the size of the problem, in other items. For the 10 × 10 instances, the optimization package
words, four sets of three columns are shown combining the found solutions with GAPs, on average, higher than those found
14064 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 67, No. 11

Table 7 Results of the tests—Model 4

Classes 5 × 5 5 × 10 10 × 5 10 × 10


1.1 5295 0.01 9596 1.44 12188 1.07 21142 3.41

1.2 6745 0.02 12514 1.56 15234 1.12 26738 2.14
1.3 8197 0.02 15434 2.06 18450 1.25 32715 3.17
1.4 14058 0.03 26768 1.87 27590 1.63 55696 3.19
1.5 89395 0.04 175164 2.18 168456 2.15 360058 4.46
2.1 6471 0.02 10981 1.84 14068 0.74 23226 1.69
2.2 7921 0.02 13881 2.70 16918 0.94 29048 2.30
2.3 9371 0.02 16781 2.13 19768 1.13 34869 2.57
2.4 15171 0.03 28381 3.15 31168 1.58 58408 3.54
2.5 89395 0.04 176681 2.30 179429 2.09 360528 3.95
3.1 5713 0.01 10012 1.38 13361 0.82 22028 1.33
3.2 7163 0.01 12896 1.22 16261 1.01 27808 1.55
3.3 8613 0.01 15808 1.28 19161 1.14 33518 1.49
3.4 14413 0.01 27267 1.42 30761 1.42 56631 1.85
3.5 91183 0.04 176095 1.79 179322 2.06 356878 3.07
4.1 3700 0.02 7305 3.34 7000 2.77 13935 2.98
4.2 5237 0.02 10314 3.74 9927 2.86 19835 2.80
4.3 6687 0.02 13260 4.07 12827 2.37 25654 2.40
4.4 12511 0.22 24842 2.37 24490 1.94 48847 1.78
4.5 88081 0.23 173663 1.93 172992 1.66 346921 2.01

in the smaller problems. Again, it was not possible to detect any solution. Regarding the lot sizing problem, a relevant extension
specific behaviour in solving this class of problems in relation includes the possibility of a setup carryover and crossover. The
to the differences in transportation costs. idea is to allow a setup state to be maintained from one period to
the next (setup carryover), or to allow that a setup operation can
be interrupted at the end of a period and resumed at the
beginning of the next period (setup crossover). An updated
5. Concluding remarks and future work version of the optimization solver will be used in these future
In this study, MIP models were given for lot sizing problems computational tests.
with production capacity constraints and distribution decisions
based on cargo unitization devices and under restrictions of
Acknowledgements —The authors thank the two anonymous reviewers for
weight limits, volume or value of cargo. The MIP models were their useful comments and suggestions. This research had the financial
solved using the CPLEX solver’s branch-and-cut method and support of CNPq and FAPESP (Process number 2010/10133-0, 2014/
the results show that these models can be used to support 01203-5 and 474782/2013-1).
integrated decisions in lot sizing and distribution of products in
some practical situations.
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