Grade 3 Mathematics Second Term Test
Grade 3 Mathematics Second Term Test
Grade 3 Mathematics Second Term Test
Grade 3 - Mathematics
1. Write the name of the shape from the box, how many sides and how
Name: ____________
Sides: ____________
Angles: ___________
Name: ____________
Sides: ____________
Angles: ___________
c. Name: ____________
Sides: ____________
Angles: ___________
D. Name: ____________
Sides: ____________
Angles: ___________
( 12 marks)
2. Circle the object that matches the name of the shape mentioned.
a. Rectangle: ◾ 🔲 ▌⬚
b. Circle: ⬣ ⬬ ⬡ ⚫
c. Triangle: △ ◆ ◗ ◰
d. Square: ⬛ ▌ ▅ ◥
(4 marks)
3. Draw in the boxes provided an open curve and closed curve.
( 4 marks)
= ______
b. = ______
c. = _______
(3 marks)
5. Shade the correct fraction of each and use >, < or = to compare the
(6 marks)
1. 5 + 3 = ____
9 9
2. 4 + 3 = ___
9 9
3. 6 + 4 = ____
8 5
4. 2 + 2 = _____
4 3
(8 marks)
a. 1 2 b. 8 x 2 = __________________
x 3
c. 30 x 5 = d. 2 3
x 1 2
(8 marks)
b. A paper clip is made from 10cm of wire.How much wire would I need for
6 paperclips? ______________
c. Kaytonae runs 3 miles a day. How much miles would she run in a
week? ____________
d. A bag of crisps holds 6 inside. How much would 6 bags hold ?
(8 marks)