Kempf 1997

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Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Vol. 7, No. 6, pp.

699-704, 1997
Pergamon © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd
All rights reserved. Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0960-894X(97)00080-2 0960-894X/97 $17.00 + 0.00



Dale J. Kempf,* Akhteruzzaman Molla, Kennan C. Marsh, Chang Park, A. David Rodrigues,
Marina Korneyeva, Sudthida Vasavanonda, Edith McDonald, Charles A. Flentge, Steven Muchmore,
Norman E. Wideburg, Ayda Saldivar, Art Cooper,t Warren M. Kati, Kent D. Stewart, and Daniel W. Norbeck

Pharmaceutical Products Division and Chemical & Agricultural Division f

Abbott Laboratories, D-47D, AP9A
100 Abbott Park Road, Abbott Park, IL 60064

Abstract. The biological and pharmacokinetic properties of the HIV protease inhibitor ritonavir and its D-valinyl
diastereomer, A-117673, were found to be indistinguishable. The X-ray crystal structure of the A-117673/HIV
protease complex demonstrated similar binding modes for the two inhibitors, with a ca 1 /k difference in the
backbone that allows the valine side chain of both compounds to project into the $2 subsite of the enzyme.
© 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The binding of most potent inhibitors of the aspartic proteinase encoded by the human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV protease) is specific with regard to the configuration at various stereocenters. Notable exceptions to
this trend include the lack of stereospecificity in the binding of C2-symmetry-based diaminodiols I and C-
terminally truncated hydroxyethylamines 2 to HIV protease. In both cases, distinct conformations of
diastereomeric inhibitors allow interaction of the hydroxyl group(s) with the catalytic aspartate residues. 2'3
Nonspecificity with regard to the configuration of hydrophobic P2 or P3 side chains in peptidomimetic HIV
protease inhibitors is, to our knowledge, unprecedented. Indeed, modified D-amino acids have been utilized
specifically to project the 'P2' side chain and ? 3 ' end group into the $3 and $2 subsites, respectively, thereby
inverting the peptidomimetic orientations.4 A lack of specificity has only been observed in nonpeptide, coumarin-
based inhibitors wherein the nature of the P2 and P3 groups are similar in length and hydrophobicity.5
Ritonavir (ABT-538) is an orally bioavailable HIV protease inhibitor6 that produces a profound decline in
plasma HIV RNA in HIV-infected individuals accompanied by a significant enhancement in CD4 cell levels.7'8
Ritonavir is highly potent (Ki = 15 pM) and specific for HIV protease.6 Thus, we were surprised to discover in
the course of evaluating diastereomeric structures for activity that A-117673, the D-valinyl diastereomer of
ritonavir, also displayed potent inhibition. Here we report that the antiviral and pharmacokinetic properties of A-
117673 are nearly indistinguishable from those of ritonavir. Further, we report the X-ray crystal structure of A-
117673 bound to HIV protease, which displays a binding mode similar to that of ritonavir.

O R 1 R2 H =/Pho
,, N NA
' ." 'o'.J '.
ritonavir (ABT-538): RI = i-Pr, R 2 = H
A-117673:R1 = H, R2 = i-Pr

700 D.J. KEMPFet al.

Table 1. Anti-HIV activity of A-117673 (n = 4, mean __S.D.).

EC5o (laM) CCIC5o (IxM)

Inhibitor (0% human plasma) (50% human plasma) (0% human plasma)
A-117673 0.12 + 0.03 0.88 + 0.48 27 +4

Ritonavir 0.09 + 0.03 1.07 + 0.31 35 + 10

The inhibitory potency of A-117673 against purified, recombinant HIV-1 protease was evaluated using a
fluorogenic substrate. 9 The inhibitor served as an active site titrant, displaying 76.7% inhibition at 0.5 nM. In the
same experiment, ritonavir showed 74.4% inhibition at the same concentration. The antiviral activity of A- 117673
was evaluated against HIV-13B in MT4 cells using cytopathic effect as an endpoint. A direct comparison with
ritonavir (n = 4) is shown in Table 1. Within experimental error, the activity of A-117673 was indistinguishable
to that of ritonavir, both in the absence and presence of human serum, which is known to compromise the in vitro
activity of some protease inhibitors.10
We next examined the pharmacokinetic properties of A-117673 in rats and dogs. The plasma
concentrations of A-117673 and ritonavir following a 10 mg/kg (rats) or 5 mg/kg (dogs) oral dose are shown in
Fig. 1. Pharmacokinetic parameters following a 5 mg/kg dose in three species are provided in Table 2. In both
rat and dog, the pharmacokinetic properties of A-117673 were comparable or superior to that of ritonavir. In the
monkey, the oral bioavailability and Cmax of ritonavir were higher. In all three species, the pharmacokinetic
profile of A-117673 was characterized by efficient absorption and prolonged maintenance of plasma
concentrations, the latter of which is associated with a reduced rate of resistance emergence in vivo. 11

Ritonavir (Rat)
----w-- A-117673 (Rat)
- - - t - - . Ritonavir (Dog)
~ ~ - - - ' ' - " A-117673 (Dog)
~ ~ _

.01 , , , , , . "'~¢ ,
0 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 10
Hours after Dosing

Fig. 1. Mean (+ S.E.M.) plasma concentrations of A-117673 (n = 2 - 3) and ritonavir (n = 5 - 7) in rats and
dogs following a 10 mg/kg or 5 mg/kg oral dose, respectively.
Binding of ritonavir to HIV protease 701

Table 2. Pharmacokinetic properties of A-117673.

Species Dose (5 mg/kg) Property A- 117673 Ritonavir

Rat IV TI/2 1.8 0.66
Clp 0.47 1.04
Oral Cmax 2.99 (0.22) 1.36 (0.16)
AUC 19.03 (0.25) 3.53 (0.50)
F 86.2 (1.13) 70.7 (10.0)
Dog IV TI/2 1.41 1.07
Clp 0.36 0.22
Oral Cmax 2.36 (0.94) 3.58 (0.72)
AUC 6.06 (3.21) 8.06 (1.93)
F 42.5 (22.5) 37.4 (9.5)
Monkey IV T1/2 0.63 2.26
Clp 1.10 0.67
Oral Cmax 0.56 (0.22) 1.08 (0.30)
AUC 1.07 (0.46) 2.57 (0.77)
F 21.8 (9.3) 29.9 (7.1)
Values are expressed as mean (standard error). T1/2: terminal phase half-life (hours); Clp: clearance (;
Cmax: maximum plasma concentration following oral dosing (~tg/mL); AUC: area under the plasma concentration
curve (~tg.h/mL); F: oral bioavailability (%).

The favorable pharmacokinetic profile of ritonavir is associated with potent inhibition of cytochrome P450
(CYP), the major oxidative enzymes in the liver and intestine. 12'13 We compared the spectroscopic interaction of
A-117673 and ritonavir with cytochrome P450 in human liver microsomal preparations. 14 Both inhibitors elicited
identical 'Type II' difference spectra (wavelength maxima and minima at 424 nm and 395 nm, respectively),
indicating that each is able to interact directly with the CYP heine via the unhindered 5-thiazolyl nitrogen atom. 12
Both compounds also inhibited the terfenadine hydroxylase activity representing the most abundant form of
cytochrome P450 (CYP3A4) present in human liver with an IC50 of 0.25 I.tM. Taken together, these results
suggest that coadministration of other HIV protease inhibitors with A-117673 might significantly enhance the
plasma levels of those inhibitors in a manner similar to that observed after coadministration with ritonavir. 12
The above results indicate that the biological and pharmacokinetic properties of A-117673 and ritonavir are
equivalent. If, however, the binding of each inhibitor to the active site of HIV protease were distinct, the activity
of each against resistant HIV mutants might be expected to differ, offering the prospect of combination therapy
using both diastereomers. We therefore examined the activity of A-117673 against mutant HIV strains from
patients undergoing monotherapy with ritonavir 11 (Table 3). Although minor differences between the two
inhibitors were noted (e.g. in the activity against the V82F and V82S mutant strains), the significant loss of
activity against the multiply mutated (M36I,I54V,A71V,V82T) strain from patient 129 suggested that viral strains
with high level resistance to ritonavir 11 would be substantially cross-resistant to A-117673.
702 D.J. KEMPF e t al.

Table 3. Activity of A-117673 against HIV selected during ritonavir therapy.

ECso (nM)
Patient No. Viral G-enotypea A- 1 1 7 6 7 3 Ritonavir
302 baseline 46 23
302 V82A 43 32
313 baseline 35 35
313 V82F 43 123
337 baseline 19 35
337 V82S 22 143
304 baseline 35 19
304 M36M/I, V82V/A 59 54
129 baseline 5 5
129 M36I, I54V, A71V, V82T 25 65
aVariation in HIV protease from the consensus B sequence that did not pre-exist
in the baseline sequence.

We further examined the activity of A-117673 against HIV molecular clones containing the initial
mutations in HIV protease selected by ritonavir monotherapy11 (Table 4). The 2- to 3-fold loss of susceptibility
of each mutant to A-117673 was similar to that observed with ritonavir, again suggesting a significant level of
cross resistance between the two agents.

Table 4. Activity of A-117673 against mutant HIV molecular clones.

EC50 (~Vl)
VIRUS A-117673 Ritonavir
wt (pNL4-3) 0.137 0.055
V82A 0.121 0.230
V82F 0.276 0.308
V82T 0.352 0.316

The high degree of similarity in the activity of A-117673 and ritonavir toward both wild-type and mutant
HIV suggested that the binding modes for the two compounds to the HIV protease active site were not dissimilar
in spite of the different configuration at the P2 valinyl group. The preliminary X-ray crystal structure of A-
117673 bound to HIV protease was solved at 1.8/~ resolution (P61). An overlay of the two inhibitors and a
close-up of the P2 valinyl units of A-117673 and ritonavir (2.0/~, P61) are shown in Fig. 2a and 2b. In spite of
the opposite configuration at the valine s-carbon, the t~ and cpangles of the valine residue of the two inhibitors are
similar (-95 and +82 for ritonavir and -108 and +58 for A-117673, respectively). A c a 1-1.3/~ shift of the
backbone of A-117673 relative to ritonavir permits both inhibitors to project the valine side chain into the
hydrophobic P2 subsite. The isopropyl side chain of each compound adopts a low-energy conformation with the
two methyl groups anti to either the Cct-N or Ca-CO backbone bonds. As a result, corresponding methyl groups
Binding of ritonavir to HIV protease 703


between the two inhibitors are <0.6/~ apart when overlaid. Importantly, the three hydrogen bonding interactions
observed between ritonavir and HIV protease in the $2 subsite region are preserved in the A-117673 complex: (1)
the valine carbonyl oxygen accepts a hydrogen bond from H20 301, (2) the valine NH donates a hydrogen bond
to the Gly 48 carbonyl oxygen, and (3) the urea carbonyl oxygen accepts a hydrogen bond from Asp 29 NH. No
significant differences in the positions of the enzyme $2 subsite residues were noted between the two structures;
thus, A-117673 does not induce a conformational change in the enzyme upon binding. In summary, A-117673
binds remarkably similarly to the canonical backbone conformation orientation observed for many peptide- or C2
symmetry-based inhibitors, with the above described departure in the $2 subsite. The P3 isopropylthiazolyl
group of A-117673 is only minimally displaced relative to that of ritonavir, preserving a significant interaction
704 D.J. KEMPF et al.

with Va182. Figure 2c shows the hydrophobic interaction of both isopropyl groups with the side chain of Val 82,
which is associated with the high potency of ritonavir against wild-type HIV protease. 6 The similarity in the
position of this isopropyl group between the two inhibitors is consistent with the similar profile of both toward
V82 mutants.
In summary, A-117673, the D-valinyl isomer of ritonavir, displays biological and pharmacokinetic
properties that are indistinguishable from those of ritonavir. Comparison of the X-ray structures of both inhibitors
in the active site of HIV protease illustrates two similar binding modes that project the P2 side chain of each into
the same location. The overall similarity of the two structures is unprecedented in peptidomimetic HIV protease
inhibitors, and is consistent with the similar profiles of the two agents against mutant HIV.

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(Received in USA 2 December 1996; accepted 7 February 1997)

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