Me304 Dynamics of Machinery, May 2022
Me304 Dynamics of Machinery, May 2022
Me304 Dynamics of Machinery, May 2022
B.Tech 56 (S,FE) Exam May 2022 (2015 Scheme)
Figure I
2 u) Explain the virnrar work methori of static force anarysis.
b) Find the torque to be applied on link 2 for the static equilibrium
of the four-bar (7)
cm, AB : l5 cm,
mechanism shown in Fig. 2. The rink dimensions are: ouA: l0
OaB : 15 cm, AM: 7 cm,O+N:8 cm, Oz0+:25 cm. The loads
on links 3 and,4
are Pl : Pr:T000 N.
Figure 2
3a) State and explain D'Alembert's principle (2)
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b) Determine-the magnitude and location of the equivalent offset inertia force ftting (8)
on the connecting rod (link 3) of the mectranism shown in Fig,3. The crank (link
2) has a constant angular velocityof 100 radls in counter clockwise direqtion. The
mass of the connecting rod is 0.2k9 and the moment of inertia about the centre of
mass Gr is 300 kg mm2. OB:40 mm, BC: 100 mm, BGI:50 mm.
Figure 3
4 a) For the gears shown in Fig. 4, gear A (driver) rotates at 1000 rpm clockwise and (7)
delivers 30 kw.'of pou,,er. Ge-arA has a-moduie oi l0 mm, a pressure angei of 20'
and 35 teeth while gear B has 45 teeth and C has 60 teeth. Draw fiee body diagram
ofeach gear and calculate the forces acting on the gears and their shafts.
Figure 4
b)Draw a helical gear and mark ttre following parameters: normal pressure anglc. (3)
transverse pressure angle. normal pitch. transverse pitch, helix angle. radial force.
tangential force and axial force.
Answer any threefull questions, each carries 10 marks.
5a) E;pression for the centrifugal stress in a flywheel as a function of its (3)
linear velocity.
b) The effective turning moment exerted by two stroke engine at a crank shaft is (7)
represented by I - 5000 + 1009 siruZ9 - 1000 cos20 (N-m) where 0 is the
inclination of the crank at inner dea<i centre. The mass of flywheel is 500 kg and
its radius of gyration is 60 cm. The engine speed is 500 rpm. Assuming extemal
resistance as constant, determine: i) the power developed and ii) percentage
fluctuation of speed.
Four masses A, B, C and D are completely balanced. Masses C and D make angles (10)
of 90" and 210' respectively with B in the same sense. The planes containing B
and C are 300 mm apart. Masses A, B, C and D can be assumed to be concentrated
at radii of 360, 480,240 and 300 mm respectively. The masses B, C and D are 1 5
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position >
kg,2lkg and 20 kgrespe"ii*ty. Determine (i) the mass A and its angular
and (ii) the position of planes A.and D.
a) Derive the expression for gyroscopic couple. (3)
b) A ship has a rotor of mass 3 tonnes rotating at 2500 rpm with a radius of gyration (7)
of 30 cm. If the rotation of the motor is clockwise looking from the stem calculate
the gyroscopic couple that is set on the ship by the rotor when
(i) the ship takes a left hand turn with a radius of 400 metres at a speed of 50
(it pitching off the bow at an angular velocity of 2 rad/s
(iii) ship rolls due to the wave with the velocity of 0.1 radls
8a) For a four wheeler negotiating a curve show the reactions due to gyroscopic (3)
couple, centrifugal couple and weight of the vehicle that act on all the wheels.
b) The mass of a motorcycle with its rider is 250 kg. The centre of gravity of the (7)
,f systern is 0.8 m above the ground when the machine is in vertical position. Each
wheel has a mass of i0 kg-wittr-aradiu-s of 0.3 m. The engine rotates at 6 tirnestlrE
speed of road wheels, and in the same sense. The mass moment of inertia of engine
is 1.6 kg *t. Calculate the angle of heel that is required so that the motorcycle
won't skiti at a speed of 80 kmrh when it describes a curve of 50 m.
fnswter anyfourfull questions, eaclt carries 10 marks.
9a) Determine the natural frequency of a spring mass pulley system shown in Fig.4 (5)
using energy method. Io is the moment of inertia of the pulley about its centroid, r
is its radius, m is the suspended mass and k is the stiffrress of the spring.
Figure 4'. -*;
b) Distinguish between force transmissibility and displacement transmissibility. (3)
10 a) Derive an expression for the logarithmic decrement of an undamped single degree (4)
of freedom system.
b) Derivd an expression for the forced response of an undamped system subjected to (6)
a harmonic force.
ll a) Distinguish between Coulomb damping and viscous damping. (2)
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b) A reciprocating pump 200 kg is driven through a belt by an electric motor at 3000 * (8)
rpm. The pump is mounted on isolators with total stiffiress 5 MN/m and damping
3.l2ikl.Is/m. Determine the iibratory amplitude of the pump at the running speed
due to fundamental harmonic force of I kN. Also, determine the maximrlm
vibratory amplitude when the pump is switched on and the motor speed passes
through resonant condition.
t2 a) Determine the whirling speed of a shaft of 25 mm diameter and 0.8 m long with a (7)
mass of I kg placed at mid span, simply supported on short bearings at ends. The
density of the shaft material is 50 gl"^t and Young's modulus is 2x 10rl Pa.
b) Explain i) vibration isolators and ii) vibration absorbers. (3)
l3 a) With neat sketches explain the working of a i) seismometer and ii) vibration exciter (7)
b) What do you mean by eigenvalues and eigen vectors in the case of a multi degree (3)
freedom vibrating system?
,f t4 a) What do you mean by a torsionally equivalent shaft? (3)
b) Find the narural frequency of torsional vibration of the system shown in Fig. 5. (7)
Shaft connecting rotors A and C is of 45 mm diameter, whereas that connecting
rotors C and B is of 40 mm diameter. Mass moments of inertia of A, C and ts
are 50, 100 and 75 kgrn2 respectively. The modulus of rigidity, G: 84 x l0e N/m2.
Rotors A B rotate in the same direction, while C rotates in opposite direction.
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Figure 5
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