Comparative Study of Howland Current
Comparative Study of Howland Current
Comparative Study of Howland Current
th th
4 Houda Ben-Jmeaa Derbel 5 Olfa Kanoun
Electrical Department Professorship for Measurement and
National Engineering School of Sfax Sensor Technology,
Sfax, Tunisia Technische Universität Chemnitz
Email: [email protected] Chemnitz, Germany
Email: [email protected]
Abstract—Embedded bioimpedance devices are in high should fulfil the following requirements: maximum
demand for the improvement of the healthcare systems. current of 1 mA to ensure patient safety, stable current
These devices require an accurate and stable current over a wide frequency range up to 1 MHz and high
source with a high output impedance in the frequency
range from 5 kHz to 1 MHz for a load range from 100
output impedance in the range of 1 MΩ at 1 MHz. The
Ω to 10 kΩ. The output impedance should be higher Howland circuit has been widely used for medi- cal
than 10 MΩ at 5kHz and 1 MΩ at 1 MHz. In this paper, applications and bioimpedance analysis for tissue
a comparison between the inverting single configuration characterization, because of its simplicity and good
and the inverting dual configuration of the Howland performance comparing to other current sources [9],
current source is dis- cussed. For the evaluation of the
circuit performances, two parameters are considered: [10]. In fact, it is based on operational amplifiers
resistor configurations and amplifier characteristics. The matched with some resistors. The Howland circuits can
results shows that the inverting dual configuration using be split into two configurations: single and dual
the operational amplifier AD8021 with a very high configuration. The single configuration of the Howland
bandwidth has the highest output impedance values current source uses a single operational amplifier
(higher than 1 MΩ at 1 MHz).
connected with five resistors and generated with a
Index Terms—Bioimpedance spectroscopy, Howland
current source, output impedance, resistor configura- voltage source connected to the inverting input of the
tion, amplifier characteristics. amplifier. The main advantage is that it has both positive
and negative feedbacks. The main drawback of the basic
I. INTRODUCTION Howland circuit is the waste of power consumption
Biomedical devices are implemented for the di- introduced by the input resistor. To solve this problem
agnosis of many diseases such as cancer tumours [1], another configuration is proposed [11] by splitting the
[2], lung edema [3], [4] and meningitis [5] and the positive feedback resistor of classic Howland into two
characterization of the patholoical status of patients resistors. There- fore, the power consumption of the
[6]. Embedded bioimpedance devices are based on input resistor is reduced. The single configuration is
bioimpedance spectroscopy technique [7]. This used due to its simplicity and accuracy [11]–[13]. The
technique is non-invasive, fast, cost effective [8] and inverting single configuration using the operational
can be implemented as alternative of complicated amplifier LT1037 fulfils the output impedance and
and expensive biomedical methods such as X-ray, reaches 1 MΩ at 1MHz [11]. While the output
magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound. One of impedance for the non-inverting configuration fails to
the important component for the portable biomedical reach high output impedance at 1 MHz using the
device is the current source. The excitation signal operational amplifiers THS4021 and AD825 [12], [14].
In the dual configuration, an operational amplifier is
added in the feedback as a voltage follower. The main
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aim of this configuration is to improve the output In order to get a very high output impedance, the
impedance of the current source. In [11], the output denominator of the equation (2) should be very low
impedance increased by 0.6 M from the inverting (almost equal to zero). The balance condition for
single configuration to the inverting dual configura- this configuration can be written as follows:
tion using the same amplifier and the same balance
condition. Moreover, the inverting dual configuration
R4R3 = R1(R2a + R2b) (3)
developed by [15] using AD8021 reaches 60 M at 5
kHz and more than 1 M at 1 MHz.
The aim of this work is to design a current source Table I illustrates three cases of resistors with
with a high output impedance that can deliver a respect of the balance condition (Eq. 3) to study
precise electrical current over wide frequency range the influence of the resistors values on the
up to 1 MHz. The simulation and comparison of the output impedance [17].
inverting single configuration and the inverting dual
configuration are evaluated using selected oper-
ational amplifiers from literature, AD8021, LT1037 TABLE I: Resistor configurations
and AD825. Three cases of resistor balance R R
Resistor [k ] R1=R2 R4 2a 2b
condition are considered. Four parameters are Case 1 6 3 1 2
considered for evaluation of both circuits: output Case 2 10 10.5 4.5 6
impedance, output current, error and flatness. Case 3 30 3.5 0.5 3
out 1 2b 1 2a 4 3
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Single Configuration/ AD8021 Single Configuration/ LT1037 Single configuration/ Rload=200 Single configuration/ Rload=10 k
60 30 160 160
Case 1 Case 1
55 Case 2 28 Case 2
Case 3 Case 3
26 150 140
45 140 120
40 20
130 100
current in M
Output current in M
in A
in A
O ut put c ur r en
O ut put c ur r ent
30 120 80
110 60
20 10
15 100 40
AD825 AD825
6 AD8021 AD8021
10 LT1037 LT1037
4 90 20
0 0 80 0
4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency in Hz Frequency in Hz Frequency in Hz Frequency in Hz
Case 1
Case 2
Fig. 3: Output current simulation for single configu-
Case 3
Output e
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B. Dual configuration of Howland current source 300
Dual Configuration/ AD8021
Case 1
Dual Configuration/ LT1037
Case 1
280 Case 2 280 Case 2
Case 3 Case 3
260 260
240 240
220 220
200 200
180 180
Output current in M
Output current in M
160 160
100 100
60 60
0 0
4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
in M
Outpu curren
0 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10
Frequency in Hz
Fig. 5: Output impedance simulation for dual
config-uration using three resistors cases with
three selected operational amplifiers (a)
AD8021 (b) LT1037 (c) AD825
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Dual configuration/ Rload=200
Dual configuration/ Rload=10 k TABLE V: Output impedance for different
155:8 155:5
amplifier in case 3
155 Single configuration Dual configuration
Amplifier [k ] [k ]
155:2 5 kHz 1 MHz 5 kHz 1 MHz
Output current in A
Output current in A
155 AD8021 52 340 2 840 290 530 16 780
154:8 153:5
LT1037 29 293 77.17 280 950 601.84
153 AD825 5 448.8 29.01 8 695.5 43.35
6 In the biomedical field, obtaining stable and accu-
rate voltage controlled current source requires high
Frequency in Hz Frequency in Hz
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Title: Comparative Study of Howland Current Source Configurations for Accurate Biomedical Devices
Authors: Hanen Nouri, Emna Ben Ayed, Dhouha Bouchaala, Houda Ben-Jmaa Derbel and Olfa Kanoun
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