Happy: D.R. ® 2020 Organización Harmon Hall, A.C. 1

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Intermediate Course: 16 Unit: 10 Day: 4 Lesson: D FFI

Rising stars
Lesson Learning Objective:
By the end of the class, students will be able to:
• Read an article about child stars
• Write a profile of a successful person

Identify that writers often use pronouns like some, others, and many to refer back to nouns
that appear earlier and to avoid repeating the same noun. This helps Ss follow the text
more easily. Structure paragraphs around topic and supporting sentences. Topic sentences
typically state a main idea or theme and are followed by supporting sentences that add
more information to, or give examples of, the idea in the topic sentence.

Important considerations:
• Encourage Ss to scan the text.
• Elicit information from students.
• Check the understanding of difficult aspects of the target language after the presentation
of new grammar and vocabulary items.
• Please, keep in mind that after presenting grammar or vocabulary, you should move
on to a practice stage in which students ask and answer questions.
• Insist on getting long/complete answers.
• Keep to a 50/50 teacher/student participation.

How to solve problems arising in class:

Refer to your Teacher Guide to get valuable tips on classroom management.

Previous preparation/Materials needed

Markers & eraser, Student’s Book, CD Player, CD 4
Course 16. Unit 10. Lesson D: Rising Stars

Activity Procedure Grouping Material Time

1 Homework 1. Check homework. Total class 10’/10’
review HW: Student’s Book p.102, Ex. 1D. Have Ss
match the problems and advice.

If most of the Ss have arrived, start with the class so

as to motivate Ss to arrive early to class
2 Warmer 1. Ask, “Can you guess what a rising star is?” get Total class 10’/20’
ideas from Ss.

2. Then have Ss brainstorm some actors who are

rising stars.

D.R. ® 2020 Organización Harmon Hall, A.C. 1

3 Brainstorm 1. Write on the board: Teams Board 10’/30’
child star

2. Ask, “What is a child star?” get ideas from the


3. Divide the class into two teams. Have teams

make two lines in front of the board. Divide the
board into two sections, one for each team.

4. Write these two headings:

common child, child star

5. Assign one category to each team. Have teams

write ideas about how the lives of the children
are. For example:
common child: they usually attend school
child star: they have private tutors

6. Have Ss present their ideas to the rest of the

4 Preview 1. Reading Tip: Explain that writers often use Total class SB p.104 5’/35’
the reading words like some, others, and many to avoid
repeating the same noun. Tell Ss they should
learn to recognize that when a writer uses
pronouns like these, we sometimes have to go
back to see what noun they refer to.

2. Student’s Book p.104. Have Ss read the title of

the article and look at the photos. Have Ss say
who the actors in the photos are and name
some of their movies.
5 Reading 1. Ask Ss to read and write down a definition for Individual SB p.104 10/45’
child star syndrome as they read. Ask Ss to write work
two ways each actor in the article coped with it.

2. Ss do the reading and take notes.

Pair work
3. After Ss finish, have them work in pairs and
compare their ideas.
Total class
4. Then check answers with the class.
6 Short Class 1. Have Ss share the most interesting thing they Total class 10’/55’
Discussion learned about these stars. Have a short class
7 Vocabulary 1. Have Ss find these words and expressions in Pair work Board 8’/63’
Activity the reading.
under the scrutiny of the media, balance,
blockbuster, focus, barely, roles, secured

D.R. ® 2020 Organización Harmon Hall, A.C. 2

2. Open the following study set or have Ss open it HAPPY
on HAPPY. Use it to present the vocabulary. Tell
Ss to use the context to guess the meanings.
Course 16. Unit 10. Lesson D: Rising Stars

3. Check answers with the class.

Total class
8 Speaking Game: Who? Teams 7’/70’

Game 1. Divide the class into two teams. Teams take

turns presenting clues. One student thinks of
the name of a celebrity and gives clues, perhaps
including some movies the celebrity made. The
other students try to guess the celebrity.

2. Give one point to the team if they guess the

celebrity. The winner is the team that gets
more points.
9 Speaking 1. Have Ss work in pairs. Ask them to come up Pair work Notebook 6’/76’
Activity with a definition for success. Ss discuss their
ideas and write a definition.
Total class
2. A few Ss give their definition of success and
reasons why.
10 Listening 1. Ss will listen to four people talk about success. Individual Board 5’/81’
Ask, “What does success mean to them?” Write work
on the board this chart and have Ss complete it Notebook
with the information they hear.
Track 4.8

2. Play CD 4 Track 8. Ss listen and write their


3. Check answers with the class. Total class

11 Listening 1. Ss listen to the recording and answer these Individual Track 4.8 6’/87’
questions: “Do they think they have achieved work
success? Why do they think they are or aren’t Notebook

2. Play CD 4 Track 8. Ss listen and write a couple

of words to help them remember the reasons.
Pause the recording after each conversation to
give the Ss time to write.

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3. Play the recording again. Ss listen and review
their answers. Ss write the reasons as complete
sentences. Total class

4. Check answers with the class.

12 Writing 1. Write on the board: Total class Board 6’/93’
Tip topic sentences
supporting sentences

2. Elicit from Ss if they know what the meanings

or purposes of these sentences are. Elicit ideas
from Ss. Make sure they understand that topic
sentences state an idea or a theme; and
supporting sentences add more information or
give examples.

3. Student’s Book p.105. Have a student read the SB p.105

example paragraph aloud. Have Ss identify the
topic and supporting sentences in the
13 Writing 1. Ss think of someone they know who has Individual Notebook 10’/103’
achieved success in some way. Have them make work
a list of reasons why he or she became Board

2. Have Ss write a paragraph about him or her.

You might want to write these questions on the
board to help guide Ss:
In what way is the person successful?
What challenges did he or she face along the
How did he or she handle the challenges?
How did the challenges change or inspire
this person?

3. Monitor Ss’ work closely and help as needed.

4. When Ss finish, have them work in small Small

groups and read their articles. Group members groups
decide which people faced the biggest
challenges and which stories they find
Total class
5. If there’s enough time. Each group chooses one
story to read aloud to the class.
14 Homework 1. Ask Ss to write a paragraph about a famous Individual Notebook
person. Tell them to write a strong topic work
sentence and add more information and details
in supporting sentences.

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2. Remind Ss to practice the corresponding study
set(s) on HAPPY.
**Each activity has a suggested time. You may adjust the time as needed.

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