Green Teeth Resulting From Neonatal Hyperbilirubin
Green Teeth Resulting From Neonatal Hyperbilirubin
Green Teeth Resulting From Neonatal Hyperbilirubin
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Case report/Kazuistyka
Article history: In general, cosmetic changes or painful disorders often lead parents to seek dental care
Received: 05.11.2014 for their children. Several systemic disorders in pediatric patients can produce dental
Accepted: 11.12.2014 alterations. One of the manifestations of these disorders is the elevated serum level of
Available online: 23.12.2014 bilirubin (hyperbilirubinemia), a product of hemoglobin degradation, which is deposited
in mineralized and soft tissues. The aim of this article is to report a case of green teeth
Keywords: affecting all deciduous teeth in a 3-year-old girl. The patient was taken to see the dentist
Hyperbilirubinemia by their parents due to the presence of green pigmentation in the teeth. During birth, the
Dental enamel patient suffered a traumatic injury that resulted in hyperbilirubinemia. This kind of ena-
Deciduous teeth mel pigmentation is permanent and occurred during the period of dental development.
Tooth discoloration © 2015 Published by Elsevier Sp. z o.o. on behalf of Polish Pediatric Society.
* Corresponding author at: School of Dentistry – Department of Stomatology, Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR, Rua Prefeito
Lothário Meissner 632, Jardim Botånico, 80170-210 Curitiba-PR, Brazil. Tel.: +55 41 33604050; fax: +55 41 33604134.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.A.S. de Lima).
0031-3939/© 2015 Published by Elsevier Sp. z o.o. on behalf of Polish Pediatric Society.
156 pediatria polska 90 (2015) 155–160
analysis revealed a green line parallel to the incremental bilirubin showed clinically the time of injury to the tooth
lines of dentin. These authors analyzed the deciduous germ by the incorporation of these substances to the
canine of a child with a history of biliary atresia and enamel [12, 31].
congenital hyperbilirubinemia at birth that showed that the In this case, the patient report presented different levels
tooth were colored brown in the middle of the crown to half of pigmentation of deciduous teeth. The crowns of the
of the root. The other case was a boy of 7 years of age with central and lateral incisors were more affected as half of
a history of hemolytic anemia and hyperbilirubinemia at 18 their crowns were affected. The pigmentation was observed
months of life showed total bilirubin levels 20–60 mg/dL. involving only half of the crown of the molars. Moreover,
The upper central incisors and lateral incisors had a change canine teeth were the least affected. As calcification of the
of color of green. Furthermore, this color change reached permanent dentition has its beginning from birth, the
half incisal of the dental crown. These findings were similar possibility of dental pigmentation affecting the permanent
to those observed in primary teeth of children of this report. teeth, especially the first molar, has not been ruled out.
The normal color of teeth is determined by the shades of High serum bilirubin levels favor the deposition of the
blue, green and pink of the enamel and is reinforced by product of hemoglobin degradation in many tissues, inclu-
shades of brown or yellow dentin below. Metabolic diseases ding soft tissue and mineralized tissues. When hyperbiliru-
and systemic factors can affect the development of teeth binemia occurs during dental development, the teeth can
and cause tooth discoloration, such as: alkaptonuria, eryth- develop a green color due to the bilirubin deposition. This
ropoietic porphyria congenital, amelogenesis imperfecta, intrinsic pigment keeps teeth permanently pigmented. The
dentinogenesis imperfecta, tetracycline stain, and congenital blood vessels of the dental follicle are the source of
hyperbilirubinemia. However, the teeth do not show morp- nutrients for the ameloblasts to synthesize the tooth
hological changes [9]. The patient in this case report had enamel [32]. Thus, the pigmentation of the tooth is most
green teeth and areas of enamel hypoplasia. Despite these likely the result of the pigment passing through the
changes, the teeth remained preserved in its form. bloodstream to ameloblasts and, then, to the tooth enamel.
The areas of enamel hypoplasia observed in the crown of Bilirubin is a yellow pigment. However, when this pigment
the anterior teeth may be associated with systemic factors undergoes oxidation it becomes a green pigment otherwise
and intubation, because the child remained intubated for 12 called biliverdin. In the past, it was believed that the
days. The literature reveals that tracheal intubation in the accumulation of this pigment was responsible for the green
neonatal period can cause enamel hypoplasia [14, 15]. teeth associated with hyperbilirubinemia. However, a study
The occurrence of hyperbilirubinemia in childhood is an developed by Shibata et al. [33] proved that the green color
important fact because the consequences of this systemic comes from the accumulation of bilirubin and not of
disorder can seriously compromise the color of teeth. The biliverdin.
first report of case about green teeth associated with The correct diagnosis for the cause of dental discolora-
jaundice was performed by Weyers [16] in 1956. Since then, tion is important as, invariably, it has a profound effect on
the dental literature shows some reports of patients who treatment outcomes. According to Shibata et al. [33], the
developed green teeth associated to neonatal hyperbilirubi- diagnosis of bilirubin pigmentation is usually based on
nemia [17–28]. a clinical history of jaundice combined with the green
It is known that the location and extent of pigmentation coloration. Therefore, it would seem reasonable that health
tooth corresponds to the period of tooth formation [28]. In care providers have an understanding of the etiology of
this case report, the patient presented dental pigmentation tooth discoloration in order to diagnose and recommend
in the crown of all deciduous teeth. These dental changes a more appropriate treatment.
corresponded to the period when she was admitted to the Actually, cosmetic dentistry is presented as a source to
Intensive Care Unit. Normally, deciduous tooth calcification meet the esthetic and functional wishes of patients and
process begins in the 4th month of intrauterine life and professionals. The tooth whitening is a technique used to
finishes 11 months after birth. The dental crown of incisors solve the esthetics of discolored teeth. It can be performed for
is completely formed 1 month after birth and the canines both vital and non-vital teeth. Various chemicals such as 35%
and molars after 6 months [29]. According to current hydrogen peroxide, carbamide peroxide and sodium perbo-
knowledge, enamel mineralization proceeds in 2 steps. At rate and others are employed [34]. In general, the esthetic
first, ameloblasts secrete a protein matrix in which hydro- result of whitening of natural teeth has a better result when
xyapatite crystals are deposited up to a concentration of compared to the restoration or resin crowns. In this case, the
about 25%. In a second step, the enamel maturation, enamel natural appearance of the enamel is more esthetic in relation
matrix proteins are degraded and resorbed almost comple- to restorative materials. The first reports of tooth whitening
tely, while hydroxyapatite crystals grow in thickness, until in primary teeth indicate the use of carbamide peroxide 10%
the enamel attains a mineral content of about 95%. Conse- for treatment of dental fluorosis. This technique requires
quences of this formation in 2 stages are also evident in the a high level of adherence of the patient and the esthetic
wisdom teeth showing crown pigmentation [30]. result does not always guarantee long treatment time due to
Enamel formation can be disrupted during the course of the limited life of these teeth [35].
a systemic disorder, and all the teeth that form in this Moreover, some adverse effects of the tooth whitening
period may be marked by bands of enamel malformed. may occur, such as: the external root resorption and dentin
After healing of illness, the formation of normal enamel sensitivity [36]. According to Lee et al. [37], the use in
is restored again. Disorders induced by tetracycline or children and adolescents of some dental bleaching agents
pediatria polska 90 (2015) 155–160 159
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