English DLP
English DLP
English DLP
- Thank you Leo, after you sit can you please - Yes Sir
check your areas if there’s unnecessary trash
and put it in the trash bin.
The voice you will use to write your story: First Person
(I, me), Second Person (you, your), or Third Person
(he, she or it), and
Who will serve as your story’s camera?
The cardinal rule is one perspective character per
scene, but I prefer only one per chapter, and ideally
one per novel.
Plot is the sequence of events that make up a story.
It’s what compels your reader to either keep turning
the pages, or set the book aside.
Conflict is the engine of fiction and is crucial to
effective nonfiction as well.
Direction: Read and analyze the story, and answer
the following questions.
Class group yourself into 6 members each and have a Okay sir.
brainstorming together on how you’re going to
execute the roleplay that you’re all going to perform
next week.
Every group give the list of the participants and the
role that they occupied.
Okayy class it’s about time, everybody stand up and In the name of the father, the son, the holy spirit
let’s Pray. Amen.
Our father in heaven holy be your name……. Amen.