Marketing Principles Reviewer

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-starts with the setting up the goals of the

-One of the important lessons that a marketing company. It answers the question” what needs
practitioner should appreciate in creating a to be achieved?” The company formulates the
strategic marketing plan is the relationship the goals based on the vision and mission of
of strategic planning and marketing planning. the company.

STRATEGIC PLANNING -In attaining these marketing goals, the company

-is a wide procedure that addresses the whole will conduct planning to reach the desired goals.
business, or a part of the business like marketing. This is where the strategic marketing takes
place in the entire process of marketing.
-is a process that staff from operational plan STRATEGIC MARKETING
and managerial level work together to create -is the plan that marketers design in
and implement effective marketing strategies. Accomplishing goals. It attends to the
managing of the business growth regarding
MARKETING STRATEGIES sales, competition and brand imaging which
-can be derived from the strategic plan, which is is necessary for attaining competitive
designed to provide the company, its division, or advantage in the marketing.
individuals with a road map to achieve specific
goals and objectives. -On the other hands, marketers will identify

specific means to reach the goals based on

MARKETING PLAN strategic plan. This is where the tactical
-describes the action needed to interest potential marketing takes in the marketing process.
customers and persuade them to purchase the
commodities being offered by the companies. TACTICAL MARKETING
-is the means that the marketers identify in
STRATEGIC PLANNING reaching the goals. It deals with the identified
-can recognize internal and external impacts and activities of the marketers for realization of the
opportunities to regard in designing the strategies goal.
and tactics. On marketer’s point of view, strategic
planning is important to marketing because it can -The strategic marketing and tactical marketing
determine new market opportunities at the same works together and should complement each
time identify new competitive challenges. other. Strategic marketing is the concept or
the idea on how to reach the marketing goals.
DISTINGUISHING STRATEGIC MARKETING FROM Moreover, the tactical marketing is the set of
TACTICAL MARKETING actions that are need to achieve the goals.
-in designing a marketing plan, learners must understand The marketers should harmonize the two
the concept of strategic marketing and tactical marketing. Elements of the marketing plan to create a
These two components are essential factors in crafting an winning marketing campaign.
effective marketing plan. However, many marketers are
still confused with the two relative elements. Here are some -MARKETING GOALS
points that will draw a distinction between strategic marketing -STRATEGIC MARKETING (the idea)

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from tactical marketing. – TACTICAL MARKETING(the action)

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TACTICS 1. Produce radio advertisement and air it in
-In planning for marketing campaign, the first thing the three leading FM radio station.
that marketers do is to design a marketing strategy 2. Conduct product sampling to shoppers who
for the brand. Marketers should have a strong will visit the outlet.
knowledge of the trends in the market. Meaning, the 3. Offer shoppers discount and membership
marketers must know the current standing of his card upon availing the product.
product in the industry, identify the direct and indirect
competitors, and understand the profile of the customer EXPLORING MARKETING ENVIRONMENT
and their buying habits. -Marketing environment is a term used by
marketers in referring to the various factors
THE STRATEGIC MARKETING PLANNING PROCESS and strong players that make an impact on
INCLUDES: the ability of the company to establish and
- Industry research sustain a profitable relationship with its target
- Market research customers.
- Competition
- Market segmentation -Aside from the help that it will give in
- Market positioning planning marketing programs, the study
of marketing environment will also provide
-After crafting the strategic marketing plan, the marketers the following advantages:
will think of ways to realize the strategic goals. Thus, the
marketer will think of tactical plan, which involves activities 1.It can give the company a clear picture of
that will communicate the brand in the market such as sales competitive landscape that would help them
promotion, events, and advertising promotions. Marketers in competing with the other brand
should develop activities or programs that will truly support contenders.
the strategic marketing goals.
2.The company will easily see the
THE TACTICAL MARKETING PLANNING PROCESS opportunities and threats that would affect the

INCLUDES: operations of the business.

-Promotion (advertising, personal selling, sales promotion)
-Distribution plan 3.The company will be able to take advantage
-Pricing plan of the possibilities that will arise.
-Marketing Goals: to increase sales revenue by 10% at the In the concept of marketing environment, the
end of the first semester. Learners should understand the relationships
-Marketing Objective: to increase the brand awareness of the of the following variable:
target market by 50% at the end of the first semester.
-Marketing Objective: invite the target market to visit the outlets 1. The Internal Environment
and try the product by developing promotional materials that 2. The External Environment
will reach and influence them. A. Microenvironment
B. Macro environment

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-The environment comprises of factors inside the
company that affects the performance of marketing
efforts. This includes the internal public and functional MARKET
divisions inside the organization. PUBLI COM
The following are the internal factors:
1. Workforce- managers, supervisors, technical workers,
administrative assistants.
2. Equipment- computers, printers, camera, photocopier COMPE CUSTO
machines. TITOR MER
3. Facilities- training room, board room, manufacturing plant.
4. Materials- paper, ink, batteries.
5. Finance- capital, sales, revenue

These internal factors should be managed effectively to SUPPLIER ENVIRONMENT

deliver quality service and thus maintain a harmonious -comprises of individuals or institutions that
relationship with the customers. One of the important factors provide resources necessary for the
that need to be managed is the workforce or the employees. company. It has considerable effect on the
marketing operation of the company.
Thus, the management should ensure the following: For example:
If the suppliers of flour increase the price
-Reasonable distribution of task and responsibilities in the business market, the price of bread
within the company. Products and other products that utilize
flour as an ingredient in producing
-Proper implementation of functions in each division products will be affected. Therefore, the
by the marketing goals. Marketing operation of the company will
also be affected.
-Ample available resources to sustain the operations.

-Maintenance of excellent customer service culture. MARKET INTERMEDIATES

-are individuals or institutions that supports
-Appropriate compensation, promotion and rewards to the operations of marketing by promoting,
employees. selling, distributing the goods to the
customers. These are distributors,
EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT department stores, grocery stores, and
1. Microenvironment is part of the external environment financial organization.
in marketing. It consists of factors that are near to the
company, which has an impact on the delivery of the For example:
products and services. These factors are the supplier, If a department stores launches 50% discount
the market intermediates, customers, competitors, and promotion in all items during the holidays. The
public. Company should mark down the price of its
product to 50% to match the promotion of the
department store that distributes the company

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-as discussed in Chapter II – Types of Customers -this consist of variables that affects the
according to market, this environment is complicated consumer purchasing power and patterns.
since that each has different types of needs to be The marketer should study the following
satisfied. Thus, the marketer should analyze this trends under the economic environment.
environment to establish and maintain a harmonious
relationship with them. a. Gross National Product or GNP
b. Consumer’s growth income
COMPETITORS ENVIRONMENT c. Income distribution
-consists of companies that produce products in the same d. Impact of oil price about transportation
category in the market. Fares and commodity price.
e. Recession or economic decline
For example:
A ready to drink fruit juice category. There are many ready to
drink fruit juice out of the market. Consumer may find them in CULTURAL FACTORS
different sizes, flavor, and, packaging, which are produced by -these are institutions and other factors that
numerous companies. If a company offers products in the same make an impact on the basic values,
category, it is smart move for the company to pay a closer look to perspective, choice, the cultural environment
its competitors. In this though environment, the marketer should is comprising of the following:
find a way to outsmart its competition by seeing the entire picture - LANGUAGE
using the lens of the paying customers. - FESTIVAL
-comprises of groups that have possible concerns or effect on the - RELIGION
ability of the company to attain its goals. In this environment,
learners may find the following:
1. Financial Publics – banks and other investment institutions NATURAL FACTORS
2. Media Publics – radio, television, and print media or networks -these are natural resources that are
3. Government Publics – Department of trade and industry, needed as inputs by marketers or that
Department of Education, Department Social Welfare and affected by marketing activities. The
Development natural environment is affected by the
4. Citizen-Action Publics- Environmental groups, gender following:
empower groups, child protection groups - PROTECTION OF RESOURCES

2. Macro environment, on the other hand, has a greater societal

factors that affect the entire business programs in the industry.
The following are the factors that make impact on the macro

-this includes legal, government agencies and pressure groups.
These factors can force or restrain different groups or individual
in the given society.

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