Outcome Explorer

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Outcome-Explorer: A Causality Guided

Interactive Visual Interface for Interpretable
Algorithmic Decision Making
Md Naimul Hoque and Klaus Mueller, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The widespread adoption of algorithmic decision-making systems has brought about the necessity to interpret the
reasoning behind these decisions. The majority of these systems are complex black box models, and auxiliary models are often used
to approximate and then explain their behavior. However, recent research suggests that such explanations are not overly accessible to
arXiv:2101.00633v5 [cs.HC] 25 Feb 2022

lay users with no specific expertise in machine learning and this can lead to an incorrect interpretation of the underlying model. In this
paper, we show that a predictive and interactive model based on causality is inherently interpretable, does not require any auxiliary
model, and allows both expert and non-expert users to understand the model comprehensively. To demonstrate our method we
developed Outcome Explorer, a causality guided interactive interface, and evaluated it by conducting think-aloud sessions with three
expert users and a user study with 18 non-expert users. All three expert users found our tool to be comprehensive in supporting their
explanation needs while the non-expert users were able to understand the inner workings of a model easily.

Index Terms—Explainable AI, Causality, Visual Analytics, Human-Computer Interaction.


I N recent years, algorithmic and automated decision-

making systems have been deployed in many critical ap-
plication areas across society [1], [2], [3]. It has been shown,
the needs of non-expert users to interpret and understand
machine-generated decisions.
However, supporting non-expert users in a explainable
however, that these systems can exhibit discriminatory and AI (XAI) platform is challenging since they have different
biased behaviors (e.g., [4], [5], [6]). It is thus imperative goals, reasons, and skill sets for interpreting a machine
to create mechanisms by which humans can interpret and learning model than expert users. A model-builder such
investigate these automated decision-making processes. as a machine learning practitioner with significant data
Several algorithmic [7], [8] and visual analytics [9], [10], science expertise will want to interpret a model to ensure
[11], [12], [13], [14] solutions have been proposed to address its accuracy and fairness. A non-expert user, on the other
this need. However, a shortcoming of these systems is that hand, will want to interpret the model to understand the
they have been predominantly developed from a model- service the model facilitates and delivers, and gain trust into
builders perspective and as such do not support common it. In most cases, these users will not have background in
lay (non-expert) users with no specific expertise in machine data science and machine learning and so require an easy-
learning [15], [16]. It is these individuals, however, who to-understand visual representation of the model.
are typically the recipients of a decision algorithm’s out- To exhibit human-friendly interpretability, a predictive
come [15], [16]. model also needs to produce answers to explanation queries
This shortcoming is directly addressed in the 2016 EU such as “Why does this model make such decisions?”,
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which man- “What if I change a particular input feature?” or “How
dates that non-expert users who are directly impacted by will my action change the decision?” [19]. Existing meth-
algorithmic decisions have a ”right to explanation”. Accord- ods and systems often employ an auxiliary model (post-
ing to the GDPR users should receive these explanations in hoc) to first approximate the original black-box model and
a concise, transparent, intelligible, and easily accessible form [17]. then answer such questions since black-box models do not
The GDPR has since become a model for laws beyond the readily provide these explanations [7], [8], [20]. However,
EU, for example, the 2018 California Consumer Privacy Act recent research suggests that such approximations can lead
(CCPA) bears many similarities with the GDPR. In addition, to incorrect interpretations of the underlying model and
several recent studies [15], [16], [18] have further confirmed further complicate model understanding [21], [22]. Thus,
an XAI interface for non-expert users should be inherently
• Md Naimul Hoque was with the Computer Science Department, Stony
interpretable (i.e. directly observable) [21] and be able to an-
Brook University. He is now with the College of Information Stud- swer causal questions without requiring an auxiliary model.
ies, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA. E-mail: In this paper, we show that a predictive model based
[email protected] on causality (i.e., a causal model) meets the aforementioned
• Klaus Mueller is with the Computer Science Department, Stony Brook criteria for a model that is understandable by non-expert
University, Stony Brook, NY 11794 users. The inner-workings of a causal model is directly ob-
E-mail: [email protected] servable through a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), making
Manuscript received January 4, 2021; revised xxx it inherently interpretable. The causal DAG is an intuitive

representation and based on it and through interactions 2 R ELATED W ORK

defined on it, a user can gain a good understanding of how
variables are related to each other and how they affect the Current tools and methods in XAI can be broadly catego-
outcome variable, without the need for machine learning ex- rized into two distinct categories: (1) post-hoc explanation,
pertise. Further, causal models can provide truthful answers and (2) explanation via interpretability. Post-hoc explanation
to causal explanation queries without auxiliary models. methods explain the prediction of a model using local
estimation techniques, without showing or explaining the
To support our proposed method, we first developed workflow of the model. Instead, they give very detailed
a computational pipeline that would facilitate predictions information on the impact of the model variables at a
in a causal model. This was needed since causal mod- user-chosen data instance and seek to build trust into
els do not support predictions by default. Informed by the model one instance at a time. Prominent examples of
prior research and a formative study with ten non-expert post-hoc explanation methods are SHAP [7] and LIME [8].
users, we designed and developed Outcome-Explorer, an They are model agnostic and can explain the predictions
interactive algorithmic decision-making interface based on of any machine learning model. While post-hoc methods
causality. Outcome-Explorer lets both non-expert and expert are shown to be effective for explaining the decisions of
users interact with the causal DAG and supports common complex black-box models, recent research has argued that
XAI functionalities such as answering What-If questions, these explanations can be misleading, and can complicate
exploring nearest neighbors, and comparing data instances. model understanding even more [21], [22].
To evaluate the effectiveness of Outcome-Explorer, we first
To address these shortcomings, there has been a grow-
invited three expert users (machine learning researchers)
ing interest in devising models that are inherently inter-
to develop a causal model and then interpret the model
pretable. The Generalized Additive Model (GAM) [23] and
using our tool. All three expert users found Outcome-
the Bayesian Case Model (BCM) [24] are examples of this
Explorer comprehensive in terms of both its causal and its
kind of model where the workflow is directly observable by
explanation functionalities.
a human user. In this paper, we advocate for a causal model
We then conducted a user study with 18 non-expert since it has a natural propensity towards interpretability. Ac-
lay users. We sought to understand how Outcome-Explorer cording to Pearl [25], the aim of causal models is to “explain
would help non-expert users in interpreting a predictive to us why things happened, and why they responded the way
model, in comparison to a popular post-hoc XAI method, they did” which aligns perfectly with the objective of XAI.
SHAP [7]. The study revealed that participants were able They have found frequent use to support reasoning about
to reduce interactions with variables that did not affect different forms of bias and discrimination [26], [27], [28],
the outcome by 47%, meaning that participants understood [29], [30], [31], [32] but none uses interactive visualization
which variables to change while using our tool. A similar within the model as an XAI paradigm. Outcome-Explorer
reduction (36%) was also found for the magnitude of changes aims at bridging XAI, causal modeling, and visual analytics.
made to non-impacting variables. Hence, the interactions
of the participants became more efficient which aided their
understanding of the model. These outcomes confirm the
high potential of Outcome-Explorer in both XAI research 2.1 Visual Analytics and XAI
and application.
People are more likely to understand a system if they can
Our research contributions are as follows; we describe: tinker and interact with it [33]. In that spirit, interactive
visual systems have proven to be an effective way to
• A mechanism that allows an interactive assessment understand algorithmic decision-making. These interactive
of prediction accuracy in a causal model. systems broadly categorize into the aforementioned post-
• The design and implementation of a causality- hoc explanation and interpretable interfaces. Examples of in-
guided interactive visual tool, Outcome-Explorer, to teractive post-hoc explanation interfaces include the What-
support the model explanation needs of both expert if Tool [34], RuleMatrix [20], Vice [35], Model Tracker [11],
and non-expert users. Prospector [36], and others. These tools use scatter plots,
• Results from think-aloud sessions with three expert line plots, and text interfaces to allow users to query and
users which revealed that experts are able to build compare the outcomes of different decision models, but
and interpret a predictive causal model correctly. without showing the model itself. Though this helps to
• A user study with 18 non-expert users which re- understand the model’s behavior in a counterfactual sense
vealed that our tool can help non-experts understand (the ’if’), it does not explain, and allow a user to play with
a predictive causal model and enable them to iden- the reasoning flow within the system (the ’why’).
tify the input features relevant for prediction.
On the other hand, interpretable interfaces such as
GAMUT [13], and SUMMIT [14] allow a user to interact with
Our paper is organized as follows. Section 2 and 3 the model itself and provide explanations that are faithful
describe related work and background. Section 4 presents to the model. While GAMUT is more conceptual in nature,
our formative user study with non-expert users. Section pointing out the features an interactive interface should
5 presents our design guidelines. Section 6 describes our have to support model interpretation, SUMMIT specifically
interactive visual interface. Section 7 demos a use case. focuses on deep neural networks and the classification of
Section 8 presents the outcome of our system evaluation. images. It allows users to recognize how different classes of
Sections 9 and 10 present a discussion and conclusions. images are evaluated at different stages of the network and

Fig. 1. Prediction in a causal model. The hammer icon represents intervention. (a) true causal model. (b) Interventions on all feature variables.
The causal links leading to node C and D are removed since the values of C and D are set externally. (c) Interventions on node A, B, and C. (d)
interventions on node A and B. In the path equations above models (b)-(d), the β are standardized regression coefficients estimated from the data.

what features they have in common. Our tool, Outcome- what-if analyses but we believe the latter is more accessible
Explorer, also falls into the category of these systems, but to a person directly affected by the modeled process, and so
focuses on causal networks and quantitative data. It specifi- is more amenable to non-expert users who do not think in
cally targets non-expert users and actively supports four of terms of distributions, uncertainties, and probabilities.
the six interface features specified in GAMUT. We chose this Finally, several visual analytics systems have been pro-
subset since they appear most suited for non-expert users. posed for causal analysis in ecological settings. Causal-
Net [43] allows users to interactively explore and verify
2.2 Interactive Causal Analysis phenotypic character networks. A user can search for a
subgraph and verify it using several statistical methods (e.g.,
Several interactive systems have been proposed for visual Pearson Correlation and SEM) and textual descriptions of
causal analysis but none have been designed for algorithmic the relations, mined from a literature database. Natsukawa
decision-making. Wang and Mueller [37], [38] proposed a et al. [44] proposed a dynamic causal network based system
causal DAG-based-modeler equipped with several statisti- to analyze evolving relationships between time dependant
cal methods. The aspect of model understanding and what- ecological variables. While these systems have been shown
if experience it provides to users is via observing how edit- to be effective in analyzing complex ecological relations,
ing the causal network’s edges affects the model’s quality they do not provide facilities for network editing and inter-
via the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) score. Our tool, ventions which ours does. They also do not support what-if
Outcome-Explorer, on the other hand conveys the what-if and counterfactual analyses which are instrumental for an
experience by allowing users to change the values of the XAI platform [13], [34].
network nodes (the model variables) and observe the effect In summary, the fundamental differences of ours to the
this has on the outcome and other variables. At first glance existing systems are: (1) introduction of a prediction mech-
both help in model understanding, but only the second is an anism; (2) allowing users to change variables (intervention)
experimenter’s procedure. It probes a process with different by directly interacting with the nodes in the causal DAG;
inputs and collects outcomes (predictions), using the causal (3) visualizing the interplay between variables when ap-
edges to see the relations with ease. This kind of what- plying/removing interventions; (4) supporting explanation
if analysis has appeared in numerous XAI interfaces [13], queries such as what-if analyses, neighborhood exploration,
[34], [35] and we have designed ours specifically for causal and instance comparisons; and (5) including non-expert
models. The mechanism also appeals to self-determination users in the design process, supporting their explanation
and gamification which both play a key part in education needs.
and learning [39]. One might say that achieving a lower
BIC score is also gamification, but a BIC score does not
emotionally connect a person to the extent that a lower
house price or a college admission does. It provides a We follow Pearl’s Structural Causal Model (SCM) [45] to
storyline, fun and realism, all elements of gamification [40]. define causal relationships between variables. According to
Yan et al. [41] proposed a method that allows users to SCM, causal relations between variables are expressed in
edit a post-hoc causal model in order to reveal issues with a DAG, also known as Path Diagram. In a path diagram,
algorithmic fairness. Their focus is primarily on advising variables are categorized as either exogenous (U ) or en-
analysts which causal relations to keep or omit to gain a dogenous (V ). Exogenous variables have no parents in a
fairer adjunct ML model. We, on the other hand, use the path diagram and are considered to be independent and
causal model itself for prediction and focus on supporting unexplained by the model. On the other hand, endogenous
the right to explanation of both expert and non-expert users. variables are fully explained by the model and presented
The work by Xie et al. [42] is closest to ours but it as the causal effects of the exogenous variables. Figure 1
uses different mechanisms for value propagation and it presents two exogenous variables (A and B ) and three
also addresses a different user audience. They look at the endogenous variables (C, D, and E ). Formally, the Causal
problem in terms of distributions which essentially is a Model is a set of triples (U, V, F ) such that
manager’s cohort perspective, while we look at specific out- • U is the set of exogenous variables, and V is the set
comes from an individual’s perspective. Both are forms of of endogenous variables.

• Structural equations [46] (F) is a set of functions

{f1 , ..., fn }, one for each Vi ⊆ V , such that Vi =
fi (pai , Upai ), pai ⊆ V \ {Vi } and Upai ⊆ U .
The notation “pai ” refers to the “parents” of Vi .

3.1 Causal Structure Search

The causal structure between variables (F) can be obtained
in three different ways: (1) causal structure defined from
domain-expertise or prior knowledge; (2) causal structure Fig. 2. Two module design of Outcome-Explorer with respective target
learned from automated algorithms; and (3) causal structure users. An expert user would use the Model Creation module to create
learned from mixed-initiative human-AI collaboration. the causal model. After that, both expert and non-expert users would
The first method is the prevalent way to operate causal use the Model Interpretation module to interpret the causal model.
analysis in domains such as social science or medical science
where expert-users or researchers are solely responsible
scenarios on the original model M where the predictions
for defining the causal structure [47]. In such scenarios,
PM follow the equations shown above the respective model.
researchers utilize prior knowledge, domain expertise, and
The key idea is that Y is independent of its ancestors
empirical evidence gathered from experiments such as ran-
conditioned on all of its parents. Once we know the direct
domized trials to hypothesized causal relations and then
parents Y , other variables in the causal DAG can no longer
test the validity of the model through Structural Equation
influence Y .
Modelling (SEM). Software such as “IBM SPSS AMOS”, and
“Lavaan” are build upon this principle.
On the other hand (in the second approach), automated 4 F ORMATIVE S TUDY WITH N ON - EXPERT USERS
causal search algorithms utilize conditional independence
tests to find causal structure among data [48]. These algo- We conducted formative interviews with 10 users (5 female,
rithms help the user identify underlying causal structures 5 male) to understand the expectations that non-expert users
between a large set of variables. The “Tetrad” software have of a decision-making interface. We recruited the partic-
provides a comprehensive list of such algorithms. ipants (P1-P10) through social media posts and local mailing
The third approach combines the first two approaches. lists. Our inclusion criteria included familiarity with online
One pitfall of the automated algorithms is that they may decision-making services such as credit card approval and
not find the true causal structure since multiple causal struc- insurance services; algorithmic expertise was not required.
tures can meet the constraints set out by the algorithms. In We prompted the participants about their experience with
such scenarios, human verification is necessary to validate these decision-making services. Their feedback is summa-
the causal structure obtained from automated algorithms. rized in the following.
Prior research and empirical evidence suggest this human- Need for transparency. We noticed a general need for
centered research approach can identify the causal structure transparency among non-expert users. They appeared to
better than automated algorithms alone [37], [38], [49]. prefer an automated system over human assistance, but
Finally, once the causal structure (F) is learned via any of feared the systems might not give them the optimal service.
the above approaches, we can use SEM to parameterize the Several participants mentioned that automated platforms
model, obtaining the path/beta coefficients. allowed them to obtain service quickly and efficiently,
whereas to get human assistance they often had to wait on
the phone for a long time (P1-4, P6, P9). Yet, several partic-
3.2 Prediction ipants mentioned that eventually they needed to contact a
We define the outcome variable Y as an endogenous vari- human agent since specific rules and provisions were often
able, the variable we want to predict from a set of feature not readily available in the automated systems (P1-4, P6,
variables X . In a causal model (M ), estimating Y from X P9). Thus, Outcome-Explorer should be completely trans-
is analogous to applying an intervention (fixing variables to parent and provide necessary explanations for decisions.
specific values) on X [50]. This is achieved through the do How can I improve the decision? When asked about the
operator which simulates a causal intervention by deleting process of evaluating algorithmic decisions, the participants
certain edges from M while fixing X to specific values [45]. mentioned that they would repeatedly update the input
The resultant causal model M 0 is a subgraph of the origi- features to change the decision in their favor (P1-7, P9). They
nal model M . Figure 1(b) shows M 0 when intervention is would try to make sense of the underlying algorithm by
applied to all variables of X . Note that the edges leading changing the values of variables and then observe the effect
to Node C and D from the original model are removed in this had on the outcome variable (P1-7, P9). We note that this
figure 1(b). This is because nodes A and B can no longer process is the same as obtaining local instance explanation
causally effect C and D, once we fix them to specific values. and asking what-if (counterfactual) questions, which are
In this scenario, Y (E) can be estimated using this equation: capabilities C1 and C3 identified by Hohman et al. [13] as
needed by expert users to interpret a single decision. Our
PM (Y |do(X = x)) = PM 0 (Y ) = βCE C + βDE D (1)
tool should support C1 and C3 for non-expert users as well.
The β are standardized regression coefficients estimated How am I different than my friend? Users of automated
from SEM. Figure 1(c) and (d) present different intervention decision-making systems often employ a mental process of


Fig. 3. Model Creation Module of Outcome-Explorer. A) Control Panel. B) Causal structure obtained from the search algorithms. Users can
interactively add, remove, and direct edges in the causal structure. C) Model fit measures obtained from Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).
D) Parameter estimation for each relations (beta coefficients). E) A line chart showing the prediction accuracy of the Causal Model on the test set.

comparing themselves with others and try to make sense the producer-consumer analogy where an expert user will cre-
of why different people received different decisions. The ate and interpret the model for accurate and fair modeling,
participants shared several such cases where they wondered while a non-expert user will interpret this verified model
why they received one decision, while their friends received to understand the service the model facilitates. To support
different decisions (P1-5, P7-8, P10). We note that this is sim- this relationship, we decided that Outcome-Explorer should
ilar to instance comparison and neighborhood exploration, have two different modules: (1) Model Creation module,
which are capabilities C2 and C4 identified by Hohman et and (2) Model Interpretation module. Figure 2 shows the
al. [13] that expert users should have to compare a data two modules and their respective target users.
point to its nearest neighbors. Our study shows that our tool DG2. Creating the Model: Using the Model Creation
should support these capabilities also for non-expert users. module, an expert user should be able to create a causal
model interactively with the help of state-of-the-art tech-
niques and evaluate the performance of the model.
5 D ESIGN G UIDELINES DG3. Interpreting the Causal DAG: The causal DAG is
Based on the insights gathered from our formative study, central to understanding a causal model. The visualization
we formulate the following design guidelines: and interaction designed for the causal DAG in the Model
DG1. Supporting experts and non-experts via a two Interpretation module should allow both expert and non-
module design: The formative study revealed overlapping expert users to interpret the model correctly. Users should
interests between expert and non-expert users to interpret be able to set values to the input features in the DAG to
predictive models. However, a model needs to be created observe the changes in the outcome.
before it can be interpreted. XAI interfaces typically accept DG4. Supporting Explanation Queries: The forma-
trained models for this purpose [13], [14], [20]. However, at tive study revealed that non-expert users ask explanation
the time of the development of this work, no open-source queries (C1-C4) similar to those already well-studied in XAI
software or package was available for human-centered research [13]. Our tool should support these queries and
causal analysis (the third method from Section 3.1). Ad- they should be implemented keeping in mind the algorith-
ditionally, none of the existing tools supported prediction mic and visualization literacy gap between expert and non-
in a causal model. Hence, we decided to also support the expert users.
creation of a predictive causal model. DG5. Input Feature Configuration: Our tool is com-
The methods described for creating a causal model in pletely transparent and a non-expert user can change the in-
Section 3 requires substantial algorithmic and statistical ex- put features freely in the interface. However, when engaging
pertise which can only be expected from an expert user. The in this activity, it is possible that to obtain a certain outcome
relationship between expert and non-expert users follows a user might opt for a feature configuration that is unlikely


Fig. 4. Model Interpretation Module of Outcome-Explorer. A) Interactive causal DAG showing causal relations between variables. Each node
includes two circular knobs (green and orange) to facilitate profile comparisons. The edge thickness and color depict the effect size and type of
each edge. B) Sample selection panel. C) A biplot showing the position of green and orange profiles compared to nearest neighbors. D) A line chart
to track the model outcome and to go back and forth between feature configuration. E) Realism meter allowing users to determine how common a
profile is compared to other samples in the dataset.

to be realistic [21]. Thus, our tool should allow non-expert of the graph is uncertain, we decided to use GraphViz [52], a
users to evaluate not only the value of the outcome, but also well-known library for graph visualization. The panel facili-
how realistic the input configuration is when compared to tates four sets of edge editing features: (1) Add, (2) Direct, (3)
existing data points and configurations. Remove, and (4) Reverse. When editing the causal model, an
expert user can evaluate several model fit measures in panel
C, model parameters in D, and prediction accuracy in E.
Outcome-Explorer is a web-based interface. We used Python
as the back-end language and D3 [51] for interactive visual- 6.2 Model Interpretation Module
ization. We used Tetrad 1 , and semopy 2 for causal analysis. The interpretation module (Figure 4) uses a different visual
As per DG1, Outcome-Explorer has two interactive representation to present the graph than the model creation
modules. While the Interpretation Module is accessible to module since a parameterized causal model has a definitive
both expert and non-expert users, the Model Creation Mod- structure (DAG). The interpretation module accepts a DAG
ule is only available to the expert users (DG1). We describe as input and employs topological sort to present that DAG
the visual components of these two modules below. in a left to right manner.
Each variable in the causal model contains two circular
6.1 Model Creation Module knobs: a green and an orange knob. A user can control
The Model Creation Module is divided into five regions two different profiles independently by setting the green
(Figure 3). The Control Panel (A) allows an expert user to and orange knobs to specific values (DG3). This two pro-
upload data and run statistical models on the data. The file mechanism facilitates instance comparison and what-if
Central Panel (B) visualizes the causal model obtained from analysis (DG3, DG4, see Section 7). The range for the input
automated algorithms. An expert user can select the ap- knobs is set from the min to the max of a particular variable.
propriate algorithm from a dropdown list there. The graph Each knob provides a grey handle which a user can use to
returned by the automated algorithms is not necessarily a move the knob through mouse drag action. The user can
DAG; it can contain undirected edges. Besides, an expert also set the numbers directly in the input boxes, either an
user can edit the graph in this module (DG2), often resulting exact number or even a number that is out of range (outside
in a change of the structure of the graph. Since the structure (max − min) range) for that variable. In case of an out of
range value, the circular knob is simply set to min or max,
1. https://www.ccd.pitt.edu/tools/ whichever extrema are closer to the value. The outcome
2. https://semopy.com variable is presented as a bar chart in the causal model.

Similar to the input knobs, the outcome variable contains we can calculate the probability of a datapoint x belonging
two bars to show prediction values for two profiles. to a component Ci using the following equation
Finally, we follow the visual design of Wang et al. [37], P (Ci )P (x|Ci ) φi N (x|µi , Σi )
[38] to encode the edge weights in the causal DAG. To P (Ci |x) = PK = PK
visualize intervention, all edges leading to an endogenous k=1 P (Ck )P (x|Ck ) i=1 φk N (x|µk , Σk )
variable are blurred whenever an user sets that variable to (3)
a specific value. Consequently, the user can cancel out the A high value of P (Ci |x) implies that x is highly likely
intervention by clicking the × icon beside an endogenous to belong to Ci , whereas a low value P (Ci |x) implies that
variable in which case its value is estimated from its parent the features of x is not common among the members of
nodes and the edges return to their original opacity. Ci . Thus, P (Ci |x) can be interpreted as a scale of how
“real” a datapoint is to the other members of a component.
6.2.1 Profile Map We translate P (Ci |x) to a human understandable meter
with P (Ci |x) = 0 interpreted as “Rare”, P (Ci |x) = 0.5
The profile map (Figure 4(C)) is a biplot which shows the as “Moderately Common”, and P (Ci |x) = 1 as “Common”.
nearest neighbors of a profile (DG4). To compute the biplot,
we run PCA on the selected points. A user can control the
radius of the neighborhood, given by the range of the out- 7 U SAGE S CENARIO
come variable, through the “Radius” slider. The neighbors In this section, we present a usage scenario to demonstrate
are colored according to the outcome value, as specified in how a hypothetical expert user (Adam), and a non-expert
the color map on the right of the plot. user (Emily) could benefit from Outcome-Explorer.
A user can hover the mouse over any point on the map Adam (he/him) is a Research Engineer at a technology
to compare the data point with the existing green profile company and is responsible for creating a housing price
(DG4). Subsequently, the user can click on any point to set prediction model. Non-expert users will eventually use the
that point as a comparison case for a more detailed analysis. model. As a result, Adam also needs to create an easy-to-
Both green and orange disks (larger circles) move around understand interactive interface for the non expert users.
the map as the user changes the profiles in the causal model. Based on these requirements, Adam decides to use an inter-
pretable model for prediction and determines that Outcome-
6.2.2 Evolution Tracker Explorer matches the requirements perfectly.

One of the fundamental features of any UI is the support for

7.1 Creating the Model
a redo and undo operations. We introduced the Evolution
Tracker (Figure 4(D)) to facilitate this. The tracker is a simple Adam starts off Outcome-Explorer by uploading the hous-
line chart with two lines for two profiles in the system. The ing dataset [53] into the Model Creation Module (Fig-
x-axis represents the saved state while the y -axis shows the ure 3). Next, Adam selects the PC algorithm [48] for
outcome value at that particular state. A user can click on searching the causal structure (not depicted). Upon see-
the “Save Profiles” button to save a particular state in the ing the causal DAG obtained from the PC algorithm,
tracker and can click on any point in the tracker to go back Adam uses prior knowledge to refine the causal rela-
and forth between different states. tions. For example, Adam notices that the initial model
has an undirected edge between “INDUSTRIALIZATION”
and “DISTANCE FROM CITY”. From domain expertise,
6.2.3 Similarity (or Realism) Meter Adam knows that “DISTANCE FROM CITY” can be a
We introduced the similarity (realism) meter to allow users cause of “INDUSTRIALIZATION”, but the opposite rela-
to determine how common their profile is compared to that tion is not plausible. Adam directs the edge from “DIS-
of the existing population captured by the dataset (DG5). It TANCE FROM CITY” to “INDUSTRIALIZATION” and
is a safety check for unreasonable expectations that could be notices that the model fit measures (Figure 3(C)) have also
generated by the interactive interpretation module, and so increased. Figure 3 presents the final causal DAG obtained
it is an important part of the interface. in this iterative process (see supplemental video for the
To realize it, we opted for a multi-dimensional method intermediate steps). The final model fit measures are: Com-
similar to detecting an outlier in one dimension using the parative Fit Index (CFI): 0.951; Goodness of Fit (GFI): 0.950;
z -score. At first, we fit a Gaussian Mixture Model on the Adjusted Goodness of Fit (AGFI): 0.919; and RMSEA: 0.0997.
existing data points in multivariate space. A mixture model The measures indicate a good SEM model fit. Satisfied by
with K Gaussians or components is defined as: the model performance, Adam hits the “Save Model” button
and moves to the “Model Interpretation” module.
P (X) = P (Xn |Ck )P (Ck ) = φk N (Xn |µk , Σk ) 7.2 Interacting with the Causal DAG and Exploring
n=1 k=1 n=1 k=1
Nearest Neighbors
After creating the model, Adam wants to explore and verify
where N is the number of datapoints, φk = P (Ck ) is the the model in the Interpretation Module (Figure 4) before
mixture weight or prior for component k , and µk , Σk are the making it public. Adam starts off the exploration process
parameters for the k -th Gaussian. Once the parameters are by selecting a sample data row from Figure 4(B). Adam ob-
learned through the Expectation-Maximization algorithm, serves that the selected row is immediately reflected in the

7.4 Exploring Outcomes & What-if Analysis

After understanding the causal relations between variables,
Emily now starts putting values to the knobs in the interface.
Emily observes that once the value of an internal node is set,
edges leading to that node become blurred. For example,
Emily sets the value of Property Tax to 300, which decreases
the Median Price of the houses, but also blurs the edges
entering Property Tax (Figure 5).
After finding the ideal neighborhood, Emily notices that
the Median Price of that neighborhood is around $35,000.
But, Emily only has a budget of around $25,000. Based
on that, Emily decides to change the variables so that the
median price comes down to $25,000. Emily fires off the
comparison mode by clicking the “Initialize Comparison”
Fig. 5. Asking what-if questions in Outcome-Explorer. A user can keep
one profile (green) fixed, and change the other profile (orange) to ask
Button. Immediately, a new orange profile is created in the
what-if questions. The blue arrows indicate the changes in the orange interface which is exactly the same as the current green
profile. Note that property tax is set to 300 by the user. As a result, profile. Keeping the green profile constant, Emily iteratively
changing its parents will not affect property tax. The other endogenous changes the variables to take down the median housing
variables are estimated from their parents.
prices to $25,000. In this iterative process, Emily utilizes
the tracker regularly to go back and forth between different
feature values and the outcome of the model has changed profile configurations. Emily also consults the realism meter
to 22.61K. Adam also observes that the edges entering the regularly to see how common the selected housing is com-
endogenous variables became blurred (deactivated) since pared to the existing neighborhoods. She confirms that the
those variables were set to reflect the selected row and orange line stays on the right end of the meter which means
can no longer be estimated from the exogenous variables. that these configurations are very common (Figure 4).
From the profile map in Figure 4(C), Adam notices that
the selected housing has a relatively small price. Adam 8 E VALUATION
decides to compare the selected housing with higher prices.
To do so, Adam selects a data point with a higher housing We evaluated Outcome-Explorer in two phases: (1) we con-
price from the profile map. Immediately, an orange profile ducted think-aloud sessions with three ML practitioners to
is created in the causal DAG. From the two profiles, Adam gather expert feedback and gauge the system’s real-world
easily understands where the two housing differed and how potential; (2) we conducted a user study with 18 users to
that affected the outcome. At this point, Adam hits the assess the effectiveness and usability of Outcome-Explorer
“Save Profile” button to save both the profiles in the tracker in supporting the explanation needs of non-expert users.
(Figure 4(D)). In a similar manner, Adam explores several
other data points to get a concrete idea of the model. At 8.1 Expert Evaluation
the end of the analysis, Adam is confident that the model is We invited three ML practitioners as expert users (1 female,
accurate, interpretable, and is ready for deployment. Adam 2 male) to examine Outcome-Explorer. Participation was
then publishes the interface with the name housingX. voluntary with no compensation. All three participants had
post-graduate degrees and had conducted research in the
field of XAI, Fairness, and Data Ethics for at least five years.
7.3 Understanding the Causal Relations
They were also familiar with statistical causal analysis.
Emily is a middle-aged female (she/her) who would like The tool was deployed on a web server and the sessions
to purchase a new house. Emily decides to understand the were conducted via Skype. Participants shared their screen
quality of the desired neighborhood through housingX. as they performed the tasks. One author communicated
Emily visits the site, which features the Interpretation with the participants during the sessions while another
Module of Outcome-Explorer, and starts off by watching author took notes. Each session started with the participant
a small tutorial on how to use the interface. After that, observing a live demo of the tool. After that, participants
Emily starts to make sense of the variables and how they were asked to choose one out of two datasets: Boston
are connected to each other. Emily notices that Property Tax Housing [53] and the PIMA Diabetes dataset [54]. Once
is calculated from a region’s accessibility to the highway a participant chose a dataset, we provided them with the
and the industrialization index. Emily further notices that textual descriptions of the features and a task list. The
Industrialization depends on both the region’s distance from task list was designed to guide the participants in explor-
the city and its accessibility to the highway. Based on that, ing different components of Outcome-Explorer. Participants
Emily concludes that Property tax depends on three factors: started off by creating a causal model using the Creation
Accessibility to Highway, Distance from City, and Indus- Module, and then gradually moved into examining different
trialization. Interestingly, Emily observes that the Median explanation methods available in the Interpretation Module.
Price has a red edge from Property Tax, meaning houses While performing the tasks, participants thought-aloud and
located in areas with higher property taxes are priced lower conversed with the authors continuously. We sorted their
than houses from areas with lower property taxes. feedback in the four thematic categories, as described next.

8.1.1 Comprehensive and Generalizable in comparison to the state-of-the-art explanation

All three expert users found the “Model Creation” module method.
to be “comprehensive”, and “generalizable”. Participants • H2: Outcome-Explorer will increase a user’s effi-
found the accuracy statistics to be most helpful as that ciency in reaching a desired outcome in comparison
feature is not available on other comparable causal analysis to the state-of-the-art explanation method.
tools. According to E1: Outcome-Explorer was “rigorous” • H3: Outcome-Explorer will be easy to use.
in terms of causal functionality and should enable users to We chose SHAP [7] as a comparison case for Outcome-
obtain the “best possible causal model”. Explorer as it is a prevalent and widely used post-hoc
The participants also found the interpretation module to explanation technique. Another motivation for comparing
be comprehensive. E1 mentioned that the interactive causal our approach with SHAP was the interpretable nature of
DAG alone should allow non-experts to understand the our tool. SHAP approximates the prediction mechanism of
model. Additionally, they found the two profile comparison a model without showing the model itself, an approach
mechanism to be helpful and appreciated the fact that the fundamentally different than our. Additionally, SHAP is
user can ask the what-if questions directly to the model. open-source and provides several visualizations to aid the
explanations, ensuring a fair comparison with our visual
8.1.2 Engaging, Thought Provoking, and Fun interface. Hence, we conducted a repeated-measures within-
Participants continuously engaged themselves in making subject experiment with the following two conditions.
sense of the causal relations. Throughout the session, they
enthusiastically initiated discussions with the authors to C1. SHAP: This condition included input boxes which
share their personal experiences related to causal relations. users could use to change variables. Users had access
Participants also found the visual design of the Interpre- to two charts provided by SHAP: a bar chart showing
tation Module to be ascetically pleasing and fun to interact global feature importance and a variant of stacked
with. They mentioned that the interface has a “certain bars (force plot) showing the feature contribution for
gaming flavor” to it. E3 opined that the thought-provoking a decision (see supplemental material).
and interactive nature of Outcome-Explorer might entice C2. Outcome-Explorer-Lite: This prototype included
curious non-expert users to gather knowledge on a domain only the interactive causal DAG of the Interpretation
of interest. Module with other components hidden (see supple-
mental material).
8.1.3 Prior Knowledge and Position in the ML Pipeline We chose to include only the causal DAG in the study
Participants suggested that Outcome-Explorer could be as the other components provide auxiliary tools to under-
used once an expert user has preprocessed and explored the stand the model, but are not necessary to interpret the
dataset. It would provide users the necessary background model. The inclusion of these components could hinder
knowledge for creating and explaining the causal model. a fair comparison between Outcome-Explorer and SHAP.
According to E1, To minimize the learning effect, we included two datasets
“I can see that the user might need to tweak the initial causal and counterbalanced the ordering of study conditions and
model iteratively to reach the final model, but that is also true for datasets. These datasets are the Boston housing and the
many ML models. The process of creating a predictive model is PIMA Diabetes dataset, both of which appeared previously
often messy, and requires several iterations, each of which requires in the XAI literature [13], [20].
users to utilize prior knowledge to refine the model.”
8.2.1 Participants
8.1.4 Disclaimers We recruited 18 participants (10 males, 8 females) through
Causal relations make stronger claims than associative local mailing lists, university mailing lists, and social media
(correlative) relations. Participants suggested that the im- posts. Participation was voluntary with no compensation.
plication of the causal relations should appropriately be The participants varied in age from 19 to 35 (M = 25,
communicated to the end-users. For example, a particu- SD = 4.21). None of the participants had machine learning
lar causal relation may hold true for a particular task or expertise. The participants were comfortable in using web
domain, but not in general. Expert users should be aware technology and had a high-level idea of automated decision-
of such potential misleading relations in the causal model, making through exposure to credit-card approval and loan
and should provide disclaimers to the non-expert users approval systems. Additionally, two participants had ex-
whenever needed. This will ensure that non-experts are not perience with interactive visualization through interactive
misled into thinking that the causal relations in Outcome- online news. All participants reported a basic understanding
Explorer are ubiquitously true. of the dataset domains (housing and diabetes) in the post-
study interview, but did not report any specific expertise on
8.2 User Study with Non-expert Users the domains.

To understand how non-expert users might benefit from 8.2.2 Tasks

Outcome-Explorer we conducted a user study. We aimed
XAI interfaces are frequently evaluated on “proxy tasks”
at validating the following hypotheses:
such as how well humans predict the AI’s decision, and
• H1: Outcome-Explorer will improve a user’s under- subjective measures of trust and understanding [55]. Recent
standing of the embedded predictive causal model research suggests that proxy tasks and subjective measures

SHAP Outcome-Explorer-Lite SHAP Outcome-Explorer-Lite SHAP Outcome-Explorer-Lite

15 50 I would use this system

40 Trust
30 33.50 Model Understanding
5 5.68
10 12.74
3.00 10.21 Enjoyable

0 0
Easy to Use
# Changes (Non- % Changes (Non- # Changes (All % Changes (All
impacting Variables) impacting Variables) variables) variables) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(a) Average number of changes and magni- (b) Average number of changes and magni- (c) Subjective Measures (1: Strongly Disagree,
tude of changes on non-impacting variables tude of changes on all variables 7:Strongly Agree).

Fig. 6. Study Results. The average number of changes and the average magnitude of changes (%) made to (a) non-impacting variables, and (b) all
variables to reach the target outcomes. (c) Average self-reported subjective measures. Error bars show +1 SD.

are not good predictors of how humans perform on actual account for model understanding, we measured (1) the number
decision-making tasks [55]. Based on that, we decided to of changes (non-impacting) and (2) the magnitude of changes (%,
evaluate our tool on actual decision-making tasks. The tasks non-impacting). Here, non-impacting refers to the changes
were similar to the case study presented in Section 7.4. For made on non-impacting variables. We used a paired t-test
example, in the case of the housing dataset, we provided the with Bonferroni correction and Mann-Whitney U to assess
participants with the scenario of a person who wants to buy statistical significance of the quantitative and likert scale
an ideal housing (e.g. housing with price 35K) with budget measures respectively.
constraints. We then asked the participants to reach alterna- On average, the participants made 5.68 (SD = 4.01)
tive/target outcomes (e.g. reducing housing price from 35K changes to the non-impacting variables when using SHAP
to 25K) to satisfy the budget constraints while minimizing while for Outcome-Explorer-Lite the average was 3.00
the number of changes, and the magnitude of the changes (SD = 1.97). Participants reduced the changes made to the
from the ideal housing. Note that both conditions made non-impacting variables by 47%, which was statistically sig-
predictions based on the same underlying causal model. nificant (p < 0.02); Cohen’s effect size value (d = 0.68) sug-
We also collected self-reported subjective measures such as gested a medium significance. We also found a significant
model understanding, trust, and usability. difference between the magnitude of changes users made
on non-impacting variables (36% reduction with p < 0.001,
8.2.3 Study Design plotted in Figure 6a).
Similar to the sessions with the expert users, we conducted In order to understand how study conditions and dataset
the study sessions via web and Skype. A study session be- relate to each other with respect to the above quantitative
gan with the participant signing a consent form. Following measures, we constructed two mixed-effect linear models,
this, the participants were introduced to the assigned first one for each measure. We tested for interaction between
condition and received a brief description of the interface. study condition and dataset while predicting a specific
The participants then interacted with the system (with a measure. While there were no interaction effects and dataset
training dataset), during which they were encouraged to did not play any significant role in predicting the measures,
ask questions until they were comfortable. Each participant we found study condition to be the main effect in pre-
was then given a scenario and a task list for the first dicting the number of changes on non-impacting variables
condition. After completing the tasks, participants rated the (F (1, 26.033) = 7.723, p = 0.01) and the magnitude of
study conditions (interfaces) on a Likert scale ranging from changes (%) on non-impacting variables (F (1, 26.992) =
1 (Strongly Disagree) to 7 (Strongly Agree) based on six 13.140, p = 0.001).
subjective measures. The same process was carried out for Finally, as shown in Figure 6(c), participants rated
the second condition. Each session lasted around ∼1 hour Outcome-Explorer-Lite favorably in terms of Model Un-
and ended with an exit-interview. derstanding (M : 6.11, SD : 0.50), and Educational (M :
6.26, SD : 0.87). In comparison, the scores for SHAP were:
8.2.4 Results Model Understanding (M : 4.34, SD : 0.911), and Educa-
H1: Model Understanding. In a causal model, the exoge- tional (M : 5.15, SD : 0.964). The differences were statis-
nous variables may not affect the outcome if endogenous tically significant with p < 0.0001 (Model Understanding)
variables are set to specific values. While Outcome-Explorer and p < 0.01 (Educational). However, we also observe that
visualizes this interplay, SHAP only estimates feature con- participants’ trust did not improve in Outcome-Explorer.
tributions to the decision and it does not explain why In the post-study interview, several participants mentioned
some variables are not affecting the outcome. We refer to their unpleasant experiences with automated systems. Such
such variables as non-impacting variables. We anticipated distrusts are unlikely to be changed in one study, and that
that interactions with non-impacting variables might reveal might be the reason for equal trust in both conditions.
how well users understood the model. Based on that, to H2: Efficiency in Decision-making Tasks. We measured

two quantitative measures to account for users’ overall per- did not result in better overall performance. Participants
formance in decision-making tasks. They are the total (1) instead increased interaction with the impacting variables
number of changes, and (2) magnitude of changes (%) made to to understand the effects of causal relations while using
input variables. As shown in Figure 6b, the average number Outcome-Explorer-Lite. As a result, the overall performance
of changes were 12.74 (SD = 8.59) for SHAP, and 10.21 (i.e., the total number of interactions with impacting and
(SD = 6.88) for Outcome-Explorer-Lite. The difference was non-impacting variables) remained similar for both condi-
not statistically significant. We also did not find a significant tions. We also believe that the increased focus on impact-
difference between the overall magnitude of changes (%) ing variables while using Outcome-Explorer-Lite fostered
users made in each study condition. Finally, we measured the observed better model understanding in the subjective
the time taken to complete the tasks, but no statistically measures.
significant difference was found. The Accuracy-Interpretability Trade-off: We acknowl-
Similar to the above, we constructed two mixed-effect edge that causal models might not reach the prediction accu-
linear models. We did not find any interaction effects, and racy of complex machine learning models. The comparison
the datasets as well as the conditions did not play any requires rigorous experiments on common ML tasks which
significant role in predicting the measures. is beyond the scope of this paper. However, there exists
H3: Ease of Use. Participants rated Outcome-Explorer- empirical evidences where causal models or linear models
Lite favorably in terms of Easy to use (M : 5.96, SD : 0.96), such as ours outperformed complex ML models [50], [56].
and I would use this system (M : 6.33, SD : 0.6). In compar- As stated by Rudin [21], the idea that interpretable models
ison, the scores for SHAP were: Easy to use (M : 5.08, SD : do not perform as well as black-box models (the accuracy-
1.35), and I would use this system (M : 5.16, SD : 1.42). interpretability tradeoff ) is often due to the lack of feature
The differences were statistically significant with p < 0.04 engineering while building interpretable models.
(Easy to use) and p < 0.03 (I would use this system). The Implication for XAI Research: Outcome-Explorer offers
other metric (Enjoyable) was not statistically significant. several design insights for visual analytics systems in XAI.
The results matched our anticipation that Outcome- First, its novel two module design shows that it is possible
Explorer-Lite will improve user model understanding and to support the explanation needs of experts and non-experts
that they will learn more about the prediction mechanism as well as the model creation functionalities for experts in
using our tool. In the post-study interview, participants a single system. While we acknowledge this is not a strict
appreciated the visual design of the causal DAG which requirement for an XAI interface, we believe our work will
might be the reason why they found Outcome-Explorer-Lite motivate non-expert inclusive design of XAI interfaces in
to be easy to use and want to see it in practice. the future. Second, it shows that an effective XAI interface
On average, participants spent slightly more time when does not necessarily require a new and complex visualiza-
using Outcome-Explorer. While familiarizing with the in- tion. “Simple” visual design and “intuitive” interactions are
terface was one factor for that, in the post-study interview, effective ways to convey the inner workings of predictive
several participants mentioned that they felt curious, spent models, especially for non-expert users.
more time to learn the relations, and put some thought Another potential impact of Outcome-Explorer is bridg-
before taking an action. A participant, a senior college stu- ing XAI and algorithmic fairness research. Algorithmic fair-
dent, mentioned: “The interface (Outcome-Explorer-Lite) is fun, ness ensures fair machine-generated decisions while XAI
attractive as well as educational. I feel like I learned something. I ensures transparency and explainability of ML models. Al-
did not know much about housing prices before this session. But, though highly relevant, these two research directions have
I think I now have a much better understanding of housing prices. not been bridged together yet. By promoting the causal
If available in public when I buy a house in the future, it will help model, a highly effective paradigm for bias mitigation
me make an informed decision.” strategies, Outcome-Explorer opens the door for an ML
model to be transparent, accountable, and fair altogether.
Finally, our design and visual encoding can be extended
9 D ISCUSSION AND L IMITATIONS to other graphical models. For example, a Bayesian Network
Model Understanding vs Overall Performance: The user is also represented as a DAG, and the design of Outcome-
study validated H1 and H3, but not H2. The study revealed Explorer can be transferred to interactive XAI systems based
that participants reduced interactions with non-impacting on Bayesian networks.
variables significantly in Outcome-Explorer-Lite, indicating Limitations & Future Work: It is important for a causal
a better model understanding compared to SHAP. The lack model to have a sufficient number of variables that cover all
of edges or blurred edges in Outcome-Explorer-Lite pro- or at least most aspects determining the predicted outcome.
vided participants with clear evidence for non-impacting Causal inferencing under incomplete domain coverage can
variables. On the other hand, while using SHAP, partici- result in islands of variables or a causal skeleton where
pants interacted with the non-impacting variables despite some links are reduced to correlations only. We are currently
observing their zero feature importance in the visualization. experimenting with evolutionary and confirmatory factor
They constructed several hypotheses about non-impacting analysis to introduce additional variables that can comple-
variables while using SHAP, including the possibility of a ment the native set of variables. These variables are often
change of impact in the future, and their indirect effects not directly measurable and can serve as latent variables.
on other variables. This may be the reason for the in- Our preliminary work has shown that they can greatly add
creased interaction with the non-impacting variables. How- to both model comprehensibility and completeness.
ever, improved understanding of non-impacting variables Another source of error can be confounders which can

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