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1.Project information

Location : Mumbai

Number of floors : G+24

Height of building : 78m

Length of project : 32.1mts

Width of project : 11.49 mts

Grade of concrete : M30

Grade of steel : FE 415& FE 500

2.Architectural plan
3.Structural framing plan

4.Super imposed plan

5.Mathematical model

6.End releases
7.Section properties for beam and SHEAR WALL& SLABS

Grade of Grade of steel Depth Width

section Designation concrete Fy(N/mm2) (mm) (mm)
Fck (N/mm2)

Beam B-230X600 M30 Fe 500 600 230

Beam B-230X450 M30 Fe 500 450 230
Beam B-350x700 M30 Fe 500 700 350
Beam B-300X600 M30 Fe 500 600 300
Beam B-300X450 M30 Fe 500 450 300
Beam B-350X600 M30 Fe 500 600 350


w-300 300 M40
W- 400 400 M40

8.Section properties for slab

Section Designation Grade of Type
concrete mm

Slab S-175 M30 Thin shell 125

Slab S-200 STAIR CASE M30 Thin shell 200

9.Load assignments on beam

Frame load = thickness of wall X( floor to floor height-depth of the beam)X density

1. For external wall : 0.23*(3-0.45)*10 = 5.865 kN/m

2. For internal wall : 0.15*(3-0.45)*10 = 3.825 kN/m
3. For parapet wall : 0.23*1.2*10 = 2.76 kN/m
4. For oht wall : 0.1 *2.5*25 = 6.2 kN/m
5. For lift wall : 0.23*3*10 = 6.9 KN/m
10.Load assignment on floor

Dead load Code Live load Code

section Designation
Kn/m2 reference Kn/m2 reference

Is 875 Is 875
Slab 125 general 1.5 2
part 1 part 2
Is 875 Is 875
Slab 200 Stair case 3 3
part 1 part 2
Is 875 Is 875
Slab 200 OHT 24.74 0.75
part 1 part 2
Slab 125 Terrace 3 manual 2 manual
Is 875 Is 875
Slab 125 Water closet 3 2
part 1 part 2
Is 875 Is 875
Slab 125 lobby 1.5 3
part 1 part 2
Is 875
Slab 125 LMR 13 - 0.75
part 2

Calculation of dead loads

General loads and lobby loads

Assume mortar screeding of thickness : 40mm

Density of mortar : 20.4 KN/m3

Assume flooring thickness : 25mm

Density of granite ashlar : 25.9 KN/m3

Total dead load = ( density of tile *thickness of tile) +(density of mortar X thickness of mortar)
= (20.4X0.04)+(25.9X0.025) = 1.46 KN/m2 = 1.5 KN/m
11.OHT caluculations

From UDPFI Guide lines

Number of floors =24

Assume 24 persons in each floor

Consider 135 lpcd as standard from udpfi guidelines

Water required for 80 persons=576*135=77,760 litres

Considering for three day storage = 233280 litres=233.28 m^3

Mass of water= vol*density =233.28*1000= 233280 kg

Dead load of water =233280*9.81=2288.4 kN

Area of water tank = 93.74m^2

Dead load of oht per unit area =

For oht wall 0.1 *2.5*25 = 6.2 kN/m

Height of water tank consider = 2.5m

12.Lift Machine room caluculations

Weight of each person : 70 kg × 8 = 560 kg.

Weight of car lift : 2000 kg.

Counter weight required : (560 + 2000) = 2560 kg. = 46 KN

Total weight of lift Core : 2(2560) = 512kg × 0.01 = 51.2KN

Lift size : 3.83 m2.

Total Dead load : 51.2KN/3.83m2 = 13 KN/m2

Dead load on beam : 0.23*10*3 = 7 KN/m

13.Earth quake analysis

a. Static analysis

parameters value Remark based on is

Seismic zone factor (z) 0.16 (IS 1893:2016(Part1) table no:3
clause (6.4.2)
Site type III IS 1893:2016(Part1) table no:4
Importance factor 1.2 Because occupancy is less than
200 persons)(IS 1893:2016)
(part1) table`no:8 clause 7.2.3
Eccentricities ratios 0.05
5 Because ordinary momenting
Response reduction factor resisting .(IS 1893:2016part1)
Mass source D=1,L=0.25(LL<3) Is 1893 code 2016
Time period in x 1.23 Time period =0.09xh/sqrtd
dx=32.1mts height=78mt
Time period in y 2.07 Time period =0.09xh/sqrtd

Base shear caluculations

Vb = Ah xW

Ah = (Z/2)X(I/R)X(Sa/g)

Static base shear Scale factor

Static analysis uncracked strength service uncrack crack service
EQX 2902 2903 2905 2069.45 3529.67 2535.48
EQY 1724 1725.49 1726.31 1736.32 2371.1 1972.03
 Method used for dynamic analysis is Response Spectrum method.

 Code used IS 1893:2016 (Part 1) Clause 6.4.3

 Base shear after scaling

Dynamic base shear

Dynamic analysis
uncrack crack Service model
Specx 2902.5 2903.5 2904.86
specy 1724.36 1724.32 1726.298

15.Wind Dynamic analysis

According to is 875 part -3 2015 clause number 9.1 building with height to minimum lateral dimension
ratio is more than5 or building whose frequency in first mode is less than 1 HZ then we should do
dynamic analysis.

1. Height to minimum lateral dimension ratio = 78/ 11.49 = 6.25>5

0.09 h
Tdx= = 1.23
√ dx

a = height of the building in m

d= base dimension of building at plinth level along the considered the direction of wind.

0.09 h
Ty = = 2.07
√ dy

Fx= = 0.813 <1

Fy = = 0.483 <1

Hence both the conditions are confirming to carry the wind dynamic analysis. The wind dynamic
analysis can be carried out by force coefficient method conforming IS875 part 3 2015
Wind force in fx direction

Wind force in FY direction


1. Guidelines for fundamental time-period = 0.1 * N (N= No of levels) = 3.12 > 2.4 (0k)

2. The first mode is translational in X direction

3. The Second mode is Rotational.

4. The Third mode is rotational in Y direction.

5. The difference between first and second Time period is 23.205 % (Clause5.5.1IS16700: 2017).

6. Rotation at Z axis of the first mode is expected to be varying between 5 to 8% for purely translational mode.

7. The 3rd Mode contributes more than 65% of Modal Mass Participation Factor (Sum UX & Sum UY).
(Clause 7.1 Table 6 Sl No ⅶ. ofIS1893 (Part 1): 2016).

8. Last modal mass participations are 94.59% and 93.334% in X & Y direction respectively (Clause of IS1893
(Part 1): 2016).

17.Deflection check

Maximum deflection against member or any individual element allowed span /350 or 20mm whichever is less( as
per is456 clause 23.2)
Formulae to caluculate

(Maximum deflection – Axial shortening)x creep coefficient <span /350 or 20mmm

Span length =4.885

Caluculation =(13.403-11.422)*2.5= 4.95< 13.377 mm or 20 mm

So allowable deflection is greater than actual deflection

Hence passed


Modification factor

(IS-16700-2017 table No.6 Clause-7.2)

Model beam Slab Shear wall

F11=F22=F12= 1 F11=F22=F12= 0.7
strength MOI=0.35Ig M11=M22=M12=0.25 V13=V23=0.1

F11=F22=F12= 1 F11=F22=F12= 0.7
M11=M22=M12= 1.0
Service model MoI = 0.5Ig M11=M22=M12=0.35 V13=V23=0.1



 Inter storey drift ratio should be less than 0.004 ( as per is 1893 :2016 clause 7.11.1)

For Specx = 0.0005<0.004mm (passed)

For Specy = 0.0011<0.004mm (passed)

 Maximum displacement against wind load is allowed H/500

For WX=12.12 mm< 160mm(i.e.80500/500)

For WY=100.349 mm<160mm (i.e.80500/500)

 Maximum deflection against earthquake H/250

FOR Specx = 32.55mm< 322mm(i.e.80500/250)

FOR Specy = 70.39 mm < 322mm (80500/250)


 Inter storey drift ratio should be less than 0.004 ( as per is 1893 :2016 clause 7.11.1)

For Specx = 0.00082<0.004mm (passed)

For Specy = 0.001<0.004mm (passed)

 Maximum displacement against wind load is allowed H/500

For WX=18.04mm< 160mm(i.e.80500/500)

For WY=121.87mm< (i.e.80500/500)

 Maximum deflection against earthquake H/250

FOR Specx = 48.12mm< 322mm(i.e.80500/250)

FOR Specy = 84.1666mm < 322mm (80500/250)

22.Torsional irregularity check:

If the ratio of maximum displacement vs. Average displacement is greater than 1.2 then torsional irregularity check
should be done. The formula for Ax, the torsional amplification factor at Level x is taken from UBC 1997 clause
number 1630.7 Horizontal Torsional Moments.


❖Hence in y direction the ratio is greater than 1.2, so no need of torsional irregularity.
For specx


Soft Storey Check:

A soft storey is one in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70 percent of that in the storey above or less than 80
percent of the average lateral stiffness of the three storeys above. As per IS1893: 2002-part 1 Clause 7.1 Table
5 Definition of Irregular Buildings Vertical Irregularities
For Specx direction
For specy
Soft storey is not found in this project.

24.Design Load combinations

Envelope of Strength Load Combinations

Sl. No. Load Name Scale Factor Sl. No. Load Name Scale Factor
(1) 1.5D 1.0 (11) 0.9D+1.5WX 1.0
(2) 1.5(D+L) 1.0 (12) 0.9D-1.5WX 1.0
(3) 1.2(D+L+WX) 1.0 (13) 0.9D+1.5WY 1.0
(4) 1.2(D+L-WX) 1.0 (14) 0.9D-1.5WY 1.0
(5) 1.2(D+L+WY) 1.0 (15) 1.2(D+L+SPECX) 1.0
(6) 1.2(D+L-WY) 1.0 (16) 1.2(D+L+SPECY) 1.0
(7) 1.5(D+WX) 1.0 (17) 1.5(D+SPECX) 1.0
(8) 1.5(D-WX) 1.0 (18) 1.5(D+SPECY) 1.0
(9) 1.5(D+WY) 1.0 (19) 0.9D+1.5SPECX 1.0
(10) 1.5(D-WY) 1.0 (20) 0.9D+1.5SPECY 1.0

25.Checking for members passed

26..Shear wall design

d/c ratios varies 0.003- 0.005

27. slab design

DIRECTION 1 bottom rebars : providing 10 dia @ 125 c/c

Direction2 bottom rebars : providing 10 dia @250c/c
Top bars Direction2 : providing 10 dia @ 250 c/c

Extra reinforcement : Providing 10 dia @ 150c/c

Top bars Direction1 : providing 10 dia @ 250 c/c

Extra reinforcement : Providing 10 dia @ 150c/c

28.Buckling analysis

if the ratio of height to least lateral dimension of structure more than 4 then buckling analysis is

height of the building = 78m

least lateral dimension of building = 11.49

ratio of height to least lateral dimension = 78/11.49 = 6.78 >4

hence buckling analysis is required

Buckling modes envelope

This envelope is added in design combinations at where ever dead load combination is existed with
same scale factor as dead load Scale factor used in buckling analysis is for both dead and live is 1.476

Buckling combo table is shown in below

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