Personal Survival Budget
Personal Survival Budget
Personal Survival Budget
- These are your personal income and costs and should not incl
- Only include costs you are responsible for, do not include anyt
- If you are planning to have another job while running your bus
orks out the amount you need from your business to live and whether you can afford to take on a Start Up Loan. If your personal
personal income, your business will need to cover these expenses.
and costs and should not include any income/costs from the business.
nsible for, do not include anything paid for by a partner or other household member.
art by thinking through all income and costs that you will incur. You may find it helpful to review your last 3-months of bank statements to
d, in order to accurately build your personal survival budget.
uncil tax benefits you should put the full amount of rent and council tax payable in your survival budget as once you start trading you may
er job while running your business, please let us know whether you currently hold this position.
n. If your personal
of bank statements to
PSB Statement
Notes Bank Statement Amount
BA Notes
sion of a PSB attached to their application.
ed to each row even if no amounts are added. E.g. applicant living
pplicants bank statements for each row. Make note of what the
can see clearly where to find it.
PSB in the box provided, it should cover the following points if