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GEN.DEPOT/JU/NORTH WESTERN RLY, acting for & on behalf of The President of India invites E-Tenders against
Tender No. 35235068 Closing Date/Time 10-APR-23 11:25 Hrs. Bidders will be able to submit their original/revised
bids upto closing date and time only. Manual offers are not allowed against this tender, and any such manual offer
received shall be ignored.
S.No. (Item Item Description Quantity Unit Consignee
1 5002N01 Double Brake Indicator to Escorts Drawing No.- 2 EB 6612 make - 12 Nos. SSE/AIR
Escorts BRAKE/JUWS ,
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3.1 Statutory Variation in taxes and duties, or fresh imposition of taxes and -- -- --
duties by State/ Central Governments in respect of the items stipulated
in the contract (and not the raw materials thereof), within the original
delivery period stipulated in the contract, or last unconditionally extended
delivery period shall be to Railways' account. Only such variation shall
be admissible which takes place after the submission of bid. No claim on
account of statutory variation in respect of existing tax/duty will be
accepted unless the tenderer has clearly indicated in his offer the rate of
tax/duty considered in his quoted rate. No claim on account of statutory
variation shall be admissible on account of misclassification by the
supplier/ contractor.
3.2 SVC is applicable within original delivery period only against -- -- --
documentary evidence. Statutory variation will be considered during the
original delivery period and against documentary evidences only.
However increase in taxes or duties on account of increase turnover, or
misclassification or misapprehension of law shall not be allowed.
3.3 GST condition :- 1.GST: Quoted GST will be payable against -- -- --
documentary evidences. Firm to submit the invoice/bill clearly indicating
the appropriate HSN and applicable GST rate thereon duly supported
with documentary evidences. 2.Declaration: Firm to give declaration that
any additional Input Tax Credit benefit, f become available to supplier,
he same shall be passed on to purchaser without any undue delay.
3.RCM: In case successful tenderer is not liable to be registered under
CGST/GST/UTGST/SGST acts. The Railway shall deduct the applicable
from his/her bills under Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) and deposit
the same to the concerned tax authority. 4.NWR GST No
08AAAGM0289C1ZJ 5.It shall be the responsibility of the bidders to
quote correct HSN number and corresponding GST rate. 6.The offers
are evaluated based on the GST rate as quoted by each bidder and
same is used for determining the inter se ranking. While submitting offer,
it shall be the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that they quote
correct GST rate and HSN number. 7. Purchaser shall not be
responsible for any mis-classification of HSN number or incorrect GST
rate if quoted by the bidder. 8. Wherever the successful bidder invoices
the goods at GST rate or HSN number which is different from that
incorporated in the purchase order; payment shall be made s per GST
rate which is lower of the GST rate incorporated in the purchase order or
billed. 9. Vendor in informed that she/he would be required to adjust
her/his basic price to the extent required by higher tax billed as per
invoice to match the all inclusive price as mentioned in the purchaser
order. 10. Any amendment to GST rate or HSN number in the contract
shall be as per the contractual conditions and statutory amendments in
the quoted GST rate and HSN
4. Standard Governing Conditions
4.1 IRS Conditions of Contract: The contract shall be governed by latest -- -- --
version (along with all correction slips) of IRS conditions of contract, and
all other terms and conditions incorporated in the tender documents.
5. Conditions for Eligibility of Tenderer
5.1 The material is required as per the make/brand mention in the tender Yes No Not-Allowed
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5.2 Offers are preferably required from the Tender Specific OEM of the Yes Yes Allowed
make/brand mentioned in the description/specification. Firm attach
required documents for confirmation by OEM
5.3 In case tenderer is other than OEM, to attach valid authorization from Yes Yes Allowed/Mandatory
the OEM of make/brand mentioned in the description/specification.For
tenders where quoted offer value is more than 1 Lac, Authorized
dealerare required to submit tender specific authorization from OEM,
proof ofbeing OEM for quoted Make/Brand along with offer, failing to
which offerwill be summarily rejected.
5.4 Development order up to 20 % of NPQ may be placed on manufacturers Yes Yes Allowed
or its authorized agent, demonstrate the capacity cum capability to
manufacturer /supply the tendered item for this purpose, they must
upload necessary documents such as past performance for having
supplied similar item, NSIC, etc. development vendor in any PU
( ICF/RCF/MCI,CLW/DLW/ CORE/ DMW ets)/RDSO list for the tendered
5.5 Bidder must upoad cataolg of offered product containing all Yes Yes Allowed/Mandatory
specification .
5.6 Tenderer to confirm the compliance as per drawing mention in tender Yes Yes Not-Allowed
6. Inspection, Testing and Acceptance
6.1 Inspection by Consignee after receipt, firm to submit No No Not-Allowed
MTC, Warranty and gaurantee certificate along with supply.
7. Special Instructions
7.1 1 -Delivery Terms: Free at Destination. 2- Mode of Dispatch : By No No Not-Allowed
Rail /Road Transport. 3-Material Despatch to : jodhpur Stores Depot.
4-In case of dispatch by road date of actual receipt o f material by
consignee will be considered as date of supply.
5-Please mention the make/brand/model and HSN code of item clearly
of the offered items. Manufacturer's name, month and year of
manufacturing should be marked on item at a suitable place.
Warranty/Guarantee as per IRS tender condition.
8. Technical Compliance
8.1 IRS condition of contract. The contract shall be governed by latest Yes Yes Not-Allowed
version (along with all correction slips) of IRS conditions of contract and
all other terms and conditions incorporated in the tender documents
Drawing, Specifications, IS and other requirements as per tender item 1.
Validity of offer should be 30 days 2. Please attach Price List for
Branded Item also indicates MRP of branded items along with quoted
rate. If the rate quoted found higher than M.R.P. at any time, the
recovery will be enforced from the firm and bad performance will also be
recorded for further tenders. 3. Please mention Make/Brand of quoted
item and also attach authorization letter of OEM if any.
9. Commercial Compliance
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9.1 IRS condition of contract. The contract shall be governed by latest Yes Yes Not-Allowed
version (along with all correction slips) of IRS conditions of contract and
all other terms and conditions incorporated in the tender documents
Please enter the percentage of local content in the material being
offered. Please enter 0 for fully imported items, and 100 for fully
indigenous items. The definition and calculation of local content shall be
in accordance with the Make in India policy as incorporated in the tender
10. Checklist
10.1 I/We agree to supply the tendered stores at the rates quoted by me/us in No No Not-Allowed
accordance with the IRS Conditions of Contract and (or) Special and (or)
other Conditions specified/attached with the tender. I/We also Confirm
that Rates and other financial terms quoted in relevant columns of
financial bid will only be ruling terms for acceptance. such terms quoted
any where ells should be ignored.[Denial of this Conditions not
recommended] Have you attached any performance statements
11. General Instructions
11.1 1-All Condition give on www.ireps.gov.in e-tender public document North No No Not-Allowed
western Railway & IRS Conditions of Contact are applicable.
Authorized dealer are required submit tender specific authorization from
OEM along with their offer otherwise their offer may be ignored.
Firm should enclose performance regarding successful supply of subject
item in any railway/Pus.
12. Undertakings
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12.1 All Vendors, exempted from submitting EMD, as per para above, No No Not-Allowed
irrespective of type of tender, i.e. single, limited or open, shall be
required to sign a bid securing declaration as per Annexure A to this
There shall be no exemption to such bidders from submitting EMD and
SD for all tenders published during the period of time they are so
disqualified as per the declaration signed by them.
(a) "I/We certify that my/our offer is eligible for exemption from
submission of bid security/Earnest money deposit, in terms of the tender
(b) In case my/our claim to exemption from submission of bid
security/Earnest money deposit is not found valid as per terms of the
tender, I/We understand and accept that Railways has Unquestionable
right to summarily reject my bid and my offer shall not be considered for
(c) Further, I/We hereby understand and accept that If I/We withdraw or
modify my/our bids during the period of validity or if I/We are awarded
the contract and on being called upon to submit the performance
security/security deposit, fail to submit the performance security /security
deposit before the deadline defined in the request for bid
document/Notice inviting tender, I/We shall be debarred from exemption
of submitting bid security/Earnest money deposit and performance
security/security deposit for a period of 6 (six) months, from the date
I/We are declared disqualified from exemption from submission of
EMD/SD for all tenders for procurement of goods issued by any unit of
Indian Railways published during this period.
13. Other Conditions
13.1 As per tender condition.1 In case the successful tenderer is not liable to Yes Yes Allowed
be registered under CGST/IGST/UTGST/SGST Act. The railway shall
deduct the applicable GST from his/their bills under reserve change
mechanism (RCM) and deposit the same to the concerned tax authority.
2-All the bidders/tenders Should ensure that they are GST compliant
and their quoted tax structure/Rates are as per GST Law. 3- Please
mention the make/brand/model and HSN code of item clearly of the
offered items 4- -In case of dispatch by road date of actual receipt of
material by consignee will be considered as date o f supply.5. It shall be
the responsibility of the Bidders to Quote the Correct HSN No and
Corresponding GST Rate.6. If you are not a MSE or a consortia of MSEs
formed by NSIC, by NSIC, District industries Centers, KVIC, K V IB , C o
i r Board please indicate percentage of sub contracts in execution of this
tender that will be from Micro and Small Enterprise in percent of order
value with further breakup of MSE owned by SC/ST. Information will be
provided in terms with 6 fields Micro owned by SC, Micro owned by ST,
Micro owned by Others, Small industry owned by SC, Small industry
owned by ST, Small industry owned by Others
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13.2 Failure:Wherever SD has been exempted, not applicable for any reason, Yes No Not-Allowed
and the supplier fails to supply goods as per conditions of contract, as
amended from time to time purchaser shall have right to levy damages
from the supplier for failing to comply with the contractual conditions, not
by way of penalty, an amount equal to SD amount, as would have been
applicable if the contract was with non-exempted vendor. These
damages shall be treated as recoveries outstanding against the vendor
and dealt with accordingly. (3% of the contact value subject to Max. Rs
50 lakh As per Railway Board L/No. 2020/RS(G)/779/16 dated:
13.3 Their conditions: As per IRS conditions of contract, tender and attached Yes No Not-Allowed
tender condition
13.4 The onus of uploading of requisite document for capacity cum capability Yes No Allowed
and past performance etc. along with their e-office regarding %
u201CBulk order %u201D or %u2018development order%u2019 lies
with the tenderers . In case the necessary documents are not uploaded
by firm then the offer is liable to be ignored.
13.5 Traders and agent are not allowed to avail any benefits extended under Yes No Not-Allowed
MSE policy.
13.6 MSME:- Development order up to 20 % of NPQ may be placed on Yes Yes Allowed
manufacturers or its authorized agent, demonstrate the capacity cum
capability to manufacturer /supply the tendered item for this purpose,
they must upload necessary documents such as past performance for
having supplied similar item, NSIC, etc. development vendor in any PU
( ICF/RCF/MCI,CLW/DLW/ CORE/ DMW ets)/RDSO list for the tendered
13.8 All Terms and Condition are Applicable Attached NWR Tender Yes No Not-Allowed
Condition .
13.9 For any query /clarification regarding this tender, firms may contact on Yes Yes Not-Allowed
Mail ID: [email protected] before closing of tender date
13.10 Instructions to suppliers: Payment will be made against e-Bills. Digitally Yes No Allowed
signed e-Bills should be submitted through IREPS for claiming payment
against supplies.
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E. Likely/Selected Suppliers
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