IDBI Bank Ltd. Recruitment of Executives (On Contract) and PGDBF - Assistant Manager Grade 'A'
IDBI Bank Ltd. Recruitment of Executives (On Contract) and PGDBF - Assistant Manager Grade 'A'
IDBI Bank Ltd. Recruitment of Executives (On Contract) and PGDBF - Assistant Manager Grade 'A'
Recruitment of Executives (on Contract) and PGDBF - Assistant Manager Grade 'A'
Category : OBC
Type of Disability : -
State of Residence : -
(only for PGDBF)
Payment In : ONLINE
Fees : 847.46
Amount : 1000.00
Reference ID : 20220617111212800110168057559544300
Personal Details
Gender : MALE
Spouse's Name : -
District : Ahmedabad
Pincode : 382415
Permanent address
District : Ahmedabad
Pincode : 382415
Contact Details
Email ID : [email protected]
Educational Qualification (as on 01.04.2022)
Exam Passed Name of the Name of the Degree/ Subject / Date of % of Marks Class / Grade
College University Stream Passing
Academic year Semester Marks Obtained Total Marks Semester Marks Obtained Total Marks Marks Obtained Total Marks
Year IV 7 0 0 8 0 0 0.00 0
Year V 9 0 0 10 0 0 0.00 0
Total % 73.33
Other Details
I hereby certify that the information furnished above is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have not
suppressed any material fact(s) or factual information in the above statements. I am aware that, in case, I have given wrong information or
suppressed any material fact(s) or factual information, or I do not satisfy the eligibility criteria according to the advertisement and also in
case of creating influence/ bringing external pressure regarding recruitment, then my candidature will be rejected/ services terminated even
after appointment without giving any notice or reason thereof.
I hereby certify that I am satisfying the eligibility criteria for the post applied in terms of advertised criteria in respect of age, educational
qualification and experience, etc.
I hereby give my consent to the Bank to check my financial and credit history with the relevant agencies.
I am willing to serve anywhere in India. I agree that the Bank has a right to transfer me to any part of the country and/ or to any job position at
its sole discretion in terms of applicable Staff Rules from time to time.
I undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions in the advertisement given by the Bank. I hereby agree that any legal proceedings in
respect of any matter(s) or claims or disputes arising out of this application and/ or out of said advertisement can be instituted by me only at
Mumbai and Courts/ Tribunals/ Forums at Mumbai only, shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction to try any cause/ dispute.
Date: 17-06-2022