Mauser Rifles - Text PDF
Mauser Rifles - Text PDF
Mauser Rifles - Text PDF
Revised Edition
Eleventh Printing, March 2005
German NCO helmet courtesy of
Collectors Armoury, Alexandria, Virginia
CAUTION: The material contained herein is reprinted from past issues of the
AMERICAN RIFLEMAN (and/or the AMERICAN HUNTER) magazine, a copy¬
righted publication of the National Rifle Association of America (NRA).
Therefore, while technically sound and historically relevant, it may have been
updated by research more recent than the original date of publication. All
technical data in this publication, especially for handloading, reflect the limited
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The Mauser Story PARTI
lx for Success In llflc Making
By LUDWIG OLSON that adoption of a new rifle was unneces¬ Oberndorf, where they set up shop in the
sary. home of Paul’s father-in-law and con¬
The Mauser rifle was considered more tinued development of their rifle. Wilhelm
favorably by the Austrian War Ministry, went to Munich and showed the rifle to
T the
hough many men have contributed to
design of the bolt-action center-
but Austria had just adopted the Waenzl
system of converting its muzzle-loaders to
the Bavarian War Minister, but Bavaria
had already adopted the Werder breech¬
fire rifle, none have done as much as Paul breech-loaders. When the Austrian War loader.
and Wilhelm Mauser to make this rifle a Minister showed this Mauser rifle to Sam¬ In the meantime, the Royal Prussian
success. uel Norris, a European agent for the Military Shooting School had been testing
Paul (officially Peter Paul) and his American firm of Remington, Norris be¬ a Mauser rifle which Norris had furnished
brother Wilhelm were of humble origin. lieved that its features could be used in con¬ while the three partners were still in
They were born in Oberndorf on the verting the French Chassepot needle gun Liege. This rifle performed so well that
Neckar River in the German state of to a metallic-cartridge rifle. He therefore the brothers were requested to come to
Wuerttemberg, and were the youngest of formed a partnership with the Mausers. Spandau, near Berlin, to work out further
13 children. Although Paul Mauser, born In 1867, the partnership of Norris and improvements to satisfy requirements of
June 27, 1838, was four years younger the Mauser brothers moved to the arms the Royal Prussian Rifle Testing Commis¬
than Wilhelm, it was Paul who performed center of Liege, Belgium, where Paul and sion. On Dec. 2, 1871, the cal. 11 mm.
the bulk of the small arms development Wilhelm further developed their rifle. But Mauser rifle was selected as replacement
work and to whom most Mauser inven¬ the partnership was a failure. Norris was for the Prussian needle gun. The testing
tions are credited. This was due partly to unable to interest the French government commission, however, was not completely
the early death of Wilhelm after serving in conversion of the Chassepot to a me¬ satisfied with the Mauser and recom¬
chiefly as sales and business manager. tallic-cartridge rifle on the Mauser system, mended that its safety lock be improved.
While employed in the Wuerttemberg and therefore broke his partnership con¬ By Feb. 14, 1872, Paul Mauser had made
Royal Armory, Paul developed an im¬ tract. This left the Mauser brothers in the improvements, and Prussia adopted the
proved needle gun, chiefly by developing financial distress, and they returned to Mauser with the designation Infantry Rifle
a firing mechanism that cocked automat¬ Model 71.
ically as the bolt was operated. A slightly It seemed that acceptance of the Mauser
later version of this gun had a firing pin rifle by Prussia would mean big business
instead of a firing needle and fired rear- and success for the Mauser brothers. How¬
ignition cartridges. The turning-bolt prin¬ ever, Prussia wanted to have the rifle pro¬
ciple used by the Dreyse needle gun and duced by government arsenals and large,
this first Mauser found its way into all well-established firms. Also, instead of the
Ludwig Olson is an internationally 60,000 talers which Prussia had agreed to
subsequent Mauser bolt-action rifles. recognized authority on Mauser rifles,
The first Mauser rifle did not find ready an interest he developed in the 1930’s pay for the right to use the Mauser de¬
acceptance. The Wuerttemberg War Min¬ while serving as an armorer in the U.S. sign, the brothers received only 8,000
Army Ordnance Dept. A retired Warrant talers.
istry was satisfied with its Minie muzzle¬ Officer, he has been writing about arms
loading rifle, and therefore wouldn’t favor¬ In April, 1872, the Mauser brothers re¬
and ammunition since 1939 .
ably consider the new Mauser gun. In like ceived a contract from Prussia to produce
fashion, the Prussian War Ministry felt 3,000 sights for the Model 1871 rifle. An
that the Dreyse needle gun was so good order for sights was also received in 1872
German Model 71 cal. 11 mm. single-shot rifle—the first successful Mauser. Donated to
NRA Museum by David Savadyga.
German Model 71/84 cal. 11 mm. rifle was introduced in 1884, and featured tubular
magazine in fore-end. Donated to NRA Museum by Pan American Arms Co.
from the Bavarian Rifle Factory at Am- Stuttgart. It was the last important act of headquarters by Turkish officials.
berg, and to handle their growing business Wilhelm Mauser’s career. Health shat¬ On Dec. 28, 1887, the Wuerttemberg
the Mauser brothers sought a larger fac¬ tered by travel and strenuous activity, Wil¬ Vereinsbank sold all of its stock in the
tory. They tried to purchase the Wuert- helm Mauser died on Jan. 13, 1882. Mauser Co. to Ludwig Loewe & Co. of
temberg Royal Armory, but the sale was The Stuttgart demonstration was a suc¬ Berlin. Shares owned by Paul Mauser were
delayed. The brothers then purchased cess. By order of the Kaiser, four battalions also sold to Loewe, with Paul Mauser re¬
property in Oberndorf on the heights over¬ of the German Army were equipped with maining with the firm as technical leader.
looking the Neckar River Valley and built the new rifle for a troop test in 1882. The Why the stock was sold when the business
a factory there in 1872. This later became tests were successful, and the rifle was outlook for the Mauser firm was so favor¬
known as the Upper Works. adopted Jan. 31, 1884, with the designation able is unknown to this day.
On Dec. 23, 1872, the Mauser firm was Infantry Rifle Model 71/84. The term re¬ Adoption of the Lebel rifle by France in
listed in the Oberndorf trade register as peating was omitted from the designation 1886 marked one of the most important
“Gebrueder Wilhelm and Paul Mauser” for security reasons. steps in military rifle history. This 8 mm.
(Brothers Wilhelm and Paul Mauser). The Mauser firm produced only 19,000 bolt-action magazine rifle not only featured
Wuerttemberg needed 100,000 Model 71 Model 71/84 rifles for Wuerttemberg. Other a small caliber, but fired cartridges loaded
rifles, and negotiated with the Mauser firm rifles of this model were turned out by with smokeless powder and metal-jacketed
to produce them. The Mauser brothers government arsenals of other German states bullets. Other nations soon followed the
were offered the contract if they would under a royalty arrangement with Mauser. French lead, with Germany adopting a cal.
purchase the Wuerttemberg Royal Armory During the mid-1880’s, Mauser also pro¬ 7.9 mm., smokeless-powder magazine rifle
for 200,000 Gulden. To raise the capital duced 1,500 revolvers for Wuerttemberg, Nov. 12, 1888.
needed for the purchase, the Mausers 8,000 repeating rifles and carbines for Ser¬ Developed by the Rifle Testing Commis¬
formed a partnership with the Wuerttem¬ bia, and 6,000 single-shot rifles for China. sion in Spandau, the new German rifle was
berg Vereinsbank of Stuttgart. On April 1, 1884, the Mauser firm be¬ designated Infantry Rifle 88. In developing
With the acquisition of the Wuerttem¬ came a stock company with the name this rifle, the Commission used the same
berg Royal Armory on Mar. 23, 1874, Waffenfabrik Mauser (Mauser Arms Co.). general type of trigger mechanism, firing
Mauser Brothers and Co. now owned three After this reorganization, Paul developed mechanism, and safety lock as in the Model
factories: the Central Works (formerly the a cal. 9.5 mm. cartridge which he consid¬ 71/84 Mauser, and combined these with a
Royal Armory), the Lower Works near ered to be the optimum blackpowder rifle front-locking bolt and Mannlicher-type box
the Central Works, and the Upper Works. round, and brought out a new repeating magazine.
On Aug. 20, 1874, the Upper Works was rifle chambered for it. He made an unsuc¬ Paul Mauser was busy with the huge
partly destroyed by fire. Machines in the cessful trip to London to try to interest the Turkish contract while the Model 88 was
damaged portion were back in operation British in it, then went to Constantinople being developed and was not consulted in
after several days, and the damaged part where he tried to get his rifle adopted by the project. It was a great disappointment
was rebuilt in eight weeks. the Turkish Army. He was joined in this for him that he had been passed over by
The order for 100,000 Model 71 rifles attempt by Isidor Loewe of the Berlin firm his own government in the development of
for Wuerttemberg was completed in 1878. Ludwig Loewe & Co. After hard competi¬ a new German service rifle. Also, no Com¬
Mauser Brothers and Co. also produced a tion with other arms firms, the Mauser mission Model 88 rifles and carbines were
large number of rifle sights for Bavaria rifle won and the Turkish government produced at Oberndorf. Mauser could have
and 26,000 Model 71 rifles for China. The granted a contract for 500,000 cal. 9.5 mm. been forced to produce the Model 88 for
Prussian War Dept, tried to keep the bolt-action magazine rifles and 50,000 car¬ Turkey through a provision in the Turkish
Mauser rifle secret, and prohibited the bines in February, 1887. contract, but was not required to do so.
Mausers from having features of their rifle There were two important provisions in Mauser introduced a cal. 7.65 mm.,
patented in countries outside Germany. this contract: (1) Turkey was to be in¬ smokeless powder magazine rifle in 1888
The brothers learned that the Serbian formed of any rifle improvements patented for the Belgian rifle tests. Although only
Army planned to adopt new weapons, so by Paul Mauser during the contract period, experimental, this rifle represented an im¬
Wilhelm traveled to Belgrade in June, and could require that these improvements portant development because it was the
1879. Despite sharp competition during be incorporated in the rifles still to be de¬ first small-caliber Mauser and the first to
the trials, the Mauser eventually won out, livered. (2) If Germany were to adopt a fire smokeless powder ammunition.
and the Mauser firm obtained a contract new rifle during the course of the Turkish The box magazine of this rifle held nine
for 120,000 cal. 10.15 mm. single-shot contract, Turkey could require Mauser to rimmed rounds in a single column and was
rifles on Feb. 14, 1881. Wilhelm returned complete the contract with the new Ger¬ loaded by inserting loose rounds. The bolt
to Oberndorf in triumph a few days later. man model. had dual-opposed rear locking lugs, and the
In 1880 Paul Mauser began working on The huge Turkish contract provided sev¬ bolt handle was at the back of the receiver
a bolt-action repeating rifle. In one attempt eral years’ work for the Mauser Co. Since bridge within easy grasp of the user’s hand.
he fitted a box magazine to the Model 71, Mauser was equipped to produce only 200 The need for a faster means of magazine
converting it from a single-shot. Later, he to 250 rifles per day and the Turkish con¬ loading led to development of a Mauser
developed a repeater with a tubular maga¬ tract called for 500 per day, the plant had clip-loading rifle chambered for a cal. 7.65
zine in the forearm. On Sept. 27, 1881, he to be expanded. One of the structures mm., smokeless powder rimless cartridge.
and Wilhelm demonstrated two versions erected as a result of this contract was the Five rounds in a Mauser-designed strip clip
of this repeater for Kaiser Wilhelm I at so-called “Turkish Building” used as a (also called a charger) were pushed into
LEFT: The Central Works of the Mauser Co.f formerly the Wuerttemberg Royal Armory, about 1910. Large building in the middle
was once an Augustinian cloister. Indoor test range is in background. RIGHT: Upper Works of the company was built in 1872.
the single-column box magazine, and the wooden handguard instead of a metal tube smokeless powder caliber, the world-famous
clip was ejected automatically when the around the barrel. The Mauser Co. pro¬ 7 mm. The Model 92 had a single-column
bolt was closed. It was also possible to load duced 280,000 of this new model. box magazine, and was produced in very
the magazine singly with loose rounds. The The year 1891 marked the introduction limited quantity.
receiver was cut away extensively to permit of the Mauser to South American nations. Five versions of the Mauser rifle were
such loading, and this resulted in the rear Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru tested extensively by the U.S. Army in the
of the receiver being quite weak. Paul adopted cal. 7.65 mm. Mausers which magazine rifle test of 1892:
Mauser therefore designed this rifle with varied only in minor detail from the Turk¬ (1) Belgian Model 89.
a front-locking bolt in which dual-opposed ish Model 90, and these rifles were desig¬ (2) Cal. 7.65 mm. test rifle only
lugs engaged shoulders in the receiver ring. nated Model 91. The large Argentine con¬ slightly different from the Belgian Model
Unlike earlier Mausers and the Commis¬ tract for 180,000 rifles and 30,000 carbines 89 (called Mauser No. 2 by the testing
sion Model 88, the bolt head was integral was handled by Ludwig Loewe & Co. board).
with the bolt. This helped make the rifle since Mauser was busy producing rifles for (3) Special test model with magazine
foolproof since there was no possibility of Turkey. cutoff, long non-rotary extractor, and
removing the bolt head and firing the rifle But Mauser was not too busy to accept bolt guide rib in receiver. This rifle fired
without it. Another feature of this rifle a small order from Spain. Paul Mauser’s the U.S. experimental cal. .30 rimmed
was a sheet steel tubular handguard simi¬ attempts to obtain business from Spain cartridge (called Mauser No. 3).
lar to that of the German Commission dated back to 1887 when he tried unsuc¬ (4) Special test model featuring a
Model 88. cessfully to interest the Spanish govern¬ fixed magazine and several improvements
Belgium adopted this rifle in 1889, and ment in his blackpowder rifles. In 1891, introduced in 1892. This rifle also fired
it became known as the Belgian Model 89. Mauser succeeded in securing a contract the U.S. experimental cal. .30 rimmed
Many Model 89 rifles and carbines were from the authorities in Madrid for 1,840 cartridge (Mauser No. 4).
produced, but none was made by Mauser. Model 91 cal. 7.65 mm. troop test rifles (5) Special test model similar to No.
Most were produced by Fabrique Nationale almost identical to the Turkish Model 90. 4, but equipped with a cutoff and cham¬
d’Armes de Guerre, in Herstal near Liege, An improvement in this Spanish rifle was bered for a special cal. .30 rimless car¬
Belgium. This firm, which was owned an arrangement to prevent double loading tridge (Mauser No. 5).
partly by Ludwig Loewe & Co., produced (feeding a round from magazine to cham¬ The Belgian Model 89 and Mauser No.
approximately 275,000 Model 89’s. An¬ ber, failing to lock the bolt, and working 2 did only fairly well. There were misfires
other Model 89 producer was Manufacture the bolt again to feed a second round). with both rifles, and many failures to ex¬
d’Armes de L’Etat (Belgian Government This arrangement consisted of an undercut tract with the Model 89. The Model 89
Manufactory) in Liege. During World War on the bolt face and a spring-loaded also gave difficulty during magazine load¬
I, the Model 89 was also manufactured by plunger in the right locking lug. ing because of great force required to push
the Hopkins & Allen Arms Co., Norwich, In 1892, Paul Mauser introduced several cartridges out of the clips.
Conn., U.S.A., and by a firm in Birming¬ rifle improvements, the most important of Mausers No. 3, 4, and 5 were among the
ham, England. The Birmingham firm was them being a long, non-rotary extractor most satisfactory rifles in the test. No. 5
operated by a group of Belgian refugee that prevented double loading and im¬ gave exceptionally good performance.
patriots. proved smoothness of operation. Though it did not pass the defective car¬
In 1890, Turkey took advantage of a These improvements were included in tridge and dust tests quite as well as Krag-
feature in the contract for the Model 87 a Model 92/93 cal. 7.65 mm. carbine for Jorgensen No. 5, the rifle recommended by
rifle by requiring Mauser to halt production the Spanish Navy. This was a test gun, the board for adoption, it did as well in
of this model and complete the contract and the Mauser Co. had a contract to most other respects. Mauser No. 5 was
with a cal. 7.65 mm. rifle generally similar supply 400. These improvements were also somewhat better in the rapidity-with-accu-
to the Belgian Model 89. Designated Model present in a Model 92 Spanish rifle and racy test than the Krag-Jorgensen No. 5
90, the new Turkish rifle featured a short carbine which introduced a new Mauser and Lee No. 3, but the latter two showed
some superiority over the Mauser No. 5
in the rapidity-at-will test where accuracy
Mauser plant expanded greatly during World War I to meet German arms needs. was not considered.
wmrnmm Failure of the U.S. Army to adopt the
Mauser rifle in 1892 appears to have been
based on the great importance placed on
the operation of a rifle as a single-loader
and on good functioning with rimmed car¬
tridges, points in which the Krag-Jorgensen
was better than the Mauser.
The Mauser Story part ii
Model 98 cal. 7.9 mm. rifle was adopted by Germany in 1898 and
used by German infantry during World War I.
Model 98k carbine was the standard German shoulder arm during World War II
Rheinisch-Westfaelischen Powder Co. in
Cologne, and the Rottweil-Hamburg Pow¬
der Co. in Rottweil. Since Loewe owned
the Mauser Co. stock and more than 50%
of the Fabrique Nationale stock, these firms
became affiliated with DWM. On Apr. 23,
1897, the letters A.-G. (abbreviation for
Aktiengesellschaft, equivalent to the Brit¬
ish term Limited or the American term
Incorporated) were added to the Mauser
firm’s name. Paul Mauser remained on the
board of directors and superintended the
research and development section of the
Mauser Co., but had no financial control.
Shortly after the Spanish Model 93
Mauser was introduced, the German gov¬
ernment began tests with various rifles to
find suitable replacement for the Commis¬
sion Model 88. It was obvious that the
Model 88, particularly its Mannlicher Oberndorf Mauser sporting rifles were made in many styles and calibers. Specimen
clip-loading system, was inferior to the shown is chambered for 8x57 Mauser cartridge and is equipped with double set trig¬
Mauser Model 93. Furthermore, it was
gers. Donated to NRA Museum by Rev. J. B. M. Frederick.
questionable whether cal. 7.9 mm. was
best for military use. This prompted the
Germans to test Mauser rifles in various (Amberg, Danzig, Erfurt, and Spandau) stock and was fitted with a bipod. A re¬
calibers. One was in cal. 6 mm. Lee. as well as Waffenwerke Oberspree Korn- peater version of this rifle was also devel¬
Others were 2,185 Model 96 rifles cham¬ busch & Co., V. Chr. Schilling, C. G. oped, but it was introduced too late for
bered for a 6 mm. round somewhat larger Haenel, Simson & Co., and J. P. Sauer & use in the war.
than the 6 mm. Lee, some cal. 7.65 mm. Sohn. Performance of the Model 98 rifle dur¬
rifles, and 2,000 cal. 7.9 rifles with a Soon after Germany adopted the Model ing World War I was extremely good.
tubular metal handguard. The latter were 98, many other nations ordered rifles with This arm proved very effective and re¬
ordered from the Mauser Co. in Jan., actions of Model 98 design. These were liable, and was well liked by German sol¬
1895. Mauser also produced the cal. 6 mm. in various calibers and with an assortment diers. It did, however, show a few defi¬
rifles. of model designations. Turkey was one of ciencies which led to development of a
The Model 96 6 mm. experimental rifle the principal buyers with an order for new rifle proposed in 1917. Designated
had several improvements over the Span¬ 200,000 rifles. China, Serbia, Mexico, Model 98/17, the new rifle was basically
ish Model 93 and Swedish Mausers. Most Costa Rica, and several South American similar to the Model 98, but was easier to
important was a shrouded bolt head. The nations were the other purchasers. Much produce and had a metal bolt cover to
portion of the bolt forward of the lock¬ of this business was handled by DWM. keep out dirt. It also had a 100-meter set¬
ing lugs was a close fit with a cylindrical Among the more unusual Mauser rifles ting for the rear sight to make it easier
recess in the receiver ring. This helped was the Portuguese Model 1904 Mauser- to hit small targets at short range, and a
prevent rearward escape of gas and Vergueiro in cal. 6.5 mm. Developed by square shoulder on the rear of the maga¬
strengthened the receiver ring. Other fea¬ Vergueiro, a Portuguese officer, this bolt- zine follower to hold the bolt open after
tures were a safety lug toward the rear of action repeater was produced by DWM. the last round was fired. This rifle was
the bolt, and a large flange at the forward It featured the Mauser staggered-column developed too late in the war to warrant
end of the bolt sleeve which served as a box magazine, but had a separate bolt retooling for its mass production and
head similar to that of the German Com¬ therefore never got beyond the trial stage.
gas shield.
A second version of the Model 96 6 mission Model 88 rifle. The receiver also There were also Model 18 and Model 1929
mm. experimental rifle was generally sim¬ resembled that of the Commission Model experimental Mausers based on the Model
ilar to the first version, but had a cock- 88 in that it had a slotted bridge for pass¬ 98.
on-opening action. Another feature was a age of the bolt handle. A cal. 7 mm. ver¬ Because of restrictions placed on mili¬
bolt-sleeve lock to prevent rotation of the sion of this rifle was produced for the tary arms production by the Versailles
Brazilian military police. Treaty following World War I, the Mauser
firing mechanism when the bolt was moved
Paul Mauser died May 29, 1914, at the firm took up manufacture of precision
age of 76. During his later years he was measuring tools, calculating machines, in¬
After considerable experimenting with
engaged in development of semi-automatic dustrial sewing machines, and other items
various rifles, the German Rifle Testing
rifles and pocket pistols. The pistols proved of peacetime industry. Even a small car,
Commission recommended that an im¬
successful, but the semi-automatic rifles referred to humorously as the Mauser
proved Mauser rifle of cal. 7.9 mm. be
were not fully developed. duck, was produced, but it did not prove
adopted. Designated Infantry Rifle 98, this
The Mauser firm was expanded con¬ successful. A larger Mauser car gave bet¬
Mauser with an action similar to that of
siderably during World War I. At the end ter promise but could not compete cost-
the second version of the Model 96 ex¬
of 1916, the number of employees was wise with cars turned out by the auto
perimental rifle was adopted by Germany
approximately 7,000. A large quantity of industry. Due to the nature of the items
April 5, 1898.
Model 98 rifles was produced during this produced, the name of the firm was
In 1904, a contract for 500,000 Model
period, and manufacture of a cal. 13 mm. changed on May 30, 1922, from Waffen-
98 rifles was given jointly to Mauser and
anti-tank rifle was started in early 1918. fabrik Mauser A.-G. to Mauser-Werke
DWM. Production facilities at Oberndorf
Developed by the Mauser firm, this 38-lb., A.-G. (Mauser Works, Inc.).
were so taxed that a new structure known
single-shot bolt-action arm was commonly The period following the war was a
as the German Building was added to the
called an “elephant rifle’’ by factory work¬ difficult one for Mauser. Center-fire sport¬
Mauser plant. The Model 98 was also
ers and German troops. It had a shoulder ing rifles, cal. .22 rimfire rifles, and pistols
produced by German government arsenals
were produced, but this business was small was lifted in 1959. Production of precision
compared to the large military rifle con¬ measuring tools and industrial sewing ma¬
tracts of World War I and earlier. In chines was then resumed, and Mauser be¬
1929, the number of employees dropped came affiliated with OTNIMA (now
to 750, and it appeared that the firm Mauser-Schaerer), a firm which produces
would fail. items for the German automotive industry.
Production of Mauser military rifles In 1963, Mauser acquired manufactur¬
and carbines was largely taken over dur¬ ing rights to a short-action sporting rifle
ing the 1920’s and early 1930’s by Fab- developed by Walter Gehmann, a well-
rique Nationale (FN) of Herstal, Belgium, known shooter and arms dealer of Karls¬
and Ceskoslovenska Zbrojovka (Czecho¬ ruhe, Germany. This center-fire hunting
slovakian Arms Factory; abbreviated CZ), rifle was introduced in 1965, and is cur¬
Brno, Czechoslovakia. Mausers produced rently marketed under the designation
by these firms had various designations, Mauser Modell 66 (Model 660 in the
but all had actions of Model 98 design. U.S.). It is of bolt-action design, but dif¬
They were supplied to nations in Europe, fers radically from earlier Mauser rifles.
Asia, Africa, and Central and South Amer¬ Its outstanding features are a quick-change
ica. Military Mausers with actions of barrel and extremely short action. The
Model 98 design were also produced by short action is made possible by a receiver
government arsenals in Poland, Yugo¬ slide which supports the bolt in a tele¬
slavia, Spain, China, and various other scoping arrangement.
countries. Many rifles and carbines made by the
Mauser firm bear the Mauser banner Other commercial arms offered cur¬
Despite the Versailles Treaty, the Mauser rently by Mauser are HSc and Parabellum
Co. developed a Model 98 type of military trademark used since 1909.
(Luger) pistols, and center-fire sporting
short rifle called the Standard-Modell rifles featuring a conventional bolt action
(German spelling of model has double 1). tivity at the Mauser plant in Oberndorf easier to manufacture than the Model 98.
This was a shortened version of the Ger¬ was large-scale production of 98k carbines These rifles are produced for Mauser by
man Model 98 rifle, and was developed and various models of semi-automatic pis¬ the Friedrich Wilhelm Heym Arms Fac¬
about 1924. Mauser brochures did not tols (Luger, P38, and HSc). By 1944, the tory in Muennerstadt, West Germany. Ex¬
tell directly what was meant by Standard- number of Mauser employees at Obern¬ cept for the rifle manufactured by Heym.
Modell, but stated that the 600 mm. dorf was close to 12,000, of which 7,000 commercial Mauser arms are now pro¬
(23.6") barrel length of this arm gave were Germans. The remainder were slave duced at the Oberndorf plant by a division
special handiness to make the rifle stand¬ laborers and others from German occu¬ of the Mauser firm called Mauser-Jagd-
ard for both infantry and cavalry. pied countries. waffen G.m.b.H.
The Standard-Modell was introduced Production at the Mauser plant in Although superseded for military use by
commercially in calibers 7.9 mm., 7.65 Oberndorf was not greatly affected by air semi-automatic and automatic rifles, the
mm., and 7 mm., and was sold to clubs, raids during World War II until the middle bolt-action Mauser is still an important
and police and guard organizations. It was of 1943. The raids were more frequent arm for sporting use. The Model 98 in¬
also sold to Ethiopia and China, and the from that time on. Toward the end of spired development of famous rifles such
Chinese produced a crude copy called the 1944, the raids caused work interruptions as the Winchester Model 70, and many
Chiang Kai-shek rifle. Both original and almost daily and resulted in greatly de¬ sporting arms with actions of Model 98
copy versions were used by China in the creased production. The first bombs fell design are still produced. When Germany
war with Japan (1937-45) and also by in the plant area Feb. 2, 1945, without surrendered in 1945, many Mauser rec¬
Communist forces in Korea. A slightly doing any great damage. On Feb. 22. ords were lost or destroyed. It is therefore
modified version of this short rifle desig¬ bombs destroyed part of the Central impossible to give an accurate account of
nated carbine 98k was the standard Ger¬ Works and caused death and injuries. Mauser bolt-action rifle production. Ac¬
man shoulder arm during World War II. A French Army unit occupied the cording to one German estimate, the num¬
With the rearmament of Germany dur¬ Mauser Works at Oberndorf on April 20, ber of bolt-action Mausers with Model 98
ing the mid-1930’s, the Mauser plant 1945. The Research Dept, and parts of action design produced by the Mauser Co.
again became a beehive of activity. Orders the Production Dept, were transferred out and other manufacturing establishments
for military arms were so huge that the of Oberndorf a few days before the occu¬ was approximately 102 million. The
Mauser Co. took over empty buildings of pation, but were overtaken by Allied Mauser was not only produced in fabu¬
the DWM arms plant at Berlin-Wittenau forces in the Tyrol. lous quantity; it also enjoyed worldwide
in 1934, and operated a branch plant there. Production at the Oberndorf plant con¬ distribution. It is truly the rifle that made
The Berlin plant had 4,000 to 5,000 em¬ tinued under direction of the occupation good. B
ployees, and produced 98k carbines, sub¬ forces until 1947 when the French ordered
machine guns, and machine guns. liquidation of the firm. Many Mauser ma¬ Information for this article was ob¬
At Oberndorf, the number of Mauser chines as well as research records and a tained from Alex Mauser, son of Paul
employees reached 7,000 by 1936. During large arms collection were then moved to Mauser, Dr. Rolf Gminder, Sales Manager
that time the Mauser firm became an im¬ France and various other countries. In of Mauser-Jagdwaffen, G.m.b.H., Ferdi¬
portant center for development and pro¬ 1948 and 1949, a large portion of the nand Feederle of the Heimatmuseum,
duction of machine guns and light auto¬ plant was razed by demolitions, and sev¬ Oberndorf a./N., U.S. Army Report Of
matic cannon. The well-known MG34 eral remaining buildings were taken over The Chief Of Ordnance (1892), and the
dual-purpose machine gun, MG81 aircraft by companies producing textiles, measur¬ following books: Mauser Gewehre und
machine gun, 2 cm. Flak 38 AA gun, and ing tools, office machines, and drug prod¬ Mauser Patente, by R. H. Korn, Ges-
MG151 aircraft automatic cannon were ucts. chichte der Mauser-Werke, and Oberndorf
largely Mauser developments. Other ac- The order for liquidation of the firm Lebt und Baut Auf.
Mauser Model 660 sporting rifle features short action and quick-change
barrel. Designed by Walter Gehmann, it was introduced in 1965.
“I.G.” in marking on German Model 1871/84 11 mm. Spanish 7 mm. Model 1893 rifles and Model 1895 car¬
Mauser blackpowder rifle stands for Infanterie Gewehr bines were produced in Germany by Ludwig Loewe & Co.
(Infantry Rifle). and Mauser, and by the Spanish government arsenal,
Oviedo, Spain. Although marked “MGDELO 1893”, the
carbine version is officially Model 1895.
Barrel of German Model 1871/84 rifle is marked to indi¬ For many years, the Mauser Co. in Germany was a princi¬
cate manufacture by Erfurt Arsenal. “F.W.” stands for pal supplier of rifles for Turkey. At the time these rifles
Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm I, and the small markings flank¬ were produced, Turkey used the Arabic alphabet, and the
ing the letters are acceptance stamps. The “11.05” rifles thus bear Arabic alphabet markings. Left part of
marking denotes the bore diameter in millimeters, and marking on Turkish Model 1893 7.65 mm. rifle stands for
“2034” is the serial number. 1312 year (corresponds to Christian year 1896), which
denotes when the rifle was produced. The marking between
the stars means Mauser Arms Co., Oberndorf a./N.
Featuring a box magazine and a one- control of Deutsche Waffen-und Muni- Mauser Co. called its rifles and carbines
piece bolt with dual forward locking tionsfabriken, A.-G. (German Arms original Mausers to distinguish them
lugs, the Belgian Model 1889 rifle served and Ammunition Co., Inc.), abbrevi¬ from those offered by other makers.
as a basis for further Mauser turnbolt ated DWM. Military arms business of the Mauser
rifle developments. Improved models Sweden adopted a Mauser carbine in firm was curtailed greatly after World
adopted by Turkey, Spain, and various 1894 and a Mauser rifle in 1896, both War I by restrictions of the Versailles
South American nations were introduced chambered for the 6.5x55 cartridge. Treaty, and the principal suppliers of
in the early 1890’s. Most important of Also in 1896, Germany experimented military Mausers during the 1920’s and
these was the Spanish Model 1893, the with Mausers of various calibers. As a early 1930’s were Fabrique Nationale
first Mauser with a staggered-column result of these experiments, Germany in Belgium and Ceskoslovenska Zbro-
box magazine. adopted an improved 7.9 mm. Mauser jovka (Czechoslovakian Arms Factory),
rifle in 1898. Brno, Czechoslovakia. Arms factories
Produced in large quantity by the in Spain, Poland, Yugoslavia, and China
Produced by many firms
Mauser Co., DWM, other commercial also turned out Mausers in large quan¬
In addition to the Mauser firm, lead¬ firms, and several German government tity.
ing producers of Mausers during the arsenals, the Mauser 98 in various rifle Production of military Mausers was
early 1890’s were Fabrique Nationale and carbine versions was the standard resumed in Germany during the mid
in Herstal, Belgium, and Ludwig Loewe German shoulder arm for almost half 1930’s when Hitler disregarded the Ver¬
& Co., Berlin, Germany. Loewe owned a century. It was adopted also in slight¬ sailles Treaty. During this period, Mau¬
a controlling interest in the Mauser Co. ly modified form and in various calibers ser produced a large quantity of Model
and also had partial financial control of by many other nations, particularly in 98k carbines for Germany and Standard-
Fabrique Nationale which was founded Central and South America. Modell Mauser short rifles for export.
for the purpose of producing Belgian Sporting versions with actions of Many other firms also produced the
Model 1889 military rifles. In 1896, Model 98 design were produced by the 98k and various other Mausers for the
both Loewe and Mauser came under the Mauser Co. and several other firms. The German military machine during the
rearmament period and World War II. Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and Sweden. byf Mauser-Werke, A.-G.,
In an attempt to conceal the identity of Not all Mauser markings are covered Oberndorf a./N.
the producers, these arms were stamped in this article, but the most frequently ce J. P. Sauer & Sohn, Suhl
with manufacturers’ code markings in¬ encountered as well as some rare ones dot Waffenwerke Bruenn,
stead of firm names. Number codes with are shown. ■ A.-G., Brno, Czechoslovakia
a letter prefix were used first, but the dou Waffenwerke Bruenn,
letter prefix later was dropped. In 1941, Manufacturers' Codes On German A.-G., Werk Bystrica
the number codes were replaced by let¬ Military Mausers* duv Berlin-Luebecker
ter codes, and a further change was Code Maschinenfabriken, Werk
made in the last part of the war when Marking Manufacturer Luebeck
a new system of letter codes was adopt¬ S/421 Mauser-Werke, A.-G., svw Mauser-Werke, A.-G.,
ed. Meanings of most letter codes are 42/ Oberndorf a./N. (late code) Oberndorf a./N.
given in captured German code books, 660 Steyr-Daimler-Puch, * Several number codes and a few letter
but reliable records on number codes A.-G., Steyr, Austria codes are not shown since their meanings
are not available and apparently were 945 Waffenwerke Bruenn, are unknown or uncertain.
destroyed. Meanings of only a few num¬ A.-G., Brno, Czechoslovakia
ber codes have been satisfactorily deter¬
mined, and there has been considerable
ar Mauser-Werke, A.-G.,
Werk Borsigwalde, Berlin-
T appreciation
author expresses thanks and
for valuable assistance
misinformation on the subject. The same Borsigwalde, Eichborndamm furnished by arms collectors, dealers,
is true of later letter codes. ax Feinmechanische Werke, museums, arms firms, and foreign
Military Mausers were produced in G.m.b.H., Erfurt, embassies. Special thanks is extended
limited quantity following World War Altonaerstr. 25 to the Aberdeen Proving Ground Mu¬
seum, Aberdeen, Md.; Interarms, Ltd.,
II, but are now obsolete for military bed Gustloff Werke,
Alexandria, Va.; Potomac Arms Corp.,
purposes. Mauser sporting rifles, how¬ Werk Weimar, Weimar Alexandria, Va.; Davis Gun Shop,
ever, remain highly popular. Improved bnz Steyr-Daimler-Puch, Falls Church, Va.; and the Mauser
sporter versions are now produced in A.-G., Werk Steyr, Works.
several countries, particularly Germany, Steyr, Austria
Most Mauser sporting rifles produced by the Mauser firm bear the marking
dorf a./N.). Hard rubber buttplates of these rifles are marked with the old
Mauser trademark, interlocked letters “WM”, or the Mauser banner trade¬
mark consisting of the word “MAUSER” enclosed in an oval shield. The
banner trademark was adopted in 1909. In 1922, the name of the Mauser
firm was changed to Mauser-Werke, A.-G. (Mauser Works, Inc.), and this mark¬ This marking on a Czech 7.9 mm. short
ing appears on later Mausers. Some Mauser sporting rifles and carbines rifle produced in the early 1920’s denotes
produced after 1922, however, bear the older firm name. Small markings to the manufacturer: Czechoslovakian Fac¬
the left of the serial number are German commercial proof marks. tory for Arms Manufacture, Brno.
Buttstock of Ira¬
nian Mauser rifle
bears Iranian
marking for the
serial number,
4600R, and below
it the word Infan¬
Markings on left side of Iranian rifle stand for: Long try.
Rifle Model 1317, Brno Arms Factory. The Iranian year
1317 corresponds to the Christian year 1938. The CZ
firm’s designation for this rifle is Long Rifle Model
Yugoslavian Model
1924 7.9 mm. short
rifle bears Yugo¬
slavian coat of
Many Model 24 Mauser rifles produced in Czechoslovakia arms. The word
bear the name Zbrojovka Brno, A.S. (Brno Arms Factory, Ltd.), Model is in Cyrillic
commonly abbreviated ZB, a later name for the CZ firm. The letters.
German name for CZ during World War II was Waffenwerke
Bruenn, A.-G.
Left of barrel on Ethiopian short rifle
bears the Lion of Judah marking. The T
enclosed by a circle is a proof or inspec¬
tor’s mark.
Venezuelan coat of arms marking on Ven¬
ezuelan Model 1924/30 short rifle. Model 1930 Greek 7.9 mm. short rifle
bears Greek coat of arms, and was pro¬
duced in Belgium by FN.
Standard-Model I short rifles produced by the Mauser Co. between the World
Wars, were introduced commercially in 7.9 mm. and 7 mm. calibers in the
1920’s. Many were sold to clubs, and police and guard organizations. They Peruvian Model 1935 .30-’06 short rifles
were also sold to China, and the Chinese produced a crude copy called the bear the Peruvian coat of arms, and the
Chiang Kai-shek rifle. Both original and copy versions were used by China left of the receiver denotes manufacture
in the war with Japan (1937-45), and also by Communist forces in Korea. in Belgium by FN. Circular cut on rear
Mauser brochures do not tell directly what is meant by Standard-Modell, of receiver ring gives loading clearance
but they do state that the 600 mm. (23.6") barrel length gives special for .30-'06 cartridge which is longer than
handiness, making the rifle standard for both infantry and cavalry. Letter 7 mm., 7.65 mm., and 7.9 mm. Mauser
and crown markings to left of serial number are German commercial proof cartridges, the most common Mauser
marks. military rounds.
From 1935 through World War II, the Germany used a limited quantity of
standard German shoulder arm was the Model 24(t) 7.9 mm. rifles as substitute
Model 98k 7.9 mm. Mauser carbine. standard in World War II. These rifles
Marked “Mod. 98”, this carbine also bears are generally similar to the Czech Model
the year of production and a code mark¬ The Model 33/40 rifle was adopted by 24 short rifle. G in the designation is for
ing to denote the manufacturer. For sev¬ the Germans in 1940. Of Mauser 98 Gewehr (rifle), and the lower-case t in
eral years, two- or three-digit number type, it was developed from the Czech parentheses is the German abbreviation
codes preceded by a letter (example, Model 33 carbine, and was used by moun¬ for Czechoslovakian. Year of manufac¬
S/42) were used. Then the codes were tain troops. The left of its receiver is ture and the manufacturer's code “dou”
simplified by discontinuing the letter. On marked “G.33/40”. Year of production (Waffenwerke Bruenn, A.-G., Werk By¬
the Carbine 98k shown, “1939” is the and the manufacturer’s code are on the strica) are on the receiver ring.
year of manufacture, and “42” is the receiver ring. Early specimens bear the
manufacturer’s code for the Mauser- code “945”, while those produced later
Werke, A.-G., Oberndorf a./N. In 1941, a are marked “dot”. Both markings stand
letter code system replaced the number for the CZ firm in Brno, Czechoslovakia.
codes. Each letter code consists of two The small spread eagle marking above
or three lower-case letters (example, byf the manufacturer’s code is a Waffenamt
for Mauser Works, Oberndorf a./N.). Many (Ordnance) inspector’s stamp.
98k carbines produced in 1944 bear the
single digit four to denote year of manu¬
facture. Some 98k carbines are marked
“BSW”. This is an abbreviation for the
manufacturing firm Berlin-Suhler Waffen-
This 7.9 mm. short rifle bearing the
und Fahrzeugwerke (Berlin-Suhl Arms and
Portuguese coat of arms was originally
Vehicle Works), and is not a code.
produced under contract for Portugal by
the Mauser Works in Germany during
1941. Due to the urgent German need
for small arms during World War II,
many rifles intended for Portugal were
acquired by the German government. The
small eagle to the left of the serial
number is the German Waffenamt (Ord¬
Belgian .30-'06 short rifle is marked with nance) acceptance stamp.
a large “B” for Baudouin I, the Belgian
king. “ABL” stands for Armee Beige Leger
(Belgian Army) in French and Flemish,
the two languages used in Belgium.
“1952” is the year of manufacture. Left
Spanish Model 43 7.9 mm. short rifles of receiver is marked to indicate produc¬
were produced by the Spanish govern¬ tion by FN in Herstal, Belgium. Many
ment arms factory in La Coruna, Spain. specimens of this rifle are marked with
The Spanish coat of arms shown is of a large “L” in script instead of a “B”.
late design. “1953” is the year of manu¬ The “L” stands for Leopold III who was
facture. the Belgian king before Baudouin.
Many German Model 98k carbines were acquired by Yugoslavia after World
War II. German markings on top of the receiver ring were ground off, and Short-barrel 7.9 mm. carbine marked
the left of the ring was stamped “PREDUZECE 44” (Enterprise or Establish¬ with a crown and “J” on the receiver ring
ment 44), a code marking to denote the Yugoslavian arsenal or firm that was produced in Belgium by FN for the
reconditioned the arm. “Mod. 98” on the left of the receiver is an original Dutch police. The marking stands for
German marking.
Queen Juliana of the Netherlands. ■
2 Finished Mannlicher-type sporter weighs IVa lbs., and has over-all length of 41". The buttstock
is made quite straight to reduce muzzle jump. Comb height is adjusted so that right eye of
shooter is in correct alignment with sights when rifle is brought to shoulder quickly. Barrel is bedded
tightly through full length of fore-end channel.
3 Left side view showing small but ade¬
quate cheekpiece. Comb is run well
forward so front end does not chop into
cheekbone in recoil. Comb line should be
angled slightly to right of bore line to
position eye along line of sight when rifle
is brought to shoulder quickly. This comb
cast is especially necessary when buttstock
has no castoff. Downward pitch of comb
causes it to slide under cheekbone in recoil.
4 Semi-inletted Mannlicher-type stock from Reinhart Fajen was ordered with extra
wood in lower portion of pistol grip to accommodate Jaeger steel grip cap which
is somewhat larger than plastic grip cap regularly furnished with this stock.
markings found on the receiver front sight assembly with a commercial fessional gunsmiths are familiar with
The original military sights are ade¬ sporting ramp sight. These are offered this problem and also have special fix¬
quate for hunting, but it is advisable in band, screw-on, and sweat-on pat¬ tures to insure precise alignment of
to replace the front sight blade with a terns, of which the band-type assembly sight mounting holes in the receiver and
gold or ivory bead sporting sight. If this is the most easily fitted. It is simply barrel. The cost per hole is nominal.
is done, the notch in the rear sight driven on the barrel friction-tight and
should be recut with a round needle file is held in place by a small lock screw
to conform with the round bead of the Barrel shortening
which engages a detent drilled in the
front sight. top of the barrel. The barrel of the sporting rifle should
The military rear sight does not pro¬ The screw-on and sweat-on front not exceed 24", and a 20" barrel is not
vide adjustment for windage and for sight assemblies are difficult to install impractical where a lightweight carbine
that reason many will prefer to replace unless one has the necessary equipment is desired. Under the National Fire¬
it with a more refined and neater com¬ and knowledge. As a general rule, the arms Act the barrel of the center-fire
mercial sight with adjustments for both amateur gunsmith should rely upon the rifle cannot be less than 16" in length.
windage and elevation. These can be professional for sight installation. This measurement is taken from the
had for mounting on either the barrel The receivers of Mauser 98 rifles are face of the closed bolt to the end of
or the receiver. often casehardened and cannot be the muzzle. A barrel less than 20" will
If the barrel is to be shortened it will drilled and tapped unless the area to give severe muzzle flash and blast.
be necessary to replace the military be drilled is annealed beforehand. Pro¬ A hacksaw with good-quality high-
speed steel blade is used to cut off the done by hand if motor-driven polishing
barrel. The muzzle should then be equipment is not available. Machine
trued with a fine-cut mill file and stoned marks or shallow rust pits on the barrel
to remove the file marks. A small ma¬ can be removed with a fine-cut mill file.
chinist’s square is needed to square the The file should be carded frequently
muzzle with the bore with due allow¬ and chalking the teeth will prevent pick¬
ance made for taper of the barrel. up of sharp chips which might other¬
wise scar the work. Final filing should
be done lengthwise of the barrel with
Crowning the muzzle
the work rotated constantly to avoid
The bore is crowned using coarse cutting unsightly flats. With filing com¬
valve-grinding compound and a round- pleted, the barrel should be stoned
head brass or iron screw chucked in a lengthwise with a fine-grit stone to re¬
hand or portable electric drill. Slight move the file marks and prepare the 7 Inletting of trigger guard is virtually
completed in this view. Black line
oscillation of the drill during crowning surface for polishing with abrasive
cloth. Initial polishing should be done of spotting color remaining around mor¬
will prevent ring-cutting the screw head.
tise rim indicates tight fit at junction of
The crowning need not be deep, but crosswise of the barrel with a whip¬
wood and metal. Workman must use judg¬
edges of both lands and grooves should sawing motion using strips of medium- ment in cutting away wood around edges
be broken. Sharp outer edge of the grit emery cloth torn lengthwise of the of mortises as removal of too much wood
barrel muzzle can be beveled with the sheet. All subsequent polishing should will result in unsightly gaps at junction
stone or fine-cut file. Final muzzle pol¬ be done lengthwise of the barrel with of wood and metal. Upper surfaces of
ishing is done with fine-grit silicon car¬ soft-back silicon carbide papers in front and rear guard tangs must bottom
bide abrasive paper rotated against the medium and fine grits. Final polishing fully in their mortises.
muzzle with the ball of the thumb. with crocus cloth should be deferred
The sight base of most Mauser 98 until after inletting is completed.
rifles is in the form of a band attached
to the barrel with soft solder. It is
Minor imperfections on the receiver
can be polished out using the stone and
8 Initial step in inletting barreled ac¬
tion assembly is truing of receiver
aligned by a screw which engages a soft-back silicon carbide abrasive paper. recoil shoulder in the stock. Flat chisel is
detent in the top of the barrel. Remove The finger loop of the military trig¬ used with paring motion to obtain abso¬
this screw and drift out the crosspin ger guard is unnecessarily thick and lutely flat surface. Very little wood is
in the hinge of the sight leaf. Fold the wide. It should be thinned and reduced removed in this operation, but rounded
sight leaf down flat, press down hard in width about 1/s". Its appearance will corners left by stock inletting machine
on its front end, and at the same time be improved if it is tapered slightly must be trimmed out to insure full con¬
from front to rear. The coarse-cut tact of receiver recoil lug with matching
pull it to the rear. As this is done, raise
shoulder in stock.
the rear end of the leaf slightly to clear round file is used to cut away excess
the base and withdraw it from its socket stock from the sides. Thinning and con¬
in the hinge. The sight leaf spring can touring is then done with fine-cut mill
now be drawn out to the front. The and half-round needle files. File marks
sight base can be chiseled off the barrel, are removed by stoning the finger loop
or removed by heating it to melt the prior to final polishing with abrasive
solder which bonds it to the barrel. If papers. Use lightweight oil with the
the cold chisel is used, the 2 straps at stone to prevent it from glazing.
bottom of the base should first be clipped.
Avoid cutting into the barrel.
Large variety of sights
The sight base can then be chiseled
off the barrel with little risk of marring A large variety of metallic sight com¬
the barrel if the chisel is held so its binations are available for use on 1898
sharp edge strikes the sight base only. Mauser rifles, and the same holds true
If the torch is used, the flame should for hunting telescope sights and mounts.
be played evenly over the entire sight The choice of sighting equipment is
base until beads of melted solder appear likely to be dictated by cost, brand pref¬
at its edges. The base can then be erence, or prior experience. The open
drifted forward and off the barrel. Sol¬ rear barrel sight, as fitted to the subject
der remaining on the barrel is readily rifle, is well suited for the hunting rifle
removed with coarse emery cloth. which will be used in brushy country
Preliminary rough polishing of the where virtually all shots are likely to
barrel and action assembly should be be taken at 100 yds. or less. The fully-
done prior to inletting it into the stock. adjustable aperture receiver sight is
This is especially advisable if any more desirable for shooting at ranges
significant amount of metal is to be greater than 100 yds., or when the
removed in polishing out rust pits or shooter’s eyes have lost their powers
nicks. This preliminary polishing avoids of accommodation. A prime advantage
unsightly gaps between wood and metal of the micrometer-type aperture re¬
which are likely to be present if polish¬ ceiver sight is the ease with which the
ing is deferred until after inletting. Final rifle can be sighted-in with minimum
polishing is best done when the parts expenditure of ammunition. Too, the
are being readied for bluing.
An excellent polishing job can be
9 Headless stockmaker’s screw threaded into front guard screw
hole in receiver is used to position barreled action assembly in
1 Q Forged steel buttplate from Paul Jaeger is fitted
using spotting color to obtain close fit between
correct relationship with trigger guard. Lower end of screw enters rim of plate and stock. Excess wood is pared and
front screw hole in trigger guard. Trigger guard should be left in rasped off with flat chisel and half-round file. Screws
stock until inletting of barreled action is completed. furnished with buttplate can be used to draw plate
tight after fitting is almost completed. Pistol grip cap
is fitted in same manner. Buttplate and pistol grip
cap should be left in place during subsequent shaping
and sanding of stock to insure gap-free fits around
edges. Bright spots can be blued later, or buttplate
and grip cap can be reblued with other parts.
U Stockmaker’s screws with large T-handles can be brought into play when barreled action has been inletted about half way.
Auxiliary C-clamp is used to press barrel into its channel in fore-end. Stockmaker’s screws should not be tightened excessively
as this may split stock. Very little screw pressure is required to obtain adequate transfer of spotting color to wood. Barrel should
be inletted to half its depth in fore-end channel. Receiver must bottom fully in its mortise with only a very slight gap remaining
between top surface of magazine box and bottom of receiver.
U Pistol grip and area around it are profiled with
round bastard file. File strokes should be light
1 C Fluting around cheekpiece is cut in with half-
1 J round and round bastard files. Rear face of cheek-
so that progress of work can be judged accurately. piece should be segment of perfect circle. Outline can
Half-round fine-cut needle file is used for final shap¬ be drawn in with pencil compass.
ing in rear of pistol grip. Round file is also used to
deepen and form flutes at front end of comb and to
make various cut-outs around top of receiver.
1 Q Appearance of guard loop is enhanced by narrowing it about Vs" 0C\ Williams Guide rear sight is fully adjustable for
1 and tapering it slightly from front to rear. Floorplate release catch windage and elevation. It is attached to barrel by
should be left in place during shaping of loop. Inside of loop can be two 6-48 screws. Medium diameter base was required
polished quickly using short strip of emery cloth held in split dowel for this Ml909 Argentine Mauser rifle. Sight leaf is
mounted in drill press chuck. 5/16" high and is positioned 3lA” forward of receiver
ring face. Barrel sights must be fitted with precision
drilling jig to insure correct alignment with bore and
front sight. Therefore, sight installation work is best
entrusted to professional gunsmith.
when inletting the trigger guard. The Exterior of the stock is shaped with would be present if the fore-end were
large blade is an effective scraper in files and rasps. The so-called shoe straight tapered. Use of a straightedge
fitting the magazine box and the small file is perhaps the most versatile tool or piece of string will aid in shaping
blade can be used to cut out the corners for shaping the fore-end and other sur¬ sides and bottom surface of the fore¬
for the box. faces on the stock which are not sharply end so that the amount of bow-in is
Minimum tools required for inletting curved, as around the cheekpiece or equal on all sides.
the typical barreled action are a lA" pistol grip. Round and half-round bas¬ The straightedge is also used in
bent chisel, 9/16" inside-ground straight tard files are used for cutting in fluting shaping the buttstock. Lower edge of
gouge, and a 9/16" straight chisel. or sharp radii. the stock should fall on a straight line
Suitable inletting tools are available The well-proportioned stock is free between toe of the buttplate and rear-
either singly or in sets from gunsmith from sags and bellies, although the fore¬ end of the trigger guard tang. Upper
supply houses. Small carving tools made end of the Mannlicher-type stock should edge of the stock in rear of the cheek-
for linoleum block work are unsuitable bow in slightly toward the front end. piece should fall on a line between heel
for stockmaking. This eliminates the club-like effect that of the buttstock and front tip of the
O o Actions of M98 military rifles are designed for Q Jaeger single-stage (single-pull) trigger is typical of commercial
magazine feed only and bolt will not close readily single-stage triggers available for Mauser M98-type rifles. It is
on cartridge dropped into chamber unless bevel on adjustable for sear engagement and over-travel. It is preferred by
extractor hook is stoned to steeper angle. Modification shooters who dislike double-pull military triggers. Trigger shown is
is made with half-round stone as shown. direct replacement for military trigger assembly and is easily installed.
comb. All radii on the stock should served by use of a sanding block to back a drying-oil finish applied by hand rub¬
be arcs of circles. up the paper. Use of a block is always bing. Such a finish is both durable and
When the stock has been rasped and advisable with figured wood since abra¬ attractive, but takes longer to apply.
filed to shape, it can then be gone over sive paper backed by the fingers alone Lacquer or varnish may also be used
with the scraper to ready it for initial tends to cut away the softer wood, leav¬ but such finishes are more difficult and
sanding. A keen penknife makes a suit¬ ing an unsightly rippled surface. time consuming to apply.
able scraper and is effective in removing There are any number of stock fin¬ Bluing of the metal parts in the home
the surface roughness. ishes available. The one used on the workshop is not suggested due to cost
Aluminum oxide abrasive papers in subject rifle is sold in kit form by the of equipment and materials necessary
medium and fine grits are recom¬ Williams Gun Sight Co., of Davison, to do a good job. Such work is best
mended to smooth the surface of the Mich., and comes complete with finish, entrusted to the professional gunsmith.
stock prior to finishing. Ordinary flint sealer-stain, sandpaper, steel wool, etc. Swab-on chemical blues do not give a
sandpaper is unsuitable for stock work. It is possible to finish the stock in a durable and uniform finish, although
Plane surfaces on the stock are pre¬ single day with this kit. Many prefer they are adequate for touch-up work. ■
German Commission Model 1888 rifle, cal. 8 mm. Mauser.
By DENNIS RIORDAN sheet-steel clip containing five rounds. The Model 1888 was produced in
Both clip and cartridges enter the maga¬ large quantity by German government
visable to fire the S cartridge in a are now generally unavailable. loader. This change was accomplished
Model 1888, as this round gives consid¬ Many German Model 1888’s used by cutting charger slots in the receiver
erably higher pressure than the Model during World War I were fitted with a and fitting a spring-loaded cartridge re¬
1888 cartridge with round-nose bullet. sheet steel dust cover over the hole in taining rib in the upper part of the
Also, the bullet of the S cartridge is the bottom of the magazine. A plunger magazine.
.323" diameter, slightly larger than the and coil spring on the inner side of this Well designed for its time, the Model
groove diameter of the Model 1888 cover eject the empty clip through the 1888 won many friends because of its
barrel. The proper ammunition for an top of the magazine when the clip latch smooth-working action. It served as the
8 mm. Model 1888 is the 1888 load is depressed. Another somewhat similar basis for several models of Mannlicher
with .318" diameter round-nose bullet. modification also used a dust cover over turnbolt rifles, the Mannlicher-Haenel
Sporting versions of this cartridge were the magazine bottom, but changed the sporting rifle, and the Mannlicher-
produced in Europe until recently but arm from a clip-loader to a charger- Schoenauer rifle and carbine.
PARTS LEGEND 11. Firing pin 19. Extractor 30. Trigger guard 40. Follower spring
1. Firing pin nut 12. Bolt 20. Bolt head 31. Sear pin guide
2. Receiver 13. Rear sight hinge 21. Ejector 32. Sear spring 41. Clip latch screw
3. Bolt stop pin pin 22. Barrel jacket 42. Magazine follower
33. Sear
4. Bolt stop 14. Sight spring 23. Front sight 43. Dust cover
34. Trigger pin
5. Bolt stop spring 15. Sight spring screw 24. Barrel 44. Rearguard screw
35. Trigger
6. Safety 16. Fixed range leaf 25. Upper band 45. Clip latch
36. Front guard screw 46. Clip latch spring
7. Safety spring 17. Fixed range leaf 26. Upper band screw
27. Lower band spring 37. Dust cover screw 47. Buttplate
8. Cartridge clip spring
9. Cocking piece 18. Adjustable range 28. Stock 38. Follower axle screw 48. Buttplate screw (2)
10. Firing pin spring leaf and slide 29. Lower band 39. Follower spring 49. Assembled bolt
ITo load the Model 1888, open bolt 2 To strip bolt, hold it firmly and ro¬ 3 Place nose of firing pin (11) against
(12) and insert a loaded cartridge tate cocking piece (9) a quarter turn a wood block and hold downward on
clip (8) in receiver clip guides. Press to left. Pull bolt head (20) forward out bolt. Depress safety with thumb and un¬
cartridges down with thumb until clip of bolt. Remove extractor (19) by sliding screw firing pin nut (1). Ease pressure on
latches in place. Top round is fed and it forward and outward from bolt head. bolt and lift off safety, safety spring (7)
chambered as bolt is closed. Engage Ejector (21) is retained by peening the and cocking piece (9). Firing pin and fir¬
safety (6) by rotating it a half turn to bolt head and should be removed only ing pin spring (10) come out through
the right. To unload, open bolt and catch for repair. front of bolt.
round by placing hand over receiver
opening. Pressing the clip latch (45) re¬ Note: It is possible to fire this gun without the bolt head installed, and this would
leases clip which is ejected upward. be dangerous. Thus, be sure that bolt head is in gun during firing. Cartridge clip
Remove bolt by depressing bolt stop (4) (8) is not a part of the gun, but is required to use magazine.
and sliding bolt out of receiver (2).
4 Unscrew front and rear guard screws 5 Remove follower axle screw (38) and 6 Remove upper band screw (26) and
(36) (44) and remove trigger guard pull follower out through bottom of slide off upper band (25). Depress
(30). Remove clip latch screw (41) to guard. Place wide screwdriver blade be¬ lower band spring (27) and remove lower
free clip latch (45) and spring (46). De¬ tween head of follower spring guide and band (29). Lift barrel and receiver assem¬
press magazine follower (42) flush with web of trigger guard, and lift guide bly upward out of stock (28). Drive bolt
top of trigger guard, and insert a wire enough to remove brad. Ease pressure on stop pin (3) downward to free bolt stop
brad through hole in follower spring screwdriver and remove spring guide and and spring (5). Drift out sear pin (31) to
guide (40). Remove dust cover screw (37). follower spring (39). remove sear (33) and sear spring (32).
Place wooden block against rear of dust Trigger (35) is detached from sear by
cover (43) and strike sharply with ham¬ driving out trigger pin (34). Reassembly
mer to break cover loose. is accomplished in reverse order. In as¬
sembling the bolt, the flat on the firing
pin shank must align with a similar flat
in cocking piece. Screw on firing pin nut
until it is flush with firing pin and locked
by the safety.
Parts Legend
1. Barrel
2. Front sight
3. Rear sight
4. Rear sight spring screw
5. Rear sight spring
6. Rear sight pin
7. Receiver
8. Bolt stop spring screw
9. Bolt stop spring
10. Ejector
11. Bolt stop
12. Bolt stop pin
13. Sear
14. Sear spring
15. Sear pin
16. Trigger pin
17. Trigger
18. Rear guard screw
19. Top buttplate screw
20. Buttplate
21. Rear buttplate screw
22. Trigger guard
23. Rear guard screw
24. Magazine latch pin
25. Magazine latch
26. Magazine latch spring
27. Magazine catch
28. Front guard screw
29. Follower screw
30. Magazine
31. Floorplate pin
32. Floorplate
33. Floorplate spring
34. Follower pin
35. Follower arm
36. Follower spring
37. Magazine follower
38. Rear swivel
39. Rear swivel screw (2)
40. Front swivel
41. Front swivel screw 46. Upper band spring 51. Extractor 56. Safety detent spring 61. Stock
42. Lower band 47. Front plate 52. Bolt 57. Safety detent screw 62. Handguard
43. Front swivel nut* 48. Front plate screw (2) 53. Bolt sleeve 58. Mainspring
44. Lower band spring 49. Cleaning rod 54. Safety 59. Firing pin * Permanently assembled to
45. Upper band 50. Cleaning rod stop 55. Safety detent 60. Cocking piece other part.
7.65 mm. Mauser Cartridges
I have a stripper clip containing five
rounds of 7.65 mm. Mauser ammunition
headstamped “FYA 1928 Hp". The bul¬
lets are red tipped and have red bands
1/16" wide at the case mouth junctions.
What do these markings mean? Where
were these cartridges manufactured?
Answer: Your ammunition was sup¬
plied to the Argentine Government by
Hirtenberger Patronenfabrik, Hirten-
berg, Austria, but according to Jose Ru¬
bio, a Uruguayan cartridge collector, it
was produced in 1928 in the Neder-
landsche Patronenfabriek (Netherlands
Cartridge Factory) in Dordrecht. This
1 Remove bolt assembly from receiver
by rotating both safety (54) and then
4 Remove follower screw (29) and
swing floorplate (32) down. Using a
was necessary because the peace treaty
following World War I prohibited the
bolt (52) counterclockwise and withdrawing small pick, push follower arm (35) pivot¬ production of military arms and ammu¬
rearward as far as assembly will go. Pull ing leg up into magazine. Follower assem¬ nition in Austria. The letters “FYA”
bolt stop (11) to the left and remove bolt. bly may now be removed from magazine. (Fusil y Ametralladora) in the headstamp
The MAUSER 98 Rifle
By E. J. Hoffschmidt
r>E it known that I, Paul Mauser, gases and brass are deflected away from and fire the cartridge in the chamber.
D a subject of the Emperor of the shooter s eyes. The firing pin can go fullv forward
Germany, residing at Oberndorf, Ger¬ The firing pin offers greater safety only when the bolt is fully closed and
many, in the German Empire, have than most others, in that the shoulder the flanges on the firing pin line up
invented a new and useful firearm.” that the firing pin spring rests against with the cuts on the inside of the bolt.
Whenever this preamble appeared on has two flanges. These flanges take Features such as these have made
a patent, the gun world sat up and such a position when the bolt is even the Mauser 1898 action the most widely
took notice, but of all Paul Mauser's partly open that, should the firing pin copied and used design in the history
many patents and designs, the one that break at the rear, it cannot go forward of military and sporting arms. ^ ^ ♦
made his name renowned was the
1898 rifle, which has been manufac¬
tured since that date to the present.
This rifle, noted for its strength, sim¬
plicity, and ease of manufacture, be¬
came the standard by which all other
bolt-action rifles were measured. Mauser
actions have been manufactured in
many countries in varying degrees of
quality. As good as these weapons are,
few, if any, can surpass the pre-World
War II products of the Oberndorf
Pre-war Oberndorf actions were man¬
ufactured in three basic lengths: the To take down the Mauser bolt (11), lift the bolt To remove the bolt sleeve and firing pin as¬
short, the standard, and the magnum handle, pull it back to be sure the chamber is sembly (1-7), push the bolt sleeve stop (5) in
empty. Close it, and turn the safety catch (2) as shown. When the stop pin is pushed in far
length. The receivers themselves were enough, you will be able to screw the assembly
to the vertical position. Open the bolt again,
machined for some 14 specific car¬ and pull it back until it stops. Next, push the out. As you start to turn it, it will be necessary
tridges. They ranged from the #6 forward end of the bolt stop (13) out as far as to press the stop pin again to get it around
action, designed for the 6.5 x 54, to it can go. You can now pull the bolt assembly the bolt handle
out of the rifle
the #20 action, designed to handle
the .416 Rigby. The #20 action was
used by British gunsmiths to build even
heavier caliber rifles. Actions built to
handle the German 8 x 57 mm. service
cartridge are by far the most common.
The pre-war Oberndorf military rifles
were as well made and finished as the
commercial Mausers, but they lacked
the refinement found in the sporting
guns. The sporting Mausers were in¬
variably equipped with one of two types
of quick-release magazine floorplatcs.
These are a great improvement over
the type found on military Mausers.
To remove the floorplate on a military
rifle, it is necessary to push the point
of a jacketed bullet into the catch hole,
pushing the plate to the rear at the
same time.
The Mauser 1898 action had so many
improvements that it rendered the ear¬ To remove the extractor (10), turn the extractor To disassemble the bolt sleeve, first rest the
lier Model 95 actions virtually obsolete. away from the bolt handle as far as it will go. point of the firing pin (7) against a block of
Then, using a screwdriver, pry the front end of soft wood to prevent it from getting damaged.
The best of these was the addition of
the extractor up and out of its groove in the Next, grasp the bolt sleeve as shown and press
a third, or safety, locking lug at the bolt. Revolve it a bit further until it is in be¬ down hard until the cocking piece (1) is clear
rear of the bolt. Another safety feature tween the locking lugs. Tap the end of the of the bolt sleeve. Turn the cocking piece one-
is the large gas shield located at the extractor on the edge of the bench as shown. quarter turn as shown, and lift it off. Ease up
The extractor will snap free, exposing the ex¬ on the pressure and remove the bolt sleeve (3)
front of the bolt sleeve{see illustration)
tractor collar (9). Do not remove the extractor and firing pin spring (6). Perform this opera¬
In the event of a punctured primer collar unless absolutely necessary tion away from your face, for the firing pin
or a ruptured cartridge case, the hot spring is very powerful
The military-type magazine floor-plate release is by far Two of the features that make the Mauser 98 so popular with shooters are the
the common type, but genuine Mauser sporters rarely large gas shield and the third locking lug near the rear end of the bolt
use it. They normally had a lever or push-latch release
I 10
1 Cocking piece
2 Safety catch
3 Bolt sleeve
4 Bolt sleeve stop spring
5 Bolt sleeve stop
6 Firing pin spring
7 Firing pin
8 Bolt (stripped)
9 Extractor collar
10 Extractor
11 Bolt (complete)
12 Bolt stop screw
13 Bolt stop and spring
14 Ejector
15 Receiver (stripped)
16 Barrel
17 Stock
18 Magazine follower
19 Sear spring
20 Sear
21 Sear and trigger pint
22 Trigger
23 Latch retainer pin
24 Magazine and trigger guard
25 Lock screw
26 Front guard screw
27 Magazine follower spring
28 Magazine floorplate
29 Magazine latch spring
30 Magazine latch
31 Rear guard screw
32 Buttplate
By NRA Technical Staff
LOADS FOR THE 7 MM. MAUSER By M. D. Waite, NRA Technical Staff
REMARKS: All velocities are averages of ten record shots, readings taken at 15' instrumental distance. Unless otherwise noted,
all charge weights represent maximum loads using the components selected by each data source. For safety purposes, reduce
all charges by 10% to arrive at a starting point from which a load, tailored to an individual’s rifle and components, may be
developed. Test firearms used by the various data sources are:
a. NRA—Universal receiver
b. Accurate Arms—Universal receiver
c. Hornady—Ruger Model 77, 22" barrel, 1:9.5" twist.
d. Nosier—Remington 40-X, Hart 24" barrel, 1:10" twist.
e. Sierra—Mauser Model 1895, 29" barrel, 1:10" twist.
f. Speer—Ruger Model 77, 22" barrel, 1:9.5" twist.
ABBREVIATIONS: SSP—Spitzer (pointed) soft point; Sp Pt—Spire Point; SPBT—Soft Point (Spitzer or Spire) boat tail; RN—
Round nose; S-SSP—Semi-Spitzer soft point; HP—Hollow point; P—Partition jacket.
NOTE: Loads 1-14 are for use in Model 1893 & 1895 Mausers, Remington rolling block and similar rifles. Loads 15-30 are
intended for Mauser Model 1898 and later.
Mauser enjoyed a modicum of popu¬ foreign military rifles in this caliber, not as strong as the later 1898 military
larity here, no doubt due to its mod¬ plus some excellent factory-made rifles types or the U. S. and foreign rifles of
erate recoil and its reasonably effective of European origin. Also, the steadily modern design.
performance on U. S. big game. The rising cost of factory ammunition has Heavy bullets for accuracy
175-grain factory load, which is the only stimulated interest in handloading to
one now loaded in the United States, a rather remarkable degree. The hand- The rapid twist of such military
has been used for the taking of every loader has put considerable pressure on rifles demands the use of heavy bullets
game animal on the American conti¬ our custom bulletmakers who are such for best accuracy, and pressures will be
nent, barring none. It is considered to an accommodating lot that almost any slightly higher than those quoted for
have a maximum effective range of ap¬ reasonable bullet weight in 7 mm. cali¬ the Pfeifer pressure barrel with its
proximately 300 yards and is definitely ber is now available. It will be noted slower ten-inch twist. This fact should
overshadowed by the more versatile and that the loading data table provides sug¬ be considered when selecting or modi¬
powerful .30-’06 and .270 Winchester gested loads for almost all these post¬ fying any load given in the table. Mod¬
cartridges. war bullets. em 7 mm. sporting rifles with ten-inch
During this post-war period interest The older Mauser military or sport¬ twist barrels will give commendable
in the 7 mm. Mauser cartridge has been ing rifles, lacking the auxiliary or third accuracy with the complete range of
rekindled as a result of the influx of locking lug at the rear of the bolt, are bullet weights available.
T he German cal. 7.9 mm. Model
1888 Service cartridge (commer¬
cial designation 8x57J, the T meaning
Infantry), called 8 mm. Mauser in this
country, was the first military smoke¬
Loads for
less powder cartridge of rimless type to
be adopted by a major power. It was
developed for use in the German Com¬
the 8 mm. Mauser
mission Model 1888 rifle which super¬
seded the Mauser Model 71/84 cal. 11 By NRA Technical Staff
mm. repeating rifle. The 8x57J Service
cartridge was loaded with a 226.8-gr.
full-jacketed round-nose bullet with
nominal diameter of .318". According
to early German references the muzzle
velocity of this Service loading was
2100 f.p.s. (feet per second), with
chamber pressure of 45,536 p.s.i.
(pounds per square inch).
Groove diameter of the Model 1888
rifle was nominally .320", bore diameter
sion that the chamber throat is badly sporting ammunition. Suffice to say that Typical is that produced in Amotfors.
worn. Length of the lead or throat in all such sporting ammunition has been Sweden, by Norma Projektilfabrik.
military barrels is approximately loaded to a very moderate pressure level The loading data in the appended
calibers. regardless of bullet diameter. In Europe table is for the 8x57JS cartridge with
All the foregoing information applies the 8x57JS cartridge is loaded to a .323" diameter bullet in a suitable barrel.
to military rifles. mean pressure level as high as 50,000 These loads should not be fired in any
p.s.i. for military ammunition. 8 mm. Mauser rifle with groove diame¬
The German Proof Law of 1939
Sporting ammunition in cal. 8x57JS ter less than .3228", or land diameter
covering commercial arms specifies that
is currently loaded in several European less than .311" It is recommended that
this bullet lead should not be less than
countries in a variety of bullet weights doubtful rifles be checked by a com¬
35 mm. or 1.377" long for the 8x57JS
cartridge. In this country, cartridge and
and is imported into the United States. petent gunsmith. ■
chamber dimensions for commercial
small arms and ammunition are stand¬
ardized by a technical committee of the
Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manu¬
facturer’s Institute (SAAMI) which fur¬
nishes industry with drawings indicating
Questions and Answers
maximum cartridge and minimum cham¬
ber dimensions. The SAAMI drawing
for the 8 mm. Mauser chamber indi¬
cates a minimum bullet lead length of Peruvian Rifle
.8828", or .4942" less than that speci¬
fied under the 1939 German Proof Law. What country used a Model 1891 Mau¬ design and a new 7.65 mm. cartridge with
The net effect of this difference would ser rifle with a curved-top rear sight like 154-gr. pointed bullet. This rifle was very
be slightly higher chamber pressure in that of a German Model 98 Mauser similar to the German Model 98 rifle
barrels chambered according to Ameri¬ produced during World War I? This rifle except for caliber, and had the Lange
can (SAAMI) dimensions. has a single-column magazine projecting rear sight named after its designer who
A wide variety of cal. 8 mm. Mauser beneath the stock and is chambered for was a member of the German Rifle Test¬
rifles is extant in the United States. the 7.65 mm. Mauser cartridge. A friend ing Commission.
The 2 basic types are the German Com¬ who owns the rifle bought it from a By fitting the new Lange-design rear
mission Model 1888 Service rifle, surplus arms dealer. sight to the Model 1891 rifle, this arm
.320" groove diameter, chambered for Answer: The description fits a Peru¬ was adapted for the same pointed-bullet
the 8x57J cartridge, and the German vian Model 1891 Mauser rifle fitted with round as the Model 1909. A new front
Model 1898 Service rifle, .324" groove a rear sight calibrated for pointed-bullet sight was fitted to the Model 1891 rifle at
diameter, chambered for the 8x57JS ammunition. the time that the new rear sight was
cartridge. Many Commission Model In 1909, Peru adopted a Model 1909 installed. This modified rifle is among the
1888 Service rifles were converted to Mauser rifle with action of Model 98 more unusual Mausers.—L.O.
sporting type and large numbers of these
conversions are in the hands of U. S.
sportsmen. Military markings were often
removed or obliterated and many were
rebarreled and fitted with double set
triggers. The same situation holds true
for Mauser Model 1898 Service rifles as
many have been converted to sporting
type both here and abroad.
The fact that a cal. 8 mm. Mauser
rifle has a Mauser 1898 action does “S/42G” marking (arrow) on rear sight leaf of German Model 98k carbine.
not indicate, per se, that it is cham¬
bered for the 8x57JS cartridge. The Undated Mausers
barrel may be chambered and rifled for
Among several German Model 98k the Versailles Treaty. A “K” following
the 8x57J cartridge with nominal .311"
Mauser carbines I saw in a dealer s rack the manufacturer’s code meant manufac¬
bore and .320" groove diameters, or
the diameters may be even smaller. Ac¬ was one marked “S/42G" on the receiver ture during 1934. A Model 98k with this
cording to Der Deutsche Jaeger, a ring. Unlike all other Model 98k carbines marking is extremely rare, and one bear¬
German sporting publication, the ex¬ I have encountered, this one had no ing “S/42G” is more often encountered
planation for this is that some European marking to show year of manufacture. but is not common. A similar marking
gunmakers thought the tighter a barrel What is the meaning of the “S/42G” system was used on Model 1908 Luger
was bored and rifled the better it shot. marking? I also saw this marking on the pistols produced by the Mauser Works
For this reason 8 mm. Mauser sporting rear sight base and underside of the sight during 1934 and 1935 for the German
rifle barrels may be encountered with leaf. government.
groove diameters even under .3149", Starting in 1936, the code letter for the
and with land diameter as small as Answer: The “S/42” in the marking year was discontinued, and the guns were
.299". Use of 8x57JS ammunition in is a manufacturer’s code to denote pro¬ stamped with the year of production
such barrels is hazardous. duction by the Mauser-Werke, A.-G., beneath the manufacturer’s code. During
The confusion surrounding the bore Oberndorf a./N., Germany, “G” is a World War II, the year marking was
dimensions of 8 mm. Mauser rifles in code for 1935, the year of production. shortened to the last two digits. Many
the hands of American sportsmen has Using a letter for the year of production Model 98k carbines made in 1944 bear
long been a matter of concern to U. S. was done during 1934 and 1935 when the single digit ‘’4” to denote year of
firms manufacturing 8 mm. Mauser Germany started to rearm in defiance of manufacture—L. O.
Questions and Answers
modified by deepening the grooves to give
a groove diameter of 8.2 mm. (.3228").
This measurement corresponds closely to
the .323" diameter of the S bullet.
A Model 88/14 rifle examined by The
American Rifleman Technical Staff has the
German Model 88/14 rifle. chamber neck and bullet seat modified for
the S bullet, but the groove diameter is
.319" to fit the .318" diameter of the
Model 1888 round-nose bullet. In firing
an S cartridge in this bore, the bullet di¬
ameter would be reduced .004". While this
is not ideal, the bearing surface of the S
bullet is extremely short, and evidently
the S cartridge gave acceptable results
with the .319" groove diameter.
Despite the modified chamber neck and
bullet seat, it is not advisable to fire an
S cartridge in a Model 1888 rifle or its
modified variants.— L.O.
Three principal modifications are: (a) clip-slot plates on receiver bridge, (b) cartridge
retaining rib in left wall of receiver and (c) rounded cut on rear of receiver to clear Mauser Semi-Automatic Rifles
bullet noses during loading.
Did the Mauser Works in Germany
According to the book Die Handwafjen
Modified Model 1888 Rifle des brandenburgisch - preussisch - deutschen
produce semi-automatic sporting rifles?
/ recently encountered a German Model Heeres by Eckardt-Morawietz, there were
If so please describe them.
1888 cal. 8 mm. military rifle which ap¬ two other modified Model 1888 rifles, the Answer: The Mauser Works intro¬
pears to have been modified for use with 88/05 and 88S. Modifications on the duced a semi-automatic sporting rifle
Mauser-type strip clips. On top of the re¬ Model 88/05 are generally similar to those shortly before World War I, but only a
ceiver bridge are two steel plates each of the Model 88/14, but the clip-slot small number were produced. Cham¬
with a clip slot. The left wall of the re¬ plates of the 88/05 are fastened to the bered for the 8 mm. Mauser cartridge,
ceiver is slotted for a spring-loaded rib receiver with screws instead of by brazing, this recoil-operated rifle was of locked-
which retains the cartridges in the maga¬ and the large rear sight leaf calibrated for breech design and featured a fixed barrel.
zine, and the top left side of the receiver the S cartridge is of new manufacture.
has a circular cut to provide clearance for During firing, the recoil caused move¬
Eckardt-Morawietz stated that 370,000
the thumb during loading. It appears that ment of an inertia side which unlocked
Model 1888 rifles were converted to Model
the clip-slot plates are welded or brazed 88/05. the breech. A combination safety and
to the receiver. The opening in the maga¬ Modifications on the Model 88S are not selector on the right side of the action
zine bottom is closed by a sheet steel plate. very extensive. The magazine is unaltered, made it possible to use the rifle as a
Were these modifications official? and this rifle is used with the Mannlicher- single-loader, manually-operated repea¬
Answer: The modifications were offi¬ type packet clip which is loaded into the ter, or an autoloader.
cial, and the modified rifle was designated magazine with the cartridges. The cham¬ Other features of this rifle were a box
Model 88/14. In addition to the modifica¬ ber neck and bullet seat, as well as the magazine, one-piece stock with pistol
tions you mention, there are the following: rear sight, are modified for the S cartridge. grip and slender fore-end, and open sights
1. A rounded cut on the upper rear of the Most German Model 1888 rifles encoun¬ of sporting design. The rifle was generally
receiver ring to provide clearance for tered in the U.S. have only the chamber
bullet noses when loading the maga¬
trim and attractive appearing except for
neck and bullet seat modified for the S
its long action.
cartridge. Eckardt-Morawietz stated that
2. Diameter of chamber neck and bullet the bores of many specimens were also An early Albrecht Kind (Akah) catalog
seat enlarged to permit use of the 8 mentioned that “Self-loading Mauser
mm. (7.9 mm.) S-type cartridge with magazine rifles of the Mauser Works will
.323" diameter pointed bullet. The re¬ shortly be ready”, but none were offered
ceiver ring is marked “S” to denote commercially so far as known. Konrad
this modification. Eilers, a German authority on sporting
3. Clip latch removed from trigger guard-
arms, described the Mauser semi-auto¬
magazine assembly, and filler plates
matic sporting rifle in his book which
4. Short leaf of rear sight removed, ele¬ was published shortly prior to World War
vation markings on large leaf milled I, and stated that this rifle functioned
away, and new markings for S car¬ well. It was not mass produced, however.
tridge stamped on. Reasons for this are not known.
Because of these modifications, Model During the early part of World War I,
88/14 rifles used the same cartridge and the Germans used Mauser and Mondra¬
clip as the Model 98 Mauser which re¬ gon semi-automatic military carbines in
placed the Model 1888 as the standard aircraft. The Mauser carbine was pro¬
German shoulder arm. This standardiza¬
Modified rear sight (I.) of Model 88/14 duced in cal. 8 mm. Mauser, and had an
tion of ammunition and loading procedure
rifle in comparison with unmodified rear action similar to that of the Mauser
was a big advantage, especially during
World War I. sight of Model 1888 rifle. semi-automatic sporting rifle. -L.O.