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Airbus Maintenance Training

Boeing 777 Student Book

Primary Display System

Training Code 777RELBT1

Revision 1.0.0-20180928
Airbus Maintenance Training
Boeing 777 Student Book
Primary Display System – Introduction
General altn - alternate
app - approach
The primary display system (PDS) is part of the airplane
ARINC - Aeronautical Radio, Inc.
information management system (AIMS). The PDS shows
information in many different formats on six display units (DUs) arpt - airport
in the flight deck. The information includes: att - attitude
• Airplane status
baro - barometric
• Navigation data
BLS - bezel light sensor
• Flight plan data
• Engine indicating and crew alerting data brks - brakes
• Communication data canc - cancel
• Checklists capt - captain
• Maintenance data. CAS - calibrated airspeed
Abbreviations and Acronyms CCD - cursor control device
CDU - control display unit
ACARS - aircraft communications addressing and
reporting system chkl - checklist
ACE - actuator control electronics CMCF - central maintenance computing function
acpt - accept comm - communication
ADIRS - air data inertial reference system CPM/GG - core processor module/graphics generator
ADIRU - air data inertial reference unit crz - cruise
AFDS - autopilot flight director system DH - decision height
ail - aileron DSP - display select panel
AIMS - airplane information management system dspl - display
ALDB - airline loadable database DU - display unit
alt - altitude EFIS CP - electronic flight instrument system control panel

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Primary Display System – Introduction
EGT - exhaust gas temperature GS - glide slope

EICAS - engine indication and crew alerting system G/S - ground speed

elev - elevator hdg - heading

eng - engine hPa - hectopascal

EPCS - electronic propulsion control system hyd - hydraulic

ESI - engine start inhibit IDG - integrated drive generator

excd - exceedance ILS - instrument landing system

ext - external IM - inner marker

fctl - flight control inbd - inboard

F/D - flight director IOM - input/output module

FDCF - flight deck communication function isln - isolation

FF - fuel flow ISSP - instrument source select panel

flprn - flaperon lim - limit

flt - flight LNAV - lateral navigation

FMA - flight mode annunciation lo - low

FMCF - flight management computing function loc - localizer

FMCS - flight management computing system LRU - line replaceable unit

F/O - first officer LRM - line replaceable module

FPV - flight path vector LSK - line select key

FPA - flight path angle mag - magnetic

FSEU - flap slat electronics unit MAT - maintenance access terminal

fwd - forward
GPWS - ground proximity warning system

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Primary Display System – Introduction
MCP - mode control panel pos - position

MDA - minimum descent altitude QFE - altimeter setting to indicate height above reference
MFD - multi-function display
QNH - altimeter setting to indicate height above mean sea
MINS - minimums level
MLW - maximum landing weight QRH - quick reference handbook
MM - middle marker RA - radio altitude
MMEL - master minimum equipment list RA - resolution advisory
MMO - maximum operating mach number rcd - record
MTRS - meters rcl - recall
nav - navigation ref - reference
NCD - no computed data rev - reverser
ND - navigation display RF - refill
NVM - nonvolatile memory rjct - reject
N1 - low pressure rotor speed RLS - remote light sensor
N2 - high pressure compressor RPM RTO - rejected takeoff
OF - overfull SAI - system analysis item
OM - outer marker SATCOM - satellite communications
OPAS - overhead panel ARINC 629 system SMT - scheduled maintenance task
outbd - outboard SPD - speed
ovht - overheat stat - status
PDS - primary display system std - standard
PFD - primary flight display TA - traffic advisory
pln - plan TAI - thermal anti-ice

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Primary Display System – Introduction wpt - waypoint

TAS - true airspeed WXR - weather radar

TCAS - traffic alert and collision avoidance system X-BLD - cross bleed

TCW - time critical warning

temp - temperature
tfc - traffic
trk - track
upr - upper
UTC - universal time (coordinated)
vert - vertical
vib - vibration
vlv - valve
VMO - maximum operating limit speed
VNAV - vertical navigation
VR - rotation speed
VREF - landing reference speed
VSI - vertical speed indicator
VS - stall speed
VTK - vertical track
VTO - volumetric topoff
V1 - takeoff decision speed
V2 - takeoff safety speed
WAI - wing anti-ice
WES - warning electronics system

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Primary Display System – Introduction

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Primary Display System - Component Locations –
Major Components

The primary display system major components in the flight deck

• Left outboard display unit (DU)
• Left inboard DU
• Right outboard DU
• Right inboard DU
• Upper center DU
• Lower center DU
• Left EFIS control panel (CP)
• Right EFIS CP
• Display select panel
• Left cursor control device (CCD)
• Right CCD
• Left Remote Light Sensor (RLS)
• Right RLS
• Captain's display switching panel
• F/O display switching panel
• Center display control panel.
Miscellaneous Components

Other controls and switches in the flight deck are:

• Left control display unit (CDU)
• Right CDU
• Center CDU.

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Primary Display System - Component Locations – 1

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PANEL The position map switch causes VOR/DME and air data inertial
reference system (ADIRS) position data to show on the map
The VOR/ADF switches show radio navigation aid data in all
modes except PLAN. The OFF position causes the VOR and
ADF information to go out of view. Bearing information shows Alternate Control Panel Functions
on the compass rose when you set either switch to VOR or
ADF. VOR/ADF identification or frequency data also shows in The left and right control display units (CDUs) provide
the lower corner or the display. Co-located DME distance shows alternative EFIS CP functions. CDU menu selections enable the
when the switches are in the VOR position. alternate EFIS CP functions.
These ND map switches cause data to show on the NDs or
cause data on the NDs to go out of view:
• Weather radar (WXR)
• Station (STA)
• Waypoint (WPT)
• Airport (ARPT)
• Position (POS).
The weather map switch causes weather radar (WXR) data to
The station map switch causes navigation aids not in the flight
plan to show.
The waypoint map switch causes waypoints and ground
reference points to show.
The airport map switch causes airports not in the flight plan to
The DATA map switch causes route data to show.
The STA, WPT, ARPT and DATA switches affect the map
background display.

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Primary Display System - EFIS Control Panel

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Primary Display System - Display Select Panel
• FCTL: Flight controls synoptic
• CHKL: Checklists
The display select panel (DSP) controls the formats on the two • COMM: Communication function
inboard and the center lower display units. • NAV: Navigation display.
Physical Description On an inboard DU, if you select the same display that shows,
the navigation display format will show. On the lower center DU,
The DSP is 3.5 inches by 3.45 inches and 3 inches deep. It if you select the same display that shows, the DU blanks.
weighs 4 pounds.
The status format is an exception. When the status format
DU Selection Controls shows and you select the STAT switch, the next status page
shows. When the last page shows and you select the STAT
There are three switches at the top of the panel. The labels on switch, the inboard DU shows the navigation display format and
the switches are L INBD, R INBD, and LWR CTR. Each switch the lower center DU blanks.
has a light that comes on when you set the switch. The switches
The ENG, FUEL, and AIR switches also control information on
select which display unit (left inboard, right inboard, or lower
the EICAS and compacted engine displays when EICAS is in
center) responds to the mode select switches. The three select
the limited mode.
switches are latched electronically, only one switch is active at a
time. Cancel/Recall Switch
Mode Controls The cancel/recall (CANC/RCL) switch cancels and recalls
EICAS caution and advisory messages.
The mode select switches are alternate action switches that
control the display of these formats: When caution and advisory messages show, selection of this
• ENG: Engine secondary switch causes the first page of messages to go out of view and
causes the next page of messages to show if additional pages
• STAT: Status page exist. Warning, memo, and COMM messages remain. This
• ELEC: Electrical synoptic switch also cancels red latched exceedance boxes.
• HYD: Hydraulic synoptic You can recall caution and advisory messages when you select
• FUEL: Fuel synoptic the CANC/RCL switch again. Previous messages return if the
• AIR: Air synoptic conditions that cause them to show still exist. Red exceedance
boxes that you cancelled also show.
• DOOR: Door synoptic
• GEAR: Gear synoptic

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Primary Display System - Display Select Panel
Alternate DSP Functions

The three control display units (CDU) supply an alternate way to

select the DSP functions. CDU menu selections enable the DSP
-300 CAM Switch

-300 Aircraft have the Ground Maneuver Camera System. The

CAM button on the DSP will display the Ground Maneuver
Camera System on the MFD you have selected.

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Primary Display System - Display Select Panel

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Primary Display System - Control Display Unit
Menus Use the OPTIONS key (LSK 6R) on the EFIS CONTROL page
to show the EFIS OPTIONS page.
Use the CONTROL key (LSK 6R) on the EFIS OPTIONS page
The control display units (CDUs) provide menu selections for: to show the EFIS CONTROL page.
• Maintenance page selections These two pages supply most of the functions of the EFIS CP.
• Alternate EFIS control panel functions
Display Select Panel Functions
• Alternate display select panel (DSP) functions
The DSP menu selection is available on all three CDUs.
Maintenance Page Selection
The CDU remembers the last valid DSP selection.
Use Line select key (LSK) five right (5R) on the CDU MENU The selection of the DSP function on a CDU disables the DSP
page to show the maintenance page menu on the selected and the DSP lights go out. It also disables the DSP menu
display unit. Then use the cursor control device to make other selections on the other two CDUs.
Use DSP CTL (LSK 3R), then DSP (LSK 4R) to show the DSP
The maintenance page selection is available on all three CDUs. DISPLAY MODES page.
You can select and see maintenance pages any time the Use the SYNOPTICS key (LSK 6R) on the DISPLAY MODES
airplane is on the ground or any time the airplane is above ten page to show the DISPLAY SYNOPTICS page.
thousand feet.
EFIS Control Panel Functions page to show the DISPLAY MODES page.
The onside CDU provides a menu selection for the EFIS control The CDU keys for the DSP functions operate the same as the
panel. The selection of the EFIS function on a CDU disables the switches on the DSP. The two pages supply all the functions of
onside EFIS control panel. the DSP.
The center CDU is a backup for the left or right CDU for the -300 CAM Switch
EFIS control panel functions. IF both CDUs fail, the center CDU
is a backup for the CDU that fails first. -300 Aircraft have the Ground Maneuver Camera System. The
CAM button on the DSP will display the Ground Maneuver
The CDU remembers the last valid settings of the EFIS CPs. Camera System on the MFD you have selected.
Use LSK 1R on the CDU MENU page, then LSK 2R to show the

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Primary Display System - Control Display Unit Menus

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Primary Display System - Cursor Control Devices
Purpose Touch Pad

Flight crews and maintenance personnel use the cursor control The cursor follows your finger on the display when you move a
devices (CCD) for the data communication management finger across the touch pad. Each touch pad has hot spots.
function and to control the maintenance page format selections. These hot spots are at each corner of the touch pad. The cursor
goes to the corner of the active display when you touch a corner
You also use the CCDs to control the electronic checklists. of the touch pad. This gives the operator quick access to
Description frequently used menu selections. In some instances, the cursor
automatically moves to the next selection.
The CCD weighs four pounds. The CCD has its own power
Training Information Point
supply. The CCD has two electrical connectors, one for power
and one for control. The CCD has three control switches and a The two CCDs are not interchangeable because the cursor
touch pad. select and cursor location switches are not in the same position.
Controls The manufacturer seals the CCD touch pad to prevent damage
from liquid spills.
The CCD has two momentary cursor location switches for
display selection, one cursor select switch on the side for A glass faceplate over the touch pad prevents damage to the
selection, and a touch pad. touch pad. The touch pads are impact resistant up to a force of
5 pounds.
The cursor location switches are:
• LWR CTR: This switch connects the CCD to the lower
center display
• INBD: This switch connects the CCD to the inboard
Each cursor location switch has a cursor location light (green
LED) that comes on when you select the switch. Use the cursor
select switch to make a selection when the cursor on the display
is in an active area. You operate the switch with the thumb. This
switch gives a tactile feedback.

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Primary Display System - Cursor Control Devices

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Primary Display System - Display Switching Panels

Use the display switching panels to select alternate positions for

display formats.

The NORM position has two selections. The MFD position

causes the inboard DU to respond to the selections of the
display select panel (DSP). The NAV position forces the inboard
DU to show the ND format. In the NAV position, the inboard DU
does not respond to DSP inputs.
The PFD position causes the inboard DU to show the PFD
The EICAS position causes the inboard DU to show the EICAS
display format.
The INBD DSPL switch has no effect on the inboard display
unit(s) (DU) when the associated outboard DU finds a failure
and the PFD switches automatically to the inboard DU. You
cannot use the display selector for manual display selection.
Heading Reference Switch

The heading reference switch sets the reference for the PFD
and ND formats. The NORM position sets the reference to
magnetic heading and turns the NORM light on. The TRUE
position sets the reference to true heading and turns the TRUE
light on.
The switch has a plastic guard.

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Primary Display System - Display Switching Panels

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Primary Display System - Crew Alert Messages
General overflow condition exists. A page number shows when an
overflow condition exists. A bullet next to a message identifies a
The EICAS display and engine compacted formats show these comm message.
types of messages: Warning Messages
• Warnings
• Cautions Warning messages have a relation to operational or airplane
system conditions that require immediate crew action. Warning
• Advisory
messages are red and have an associated aural and dedicated
• Comm master warning lights.
• Memo The most recent warning message shows at the top of the
• In-flight start. message field. You cannot cancel warning messages with the
Warning, caution, and advisory messages are crew alerting cancel/recall switch.
messages. Comm messages tell the crew of communication The master warning light reset switch cancels aurals and master
requests. Memo messages are crew reminders of the current warning light indications. The message stays on the display until
state of manually selected normal conditions. the condition that caused the message goes away.
The most important messages in sequence are: Warning messages are left justified and have a maximum of 20
• Warnings characters.
• Cautions Caution Messages
• Advisory
Caution messages have a relation to an operational or airplane
• Comm and FMC medium
condition that requires immediate crew awareness and possible
• Comm low action. Caution messages are amber and have an associated
• Memo. aural and dedicated master caution lights.
Warning, caution, and advisory messages show from the top The most recent caution message shows at the top of the
down with the most recent message at the top of its category. caution messages and below any existing warning messages.
Comm and memo messages start on line eleven and work up. The first push of the cancel/recall switch removes caution
The most recent message shows at the bottom of its group. messages from the display. The second push returns the
messages to the display if they are still active.
There are eleven messages available on each page. The
CANCEL/RECALL switch controls message paging when an

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Primary Display System - Crew Alert Messages
The master caution light reset switch cancels the master caution Comm medium messages identify an incoming communication
light and the caution aural. The message remains on the display request which requires immediate crew awareness and prompt
until the condition that caused the message goes away. crew acknowledgment. Comm medium messages are white and
are associated with a hi-lo chime.
Caution messages are left justified and have a maximum of 20
characters. Comm medium messages are left justified, 20 characters long
and the first character is a bullet.
Advisory Messages Comm low messages identify an incoming communication
request which requires timely crew awareness and timely crew
Advisory messages have a relation to an operational or airplane
acknowledgment. Comm low messages are white.
condition that requires crew awareness. Advisory messages are
amber. Comm low messages are left justified, 19 characters long and
the first character is blank. The second character is a bullet.
The most recent advisory message shows at the top of any
advisory messages and below any existing warning or caution To cancel a comm or FMC message, use the accept switch on
messages. the glareshield panel. Or use the appropriate datalink page of
the CDU or MFD to accept the uplink.
The first push of the cancel/recall switch removes advisory
messages from the display. The second push returns the Memo Messages
messages to the display if they are still active.
Advisory messages are left justified with the first space blank. Memo messages remind the crew of certain manually selected
They have a maximum of 19 characters. normal conditions. Memo messages are white.
Memo messages are left justified and 20 characters long.
Comm Messages
To cancel a memo message remove the condition to cause it to
Comm messages alert the flight crew to new messages. The show.
messages may affect the FMCS functions and advise the crew The highest priority memo message shows at the bottom of the
to check the CDU scratch pad. They may also affect the flight display below any existing comm messages.
deck communication function (FDCF) and alert the crew to
check the FDCF displays. Comm messages may also affect the
cabin management system (CMS).
There are two levels of comm messages:
• Comm medium
• Comm low.

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Primary Display System - Crew Alert Messages

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Primary Display System - Status Page Format
• APU exhaust gas temperature (EGT), in centigrade
• APU rotor speed
The status display shows information that helps the technician • APU oil quantity
make a decision on the dispatch status of the airplane. • APU oil pressure
The status display shows: • APU oil temperature.
• Hydraulic system information
Crew Oxygen
• APU information
• Crew oxygen information Crew oxygen status shows below the APU information.
• Status messages. Status Messages
You use the status display switch on the display select panel
(DSP) to select the status display on the multifunction display Status messages have a relation to conditions that affect
(MFD). dispatch. The technician uses applicable publications to make a
decision on the dispatch status of the airplane.
Hydraulic System Information
The status message field holds eleven messages on each page.
Digital display of hydraulic fluid quantity shows as a percentage; Use the status display switch on the DSP to page through
1.00 equals full. Hydraulic fluid pressure shows for each of the multiple pages of status messages. When the last page of
three hydraulic systems. status messages shows, a push of the status display switch
causes the display to go away.
These messages show next to the quantity readouts when the
condition exists:
• LO (low)
• RF (refill)
• OF (overfill).
The LO message is amber and the RF and OF messages are
APU Information

APU information shows below the hydraulic information. The

APU information includes:

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Primary Display System - Status Page Format

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Boeing 777 Student Book
Primary Display System - Status Message Field Latched
And Status Cue
Latched status messages also show on the status display when
General malfunctions occur in systems monitored by AIMS. They have
the same priority as non-latched status messages. The most
The status message field shows in the lower left corner on the recent message of either type shows at the top of the list.
status display (MFD). Status messages show the dispatch
These are the three types of latched status messages:
status of the airplane in the status message field. A status
message is based on the requirements of the master minimum • Ground only
equipment list (MMEL). The most recent message shows at the • Air only
top of the list. • Either air or ground.
The STATUS cue field shows on the EICAS display when the AIMS stores latched status messages in memory. The
status display does not show and a new status message occurs. messages go to the central maintenance computing function
The STATUS cue shows below the memo message field. (CMCF) for flight deck effect correlation.
These are the two types of status messages: Latched messages allow the maintenance technicians to look at
• Non-latched failures that occur in specific flight phases and may not be
• Latched. present or active all the time.
Latched status messages do not go away when the condition
that causes the message goes away. Some latched status
Non-latched status messages show on the status display when messages require the technician to do the necessary repair and
some malfunctions occur in the systems monitored by AIMS. then use the ERASE function on the MAINTENANCE TASK
The newest message shows first. When the condition that maintenance page to erase the messages. Other latched status
causes the message goes away, the message on the status messages require the technician to do the necessary repair and
page format goes away. then do a ground test of the system to erase the message.

If more than eleven messages exist, they overflow to additional

pages and a page number shows below the status message
field. Use the status display switch on the display select panel
(DSP) to page through multiple pages of status messages.
When the last page of status messages shows, a push of the
status display switch causes the display to go away.

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Boeing 777 Student Book
Primary Display System - Status Message Field
And Status Cue
Status Cue

A STATUS cue shows on the EICAS display any time a new

status message becomes current and the status page format
does not show. The STATUS cue is cyan.
There is a fifteen second time delay before the STATUS cue
shows. This prevents transient messages.
The STATUS cue goes away when one of these occurs:
• The status page format shows
• The condition that causes the status message goes
Status Cue Inhibit

A status cue inhibit does not let the STATUS cue show. During
takeoff, the inhibit starts when both of these occur:
• The airplane is on the ground
• First engine start.
During landing, the inhibit starts when the airplane descends
through 800 feet of altitude.
The inhibit stops 30 minutes after liftoff.
After landing, the inhibit stops when the airplane ground speed
is less than 75 knots.
If a STATUS cue shows before the start of the inhibit, it
continues to show.
If a status message becomes active during the inhibit and is still
active when the inhibit ends, the STATUS cue shows.

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Primary Display System - Status Message Field And Status Cue

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Primary Display System - Synoptic Formats
Overview Colors
Colors show on synoptic pages to help identify conditions and
Synoptic formats give a graphic representation of airplane states. These colors show on the synoptic pages:
systems. The word SYNOPTIC combines the words synopsis • Red, warning/limit/exceedance
(summary) and optic (visual). Synoptics are dynamic displays in • Amber, caution/limit/exceedance/failed
color of real-time data. The synoptic displays are available for
• Magenta, commands/targets
these systems:
• Cyan, arm state
• Flight controls (FCTL)
• Green, on/flow
• Landing gear (GEAR)
• Grey, actual airplane condition
• Doors (DOOR)
• White, off/invalid data.
• Environmental control system (AIR)
• Fuel (FUEL)
• Hydraulic (HYD)
• Electrical (ELEC).
Push the applicable switch on the display select panel (DSP) to
show a synoptic. Push the same switch a second time and the
display goes away.
Synoptic formats can show as a multi functional display (MFD)
on any or all of these DUs:
• Lower center DU
• Left inboard DU
• Right inboard DU.

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Primary Display System - Synoptic Formats Overview

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Primary Display System - Maintenance Pages
Overview You use the cursor control device to control more menu
selections. Move your finger on the CCD touchpad to move the
cursor symbol on the display. When the cursor is over the
desired selection, use the cursor activation switch to make the
There are 18 system maintenance pages. The maintenance
selection. Each corner of the CCD touchpad has a "hot spot".
pages supply information that is useful in the analysis and repair
This causes the cursor to go the related corner of the display.
of airplane systems.
This gives you quick access to frequently used menu selections.
You can select and see maintenance pages any time the
airplane is on the ground or any time the airplane is above ten
thousand feet.
The information shows in real time or as a snapshot (manual
event or auto event). Snapshots occur automatically when
individual systems exceed established parameters. The
operator can print or downlink the maintenance pages to ground
You can also take a manual snapshot of all the maintenance
pages or of individual maintenance pages.
Maintenance Page Controls

The MAINT INFO prompt on the left, center, or right CDU gives
access to the maintenance pages on the multifunction display
(MFD). You use the display select panel and the display
switching panels to show the maintenance page display
selection menu on the lower center, left inboard, or right inboard
display units.
The EICAS event record switch on the center display
control panel lets the operator take a manual snapshot of all the
applicable maintenance pages at the same time. A snapshot is
a picture of a maintenance page frozen in time.

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Primary Display System - Maintenance Pages Overview

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Primary Display System - Maintenance Page Main
Menu Bar Selections

The main menu bar lets the operator choose a specific function
and move from one function to another. The functions available
• DISPLAY SELECTION - This prompt lets the operator
show real time or existing, manual snapshots, or auto
snapshots of maintenance pages.
• PRINT SELECTION - This prompt lets the operator print
real time or existing, manual snapshots, or auto
snapshots of maintenance pages.
• DATA LINK SELECTION - This prompt lets the operator
downlink real time or existing, manual snapshots, or auto
snapshots of maintenance pages.
• ERASE SELECTION - This prompt lets the operator
erase manual or auto snapshots of maintenance pages.
After a selection, the main menu function highlights.
The maintenance pages are in ATA sequence on all the menu
pages. For the ERASE function, only those ATAs with manual
or auto snapshots in memory show.

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Primary Display System - Maintenance Page Main Menu Bar Selections

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Primary Display System - Maintenance Page Auto
And Manual Event Menu Pages

The SHOW DISPLAY prompt shows next to the maintenance

page in the applicable column when one manual or auto
snapshot is in memory.
The SHOW LIST prompt shows next to the maintenance page
when there is more than one manual or auto snapshots for that
The selection of the SHOW LIST prompt causes a menu to
show that lists the snapshots that are in memory. AIMS stores
up to five manual snapshots and five auto snapshots for each
system. The menu page shows the maintenance page category
at the top and the date and time of each snapshot. The auto
event menu page also shows the associated auto event
The SHOW DISPLAY prompt causes the maintenance page in
memory to show on the display unit.
The MAIN MENU prompt at the bottom-right returns the
operator to the DISPLAY SELECTION menu.

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Primary Display System - Maintenance Page Auto And Manual Event Menu Pages
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777 31-61-00
Airbus Maintenance Training
Boeing 777 Student Book
Primary Display System - Individual Maintenance • NEXT PAGE and PREV PAGE - This selection lets the
Page Menus operator page through a sequence of pages for systems
that have more than one page format
General • PREV MENU - This selection lets the operator return to
Each maintenance page format except for the maintenance task maintenance page that shows if they were accessed by
maintenance page has several possible menu selections. The the MANUAL (AUTO) EVENT SELECTION menu pages
SHOW PG MENU or the CANCEL PAGE MENU shows in the
top left corner of each maintenance page. • MAIN MENU - The selection lets the operator return to
the DISPLAY SELECTION menu page. This selection is
The SHOW PG MENU causes several menu selections to show available on the maintenance task maintenance page.
across the bottom of the maintenance page and causes the
CANCEL PAGE MENU selection to show at the top left of the Training Information Point
The ATA that shows can have more than one page. These
The CANCEL PAGE MENU causes the menu selections across command buttons will cause the selected action on all pages of
the bottom of the maintenance page to go away and causes the the ATA:
SHOW PG MENU selection to show at the top left of the
display. • SEND
The menu functions are available for real time, auto, or manual
snapshot displays. • ERASE
These are the commands that show across the bottom of the • RECORD.
• SEND - This selection lets the operator downlink the
maintenance page that shows
• PRINT - This selection lets the operator print the
maintenance page that shows
• ERASE - This selection lets the operator erase the
manual or auto event for maintenance page that shows.
This selection does not show for a real time format
• RECORD - This selection lets the operator take a manual
snapshot of the maintenance page that shows (real time

Effective On: 36
777 31-61-00
Airbus Maintenance Training
Boeing 777 Student Book

Primary Display System - Individual Maintenance Page Menus

Effective On: 37
777 31-61-00
Airbus Maintenance Training
Boeing 777 Student Book
Primary Display System - Maintenance Task
Maintenance Page The ERASE function does not operate when the airplane is in
the air.
SMT Message Functions
The maintenance task maintenance page is unique. The page
has these functions: This window shows the active SMT messages whose activation
• Erase latched status messages conditions are true or are latched in NVM. The messages show
in the order they were latched in NVM. The window shows a
• View and erase scheduled maintenance task (SMT)
maximum of three messages. Use the PAGE command when
more than three messages exist. (PAGE operation identical to
• Control the electronic checklist. latched status message function).
Use the cursor control device to clear, enable or disable any of The ERASE command shows to the right of messages latched
the functions. in NVM. Activation of the command clears the message from
The MAIN MENU command at the top left causes the NVM and removes the message from the display. Not all SMT
maintenance page DISPLAY SELECTION menu to show. messages latch in NVM.

Erasable Latched Status Messages The ERASE function does not operate when the airplane is in
the air.
This window shows status messages whose activation Checklist Function
conditions are no longer true but are latched in AIMS nonvolatile
memory (NVM). The messages show in the order in which they Each selection of the ENABLE/DISABLE button causes the
were latched in NVM. The window shows a maximum of three message to toggle between [ENABLE] and [DISABLE]. This
messages. When three messages or less show, the page selection enables or disables the electronic checklist function.
number shows 1/1. When more than one page of messages The current checklist condition shows next to the STATUS
exist, the PAGE command shows. The page number then prompt. The system stores the message in non-volatile memory
shows the total number of pages. Use the PAGE command to so that the condition remains when you put power back on the
get to the other pages of messages. The messages page in a airplane.
circular way. When you return to the first page of messages
from the last pages of messages, the messages update and the The initial software load in the graphics generators cause the
page number updates. The initial selection of this maintenance function to be ENABLED.
page always causes the first page of messages to show. The toggle does not operate when the airplane is in the air.
The ERASE command clears the message from NVM and
removes the message from the display.

Effective On: 38
777 31-61-00
Airbus Maintenance Training
Boeing 777 Student Book

Primary Display System - Maintenance Task Maintenance Page

Effective On: 39
777 31-61-00
Airbus Maintenance Training
Boeing 777 Student Book

Effective On: 40
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