AG INS BlazingSaizon
AG INS BlazingSaizon
AG INS BlazingSaizon
90 minute boil for this beer, due to the high percentage of pilsner malt, so
Brewing Fermenting
Preparation Pitching the yeast
• Do a personal inventory check of all of your equipment and ingredients. Make sure all Using Dry Yeast
grains are milled before brewing! • Dry yeast - Though ready to pitch straight from the package, some brewers like to
• Make sure your brew equipment is clean and ready for brewing. rehydrate the yeast before adding it to the fermenter.
• To Rehydrate: Simply add the dry yeast to a small, sanitized jar of boiled water that
Mashing has been cooled to at least 90ºF/32ºC. Allow the yeast to rehydrate and rest for at
• Add 1.25-2 quarts of water per pound of grain into your brew kettle and begin to heat least 5 minutes before mixing.
to around 11-12ºF above your target mash temperature. This is known as your strike • Liquid yeast - If using Wyeast Smack Pack, follow instructions on the package. If
water. using White Labs or other liquid yeast, give the package a steady shake to suspend
• Once your target strike temperature is reached, begin to mix your strike water and any settled yeast fully into the mixture. Liquid yeast is preferred by many brewers to
your milled grains into your mash tun. Be sure to stagger the water and grain ad- acheive beer styles that are not possible using a dry yeast.
ditions , and stir as you go to break up any clumping. This process turns the grain • Soak the yeast package in sanitizer for a couple minutes before pitching. Using
starches into fermentable and unfermentable sugars and is now called the mash. sanitized scissors, cut one corner of the packet off, and immediately pitch (pour)
• If using the Brew-in-a-Bag (BIAB) method, simply put your grains into your brew bag your yeast into the fermenter.
and add to your strike water, stirring the mash to break up dough balls. • Give the stopper and airlock a quick sanitizer bath, and return to the carboy or
• Set a timer to mash for 60 minutes (unless otherwise instructed) at the specified fermenting bucket to fully seal the fermenter.
temperature, or until desired conversion is reached. If your recipe calls for a yeast starter, visit
• Begin heating about 5 gallons of water to 170ºF. This is known as your sparge water. to-make-a-yeast-starter.html for detailed instructions.