Rocky Mountain Methodology Academy
Rocky Mountain Methodology Academy
Rocky Mountain Methodology Academy
*Program schedule and content is subject to change. Please visit the most up-to-date program information.
SESSION 1: JULY 18-19, 2023 SESSION 3: JULY 24-25, 2023
Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling Latent Profile Analysis
Dr. Doug Baer, PhD (University of Victoria) Dr. Matthew McLarnon, PhD (Mount Royal University)
This course introduces the fundamentals of Structural Equation Latent profile analysis is a family of statistical models that can
Modeling as a general analytical tool, including how to set up be used to identify unobserved, heterogenous, and qualitatively
measurement and structural models, latent variables, path analysis, distinct subgroups in one’s data. This course will provide
definitions and quantification of model fit, and the implementation participants with the theoretical and conceptual background and
of Structural Equation Modeling in statistical software. applied analytical skills needed to specify an appropriate analytical
model, interpret the results, and thoroughly address research
Scale Development and Psychometrics questions using Latent Profile Analysis.
Dr. Jessica Flake, PhD (McGill University)
Researchers need to thoroughly evaluate the validity of scale scores
Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and
as they are often used to make decisions like how to measure Conditional Process Analysis
critical outcomes in a research study, develop a product, or admit Dr. Andrew F. Hayes, PhD (University of Calgary)
a student or promote an employee. This course will cover how to Mediation analysis, moderation analysis, and their integration as
develop, evaluate and refine scales using modern psychometric conditional process analysis are among the most widely-used data
methods. analysis techniques in the social sciences. In this course, you will
learn about the underlying principles and the practical applications
SESSION 2: JULY 21-22, 2023 of these methods using ordinary least squares regression analysis
and the PROCESS macro for SPSS, SAS and R, invented by the
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling course instructor.
Dr. Kristopher Preacher, PhD (Vanderbilt University)
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling provides an intuitive, flexible SESSION 4: JULY 27-28, 2023
framework for combining all the best abilities of multilevel modeling
and structural equation modeling into a single modeling approach. Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process
Participants will build on their foundational knowledge of either Analysis: A Second Course
structural equation modeling or multilevel modeling while learning Dr. Andrew F. Hayes, PhD (University of Calgary)
about practical applications of MSEM methods to data in education,
psychology, medicine, business, and allied fields This is a continuation of the course offered in session 3 and covers
more advanced topics including parallel moderated mediation,
mediation and moderation with multicategorical variables, serial
Introduction to Multilevel Modeling moderated mediation, creating custom models in the PROCESS
Dr. Jason Rights, PhD (University of British Columbia) macro, and other applications of the fundamentals discussed in the
This course provides an introduction to multilevel modeling, with first course.
a focus on its application within the social, education, health, and
business sciences. Participants will learn fundamental statistical Introduction to Social Network Analysis
principles underlying multilevel modeling, a variety of techniques Dr. Jenny Godley, PhD (University of Calgary)
and methods that can be used in many different research contexts
and how to appropriately specify models and interpret results in Social network analysis examines the patterning of relationships
practice. between individuals and groups to understand social action.
This short course will cover the design, collection, analysis and
interpretation of both whole and ego-centred network data.