English 9 Q3 WK 1 PDF
English 9 Q3 WK 1 PDF
English 9 Q3 WK 1 PDF
Department of Education
Quarter 3: Week 1
II. Objective (s): At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
IV. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
• Prayer
• Greetings
• Energizer (optional)
• Checking of Attendance
B. Developmental Activities:
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C. Presentation
Have you liked/hated something or someone? Can you give me an example? Do
you still like it hate it until today? How about disliking something / someone completely
and you don’t want to hear any reasons or facts about it? … This week we will be
discussing about prejudice and bias. To understand better let us take these activities.
D. Activities:
Activity 1
Read each scenario below. Identify whether bias or prejudice is shown in each item. Write
B if it is bias and P if it is prejudice.
_____ 1. Someone speaks more positively of politicians belonging to the same party. If that
same person is against a different political affiliation, he or she might disagree with
anyone who aligns with that opposing political view.
_____ 2. If someone is walking in a secluded area in the night, and a group of senior citizens
who are walking with canes in hand, come from the opposite side, the person will
not feel threatened. However, if instead of senior citizens, three teenagers dressed
in jeans and t-shirts with lots of metal chains around their neck are approaching from
the other side, the person might feel threatened a bit, even without any kind of
provocation from their end.
_____ 3. It is a general perception that people with mental illnesses are prone to violence.
This perception has developed from the stereotypes portrayed in movies or written
about in books, wherein a mentally ill person becomes violent and goes on a
rampage. Although, there are a few isolated cases of mentally ill people, who have
a tendency towards violence, yet, if we look at the statistics, they show that mentally
ill people are no more violence prone than the normal people.
_____ 4. People belonging to one nation may sometimes discriminate against those that
belong to some other country. This is especially true in case of a war or other
conflicts between the two countries. In such circumstances, people belonging to the
other country, with whom one is in conflict with, are considered outsiders and may
even have to face hostility, especially if they happen to stay in your country.
_____ 5. Instances of prejudices based on religion are found all over the world. Although,
most religions preach tolerance and acceptance of other religions, yet, fanatics are
found everywhere. Usually, it is seen that people who believe more in following the
rituals and religious practices, rather than taking religion as a means to reach God,
are more likely to engage in discrimination and prejudice against people who follow
a religious belief other than theirs.
_____ 6. Company owner hire only women because they feel they make better employees
for some gender-related reason. Conversely, if they're against women, they might
hire a man over a more-qualified female candidate.
_____ 7. One thinks his beliefs and practices are superior to any other form of religion. If he
is against other religions he might show it by making rude or insensitive comments,
or go as far as vandalizing religious buildings.
_____ 8. Apartment for rent owner discriminate against same sex couples by refusing to rent
to them.
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_____ 9. Gender discrimination, whether at the workplace or at home is another commonly
observed prejudice that exists in today’s society. An organization which hires more
male candidates and rejects women (or vice versa), due to their gender, is said to
be prejudiced. One more example is of an organization where women are hired
equally, but not given top jobs. Such organizations are practicing gender
discrimination too.
_____10. Human beings are categorized into a number of races, based on their geographical
location, physical characteristics, culture, language and history. It is a social
concept, not biological. For example, in America, there are Caucasians, African
Americans, Asians, etc who differ from each other physically. However, being
different no way makes a race superior or inferior to another. Yet, there are certain
people who think, believe and act in ways that suggest that their race is superior
to others. ‘Racists’ as they are referred to, are prejudiced and if you look at history,
they have even resorted to violence against the races they considered inferior.
E. Analysis:
1. What do we mean by bias?
2. What do we mean by prejudice?
3. What are the difference between bias and prejudice?
4. Cite examples of biases and prejudices.
F. Abstraction:
Bias can be referred to as a process where you prefer one thing over another thing.
Prejudice is the word used to refer to something that you hate completely.
Bias can be referred to as a prejudice in some specific sense. This is the priority that you
feel about one thing as compared to other. Bias is term used to refer to person who is having
any kind of influence of other people on them. Bias can sometimes even take a person so far
that he considers that a truth is not true at all. Prejudice is a process which is mostly referred to
by people as a process which involves premature judgment on the part of an individual or a
group of people.
In simple words, bias is a positive or negative opinion that one might have. This opinion
is mostly based on the experience of a person. However, prejudice is something unnatural in
which you completely avoid or hate one thing or are addicted to something and love it without
any specific reason.
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G. Application:
From the different scenarios in Activity 1, choose five (5) items only and write what you would
have done/feel in that situation to avoid bias or prejudice. Write your answer on a separate sheet
of paper.
Sample answer only: Item number 8:
“I will allow the same sex couple to rent on my apartment. I will see to it that this couple will
be able to enjoy the convenience that others enjoy. They will be treated the same way as I treat
V. Evaluation
Meaning Poem is creative Poem is thoughtful Most of the poem Poems appear to be
and and original. It is and creative. A is creative, but thoughtless or
Originality evident that the couple of phrases or appears to be rushed. Work is very
poet put thought ideas may be rushed. This is repetitive, and ideas
into their words and revisited, but the evident in the are unoriginal.
uniquely conveyed overall product is poet's redundancy
their ideas and carefully written. or use of cliches.
Sensory Vivid, detailed Clear sensory Some use of
Details images and images are used to image, idea, or Difficult to visualize
intensely felt portray ideas or emotion image or emotion
emotion make the emotions
poem come alive.
Form The poem is The poem is written The poem is The poem is not
complete and in its proper forms somewhat written written in its proper
follows its intended with a few mistakes. in its proper form. form.
form, in the style of
Pablo Neruda.
Grammar Proper use of A couple of spelling The poet's There are numerous
English spelling or grammar intended meaning spelling or grammar
and grammar is mistakes are is confusing by errors, making the
used consistently evident, but do not several spelling or poems difficult to
throughout each diminish the grammar errors. understand.
poem. Punctuation meaning of the Punctuation may Punctation is used
is utilized when poem. Punctuation be misused. incorrectly.
necessary. is utilized when
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