Unit Plan

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Historical Globalization

Social Studies 10

Emelia Sandau
Table of Contents

Unit Plan Rationale………………………………………………………………………………….3

Unit Assessment Plan……………………………………………………………………………….4
Lesson Plan Overviews……………………………………………………………………………..6

Unit Plan Rationale

This unit will explore historical globalization from the time of the Silk Road into the present. This

unit will seek to understand the impacts that interconnectedness had on societies in the past, and

the consequences of globalization that are still rippling through our world today. The importance

of balancing perspectives will be emphasized, with students exploring multiple perspectives of all

events under study. What were European motivations for exploration and imperialism, and how

did those motivations impact Indigenous ways of life across the globe – is one of the many

differing perspectives we will look at. Additionally, we will examine perspectives that often get

muted in accounts of history and reflect on the foundation of this invisible hierarchy – tracing its

roots back to historical globalization. Using grounding concepts of eurocentrism / ethnocentrism,

students will develop an awareness and sensitivity to the legacies of historical globalization with

respect for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people worldwide. Students will recognize the

hardships that identities have faced, and the strength and resiliency groups have shown in response

to these legacies. We will examine government responses to the detriments of historical

globalization in Canada and decide whether or not the actions being taken are adequate. Effects of

historical globalization surround students in their present-day life, so it is crucial that students

understand the background to the contemporary issues within our society. This is one way to

ensure that this unit is relevant to students – by addressing the impacts of historical globalization

on our societies today, rather than focusing solely on the distant past. In summary, students will

seek to understand our critical inquiry question – to what extent should contemporary society

respond to the legacies of historical globalization? Students will use all that they have learned

throughout the unit to inform their answer to the critical inquiry question.

Unit Assessment Plan
Subject: Social Studies Topic: Historical Globalization
Grade: 10 Length: ~5 weeks
March 8, 2023 – April 18, 2023
(no school April 7-14)
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Established Goals (General Outcomes):
2. Students will assess the impacts of historical globalization on Indigenous and non-
Indigenous peoples.

Constructs: Essential Questions:

 Understand the extent and impacts of These address more specifically how you will
cultural contact by way of trade, achieve the constructs:
imperialism, and colonization.  To what extent does cultural contact affect
 Examine how interconnectedness and people?
dependence on others affected peoples’  To what extent did historical globalization
lives at the time. affect peoples’ lives?
 Critique contemporary response to the  To what extent are contemporary societies
legacies of historical globalization. affected by historical globalization?
Specific Learning Goals (Specific Outcomes):
Students will…
2.1 recognize and appreciate historical and contemporary consequences of European contact,
historical globalization and imperialism on Aboriginal societies (TCC, CC, I, GC)
2.2 exhibit a global consciousness with respect to the human condition (GC, C)
2.3 accept social responsibilities associated with global citizenship (C, GC)
2.4 recognize and appreciate the validity of oral histories (TCC, CC)
2.5 recognize and appreciate various perspectives regarding the prevalence and impacts of
Eurocentrism (TCC, CC, I)
2.6 examine impacts of cultural contact between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples
(exchange of goods and technologies, depopulation, influences on government and social
institutions) (TCC, CC, GC)
2.7 explore the foundations of historical globalization (rise of capitalism, industrialization,
imperialism, Eurocentrism) (TCC, ER, PADM)
2.8 explore the relationship between historical globalization and imperialism (TCC, ER, LPP,
2.9 examine multiple perspectives on the political, economic and social impacts of historical
globalization and imperialism (I, LPP, PADM)
2.10 examine imperialist policies and practices that affected Indigenous peoples (British rule
in India, British and French rule in Canada, post-colonial governments in Canada) (TCC,
2.11 analyze contemporary global issues that have origins in policies and practices of post-
colonial governments in Canada and other locations (consequences of residential schools,
social impact on Indigenous peoples, loss of Indigenous languages, civil strife) (GC, CC, TCC,
2.12 evaluate various attempts to address consequences of imperialist policies and practices on
Indigenous peoples in Canada and other locations (GC, PADM, TCC)

2.13 examine legacies of historical globalization and imperialism that continue to influence
globalization (TCC, GC)
Prior understandings… Where does this lead? (Future outcomes in
 Students will have a working definition of the same course, following grade-level
globalization and a basic understanding of classes, etc.)
the concept of globalization as it applies  Provides foundational knowledge and
to contemporary society. allows students to understand the roots of
contemporary globalization that are
looked at throughout related issue #3 – for
example SLO 3.7, 3.4.
 Beginnings of nationalism (for grade 11
social studies) are explored in concepts of
imperialism and historical superpower
nations which motivated imperialism.
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Formative Assessment
 Exit slips
 Worksheets
 Kahoot quiz reviews
 Jeopardy (unit final review)
Summative Assessment
 Colonization / Imperialism Essay
 Create your own political cartoon
 Letter to Canadian government
 Source analysis
 Unit exam
Other Evidence (observations, work samples, dialogues)
 Class discussion – will be used throughout the unit to facilitate student connections and
learn from the perspectives of their peers.
 Observation – some lessons will use simulation-type activities where students will engage
with content in an experiential way.

Unit Plan Grid Organizer

Subject: Social Studies Unit Topic: Historical Globalization Grade Level: 10

Lesson Plan Summaries

For ALL Introduction: Political cartoon analyzed as a Current events (using a variety of FA: political cartoon
Lessons class – topic varies (could be methods: sometimes CNN 10 video, analysis
related to current events or sometimes global news video, sometimes FA: current events
topic of lesson. independent research of news + activity) discussion
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities/Resources Evaluation
The Silk Road 2.6: examine  Students will explain the  Direct Instruction on the Silk Road FA: Exit slip – Is the Silk
impacts of cultural ways that early trade routes Road an example of
Thursday contact between informed globalization. - Define Silk Road globalization? Why or why
March 8, Indigenous and non-  Students will demonstrate  Experiential Learning – Silk Road not?
2023 Indigenous peoples an understanding of early simulation / game
trade through the Silk Road  Class discussion on benefits vs
routes. drawbacks of cultural contact – create
 Students will categorize the a communal T-chart with the class
impacts of early cross-
cultural contact as
beneficial or detrimental.
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Early 2.1: recognize and  Students will critique early  Direct Instruction on Christopher FA: participation in debate,
Exploration appreciate historical explorers. Columbus and Columbian exchange ability to take a stance on
and contemporary  Students will compare and - Define Christopher Columbus, the inquiry issue
Friday March consequences of contrast impacts of Grand / Columbian Exchange, FA: worksheet
9, 2023 European contact, exploration for explorers in Beothuk FA: definition synthesis for
historical relation to Indigenous  Picture Book Encounter the Beothuk
globalization and people.  Read Columbus’ diary entry
imperialism on  Worksheet on Indigenous vs
Aboriginal societies, European perspective on Columbus’
2.4: recognize and voyage
appreciate the  Direct Instruction on Beothuk
validity of oral
2.6: examine
impacts of cultural
contact between
Indigenous and non-
Indigenous peoples.
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Mercantilism 2.2: exhibit a global  Students will analyze the  Direct Instruction on Grand Exchange FA: worksheet (which
consciousness with slave trade. (review) and mercantilism includes a paragraph
Monday respect to the human  Students will explore - Define slavery, mercantilism response to mercantilism)
March 13, condition, mercantilism in the context  Direct Instruction on the slave trade
2023 2.7: explore the of historical globalization.  Picture Book Born on the Water +
foundations of  Students will assess the class discussion about slavery
historical mercantilist economic  “Economics in a Globalizing World”
globalization system. worksheet
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Motivations 2.5: recognize and  Students will recognize  Direct Instruction on the 4 FA: going over worksheets
for appreciate various factors motivating motivations of imperialism as a class to see what
Imperialism: perspectives imperialist efforts. - Define imperialism, industrial students thought about each
Economic, regarding the  Students will explore revolution (mention capitalism) image (if they are
Political, prevalence and factors leading up to  Motives of imperialism placards – completely off track, this
Military, impacts of imperialist action. students will move through stations will be evident during the
Eurocentrism Eurocentrism,  Students will classify and write on their tables which motive review)
2.7: explore the motives of imperialism. is evident in the image
Tuesday foundations of  Go over the motives as a class so that
March 14, historical students are clear on classifying
2023 globalization, motives of imperialism
2.8: explore the
relationship between
globalization and
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Ethnocentris 2.5: recognize and  Students will understand  Direct instruction on eurocentrism / FA: class discussion placing
m& appreciate various the prevalence of ethnocentrism. people on the continuum.
Eurocentrism perspectives Eurocentrism throughout - Define ethnocentrism,
regarding the the period of historical eurocentrism, cultural relativism FA: White Man’s Burden
Wednesday prevalence and globalization.  Display continuum on the board from worksheets
March 15, impacts of  Students will critique cultural superiority to cultural
2023 Eurocentrism, Eurocentric perspectives. relativism. Read some settler / FA: Padlet answering the
2.7: explore the  Students will apply their anthropologist diary accounts upon question: where do we see
foundations of learnings of historic meeting Indigenous people and ethnocentrism still today?
historical Eurocentrism to the discuss as a class where they would
globalization, present-day. fall on the continuum.
2.9: examine  Worksheet on Kipling’s poem “The
multiple White Man’s Burden” with series of
perspectives on the questions to help them work through
political, economic it. Also have response “The Brown
and social impacts Man’s Burden” on worksheet.
of historical  Padlet – where do we see
globalization and ethnocentrism still today?
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Imperialism 2.8: explore the  Students will establish  Review of imperialist motives from FA: Reflection questions.
Auction relationship between criteria to rank imperialist the week.
historical action.  Criteria building as a class for what
Thursday globalization and  Students will apply made imperialist action most
March 16, imperialism imperialist ideals. effective.
2023 2.9: examine  Students will judge  Group strategizing time for imperialist
multiple imperialist practices and auction.
perspectives on the actions.  Imperialist auction with students.
political, economic  Reflection questions (due at the end of
and social impacts class).
of historical
globalization and
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Review and 2.1: recognize and  Students will recall what  Review cultural contact and FA: review of content that
Avatar Movie appreciate historical they have learned about imperialism that were talked about the has already been covered
and contemporary imperialism and cultural past two weeks using a Kahoot quiz –
Monday consequences of contact. benefits and drawbacks of cultural FA: movie watching
March 20, European contact,  Students will identify contact, motives for imperialism. guiding questions
2023 historical parallels from the Avatar Review terms that might be applicable
globalization and movie to imperialism and throughout the Avatar movie.
imperialism on cultural contact.  Movie watching guiding questions: to
Aboriginal societies,  Students will compare and keep students on task while viewing
2.6: examine contrast Avatar with the movie.
impacts of cultural historical imperialism.  Hand out essay prompt and planning
contact between space for notes while they view the
Indigenous and non- movie.
Indigenous peoples,
2.9: examine
perspectives on the
political, economic
and social impacts
of historical
globalization and
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Avatar Movie 2.1: recognize and  Students will identify  Watch Avatar movie for entire class FA: movie watching
appreciate historical parallels from the Avatar period. guiding questions
Tuesday, and contemporary movie to imperialism and
March 21, consequences of cultural contact.
2023 European contact,  Students will compare and
historical contrast Avatar with
globalization and historical imperialism.
imperialism on
Aboriginal societies,
2.6: examine
impacts of cultural
contact between
Indigenous and non-
Indigenous peoples,
2.9: examine
perspectives on the
political, economic
and social impacts
of historical
globalization and
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Avatar Movie 2.1: recognize and  Students will identify  Finish Avatar movie. FA: movie watching
and Essay appreciate historical parallels from the Avatar  Go over answers to the worksheet guiding questions
Assignment and contemporary movie to imperialism and questions as a class – for students who
consequences of cultural contact. missed some. SA: Avatar essay
Wednesday European contact,  Students will compare and  Get students started on their
March 22, historical contrast Avatar with summative essay assignment
2023 globalization and historical imperialism. comparing Avatar to what we have
imperialism on learned about imperialism and cultural
Aboriginal societies, contact thus far.
2.6: examine
impacts of cultural
contact between
Indigenous and non-
Indigenous peoples,
2.9: examine
perspectives on the
political, economic
and social impacts
of historical
globalization and
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Essay 2.1: recognize and  Students will identify  In-class essay – students will have the SA: Avatar essay
Assignment appreciate historical parallels from the Avatar entire period to write their essay.
and contemporary movie to imperialism and
Thursday consequences of cultural contact.
March 23, European contact,  Students will compare and
2023 historical contrast Avatar with
globalization and historical imperialism.
imperialism on
Aboriginal societies,
2.6: examine
impacts of cultural
contact between
Indigenous and non-
Indigenous peoples,
2.9: examine
perspectives on the
political, economic
and social impacts
of historical
globalization and
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Essay 2.1: recognize and  Students will identify  Students may use this time to finish SA: Avatar essay
Polishing appreciate historical parallels from the Avatar up their essay or peer / self
and contemporary movie to imperialism and assessment if they are done.
Friday March consequences of cultural contact.
24, 2023 European contact,  Students will compare and
historical contrast Avatar with
globalization and historical imperialism.
imperialism on  Students will engage in the
Aboriginal societies, metacognitive process of
2.6: examine self-assessing their work
impacts of cultural using a rubric.
contact between
Indigenous and non-
Indigenous peoples,
2.9: examine
perspectives on the
political, economic
and social impacts
of historical
globalization and
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Imperialism 2.4: recognize and  Students will identify  Use oral histories to teach about FA: ability to link post-
in Canada appreciate the causes and effects of Canadian history from Indigenous colonial policies to
validity of oral Indigenous culture loss and perspective. contemporary issues
Monday histories, depopulation in Canada. - Define: colonization, settlers, the Indigenous people in
March 27, 2.6: examine  Students will summarize Indian Act, fur trade, depopulation Canada are facing.
2023 impacts of cultural historical globalization in  Direct instruction on history of
contact between Canada. Canada before confederation (content
Indigenous and non-  Students will recognize the videos?)
Indigenous peoples, validity of oral histories.  Students will receive a list of
2.10: examine statements – of causes and effects of
imperialist policies detrimental impacts on Indigenous
and practices that peoples of Canada and will have to
affected Indigenous sort which ‘cause’ lead to which
peoples. ‘effect’. This links post-colonial
policies to contemporary issues in

Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and

and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Legacies of 2.2: exhibit a global  Students will judge  Trigger warning for sensitive topics to FA: class discussion
Historical consciousness with European motives behind be made clear prior to the lesson. surrounding residential
Globalization respect to the human residential schools.  Picture Book: I Am Not a Number. school.
in Canada – condition,  Students will explain the - Define: Residential schools,
Residential 2.10: examine detrimental effects of assimilation FA: exit slip analyzing and
Schools imperialist policies residential schools, both  Discussion around European motives writing down three points
and practices that short and long term. for doing this – i.e. eurocentrism on the image of Thomas
Tuesday affected Indigenous (drawing from previous knowledge in Moore before and after
March 28, peoples, the unit) residential schools.
2023 2.11: analyze  Direct Instruction on residential
contemporary global schools – show videos from Legacy of
issues that have Hope Foundation where survivors
origins in policies speak about their experiences.
and practices of  Show image of Thomas Moore before
post-colonial and after residential schooling. Have
governments in students analyze this image and write
Canada and other down three things (two short term
locations. consequences, one long term
consequence) that they can see is
evidence of what Residential Schools
did to Indigenous people at the time
as consolidating activity.
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Response to 2.3: accept social  Students will define  Direct instruction on efforts at FA: post / comments to
Legacies of responsibilities reconciliation. reconciliation in Canada Padlet about a specific act
Historical associated with  Students will explore - Define: reconciliation of reconciliation.
Globalization global citizenship, national and local efforts at  Independent research on one major
in Canada 2.12: evaluate reconciliation. act of reconciliation that Canada has FA: closure discussion (this
various attempts to  Students will judge done for Indigenous people (give will also help them with
Wednesday address society’s responsibility of students a list of actions to choose their assignment the
March 29, consequences of reconciliation. from) following day).
2023 imperialist policies  Post to Padlet – have students review
and practices on and comment on two other people’s
Indigenous peoples Padlet post (both the original post and
in Canada and other response will be prompted by a list of
locations questions to answer in the post)
 Closure discussion on whether
modern society bears any degree of
ethical responsibility to respond to
past injustices.
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Letter to 2.3: accept social  Students will assess the  Students will write a letter to the SA: Letter to government.
Canadian responsibilities adequacy of Canada’s Canadian government expressing their
Government associated with response to the treatment of opinion regarding their efforts at
Assignment global citizenship, Indigenous peoples in reconciliation.
2.12: evaluate Residential schools.  They will either write to praise the
Thursday various attempts to  Students will recommend government for their efforts,
March 30, address different / better action for acknowledge the barely acceptable
2023 consequences of national reconciliation. efforts / suggest improvements, or
imperialist policies scorn the government for its
and practices on inadequate response.
Indigenous peoples  Students will have the entire class
in Canada and other period to work on this letter.
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Letter 2.3: accept social  Students will assess the  Students will polish up their letters SA: Letter to government.
Assignment responsibilities adequacy of Canada’s and submit them to be graded.
Completion + associated with response to the treatment of  There will be a short review of
Review global citizenship, Indigenous peoples in material covered throughout the week
2.12: evaluate Residential schools. (if majority of students are finished
Friday March various attempts to  Students will recommend their assignment).
31, 2023 address different / better action for
consequences of national reconciliation.
imperialist policies  Students will review what
and practices on we have covered this week.
Indigenous peoples
in Canada and other

Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and

and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Imperialism 2.9: examine  Students will explain the  Direct instruction on history of FA: Ghandi worksheets.
in India + Its multiple significance of Ghandi. imperialism in India. FA: participation in class
Legacy perspectives on the  Students will recognize the  Introduction to Ghandi. discussion (may be done on
political, economic impacts of imperialism on  Documentary on Ghandi Padlet)
Monday April and social impacts the nation of India. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-
3, 2023 of historical  Students will make BzMayiGCw
globalization and connections between  Gandhi worksheets.
imperialism, imperialism in India and the
2.10: examine other instances of
imperialist policies imperialism that we have
and practices that studied.
affected Indigenous

Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and

and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Scramble for 2.5: recognize and  Students will demonstrate  Political cartoon relating to Scramble FA: participation in class
Africa appreciate various how the Berlin Conference for Africa – ask students what they discussion.
perspectives played out. can gather from the image. FA: consolidating written
Tuesday April regarding the  Students will compare the  Direct instruction on Berlin activity.
4, 2023 prevalence and effects of the Scramble for Conference and the Scramble for
impacts of Africa to another event Africa.
Eurocentrism, previously learned in the  Scramble for Africa simulation.
2.8: explore the unit.  Class discussion on detrimental
relationship between  Students will recognize the impacts of Scramble for Africa.
historical detrimental effects of the  Consolidating activity: compare
globalization and Scramble for Africa. Scramble for Africa to other events
imperialism, we have learned about throughout the
2.13: examine unit.
legacies of historical
globalization and
imperialism that
continue to
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Legacies of 2.2: exhibit a global  Students will analyze the  Students will view the film Hotel FA: reflection questions
Imperialism consciousness with detriments of historical Rwanda and respond to guiding following Hotel Rwanda
in Africa – respect to the human imperialism presented in questions throughout the film. film
Hotel Rwanda condition, the film. - This will take the entire period.
2.11: analyze  Students will evaluate the
Wednesday contemporary global ways that historical
April 5, 2023 issues that have imperialism has impacted
origins in policies contemporary society.
and practices of  Students will describe
post-colonial parallels between the movie
governments in and their previous
Canada and other learnings.
2.13: examine
legacies of historical
globalization and
imperialism that
continue to
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Legacies of 2.2: exhibit a global  Students will analyze the  Finish viewing Hotel Rwanda. FA: reflection questions
Imperialism consciousness with detriments of historical  Students will have the remainder of following Hotel Rwanda
in Africa – respect to the human imperialism presented in the period to finish up their questions film
Hotel Rwanda condition, the film. and answer the reflection question: on
2.11: analyze  Students will evaluate the how globalization and imperialism
Thursday contemporary global ways that historical was a major driving force in what
April 6, 2023 issues that have imperialism has impacted unfolded in Rwanda.
origins in policies contemporary society.
and practices of  Students will describe
post-colonial parallels between the movie
governments in and their previous
Canada and other learnings.
2.13: examine
legacies of historical
globalization and
imperialism that
continue to

Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and

and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Mini Final Will vary – students  Students will create their  Direct instruction on components of a SA: Creation of political
Project will create political own political cartoon. political cartoon. cartoon
cartoon based on  Students will apply their  Review rubric that students will be
Monday April whatever concept knowledge of issues within marked using.
17, 2023 they want from the historical globalization.  Give students remainder of the class
unit.  Students will express an to produce a political cartoon and
opinion on an issue relating short rationale explaining the cartoon.
to historical globalization.
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Review Review will cover  Students will recall their  Jeopardy review period. FA: Jeopardy quiz answers
Period ALL SLOs for the learnings from the unit.  Any questions that the class struggles
unit.  Students will apply what with, will lead a brief review of the
Tuesday, they know from concepts concept.
April 18, within the unit.  Any remainder time, students can
2023 utilize to study for their exam.
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Unit Exam Unit exam will  Students will recall their  Students will get the entire period to SA: Unit exam
cover ALL SLOs learning from the unit. write their unit exams.
Wednesday for the unit.  Students will apply their
April 19, knowledge to a multiple
2023 choice unit exam.
Lesson Title SLEs: Learning Instructional Strategies/ Assessments and
and Day (Abbrev.) Objectives Methods/Activities Evaluation
Review of Unit exam will  Students will review unit  Review test questions. SA: Unit exam corrections
Unit Exam cover ALL SLOs test questions.  Students will be given the option to
for the unit.  Students will correct their make corrections on questions they
Thursday tests where applicable. got wrong to earn back part marks.
April 20,  If students finish corrections, they
2023 have the chance to submit any missing
work from the unit.

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