II Puc Computers Science Mock Paper 2

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Course: II PUC


COLLEGE Subject: Computer Science
Vishweshwarapuram, Bangalore. Max. Marks: 70
II PUC MOCK PAPER - 2 (FEB-2023) Duration: 3:00 Hrs 15 Mins
Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. 1 x 20 = 20
I. Select the correct answer from the choices given: (Repeated answers will not be considered)
1. What is Cache Memory?
a) High Speed b) Volatile Memory
c) Main memory d) Escape Memory
2. The other name of Boolean algebra is _____________
a) Switching algebra b) Relational Algebra
c) Digital Algebra d) None of the above
3. The other name of NOT gate is ___________
a) Neglect gate b) Inverter gate
c) XOR gate d) XNOR gate
4. The data structure that allows the insertion, as well as the deletion from both the ends are:
a) String b) Linked List data structure
c) Stack data structure d) Dequeue data structure
5. What is the other name used for Variable inside a class?
a) Data Members b) Member functions
c) Class functions d) Class variables
6. Function cannot be overloaded when ________________
a) Function names are same b) Number of parameters are different
c) Number of parameters are same d) Data types of parameters are different
7. The symbol used with destructor is ________
a) $ b) &
c) Delta (d) ~
8. Base class is ___________
a) a sub class b) inherited class
c) Main class d) First class
9. Which of the following is the correct way to declare a pointer?
a) int *ptr b) int ptr
c) int &ptr d) All of the above
10. ____________ is called information.
a) Raw fact b) collection of data
c) Unprocessed data d) Processed data
11. DDL is ______________________.
a) Data Definition Language b) Double Data Language
c) Data Default Language d) None of these
12. SMTP stands for ___________
a) Simple Male Transfer Protocol b) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
c) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol d) Simple Mesh Transfer Protocol
13. Which of the following is not a type of network?
a) LAN b) MAN
c) PAN d) VAN
14. Source Code is not available in ______
a) Free Software b) Freeware
c) Shareware d) Proprietary Software
15. CSS stands for ____________________________________
a) Cascading Style Sheet b) Causing Styling Sheet
c) Climate Shine Sheet d) None of these

II Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate word/words from those given in brackets.
(Repeated answers will not be considered)
(Tuple, Rectangle, MYSQL, ISAM, Schema)

16. The structure of database is called as ____________

17. ___________ is the symbol used to represent entity.
18. Row of a table is also called as _____________.
19. _____________is a software for creating and managing databases.
20. __________ is a combination of serial and random file organization.

III. Answer any Four questions. Each question carries two marks. 4x2=8
21. Prove algebraically that ( X + Y ) ( X + Z ) = X + YZ
22. State and Prove any one DeMorgan’s Theorem using Truth Table
23. Define Polymorphism. Give an Example
24. Write the features of parameterized Constructor
25. Mention any two ifstream function
26. Mention the types of data independence.
27. Write the syntax and example for insert command in SQL
28. Briefly explain Wide Area Network.

III. Answer any Four questions. Each question carries THREE marks. 4 x 3 = 12
29. What is cache memory? Explain its types.
30. Write the logic diagram and truth table for NAND gates.
31. Write any three applications of stack.
32. What are the advantages of pointers.
33. Explain any three file opening modes.
34. Explain network database model.
35. Write any three advantages of e-commerce
36. Explain any three text formatting tags in HTML.

IV. Answer any Six questions. Each question carries FIVE marks. 6 x 5 = 30
37. Simply the following Boolean function using K-map F(A,B,C,D)=∑(0,1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14)
38. Briefly explain different operations performed on linear array.
39. Write an algorithm to insert an element at the rear end of the queue.
40. Give the difference between procedural programming and object oriented programming.
II PUC Computer Science ( Mock Paper 2 - 2023) Page: 3
41. Explain defining member function outside the class definition with syntax and programming example.
42. Explain Function Overloading with programming example.
43. What is a Constructor? Write the syntax and programming example for default constructor.
44. What are the advantages of inheritance in C++?
45. Explain the features of database system.
46. Explain the various group functions in SQL
47. Define the following network devices.
a) MODEM b) HUB c) Repeater d) Bridge e) Router


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