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Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and

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First Edition : 2016 © Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and
First Reprint : 2017 © Curriculum Research, Pune - 411 004.
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Science Subject Committee : Coordination :

Dr Chandrashekhar Murumkar, Chairman Rajiv Arun Patole
Dr Dilip Sadashiv Jog, Member Special Officer for Science
Dr Abhay Jere, Member
Dr Sulabha Nitin Vidhate, Member Translation :
Smt. Mrinalini Desai, Member Dr Sushma Jog
Shri. Gajanan Suryawanshi, Member Smt. Manisha Dahivelkar
Shri. Sudhir Yadavrao Kamble, Member
Scrutiny :
Smt. Dipali Dhananjay Bhale, Member
Smt. Mrinalini Desai
Shri. Rajiv Arun Patole, Member-Secretary

Science Study Group : Coordination :

Dr Prabhakar Nagnath Kshirsagar Dhanavanti Hardikar
Dr Shaikh Mohammed Waquioddin H. Academic Secretary for Languages
Dr Vishnu Vaze
Dr Ajay Digambar Mahajan Santosh Pawar
Dr Gayatri Gorakhnath Choukade Subject Assistant, English
Shri. Prashant Panditrao Kolse
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Shri. Shankar Bhikan Rajput Typesetting :
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Cover and illustrations : Publisher :

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The Constitution of India



solemnly resolved to constitute India into a
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to
all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith
and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of
the individual and the unity and integrity of the
twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY

The ‘Primary Education Curriculum - 2012’ was prepared in the State of
Maharashtra following the ‘Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education
Act, 2009’ and the ‘National Curriculum Framework - 2005’. This syllabus approved
by the State Government is being implemented serially from the academic year
2013-2014. In the syllabus as well as in the textbooks for Std III to V, General Science is
included in ‘Environmental Studies’. However, Std VI onwards, it is included separately.
Accordingly, the Textbook Bureau has prepared this textbook of General Science for
Std VI. We are happy to place it in your hands.
Our approach while designing this textbook was that the entire teaching-learning
process should be child-centred, the emphasis should be on self-learning and the
process of education should become enjoyable and interesting. During the teaching-
learning process, there should be clarity about the specific competencies that children
are expected to achieve at the various stages of primary education. That is why, the
expected competencies regarding General Science have been given in the textbook. In
keeping with these competencies, the content included in the textbook has been presented
in an innovative way. The content, activities and projects have been given under specific
headings in each chapter to get the children to observe things carefully, to learn by
actually doing something, to compile information, to classify this information or data, to
draw conclusions from it, and so on. The supplementary information given in the textbook
will help to make children’s learning more effective. At several places, projects have
been given to help make teaching as activity-oriented as possible. The main objective
of this textbook is to inculcate a scientific attitude among the children. Along with
science, an introduction to the use of technology in the surroundings and an emphasis on
environmental and social awareness are the important features of this textbook.
This book was scrutinized by teachers, educationists, and experts from all parts of
the State, to make it as flawless and useful as possible. Their comments and suggestions
have been duly considered by the Science Subject Committee while finalizing the book.
The Science Subject Committee and the Study Group of the Textbook Bureau and the
artists have taken great pains to prepare this book. The Bureau is thankful to all of them.
We hope that this book will receive a warm welcome from students, teachers and

Pune (Dr Sunil Magar)

Date : 9 May 2016, Director
Akshay Tritiya, Maharashtra State Bureau of
Indian Solar Year : Textbook Production and
Vaishakh 19, 1938 Curriculum Research, Pune.

For Teachers
• We learn many new facts while studying science. So, young children with a lot of
curiosity find the subject enjoyable. However, the real objective of learning science
is to learn to think about the world and all the events that take place in it, in an
objective and rational manner so as to lead a happy confident life. Through the
study of science we also expect children to develop social consciousness, awareness
about conservation of the environment and adeptness in handling technology.
• We need to have adequate factual information and understanding about our world.
However, in a rapidly changing world, the knowledge gained today may not suffice
tomorrow. Hence, the skills required for obtaining knowledge must be learnt. These
are the very skills that are learnt in the process of studying science.
• Many topics in science are more easily learnt by direct observation than by reading
about them. Some abstract phenomena become visible through the effects they have.
Hence, we do experiments related to them. They help to learn the skills of inference
and verification. While learning science, these skills are learnt and internalized.
This is an important objective of learning science.
• That we should be able to articulate what we have learnt, explain it to others, use it
for further studies and finally bring about proper changes in our behavior is also an
expectation from the learning of science. That is why, it is important to ensure that
along with the content of the subject, these skills are also developed.
• Can you recall? is a section for reviewing the related topics already learnt, while
the purpose of Can you tell? is introducing a topic by bringing together what the
children might already know about a topic through their own reading or experience.
Try this is meant to give some specific experience while Let’s try this are the
parts that teachers must demonstrate to the class. Use your brain power! makes
children apply the knowledge gained. Always remember... gives some important
instructions or values. The sections Find out, Do you know? and Science watch
are to create an awareness of the vast information that cannot be included in the
textbook and to inculcate the habit of doing reference work independently.
• Teachers can see for themselves that this textbook is not meant for reading and
explaining but for guiding students to gain knowledge by carrying out the given
activities. Reading the textbook after the children have carried out the activities and
discussed them in the class will make it easy and will also help to bring together and
reinforce what they have already learnt. The attractive pictures will support their
efforts to learn.
• Teachers should prepare well for discussions under Can you tell?, Use your brain
power! etc. and for the various activities and experiments. They should maintain an
informal atmosphere during such discussions and activities, encourage everyone to
participate and make efforts to organize Science Days, presentations in the class, etc.
Front Cover : Experiments included in the textbook. Back Cover : Biodiversity on the Kaas Plateau
Competencies Related to General Science : Standard VI
It is expected that by the end of Standard VI students will develop the following competencies :

The Living World Natural Resources and Disaster Management

1. Observing the various components of
1. Learning about the importance and uses of air,
the surroundings.
water and land.
2. Explaining the importance and
necessity of the classification of living 2. Obtaining information about the proportions of the
things. various constituents of air, water and land.
3. Classifying the various components of 3. Explaining with reasons the need for the appropriate
the surroundings on the basis of their use of natural resources.
characteristics and other attributes. 4. Obtaining samples of soil from different locations
4. Classifying living things on the basis of and noting down observations about their colour
their similarities, differences and and differences in the size of particles.
5. Explaining the meaning of ‘disaster’ and the
5. Giving examples of plants and animals
reasons why they occur.
according to their different
characteristics. 6. Classifying disasters as man-made or natural,
6. Making notes about animals in the from a study of instances of their occurrence.
surroundings - domestic, wild and 7. Suggesting ways of preventing disasters.
those that are a nuisance, and giving 8. Stating ways of using technology to prevent
reasons for such categorization. damage in case of a disaster, and acting accordingly
Substances if the need arises.
1. Explaining the characteristics of the
three states of substances.
2. Understanding the effect of heat on the
Motion, Force, Machines
state of a substance. 1. Explaining the concept of motion and giving
3. Relating the phenomenon of change of day-to-day examples of motion.
state to its application in daily life 2. Understanding the differences between the
4. Verifying the properties of substances different types of motion.
and their uses.
5. Giving examples of metals used in 3. Classifying the different types of force by
day-to-day life and verifying their observing examples of force in everyday life.
properties. 4. Observing machines in day-to-day use and
6. Observing a variety of substances classifying them as simple or complex machines.
found in the surroundings and
determining whether they are natural or 5. Verifying the utility of simple machines and
man-made. giving examples of their uses in everyday life.
7. Understanding the process of production 6. Helping in the maintenance of machines used in
of paper, rubber and synthetic yarn. their homes.

Diet and Nutrition

1. Understanding that food is necessary for obtaining energy as well as for fighting diseases.
2. Changing one’s dietary habits.
3. Understanding the differences between nutrition, malnutrition, and overnutrition and
suggesting measures for preventing deficiency diseases.
4. Explaining the structure and importance of the human skeletal system and the skin.
5. Drawing diagrams of the skeletal system, bones, joints and the skin.

Energy The Universe
1. Explaining the concepts of work and energy and their 1. Learning about the
inter-relationship. universe and its various
2. Classifying energy resources and using them in daily life. components.
3. Giving methods of saving energy; relating energy resources and 2. Studying and comparing
energy transformations to daily life. the galaxies, stars,
4. Explaining the phenomenon of sound and the production of sound. planets, satellites,
5. Understanding the causes and effects of noise pollution and asteroids, comets and
implementing the remedies for it in daily life. meteors that exist in the
6. Explaining the concept of light and classifying the various sources universe.
of light as natural or man-made.
3. Making models of the
7. Verifying that light is propagated in straight lines.
various components of
8. Constructing a pinhole camera and observing how light travels
the universe.
through it.
9. Having fun casting shadows and understanding the scientific 4. Understanding the
principle behind it. scientific principles
10. Verifying the properties and characteristics of magnets by doing underlying the various
experiments. events occurring in the
11. Classifying magnets, giving their uses and stating their importance universe and explaining
in daily life. them to others.

No. Chapters Page No.

1. Natural Resources – Air, Water and Land ............................................ 1

2. The Living World ................................................................................... 9
3. Diversity in Living Things and their Classification ............................ 18
4. Disaster Management .......................................................................... 26
5. Substances in the Surroundings – Their States and Properties ............. 32
6. Substances in Daily Use ...................................................................... 42
7. Nutrition and Diet ................................................................................ 50
8. Our Skeletal System and the Skin ....................................................... 57
9. Motion and Types of Motion .............................................................. 65
10. Force and Types of Force ..................................................................... 70
11. Work and Energy ................................................................................. 76
12. Simple Machines .................................................................................. 84
13. Sound ................................................................................................... 91
14. Light and the Formation of Shadows ................................................... 97
15. Fun with Magnets .............................................................................. 105
16. The Universe ...................................................................................... 112

1. Natural Resources – Air, Water and Land


Observe the picture alongside and

answer the questions.
1. Where do we see the birds ?
2. Where is the cow grazing ?
3. Locate the trees and the road.
4. Where does the river come from ?
How does it flow ?
5. Where is the aeroplane ?
6. Where are the fish seen ?
7. On what is the sailboat floating ?

Natural resources 1.1 : Spheres of the earth

You can see that some things in the picture are

in water, some on land, and some in the sky, that is, Air, water and land are
in the air. Thus, all things on the earth are associated the factors important
with air, water and land. Air, water and land are for sustaining the living
called the earth’s atmosphere, hydrosphere and world on the earth
lithosphere, respectively. Moreover, different living and for fulfilling their basic
things occupy these three spheres of the earth. needs. They are called
These living things and the parts of the lithosphere, natural resources.
hydrosphere and atmosphere which they occupy are
together called the biosphere. These spheres have
formed on the earth naturally. We have learnt all
this in the previous standards.
The atmosphere is the layer of air that surrounds
the earth. The surface of the earth comprises water
and land, that is, the hydrosphere and lithosphere. Of
these, the hydrosphere occupies a much larger part
than the lithosphere. Figure 1.2 shows the proportion
Land 29%
of land and water on the earth’s surface.
We also look upon these natural components in Water 71%
solid, liquid and gaseous form as resources. In other
words, we use them to fulfil our requirements. Let us
now study all these three components in detail. 1.2 : Proportion of land and water
Can you recall ? What are the five layers of the atmosphere ?
The air in the atmosphere around the earth contains nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide,
six inert gases, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, water vapour and dust particles. The
troposphere contains about 80% of the total mass of gases in the air, while this proportion
is about 19% in the stratosphere. Further, in the mesosphere and ionosphere, the proportion
of the mass of gases goes on decreasing. Gases are not found in the exosphere and beyond.

You can see that air is a mixture of Other constituents

several gases and is the chief constituent of air 0.07%
of the earth’s atmosphere. Besides these
Carbon dioxide
gases, air also contains water vapour Argon 0.9% 0.03%
and dust particles. The amount of the
Oxygen 21%
gases in the air is the greatest near the
surface and decreases as we go higher
and higher from the surface. That is, air
becomes rarer at higher altitudes. Nitrogen
The proportions of the constituents
of air and some of their uses are given
here. 1.3 : Proportions of the various
gases in the air

Some uses of gases in air

• Nitrogen – Helps living things • Argon – Used in electric bulbs.
to build the necessary proteins. • Helium – Used for obtaining low
It is useful in the production of temperature and also for generating
ammonia and in airtight packaging lift in airships.
of foodstuffs. • Neon – Used in decorative lights
• Oxygen – Necessary for respiration and for street lighting.
in living things and for combustion. • Krypton – Used in fluorescent
• Carbon dioxide – Plants use it for tubes.
producing their food. Used in fire • Xenon – Used in flash photography.

Always remember...
The living world on the earth is sustained due to the balance between various
gases and other constituents of air. The atmosphere is a very important filter. It
allows the light and heat of the sun to reach the earth, which is necessary for
life. But it prevents the harmful elements from reaching the earth. It is in the
atmosphere that fog, clouds, snow and rain are produced.
Observe and discuss. What is the similarity in the three pictures below ?

1.4 : Air pollution

All the above pictures show large scale emission Harmful substances
of smoke through different agencies. This smoke released in air through
directly mixes with the atmosphere, disturbing the combustion of fuels
balance between the constituents of air. This is called
l Nitrogen dioxide
air pollution. Harmful gases are given out through
combustion of fuels in vehicles and in big industries l Carbon dioxide
and also through incomplete combustion of fuels like l Carbon monoxide
wood and coal. As a result, air pollution is increasing l Sulphur dioxide
day by day. l Soot

Ozone layer – the protective shell

There is a layer of ozone (O3) gas in Do you know ?
the lower part of stratosphere. Ozone gas is
not directly useful for the survival of living In metropolitan cities like Mumbai,
things, yet it is very important for living Pune or Nagpur boards are displayed
things to have this layer of ozone at a high at places of heavy traffic to show
altitude around the earth. The ultra violet the proportions of the various
rays coming from the sun are very harmful constituents of the air at that place.
for living things. The ozone gas absorbs these Due to these boards, we can see the
rays. As a result, life on earth is protected. amount of harmful elements in the
The ozone layer is destroyed if chemical
gases like carbon tetrachloride or the
chlorofluorocarbons used in air conditioners
and refrigerators mix with the air.
The 16th of September is celebrated
as ‘Ozone Protection Day’ all over the
world to make everyone aware of the
importance of ozone.

Use your brain power !

What would have happened if there were no air on the earth ?

Water Purpose for which Amount of
water is used Water (approx.)
in litres
Try this.
- Bath
Observe how much water is used and - Brushing teeth
for what purposes it is used in your house - Washing clothes
for a whole day. Record it in a chart like
and utensils
the one shown here. Discuss this data
in the class. Divide the total amount of - Mopping the floor
water used in your house by the number - Drinking
of persons to find out how much water - Cooking
each person needs. Total use of water
You will see that it is almost
impossible for us to spend even a single In nature, water occurs in three
day without water. We need to drink three
states. Water does not have colour,
to four litres of water every day so that all
our bodily functions run smoothly. Other taste or odour. Many substances readily
living things also require water although dissolve in water. Therefore, water is a
the amount of water they need may vary universal solvent.
according to the size of their body. Thus, The blood of animals and the sap
we see that water is very important. in plants contain a very high proportion
If hydrogen gas burns in air, it of water. No living thing can survive
combines with oxygen and water is without water. Therefore it is said that
formed. We have learnt about some ‘Water is life.’
characteristics of water in the previous
Water available on earth Percentage
Seas, Oceans 97%
Observe and discuss.
Groundwater, ice, Water available
and water
for drinking Water available for
in other forms drinking (fresh water)

Total 100%
1st Qtr

Seas and Oceans 2nd Qtr

3rd Qtr
We cannot use all the water on earth
because seawater is salty. Some water is
in the frozen state. A very small quantity
of water is available for drinking. Yet it
1.5 : Distribution of water on the earth
is enough for all living things.

Find out.
In what ways is the water in seas and oceans useful even though it is salty ?
Observe and discuss. For which purposes is water being used ?

Do other living things use

water like we do ?
We use water in large
quantities. We have learnt
that water on the earth is
regulated through the water
cycle. The water vapour
formed from oceans is the
main source of water in the
water cycle. It gets converted
into rain, creating fresh water
sources on earth.

1.6 : Uses of water on the earth

We get water from natural sources

Always remember...
such as streams, rivers, ponds, springs and
lakes. Man also digs wells and borewells
to lift ground water. Apart from this, man 1. Use water sparingly.
has also constructed bunds and dams of 2. Block water, let it percolate.
various sizes on rivers. 3 Store water wherever possible.
Due to the uncontrolled use of water 4. Reuse water wherever possible.
for an increasing population, industry and Remember, stored water does not
farming, it is now in short supply. Water become stale at once.
scarcity has become a serious problem.

l What is land made of ? l Is land flat everywhere ?

Can you tell ? l What do you see on land ? l Does man produce soil/land ?

l What has man created on land ?

l If a deep pit is dug in the ground, what do you find there?
Land is seen in the form of stones, soil, big rocks. It is not flat everywhere. It is
hilly in some places and flat in others. All terrestrial animals including man live on
land. Some terrestrials dig burrows in the ground for shelter. This means that they use
land for fulfilling their need. We also use land for farming and for building houses and
roads. We make use of plants and animals in the forests that grow on land. The
minerals, crude oil and natural gas obtained from the earth (land) are very important
for us. It means that land is an important resource. Let us see exactly what land is
made of.
1. Take a transparent plastic bottle, a
Let’s try this. handful of soil, some stones, sand, some
dry leaves and water.
2. Cut off the upper tapering part of bottle.
Dry leaves Put the rest of the materials in the lower
Soil part and add water.
3. Stir the mixture thoroughly and put it
Observe it the next day and answer.
Small stones
l How does the mixture in the bottle look
Big stones now ?
l Do you see layers in it ?
1.7 : Layers of the mixture in the bottle l What is seen in the different layers from
The land on earth also looks like this. If a top to bottom?
pipeline is being laid in your neighbourhood,
observe carefully the pits dug for this
purpose. You will see some layers under the
land surface, as shown in the accompanying
figure. Humus
If the land has mature soil, the topmost Soil
layer is formed by the decomposition of the
remains of plants and animals. This layer is Immature
called ‘humus’. It is usually found in dense soil
forests. The land below this is full of sand,
soil, small stones, worms, and insects. Soil
and pieces of bedrock are found below this
Layer of
layer of land. This soil is immature. Further soil and
below this layer the proportion of soil small rocks
decreases and that of rock increases. This is
the layer of bedrock. The main minerals in
the soil are derived from these rocks. That is
why, soil in different regions is different. The Bedrock
colour and texture of soil are both determined
by the bedrock.
1.8 : Layers of land
The process of soil formation
The soil on the land is formed by a natural process. The abiotic components of soil are
supplied through the weathering of the bedrock. Due to the heat, cold and water of the sun,
wind and rain respectively, the bedrock breaks down into pieces. Stones, sand and soil are
formed from these pieces. Microbes, worms and insects are found among them. Rodents
like mice and rats are also found here. The roots of trees growing on the land also help
weathering of rocks. The process of soil formation is slow and continuous. It takes about
a thousand years for a 2.5 cm thick layer of mature soil to form.
Soil can get destroyed in a short period due to floods, storms and human activities
such as mining. That is why, it is necessary to conserve soil and to prevent erosion of
land. The best remedy for this is to increase the green cover of the land. Erosion of land is
reduced if grass, trees and bushes are grown in it.

Obtain specimens of soil from various places in your surroundings

Try this. such as your own yard, a garden, hills, river banks, fields and
rocky ground. Note the differences in the specimens with respect
to colour, feel, texture and the size of the particles.
Do you know ?
Use your brain power !
Humus is the layer formed on soil due to the
decomposition of dead plants and animals
What are the constituents of soil ?
by microbes. Humus supplies nutrients Classify them as biotic and abiotic
to the soil. Humus is also important for constituents.
aerating the soil and for holding water in
the soil. The proportion of humus in the
upper layer of good fertile soil is about 33%
to 50%.

Forests on land got buried underground due to the great upheavals that took place
on the earth many ages ago. After that, the process of formation of fossil fuels
from the remains of living things took place underground. We get fuels like petrol,
diesel, kerosene, paraffin and other useful materials like tar and wax from
the fossil fuel called crude oil.

Living things use land, water and air

available on earth and so does man. However, Institutes at work
the portions of these resources that are actually India Meteorological
put to use are very small as compared to the Department (IMD) was
whole earth. Look at the following table. established in 1875 for studying
29% the weather in the Indian
subcontinent. The main function
Potable water / fresh water 0.3% of this institute is to observe the
Oxygen 21% weather and to make weather
Even in these small proportions, the forecasts. This institute also
resources shown in the above table are conducts research related to
sufficient for all living things. Only, it is very changes in weather, makes
necessary for man to control his greed. In other forecasts about rains and studies
words, he must use these resources judiciously, the developments related to
with the awareness that they are meant for all global warming.
other living things and not just for mankind.

What we have learnt-
l There are many constituents of air such
l The elements available in nature as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide,
which fulfil the basic needs of living inert gases, water vapour and dust
things are called natural resources. particles.
l Air, water and land are important l The ozone layer is a protective shell of
natural resources. the earth.
l Soil has both biotic and abiotic l Natural resources should be used
constituents. carefully and sparingly.


1. Fill in the blanks. 5. Name the following.

(a) The layer of ozone gas absorbs (a) Constituents of the biosphere
………… rays that come from the (b) Biotic constituents of soil
sun to the earth. (c) Fossil fuel
(b) Of the total water available on (d) Inert gases in air
the earth, fresh water forms ...... (e) Gases that are harmful to
percent. the ozone layer
(c) Both ...…. and ……... constituents 6. True or false ?
are present in the soil. (a) Land and soil are the same thing.
2. Why is it said that – ? (b) The water in a lake is called ground
(a) The ozone layer is a protective water.
shell of the earth. (c) It takes about 1000 years to form a
(b) Water is life. 25 cm thick layer of soil.
(c) Seawater is useful even though it is (d) Radon is used in decorative lights.
not potable. 7. Answer in your own words.
3. What will happen if – (a) Explain with the help of a diagram
(a) Microbes in the soil get destroyed. how soil is formed.
(b) The number of vehicles and (b) Why is there a shortage of water
factories in your surroundings even though it occupies about 71%
increases. of the earth’s surface ?
(c) The total supply of potable water is (c) What are the various constituents of
finished. air ? Write their uses.
4. Match the following. (d) Why are air, water and land
Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’ considered to be valuable natural
(1) Carbon (a) Generation of resources ?
dioxide soil Activity :
(2) Oxygen (b) Rain l Obtain detailed information about
(3) Water (c) Plants and the work of the India Meteorological
vapour food production Department.
(4) Microbes (d) Combustion l Find a remedy for water scarcity.

2. The Living World
List the things seen in the picture. Say whether they are
Can you recall ? living or non-living things.

Characteristics of living
There are many kinds of
plants and animals around us.
They show some similarities
and some differences. Yet,
with the help of certain
features, we can tell that
they are all living things.
These features are not seen in
non-living things. Such
features are said to be the
characteristics of living
things. Let us study these
2.1 : Various things in our environment

What differences do we see between the young ones and the

Can you tell ?
adults in the picture ?

2.2 : Growth in living things

A baby grows up to become an adult person - woman or man. During the period
of its growth, the baby gains in height, weight and strength. In the same manner, all
animals grow into adults in a certain period. Generally, humans require 18 to 21 years
for this growth.
Find out how long it takes for the young ones of hens, cows and dogs to grow
into adults.
Stretched Loose
thread thread
Try this.
Tie a thread to the tip of a potted sapling.
Keep the thread stretched and tie it to a peg or
nail above the plant. What do you observe after
ten to fifteen days ?
What tells us that the plant has grown taller ?
In all plants, it is mainly the width and height
of the stem that grows. As they grow, some plants
develop branches while others do not.
Though all living things grow, animals grow
only for a certain period. Plants, on the other
2.3 : Sapling in a pot
hand, grow as long as they live. The growth of
living things occurs from within the body, which
means that growth occurs in all parts of the body.

2.4 : Growth in banyan and coconut trees

Use your brain power !

What differences do you see in the growth of trees like the mango, banyan
and peepal and that of the bamboo, coconut and toddy palms.
Food is necessary for growth Sunlight
Plants make their own food in
sunlight. Plants produce food from Oxygen
water, nutrients in the soil and the
carbon dioxide present in the air.
This process takes place in the
leaves of plants. It is brought about Carbon
in the presence of sunlight, with the dioxide
help of the chlorophyll in the leaves.
This process of food production is
called photosynthesis. During this
process, plants give out oxygen.
Water and
Plants appear mainly green in
colour due to the chlorophyll in
2.5 : Photosynthesis
2.6 : Intake of food by animals

Animals, however, do not have chlorophyll.

The intake of food and
They do not produce their own food. They search
the resultant growth is an
for food. Animals such as goats, sheep, horses eat
important characteristic of
grass while wild animals such as tigers and lions
living things.
meet their need for food by hunting other animals
which live on plants.
Observe and discuss. 1. Hold your hand in front of your nose or
keep your hand on your chest. What do
you feel ?
2. If we observe a sleeping dog, what
movement of its belly do we see ?
Living things need oxygen in order
to live. Inhaling oxygen and exhaling the
A leaf of a plant carbon dioxide formed in the body due
to the use of oxygen is called respiration.
Animals such as fish, snake, mouse, etc.
have specific organs for respiration. On
the other hand, plants respire by means
of microscopic pores on their stems and
Respiration is a characteristic of
2.7 : Respiration in living things living things.

Can you recall ? 1. Is all the food we eat used by the body ?
2. What is the unused part of food converted into ?
Waste substances are formed during the many processes
that take place in the bodies of animals. These are called excreta
and the process of eliminating them from the body is called
excretion. Animals have specific organs for excretion.
Plants, too, excrete. For example, some plants shed leaves
in a specific season. Waste substances stored in the leaves of
plants are shed along with the leaves. 2.8 : A tree shedding leaves
Try this.
Take a transparent plastic bag. Tie it over a leaf of a
plant as shown in the picture. Observe it after six to seven
hours. What do you see ?
Droplets of water collect on the inside of the bag. It
means that, plants excrete water in the form of vapour.

Excretion is a characteristic of living things.

Use your brain power !

What is the sticky substance

seen on the stems of the babul
(acacia) or drumstick trees ?
2.9 : Excretion on the leaves
of a plant
Observe and discuss.

Have you experienced this ? What happened

immediately after the following actions ?
1. Light flashed suddenly into your eyes.
2. Suddenly you felt a pinprick.
The mimosa
3. The leaves of the mimosa plant were touched.
4. At sunset, lamps on the street or courtyard are lit
and insects gather around the lamps.
Responsiveness to stimuli and movement
Living things act in various ways when
responding to a stimulus. If you suddenly enter a
cowshed, the cows and buffalos stand up, begin to
move, one or two may even start mooing. These
are all movements.
A potted plant
A creeper planted in the courtyard leans towards
2.10 : Responsiveness and movement
a support. A potted plant placed in a window grows
towards sunlight. It means that plants, too, show
movement. Living things move of their own accord. Use your brain power !
The movement or the change taking place in
1. In each of the examples
a living thing at such a time is their response to a
given above, what is the
stimulus. An event that occurs in our surroundings is
stimulus and what is the
a stimulus. The ability of living things to respond to
response ?
a stimulus is called their responsiveness to stimuli.
2. What is the main difference
Responsiveness to stimuli between the movements of
is a characteristic of living things. plants and animals ?
Can you tell ? What do we learn from these pictures ?
Living things produce other living
things like themselves. Some animals
give birth to their young ones. Some
lay eggs. Their young ones hatch out
of the eggs. New plants are produced A bird and its eggs Bryophyllum
from the seeds, stems or leaves of
The process by which a living thing
generates a new living thing like itself
is called reproduction or procreation.
Reproduction is a characteristic of
living things.

A mare and her foal Rose cuttings

Use your brain power !
2.11 : Reproduction
Why have so many types of plants and
animals been able to survive on the
earth even today ?

Observe and discuss.

A definite lifespan 2.12 : Lifespan

At a certain stage of life, living things become capable of reproduction. Later on
in life reproduction stage, their organs become weak and still later, their life comes to
an end. In other words, living things die. The lifespans of different animals and plants
are different. For example, the lifespan of the dog is about 12 to 18 years, while the
ostrich lives for 50 years.
You may have wondered what exactly the living things are, how they came into
being, and so on.
Do you know ?
The lifespan of the giant turtle found on
the Galapagos Island in South America
is about 170 years. On the other hand,
the lifespan of the mayfly ranges from
1 hour to 24 hours.

Observe a honeycomb and a wall.

Can you tell ? What are they made of ?
You may have seen the small
compartments of a honeycomb. These
compartments are joined together to form
a honeycomb. A wall has bricks. To
construct a wall, we firmly join the bricks
2.13 : A wall A honeycomb
A cellular structure
Living things are made of small units called cells. All the
actions and processes in the bodies of living things are brought Amoeba
about with the help of these microscopic cells.
Some living things are made of a single cell. These are called
unicellular organisms. On the other hand, the living things that Paramoecium
are made of many cells are called multicellular organisms. The
amoeba and some other microorganisms are unicellular while
man, cow, mouse, cockroach, elephants, banyan tree, the onion
plant, etc. are all multicellular organisms. All the characteristics
of living things are seen in every cell of a living thing, whether it
is unicellular or multicellular.
Cellular structure is the main characteristic of living things,
even though the number of cells may vary.

2.14 : Various living things

What they do ? Institutes at work
The institutes
Botanicalthat workoffor
survey the (1890)
India survey and
and the
the various plants
of India (1916)
theanimals in responsible
institutes different parts
for of
theIndia areand
survey the conservation
Botanical Survey of India (1890)
of, respectively, plants
and the
and animals in Zoological
the variousSurvey
parts of India
In caserespectively.
you find anIn case you plant
or animalfind an unfamiliar
in our surroundingsplant
animal in your surroundings,
communicate you can to obtain
with these institutes
information about it..with these institutes to obtain more information about it.

Can you tell ? In what way are plants and animals useful to us ?

Useful living things

Plants are used for household as
well as industrial purposes. For example,
fenugreek (methi), potato, okra (bhendi),
apple, banana are used as food while
vasaka (adulsa), hirada, behada, asparagus
are used as medicines.
Animals are also useful to us. Dogs,
cats, cows, buffalos are kept for domestic
uses. Fish, sheep, fowl are used as food,
while animals like horses, oxen, camel
2.15 : Useful living things
prove useful in various occupations. The
earthworm is very useful in agriculture.
Harmful living things
Some animals and plants around
us are harmful to man. For example,
mosquitoes and flies spread diseases.
Cockroaches, mice, rats destroy our food.
Lice, ticks also spread diseases. The bites
of some poisonous lizards, spiders, snakes
and scorpions can even cause death. If
wild elephants enter human settlements,
they cause a lot of destruction.
Some plants, too, can be harmful, as
for example, the dodder, parthenium and
other weeds.
Pods of the nettle, colocasia leaves
cause itching. Plants like oleander, lantana
have strong odours. The datura plant is
poisonous. Uncontrolled growth of fungi
and algae in water pollutes drinking water
and may cause the spread of diseases. Datura Colocasia leaves
2.16 : Harmful living things
Wild animals
Wild animals that hunt other animals for food
are called predators, for example, tigers, lions,
wolves, leopards. Sometimes, due to deforestation,
such animals enter human settlements in search of
food and may kill domestic animals or people.

Find out.

Watch TV channels such as National

Geographic, Discovery and collect information
regarding various plants and animals found
in our surroundings. Have a class discussion
with reference to the collected information.
2.17 : Wild animals

Always remember...

Many plants and animals in nature satisfy our needs. The use of such plants and
animals should be restricted only to our needs. We should not pluck leaves, flowers
and fruit unnecessarily. Animals should not be hunted. They should not be teased
just for fun. It is the responsibility and duty of all of us to protect plants and animals.

What we have learnt-

l Growth, respiration, excretion, reproduction, responsiveness to stimuli, movement,

a definite lifespan and a cellular structure are the characteristics of living
l Animals grow for certain period of their life. Plants, however, grow as long
as they live.
l Animals have specific organs for respiration, while plants respire through
microscopic pores on their leaves and stems.
l The process of eliminating waste products from the body is called excretion.
l All living things have the ability to reproduce.
l Living things move because of their ability to respond to stimuli.
l Plants show spontaneous movements but they cannot leave their place and go
elsewhere as animals do.
l Living things have a definite lifespan at the end of which they die.
l Many animals and plants are useful to us in our daily life. Some animals
and plants can be harmful to us.
l The smallest unit of a living thing is the cell.


1. Write the answers to the following 4. Write the uses of these animals and
questions in your own words. plants.
(a) What are the differences between Animals : Honeybees, sharks, yaks,
plants and animals ? sheep, earthworms, dogs, bivalves,
(b) What are the similarities between horses, mice.
plants and animals ? Plants : Ginger, mango, eucalyptus,
(c) How is the plant kingdom useful to babul (acacia), teak, spinach, aloevera,
us ? turmeric, holy basil, karanja, moh,
mulberry, grapevine.
(d) How is the animal kingdom useful
to us ? 5. What are the peculiarities of the
(e) What makes living things different movements of these living things ?
from non-living things ? Living things : Snakes, tortoises,
kangaroos, eagles, chameleons,
2. What helps them to breathe ? frogs, gulmohur, sweet potato
(a) A fish (b) A snake creeper, dolphins, ants, rattlesnakes,
(c) A crane (d) An earthworm grasshoppers, earthworms.
(e) Man (f) A banyan tree 6. Write in detail about how the
(g) A caterpillar plants and animals found in your
3. Fill in the blanks with the proper surroundings prove useful or
words from the brackets. harmful.
(a) The process by which plants make Activity :
their own food is called ............ .
l Obtain information about the
(b) To inhale ……… and to exhale
work of the Botanical Survey of
...….. is called respiration.
India and the Zoological Survey
(c) The elimination of waste of India by visiting the websites :
substances from the body is called www.bsi.gov.in www.zsi.gov.in
..…....... .
l Collect information about the
(d) The ability to respond to an event
lifespan of various animals, make
is called ….. to …… .
a chart and display it in your class.
(e) On completing their lifespan, every
l Gather information about the
living thing …….. .
poisonous snakes found in India and
(oxygen, dies, excretion, present it in a Science Exhibition.
carbon dioxide, responsiveness,
photosynthesis, stimuli)

3. Diversity in Living Things and their Classification

Can you recall ? In which spheres of the earth do living things exist ?
The geographical conditions at different places on the earth are very different. We
find that living things exist in all these diverse conditions. When we live in a certain
place, we adjust to the conditions there. Various types of living things have survived
because of their ability to adjust themselves to the conditions in their surroundings.

Can you tell ? Are the plants and animals that you have seen all alike ?

Diversity in plants
Various types of plants are found in many places around us. Some plants like grass
are short, while others are tall and have a canopy. Some plants grow underwater, while
some others float on water. We find that some plants grow even in deserts. Moreover, we
find that there is a lot of variety in the same type of plant. For example, there are different
varieties of rice or wheat, different types of roses, and mangoes of different flavours. Some
plants grow even without stems, leaves or roots. These are very different from ordinary
plants. Let us study this diversity among plants.

Plants make their own food in sunlight. Such plants are called autotrophic plants.
For example, the hibiscus, pomegranate, periwinkle, etc. Some plants like funguses,
loranthus, dodder use other plants for food and are said to be heterotrophic. Plants
like the pitcher plant even consume insects. They are insectivorous.

3.1 : Method of nutrition in plants

The structure of a plant
Plant structure can generally be divided into two parts - the stem which grows above
the ground and the root which grows below the ground surface.
The root, stem and leaves are the main parts of plants. From time to time,
plants bear flowers for reproduction. Flowers are transformed into fruits.
Fruits have seeds. Seeds give rise to new plants.

The flower : This The leaf : The

is the most attractive leaf is flat. It plays an
part of a plant. It is important role in the
connected to the stem production of food.
by a stalk which may be Leaves are mainly of
long or short. A flower two types : simple and
has a typical colour and compound leaves.
shape. The flower is
an important means of

The stem : The

height, shape and size of Simple leaf Compound leaf
a plant depends upon the (Ex. Hibiscus) (Ex. Rose)
stem. The stem carries
out the functions of
production, conduction The fruit : Fruits
and storage of food. In have different shapes.
some plants, it has the Fruits contain one or
function of reproduction. more seeds. The pods
It gives support to other of beans and peas are
parts of the plant. 3.2 : The structure of a plant
actually fruits.

The root : Roots hold the soil firmly and anchor

the plant. The main functions of the root are to absorb
and transport water and nutrients from the soil. The
roots of the carrot and radish also store food. There are
two types of roots : taproot and fibrous root.
Taproot Fibrous root
(Hibiscus, Banyan) (Onion, Grass)
Need for classification of plants
Up to now, information about lakhs of plants has been collected. While studying
the diversity in plants, they are classified for the sake of convenience on the basis of the
similarities and differences in their structure, their organs and their other characteristics.
The scientist Carolus Linnaeus made the first scientific classification of plants.
Initially, it was his method of classification that was used by all.

Take a round through a garden or in your surroundings

Observe and discuss.
and list the plants that you see. Draw their pictures as
well. Draw a table as shown below and complete it on the basis of the information you
gather. Discuss it in the class.
Name Where Nature of the Height Branches Leaves Flowers Nature of Uses
of the does stem (Short, (Nature, (Colour, (Colour, the fruit (Which
plant the (Circumference, medium, number, shape, fragrance, (Colour, part is
plant colour, bark, very tall, etc.) edge, shape, etc.) shape, used.)
occur/ hard/soft, etc.) etc.) etc.) hardness
grow or softness,


Classification of plants
We can easily notice the
differences in the shape and height
of the plants in our surroundings.
It is easy to classify the plants on
the basis of this observation.

3.3 : Diversity in plants

Can you tell ? 1. What are the similarities between a mango,

a banyan and a tamarind tree ?
Trees : Some plants grow tall. Their stem, or trunk, is hard
and strong. They have branches at some height above the
ground. They bear flowers and fruit for many years. Such
plants are called trees. Trees are tall, big and perennial, i.e.,
they live for many years.
2. What are the similarities between the hibiscus,
oleander and lantana plants ?
Shrubs : Some plants grow close to the ground.
They give out branches very close to the ground.
They are shorter and smaller than trees, but they
have a thick and hard stem. The oleander, hibiscus,
lantana, koranti and rose are shrubs that may grow
up to two to three metres.
3. What are the similarities between the fenugreek
and periwinkle plants ?
Herbs : Herbs grow 1 to 1.5 metres tall. The stems of herbs are green and quite flexible as
compared to those of trees and bushes. Herbs may live for a few months or up to two years.
According to the size and height of their stems, plants can be classified
into three types : trees, shrubs and herbs.
Have you seen vines like the pumpkin, the railroad creeper,
Can you tell ? kavali, watermelon or the grapevine ? How do they grow ?

Vines : Some vines need vertical support for growing,

while some others spread on the ground. Climbers like the
money plant have aerial roots. Have you seen the cucumber
tendrils that look like a spring ? Of what use could they be ?
Touch the stem of any vines. What do you feel ?

The stem of a creeper is

very flexible, soft and green.
It grows rapidly with the help
of a support.

3.4 : Various creepers and climbers

Can you tell ? For how many years do crops like bajra, wheat,
corn, radish, marigold live ?
The lifecycle of plants like jowar, sunflower is completed in one year.
These plants are called annuals. The lifecycle of plants like the carrot,
beetroot is of two years. They are called biennials. Shrubs like the hibiscus
and oleander and trees like mango and gulmohur live for several years and
bear flowers and fruit. They are called perennials.
According to the period of their lifecycle, plants are classified as
annuals, biennials, perennials.
Can you tell ? To which part of plants are butterflies and insects attracted ?
Plants that bear flowers are called flowering plants, while the plants
that never bear flowers are called non-flowering plants. Non-flowering
plants may not have organs like roots, stems, leaves.

Do you know ?
Use your brain power !
The world’s largest flower is found in
• What type of plants are Indonesia. The diameter of the flower of the
toadstools and mushrooms ? plant Rafflesia arnoldi is about one metre. The
• What type of plant is the world’s smallest flower is of the plant called
fig ? Wolffia or duckweed. Its diameter is as small
as 0.5 mm.
• Do ferns, algae, money
plant bear flowers ?

Can you tell ?

1. Where does the pomegranate shrub grow ? 2. Where does the lotus grow ?
3. Where do bulrushes, the railroad creeper grow ? 4. Where does the dodder plant grow ?
We see different plants growing in different places around us. Plants can be
classified according to their habitat or the place where they grow. Land, water, marshy
areas, deserts and even a big tree are the various habitats of plants.


A desert Use your brain power !

• Why does the water hyacinth float

on water ?
• Why is the stem of the cactus fleshy ?
• What different criteria are used to
3.5 : Habitats of plants classify plants ?
Diversity and classification in animals
Different animals have developed different shapes to survive in the environment.
There is a great variety in the body structure of animals too. The amoeba that cannot
be seen with our eyes, the huge elephant, the small snail, the fish that swims in water,
a kite that flies high in the sky, butterflies that flit around flowers, a house lizard that
crawls on a wall are all animals. Each has different characteristics.
Animals have body parts like a head, a neck, a torso, a tail and limbs for movement.
They have various organ systems which carry on various functions inside their body.
In this respect, too, there is a lot of diversity in animals.

Can you tell ?

What are the differences in the

body structure of animals like
a snake, a lizard, a tiger, a fish, an
eagle, a hen, a crab, a housefly,
an earthworm, a crocodile and a
grasshopper ?
We see a variety in animals
with respect to their food as well.
Since animals depend on others for
their food, they are found in places
where food is available. Different
animals have different methods of
obtaining and eating food. This,
too, leads to differences in their
body structure.

3.6 : Diversity in animals

Observe the animals in your surroundings. Make a list of their names.
Try this. Complete the following table on the basis of the information obtained
and discuss it in the class.
Name of the What is their food ? Where do they live ? The special feature that
animal How do they eat it ? you found

You will not see all animals in your own surroundings. Why is it so ? Which
are the other animals that you know of, but have not seen ? Collect information
about them using the above table. Take the help of websites like www.earthlife.net,
www.discovery.com, www.seaworld.org, www.kidsgowild.com, www.worldwildlife.org,
Take a drop of water from a puddle and place it on a glass slide.
Observe it under a microscope. What do you see ?
Try this.
When a drop of water from a puddle is seen under a
microscope, innumerable microbes can be seen moving about in it.
You will see the continuously moving amoeba. The paramoecium
is also a unicellular animal like the amoeba.
A horse, a bear, a tortoise are multicellular animals.

Can you tell ? 1. What is the chain of bones in the centre of our back
called ?
Animals with a vertebral column and those without
it form two groups known as the vertebrates and
invertebrates, respectively.
Snakes, birds, fish and kangaroos as also humans are
vertebrate animals. Animals such as snails, cockroaches,
earthworms do not have a vertebral column and therefore
they are invertebrate animals.
2. Name some animals which lay eggs and others which
give birth to their young ones.
We have learnt that producing another living thing like
oneself is called reproduction. A hen lays eggs and hatches
them. After a few days, the young chicks hatch out of the
eggs. A cow gives birth to a calf. Before that, the calf
grows within the cow’s body. According to the mode of
reproduction, animals are classified into two types, namely,
oviparous animals which lay eggs and viviparous animals
which give birth to their young ones.
3. Where are the animals, namely, a horse, a bear, a tortoise, an alligator, a fish,
a deer and a frog to be found ?
According to their habitat, animals are usually classified into
terrestrial and aquatic animals. However, animals like a frog,
salamander, toad live in both places, namely, land and water.
Therefore, they are called amphibious animals.
A kite, an eagle, a crow, a butterfly, a honeybee all fly in the air, though they live in
difference places. These animals are said to have an aerial mode of life.

What are the different criteria used to classify

Use your brain power !
animals ?
Always remember... What we have learnt-

In the living world, a lot of diversity l Plants are classified on the basis of their
is seen both in animals and plants. height and the shape of stems, period of
Every plant and animal is unique. We life cycle and habitat.
should all make efforts to conserve l Animals are classified on the basis of the
this diversity in the living world. cell structure, vertebral column, method
of reproduction and habitat.

1. Match the pairs. (g) A biennial plant
A Group B Group (h) A perennial plant
(a) Amphibian (1) A Monkey
6. Write answers to the following.
(b) Vertebrate (2) A Snake
(c) With scales (3) A Frog (a) What are the parts of a plant ?
2. Who is the odd one out ? (b) What are the functions of the root ?
(a) Fungus, mushroom, chrysanthemum, (c) Why is it necessary to classify living
spirogyra things ?
(b) Mango, banyan, palm, chick pea (d) What are the criteria used to classify
(c) Grape, orange, lemon, hibiscus living things ?
(d) Sunflower, banyan, jowar, bajra (e) Tell some characteristics of
(e) Guava, radish, carrot, beetroot creepers.
(f) Deer, fish, man, worms (f) Explain the characteristics of herbs
with two examples.
3. What is the difference ?
(g) On the basis of which criteria will
(a) Flowering plants – non-flowering
you classify plants and animals ?
(h) What protects the bodies of animals?
(b) A tree – a shrub
(c) Vertebrates – invertebrates 7. Draw figures.
4. True or false ? Draw the figure of a plant to show the
(a) The snail is an aquatic animal. parts, namely, the root, stem and leaves
(b) Amphibians can live in air and in in it.
water. Activity :
(c) The function of the brain is well
developed in vertebrate animals. l Visit a plant nursery and classify the
(s) The amoeba is a multicellular plants there.
animal. l Visit a zoo and obtain information
about the diversity in animals.
5. Write two names of each.
l Write an essay on diversity in plants.
(a) A flowering plant
(b) A non-flowering plant l Collect seeds of various plants
(c) A tree during summer and throw them in
(d) A shrub open spaces (fallow land, moorland,
(e) A creeper hill, etc.) during the rainy season.
(f) An annual plant lll
4. Disaster Management

Can you tell ?

1. What events do you see

in these pictures ?
2. What would you have
done in these situations ?
3. Have you experienced
such a situation
yourself ?
4. Why do these events
occur ?

4.1 : Some disastrous events

l In 1993, many people died due to the
earthquake at Killari in Latur district.
l Even today people of Mumbai shudder
at the memory of July 2005 when many
people had lost their lives in the deluge
caused by heavy rains.

4.2 : Effects of the earthquake at Killari

l In July 2014, the whole village of Malin

in Ambegaon taluka of Pune district was
destroyed in a matter of minutes due to a
landslide. Many got buried under the heaps
of soil and stone and lost their lives.
l In November 2015, many people died 4.4 : The disaster at Malin village
due to the flooding caused by heavy rains
in Tamil Nadu.
Use your brain power !
What is a ‘disaster’?
A sudden event that causes large scale 1. What disasters can occur in school
damage to life, property and social or on the way to school ?
aspects of a nation or society is called 2. According to you, what can be done
a distaster. to deal with such a disaster ?

How and why do the following Classify the following disasters
disasters occur ? as man-made or natural : Fire,
1. Floods due to heavy rains. earthquake, leakage of chemical
2. An earthquake, lightning, a volcanic gases, storms, floods, tsunami, bomb
eruption, etc. explosion, collapse of a building, war,
3. Forest fires forest fire.
4. Increased risk due to high density of Man-made Natural disasters
population in a limited area. disasters
5. Rampant and irregular constructions. Fire Earthquake
6. Ecological imbalance.
7. Terrorism, riots and crimes resulting
in bomb explosions, assaults, fire and
accidents, etc.
Disasters are of two main kinds -
man-made and natural. Effects of earthquake
Earthquakes l Destruction of infrastructure, i.e.,
Movements in the interior of the earth buildings, bridges, roads, railway
release tremendous amounts of energy. This tracks, etc.
causes seismic waves leading to movements l Change in the direction of the flow of
of the earth’s surface like tremors, shaking, rivers.
cracking up, etc.
l Huge loss of life and property.
Such vibrations or quaking in the earth’s
crust is known as an earthquake. It is believed
that besides other causes, man-made causes
like mining and construction of big dams can
also lead to earthquakes.
A frequently occuring natural disaster in all parts of the world is ‘floods’. Due to
excessive rains in the same place, a river overflows its banks causing a flood. The
water drainage system in big cities falls short when there is heavy rainfall, resulting in
choking of gutters and drainage lines. Water overflows on to the roads and surrounding
areas and even enters nearby
Effects of floods
l Huge loss to life and property.
l Soil erosion.
l Destruction of standing crops.
l After - effects of floods,
like spread of diseases and
epidemics affecting the health
of the people.
4.4 : A flood

The formation of high and low air
pressure belts in the atmosphere causes
changes in weather resulting in strong
winds or storms.

Effects of storms
l Great damage in the storm affected region.

l Tremendous losses to life and property.

l Disruption of electric supply.

l Disruption of transport and communication.

4.5 : A storm

Forest fires
A forest fire is an uncontrolled fire in a
forest, pasture or grassland due to natural or
man-made causes. Forest fires spread at a
tremendous speed.
Effects of forest fires
l Great damage to natural wealth and
l Pollution of air. 4.6 : A forest fire

1. How many children are there in your class at present ?

Can you tell ? 2. What would happen if five times this number sat in your class ?
3. Which kind of disaster can occur in an extremely crowded
place ?
Disaster management
Community participation and disaster management are closely related. Taking
steps to prevent disasters, making plans to face disasters and developing the
capacity for that, is called disaster management.
To prevent or reduce damage caused by natural or man-made disasters, emergency
planning and management is required.

Institutes at work
Always remember...
The National Disaster Management
Authority was established in 2005. During a disaster, helping and
It undertakes planning and supporting each other is our moral
implementation of disaster responsibility.
management work.

) Contact them for disaster management

Police : 100, Fire Brigade : 101, Ambulance : 102, Disaster management cell : 108

Remedial and preventive measures
Let us see what precautions we can take before or in the event of a natural or
man-made disaster. 1. Keep watching TV and radio news and
2. Use battery operated radios and mobiles.
3. Heed the warnings issued by the
Meteorological Department carefully.
4. Use the website www.imd.gov.in
5. Landslides occur in hilly areas due to a cloudburst or
heavy rains. On such occasions, do not take shelter at
the foot of a hill.
6. During floods, do not linger in houses or areas on river
banks. Seek shelter in other safe places. Move to safer
places at a greater height. Do not step into the water
currents or drive a vehicle into them.
7. During an earthquake, roads split open, the ground
cracks, railway tracks get uprooted. Hence, when
moving from one place to another, ensure that the road
is safe further on.
8. Take shelter in relief camps as they provide medicines,
food packets, drinking water, first aid, etc.
9. To get protection from fire, use fire extinguishers in
public places like schools, hospitals, railway stations,

4.7 : Remedial and

preventive measures

First aid
In day-to-day life, sometimes, we have to face disasters or accidents of varying
proportions. On such occasions, it is necessary to give some immediate aid even
before medical treatment becomes available.

1. External bleeding
4.8 : Bleeding
If a person is bleeding, first make him sit or lie down
comfortably. Keep the bleeding part of the body above
the level of the heart and clean it with water.
2. Burns and scalds Serious burns
Minor burns l Give emotional support.
l Cover the wounds with sterilised
l The injured part should
be washed with water or cloth.
l Remove jewellery, shoes, etc. if
held under water.
easily possible.
l Give the victim water to
l Do not touch or burst the blisters
drink. on the skin.
l Clean the wounds using a l Do not apply oily ointments.
cotton swab soaked in an l Do not try to remove the cloth if it
antiseptic solution. is stuck to the burnt skin.
l Do not apply oily l If the patient is conscious, give
ointments. water to drink but avoid tea or
l Cover wounds using dry coffee or other stimulating drinks.
dressings. l Get medical aid at once.

4.9 : Immediate steps for burns

3. Sunstroke
When we work in the sun continuously for
a long time, the body loses a lot of water and
minerals. That is the reason for sunstroke.
Remedial measures
l Take the patient to a cool place or
in the shade.
l Sponge the whole body with cold water.

l Place a cloth soaked in cold water on the neck.

l Give plenty of water or liquids like sherbets to drink.
l If the patient feels like vomiting make him lie prone,
i.e., on his/her abdomen with the head turned to one
4.10 : First aid for sunstroke
l Get medical help or shift the patient to a hospital.
4. Snakebite
There are nearly 2000 species of snakes. Of these, only a few, like cobras, kraits,
vipers and sea snakes are poisonous. Therefore, all snakebites are not fatal. However, fear
causes severe psychological shock which can result in death. If you come across a snake,
contact a ‘Sarpa-mitra’ rather than killing the snake at once.
Remedial measures
l Wash the wound with water 4.11 :
First aid
l Give emotional support to the patient. for
l Tie a cloth tightly above the wound. snakebite
l Get immediate medical help.

5. Dog bite Remedial measures
In a dog bite, there is a risk of l Wash the wound with a solution of potassium
infection through the blood, hence permanganate or other antiseptic.
first aid and medical help are l Cover the wound with a clean and dry cloth.
necessary. l Get a doctor’s help and an injection of the anti
rabies vaccine.
What we have learnt-
Page 26 :
l A sudden calamity is known as a ‘disaster’. Photographs of
l Disasters can be man-made or natural. Killari earthquake
l Alertness and immediate action are necessary on such occasions. and Malin
landslide -
l Effective disaster management and use of remedial measures can Courtesy :
help reduce the losses. Lokmat Library,
l Every person should know about safety precautions and first aid. Aurangabad

1. What are the emergency contact 5. Find out about the work of a
numbers of the following ? ‘Sarpa-mitra’.
(a) Police Control Room 6. Find out what a first aid kit/box
(b) Fire brigade contains.
(c) Ambulance 7. Suggest remedial measures for dealing
(d) National level single emergency with natural or man-made disasters.
number for disaster relief. Disaster Remedy Disaster Remedy
2. What first aid will you provide in Fire Earthquake
the following situations ? Building Deluge
(a) Dog bite collapse
(b) Scratches/ bleeding Road Storm
(c) Burns/scalds
Flood Tsunami
(d) Snakebite
(e) Sunstroke War Drought
3. Write the causes of the following : Bomb Landslide
(a) Floods
(b) Forest fires Activity :
(c) Land slides/building collapse l Compile information about measures
(d) Storms taken for disaster management in
(e) Earthquakes your school.
4. Answer the following questions. l Make posters, advertisements,
(a) What is meant by ‘disasters’ ? banners about disaster management.
(b) What are the types of disasters?
(c) What is meant by ‘disaster l Find out the people/organisations that
management ’? provide aid during a disaster. Obtain
(d) Which are the main components of their phone numbers, addresses, etc.
disaster management ?
5. Substances in the Surroundings – Their States and Properties

Can you recall ? Name the solid, liquid and gaseous states of water.

Change of state of substances

Pieces of

Let’s try this.

Melting wax
Take pieces of wax in a bowl and heat
them on a candle or spirit lamp.
1. How do the pieces of wax change ?
2. What was the initial state of wax ? Spirit lamp
3. What did it get converted into ?
Now keep the same bowl in cold
water. What happens ?
Wax in the
When a substance changes from one solid state
state to another, the process is called
change of state of the substance. 5.1 : Change of state of wax

Can you tell ?

Read this list of substances : Spirit,

camphor, petrol, ghee, coconut oil,
naphthalene balls, ammonium chloride
1. Which ones freeze in winter ?
2. Which liquid have you seen change
into a vapour ?
3. Which solids directly change into the
gaseous state ?
5.2 : Various substances
What do we learn from this ?
In the past...
The state of a substance changes if In the 19th century, the scientist
it is heated or cooled. Every J. Willard Gibbs showed that the
substance in our surroundings, characteristic properties of a substance
is found in either the solid, liquid, depend on its physical state and the
or gaseous state. arrangement of particles in it.
Points Solids Liquids Gases
Example A piece of iron Water, spirit, oil Air
Shape Has a shape of its own. Does not have a shape of Does not have a shape
Retains shape, no its own. Takes the shape of its own. Occupies all
matter how it is kept. of the container. the available space.
Volume Has a definite volume. It has a specific volume. Does not have a definite
Solids like sugar, sand Occupies definite portion volume.
when poured on a flat of a container. Spreads on On changing the
surface, form a heap. a flat surface on pouring. pressure on a gas in a
Flows downwards along a closed container, its
slope. volume also changes.

Heat and change of physical state

You have learnt that change in the Changes of state
physical state of a substance is an effect
on heating on heating
of the amount of heat in it. On gaining
heat the substance changes from solid Solid Liquid Gas
to liquid and liquid to gas. On the other on cooling on cooling
hand, when the substance cools, or loses
heat, it changes from gaseous to liquid
and liquid to solid state.
The temperature and
Can you tell ? a thermometer
When a substance gets heat, it
Does water change into becomes warm and then hot. We
vapour the moment we place put our hand or finger in the water
the vessel on a stove ? Does to judge how hot it is, but that is not
water kept in fridge change an accurate measure. Besides, if the
at once into ice ? substance is very hot, we could get
A specific amount of scalded.
heat must be gained or lost A thermometer is used to
before the state of a substance measure temperature. Degrees
can change. The change in o
Celsius ( C) is the unit of measuring
physical state is determined temperature. There are several
by how hot the substance types of thermometers available.
becomes on gaining heat, or Nowadays digital thermometers are
how cold, on losing it. frequently used.
How do we tell how hot or
cold a substance is ?

5.3 : Thermometer

Let’s try this.
Take a thermometer from the laboratory. The bulb at
its lower end is filled with mercury. The mercury rises to
a certain level in the capillary tube above the bulb. You
will see a scale next to the mercury column. Reading
the figure near the level of the mercury tells us the
temperature of air around the bulb of the thermometer.
Hold the thermometer in water so that the bulb Ice
is completely immersed in the water and read the
temperature of the water. Repeat the activity taking
some hot water in one vessel, and cold water or ice in
another. Note the temperatures.
5.4 : Recording the temperature
Some examples Temperature
Boiling water 100 0C
Freezing water 0 0C
Air (winter night) <15 0C
Air (summer afternoon) >35 0C
Inside a fridge < 5 0C
Inside the freezer < -18 0C
Body temperature Approx. 37 0C Do be careful !

Water is continuously evaporating. We know that
water spilled on the floor dries up slowly on its own.
This evaporation occurs from the surface of the water.
What happens when water boils? As the water 1000C
gets heated, its temperature increases and it evaporates
at a faster and faster rate. Thermometer
When water kept on a stove attains a particular
temperature or level of heat, then evaporation takes
place in all parts of the body of water. Then we see Boiling
water bubbles rising at faster and faster rates to the 500C water
surface and steam mixing in the air. This is called
boiling of water or ebullition. At sea-level, pure water
boils at 1000C. This is the boiling point of water. When
water vapour cools, it is converted into water again. Burner
This process is called condensation. Condensation of
steam also takes place at 1000C. It means that the
boiling point and condensation point of water are one
and the same. 5.5 : Boiling

Let’s try this. While gaining heat
Boiling Melting
Take some water in a beaker and
place a thermometer in it. Heat the beaker Gas/ Liquid Solid
on a spirit lamp. Note the boiling point of
water. Repeat the activity, adding salt or
Condensation Freezing
sugar to the water and note the boiling
point again. What do you infer from it? While losing heat

Freezing Use your brain power !

The water kept in a fridge or on
ice becomes cooler and cooler, that The chart given below shows the
is, its temperature falls. At a certain boiling point and freezing point of
temperature, water does not get any some substances. State whether these
cooler, but starts freezing and forms ice. substances are solid, liquid or gaseous
The temperature at which this happens, is at room temperature.
called the freezing point of water.
The temperature of a substance can Substance Freezing point Boiling point
fall below 00C, e.g., the temperature of air Candle 600C 3500C
in the freezer of a refrigerator is around
-180C. It is read as ‘minus 18 degrees Plastic >2500C 9540C
Celsius’. Iron 15350C 28620C
When ice gets heat, it starts melting
or changing into the liquid state again. Ice Various uses of changes in physical
melts at 00C. It means that the freezing state
point and melting point of water are one 1. Candles are made by melting paraffin
and the same. wax.
Each substance has a specific boiling 2. Solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) is used
point which is also its condensation point. to make ice cream and to keep it
Each substance has a specific frozen.
melting point which is the same as its 3. Liquid nitrogen is used in animal
freezing point. husbandry.
4. Sand (silica) is melted to make glass.
The temperature at which 5. Metals like gold and silver are melted
a substance boils while heating to make ornaments.
is the same as the temperature at 6. Iron is melted to make tools.
which it condenses when it is cooled.
Similarly, the temperature at which
a substance freezes while cooling
is the same as the temperature at
which it melts when it is heated.

Take some sand in a crucible. Put a few iodine crystals on it.
Let’s try this.
Place the crucible on a tripod to heat it. Block the stem of the
funnel with a cotton plug and place it inverted over the crucible. Light the burner and
heat the mixture in the crucible. Observe the changes.

Why does this happen ?

Cotton plug
Iodine crystals do not melt on
heating but change directly to the
Iodine gaseous state. When the fumes of
iodine hit the walls of the funnel they
Funnel Actual particles of cool to form solid crystals of iodine
iodine seen during the
experiment in the and stick to the funnel walls. Thus,
laboratory on heating, iodine does not melt and
change to a liquid but directly changes
Burner to the gaseous state.
The change of a solid substance
directly into a gas or vapour without
5.6 : Sublimation first changing into a liquid is called
Use your brain power !
On opening a box of camphor, its smell spreads all around.
Why does this happen ?

How will you identify the following?

l A glass : Is it made of plastic, steel or
Can you tell ?
glass ?
l A rod : Iron or aluminium ?

l A door : Wooden or glass ?

l A white powder : Salt or chalk powder ?

To answer the above questions, you

considered their properties, e.g., their
transparency, hardness, weight, colour,
the sound produced from it, solubility in
water, etc. Substances can be identified
by studying their properties. They can be
put to use according to their properties.
Let’s study the properties of
substances in greater detail.
5.7 : Identifying various substances and objects

Properties of substances.

Let’s try this.

l What will happen if pressure is applied on

substances like chalk, brick, alum, glass or a
rajgira wadi ? These substances break into small
pieces or particles. Such substances are said to 5.8 : Brittleness
be brittle. This property of substances is called
l Take an iron nail. Try to pierce a cardboard
sheet, wet mud and a piece of wood using the
nail. What happens ? The nail easily pierces wet
mud, but not the piece of wood. It can pierce
the cardboard sheet with some effort. Why does
this happen ? The hardness of a substance is
determined by how much resistance it offers to 5.9 : Hardness
the substances being pushed through it.
Which is the hardest known substance ?
l Stretch a rubber band and let it go or apply
pressure on a piece of sponge and release it.
What do you see ? The rubber band and the
sponge go back to their original shape. Some
substances change their shape when a force
is applied on them but return to their original
shape and size when the force is removed. This
property is called elasticity.
5.10 : Elasticity
l Take a flat metal sheet of the size of a notebook.
Holding it at an angle, put a drop of water,
honey and gum at different places on the board.
Observe how they flow down the slope. Liquids
flow downward on a sloping surface. This
property is called fluidity. The fluidity of any
liquid is determined by how easily it flows.

5.11 : Fluidity

l If two blocks of the same size, one wooden and the other of iron, are weighed in
a balance, how would they compare ? The mass of different substances having the
same volume can be different. This difference is because of the difference in their
densities. Between substances of the same volume, the ones with greater density are
heavier than the those of lesser density.
l Take a glass of water. Add some salt, fine
sand and sugar to it and try to dissolve
them. Repeat this, replacing water with
kerosene. What do you observe ? Some solid
substances dissolve in a particular liquid. If
a solid does not dissolve in a liquid, it is
said to be insoluble in that liquid e.g. salt is
soluble in water, but insoluble in kerosene.
You know of many beverages, made by Kerosene Water
using water and soluble substances. The 5.12 : Solubility
property of a substance of getting dissolved,
is called its solubility.
l When we can look through a substance and see
things on the other side, then that substance
is said to be transparent. This property of
the substance is called transparency. Glass,
some types of plastic, clean water and air
are transparent substances.

Can you tell ?

Identify the objects shown in figure 5.14.

From which substances are they made ? What
are these substances called as a group ? 5.13 : Transparency
Metals : Substances like copper, gold, iron,
aluminium are called metals. Metals are found
in the form of minerals deep inside the earth.
Minerals from the earth’s crust are processed
to obtain the metal. In daily life, metals have
various important uses. Let us study some
common properties of metals.

Properties of metals
5.14 : Metals

Let’s try this.

Take a piece of copper or aluminium wire or

a small nail. Hammer it repeatedly. What do
you observe ?
On hammering repeatedly, the wire
becomes flat, i.e., it forms a thin sheet. Metals
can be converted into sheets by hammering.
This property of metals is called malleability. 5.15 : Malleability

Observe and discuss.
Hot iron is hammered and made into thin
sheets. Visit a blacksmith’s shop to observe how this
hammering causes it to stretch. Iron bars made to
revolve continuously while being hammered become
longer. The iron can be drawn into a wire.
Metals can be stretched and drawn into wires. This
property of metals is called ductility. Metals like silver, 5.16 : Ductility
gold, copper, platinum can be drawn into fine wires.
1. Why are the electric boards fitted on the wall made of plastic
Can you tell ? or wood ?
2. The handle of a cooker is made of plastic. Why ?
Electricity flows through metals. All metals are
conductors of electricity to a greater or lesser extent.
This property is called electrical conductivity.
Even when a piece of a metal is heated at
one place, the whole of it becomes hot. It shows
that metals allow heat to flow through them. This
property is called thermal conductivity.
Metals have a typical shine or lustre. Every
metal has a characteristic colour by which it can
be identified.

Try this.

5.17 : Thermal conductivity

1. Pluck the string of a musical instrument like
a tanpura or veena, ring a bell or hit a steel
box with a metal spoon.
2. Strike a wooden table or a marble floor
with a wooden stick.
Note the difference in the sounds
produced in the two cases.
Metals produce a ringing sound. This
property is called the sonority of metals.

5.18 : Uses of metals

What we have learnt-
Always remember...

During the rainy season or at l Solids, liquids and gases are the three
any other time, do not touch the states of substances.
exposed electric wires or metal l The temperature of a substance, (how
parts. hot or cold it is), can be measured with
the help of a thermometer.
Keep all electric lamps or other
appliances switched off when not l Heat is the cause of the change of state
in use. For example, even when of substances.
the TV is switched off by remote l Substances have various properties like
control, do not forget to put off hardness, elasticity, brittleness, fluidity,
the main switch. It helps to save density, solubility and transparency.
electricity besides protecting us l Metals form a separate group of
from any possible danger. substances.
l Metals have some common properties
Ask your seniors at home to
like malleability, ductility, thermal
check the electric wiring and
conductivity, electrical conductivity,
fittings in the house periodically.
sonority, lustre, and characteristic

Science watch ...

Science is developing continuously. How much do we know of it ? Research work
goes on at the State, national and global level. If we wish to keep ourselves informed
about it, we must be aware of the various happenings around us. Make newspapers
your friends, read newspapers daily. Read and collect articles on science. Discuss
and share them with others.


1. In the paragraph below, write ‘solid’, 6 What will happen if….? And why ?
‘liquid’ or ‘gas’ in each of the brackets (a) Nails are made of plastic.
depending on the substance referred (b) A bell is made of wood.
to just before. (c) Rubber is not fitted on a pair of
On a bright sunny day, Riya and Gargi tongs.
are playing with a ball ( )
(d) A knife is made of wood.
in the park. Gargi feels thirsty. So,
(e) An axe is made of rubber.
Riya brings tender coconut water
( ) for her. At the same time, a 7. Who am I ?
strong breeze ( ) starts blowing (a) I’m found in a thermometer, I
and it also begins to rain ( ). measure your temperature.
They run back into the house ( ), (b) I make things hot or cold.
change their clothes ( ) and then (c) I have no shape whatsoever !
their mother gives them a cup ( ) (d) I dissolve in water, but not in
of hot milk ( ) to drink. kerosene.
2. Discuss. 8. Why does this happen ?
(a) Riya pours some water from her (a) Coconut oil thickens in winter.
bottle into another bottle. Does it
(b) Kerosene left open in a dish
change the shape of the water ?
(b) Halima picks up a small stone (c) The fragrance of incense sticks
from the ground and puts it in the lighted in one corner of a room
water in a dish. Does the shape of spreads to the other corner.
the stone change ? (d) What you see in the picture.
3. Write the properties of these
Water, glass, chalk, iron ball, sugar,
salt, flour, coal, soil, pen, ink, soap.
4. What is sublimation ? Write the
names of everyday substances that
5. What is it made from? Why? Activity :
(a) A sickle to cut sugarcane. l Find out how the big statues
(b) The sheets used for roofing. of wax are made.
(c) A screwdriver l Visit a jeweller’s shop and
(d) A pair of tongs. find out how ornaments are
(e) Electric cables. made.
(f) Ornaments.
(g) Pots and pans.
6. Substances in Daily Use

Can you recall ?

1. Which three objects

do you see in the
picture ?
2. How did you identify
them ?
3. What material are
they made of ?
4. Can any one of these
materials be used to
make all the three
6.1 : Different objects
Substances and objects
All substances are made up of very small Try this.
particles. Objects are made up of substances.
Objects have a specific shape, their parts have a Make a list of various objects
specific arrangement, by which we identify them. in your house and note down the
We use wood, plastic or steel, to make a table, substances they are made of.
chair or cupboard. These substances have the
strength required to make these articles. Also, these
substances can be given a desired shape. It means Classify.
that we consider the properties of substances to Classify the following
use them for making things. substances according to
The same substance or material can be used their uses.
to make many objects. Let us study some such
Substances - sand, soap,
wool, window glass,
Cotton - cloth, fibre or thread, sarees, bamboo, cotton, bricks,
handkerchiefs, quilts, mattresses, pillows, etc. silk, leafy vegetables,
Iron - construction steel bars, griddles, cement, fruits, water, sugar.
(tawa), parts of automobiles, electric poles, tables,
cupboards, etc.
Aluminium-kitchen utensils , electrical cables,
etc. Use your brain power !
By studying the properties of substances, we
Make a list of objects, each of
can select substances suitable for our purposes.
which can be made from
The substances in everyday use are of two main
several substances.
kinds - natural and man-made substances.

Can you tell ?
1. What is the difference between
these two groups of natural
substances - leather, jute, wool,
cotton and water, soil, metals.
Natural substances
Substances available in nature
are called natural substances. Of
these, the substances of the first
group are obtained from living things.
Substances obtained from living
things are called biotic substances.
Air, soil, water are substances that
are not obtained from living things.
They are called abiotic substances.
2. How are leather and wool different
from jute and cotton ?
Leather and wool are obtained
from animals. They are of animal
origin, whereas jute and cotton are
substances of plant origin.
3. Do we find plastic, nylon, brass
or cement in nature ?
Man-made substances
It is human nature to strive for
newer things and to try to make
life more comfortable. As a result
of his efforts, man not only learnt
to use natural substances but also
began to process them to make new
substances. Several such substances
are easier to use and can be made
available in plenty at a low cost.
Therefore, these substances came
to be used on a large scale. There
are a great many such man-made
substances in use today.
New substances produced by
processing naturally available
substances are called man-made
Earlier irlis or capes made of grass Classify.
or sackcloth were used for protection from Classify the various substances
rain. Then cloth umbrellas came into use. available in the house as natural
Nowadays, the raincoat, school bags and and man-made substances.
the book covers you use can all be made
from plastic. Examples of man-made substances
Delicate articles, perishable fruits,
etc. require packing. To pack TV sets, Natural Man-made
Area of use
refrigerators, etc. big cartons and thermocol substances substances
are being used. All these are man-made Construction Bamboo, Brick, cement
substances. These substances are water stone, soil, concrete,
proof or water resistant, lightweight and wood, galvanized
easy to transport. That is why, they are coconut sheets, clay
being used increasingly. fronds, lime tiles, plastic/
asbestos sheets
Writing Tree bark, Pens, pencils
Use your brain power ! material leaves, made from
bhurjpatre, plastic and
Complete the table below, showing pens made metal, paper,
how substances of daily use are from reeds, notebook, etc.
stone slates,
Substances in daily use stone walls
in caves,
Man-made soil and
made from
Abiotic plants
Threads / Cotton, silk, Nylon, rayon
Fibre / Yarn wool

Plant origin


Glass can be made from sand and calcium carbonate. However, sand and
calcium carbonate cannot be obtained again from glass.
You must have observed green chillies or tomatoes turning red after some time.
Have you ever seen or heard of red tomatoes becoming green again ?
While making man-made substances, the properties of the constituents undergo
a change. This change occurs due to certain chemical reactions. These changes
in the properties are permanent, that is, the original constituent substances cannot
be obtained again from the new substances. Such changes are called irreversible

Production of substances
Rubber In the past...
Rubber is of two types, natural and Charles Goodyear
artificial. spilled a mixture of
Natural rubber is obtained from the rubber and sulphur on
gum or sap of trees. This sap is called a burning stove. After the
‘latex’. Rubber has a peculiar odour stove was extinguished,
and it is white in colour. he noticed that the rubber
Vulcanization of rubber had become harder and
In this process, rubber is heated with less elastic. He repeated
sulphur for three to four hours. To give this experiment in a
hardness to the rubber, sulphur is mixed systematic way and
in it. The proportion of sulphur in the invented the process of
mixture is determined by the purpose for ‘vulcanization’. Hard
which the rubber will be used. and tough tyres of rubber
Erasers, rubber balls, rubber toys all made thenceforth brought
have varying proportions of sulphur in about a revolutionary
them. In rubber bands, the proportion of change in transportation.
sulphur is very small.

Do you know ?

Rubber is a natural substance obtained by collecting

the latex of a certain tree. Rubber trees are found in
abundance in Brazil. Later, these trees were planted in
other countries too. The botanical name of this tree is
‘Hevea brasiliensis’. In India, the maximum production
of rubber is in Kerala.

Manufacturing paper
रासायनिक नरिया व
Adding dyes
Logs of

Pressing the pulp

Peeling the with rollers
logs Pulp
Trees (De-barking the

Winding the
6.2 : The process of manufacturing paper paper on reels

Paper is the substance or material formed due Always remember...
to the intertwining of the cellulose fibres in grass, 1. Do not tear up blank pages
wood, rags or waste paper. Thus, paper is a kind of a notebook. Do not throw
of network of cellulose fibres. away old notebooks with
How is paper made ? blank pages.
Coniferous trees like pine are used to make 2. The blank sides of advertising
paper. The bark of the logs of these trees is first pamphlets, inner side of postal
removed and the wood is broken into small pieces. envelopes, the blank sides of
The mixture of these pieces and some chemicals of calendars pages and other
is kept soaking for a long time. It helps to form such writable surfaces can be
pulp. When the chemical process is completed, the used to make notes, lists, to
fibrous substances from wood pulp are separated, cover books, etc. Do not throw
and some dyes are added. The pulp is then passed away or burn up such paper
through rollers, dried to form paper and finally until it has been fully utilized
wound on reels. like this.
Paper and wood are closely related. To save 3. Whenever possible, try to use
trees, it is necessary to use paper sparingly. a pencil and slate.
4. Cooperate with people who
collect paper from garbage or
Do you know ? buy scrap paper. These people
help in the proper recycling of
In India, the first factory to manufacture resources.
newsprint (paper to be used for newspapers)
was established at Nepanagar in Madhya
Pradesh in 1955. Paper is also manufactured at Find out.
Songardh in Gujarat. In Maharashtra, there is 1. Where was the process of
a paper factory at Ballarpur near Chandrapur. making paper invented ?
2. What kind of paper is used for
Synthetic fibres or threads our textbooks. What size is it ?
3. How is paper for currency
notes manufactured ?
Can you tell ?
1. From which substances in nature can we get
threads or fibre? Do you know ?
2. What are clothes made from ? Silk is a natural thread or fibre
From the time it was first thought that obtained from the
artificial yarn could be produced to meet the cocoons of silk
clothing needs of an increasing population, worms. From one
much research and progress has taken place cocoon, 500 metres to
in this field. Innumerable kinds of synthetic 1300 metres of thread
or artificial threads are now available. Nylon, can be obtained. It
dacron, terylene, terene, polyester, rayon are is said that silk was first produced
the names of various synthetic threads. on a large scale in China.
Almost all the articles made from natural fibres
in the olden days can now be made from synthetic
Nylon, rayon, terylene, acrylic are all synthetic
threads and many articles in our daily use are made
from them.
These threads were invented at the same time in
New York and London. Therefore the initials NY of
New York and LON from London were combined
to name them NYLON. Nylon threads have a shine
and are strong, transparent and water resistant. They
are used to manufacture clothes, fishing nets, ropes,
6.3 : Artificial threads

Cotton and wood pulp is dissolved in a
chemical called sodium hydroxide to make
a solution. Threads are obtained from this
solution with the help of machines. As these
threads have shine and strength, they are
said to be ‘synthetic silk’. They appeared
to be shining bright like the sun’s rays.
Hence they were named ‘Rayon’.
Dacron, Terylene, Terene
Various hydrocarbons obtained from
mineral oils are used to make polymer
chains. A solution of such a polymer is
pressed through a strainer with fine holes.
The fibres formed after cooling, are long
and unbroken threads. These threads are
twisted to obtain yarn.
Different types of chemicals are used
to make threads of various properties.
These different threads have been named
variously as dacron, terylene, terene, etc.

New words
1. Hydrocarbons : Substances obtained
from mineral oil.
2. Polymer chains : Long continuous
chains formed by small, interlinked
chemical units. 6.4 : Uses of artificial threads

Advantages and Shortcomings of Synthetic Fibre

Advantages Shortcomings
1. These fibres can be manufactured 1. They are water repellant. Hence, do
on a mass scale. not absorb sweat from the skin.
2. They cost less. 2. Continuous use of clothes made
3. They are strong and durable. from these threads keep the skin
moist, which may cause skin
4. They can be used for a long time.
5. They are water repellant, hence, do
3. Synthetic clothes are uncomfortable
not rot or get wet. They dry easily.
to wear especially in summer.
6. They are lightweight and comfortable
4. Synthetic fabric catches fire easily.
to wear.
5. If they catch fire, the cloth sticks to
7. As they have a shine, they enhance
the skin and causes serious injuries.
the appearance of the wearer.
6. These fibres are not decomposed by
8. Clothes made from these threads are
wrinkle-free and scratch-free.

Always remember... What we have learnt-

l Save trees to save nature; save paper l We use two types of materials -
to save trees. Use paper properly natural and man-made. Natural
and economically. Make full use of materials may be biotic or abiotic.
it and recycle the used paper. Biotic materials are either of plant
l Although there are some origin or animal origin.
disadvantages in using synthetic l Rubber, paper and synthetic fibres
fibres, they can be useful if they are important man-made materials
are used in the proper way. They in our daily use.
reduce the load on the use of natural l Man-made materials are obtained
resources. by using certain processes.

Science watch ...

While studying science, we do verify whatever we learn, but what about
others ? It is necessary to explain to everybody that there is science behind every
phenomenon. Let us explain to them what we have learnt and let us act on the
basis of our knowledge.


1. Fill in the blanks using proper 5. Give scientific reasons.

words. (a) We must use cotton clothes in
(a) Rubber made by vulcanization is summer.
a …… material. (b) We must observe economy in the
(b) Man-made materials are made use of materials.
by ………. natural materials. (c) Saving paper is the need of the
(c) ….......... thread was developed hour.
simultaneously in New York and (d) Man-made materials have more
London. demand.
(d) Rayon is also known as ………… (e) Humus is a natural material.
2. Answer the following questions.
6. Find out.
(a) Why did the need for man-made
(1) How is lac obtained from nature ?
materials arise ?
(2) How are pearls obtained ?
(b) Which are the natural materials
obtained from plants and
animals ? Activity
(c) What is vulcanization ? l Visit a rubber, paper or textile
(d) Which natural materials are used industry in your area and collect
to obtain fibres ? information about it.
3. What are we used for ? l Collect various samples of paper
and note their uses.
(a) Soil
l Use blank pages from old
(b) Wood note-books and make a new one.
(c) Nylon
(d) Paper
(e) Rubber lll
4. How is paper manufactured ?
Write in your own words.

7. Nutrition and Diet
Which are the various groups of foodstuffs ? Name the
Can you recall ? ones you see in the pictures. Which main constituents of
food do we get from them ?

7.1 : Foodstuffs
Living things take food and water and use them for In living things, the
a variety of purposes such as : process of taking in
Obtaining energy Growth of the body food and water and
To carry out day to day functions of the body using it for growth
To fight diseases and other purposes is
Nutrients and foodstuffs called ‘nutrition’, and
There are six main nutrients in our food : Carbohydrates, the constituents of food
fats, proteins, fibre, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients useful for these purposes
are present in the different food items we eat in differing are called ‘nutrients’.
proportions. Let us learn more about some of them.
Energy-giving nutrients - Carbohydrates
Our main need is of energy. It is fulfilled
by carbohydrates. Hence, our diet includes
a large proportion of cereals in the form of
rice, chapatti or roti, bhakri and bread which
contain carbohydrates. Cereals are our staple
7.2 : Cereals

Some part of our energy requirement is also
fulfilled by fatty foods such as oil, ghee and butter.
We get energy in the form of heat from the food
we eat. Heat is measured in kilocalories. Hence, the
energy in food items is also measured in kilocalories
Children of growing age need to get approximately
2000 to 2500 Calories from the food they eat.
7.3 : Fatty foods
We need proteins for the
purposes of growth, repairing
the wear and tear of the body
and for other life processes. We
get proteins from the sprouts,
milk and milk products, meat
and eggs in our food.

Minerals and vitamins 7.4 : Proteins

To improve the body’s resistance to disease and for other life processes the body
needs vitamins, minerals and fibre in the diet. We obtain these nutrients mainly from
vegetables and fruits.
We require vitamins and minerals in small quantities, but their deficiency can lead
to various diseases. Let us learn more about them.
The body needs several inorganic substances. They are called minerals. The table
below gives examples of some minerals and provides information about their functions
in the body, the various sources of the minerals as well as the diseases caused by
their deficiency.

Mineral Functions Sources Deficiency Diseases

Iron Carrying oxygen to all Meat, spinach, Anaemia
parts of the body. apples, raisins
Calcium and Strengthen bones and teeth. Milk and milk Bad teeth, brittle and
phosphorous products. Green weak bones.
leafy vegetables,
Iodine Controls growth, speeds up Raisins, beans, Goitre
chemical reactions in the fish, sea food
Sodium and Maintains the body’s water Salt, cheese, Inefficiency of muscles
potassium balance and functioning of leafy vegetables,
the muscles and the fruits, pulses
nervous system
Water soluble vitamins :
Vitamin B and Vitamin C dissolve Water insoluble vitamins : These
easily in water. So they are called water vitamins are insoluble in water but are
soluble vitamins. They are thrown out soluble in fatty substances. They get
of the body through the water in sweat stored in the body. Vitamins A, D, E
and urine. Hence, a regular supply of and K are fat soluble vitamins.
these vitamins is essential.
B1, B2, B3, B6 , B9 and B12 are the
important types of Vitamin B.
Vitamins - Sources and functions
Vitamin Helps in Sources Deficiency
Protects eyes. Carrot, milk, Night blindness
A Helps to keep skin, butter, dark green (inability to see
bones and teeth vegetables, sweet in dim light),
healthy. potatoes, deep yellow Xeroderma (dry
fruits and vegetables skin)

Helps in proper Milk, fish, meat, Beriberi

B1 functions of nerves cereals, nuts, pulses (Nerve disorder),
and heart. Muscle weakness /
Growth of the Deep green Improper growth,
B9 body. vegetables, papayas, anaemia,
kiwis forgetfulness,
slow movements
Formation of red Meat, milk products Anaemia
B12 blood cells.
Protects body Amla, kiwi, oranges Scurvy (bleeding
C tissues; formation and other citrus of gums), thyroid
of collagen - a fruits, cabbage, malfunction,
protein essential tomatoes, green leafy delay in healing of
for gums, teeth, vegetables. wounds.
bones and skin.
Absorbs calcium On exposure to Rickets (softening
D and phosphorous sunlight vitamin D is of the bones,
for healthy bones made in the human causing pain and
and teeth. body from some fractures)
substances in milk,
fish, eggs and butter
Smooth Wheat germ, green Weak muscles,
E functioning of leafy vegetables, obstruction in
Metabolism tender leaves, reproduction, skin
inside the cells, vegetable oils disorders
efficiency of
muscle cells.
Helps in clotting of Green leafy Excessive bleeding
K blood. vegetables, green after an injury
cabbage, broccoli,
sprouted pulses,
yellow of eggs

Group activity : The information in the above chart should

7.5 : Vitamins
be enacted through role play.

Always remember...
Some vitamins are very sensitive to heat and light. For example, Vitamin C is easily
destroyed during cooking. Therefore, Vitamin C rich foods should be eaten raw.

In the past..... Probiotics
Casimir Funk was a You know that the useful
scientist who belonged to micro-organisms which convert
Poland in Europe. In a milk into yoghurt are present in
scientific article, he read yoghurt and in buttermilk. They
that people who ate brown Scurvy are called ‘probiotics’. Lakhs of
rice were less likely to get micro-organisms reside in our
beriberi than those who ate intestines. Their presence in such
fully milled rice. large numbers is essential for our
health. Hence to maintain them
He was able to identify
in our body, we should include
and isolate the substance
probiotics such as yoghurt and
which prevents this disease.
buttermilk in our daily diet.
He named it ‘vitamine’.
Rickets When we suffer from loose
He also proposed that
motions and vomiting, we throw
other disorders like scurvy,
out micro-organisms along with
pellagra and rickets were
intestinal water. Some medicines
also caused by a deficiency
can also kill them. Therefore, we
of various vitamins.
need to take extra yoghurt/
buttermilk to restore their
A balanced diet
All that we consume during the Fatty substances
day is together called our ‘diet’. A (oil, ghee, butter)
diet containing adequate quantities
of all nutrients is called a Balanced
Diet. Milk products, meat,
fish, eggs
To build a strong and healthy
body, you need all nutrients in the
right proportion and in sufficient Fruits and
quantities in your daily diet. vegetables

Significance of a balanced diet :

l An increased capacity to work. Cereals
l Good physical and mental health. pulses
l Increased capacity to fight / resist 7.6 : The balanced diet pyramid
l Helps in proper growth of the body. Apart from having a balanced diet,
we also need to exercise regularly to
keep ourselves fit and healthy.

How to get a balanced diet ?
To ensure that we get a balanced diet from Always remember...
the food we eat, we can make a food pyramid.
All food which we eat is classified into various If our need for nutrients
groups. The space allotted to each food group in is met through the food
the pyramid, depends upon the proportion in which we eat, the nutrients
it should be included in our diet. Hence, we can are better utilised in
choose foods from each group daily according to our body. Hence, the
the space allotted to it in the pyramid. best way to good health
If we choose some items from each group in the is taking a balanced
right proportion according to the pyramid shown on diet and avoiding
page 53, we can make sure that we are getting a the deficiency of any
balanced diet. nutrient.
If we select a daily diet which includes
vegetables, fruits, sprouts and cereals according
to the pyramid, we will also get fibre in sufficient

Can you recall ?

What trouble do we have to face if we do not get

enough fibre from our daily diet ?
What care must be taken to make sure that fibre
is not lost or removed from the food we eat?
Alongwith all the other nutrients, the body
also needs an adequate supply of water. For this
purpose, we must drink milk, buttermilk, lemon
juice, sherbets, fruit juices and plenty of water.
Malnutrition occurs when all the nutrients
that the body needs are not obtained in the proper
proportions from the diet. This happens when a
person does not get sufficient food or when the
diet is not balanced. If one’s diet exceeds one’s
need, it is called overnutrition.

Use your brain power !

Choose a balanced diet for one day

according to your preferences. 7.7 : Malnutrition and overnutrition
How to avoid obesity ?
Junk food
Chocolates, noodles, burgers, pizzas, chips,
bottled soft drinks, attractively packaged snacks ü
as also ready fried foodstuffs available in the l Have a balanced diet.
market such as wadas, pakodas, etc. are very l Eat whole grains. Eat fruits
tasty and we like them very much. However, and vegetables with their
these foodstuffs contain refined flour, sugar, skins.
oil in large proportions. When refined flour, l Increase use of bicycles
is made from wheat or when sugar is made l Play more outdoor games

from sugarcane, many nutrients in the wheat
or sugarcane are lost in the process. Hence,
all we get from these foods is energy and our l Do not eat if you are not
hunger is satisfied. hungry.
Naturally, if we eat a lot of junk foods, l Do not watch TV while
we will get insufficient quantities of the eating.
items from other food groups. If this happens l Do not use motor vehicles for
frequently, our body soon experiences a travelling a short distance.
shortage of proteins, vitamins and minerals l Avoid precooked, packaged
and that may lead to malnutrition. foods.
Junk food eaten frequently also causes
obesity. Obesity is not good for our health.
As such foods do not supply all the
necessary nutrients, they are called junk foods.

Food Items Adulterants

Adulteration of food
In order to earn more profits, cheaper l Milk Water, chemicals like
substances of low quality are mixed with urea, starch
the foodstuffs. These substances are called
adulterants and adding them to foodstuffs l Chilli Brick powder,
is called adulteration of food. Adulterants powder powdered pumpkin
may even be poisonous or harmful to l Pepper corns Papaya seeds
health. Such adulterated food is impure
l Ice-cream Washing soda,
and harmful and so unfit for consumption.
paper pulp
Adulterants used to adulterate food are l Rice Small white stones
such that they will remain unnoticed even l Peanuts Reddish pebbles/stones
when mixed with the food.

Always remember....

Adulteration of food is a crime. Do not eat adulterated foods.

What we have learnt-
nutrients in the right quantities.
l The food pyramid helps us to choose a
l Nutrition is the process of taking food balanced diet.
and water and using them to obtain l Whether a person is malnourished or has
energy, and for the purposes of growth deficiency diseases depends upon the
and other bodily functions. proportions of food taken.
l A diet containing all nutrients in the l Junk food gives us energy but not other
right quantity is called a balanced diet. nutrients.
l Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, l Adulterated food is impure and harmful to
minerals and fibre are the nutrients health.
in food. A balanced diet includes all

1. Fill in the blanks. 3. Choose the correct alternative.
(a) The process of intake of food and (a) Pulses are a very good source
utilising it for all life processes is of ………. .
called ………. . (1) carbohydrates (2) proteins
(b) All the substances in our food (3) fats (4) minerals
which are useful for various bodily (b) ………. provide maximum energy
processes are called ………. . to the body.
(c) Carbohydrates and ………. provide (1) Cereals (2) Leafy vegetables
………. to our body. (3) Water (4) Amla
(d) In a balanced diet, all the nutrients (c) Goitre is caused by a deficiency of
are present in the ……. proportion. the mineral ………. .
(e) In the food pyramid, cereals are (1) iron (2) calcium
given the maximum space because (3) iodine (4) potassium
they fulfil our ………. requirement. (d) ………. is a type of junk food.
(f) Intake of more food than necessary (1) Orange (2) Milk
causes ………. . (3) Bhakri (4) Chocolate
2. Spot the following in the table of 4. Use the food pyramid to select food
vitamins and minerals. items of your choice for three days.
(a) The nutrient present in citrous Conditions :
fruits. (1) The diet for all three days should
(b) Vitamins / minerals present in milk. be balanced.
(c) Causes and symptoms of night (2) There should be variety in the
blindness, scurvy, rickets, beriberi. items chosen for the three days.
(d) Foods required to prevent the above
diseases. Activity :
(e) Causes of anaemia. l Obtain information on simple
(f) Essential mineral for healthy bones methods of spotting the
and teeth. adulteration in foodstuffs and
(g) Sensory organ affected due to the try them out.
deficiency of Vitamin A.
8. Our Skeletal System and the Skin

Can you recall ?

Which organ systems

do you see in the figure
alongside ?
In the previous
classes, we have learnt
about some organ systems,
their functions and their
locations in our body. With
the help of that, complete
the following table.
8.1 : Organ systems and the human skeleton
Name of Function of Body
the organ the organ cavity The various organs are safe
Heart within the body cavity. The
Lungs human skeleton is a protective
Intestines shell for all the internal organs.

Sometimes when we fall while

playing or have an accident, a bone in
our arm or leg may get broken. This is
called a ‘fracture’ of the bone.
A fracture in a bone causes severe
and unbearable pain and the part with the
broken bone swells immediately.

Can you tell ?

Your friend meets with an accident and

a bone in his leg is fractured. How will 8.2 : A boy with a fractured bone
you help ?
After an accident, prevent any movement of the fractured part. Immobilize it and
get immediate medical help. After going to the hospital, an ‘X-ray’ image is taken of
the part which is swollen.
‘X-rays’ were discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen.

A fractured

An X-ray image shows whether a bone is broken

8.3 : An X-ray image and also the exact spot where it is broken. This helps in
providing the proper treatment.
Let’s try this.
Types of Bones : Bones of our body
Let’s identify our bones. are classified into four types.
(1) Place your hand at the centre of
your chest and your friend’s back.
1. Flat bones
(2) What is the name of the hard part
you feel on placing your hand on
your chest ?
(3) Do you feel some hard bumps on
the back ? What are they called ?
(4) What difference do you notice 2. Small bones
between the bones of the back and
those of the chest ?

The human skeletal system

All the bones in our body are not of
the same shape. Every bone is different.
All the bones together form a framework
or skeleton. The skeleton gives a shape
to the body.
3. Irregular bones
All the bones of the body along
with cartilage together form the skeletal
Bones are hard. They are not flexible.
Bones are composed of two main
constituents. Bone cells are biotic, while 4. Long bones
calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate,
minerals and salts are the abiotic
constituents of bones. Calcium imparts
strength to the bones.
The system which gives a definite shape to the body, provides support and
protects the delicate organs inside the body is the skeletal system.
Can you identify the animals from the pictures of their
Can you tell ? skeletons ?

8.4 : Skeletons of various animals

Try this.

Take a measuring tape and measure the

length of the bones of your arms and
legs. Do the same for your friend/ sister/
brother. Record the measurements in the
table below and compare them. Rib cage

Length of bones in cm.

Bones Self Friend Brother Sister
Spine Arm
1. Arm

2. Leg

The human skeletal system can be

divided into two parts : the axial skeleton
and the appendicular skeleton.
The axial skeleton consists of the
skull, the spine and the rib cage. These
are situated symmetrically along the
central vertical axis of the body. Leg
The appendicular skeleton is made
up of the bones of the upper and lower
limbs (arms and legs) on either side of
the central axis.
8.5 : Parts of the human skeletal system

As our body grows, the size and length of our bones increases. Such changes
in size and length can be seen in children according to age. However, the body
continues to grow only up to a certain limit. The bones of taller people are longer.

The axial skeleton

Skull : The skull is formed by the bones of the head
and face. The bones of the skull are flat and strong. There Skull/
are altogether 22 bones in the skull, 8 in the head and 14 Cranium
in the face. Except for the lower jaw, none of the bones
of the skull can move. Lower jaw/
Which organs of our body does the skull protect ?
Rib cage : Feel the left and right sides of your chest Rib cage
with your hand or finger. How many bones can you feel
altogether on the two sides ?
Check in the centre. How many bones do you feel ?
The cage-like structure in the chest is calld the rib
cage. In the chest, there is one vertical, flat bone called
the sternum. Twelve pairs of flat bones called ribs are
joined to it sideways. These 25 bones form the rib cage.
It is joined to the spine at the back.
The Spine (Backbone or Vertebral Column) : The
spine is formed by padlock-shaped bones placed straight
one above the other. There are altogether 33 bones in the
spine, each called a vertebra. These bones are arranged
one above the other flexibly. The spine protects the spinal
cord that originates from the brain. Back bone/
What would have happened if we didn’t have a column
backbone ? Vertebrae
The appendicular skeleton
The human body has two arms and two legs. The
different parts of the arms and legs have several bones,
which are connected together by joints.
8.6 : Skull, rib cage and spinal column

Do you know ?
There are three bones in each of the ears.
Of these, the stirrup is the smallest bone in our
body. It is as small as a grain of rice and is
hollow. Its shape is like that of a stirrup.
In the human body, the longest and strongest
bone is the thigh bone or the femur.

Observe and discuss.

Observe a human skeleton in your school laboratory or a picture of the skeleton

and classify the bones in our body into four types. Discuss the functions of these bones.

Try this.

Move the different parts of your body

from the head to the toes and observe the Joints : Joints are the places
different places at which they can bend where two or more than
or turn. two bones are connected to each
The bones in our body are connected to other. Joints are of two types.
each other by means of ligaments.

$ $
Movable Joint Immovable Joint
Bones can move. Bones cannot move.
Examples : bones Example : bones of
of arms and legs the skull.
(Other than the lower

Hinge joint
Types of joints
Let us study some types of movable Ball and
joints. socket
1. Hinge joint : This type of joint joint
allows the movements of bones only in
one direction. It moves in a 1800 angle.
Examples : the elbow and knee joints.

2. Ball and socket joint : In this Gliding

type of joint, the bones can move in two
or more directions - in a 3600 angle.
Examples : shoulder and hip joints.

3. Gliding joint : In this type of

joint, the bones can only slide over each
other. Examples : wrist and ankle joints. 8.7 : Some types of joints

Functions of the skin
Can you recall ? 1. Protecting the internal parts of the
body like muscles, bones,
Which organ helps us to sense whether
organ systems, etc.
something is hot or cold, rough or
2. Help preserve the moisture
smooth, etc. ?
in the body.
The skin 3. Synthesizing vitamin ‘D’.
The skin is an important and large 4. Releasing sweat to regulate
organ of all living things. The skin has body temperature.
hair. There are nails on the skin at the 5. Giving protection from
tips of the fingers and toes. The skin the heat and cold.
gives us the sense of touch. The skin is 6. The skin functions as
an important sensory organ of the body. the sensory organ of touch.
The outermost covering of the
body is called skin.
The structure of the skin Epidermis
Human skin is made up of two main
layers. The outermost layer is called the Dermis
epidermis and the layer below it is called
the dermis. Below the dermis, there is a
network of blood vessels and nerve fibres.
The subcutaneous layer under this network
maintains normal body temperature. The 8.8 : Structure of the skin
epidermis has various layers.
A pigment called melanin is present
in the cells of the epidermis. The
Can you tell ?
melanin is synthesized in certain
glands in the skin. The percentage
What happens when we walk or play in of melanin decides the fairness or
the hot sun ? darkness of the skin. The colour of
When we walk or play in the sun, we the skin also depends on the climate.
get tired, but at the same time our skin Melanin protects our skin and the
becomes wet. This is because of sweat. inner parts from ultraviolet sunrays.
In the skin, there are glands which secrete
sweat. They are called sweat glands.
After playing in the hot sun or after Use your brain power !
hard physical labour, the temperature of
the body rises. Then sweat is released. 1. Which colour of the skin will give
It helps to reduce the temperature of greater protection from the sun’s
the body. Our body temperature usually rays ?
remains constant at approximately 370C. 2. How does sweating help to lower
the temperature of the body ?
Observe and discuss.

Observe your skin and the skin of your

grandmother, grandfather or any old
people in the house.

What difference do you notice ?

As we grow older, the proportion of

fat beneath the skin reduces. However,
the previously taut skin does not shrink.
This causes wrinkles on the skin of older

Do you know ? Always remember...

It is melanin that determines the For the health of our skin, it is

colour of our hair, too. Jet black hair important to keep it clean.
is due to pure melanin, while brown, Discriminating between people
lighter hair is due to sulphur in the based on their skin colour is
melanin and reddish hair, due to iron unscientific and wrong. Avoid the
in the melanin. temptation of using artificial means
to become fair.

What we have learnt-

— All the bones in the body along with the cartilage together form the
skeletal system.
— The skeleton gives shape and support to the body.
— The outer covering of the body is called the skin.
— The skeletal system and the skin perform the important function of
protecting the body and the internal body parts.
— We must take care of our skeletal system and skin.
— The skull, the rib cage, the backbone and the bones of the arms and
legs are the main parts of the human skeletal system.
— Epidermis and dermis are the two main layers of the human skin.


1. Fill in the blanks with the proper 5. Answer the following questions in
word. your words.
(a) The place where two or more bones (a) What are the functions of your
are connected is called a .............. . skin ?
(b) Cells of the epidermis contain a (b) What should you do to keep your
pigment called .............. . bones strong and healthy ?
(c) ...................... and ...................... (c) What are the functions of the
are the two layers of the human human skeletal system ?
(d) Which are the various reasons due
(d) The human skeletal system is
to which our bones might break ?
divided into ...................... parts.
(e) What are the different types of
2. Match the pairs. bones ? How many types are there ?
‘A’ ‘B’
(1) Ball and socket joint (a) Knee 6. What will happen if - ?
(2) Hinge joint (b) Wrist (a) There are no joints in our body.
(3) Gliding joint (c) Shoulder (b) There is no melanin pigment in our
3. Right or wrong ? If wrong, write the (c) Instead of 33 vertebrae in our body,
correct sentence. we had one single and straight
(a) Bones are soft. bone.
(b) The human skeleton protects the
7. Draw diagrams.
internal organs.
(a) Types of joints
4. Put a þ mark at the proper places. (b) Structure of the skin
(a) The system which gives a definite
shape to our body. Activity :
o Excretory system l Collect pictures of the different
o Respiratory system parts of the human skeletal
o Skeletal system system and paste them on chart
o Circulatory system paper. Write the functions of
each, too.
(b) The ................ joint is seen in
fingers and toes. l Collect the pictures, newspaper
cuttings, etc. which show the
o Hinge joint skeletal systems of various
o Ball and socket joint animals and observe the
o Immovable joint differences between them.
o Gliding joint

9. Motion and Types of Motion

Observe and discuss.

9.1 : Objects in motion

In our day-to-day life, we see many moving objects. Moving objects are said to
be objects in motion. Discuss which objects in the above pictures are in motion. What
differences are seen in their motion ?
While waiting for a bus at a bus-stop, other
vehicles appear to be in a state of motion. On the
other hand, when you are in motion yourself, a
still object appears to be moving. For example,
the trees are seen to run backward while you
are travelling in a train. If an object is seen by
an observer to change its place continuously,
the object is said to be in motion. Change
of place of an object is called displacement.
9.2 : Backward motion of object
An object in motion continuously undergoes
The continuous displacement of an object is called motion.

Types of

1. Linear motion 9.3 : Linear motion

A train or a moving vehicle on a road may travel in a straight line or

in the same direction. This motion of an object is called linear motion. An
object in linear motion shows displacement along a straight line.
If you stand on a chair and release a ball from your hand, it falls to
the floor. What do you conclude from this ?
Compare the motion of soldiers on parade and a girl coming down a slide.

The motion of soldiers in a

parade is the same. During that
period, not even a slight difference
is seen. However, the motion of
the girl coming down the slide
does not appear to be uniform. The
girl comes down faster and faster.
The speed of her motion goes on
increasing continuously.
The motion of the marching
soldiers is ‘uniform linear motion’,
because in this motion no change
is seen. On the other hand, the
motion of the girl coming down
the slide is ‘non-uniform linear
These are the two main types
9.4 : Comparing linear motion of linear motion.

Uniform linear motion Non-uniform linear motion

When the distance traversed by an When the distance traversed by an
object along a straight line in unit time is object along a straight line in unit time
continuously the same, the motion is called keeps on changing, the motion is called
uniform linear motion. non-uniform linear motion.

2. Non-linear motion : The motion of an object that does not move in a straight
line is called ‘non-linear motion’. Non-linear motion may be of the following types.
What kind of movement does a swing in a
Can you tell ? park show ?
The swing always comes back from
one end to the other end. It takes about the
same time for each swing or oscillation.
This movement of a swing is called
oscillatory motion. Similarly, the
movement of the pendulum of a clock, the
wings of a bird, the needle of a sewing
machine, the vibrating diaphragm of a
tabla or drum are also examples of
oscillatory motion.
9.5 : Oscillatory motion
The motion of a body that is oscillating, i.e.,
swinging back and forth, is called Use your brain power !
oscillatory motion.
In which musical instruments can
you see oscillatory motion ?
Observe and discuss.

9.6 : Examples of non-linear motion

The hands of a clock move in a The motion of an object along a

circular manner. Similarly, a fan, a giant circular path is called circular motion.
wheel, and a merry-go-round complete
each round along a circular route. In our The motion of an object which passes
day-to-day life we come across many through a certain point again and
examples of objects that trace a circular again after a fixed period is called
path. periodic motion.
Which other examples of circular
motion can you give ? Use your brain power !
We see from these examples of
oscillatory motion and circular motion Which types of motion are seen when
that some objects complete one round a girl rides a bicycle as shown here ?
or one oscillation in a fixed period of
time. For example, the minute hand of
a clock completes one round in exactly
60 minutes every time, while a merry-
go-round also completes every round in
the same period of time. Such motion is
called periodic motion.

9.7 : Children playing in a garden
Can you tell ?
The motion
While chasing a butterfly in a garden, do you run along a that changes its
definite path or in the same direction all the time ? Not really. direction and
A butterfly constantly flits from one flower to another. speed continually
There is no definite direction to its motion. Such motion is is called random
called random motion. motion.
The motion of the players in a game of football is also of this type. The motion of a
crawling baby or a wandering animal is also random motion.

The distance traversed by an object in unit
A bus covers the distance of time is called the speed of that object.
about two hundred kilometres
from Solapur to Pune in five Distance traversed
hours. How much distance does Speed =
the bus cover in one hour ? Time required for traversing the distance
While solving this example, Unit of speed : kilometre/hour, metre/second
we take the ratio of the distance
traversed and the time required to
traverse that distance. Always remember...
From this ratio, we come to
know the distance traversed by A moving object may not have only
the bus in one unit of time. one type of motion.

What we have learnt-

— Objects in motion are those that change their position continuously.

— The various types of motion are linear, uniform linear, non-uniform linear,
oscillatory, circular, periodic and random motion.
— The distance traversed by an object in unit time is called its speed.
— The time required to traverse a certain distance depends on the speed of the object.


1. Identify the types of motion. 4. Explain in your own words, giving

one example each.
(a) Movement of the earth around the
(a) Linear motion
sun : …….... .
(b) Oscillatory motion
(b) Movement of a ceiling fan : ……....
(c) Circular motion
(c) A meteor falling from the sky :
(d) Random motion
…….... .
(e) Periodic motion
(d) A rocket launched from the
ground : …….... 5 Answer the following questions in
(e) A fish swimming in water : …….... your own words.
(f) The plucked string of a sitar : ….... (a) Which types of motion are seen
in birds flying in the sky ?
2. Fill in the blanks. (b) Write in detail about your
(a) If a ball is released from the experience of various types of
terrace of a building, it comes motion while riding a bicycle on
down in …........ motion. On the a road.
other hand, it reaches the ground in 6. Complete the puzzle using words for
…........ motion if it is thrown with types of motion :
force away from the terrace in a
direction parallel to the terrace. (1) a spring is stretched and one end is
(b) The motion of an aeroplane on the
runway before take-off is…....... . (2) a minute hand
(c) The kite looking for its prey flies (3) a see saw
with .......... motion in the sky. (4-5) children in a march past
(d) Children sitting in a rotating giant (6) a stone rolling down a hillside.
wheel have …........ motion, while 1 2

those sitting in a merry-go-round

have a …........ motion.
(Linear, non-linear, circular,
uniform linear, non-uniform linear,
uniform circular, non-uniform
circular, random)
3. How are we different ? 6

(a) Oscillatory motion and linear

motion. Activity :
(b) Linear motion and random l Make a list of various moving objects
motion. in the environment, and discuss the
(c) Random motion and oscillatory types of motion seen in them.
10. Force and Types of Force

Observe and discuss.

10.1 : Various actions

1. Will a boat move ahead unless pushed with the help of an oar ?
2. Who exerts force to move a bullock-cart forward ?
3. What makes the ball move during a game of football ? How does its direction
4. Will the wheel go forward if it is not pushed with a stick ?
When we kick the football coming in our direction, towards the goal, we apply force. In
day-to-day life, we do many actions such as lifting, pulling, riding a bicycle and stopping
it at times, pushing a load, squeezing or bending something and driving vehicles. It is
necessary to apply force for doing all these actions. Force is applied to an object to pull it
or push it in any manner.
No object changes its position on its own. Force is required to move an object.
Force is used to change the direction of an object in motion, or to stop it.

Can you tell ?

1. What happens when you hold the two ends of a
spring and pull them apart ?

2. What happens when a blacksmith hammers a red

hot piece of iron?
Force is necessary to change the shape an object. 10.2 : Changing the shape of on object

Types of force
1. Muscular force
In all the actions shown in the picture 10.1, the movements
take place with the help of the bones and muscles in the body.
The person in the picture alongside is lifting the weight by using
muscular force.
The force applied with the help of muscles is called muscular force.

Use your brain power ! 10.3 : Lifting a weight

For which tasks in your day-to-day life do you use

muscular force ?

2. Mechanical force
We use different machines for doing many tasks.
Muscular force is used for running some machines.
Some machines are run by using electricity or
fuel. Machines like the latter are called ‘automatic
machines’, because a mechanical force is used
here. For example, sewing machine, electric pump,
washing machine, mixer, etc. Make a list of other
such machines.
The force applied by means of a machine
is called mechanical force. 10.4 : Machines

3. Gravitational force
If an object is thrown upward by applying force,
it reaches a certain height and comes down again.
Why is this so?
Why do fruits on trees fall to the ground ?
The earth pulls all the objects towards itself.

The force applied by the earth to pull objects

towards itself is called gravitational force.
10.5 : Falling down of a ball and a mango
In the past ...
Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravitation in the 17th
century. The earth’s gravitational force acts in a direction
opposite to that of an object moving upwards. Hence, the speed
of that object goes on decreasing till in the end it becomes
zero. Then the object starts falling down instead of going up
any further. While falling, its speed goes on increasing all the
time due to gravitational force.
Let’s try this.
1. Take a small stone and a bucketful of water.
Drop the stone into the water from a height of
about 20 cm. You will hear the sound of the stone
dropping in the water. Now drop the same stone
into the water from a height of about 100 cm. You
will hear its sound again.
What is the difference in the sounds in the two
actions above ? What can we conclude from this ? 10.6 : Dropping a stone in water
2. The actions of lifting a sack are shown in the
picture. One sack looks empty, the other one is full.
What difference do you notice in the way the two
sacks are lifted ?
The gravitational force on the empty sack is
less, that is to say, it weighs less.
The gravitational force on the bigger sack is
greater. In other words the bag weighs more.
Greater force must be applied to lift a
greater weight.
10.7 : Carrying a load
Do you know ?

To weigh an object, it is hung from the Find out and discuss.

hook of a spring balance.
The suspended object is pulled downwards The gravitational force operates
by the force of gravity. At the same time, between the sun and the planets in the
the force of the tension in the spring solar system. Because of this, the planets
constantly pulls the object upwards. revolve around the sun. At the same time,
The object comes to rest when the tension gravity also operates between planets and
in the spring and the gravitational force on their satellites. Then, why don’t all the
the object become equal. In this position, planets and satellites fall towards the
the scale on the spring balance shows the sun ?
gravitational force acting on the object
which is the weight of the object. The
Use your brain power !
gravitational force acting on an object is
called the weight of that object. Which forces are acting upon an
aeroplane taking off into the sky ?
4. Magnetic force
Place a magnet on a table. Take a big iron nail towards the magnet. It sticks to the
magnet. Now hold the magnet upright in the air, away from the nail. What happens ?
The force exerted by a magnet is called magnetic force.

5. Frictional force When a carrom piece is flicked lightly,
it slides over the carrom board, but stops at
a certain distance.
A ball rolling over a flat ground
stops at a certain distance. Why does this
happen ?
When two surfaces rub against each
other, the force of friction comes into play.
10.8 : Frictional force It always acts against the direction of
Use your brain power ! When a brake is applied while riding
a bicycle, it stops after running a short
Why is powder sprinkled on the
distance. How does the brake work ?
carrom board while playing carrom ?
Between which parts is friction produced ?
Take two pieces of smooth paper and two of sandpaper and rub
Try this. them against each other. What do you notice ?
The smooth surfaces can be easily rubbed against each
other because the force of friction between them is less,
while rough surfaces cannot be easily rubbed against each
other because the force of friction between them is much
It is possible for us to walk on the ground only because
of the force of friction. If there is no friction, we would
slip and fall. For example, we are very likely to slip while
walking on an oily or wet floor.
Why is a wooden plank laid down for pulling out a car
which is stuck in mud?
A force of friction is generated between the wheel and
the wooden plank laid down under the car. Hence, it can be
pulled out from the mud. In short, the force of friction can
either be decreased or increased as desired.
6. Electrostatic force
1. Spread small pieces of paper on a table. Rub a piece of
thermocol or an inflated balloon against silk cloth and
bring it near these pieces.
2. Rub a plastic comb against dry hair and repeat the
above activity.
3. Rub a peacock feather between two pages of a notebook 10.9 : Electrostatic force
and bring it near your fingers. What do you see ?
In the above activities, the pieces of paper, hair, and the
peacock feather are seen to move. Why does this happen ?
Static electricity is produced on materials like rubber, plastic and ebonite due to friction.
The force exerted by such electrically charged materials is called electrostatic force.

Combined forces : While an action
is taking place, various types of forces A little fun !
act on the object in question. You Cut out fish shapes from coloured
might have seen a roller coaster or the plastic sheets. Fix a pin on one side
juggling of a sail board on the seashore. of the fishes. Take water in a big deep
A variety of forces act together in these plate. Release the fishes in it. They will
cases. To obtain more information about float on the water. Take a magnet and
these, type the words ‘Trick Science’ in move it around over the water.
Google search on the Internet. Can you make other games like this ?
What makes such games possible ?
What we have learnt-

— Force is required to bring about any action. Force is necessary for making an
object move, to change the direction of motion and also to change the shape of
an object.
— There are various types of forces such as muscular force, mechanical force,
gravitational force, magnetic force, frictional force and electrostatic force.


1. Choose the term to fill in the blanks. 2. Match the following :

(a) …… has to be applied to change Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’
the ….. of a …… object. (i) An ox pulling a cart (a) Magnetic force
(moving, direction, force)
(ii) Lifting a heavy iron (b) Electrostatic
(b) When an elephant drags a wooden object with a crane force
log over the land, the forces that
(iii) Weighing with (c) Muscular force
are applied on the log are …… ,
a spring balance
……. and …….. .
(muscular force, mechanical force, (iv) Applying brakes (d) Gravitational
gravitational force, frictional to a bicycle force
force) (v) Picking up pieces (e) Frictional force
(c) A ball was set rolling on a large of paper with a
plastic scale
table. If its …… is to be changed,
a …….. will have to be applied on 3. One or more forces are acting in the
it. following examples. Name them.
(force, motion, gravitation) (a) An object falling from a tall
(d) The force of friction always acts building ….
…….. the motion. (b) An aeroplane flying in sky ….
(along, against)
(c) Squeezing sugarcane juice with a 8. Solve the following crossword puzzle.
squeezer ….…. .
(d) Winnowing foodgrain ……. .
4. Explain in your own words giving
one example each.
Muscular force, gravitational force,
mechanical force, electrostatic force,
the force of friction and magnetic
force. 4

5. Why ?
(a) Machines are oiled from time to
(b) An object thrown upwards comes
Down :
down after reaching a point.
(c) Powder is sprinkled on a carrom (1) ....... force is to be applied to push a
board. scooter that has failed.
(d) The ramp at a railway station has a (2) ........... force can be used to pick up
rough surface. scattered pins.

6. In what way are we different? Across :

(a) Muscular force and mechanical (1) A .......... pulls an iron nail towards
force. itself.
(b) The force of friction and
gravitational force. (3) .......... force was used when the
farm was ploughed with a tractor.
7. Write answers to the following
(4) It is due to the force of ............ that
questions in your own words.
raindrops fall to the ground.
(a) What are the things that can be
done by applying force ? Activity :
(b) What is meant by weight ?
l Collect more information
(c) Which machines run on muscular
about the various forces that
force ?
are used in our day-to-day
l Make a list of such actions
where many forces are
applied simultaneously.


11. Work and Energy
1. What actions are seen in the picture ?
Observe. 2. Is a force being applied while doing each
action ?
3. In the various actions in the picture, has
the object changed its original position ?

11.1 : Various actions

In the above picture, we see that the position of some of the objects has changed.
That is, these objects are displaced.
When an object is displaced by applying a force on it, work is said to be done.
Work 1. Tie a string to an empty box, as shown in the picture.
2. Pull the box through a distance of 10 metres along a straight
Try this . 3. Now fill the same box with 20 books.
4. Pull the box again through a distance of 10 metres in a straight
line. What was your experience this time ?
5. Now pull this loaded box through a straight distance of
20 metres.
6. When did you feel that more work was done ?
More work is done for the same
displacement, when more force is applied to
do the work. If the same force is
applied for more displacement,
more work is done by the force.
Use your brain power !

1. In the above activity, which are the different

forces acting on the box ?
2. Is a displacement possible without a force ?
3. If a force is applied with both the hands on
a wall, will there be a displacement ?
4. If no displacement occurs on applying a
11.2 : Pulling a box force, what does it indicate ?
Let’s try this.
Take a pulley. Fix it at a height. Draw a string
over the pulley. Tie a load of two kilograms at one
end. Hold the other end of the string and pull it
downwards to lift the load, first up to a height of
one metre, and then up to a height of four metres.
When is more work done ?

When the applied force is the same,

more work is done when there is greater
displacement. In other words, for
measuring the work, both the force and the
displacement must be considered. 11.3 : Using a pulley

The relationship between work and energy

The boy in the picture has applied a force to
the toy car. Work has been done because the force
applied to the car has caused displacement. In other
words, transformation of the boy’s energy into work
has taken place through the applied force.
Run around the ground with your friends. Can
your friends run as many rounds as you can?
Do all the friends have the same capacity for
Your friends will complete either more or less 11.4 : A boy pushing a car
rounds than the number of rounds you complete. The
number of rounds will not be the same. Some will
get tired on completing two rounds, while others will
get tired on completing three or four rounds. That is to say, each one’s capacity to
complete rounds is not the same. You can complete only as many rounds as you have
the capacity for. The capacity to do work is called energy.

Use your brain power !

Do you know ?
1. Why do you get hungry after
The units of work and energy are
physical exercise ?
the same. Work and energy are both
2. From where does our body get
measured in the unit named Joule in
energy ?
S.I. (System International) units.
3. Why do we get tired ?

Forms of energy
A. Mechanical energy

Can you tell ?

What will happen as a result of the

action in the picture ?
1. The rubber band is released after stretching it.
2. A stone is held in the rubber of a catapult, the
rubber is stretched and released.
In the above examples we see that when the
rubber of a catapult is stretched and released, it
comes back to the original state and the stone flies
off. Similarly, when the spring of a toy is wound
and then released, the toy starts playing. When
water stored at a height is made to fall on a wheel,
the wheel starts rotating. In each of these actions,
displacement takes place, which means that work is
done. From where is the energy obtained to do this 11.5 : Potential energy
work ? The energy which is stored in an object due
to a specific state or position of that object is called
potential energy.

Let’s try this.

1. Take two balls. Let one of them stand
stable at the centre of a table.
2. Place the second ball on the table and
push it so that it hits the first ball.
3. What happens when the second ball hits
the first one ?
11.6 : Kinetic energy
4. From where did the second ball get the
energy to set the first ball in motion ? The energy used for
doing mechanical work
Can you tell ? is called mechanical
energy. There are two
1. In the game of marbles, from where does one marble types of mechanical
get energy to set another marble in motion ? energy, namely,
2. While playing carrom, from where does the striker potential energy and
get the energy to make the pieces move ? kinetic energy. Potential
We give energy to the marble or the striker and set energy is obtained due
them in motion. The energy obtained from motion is to position and kinetic
called kinetic energy. energy, by motion.

B. Heat energy
The earth receives heat in proper quantities from
the sun. That is how an atmospheric temperature
favourable to the living world is maintained. Heat is a
form of energy. Sunlight contains heat energy.
Heat is produced by burning of fuel. Heat energy
is used in the kitchen all the time. Heat is measured in
the unit ‘Calorie’.

Let’s try this.

1. Take a convex lens and hold it over a sheet of
paper in sunlight.
2. Now, move the lens in such a way that there is a
tiny spot of light on the paper.
3. Hold the lens in this position for a while. What 11.7 : Heat energy
happens ?
C. Light energy
We have learnt that plants Collect information.
make their own food with the
help of sunlight. It means that 1. Generally, grapes which appear in the
light energy is transformed into market during December and January are
the energy in food. Plants and sour. However, in March-April the grapes
animals use this food for doing are sweet. Why is this so ?
their work. It means that light is a 2. How does a picture appear on the screen of
form of energy. a TV, mobile, laptop and a cinema theatre ?
D. Sound energy
You might have seen the glass panes of windows crack due to a loud noise.
Similarly, sound is used to control the movements of some toy cars. This means that
some work is done by sound. It tells us that sound is a form of energy.
E. Chemical energy
When wood burns, we get
heat and light. Sometimes, we
hear a crackling sound as well.
What makes this happen ? The
energy stored in wood is emitted
in various forms through chemical
action. Also, it is due to the
chemical action in the lead acid
battery that electrical energy is 11. 8 : Chemical energy
The energy obtained through chemical action is called chemical energy.
Use your brain power ! Mechanical energy, heat,
light, sound, chemical and
1. In which form is energy stored in plant food ? electrical energy are the
2. How is energy obtained from cooking gas ? various forms of energy.

Observe and discuss.

Observe the working of the various appliances

we use such as the fan, lamp, mixer, TV, radio,
refrigerator, washing machine, clothes iron. In which
form is energy supplied to them to make them work?

11.9 : Transformation of energy

Transformation of energy
Transformation of energy takes place when work is done. Let us consider one
chain of transformation of energy.
In the course of the water cycle, water evaporates due to the heat of the
sun. This water vapour forms clouds that give rain. Rainwater flows into rivers
and is stored in reservoirs on dams. These are at a height and therefore their
water has potential energy, which is transformed into kinetic energy as the water
falls downwards. When the water falls on the blades of turbine, its kinetic energy
is transferred to the turbine. The turbine rotates producing electrical energy. This
electricity gets transformed into various other forms of energy.
Electrical energy is used in our houses for various purposes. It is transformed
into light energy on lighting a bulb, into kinetic energy on starting a fan, into sound
energy while playing a music system, and into heat energy in an oven.
Thus we see that we are indirectly utilizing nothing but solar energy in all
these transformations of energy. In other words, the sun is the most important
source of all energy.

Energy resources Due to the increasing
The resources used for getting energy can be population and
classified into two types. increasing usage of
1. Conventional energy resources or energy resources, there
non-renewable energy resources. is a danger that the
The energy resources which man has been using limited reserves of
for centuries are called conventional energy sources. coal, petrol, diesel,
Conventional energy resources include coal and crude oil and natural
fossil fuels such as petrol, diesel and natural gas. We gas will get exhausted.
cannot replenish these resources. Wood also cannot Therefore, it will be
be replenished easily. better to use alternative
and supplementary
2. Non-conventional energy resources or
resources instead of the
renewable energy resources
conventional ones.
These resources have not been used traditionally.
They are inexhaustible and continuous and can be
used in various forms again and again.
A. Solar energy : The energy
obtained from the sun is continuous and
enormous. Solar energy is at the root
of all energy available on the earth. A
variety of devices have been developed
for making use of solar energy. For
example, the solar cooker, solar water
heater, solar drier, solar cell, etc.
In the first three devices mentioned
above, heat energy obtained from the sun
is utilized to cook food, heat water and 11.10 : Solar energy
to dry grain. In a solar cell, electrical
energy can be obtained from solar energy.
Solar electric plants have the capacity to
produce electricity on a large scale. A
solar plant consists of many solar cells.
B. Wind energy : Electricity is
generated by means of windmills using
strong winds. A windmill is also used for
drawing water from a well.
11.11 : Wind energy

C. Tidal energy : A wall is constructed at a narrow region of a creek. Due to

waves generated by high and low tides, the turbine of the generator fitted in the wall
starts rotating and electricity is generated.
D. Hydroelectric or hydel power :
The water stored in a dam at a height
is brought down through a tunnel and
the turbines of the generator are rotated.
The place where electricity is generated
in this way is called a ‘hydroelectric or
hydel power’ plant. The Koyna project
in Maharashtra is a well-known hydel
project. There are also other smaller
hydroelectric plants located at other dam
sites. 11.12 : Hydel power
E. Energy obtained from oceanic
waves : While sea waves move forward in
a certain direction, the water moves up and Use your brain power !
down regularly at a position. This, too, can
be used to generate electricity.
There is energy in every substance
F. Atomic energy : The serious in the universe. It is present in
crisis of electricity shortage can be eased non-living things as well as in
by generating electricity by means of living things. Why, then is energy
atomic energy. The heat liberated during not visible to us ?
the fission of atoms of heavy elements
such as uranium, thorium is used to
generate electricity.
Think over it !
Note the amounts of your electricity bills of the last eight months and think about
the consumption of electricity during each month.

Energy saving and green energy What we have learnt-

In a way, saving energy is as good as
generating energy. There are several — Work is done when an object
ways of saving energy such as putting undergoes displacement on
off lamps when not needed, making application of a force.
maximum use of sunlight, etc. Saving — Energy is the capacity to do work.
energy and energy resources is very — The various forms of energy are
necessary. Otherwise, we will have mechanical energy, heat energy,
to face a serious calamity like global light energy, sound energy, chemical
warming. energy and electrical energy.
The energy resources which do not — Something that can be used to obtain
produce smoke and carbon gases such energy is called an energy resource.
as carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide
— Energy resources are of two kinds:
are called ‘Green energy resources’.
conventional (non-renewable) and
Greater use of such resources is the
non-conventional (renewable) energy
need of the hour.

1. Fill in each blank with the appropriate (c) What are the various forms of
term from the brackets. energy ?
(a) A bucketful of water is to be drawn (d) Describe one natural chain of
from a well. ….... will be done when transformation of energy.
a ……… is applied to do this, because (e) Why should we save energy ?
there will be a ……….. of water. (f) What is ‘green energy’ ?
(displacement, work, force) (g) What are the non-conventional
(b) If a ball is dropped on the sloping roof energy resources ?
of a house, it acquires …… and falls (h) Which forms of energy from the sun
on the ground. That is, transformation are used in solar energy devices ?
of …….. energy into ………. energy (i) Why should we maximise the use of
takes place. non-conventional energy resources ?
(kinetic, potential, motion) 4. Who is the odd-one-out ?
(c) You might have seen some beautiful (1) Diesel, crude oil, natural gas, wind
fireworks during Diwali. It is an (2) A running car, hauling a log, a book
example of transformation of ……. kept on a table, picking up the school
energy into……. energy. bag.
(light, atom, chemical, solar) (3) Sunlight, wind, waves, petrol
(d) The solar cooker is an application of (4) Leaving the fan on in a vacant room,
the …… energy of the sun, while leaving the TV on while working,
solar cells, solar lamps are using AC during winter, putting off
applications of the …… energy of the the light when going out.
(light, chemical, heat) 5. Find out the types of energy from the
(e) One labourer carried four pans of following puzzle.
road metal through a distance of 100
metres. If he carries two pans of road z s q p y m w n e
metal through a 200 metre distance p o t e n t i a l
......... work will be done. (equal, l l s u h v n x i
more, less) t a o j e v d z g
(f) The capacity that an object has for q r u l a b a d h
doing work is called ….... .
k i n e t i c q t
(energy, displacement, force)
r w d h k l w y f
2. Match the pairs.
Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’ Activity :
(1) Rolling object (a) Heat energy
(2) Food (b) Atomic energy l How can you save energy at home
(3) Stretched bow (c) Kinetic energy and in school ? Discuss this with
(4) Sunlight (d) Potential energy your friends and list all such
(5) Uranium (e) Chemical energy measures. Put them into practice.
l Find out about energy saving devices
3. Can you tell ?
available in the market.
(a) When can we say that displacement
has taken place ?
(b) What should be taken into account lll
for measuring work ? 83
12. Simple Machines
In the following pictures, certain devices are used to
Observe and discuss. accomplish certain tasks more easily. Name the devices
and discuss how they help.
Such devices which are used
to get more work done in less
time and less effort are called
The nail cutter, the bottle
opener, the wheel used to push
the load shown in the picture are
all machines. They have only one
or two parts and a simple and
easy structure. Such machines are
called simple machines. Simple
machines can be handled easily,
and there are less chances of
these machines breaking down
or getting damaged. We use many
such machines in our day-to-day
12.1 : Various kinds of tasks

Observe the machines shown in the following pictures. For what

Can you tell ? purposes are they used ? Can you name some other machines
of this kind?
These machines have
many parts which carry out
many processes for completing
a task. For this purpose, the
parts are joined to one another.
Therefore, these machines are
called complex machines.
Some of the parts of such
complex machines are actually
simple machines. The structure
of complex machines is
12.2 : Various machines

In our day-to-day life, we use simple or complex machines depending upon the task
to be carried out and the time and efforts required to do it.

Let us learn about some simple machines. A
An inclined plane
A heavy drum is to be loaded onto a truck.
Ravi chose the plank A while Hamid chose the
plank B. Rahi did not use a plank at all.
1. Who would find the drum heaviest to load ?
2. Who would find it lightest ?
Which one of the planks A and B is longer ?
Which one has a steeper slope ?
What can we conclude from this ?
If a slanting plank is used to lift a weight, we
have to bear less of the weight and lifting it becomes
easier. Such a plank is called an ‘inclined plane’.
The more gradual the slope, the lesser is the weight
we bear. But, such an inclined plane is longer. The
steeper the slope, the shorter the inclined plane. But
we have to bear a greater weight. 12.3 : Loading a drum onto a truck

Cut out a triangular piece of paper ABC.

Let’s try this. Draw a red line along the edge AC. Roll
this paper around a pencil as shown in the
picture. What do you see ?
The inclined side AC of the triangle
descends gradually from A to C.
The threads on a screw are made in
the same way. That is why, when a screw
is fitted in wood it goes in as if it is going
down an inclined plane. Therefore, less force
is required to fit a screw than to hammer a
B C nail. In other words, a screw is like a rolled
up inclined plane made of an iron strip.
A winding road or ghat that goes up
a mountain is also like an inclined plane
12.4 : The screw as an inclined plane
wrapped around the mountain. It helps big
vehicles to climb up and down the mountain

Observe and discuss.

Two routes, namely, a pathway and a

road are available to climb the mountain
shown in the picture. Compare the time and
strength and your convenience required to
reach the mountain top.
12.5 : Ghat
In the past...
The Greek scientist Archimedes
invented the machine shown in this
picture. That is why, it is called the
Archimedes’ Screw. It was used to
lift water from the hold of a ship.
Archimedes used a round pipe fitted
with a rod inside it. The pipe was
placed at an angle of 450 with one end
inside the water and the rod resting
on a flat surface. When the rod was
Archimedes’ screw
turned, water got lifted in this device.

A wedge
An axe is used for cutting wood. A sharp tool is
formed on joining two inclined planes. Such a tool is
called a wedge. A wedge in used for breaking an object
into two pieces or to seperate objects stuck together.
An axe, a knife or a chisel are some examples of this
simple machine.
A needle and a nail are also kinds of wedges.
12.6 : Wedges
A needle is required for stitching cloth. We use a
Use your brain power !
knife for cutting fruit. If the tip of a needle or the
edge of a knife becomes blunt, then the needle does not penetrate the cloth and the
knife does not cut into the fruit. Why is this so ?
A lever
A farmer is using a strong crow-bar to remove
the big stone bogged down in the farm. Such a
machine is called a lever.
A lever has three parts, namely, effort, load
and fulcrum.
1. The support at which the rod of a lever is 12.7 : Removing a large stone
rested is called the ‘fulcrum of a lever’. The
lever rotates about the fulcrum.
2. The weight lifted by a lever or the force Use your brain power !
against which the lever acts is called the
‘load’. The arm of the lever from the Which tasks can be done using
fulcrum to the load is called the ‘load arm’. a lever ?

3. The force applied on the other end of the rod to lift the load is called the
‘effort’. The part of the lever from the fulcrum to the effort is called the ‘effort
1. Place a pencil on a table. Place a ruler on it at right angles
Let’s try this . with it. Put a paperweight on one end of the ruler. Press the
other end with your finger to lift the weight. Which are the
load arm, the effort arm and the fulcrum of this lever ?

Now, go on increasing the distance

between the paperweight and the pencil by
four centimetres every time and see whether
the paperweight can be lifted when placed at
each of those distances.
Fulcrum What do you find ?
As the effort arm becomes longer and
12.8 : Lifting a paperweight longer compared to the load arm, less and
less force is required to lift the paperweight. Such a Fulcrum
lever is called a lever of the first order.
2. The picture shows how we use an opener to remove
the cap of a sauce bottle. Try to do the same yourself.
To remove the tight-fitting cap, the opener is rested
on the cap and we apply a force on the opposite end
of the opener to pull it upwards. The cap also gets
pulled up as the opener rotates about the fulcrum. Effort
Where are the fulcrum, load and effort in this case ?
12.9 : Removing the lid
3. How do we lift an object using tongs ?
The weight or the load is at one end of the arms Fulcrum Effort
of the tongs. We apply effort in the middle of the
arms. It means the effort is applied in the middle of
the lever, while the fulcrum and the load are at the Load
opposite ends. Effort
There are three types of levers depending upon
the positions of the effort, the fulcrum and the load. 12.10 : Picking up an object

Lever of the first order Lever of the second order Lever of the third order
The fulcrum is in the The load is in the centre, The effort is in the centre,
centre, the load is at one the fulcrum on one side, the fulcrum on one side,
end while the effort is at and the effort, on the other and the load on the other
the other end. side. side.
Load Load
Load Effort

Fulcrum Effort Fulcrum Effort

Use your brain power !

Some machines we use in our

day-to-day life are shown in the
picture. What is the type of lever in
each of these ?

Let’s try this. A pulley

Take a pencil, some sticking tape, an empty reel
of thread, half a metre of thick thread, a weight such
as an eraser that can be tied to the thread, play dough.
Place the pencil on the table so that it juts over the
edge of the table. Fix it firmly to the table using the
sticking tape. Insert the reel over the part of the pencil
that juts out. Put a lump of the play dough on the tip
of the pencil so that the reel does not come off. Draw
the thick thread having the weight at one end over this
reel. What happens when the loose end of the thread
is held and pulled down? The weight tied at the other
end gets lifted up. 12.11 : A pulley in everyday life

Such a device with a grooved wheel and thread

designed to lift weights is called a pulley.
How does it help to use a pulley ?
If we use a pulley, force can be applied in the downward direction for lifting the
weight in an upward direction. This is convenient and easy. You must have seen some
examples of pulleys in day-to-day use. Make a list of these.

Can you tell ? A wheel and axle

1. All of you must have enjoyed sitting on a giant

wheel. What makes the giant wheel go round ?
The giant wheel is fitted to a rod at its centre. This
rod is called an ‘axle’. When the axle starts rotating
with the help of electricity, the wheel fitted to it also
starts rotating. This combination of an axle and a wheel
is a simple machine. We see innumerable examples of
its use.
2. When the pedal of a bicycle is rotated, the wheel
starts rotating. How does this happen ?
12.12 : A giant wheel

Maintenance of machines
Parts of machines rub against one another
when they are used. Soiled, dusty parts create
more friction. Some parts, affected by the
weather, rust and erode. Machines get damaged,
or become useless due to such wear and tear. To
avoid this, it is very important to take care of
During the maintenance of a machine, all its
parts are wiped clean. Oil or lubricant is released
betweem parts that rub against each other, so
that there is less friction between them and the
wearing is reduced. Machines are covered when
not in use to prevent dust settling on them. To
prevent the effect of weather, metallic parts in a
machine are painted externally, and the machines
are always kept dry.
12.13 : Maintenance of machines

Do you know ? Always remember...

Big factories have a separate If machines are not properly maintained

department for the maintenance they will be of no use when we actually
of machines. need them.
Factories are closed at regular, Before we use a machine, we must learn
fixed periods for the maintenance how to handle it properly so that there
of machines. are no accidents.

What we have learnt-

l Machines are used for reducing axle are simple machines.

efforts, and doing more work in less l There are three types of levers based
time. on the positions of effort, load and
l Some machines are simple while fulcrum.
others are complex. l Machines should be maintained
l The wedge, the lever, the inclined properly to keep them in good working
plane, the pulley and the wheel and condition.

Science watch ...

To carry out a task efficiently, sometimes we have to use a trick. The trick can be
effected with a machine. Try to make a useful machine from old, unused, junk material.
l Find an old fountain pen and use it to devise a machine.


1. Classify the following as a lever, (d) What is a lever ? How are the
a pulley and an inclined plane : orders of the lever determined ?
A wedge, a needle, a staircase, a slide,
5. Why is this so ?
the wheel of a flagpole, nutcrackers,
scissors, an opener, an axe, a crane, (a) Traveller’s bags have wheels.
a knife. (b) Machines have to be maintained.
(c) A bicyle is said to be a complex
2. Fill in the blanks using the proper
word and complete the statements.
(a) The ……. in the centre, the ………. 6. Name the levers mentioned in the
on one side and the …… on the other following passage. Identify the
side make a lever of the first order. fulcrum, load and effort of each and
(b) The ….. in the centre, the …….. on say which type of lever it is.
one side and the ……… on the other Ravi and Savita sit on a sea-saw
side make a lever of the second in a garden. In the mean time, a
order. gardener is trimming trees in the
(c) The ………. in the centre, the ……. garden. He puts the leaves and other
on one side and the……..on the garbage in the wheelbarrow. Later,
other side make a lever of the third Ravi gets thirsty and he buys lemon
order. sherbet. The sherbet seller cuts the
lemon and squeezes it using a lemon
3. Which machines will you use to do
squeezer. He puts small pieces of ice
the following work ? Write their
in the glass with the help of the
(a) To remove the lid of a tin.
(b) To lift bricks to the top of a tall Activity :
l Make a list of the various
(c) To cut vegetables.
machines used in your home and
(d) To draw water from a well. neighbourhood and write their
(e) To hold a papad for roasting it. types.
4. Write the answers to the following l Go to a bicycle repair shop,
questions in your own words. observe how a bicycle is repaired,
(a) What is meant by simple and note down the information.
machines ?
(b) Mention the advantages of using lll
a machine.
(c) What is meant by complex
machines ?

13. Sound

Some sounds are depicted in the pictures below.

Can you tell ? Have you heard these sounds ? Put a tick mark (P) in the
box if you have, and cross (Î) if you have not. What words
are used in your locality to denote these sounds? Write them
below the pictures.

13.1 : Examples of various sounds

1. Which sounds do you hear during the recess

in the school ? Some sounds are loud and
2. When there is silence in the classroom, close are heard easily while
your eyes and sit quietly. Which sounds in your some others are very soft
surroundings can you hear now ? and cannot be heard unless
Prepare a common list of all these sounds and we listen attentively. We
discuss them. You will see that there is a lot of like some sounds. On the
diversity in the innumerable sounds that we hear. other hand, we get annoyed
Classify these sounds in two ways - soft/loud and by some other sounds.

How are sounds produced ?

Try this.

1. When a song is being played on a radio or a

music system in the house, place your hand on its
speaker. What do you feel ?
Put off the music. What do you feel now ? 13.2 : Speakers
2. Take a rubber band and stretch it as shown in
the picture. Pluck the stretched band.
Apart from the movement of the rubber band,
what else did you notice ?

13.3 : A stretched rubber band

3. Spread some sawdust or mustard seeds or
sand on the diaphragm of a tabla. Knock on
the diaphragm lightly with a finger.
What do you see happening so long as the
tabla makes a sound? What happens when
the sound stops ?
What do we understand from these
observations ?

13.4 : Tabla
Use your brain power !
The objects that produce sound, that is, the
diaphragm of the speaker, the rubber band, the When a metal dish falls on the
diaphragm of a tabla, show a certain movement. floor, it makes a loud noise.
That is, they have a certain kind of motion. They What do we do to stop the
oscillate rapidly. In other words, they vibrate. noise ? What is the effect of
that action ?
The vibration of an object is necessary
for the production of sound. As long as the
object vibrates, the sound is heard. When the Try this.
vibration stops, the sound also stops. The sounds of a sitar, a bell, water
The object due to which sound is produced that drops from a tap, a saucer that
is called the source of that sound. breaks on falling down - what is it
that vibrates when these sounds are
produced ?
Do you know ?

Acoustics : The science of sound,

resonance, including the production, Voice box / Larynx
propagation and effects of sound is
called acoustics. The intensity of sound
is measured in a unit called decibel (dB).
The vibration of the vocal cords in our
larynx or ‘voice box’ also produces Vocal
sound. The voice box is located in our cords
throat. The quality of the sound produced Voice box /
in the larynx depends upon the tautness Trachaea Larynx
of the vocal cords.
Let’s try this.

Take a pot filled with water.

Strike it lightly on its rim.
What do you see ?
Why are waves formed on the water in the pot ?
13.5 : Vibrations in the water and
How sound is heard production of sound

There is air around a source of sound. As the source of sound begins to vibrate, the
layer of air nearest to the source also vibrates. A wave of vibrations of that sound
spreads in all the directions from the source of sound. Such a wave is called a sound
wave. The sound waves reach our ears. There is a delicate diaphragm or eardrum in the
cavity of our ears. It starts vibrating, too. The sensation produced by these vibrations
are passed on to the brain through the nerves in the ears and we hear the sound.

Propagation of sound
Let’s try this . 1. Take two balloons. Fill air in
one and water in the other. Press
the balloon filled with air against
your ear as shown in the picture.
Rub a finger on the balloon and
listen to the sound.
Repeat the same activity with the
Water Air balloon filled with water.
balloon balloon 13.6 : Propagation of sound Through which balloon do we hear
a clearer sound ?
2. Stand at the end of a big table and make a friend stand at the other end. Ask the
friend to knock lightly on the table. You will hear a faint sound.
Now you press your ear to the table and ask the friend to repeat the knock. What
difference do you notice ?
Sound travels in the form of waves New words
through air, water or through a solid and Propagation of sound
reaches our ears. Sound is propagated more
Sound is said to be propagated
clearly through a liquid than through air. It
when sound waves spread in all
is heard most clearly through a solid. Why
directions from a source of sound.
is this so ?
The medium of propagation
Transmission of sound occurs at a of sound
different speed through different mediums. The substance around a source of
Transmission of sound is faster through sound through which sound waves
a liquid than through a gas, and faster spread is called the medium of
through a solid than through a liquid. propagation of sound.

Use your brain power !
New word
If a bell is hung in a vacuum container, Vacuum means an empty space from
will its sound be heard outside ? where air is partially removed.

Observe and discuss :

1. Which of these sounds is pleasant ?

2. Which sounds are a nuisance to people ?

Noise pollution
A loud sound is harsh to the ear. Such
sounds produce noise.

13.7 : Various sounds

13.8 : A noisy scene

1. Make a list of all the sounds implied in the picture.
2. How would this atmosphere affect a person who is not feeling well ?
3. Would you be able to study in these conditions ?
The situations shown in the two pictures on page 94 are often seen around us. Some
of the sounds they depict are pleasant while others are harsh. Very loud or continuous
noise has adverse effects on the people of that locality. Their hearing may get impaired
which can even lead to deafness. It can also cause restlessness, irritability and mental
exhaustion. One cannot work with concentration. This kind of continuous noise which
may have ill effects is called noise pollution.

Noise pollution
Measures for preventing noise pollution
occurs when we
hear one or many 1. As far as possible, we should avoid blowing the horn.
sounds harmful 2. The volume of the TV or radio in the house should be
to the ear. restricted to those watching the programmes.
3. Vehicles should be maintained properly to reduce the
unnecessary sounds they produce.
4. Factories, airports, railway stations and bus stands should
be located at the proper distance, away from residential

Believe it or not !
Always remember... Birds like the robin and the woodcock can recognize the
sound of an earthworm in the soil, and find their prey.
This is because their hearing organs are very sensitive.
Some of the sounds Some species of grasshopper produce a sound by
that we enjoy can be a rubbing their legs together while flying in the air.
nuisance for others.
The flapping of the wings of the bee or the mosquito
produces a humming sound . Have you heard
such sounds ?

What we have learnt-

l Vibrations are required for the l Heavy traffic and industrial areas
production of sound. cause the maximum noise pollution.
l A medium is required for the l Noise pollution is a social problem.
propagation of sound. l It is necessary that everybody takes
l Sound is propagated through gaseous, measures to prevent noise pollution.
liquid and solid mediums. l Blowing the horns of vehicles is
l Noise is disagreeable, irregular and prohibited near places like schools and
loud. hospitals. These rules should always
l Noise pollution occurs due to be followed.
continuous noise. Noise pollution has
adverse effects on our health.


1. Fill in the blanks with the proper 4. Complete the table.

(a) The propagation of sound does not Nature of sound Unpleasant Pleasant
occur through a ……….. . Speaking
(b) Noise pollution is a ………. issue. Whispering
(c) The sound which is disagreeable to
Aeroplane sounds
the ears is called….. .
Horns of Vehicles
(d) Noise has adverse effects on
our .......... . Railway Engine
Rustling of leaves
2. What should we do ?
Neighing of a
(a) The silencer of a motorcycle is horse
Ticking of a clock
(b) A factory in the surroundings is
producing continuous loud noise. Project :

3. Write the answers in your own words. l Prepare a list of the harsh sounds
heard near your house. Write
(a) What is meant by vibration ? about those sounds which
(b) Explain with the help of practical produce noise pollution.
examples how sound is propagated l Collect information about places
through solids. where loud noise is prohibited
(c) What is meant by noise pollution? and discuss why it is so.
(d) What measures will you take to
control noise pollution ?

14. Light and the Formation of Shadows

Can you tell ?

1. Can we see anything in total darkness ?
2. What helps us to see the objects around us ?
3. What does the light in each one of the pictures
originate from ?

The objects or materials which emit light,

meaning those which themselves are a source of
light, are called luminous objects or materials.
The intensity of light is determined by the extent to
which the objects emit light. For example, the light
14.1 : Sources of light
emitted by an electric torch is more intense than
that obtained from a candle.
Use your brain power !
The objects or materials that are not sources of
light themselves, are called non-luminous objects
or materials. Make a list of some luminous
Some man-made objects or materials also emit objects and substances and
light. These are called artificial sources of light. classify them into natural and
artificial sources of light.
The Sun is the main natural source of light.
Other stars seen in the night sky, fireflies, some
anglerfish as well as honey mushroom are natural
sources of light.

The propagation of light

You may have seen in the afternoon, rays of
light entering through a slit in a door or a small hole
in the roof. As these rays of light from the slit or the
hole move towards the floor, the dust particles in
their way are seen clearly. Due to these particles,
the path of the light becomes visible and we can
see that their path is along straight lines.

14.2 Light entering

Let’s try this. through a window

Take three cardboards. Make a small hole in the centre of each cardboard using a thick
needle. Arrange the cardboards in such a way that the three holes are in the same line, as
shown in figure 14.3 on page 98. Stand a burning candle on one side of the cardboards
and look at the flame of the candle from the other side.
Step 1 Step 2
Look at the flame of the candle Now move any one of the cardboards.

Do you see the flame ? Why do you not see the flame ?
14.3 How light travels

Take a straight tube that can be bent easily. As shown in the

figure, place a burning candle on a stand, and look at it through
Let’s try this.
the tube. Then bend the tube and look at the candle again.
What do you see ?

Use your brain

power !
In which step is the
flame of the candle seen
Step 1 Step 2 clearly ? Why ?
14.4 : Looking at the candle

Light travels in a straight line. This is called the linear propagation of light.

Reflection of light Source of light

How do we see an object ?
The rays of light falling on an
object from a source of light are thrown
back from the surface of that object. This
is called reflection of light. We see the
object when the reflected rays reach our

Do you know ?
Stars are luminous. Planets, satellites are
non-luminous. Sunlight reflected from the surface
of the moon reaches us. That is how we can see
the moon. We call this light moonlight. 14.5 : How an object is seen

1. In which objects
Can you tell ? do we see a reflection?
2. What is the difference between an object and
its reflection ? What causes the difference ?
Let us see how light is reflected from the
three surfaces shown alongside.
When you see your face in a mirror, the light reflected
from your face falls on the mirror, and gets reflected back
again. That is why you see the image in the mirror.
Do you see your image in a glass pane ? You do,
although it is somewhat faint. No image will be seen at
all on a wooden surface.
14.6 : An image
You may have seen your image formed in surfaces such
as a new steel dish, the glossy granite cladding of a wall
and the still water in a lake. Make a list of other similar
surfaces. Compare the images seen in them. Make a guess
about the property of a surface due to which an image is
formed. Discuss this with your teachers and parents.

Images in a plane mirror

Let’s try this. Stand in front of a plane mirror and look at your image in it.
1. Raise your right hand. Which hand of the mirror image
is raised ?
2. What change do you see in the image if you decrease or
increase your distance from the mirror ?
3. Is there any difference between your height and height
of the mirror image ?

l The left and right sides of the original object appear

to be exchanged in the mirror image.
l The image is as far behind the mirror as the object
is in front of it.
l The size of the image is the same as that of the

Use your brain power !

1. How will you light up a dark room using

reflected light?
2. Try to start the TV by operating the remote
14.7 : The image in a plane mirror control from behind it.
A pinhole camera
Try this. Take an empty cylindrical box. Remove its cap on one side and
paste a thin white paper in its place. Make a small hole at the centre
of the other cap. Light a candle and hold the box in such a way that the flame of the candle
is in front of the hole. Now you will see an upside down or inverted image of the flame on
the thin paper at the other end.
Thin Inverted
paper image Cap Use your
brain power!
Why is the image
Candle on the diaphragm of
the pinhole camera
14.8 : Pinhole camera inverted ?

Can you tell ? 1. What difference do you notice on looking through the
windows in the picture ? What causes the difference ?
2. The picture shows transparent, opaque, translucent window panes. Spot them.
Depending on the nature of the
window pane, we may or may not see
the objects on the other side through it.
Identify the transparent, opaque
and translucent objects from among the
following : piece of a glass, wax paper,
tinted glass, oil paper, white plastic, a
tea kettle, a notebook, cloth, water, a
wooden cupboard, sheet of a notebook.
14.9 : Window

l The material through which light passes is said to be transparent.

l The material through which light does not pass is said to be opaque.
l The material through which light passes partially is said to be translucent.

Formation of shadow

Let’s try this.

Take an electric torch. Flash its light
on a wall. Now make your friend stand
in between the torch and the wall.
What happens ? 14.10 : Formation of a shadow
If an opaque object comes in the way of a light source, light does not pass through it.
As a result, the light does not reach a wall or any other surface on the other side of the
object. That part remains dark. This dark part is called the ‘shadow of the object’.

Compare this.
Compare the objects in your environment with the shadows they form.

Ask your friend to stand at a certain distance from you in a

Try this. big room and obtain the shadow of your friend on the wall with the
help of a torch. Now carry out the following actions. Observe and
make a note of the changes taking place in the shadow.

1. Send the friend closer to the wall.

2. Ask the friend to come towards you.
3. Next, you move further away from him
and towards him again.
4. Hold the torch high and then low.
5. Go toward the left and then to the right
of the friend.

The shadow of an object is formed only when light does not pass through the
object. The kind of shadow it forms depends upon the relative distances between the
source of light, the object and the surface or the screen on which the shadow is formed.
The shadow of an object formed due to sunlight is long in the mornings and
evenings and short in the afternoon. We can easily note these changes if we observe
the trees along the roadside. This change in the shadow depends on the source of light,
the object and also on the surface on which the shadow is formed.

Do you know ?

A sundial : A sundial is an The research work presented by

instrument that indicates the time with the Indian scientist Sir C. V. Raman
the help of the extent and the direction regarding scattering of light is known
of the shadow of an object formed in as the ‘Raman Effect’. He discovered
sunlight. Earlier, time was measured this effect on 28th February 1928. To
by placing a stick parallel to the axis commemorate
of the earth and by noting the position this event,
of its shadow on the dial at different 28th February
times of the day. The largest sundial is celebrated
is at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi. as ‘National
Science Day’
since 1987 in

A little fun !
Use your hands and feet to make
different shadow shapes of birds, animals,

Let’s try this .

1. Apparatus : A glass, water, a large white sheet of
Place a glass filled with water on a sheet of paper in the
window so that it receives direct sunlight. What is seen on
the paper ?
Can we do the same in a dark room with the help of a
prism and a torch ? What do we learn from this ?
2. Apparatus – Soap water, a small loop of wire.
If you dip the wire loop in the soap water and then blow
on it, soap bubbles are formed. The beautiful colours of the
rainbow are seen in these bubbles.
3. What do you see on holding a CD in the sun ?

In the past ...
The British scientist Sir Isaac Always remember...
Newton made a special disc.
One side of the disc was divided The shape of a shadow
equally into seven petals of depends upon the source
the seven colors - red, orange, of light, the object and
yellow, green, blue, indigo and the surface on which it is
violet. The disc was fitted on a formed. We should not get
stand and rotated fast. As the frightened by the shadows
disc rotated, the seven colours we see at night because
disappeared and only white was seen. This proved there is simple science
that sunlight is made of seven colors. That is why, behind that.
the disc is known as Newton’s disc.
Newton wrote a book called ‘Opticks’ about light.

What we have learnt-

l A substance that emits light is a source of light.

l The natural sources of light are the sun, the stars, fireflies, etc. The lantern, the
flame of a candle, an electric bulb, etc. are artificial sources of light.
l Light is propagated in a straight line.
l Light must be reflected from the surface of an object for the object to be seen.
l If an opaque object obstructs the path of light, it casts a shadow.
l White sunlight contains seven colours.

Science watch ...

Many questions arise in our mind while studying science; some easy, some
difficult. Where can we find the answers to them?
Do not keep the questions to yourself. Keep asking those questions and look for
the answers. The store of knowledge is enormous. Glean as many particles of it as
you can.
Did you ever wonder :
l Why do we pucker our lips when blowing a candle out ?
When we pucker our lips, we leave only a small space for the air to come out.
That increases the pressure on the air and it helps to put out the candle.


1. Choose an appropriate word and fill 3. Match the following.

in the blanks. Group A Group B
(a) A ........... is a natural source of (a) Mirror (1) Non-luminous
light. (b) Firefly (2) Inverted image
(b) A ……… is an artificial source of (c) Pinhole camera (3) Reflection
light. (d) Moon (4) Luminous
(c) When light passes through a prism,
it gets separated into ....... colours.
(d) The image obtained in the 4. Write the answers to the following.
pinhole camera is ……… . (a) What things are necessary for the
(e) A shadow is formed when an formation of a shadow ?
……….. object comes in the way (b) When can an object be seen ?
of light. (c) What is a shadow ?
(f) When a ……….. object comes
in the way of light, light passes
Project :
...…... it.
(options : seven, star, through, l Prepare a Newton’s disc.
transparent, opaque, colors, shape, l Find out how to save electricity
erect, inverted, luminous, candle) with the help of the sunlight we
receive during the day.
2. Write whether of the following l Read a biography of Sir C. V.
objects are luminous or Raman and find out about the
non-luminous. discoveries he made.

Object Luminous/
A book
A burning candle
A wax cloth
A pencil
A pen
A light bulb
A tyre
A torch

15. Fun with Magnets

Can you tell ?

1. Pins in a pin holder do not fall even when it is

held upside down. Why is this so ?
2. While we are shutting the door of a fridge, we
find that it closes automatically from a certain distance
and does not open unless pulled again. Why is this so?
A magnet is used in these gadgets. A magnet is
fitted in the cap of a pin holder and in the door of a
fridge. Iron objects stick to a magnet.

What is a magnet ?
15.1 : A pinholder and a fridge
The material to which objects made from iron, nickel,
cobalt, etc. get attracted is called a ‘magnet’. This
property of a material is called ‘magnetism’.

Let’s try this.

1. Take a magnet from the laboratory and bring it

near various objects in your use. Which of them stick to
the magnet ? What material is each of them made of ?
Observe these things carefully. Classify the objects into
15.2 : A magnet
two groups : those which stick to the magnet and those
which do not.
2. Take a mixture of sand, pieces of paper, sawdust,
iron filings and pins in a saucer and pass a magnet
around the mixture. What do you see ? The materials that stick
to a magnet are called
magnetic materials,
15.3 : To identify the
magnetic materials while those that do not
we use stick to a magnet are
called non-magnetic
materials. The metals
iron, cobalt, nickel are
magnetic materials.
In the past...
There is a legend about the discovery of
magnets. It is said that a shepherd named Magnes
lived in Greece. Once, while his sheep were
grazing, he sat down on a big rock. But, what a
surprise he got when he tried to get up ! His staff
and his shoes were stuck to the rock. He had to
use great force to pull himself away from the
He realized that what had happened was 15.4 : The story of Magnes
because of the iron ferrule on his staff and the iron nails in his shoes. However, other
rocks did not stick to his shoes or staff. Later, he showed the rock to everybody.
The rock was named magnetite after Magnes, the shepherd. Magnetite is a natural
magnet. It is also possible that the name ‘magnet’ came from Magnesia, the part of
Greece where magnets were discoverd.

Find out. How is a mariner’s compass used ?

It was known quite long ago to the people in China and Europe that a piece
of magnetite, hung freely, always settled in the north-south direction. These rocks
then came to be used for finding the directions while travelling through unknown
regions. That is why, they are also called lodestones (leading stones). This led to
the invention of the mariner’s compass.
Magnets can have a variety of shapes depending upon their uses. Today, magnets
are used in many machines and gadgets or devices. They are all man-made magnets.
Find out where the magnets shown in the pictures below are used.
Bar magnets, disc magnets, horseshoe magnets, ring-shaped magnets, cylindrical
magnets as also small button magnets are the different shapes of magnets in
everyday use.

15.5 : Various man-made magnets

When a magnet attracts an object, that object is displaced due to the magnetic force.
In places like factories, ports, garbage depots, large objects are shifted from place to place.
For this purpose, cranes with magnets are used. Work is done by magnetic force. This
shows that magnetism is a kind of energy.
Characteristics of a magnet

Let’s try this.

1. Determine the directions in the class or
laboratory. Tie a thread to the centre of a bar magnet
and hang it from a stand. Note the direction in which
the magnet settles and turn it around again. Let it settle
and note the direction. Do this many times. 15.6 : Direction in which the
magnet settles
What do you observe ?

A magnet always settles in the north-south direction.

The end of a magnet that points to the north is called

the north pole while the end that points to the south is
called the south pole. The north pole is indicated by
‘N’ and the south pole, by ‘S’.
2. Place some iron filings on a sheet of paper and
pass a bar magnet over them. Pick up the bar magnet
15.7 : Magnetic power
by holding it in the centre. What do you see ?
To which part of the magnet do most of the iron
filings stick ? On which part do we see fewer filings ?
What can we conclude from this ?

The magnetic force is concentrated at the two

ends or poles of a magnet.
3. Take a bar magnet that can be cut with scissors
or a knife. Take iron filings on a sheet of paper and
place the magnet on it. Most of the iron filings will be 15.8 : Characteristics of
seen to stick to its poles. magnetic poles
Now cut the magnet into two pieces as shown in
the picture and place those pieces on iron filings. Pick
up each of the pieces and observe them.
What do you find ?
If a magnet is divided into two parts,
two independent magnets are formed.
It means that the two poles of a magnet
cannot be separated from each other. 15.9 : More magnets from one
4. Fix a powerful bar magnet to a stand as
shown in the figure. Fix an iron bar at a short
distance below the magnet. Take iron filings
near the iron bar. What do you see ?
After some time take the magnet away.
What happens now ?
Iron filings stick to the iron bar when the
magnet is near it and fall off as soon as the
15.10 : Induced magnetism
magnet is taken away. That is, the magnetism
in the bar vanishes.
A magnetic material acquires magnetism
when placed near a magnet. This
magnetism is called induced magnetism.

5. Fix a bar magnet to a stand as shown in

the figure. Let it become steady. Take another
bar magnet near the hanging bar magnet.
Observe what happens. Do the same again and
again, exchanging the ends of the magnet. What
do you see ?
There is repulsion between like poles
of a magnet, while there is attraction
between the opposite poles. 15.11 : Attraction and repulsion in magnets

6. Take a needle or nail. Place it steady on

a table. Keep on rubbing a magnet over it from
one end to the other. Do this 7-8 times. Now take
a few pins near that needle/nail. What is seen ?
In this way, magnetic objects acquire
magnetism. Magnetism of this kind is temporary.
It lasts for a short while.
15.12 : Artificial magnet

A little fun !

Make an electromagnet
Apparatus : An iron nail of about 10 cm length
and a 1-metre long insulated copper wire, a battery
cell, pins or other magnetic objects.
Wind the copper wire around the nail as shown
in the figure. Join both the ends of the wire to the
15.13 : Electromagnet
cell. Now take the pins near the head of the nail.
What do you see ?
During the above activity
we saw that the pins stick
to the nail. Now stop the
electric current and see what
happens. The pins sticking
to the nail fall off. Why does
that happen ? Magnetism is
produced in the nail due to
the electric current. When
it is put off, the magnetism
vanishes. Such a magnet is
called an electromagnet.
This magnetism is temporary.
Electromagnetism is
used in many places in our
day-to-day life.
15.14 : Use of electromagnet
For example, it is used in instruments
such as a door bell and a crane.
On the other hand, the magnets fixed
to a pin holder or the door of a cupboard
are permanent magnets. Permanent
magnets are made from a mixture of
nickel, cobalt and iron. For example, the
material alnico is a mixture of aluminium,
nickel and cobalt.

In the past... 15.15 : Maglev train

The British scientist Michael The properties of

Faraday developed the technique of electromagnetism and repulsion
producing electricity with the help of a between magnets are used in a
magnet. maglev train. Due to the repulsion
between the train and the rail the
Michael Faraday was born in a
force of friction does not come
poor family. As a young boy, he had
into play and the train slides over
to work with a book seller. There, he
the rails with great speed. The
read many books and developed an
magnets fixed on the two sides of
interest in science. Later, he went on to
the train help it to move forward.
do research at the Royal Institution in
London. It is due to Faraday’s research To see how the maglev train
that today we can use electricity works, visit www.youtube.com
and electromagnetism in innumerable type maglev train, and click.
instruments in our day-to-day life.

Do you know ?

There is a strip of magnetic material in ATM

cards, credit cards, etc. where necessary information
about the user is stored.
Magnetic materials are also used to store data
in the hard disk of a computer, an audio or video
tape, etc.

How is magnetism destroyed ?

Magnetism gets destroyed when a magnet r
is heated, thrown, knocked about or broken ke
into pieces. Therefore, it is important to store ag
magnets carefully. A piece of soft iron is placed M
in the box in which a magnet is kept. The bar of
soft or pure iron protects a magnet, therefore,
such a bar is called a magnet keeper.

15.16 : Guarding a magnet

Always remember... What we have learnt-

Various scientific discoveries,
the knowledge we gain through them, l Iron, nickel, cobalt are magnetic
the various instruments or gadgets we metals.
develop with its help are all useful l Magnets settle along the north-south
for the progress of man. They must direction when suspended freely.
be used for the good of mankind. l Magnetism is concentrated near the
We have to take precautions
l The poles of a magnet cannot be
while working with electricity or with
important devices. We must use them
l Electromagnetic energy is used in our
under the guidance of our elders.
day-to-day life.

Science watch ...

Scientists have made many discoveries and inventions on which our life depends
today. Can I become a scientist too ? How should I prepare to become a scientist ?
Read stories of scientific discoveries and inventions. Try out various activities
and different ways of doing them. Ponder over your experiences.


1. How will you do this ? (d) When magnetic material is taken

(a) Determine whether a material is close to a magnet, the material
magnetic or non-magnetic. acquires …………… .
(permanent magnetism, induced
(b) Explain that a magnet has a certain magnetism)
magnetic field.
(e) If a magnet attracts a piece of
(c) Find the north pole of a magnet.
metal, that piece must be made of
............. .
2. Which magnet will you use ?
(any other metal but iron, magnetic
(a) Iron is to be separated from trash.
material or iron, non-magnetic
(b) You are lost in a forest. material)
(c) A window shutter opens and shuts (f) A magnet remains steady in a
continuously in the wind. ………….. direction.
(east-west, north-south)
3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate
word. 4. Write the answers in your words.
(a) If a bar magnet is hung by a thread (a) How is an electromagnet made ?
tied at its centre, its north pole (b) Write the properties of a magnet.
becomes steady in the direction of
(c) What are the practical uses of a
the ……………. Pole of the earth.
magnet ?
(South, north, east, west)
(b) If a bar magnet is cut into equal Activity :
pieces by cutting it at right angles l Collect information regarding
to its axis at two places, ........... bar how the various magnets used
magnets are formed, and a total of in our day-to-day tasks are
................ poles are formed. produced.
l Collect information about the
(c) There is repulsion between the magnetism of the earth.
………. poles of a magnet, and
attraction between its …………
poles. lll
(opposite, like.)

16. The Universe

Observe and discuss.

Make use of a telescope to observe
the sky on a clear night without clouds.
(Suggestion for teachers – Arrange
such an observation session for all the
students of the class. Carry with you some
books on astronomy to consult during the

16.1: Observation of the sky

If you observe the clear sky on a dark night,

१६.१ ः आकाश निरीक्षण Location of
you will see a smoky white band full of stars the sun
spreading north-south in the sky. This is the
Milky Way. It is also known as ‘Mandakini’.
A group of innumerable stars and their
planetary systems are together known as a
‘galaxy’. The Milky Way is the galaxy in
which our solar system is located. The Milky
Way is a part of the ‘Local Group’ of galaxies.
There are many such galaxies in the universe. 16.2 : The Milky Way
The Milky Way includes many stars smaller
than our Sun as well as many others that are
thousands of times bigger than the Sun. It
also includes many other celestial bodies such
as clusters of stars, nebulae, clouds of gases,
clouds of dust, dead stars, newly born stars, etc.
The galaxy that is closest to our Milky Way is
called Andromeda.
The universe includes innumerable galaxies,
the space between them and also energy. 16.3 : The Andromeda galaxy
Types of galaxies : Various types identified according to their shapes

Spiral Elliptical Barred spiral Irregular

16.4 : Various galaxies
The scientist Edwin Hubble showed that there exist
many galaxies beyond our Milky Way. In 1990, NASA,
the American space agency launched the ‘Hubble
Telescope’ in the orbit of the earth. The Hubble telescope
has made it easier to look for stars, to take photographs
and to obtain spectrums.
Stars 16.5 : Hubble Telescope
The thousands of twinkling stars that we observe
in the clear night sky are part of our Milky Way. Some
of the stars that we see are bright whereas others are
faint. Stars radiating different colours such as blue,
white, yellow and reddish can be seen in the sky. We
also see stars with varying brightness (luminance). The
birth place of stars are the huge nebulae, made of dust
particles and gases. Generally, the surface temperature
of stars ranges from 3500°C to 50000°C. The colour of
stars changes according to their temperature.
16.6 : A nebula
Some types of stars
l Sun-like stars : These stars can be slightly smaller or bigger than the sun. But there is a lot
of difference in their temperatures. Examples : stars like Sirius, Alpha Centauri.
l Red Giants : The temperature of these stars ranges between 3000°C and 4000°C. But their
luminance can be 100 times that of the sun. Their diameter is 10 to 100 times that of the sun
and they are red in colour.
l Super Nova : These are even brighter and larger than the red giant stars. Their temperature
is between 3000°C to 4000°C but their diameter can be more than a hundred times greater
than that of the Sun.
l Binary or Twin Stars : More than half of the stars in sky are binary stars. They consist of
two stars that revolve around each other. At times, three or four stars that revolve around
each other have also been located.
l Variable Stars : The luminance and shape of these stars is not stable. They are constantly
contracting or expanding. When a star expands, it emits less energy and at such times its
brightness decreases. As against this, when a star contracts, its surface temperature increases
and the star emits greater energy and appears brighter. For example, Polaris (Pole Star).

Find out.
Visit the sites of the institutes ISRO (www.isro.gov) and NASA (www.nasa.
gov) and collect information about the various celestial bodies in the solar
system and universe, and discuss the same in the class.

Can you tell ? The Mercury, Venus,

1. Which celestial bodies form the solar system ? Earth and Mars are the
inner planets whereas the
2. What is the difference between stars and planets ?
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
3. How many planets are there in our solar system ? Neptune are outer planets.
4. What is to be found between Mars and Jupiter ? Outer planets have rings
The solar system around them. The crust
The solar system consists of the sun, the planets, of all the inner planets is
asteroids, comets and meteors. The planets Mercury, Venus, hard. The outer planets
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn can be easily seen. have gaseous outer cover.

The sun
The sun which is at the centre of the solar system is a
yellow coloured star. Its surface temperature is around
6000°C. The size of the sun is so huge that around 13 lakh
planets of the size of the earth can be easily placed within
it. Due to the gravitational force of the sun, the celestial
bodies in the solar system revolve around it. The diameter
of the sun is approximately 13,92,000 km. The sun rotates
around its axis and while doing so, it revolves around the
centre of the Milky Way taking the solar system along The sun
with it.
Planets of the solary system - facts and figures
Name of Number Inclination Period of Period of Magnetism Atmosphere Rings
the of known of the axis rotation* revolution*
planet satellites (in
Mercury 0 0.01 58.65 days 88 days No No None

Venus 0 177.2 243.00 days 225 days No Yes None

Earth 1 23.5 24 hours 1 year Yes Yes None

(365 days)
Mars 2 25.2 24 hrs 37 mn 1.88 years No Yes None
Jupiter 64 3.1 9 hrs 56 mn 11.87 years Yes Yes Yes
Saturn 33 26.7 10 hrs 40 mn 29 years Yes Yes Yes
Uranus 27 97.9 17 hrs 24 mn 84 years Yes Yes Yes
Neptune 13 28.8 16 hrs 11 mn 164 years Yes Yes Yes

Mercury : This planet Venus : It is the
is closest to the sun. It brightest planet in
is visible in the the solar system. It
morning and the is seen in the sky
evening if it is away in the east before
from the sun. A the sunrise and in
number of depressions, which look like the west after the
volcanic craters, but are actually caused sunset. It rotates around itself from
by meteoric falls can be seen on the surface east to west. It is the hottest planet.
of Mercury. Mercury is the fastest moving

Earth : It is the Mars : It is the

third planet of the fourth planet in the
solar system. No solar system. As
other planet other the soil on Mars
than the earth has contains iron, its
life on it. As the colour is reddish.
earth is a magnet, Hence Mars is also
there is a magnetic field around the earth. called the Red Planet. The highest and
It diverts the harmful rays from the sun longest mountain in the solar system
towards the polar regions of the earth. ‘Olympus Mons’ is located on Mars.

Jupiter : This is the Saturn : It is the sixth

largest planet of the planet of the solar
solar system. It is so system and next only
huge that as many as to Jupiter in size. It
1397 planets of the is considered to be
size of the earth can a peculiar planet
because of the rings
get accommodated in around it. Though its mass is 95 times
it. Even though the planet is so huge, it that of the earth, its density is very low.
revolves around itself with a great speed. If it were dropped into a sea large enough
As huge storms occur frequently on it, it to hold it; it would actually float in it!
is also called the ‘Stormy Planet’.
Uranus : It is the Neptune : It is the
seventh planet eighth planet in
in the solar the solar system. A
system. It cannot season on Neptune
be seen without lasts for about 41
a telescope. Its
axis is so greatly years. On this
inclined that it planet winds blow
appears as if it is with extremely high speed.
rolling along on its orbit.
* The periods of rotation and revolution of the planets are expressed relative to those periods on
the earth (Page 114).
Satellite : The celestial bodies that revolve around a planet
without independently revolving around the sun are called
satellites. Like planets, satellites rotate around their respective
axes. The Moon is the satellite of the earth. It does not have
an atmosphere. Its periods of rotation and revolution are both
of 27.3 days. Except for Mercury and Venus all other planets
have satellites but in varying numbers. Satellite
Asteroid : A great number of small Dwarf planet : A small sized celestial
sized bodies could not turn into planets body that revolves independently around
when the solar system was formed, but the sun is called a dwarf planet. A celestial
continued to revolve around the sun. body like Pluto can
These bodies are be classified as a
dwarf planet. Pluto
known as asteroids.
takes around 248
A belt of such years to complete
celestial bodies has its revolution around
formed between the the sun whereas it
planets Mars and Asteroid takes around 6.38 Dwarf planet
Jupiter. days for one rotation.

Use your brain power !

Find out.
1. Why do we see only one side of Obtain information about the various
the moon? asteroids and dwarf planets in the solar
2. Which planet has a day longer system and discuss it in the class.
than its year?

Can you tell ? Have you ever seen in the evening or in the predawn hours
a large celestial body with a long tail? What is it called?
A comet
A comet is a celestial body that revolves around the
sun. Comets are formed out of ice and dust particles. Comets are classified
They are part of the solar system. Since olden times, in two main groups.
the appearance of a comet has been considered to be an
inauspicious event. Comets appear like points when they Long period comets :
are far away from the sun. But when they are close to These comets take
the sun, they become easily visible to us because of the more than 200 years to
shorter distance and the heat of the sun. complete one revolution
Comets are made up of frozen matter and dust around the sun.
particles. When they are close to the sun, this frozen Short period comets :
matter gets converted into gas due to the solar heat. These comets take
These gases get thrown in a direction away from the less than 200 years to
sun. As a result, certain comets appear to have a long
complete one revolution
feathery tail. Due to their long elliptical orbits, their
appearance in the sky is very rare. They reappear in around the sun.
the sky after very long periods of time.
Do you know this?

Halley’s comet appeared in the year

1910 and reappeared in 1986. Its central
part or nucleus was found to be 16 km
long and 7.5 km wide. Halley’s comet
takes 76 years to complete its revolution
around the sun.
Halley’s comet

A bit of fun ! In the past ...

Fred Whipple, an
Material required - a table fan, a bangle, a piece of light
American astronomer,
cloth, twinned string and thread.
proposed that comets
As shown in the picture, consist of an icy cluster
sew the cloth around the
of various constituents.
bangle. Take a string as
That is why, comets
long as the length of the
cloth and tie it to the came to be called ‘dirty
bangle. Now hold the snowballs’. By 1950,
bangle in front of the fan Whipple had discovered
and put on the fan. six comets.

A meteor
At times, we see a falling star. This event is called a meteor fall. Mostly these
meteors are rocky pieces originating from the asteroid belt. Smaller rocky pieces get
completely burnt due to friction with air after they enter the earth’s atmosphere.
Sometimes the meteors do not burn completely and fall to the surface of the earth. These
are called meteorites. It is believed that the Lonar lake in Maharashtra has been formed
by the impact of such a meteorite. Meteors or meteorite falls occur on other celestial
bodies, too.

Always remember... What we have learnt-

Science tries to explain l There are innumerable galaxies in the universe. Our solar
system, various star clusters are part of the Milky Way.
different events occurring
l Various types of stars like the sun can be seen in
in the universe. We should
the Milky Way.
study phenomena like meteor l Different planets in the solar system have peculiar
falls, eclipses, etc. rather characteristics. Some planets have satellites whereas
then attach any blind faith or others do not have any.
superstition with them. l Comets have a characteristic structure but their
appearance keeps on changing.

1. Name these - 4. Answer the following.
(a) Birth place of stars (a) What is a special characteristic of
(b) Biggest planet in the solar system the planet Mars ?
(c) The galaxy which is our neighbour. (b) What are the types of galaxies ?
(d) Brightest planet in the solar system (c) Which celestial bodies does a
(e) Planet with largest number of galaxy include ?
satellites (d) Name the different types of stars.
(f) Planets without a single satellite (e) What are the types of comets and
(g) Planet with a rotation different on what basis are they classified ?
from other planets. (f) What is the difference between
(h) A celestial body that carries a tail meteors and meteorites ?
along. (g) What are the characteristics of the
2. Fill in the blanks. planet Neptune ?
(a) The group of galaxies of which our 5. Match the following.
Milky Way is a part is called Group A Group B
............. . (1) Galaxy (a) From east to west
(b) Comets are made of ............. . (2) Comet (b) 33 satellites
(c) The planet ............. appears as if it (3) Sun-like star (c) Spiral
is rolling along its orbit.
(4) Saturn (d) Sirius
(d) ............. is a stormy planet.
(5) Venus (e) Halley
(e) The Pole Star is the best example
of a ............. type of star. Activity :
3. Say if the statements given below are l Using the material you can find in
right or wrong. Rewrite the statements your house, prepare a model of the
after correcting them. solar system.
(a) Venus is the planet closest to the l Collect information about different

sun. aspects of each planet such as its

(b) Mercury is called a stormy planet. distance from the sun, its diameter,
its volume, etc. and present it in a
(c) Jupiter is the biggest planet. science exhibition.

amphibian - उभयचर excretion - उतसजषिन

annual - वार्षिक fat, fatty subtance - द्सनगध पदा्षि
appendicular skeleton - उपांग सांगाडा fibrous - तंतुमय
aquatic - जलचर first aid - प्र्मोपचार
asteroids - लघुग्रह fluidity - प्रवारहता
autotrophic - सवयंपो्ी food adulteration - अन्नभेसळ
axial skeleton - अक्ीय सांगाडा force - बल
balanced diet - संतुरलत आहार freezing point - गोिणांक (गोिणरबंदू)
ball and socket joint - उखळीचा सांधा frictional force - घ्षिण बल
bar magnet - पट्ी चुंबक fulcrum - टेकू
biennial - द्विवार्षिक funnel - नसराळे
blood vessel - रक्तवारहनी galaxy - दीरघषिका
boiling - उतकलन gravitational force - गुरुतवाक्षिण बल
boiling point - उतकलनांक groundwater - भूजल
brittleness - रिसूळपणा hardness - किीणपणा
cartilage - कूचाषि heterotrophic - परपो्ी
cellular structure - पेशीमय रचना hinge joint - रबजागरीचा सांधा
chemical energy - रासायरनक ऊजाषि horseshoe magnet - नालाकृती चुंबक
circular motion - वतुषिळाकार गती humus - कुर्त मृदा
comet - धूमकेतू immovable joint - अचल सांधा
complex machine - गुंतागुंतीचे यंत्र inclined plane - उतरण
compound leaf - संयुक्त पान inert gas - रनरक्रिय वायू
condensation - संघनन insectivorous - कीटकभक्ी
conventional resource of energy - पारंपररक invertebrate - अपृष्ठवंशीय
ऊजाषि साधन joint - सांधा
deficiency diseases - अभावजनय आजार kinetic energy - गरतज ऊजाषि
density - घनता lever - तरफ
dermis - तवचा lifespan - आयुमाषिन
disaster - आपतती linear motion - रे्ीय गती
displacement - रवस्ापन load - भार
ductility - तनयता lustre - चकाकी
elasticity - द्स्रतस्ापकता magnetic field - चंुबकीय क्ेत्र
electric energy - रवद्ुत ऊजाषि magnetic force - चंुबकीय बल
electrical conductivity - रवद्ुतवाहकता magnetic substance - चुंबकीय पदा्षि
electrostatic force - द्स्रतक रवद्ुत बल magnetism - चुंबकतव
epidermis - बाह्यतवचा malleability - वधषिनीयता

malnutrition - कुपो्ण sensory organ - ज्ानेंररिय
mechanical energy - यांरत्रक ऊजाषि shadow formation - छिायारनरमषिती
melting - रवलयन simple machine - साधे यंत्र
melting point - रवलयरबंदू Sirius - वयाध तारा
meteor - उलका skeletal system - अद्स्संस्ा
meteorite - अशनी skull - कवटी
Milky Way, the - आकाशगंगा solubility - रवरिावयता
minerals - खरनजे states of substances - पदा्ाां्या अवस्ा
motion - गती sterile - रनजांतुक
movable joint - चल सांधा sternum - उरोद्स्
multicellular - बहुपेशीय sublimation - संप्लवन
natural substance - नैसरगषिक पदा्षि sunstroke - उक्माघात
nebula - तेजोमेघ taproot - सोटमूळ
non-conventional energy resource- terrestrial - भूचर
अपारंपररक ऊजाषि साधन thermal conductivity - उक्णतावाहकता
nutrients - पो्कतत्वे transparency - पारदशषिकता
oscillatory motion - आंदोरलत गती unicellular - एकपेशीय
oviparous - अंडज uniform motion - एकसमान गती
perennial - बहुवार्षिक universal solvent - वैद््वक रवरिावक
periodic motion - रनयतकारलक गती vacuum - रनवाषित
Pole Star - ध्ुव तारा variable star - रूपरवकारी तारा
potential energy - द्स्रतज ऊजाषि vertebral column - पािीचा कणा
prism - लोलक vertebrate - पृष्ठवंशीय
propagation of sound - धवरनप्रसारण vibration - कंपन
proteins - प्रर्ने viviparous - जरायुज
pulley - कपपी vocal cord - धवरनतंतू
random motion - यादृद््छिक गती volume - आकारमान
reflection of light - प्रकाशाचे परावतषिन weathering - अपक्य
reproduction - पुनरुतपादन/प्रजनन wedge - पाचर
satellite - उपग्रह worm - कृमी



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