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TTL01 Syllabus - Technology For Teaching in Elementary Grades

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Technology for Teaching and Learning in the Elementary Grades

S .Y. 2021-2022 Edition

We, the school community of St. Mary’s College of Bansalan, Inc., faithful to Ignacian Marian Education, continue to create a dynamic learning milieu which is geared towards
inner and social transformation for the common good.

St. Mary’s College of Bansalan, Inc. commits itself to:
1. Grow in faith and prayer to be signs of hope in today’s world.
2. Continuously form Ignacian Marian leaders who witness to faith, excellence and service.
3. Constantly pursue innovative programs, approaches and educational strategies.
4. Build up resources to contribute to the enhancement of the quality of life, families and communities.
5. Expand educational programs for the disadvantaged.


1. Communicate Effectively
2. Learning and Innovation Skills
3. Technologically Advanced with Accountability
4. Uphold Social, Spiritual, Ethical Responsibility and Civic Consciousness
5. Demonstrate Lifelong Learning and Career Skills
6. Responsible Ignacian Marian Leaders
Course Code : TTL01
Course Title : Technology for Teaching and Learning in the Elementary Grades
Course Description : This course is designed for prospective teachers to develop and use digital and non-digital teaching-learning resources using technology tools
appropriate in various subject areas in the elementary level. Further, the course will provide opportunities for students to use technology tools
to develop project-based collaboration activities and share resources among communities of practice.
Pre-Requisite : None
Co-Requisite : None
Credits : 3 units
Class/Lab Schedule : 3 hours lecture per week

1. Provide education in the use of technology in instruction by providing knowledge and skills on technology integration-in-instruction to learners.
2. Impact learning experiences in instructional technology supported instruction planning.
3. Impart skills in planning, designing, using and evaluating the technology-enriched teaching-learning process.
4. Uplift students learning through the use of learning technology.


Time Teaching and Resource RVM Core
Topics Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Assessment Task
Frame Learning Activities Materials Values
Week 1-2 Most Common At the end of the lesson, the student
Technologies Used in can do the following:
Elementary Grades
 Most Common a. Encourage an awareness of
Styles Used in the impact of common teaching
Elementary tools for elementary grades. Flat Screen
School Students b. Develop an appreciation of Monitor
 Top 10 Quiz Excellence
the common teaching styles. Lecture
Technology Tools (Competence,
c. Promote effective Laptop
that Teacher Recitation Self-Reliance)
cooperation and respect for Discussion
should have individual differences when Hand-outs
Group Wok Service
responding to teaching styles. Group Discussion
d. Explain the relationship of
technology tools in teaching and
e. Appreciate the value of
technology in supporting student
f. Identify roles of technology
Time Teaching and Resource RVM Core
Topics Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Assessment Task
Frame Learning Activities Materials Values
tools in teaching.

Week 3 Benefits of At the end of the lesson, the student

Technology for Pupils,
can do the following:
Teachers, and a. Encourage an awareness of the Illustration Group Work Flat Screen Excellence
Community impact of using technology for Monitor (Competence,
 Benefits of Using elementary grades. Lecture Recitation Discipline, Self-
Technology b. Plan learning environments and Laptop Reliance)
 Benefits of experiences with the use of technology Discussion Reporting
EdTech to to build efficient teaching and learning Hand-outs
the environments. Project
Community c. Evaluate the accuracy and suitability
of technological resources. Quiz
d. Identify instructional design
principles to develop
technological resources.
e. Recognize the existing teaching-
learning resources and materials.
f. Provide essential feedback to
teachers and students for any
modification in the teaching-learning
Week 4-5 ASSURE Model and At the end of the lesson, the student can
ICT for Assessment do the following:
 ASSURE Model a. Identify learning theories and
 ICT and principles applied in the use and design of
Assessment of learning lessons with technology. Lecture Group Work
Learning b. Evaluate a simple lesson with the Flat Screen
element of technology integration and Discussion Recitation Monitor EXCELLENCE
suggested how it can be enhanced. (Understanding)
c. Apply the ASSURE Model in crafting Group Discussion Reporting Laptop
a lesson. FAITH
d. Explain the concepts of the roles of Project Hand-outs (Awareness)
ICT in assessment.
e. Evaluate assessment tools using Quiz
f. Select appropriate assessment tools.
Time Teaching and Resource RVM Core
Topics Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Assessment Task
Frame Learning Activities Materials Values

Week 6 Prelim Examination

Week 7-8 Appropriate At the end of the lesson, the student can Group Work Flat Screen Excellence
Assessment Tools and do the following: Lecture Monitor (Competence,
Digital Citizenship a. Examine appropriate Recitation Discipline, Self-
 Direct and assessment tools to be used in the Discussion Laptop Reliance)
Indirect classroom. Reporting
 Digital Citizenship b. Review assessment used by Group Discussion Hand-outs
vs. Global the teachers and determine if it is Project
Citizenship applicable in the 21st century.
c. Decide the type of measure Quiz
to be utilized.
d. Recognize the five tenets of
global digital citizenship and 9
elements of digital citizenship.
e. Compare and contrast one’s
role as a citizen of a community and
that of a digital world.
f. Share ways on how one can
observe social, ethical, and legal
responsibilities in the use of
technology tools and resources.
Week 9- Netizenship and At the end of the lesson, the student Flat Screen
10, 11 Netiquette in Online can do the following: Lecture Group Work Monitor Excellence
Communities (Competence,
 Netizenship and a. Define netizenship and netiquette. Discussion Recitation Laptop Discipline, Self-
Netiquette b. Formulate a set of netiquette Reliance
guidelines. Group Discussion Reporting Hand-outs
c. Create a campaign video
to promote netiquette. Project

Week 12 Midterm Examination
Time Teaching and Resource RVM Core
Topics Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Assessment Task
Frame Learning Activities Materials Values
Week 13- Intellectual Property At the end of the lesson, the student
14 Rights on the can do the following: Lecture Quiz Flat Screen EXCELLENCE
Development and Use a. Identify examples of Monitor (Understanding)
of Digital Materials Intellectual Property Right in Discussion Recitation
 Intellectual educational setting. Laptop FAITH
Property b. Define the copyright laws. Small Group Discussion Reflection paper (Awareness)
Right, c. Cite consequences when Hand-outs
Copyright copyright laws were violated.
and Plagiarism

Week 15- Lesson Planning, At the end of the lesson, the student
16, 17 Instructional can do the following: Quiz Flat Screen Excellence
Materials, and a. Identify the parts of a lesson Lecture Monitor (Competence,
Demonstration plan. Recitation Discipline, Self-
Teaching with ICT b. Select and employ Discussion Laptop Reliance)
Integration appropriate instructional tools. Reporting
c. Use the learning principles and Small Group Discussion Hand-outs
theories as basis in the Canned Demo-Teaching
development Demo-Teaching
of the teaching plans and selection
of instructional materials.

Pedagogical Foundations in Educational Technology

Nenita V. Habulan, Ed.D.
Prepared by:



Checked by:


BEED Program Coordinator

Approved by:


Dean of College

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