TTL01 Syllabus - Technology For Teaching in Elementary Grades
TTL01 Syllabus - Technology For Teaching in Elementary Grades
TTL01 Syllabus - Technology For Teaching in Elementary Grades
Technology for Teaching and Learning in the Elementary Grades
St. Mary’s College of Bansalan, Inc. commits itself to:
1. Grow in faith and prayer to be signs of hope in today’s world.
2. Continuously form Ignacian Marian leaders who witness to faith, excellence and service.
3. Constantly pursue innovative programs, approaches and educational strategies.
4. Build up resources to contribute to the enhancement of the quality of life, families and communities.
5. Expand educational programs for the disadvantaged.
1. Provide education in the use of technology in instruction by providing knowledge and skills on technology integration-in-instruction to learners.
2. Impact learning experiences in instructional technology supported instruction planning.
3. Impart skills in planning, designing, using and evaluating the technology-enriched teaching-learning process.
4. Uplift students learning through the use of learning technology.
Week 12 Midterm Examination
Time Teaching and Resource RVM Core
Topics Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Assessment Task
Frame Learning Activities Materials Values
Week 13- Intellectual Property At the end of the lesson, the student
14 Rights on the can do the following: Lecture Quiz Flat Screen EXCELLENCE
Development and Use a. Identify examples of Monitor (Understanding)
of Digital Materials Intellectual Property Right in Discussion Recitation
Intellectual educational setting. Laptop FAITH
Property b. Define the copyright laws. Small Group Discussion Reflection paper (Awareness)
Right, c. Cite consequences when Hand-outs
Copyright copyright laws were violated.
and Plagiarism
Week 15- Lesson Planning, At the end of the lesson, the student
16, 17 Instructional can do the following: Quiz Flat Screen Excellence
Materials, and a. Identify the parts of a lesson Lecture Monitor (Competence,
Demonstration plan. Recitation Discipline, Self-
Teaching with ICT b. Select and employ Discussion Laptop Reliance)
Integration appropriate instructional tools. Reporting
c. Use the learning principles and Small Group Discussion Hand-outs
theories as basis in the Canned Demo-Teaching
development Demo-Teaching
of the teaching plans and selection
of instructional materials.
Pedagogical Foundations in Educational Technology
Nenita V. Habulan, Ed.D.
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